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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1933)
t Th OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oreo. Satnrday Moniiiur. June 10. PAGE SEVEN - V i M&TTWI1 Business Directory Cards a Uua directory mo m' monthly basis casly. Bate! L00 per line par montb. AUTO BRAKES iUs Panes, th brak and ehltnmy ooctoT. i potun uommwrcuu Street. CATERING Burt Cmry. th ettortr. Ph. 8782. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4450. R B. Northnee. CHIROPRACTORS DR. Q. L SCOTT. P8C, Chiropractor, s w. num. tci. Kei ssti. DRESSMAKING Exp. dressmaking in your horn. f. . gay, copy pictures. Tel. 7884. FLORISTS CUT flower wedding bouquets fun Aral wreaths, decorations. C. F. Brelt- haupt. florist. 8.7 Court. TeL 8204. ALL kinds of floral work. Lutl Flor ist. 15 th A Market. Tel. 9592. GLASS Auto and window class tnlrrora. TeL 6106. Walter J. Downs. 680 Breya INSURANCE BECKS 4 UENDR1CK3 189 N. Uljtir Tel. 4941 COFFET-SMITH. gen. Ina TeL 8(32. LAUNDRIES THB NEW 8AL.EM LACNDRT THE WELDER LAUNDRY 243 S. High TeL 8128 CAPITAL CITI LAUNDRT First In Quality and Servlca Telephone 8 145 12S4 Broadway LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired and traded. tlAKRI W. BCOTT, "The Cycle Man" MATTRESSES Mattreases from factory to home. Spring mattress 18.00. Renovators and Cumiaatora Rugs cleaned. Capital Bed dine Co. TeL 40 6 a. 1030 N. CapitoL New mattress made to order, old remade ; carpet cleaning, slsina ; flutl rug weaving. Salem Fluff Rag A Mat tress Factory, a 13th A Wilbur. TeL 441. Otto K. Zwlcker. Est, mi. MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Pianos, radios, sew ing machines, sheet mnslo sad piano studies, Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines. 432 Stat Street. Biiem. a , MEDICINE Dr. Chan Lam Chines Medicine Co. Hours Tuesday and Friday, 10 :30 a.m. to 4:30 p. m. 148 N. Commercial. PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint A Roofing. 474 Ferry. PRINTING roa STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind ot printing, call The Statesman Printing Department, 215 a. Commercial. Tela- pnowe I1IL REAL ESTATE BECKS A HENDRICKS. TaL 4847. W. H. GRABKNHORST ACQ. 134 & Uberty 8C Tel. 4a, BOCOLOFSKX A SON $04-5 First Nat L Bit. Bldg. TeL TtOT. STOVES STOVES and stove repsiriac Stoves rp Mia. nhulll and ranmtml All kinds of weven wire fence, fancy and plain, nop Daaaeia, nooa lagan nwu Salata Fence and Stove Works, 242 Chemeketa. TeL 4774. B. R FUmtag. TRANSFER CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 224 8tate eu let. j 1 1 s. uiiuimnim. iun warding and storage our specialty Get our ratea. - irrtt in.l or distant tranafar atarajra. call 2131. Larmer Traasfer Co. Trucks to Portland aauy. TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITERS Adding Mch. sold, rented, repaired. Underwood Agents. Cooks & snort, ti court. iei. pb. WELL DRILLING R. A. West, 30 years experience, RFC . Box 103 K. TeL 110F5 E NEW YORK, June 9 (AP) Strong gala markets and a llrely rise for cotton roused stocks from hot-weather lethargy today, glr lng a substantial flllp to selective favorites and a generally firm closing to the entire list. Case scrambled tip 9 points and International Harvester S Sears Roebuck rallied more than 2. American Tobacco "B", Liggett 6c Myers "B," LorLUard and Rey nolds firming 1 to S at tha best. Union Pacific -was tip a point net, American