The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 10, 1933, Page 1, Image 1

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    Accident Insurance
The Oregon Statesman
will. Issue to subscribers a
Travel Accident Insurance
policy. Costs only 91 per
year. Call 0101.
Showers today and Satur
day, no change In tempera
ture; alas. Temp. Thursday
60, Min. 52; rain .24 Inch,
river 4.0 feet; 8.W. winds.
FOUNDED . 1851
Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, June 10, 1933
No. 65
Khabarovsk, Takeoff Point
. Fop Ocean hop, Next
Stop for Aviator
Hurrying, Shuns Rest; no
Chance to Beat Mark
Of Post, Gatty
MOSCOW, June 10 (Satur
day) (AP) Reuters (British)
news agency was informed today
that Jimmie Mattern, American
round-the-world tiler, took off
from Beloye, Siberia, at 1:50
a. m. Moscow time today - (5:50
p. m. Friday, eastern standard
time) for Kharbarovsk Siberia: -
The agency reported he passed
over Irkutsk at 2:30 pum. Mos
cow time. n ;
Mattern planned to start his
trans-Pacific flight from Khabar
ovsk. MOSCOW, June 9 (AP)
Making a quick recovery from a
mishap in the air which almost
cost him his life and forced him
down in a sparsely settled section
of Siberia, Jimmie Mattern, Amer
ican round-the-world-flier, sped
on his way across Russia today
and rested tonight in the little,
town of Beloye preparatory to re
suming his voyage tomorrow.
Halting only onco on the way
to Beloye from Belovo, where
overpowering fumes from a leak
ing gas line caused him to 'make
a forced landing Wednesday, the
airman made Krasnoyarsk in
fairly good time. He remained
there only long enough to take on
fuel and to make superficial re
pairs. No details came out of Siberia,
either about the landing in Kras
noyarsk or in Beloye, but appar
ently the aviator was well recov
ered from the nauseous effect of
the gas fumes and his plane was
in good flying order. An indica
tion that he was trying to make
up for lost time, despite the fact
that he hardly has ehanee bow
to beat the roandthe world rec
ord held by Wiley. Post end Har
old Gatty, was seen in the fact
that he stayed in Krasnoyarsk
only four hours and 25 minutes.
(Beloye is approximately the
half way mark of the 15,500 mile
journey around the globe. Mat
tern's aim when he set out from
New York last Saturday was to
beat the record of 8 days, 15
hours, 51 minutes set by Wiley
Post and Harold Gatty. To do so
he would have to be back in New
Yoflc Sunday afternoon an Im
passible task.)
After four days of trial, the
case of Frank M. Morley against
John Morley was settled out of
court yesterday when counsel for
both pides agreed to a compromise
of plaintiff's claims.
Under the settlement, the de
fendant will pay Frank Morley
300 bales of hops as complete set
tlement for all the latter's claims
At a market price of $150 a bale.
the hops have a present worth of
Plaintiff claimed In his suit
that he had assigned a lease on a
100-acre bop yard near Silrerton
for only one year. Defendant
claimed the lease, which had four
years to ran; was assigned for its
entire period. Morley. defendant,
was an uncle of the plaintiff. He
will retain the use of the yard for
the remaining period of the lease
Four lawyers were retained on
each side.
- Judge L. G. Lewelling heard the
Motorcycle Pair
Killed by Truck
9 (AP) Bert Bagley, 18, and
J. M. Haines were killed last night
when thetr motorcycle skidded on
a gravel highway and struck
logging truck near Lakeview. The
youths were crushed under the
moving truck. Bagley, the son of
a former city councilman here,
was graduated from Klamath high
school this year. He was working
with Haines In a lumber mill at
Army Ace Killed
In Plane Crash
SAN ANTONIO, Tex., June t
(AP) Captain Harold A.
Moore. 39, Kelly field pilot, was
killed today when his plane
crashed six miles' northwest of
the field on the farm of Mrs
Claude Pepper.
He had been stationed at Kelly
field since June, 1927, coming
here from the Presidio. Calif
ornia, where he was assistant air
Officer of the Ninth rps area
Confidently Awaits Success of
Husband's Round-World Air Tour
V. '. ' ' "' WW"- -J--.-I I I'll' I .IIIII1MH
v s - v v v- j. - -
at j - 'aw av. X-. K --r . - : i-
Salem Gets 2 First Places
In Portland; Cherrians
And Indians Honored
PORTLAND, June 9. (AP)
The Salem, Ore., American
Legidn drum corps won the drum
corps competition which was a
feature tonight of the Portland
Rose festival.