Telephone's 2 point rise stood out among utilities. Western Union and Postal Pre ferred sobered down. U. 8. Steel advanced a major fraction, but Westlnghonsa, Beth lehem, General Electric, Chrysler, General Motors, Da Pont and American Can vera little changed. Industrial Rayon lifted 1 to a new high. Sales totaled 5,312,530 1 ffi ram I STOCKS ons Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 CbnitM Adratlatag Stogta lutrtfos for llst.lOe Tht latftloai par Um joe 81z Inwtlona r Ua..ftc Okwtttmtk par HialauB charg ...... na Copy for tbta paga ae eef ted until :S9 tha ma inr beforv ablieattes for claaairication. Coir ra cetvad after Uds tin vtll bw ma under tha- feeadtng Too Lata to Classify. Tha SUteamaa unmet BO l-BAOClal raspoasihiUty for orroxi which may ap. pomr la advertisements pub Uafcod la lt C-Uamna, and la cases whera this paper la at fault will reprint that part ot an advortlaemant la which the) typographical mistake occurs. Tha Statesman rserva the right to reject objee ttonal advertising. It far ther reserves tha right to classify all advertising un der tha proper classification. SITUATIONS WANTED Coninetint vnmnn ... . - "vhhui "aula uuuae- KeeDinr or nav m-m-L- Tr- j. . .. . til, uc Sewing. Mrs. Artaltt f.i i?7 Youna rirl wi . sis uvmc wi.ih. iur room ana Doara. TeL 8588. Work. R. Porter. R. 1. Bx. 98 Salem. FOR - SALE Miscellaneous mm - --L irrnnj. FYenh enbi now f TTMrti .. Intersection Silvertcm-PorUancl road. ElACtrfrfll mntMAHnv - a m. UU5, J,CLaiI 1I1K, PrlcM that Mtiafv r r w0 v.ii Tel. 3504. lunch hour. Rfrlflnivl whltA tsvlntAs- nrAi ... vv w iiiu i w iicat,, 7F33, R. J, Hackett, Wallace Rd. Box 1 WfWWi ranPa harai trl4lnH ..W I Iit?t- beds, snrinra o n - r e' - c itmiicaa AUa aale or trade at 2095 N. Com'L Baled hay. B. R. Bewlev. wood Sta. TR A DE Miscellaneous To exchanerp Ttap and Cost Fix hundred. Wunt Vnri late Jord mr aaat. t- i. c.. . j x. tx i rs 1 1 1 a 1 1 . WANTED Miscellaneous h , ireo ot cnarge. Tel. 4S9 nats. and aboea In good condition. Hiah r: jti iiTira. Tnui u. t.'i. ... . MISCELLANEOUS ........... , .... 1 n-n JUUUu Desc nair cut. AHim. ti. ,nj Two blocks R of library, a Winter. FOR RENT ROOMS Uedern room, r r. tm .in mnii wun m. in. 1 oat. ROOM AND BOARD -AVejAaaM Board and nuun fn 1 . 4 ; a. in. iBu obis. do court Ht. B. and R near P. O. $20. TeL S48Z Room, board, nrivii. hnm. 7t a . . , ... "- - 1 1 11 inn n an 1 1 Board and room, $45 Bellevue. FOR RENT APARTMENTS afur. t R at nt f 911 Kai .1 Tal 7144. Duplex apt. unfurn. 951 N. Winter. Well furnished 8 roam anartment. uarage. Aauiia 7 N. CapitoL - -- -- -- -- - - i'rv-ir inruTj Three room furnished apartment, private bath, very nice, 1014 Oak St " " a-WWSawasaSaassaa)a Nice furn. apt, 590 Union. Aptst $10 and up. (58 Center. S R and bath. 2(8 N. Cottage. sjnsaaaaa rt , iJLru-UUUI Gentlemen, clean 2 -room. 265 Center. 5 rm. furn. duplex, graded floor and garage. 854 Mill. T. G. Albert. FOR RENT HOUSES Furn. and nnfnra. hnnu n a Forkner. 1(19 N Cottage. TeL 2031. . . 1 .. . .... - - - !-,.,,--, -y. n rirLrinjnrl r. oungaiow. rurn. 1248 (Jbemeketa. Modern 7 room No. Cap. TeL 8545. 2 R house and bath, nartlr furnish. ed, $11.00 per mo. IncL water. 925 N. Church. per month. TeL 5810 Threa room ftrrn!Tid Kr.11 .. rm. 365 Hood St Phone 5834. ' - M i-if-i u"xnjur Kniiauk . C rtnma rv-trvo-rt nawUr nM wV - wwu. a-awMa a ucwiy aa. pered and painted. Corner Marion and llth streets. ............ --,--.-.-i,rLr,i-i,xriAJLajl S room mod. furn. bouse. Close in. Call 7529 or 8131. FOR SALE Real Estate aiSeaaSeaiea - " y,iJ"s iruij inri nn JfXni residence, basement, fireplace, plumb in c An tom htcr 1 ryrta nnt'..ul .Itk ... .nil AHiamantal grape arbor, near schools, nice view. Kvuig; t uspimira price. Also two beautiful building lots 48x13 each with large fruit trees, block south Les- uwner, io nunu it vs. f none "i-i-rtrrn rvi 0-rtnnj-ir Don't build until you see the two tine lots all In cherries, ears and ap ples, full bearing, one block south of Leslie Junior high school, nice view, level lots. 40x130 each. Sell ons or both cheap, easy payments. Owner, Til Rural Avenue, pnone esst. " BUT NOW $8400 Home For $3800 T room modern home, best of con struction. Only I blocks from stats house, north. Small payment will han dle. CFHLD3 A MILLER. Realtors 344 Stat 8tret Phone 4708 Strictly modern f room bungalow. close in. Nearly new. A very choice noma at enly aJOOO.Of, all furnished. Terms. I Acres with nredara ff room bun galow near Salem. Pries only $1500.00. Terms given. so Acres located nortn or saiem. ail fenced and ctrithrated. Good Hop land. Bargain at $2540.00. Terms. J. F. ULKICH CO. FOR SALE Real Estate HOW F5 A xrri a xr rvrvtn ,.C1.f. .ln Property on large corner JSLTSlfh 5 Ptmnts partly furniahed. OwMr i.hM. . i 1 " j tSft1? Iaai crince at. price of "". vn Terms. CHILD8 A MILLER T?.tfr. 34 4 State Street phone 7Q8. i ?fV??bTr7 . ou"0 ' 5 Locust: ii. p t.'. .v ?J at ?"5 Myr -. .. iv. osjem. ure. xtev aiarton at. T modern house, modern ex cept basement fnr room delightful modern home. rr- Mrifr8r-1St- prle 007teM Close ln 2 apartment house a rl onljr 500 00. will take small- Merrtn Jotaso z , ; W. Pennington 4,r,f? fiASK OR WILL BUILD TO SUIT u , - cer suburban 1 Drooertr ... 5"ILD3 MILLER. Realtr- etate wreet Phone 708 . 1adS Spokane home for Salem FOR SALEFARMS ' - -i- -riw.n.i. FOR SI.p7., house. toaTi;: "? -ron fruit. n ,t. .Ti ,r "X . om from wi . ';.saJ.u.JnrM WOcks Burton crlWay. R Q. ""fta SITCHnOFFER rit0;"" f-A. cultlvatlonod iVnn i , uuiDer. Iandv H-Tt PPry7 ho'uS Only "456o:-Can t V,eat l SClL o SK-ARa. REALTOR 132 South High Street ACREAGE if von i r " : - hop land, I have a snap bUy te Oregon Bldg. 3 .oft. X .I U-i ''j'wia '"w Vwws ATI t--1?."01153 SN'AP house " h ! ) 8-R. Electric lights. Fine location .U" ZVZ. L'-90o!nrH,nTbuyn n "--pii tnis. - JA?ID.S,?.ARS. REALTOR Street " warr vuuiVlCa tanr", '" S- WiPPed res- - - mm Luuill MHrvina aiSASi atS IM Oregon BldgT 75JJ v a rv iv v f 'Dinn to'n Z11? f $1000.cap,tal will return 225 average tT SaT1" IttaJ! W at-WooT LIVESTOCK and POULTRY FOR SALE Jersey hePT Preah soon. Byron Riddel 1. R. ? dependence. N. of Kentl halL In- WA NT ED Feeder or -vt ' ' 11 m ' " ' w Plga. Otto , Salpm, MONEY TO in am Bells of "Harmony'' oTor ttoiN dally ring out a loan service that VrJa"r different TU OET THE FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN t- . CASH OXLTaJfAWFUL INTEREST. Beneficial Loan Society us DAUSH m I5JSew 'a11 Bldg. Jnd Floor 111 BtaSP BT f!r . i aaaaaat,t), a. s "WWAii LAJAJVS MAiin ansa 2on$r min US bafor . i DM - - . -m w vres.u. naWfaTJ a w Ft, v.. 0RRATION First Nations) Bank Bldg. Phone 8182. PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS ...STATE LOAN COMPANY rMr-t,.:".?u"a,"K'.zn? "oor Telephone T782. Bute VcenM nS: Borrow An imrm..! K . . i A luircrcy ; repay ETTB LAIN 'nn o.!?.";.