Salem also won first place in
the community band competition.
The Eugene Radiators were
awarded first place in the march
ing bodies competition. Aberdeen,
Wash., won the high school band
competition, with Hillsboro sec
ond and Silverton third.
The various events were held
on the downtown streets of Port
land tonight as a culmination of
the second day of the four-day
festival. 1
Rain clouds threatened through
out the day, but barely a trace
of precipitation was recorded, un
like the heavy fall of yesterday
that caused a hurried switch of
(Turn to page 2, col. 2)
Locusts Invade
Pasco Vicinity
In Huge Droves
PASCO, Wash., June 9 (AP)
Swarms of locusts invading the
sagebrush country near Glade,
eight miles north of here, were
reported today by motorists driv
ing through.
The highway was "slick", they
said, where the locusts had cross
ed and been crushed by automo
No similar visit by the Insects
was recalled here.
BEND, Ore., June 9. (AP)
A midnight rainbow, created by
the light of the moon just past
its full phase, arched the north
western heavens last night and
was viewed by scores of Bend
residents. The spectacle lasted
for nearly half an hour. A light
rain was falling at the time but
the moon was shining from near
ly a cloudless southwestern sky.
The brilliant colors of rainbows
created by direct sunlight were
lacking. Last night's bow was
dominantly gray and yellow.
THE DALLES, Ore., June 9.
(AP) Church societies ol The
Dalles came In for criticism to
day for "encroaching" on the
business of restaurant proprietors
and hotel men. A protest signed
by officials of the Better Busi
ness bureau, the restaurant men
and the hotel men was sent to
The Dalles Ministerial association.
Church groups, the protest de
clared, had served meals to con
vention delegates and other so
cieties meeting here this spring
for less money than the hotels
and restaurants could charge and
"break eTtn."
The cheering realization that her
husband, Jimmy Mattern, Is (ret
ting nearer home instead of far
ther away, probably Is the cause
of the smile on the face of Mrs.
Mattern, who Is visiting a
sister at Walla Walla,
Wash. She wasn't worried,
evV during the two per
iods during which no word
of his progress or fate Was
Central Pres photo.
Gary Advised in Eugene to
, . ,, 9 . I
uei Hoard i ogetner ana
Accept Salem's Bid
John L. Gary, secretary of the
Oregon High School Athletic as
sociation, was advised in Eugene
Friday by Edward R. Morris.
president of the Eugene chamber
or commerce, that the best way to
terminate all the present discus-
sion and bitter feeling over the
proposal to move the state high
school basketball tournament
away from Salem, would be for
the association's board of control
to meet as soon as possible and ac
cept Willamette university's Invi
tation for the 1934 tournament,
it was learned here.
Gary, on his way to Eugene.
visnea baiem Drieny Friday but
um not meet more man a few or I
the persons who have been active
in the campaign to prevent re
moval of the tourney. So far as
could be learned, he talked to no
Willamette university official,
but did confer with Waldo Mills,
a prominent alumnus.
Gary denied that he was re
sponsible for writing a letter to
the higher education board ask
ing that body to extend Invita
tions from the University of Ore
gon and Oregon State college to
stage the annual basketball
tournament on alternate years.
' In writing the letter I mere
ly followed Instructions of the as
sociation," Gary declared. ''There
was nothing personal about the
Gary said the sentiment devel
oped during the past few days in
dicated that the tournament
would continue to be held in Sa
0 "
Midnight Rainbow Seen
Church Feeds Criticized
Ten-Rattle Snake Killed
Adoption Reason Unique
GOLD BEACH, Ore., June 9
(AP) A ten-rattle rattlesnake
was killed by Randolph Meser-
yey, old-time riverman, yesterday
as the reptile was swimming in
the middle of the Rogue river.
Meservey saw the snake heading
for the south shore, slowed down
his motorboat and struck the
rattler with an oar. He said that
in his many years on the river, it
was only the second time he had
seen a rattlesnake swimming the
PORTLAND, Ore,, June 9.
(AP) Circuit Judge Gilbert de
nied the petition of Nels Chris
Johnson, 72, to adopt Mrs. Dor
othy Garitx, 30. because of the
"unusual" reason Johnson ad
vanced for his request. 'Some
times, the Judge pointed out, a
man will adopt a woman already
of age to make her - his legal
But, Judge Gilbert declared,
the reason Johnson wanted to
adopt Mrs. Garits "Is that he de-
sires to oDtam emergency reiiei
work for his own support and
that- he- cannot, obtain inch re -
lief work unless he has someone
dependent upon him tor support."