- . "ZZr umio Hut o-iai. Blft Guardian Bldg. TeL 2877. MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS -Dniracis Kennanced Arrange to reduce youi payments Ton keep the car P. A. EIKER Cor. Liberty St. and Ferry Phone 4732 Salem. Ore Private monev tn lnn i . ' .-- o 4va vil a vrva ecu Iff 'security. Abrams and Ellis Inc., a mnnuniC. FOR SALE WOOD ' ' - - -,-irin OUARANTIFirn rtv . . r.L snoa WT' rui iraae t Dry WOOd t ri-r1 Tal Uta sjaa'SsTsaTssrSasasV Dry wood, all klnda TeL 4418. Dry oak. 4 ft ti nn t., stab 14" drr .1.H wwi i . . .... . tldari,iM JS4 drT planer wood, cy:iTetL298.mPt deUverjr- At Tr" ......v.,..,, ,n , .... Dry 10 in. old fir. $4.25. TeL 4450. POLLY AND HER Ash, fir and oak. TeL 8448. s-iTn.sxsxjoiisjija.rt -n , a tt 1 Ktr ei wit ie- L. I Hi I T-5w5 n m w J. 1 ... I r-r.- ..m vil I -w i ( rrs jrm 1 -' rNC.t aaaaB r ATinrJSZJ , ( uytrrasa rIDA.S SI "" 1 vzszssszrj m t c t LOST AND FOUND FOUND Keys on ring.. TeL 3M4. LOST-Ooid fouwtaU pen down, town. Initials R W. C. to K. M. K. Re turn to T. W. C. A Reward. FOR SALE USED CARS WANTED Sereral light cara Will pay cash. USED CAR EXCHANGE . Terms Trades 842 Chemeketa Here are some real rallies In used cara. They hare been reconditioned throughout and are worthy of row coeMtdesatlon. 12( Stnda Coupe In excellent .... S?nd't'on- -P'r "res $12$ H2t Ford Coop far only US US XkeSot Sedan. 3oo chH- tlon. Oood tires and paint. Here's a real value 2tS I2 Pontlao Sedan. New paint. .... rer. Runs like new 2S 12 rfash Sedan that la a dandy. " It's . f-.. I Kiiv . ... 14 rora v- Tudor Sedan. Has only 19.000 milea Can hard ly be told from a new car. Save some money on this one 4jg IJS2 Plymouth Sedan. This "is the long wheelbase sedan with automatic clutch, free wheeling end floating pow er, for only 4e big viB Several ethers from $25 up. ..uvi.v l rum fiuv xo Z5, TERMS TRADES 333 Center 430 N. ri Phone 318 BORREGOS SATURDAY SPECIALS ,oo ONE DAT ONLY 1929 Dumnt .. 5r coupe'-zzz! iviS 1927 Old rvuioh 19S8 Ersklne Coach "Z 1925 Dodge Coupe A-i' 1925 Oakland Coupe 85.00 ISS.Ot) 85.00 55.00 65.00 22.50 iKKure Screen Del Model T 1,',,i-a i- - . . iu iiuc i Zo.O 25.00 al)e- very reason- Oiwn 1111 O T 240 No. Liberty Phon( SS8o Radio Program SATTTHDAY, Jnns 10 KOW POKILAND20 Re. 7:00 Morning Parade, NBC. - vria concert, KBO. Z:i Dow LoTeri' Lane, KBC. 8:00 Ronald Eaek. pisniit. NBC. 9 :30 OokiBg .chool. S 10:00 National Farm and Home hour, 10:30 Womaa'i Migaiine of th. Air. IN BC. 11:80 Pir of Tianoi, NBC. I'll ?otel Sherman orchestra, NBC. th" -afefuard ociety. 3:00 American Taxpayer." league, ABC. 3:20 Friendly Chat. 5 Gilbert and Sulliran Gemi, NBC. 6:00 Piano Picture. NBC. 6:15 Let Ui Bout a Bit. 6:30 Education at tha Crossroads, NEC. 6:45 V. 8. 7th Infantry band. 7 -'15 t1 Pennsylvania orchestra, 7:30 Witching hour, NBC. 8 ilS Oypsiana. NBC. 0:00 Pacific Serenadort, NBC. 10:00 Symphonettes, NBC. 11:00 Phil Harris' oreheUra, NBC. 11:80 Jim Taft's orchestra, KOW to X0AC COETALLIS G50 Ke. Musical Eye Openers. 7;fl0 Morn in j saaditations. led by Misr Harry Pittman. 8:00 ArBin(- concert. 10:00 Songs from the Wanda. 11:00 Better health and longer Ufa. 12:00 Fsrm hour. 8:00 Aeolian Echoes. 7:30 Farm hour. 7:45 Market and crop reports and weather foiecast. K0DT roSTLAlTD 040 -U. 8:30 KOIN's Klock. 8:80 Baddy Harrod's orchestra, CBS. 10:15 Elms Hackett, Hostess ef the Air. 11:80 Chorus -feature. J ;j: 15 Harry Rirgs sad Rose City trio. 13:80 Satarday Syaeepatera, CES. 2:00 America's Grab Street Speaks, OBS. 6 :00 Oae Kan. Show, OBS. 6:00 Satarday Frivolities. CBS. T:15 Freddie Martia's erehattra. CBS. 7:80 Bea Pollack's Srehastra. CB8. 8:00 Glea Gray's srehastra, CBS. SPEEDIEST OF THE LADYBIRDS "'rr ft-T -law '; 'wV5Li ir tl x , , " Wearing her laurels modestly, Henrietta Sumner, of Lot Anireles. Is .tvTnwrt P....H. i V a? i . at Floyd Bennett Airport, New York. a pocketbook PALS j incrqse in wool STAVED FDR III Foreign, Piecegoods Marts Arc Strong; Mohair Remains Firm BOSTPN, June t. (AP) The Conrnrerclal Bttlretin will say tomorrow: "The upward rush in wool nrtres trvlddntlT hara Jveen stavewl for the tinre- beinr. The offerings of wools under control of the re gional agricultural credit corpora tions ror thft Tint time thia WMk has natnrallv caused minaliclnr. era to panse ana see wnat me re sult oi tnese heavy onenngs is to h. Prlca at which anch wools can be bonrht. accordinr tn tha mills. are certainly no higher than simi lar iree woois coma oe securea from, private dealers." "In the west, also, the buying fever has died down and prices being paid are generally no high er, except in one or two Isolated cases, which evidently are not typical, and in some sections bids are lower than they were at the pear. "The foreign markets keen verv strong and against the buyer, both in tne primary market clearance saies in Australia and in the Eur opean secondary markets. "The piecegoods markets are very strong and prices nave been levelled un more or leas to a nar. ity with the nrices for raw wool tarns and tops, also, are a bit dearer and now auote on a nnritv with wool. Mills are generally sold aneaa into July and August, and in some Instances even beyond that point. "Mohair is very firm at the bas is or prices prevailing a week ago and the tendency of values is if auyininp against tne buyer." The Bulletin will publish the roiiowing quotations: Domestic: Oregon Fine and F. F. staple 65-66c; fine and F. M. Fr. comb ing 61-64c; fine and F. M. cloth ing os-uoc; valley No. 1, 56-58c Mohair: Oregon 22 - 23c. Domestic graded: First combinr 35-40r sec ond combing 3 2-3 5c, third comb ing 27-SOc. fourth combing 23 25c; good carding 27-29c; first aw t u-t3C, second kid 60-53c. Stocks and Bonds (Copyright 1088. Standard Statistics Ce.) rfune v STOCK AVTESAGKI 60 SO XO . Tnrl'ls Kit' 0fs Today 86.8 43.4103.8 Previous day gj.l 48.8 103.S Week age 84.1 44.0 08.1 Year ago- . ., M. 14.8 S4.S 9 yearaago 172. 125.8 344.0 High 1988 88.3 44.S 10S.S I.or 1B1J 42.8 28.5 61.5 High 1933 73.8 89.8 111.0 Lew M32 85.1 13.2 61.S Near 1938 high SO Total 83.T 8 1.0 80.4 8S.S 177.7 83.7 43.0 78.9 85.0 80VO AVERAGES Todar PrSTious day Weelcaro Year aco s years asa Hrgh 1938 Low 1938 High 1082 Low 1933 8 'SO TA VI a. ?!.'. ..... riT-n. 0:30 Hollywood Eowl symphony seriae. 10:00 Archie LevaUad'a aaad. 10:30 Rose City Beavers Maltnotaah neioi. 11:00 Johnny Roblasea's Jantsoa Beach sreiwairs. "7 otreara, l. l, and return Her rktory brourht her a orixa containing $500, A Btkltimt 20 20 SO SO 73.1 74.0 84.2 77.7 73.8 76.8 84.0 T8.0 72.7 78.8 88.7 77.5 m aa a t . . - " w ww.v l.v O&.V 03.S 104.9 99.6 100.S i 73.4 70.0 S5.S 78.1 .. 58.3 57.0 74.1 63.6 71.8 78.0 88.8 76.1 . 68.2 47.4 70.9 67A OATS PRICES GO SKYROCKETING M at. . u LOCAL L E T Labish Quality Good; Derries go Lower; r -Stronger vorass Heavy aupplies of Labish let tuce yesterday pnltod the local market down to 85 cents a crate. Labish lettuce, now the only of fering here, is showing fine qual ity. Local straw berries are down slightly, to $2.25 a crate to the grower. California berries are on the market a sain, at from $1.85 to $2 per crate. Asparagus ia stronger, at 90 cents per dozen. Hogs were off 5 cents a hun dred, to 25.35 on top offerings. General Markets PXODUCE EXCHAHQB PORTLANU, Ore.. June 9. (AP) Prodace esrhanev. nt nrir.. Tr... xtras 22c, sUaoards 21 He. prime ftT-ts' --ie. nrsts :o)ie. KgMt Freih Es tras 18c, fresh mediums 17c. Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore.. Jone 9. 'AP) Wheat (torn Hib T. Ju'r - SSH 5V 58 Ui 5KV leptembr 62 62 4 614 62 V December 65 65 65 65 Cish whest No. 1. Big Bend blue stem 67c; dark hard winter 13 per coat 6bc. 11 per cent 64c; soft white 59Vic; hard winter 59c; northern spring west ern white, western red 57c Osts No. 3 whits $22.50. Corn No. 2E yellow $21.50. ilillran Standard $19. Portland Produce PORTLAND Or. Jn.. a riot Better rrinti, oxtras 24c. ' standards -a c. Eatterfat Portland d.lir.r A ...4. 21-22c pound, farmera' dnor 41. 22e pound; sweet cream 5e hieher. EffES PmcifiA iwinTlrv ii selling prices, Bohemians. 20c, extras 18c, mixed Color, 1 Tn n H mm. 17. B-7'nr price of wholesalers: Fresh eur rem rrccijn on pounds ana up 12-lSe dosen. Chaesa S3 mrnrm rt...n. nT. . 13c; loaf 14c pounds. Brokers will pay le below quotations. M'lk Contract price 4 per cent, Portland delirarv 81 70 .w- n .a- cream 37 He poaad. Country meats Selling price to re tailers: County killed hors. bast butch era, under 150 pounds, 6H-7c; vealers li!,09 Mn,(I. 7H-8e; spring Umbo 2H-Se; medium cows 4-5c: cesser cows a 3 He; bulla 5-SHc oouad. ltohalr Namin.l k.i.. -l ,a. clip 12e pound. Csacara bark Buying price: 1933 peel 4 pound. wops hominal. 1933, 70-75o pound. LIT. B.-KI , J .11 . . . Ing prieas: Heavy hens, colored.' 4H i; ao meojums lie; lights 10c SDtinn. Ilrkt 1 U. in.. 1 . - . . r . - w w . w u , c n io r -"'" c. noosvors BC pousd. Daekst of f' ."S" poaad: eVd ducks. X 00 ee'erea IQO pound. Onians SelUng pries to retailors Or. roa 81-1.25 eeat.t Now enlaaa r.T: ri. w j. . $1.60 1.75 per 60 pound erste. California i. rwr ' n"w zc poaa. v Put"M Local 81.15-1.85; Dos- - MW wasw 4f A. 4 4V Takima Gesas $1.50. .BaBllrfJBl UflDlB all SS.I1 - 6a K. W mm o Sf . , ,f U-oos w California Garnets i- o posaa; wkiu SH Peasd. fitrawhm4.. rtw. -h. . . n . C" -af $1.50; Sacrmoate 24e crave. Wool 1918 .11. ..i..t win etta Tiil.T ti.ti. ' . J,-. n i vnrn 17-20e; soathora Idaho 18-SOo pwnsA 3" Bsylag pries from producers: Alfalfs Ifo. 1 215. Ife. 1 $14; clever 812. osetora Oregoa timothy $16. oats sad vetch $15. Portland Livestock VIRTI.A WT rt T m rami Cattle Roc .Int. ten ..i... es. . v . toady. Steers. eoaA 0S-S TS .- ..a Ji-m $3.75-6.25. Heifers, rood S5.2- voaUrs. good $6-8.70. Calvei, good Hogs BoeelpU 1500; steady. Oood 140 to 300 souada SS-S TS- oft to 250 aannda ISlS.STit. .... nn poaad 85-5.73. Sows, good '84-4.75. as- ' o-.a-a. rigs, goes SS.Tk-4.T.. ouoop avoceipts xso; slow, steaty. Lsmba amod aad ckM aa st th - . diam 84 6 Wethm l?.l 71 T .. ai. 8.50. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OB ORfcXJOV. In the Matter of Jalmer A. Taw. No. B 18117 Bankrupt. To the creditors of Jalmer A. Taw, of Salem, in the county of Marlon and District a for m aid a bankrupt. NOTICE 13 HEREBY filVEV that on the 23rd day ot May, 1933, the said Jalmer A. Taw was duly adjudicated bankrupt and that the first meetinr nf his creditors will be held at room 301 in the United States National Bank Building ln the Citv or Rn- lem, Oregon, on the 19th day of June. 1933, at 2:00 o'clock In the afternoon, at which time the said creditors mar attend, nrn-a their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and tran sact such other business as may properly come before said meet- a ing. AY1LLARD I MARKS Tteferew. In Bankruptcy,- June 10. Story T U C E MART Salem Markets Giad B raw 4V aaCk. co-op pool price, SI .90 per hundred. Surplus ( Milk baaed ea aaU ssoathlr nttarfat svarage.) Distributor price f 1.70 Bntterfst Top 21 -22c, prints 21H, cubes 22 H. Prteos paid to growers hj Balsas bayert Juae 9 (The prieas t-atew. aappltoS uj a local greyer. -sea ssdicatrve sf the daily saarket "1 rJ!ZJlmmmtm'T T 4Hassmae I FBTIT ABTD VEOlXAALEa einag Desna, ID., wo. .13 .75 03i ... 04 i .15 . 1 13 .1.00 to 1.25 2.40 2.40 1.50 Artichokes. 4 ox. Asparagas. local, doi. cabbage, lb. Graes oeofxra Cairf. lb. Peas. Calif.. !b. , Oaions. dot. bunches Potatoes. Takima No. 3 Local florida chaata. wLJtaa 8weet potatoas. crats Lettuce, local Onions. Labish. ewt. Rhubarb, local Celery. Calif. H crate Mexican Tomatoes Apples Winosaps. fancy Extra fancy New to wot. faaey Extra fancy Oranges, p.p. .SJ AS .01 2 25 2.73 .95 -1.40 9l 1.45 2.23 to 2 75 3.00 to 4.00 .43 .40 raoey Beets. Calif, doi. Tarnipi. local, doi. 8pinach. local, crate Bananas, lb. on stock 23 to .60 .05 .esn .90 to Hands Celery hearts, dos. Mostard rre-ns Cucumbers .so to no .20 to .10 5 GO . 7.50 .03 to .04 2.-5 ...1.83 to 2.00 - 71 4 .58 Pineapple, retail Cantaloupes, crate Lemons . Gooseberries Strawherries, local Caiif HOPS Top, 19.(2, Ih . Top. 1931, lb. coca Buying Prices Extras .14 .13 .12 Standards .. Mediums PODXTEI Old roostars Colored boas Mediums hens Light bens. Broilers .04 .11 .09 .08 .13 to .15 sfSAT Lambs, top Hoes, top First cuts Rteert Cows Heifers . 5.00 5.35 ..5.10 .04 H to .03 .02 H to .03 .03 H to .04 .02 H to .03 .06 H Bulls Dressed veal. top Dressed hogs . .07 H on An. aim Raw Wheat, we tern rod .65 White. No. 1 , .45 Barley, tan. t am laon t. tflnn Oats, toa . 20.00 to 2. 00 Hey. baywas Oats and vetch, toa . Alfalfa, valley 1st cut Kaatere Oregoa .16.00 17.00 -18.00 -17.00 t-iover hay WOOL hf odium Coarse . Mohair , .25 .23 .10 IH .04 H CA2CAXA BAJLK Uraea, IV. Dry. lb. . Picnics Mark Clos e Of Hubbard Schools HUBBARD, June, 9. Several picnics are being held by the school. Tuesday the seventh and eighth grades, chaperoned by An na Knight, had a picnic at the Mineral springs: Wednesday the two 4-H club classes, with their leader, Mrs. Eugene Silke. had a nicaie at Shad-E-Acrea. Friday the freshmen accompanied by Mrs. Nelllo Cornell, their advisor, will picnic at Island park. Thursday the seniors, with their class ad visor, Mrs. Richard Fields, spent the day touring Orernn hAarho. Next Thursday tha sophomores ana juniors are planning a picnic at 8ilTer Creek falls. ALUMNI TO MEET TURNER. Jnne Th Tnr-- er high school alumni win mi Saturday night at tha school gym nasium. If weather conditions pre vent a picnic. Vernon Coats Is president and Sheila Delsell. sec retary, of the- association. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Notice Is hereby riven that the undersigned has been dnlw appointed by the Countv Catirt of the State of Oregon for the county or Marion, as Executrices Of the Last Will and Teatamant and estate of Rachel C. Harritt, deceased, and that they hare dnly Qualified aa anrh T-n. trices; all persons harlnr claims against the estate of said de cedent are hereby notified tn nra. sent the same, duly verified, to ns. at the office of RnnaM n Glover, our attorney, 205 Oregon Building. Salem. Marion Conntv. Oregon, within six months from tne date of this notice. Dated at Salem. Oregon this 3rd day of June, 1933. LIZZIE A. DANITCT.. ADA HULL, Executrices of the last will and testament and estate of Rachel C. Harritt. Deceased. RONALD C. CLOVER. Sal.m Oregon, Attorney for Executrices. W. e-10-17-Z4Ily x. By DOWN TO Outdo Records Since 1931 ; Wheat and Others Follow CHICAGO. Juno t. (AP) Oata prices weat skyrocketing to day, and outdid all top records since December. 1911. Wheat and other grains shot highskr wifh oats, wheat equal ing this season's best previous figures. Illinois, Iowa and other big growers of oats reported sen sationally severe crop damage from recent abnormal tempera tures, la addition, there waa a return of Intense heat today southwest, threatening further wide-spread havoc tn ram r.- ducts. All grains closed strong, wheat and oats 1 -2i aKr. days finish, corn 14-5 cents up. -u-aya closing quotations: Wheat: July 75 i: -a. e,,. ner 4.-74: December 7 9 U -V. . torn: jmr 45,-; Septem ber 4SV.-; December 51,-V,. Oats July 27-T. '.' oer -8T-29; December 30',-S. Here to discuss rannerv rni- ness with F. B. Madden nnrih. west manager for Reld-Murdock and Company yesterday, was S P. Steven of Chica dent of the company. The visitor expressed onlnlon that buMneM is on the upgrade, but made no com ments on cannery situations. Ho will leave by air this morn ing for Washington. D. C. where his company has summnnA4 Mi- to attend a conference on June 13 of canners over the recovery bill. At the Waahlnrtnn Mr.fn... three northwest canners will repl ,. tne inaustry from this sec- wuu. iney win be J. o. Holt of Eugene: Bert Valine- nr tmi.i r- a a sittvi V- and Secretary Burns of the north west, association At the conference riwiiur.ii.. of canners with the government in mnueaioa with the fsrrn relief and trade recover- ., -m w. - - - J V wCT w,,It lJ considered. Just how far the fed eral government will m i- cannery phase of recovery will ngeiy not be announced until af ter tnis conference. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATRIX ' Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for tha County of Marion, as admlnls tratrix of the estate of James C. Yantis. deceased, and that she hag duly qualified as such ad mlaistratrix: all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to me, at the office of Ronald C. Glover, my attorney, 205 Ore gon Building. Salem, Marion County. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 3rd day of June, 1933. LORILLA V. YANTIS, Admin istratrix ot the Estate of James C. Yantis. deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attor ney for Administratrix. Salem. Oregon. J. 3-10-17-2 4-JIy. 1. I IN TRAGEDY - - -' .-. V .-. ..rV.-.-V-v- Not only has pretty Aliens Gene vieve Lamson become motherless aa tha result of the mysterious mur der of her mother at Palo Alto, CaL, but her father, David A. Lam son, connected with a Stanford Uni versity publication, ia antler arrest, charged with the slaying. Th child is 26 months old. CLIFF STERRETT "HE'S AjmS oppm FER SUGGESTVONSJ F01D OPTIMISTIC 1 ,, pnarea. Phone 857$ 225 Stat Street