Feh! and Schermerhorn in
On Plot Says Sexton;
Jones Bosses job
Good Government Leaguers
Cheered to Drown out
Noise of Robbery
MEDFORD, Ore., June 9
(AP) An admission that he as
sisted In the theft of 10,000 bal
lots from the Jackson county
courthouse last winter was made
on the witness stand here today by
jMason.Butley Sexten, 20, Malheur
county youth, In the trial of Ar
thur Ladieu, charged with com
plicity in the ballot theft.
Sexton testified that he swung
the axe that broke the vault win
dow, and that he helped take tbe
ballots and burn them. The bal
lot theft occurred on the eve of a
recount of votes to determine the
legality of the election of Gordon
Schermerhorn as sheriff. Scher
merhorn is also under Indict
ment in connection with the theft.
As one of the first witnesses
for the state. Sexton testified that
County Judge Earl H. Fehl,
former county Jailer John Glenn
and Sheriff Schermerhorn knew
of the plan to steal the ballots. He
quoted Judge Fehl as telling him.
'The recount must be stopped, or
we will all be out in the street."
Glenn promised Sexton, the lat
ter testified, "ten dollars and a
good job" if the ballots were stol
en. The witness declared that May
or Walter Jones of the town of
Rogue River was the "boss of the
job," arranging signals for start
ing the automobile in which the
ballots were taken away, and led
the "good government congress"
In cheering to drown the sound or
shattered glass as the vault wln-
dow was broken.
The "congress," organized by
Llewellyn A. Banks, former Med
ford editor and orcbardist, in an
effort to seek the resignation of
several county officials, held a
meeting near the courthouse on
the ntebt of the theft
uBKan8' Ln1'CIed connection
kllled Con8tabie George prescott,
who attempted to serve on him
the resultant warrant. For this
slaying the former editor was last
month tried at Eugene and con-
vlcted of second degree murder.
Mayor Jones and Judge Fehl
were among the group of about
20 Indicted for complicity In the
ballot theft. Ladieu was the first
of the group to go on trial.
Young Sexton, on the stand for
three hours, was unshaken In his
testimony despite
a gruelling
by defense
cross examination
At least four of six men city
police arrested yesterday on char-
ees of burglarr will waive grand
iurv hearing and nlead euiltv in
circuit rnurt either todav or Man.
day. It was announced last night,
Officers said thev had confessions
from the four:
Robert A. Weiser, Floyd Demp-
sev. ex-convicts, and Lawrence I
Barnes of 445 Hood street. May-
nard Cameron. 555 Belmont
street. Cameron Is on parole from
circuit court here.
Orvllle Hale of Salem, arrested
at Portland yesterday, will be re-
turned here today to face bur-
glary charges. Lloyd Ernest
Wright. 2597 Portland road, one
of the six, was turned over to Ju-
venile court, and Andrew Jairl,
197S Broadway street, held for In -
vestigation, was released to his
Police said the arrests cleared
up crimes committed at Smith's
service siauon, xsortn commercial
"1 Lib": f rIeT Caspe11'
service station, North Commercial
25th and State; Skaggs grocery,
19th and State; Woolery filling
station, 444 South Commercial;
Scotty's service station. Hood and
Church; Ray Abst service station.
High and Liberty; Barbecue,
Rickreall; Monmouth, where a re
volver was stoles.
Lumber Industry
Meeting Slated
Here on Friday
TACOMA, Wash.. June 9.
(AP) Three Industry meetings
for lumbermen and loggers of the
Douglas fir region of Washington
and Oregon hare been called for
the explanation and discussion of
the industry code adopted by the I commission with reference to ln
dlrectors of the West Coast Lum- I vesting some of the state funds in
bermen's asociation, President E.
w. Demarest announced today.
I n The first will be held here next
1 Wednesday, the second In Port -
land on Thursday, and the third
1 in Salem, Ore., on Friday,
Recovery Measure Passes;
Momentous Session
Providing Funds for Farm
Credit Agency is Only
Large Task Faced
Railroad aid, Taxing Plan
And Mortgage Relief
Measures Passed
In a day and night of steam
ing action, congress made ready
today to head homeward, prob
ably tomorrow, from three months
of unprecedented peace time leg
islative activity.
Passage by the senate of the
Industry control-public works bill
sent to conference the last of the
major measures on the adminis
tration's calendar for action. It
left before the senate a bill to
provide funds for the operation of
the new farm credit agency and
there was a distinct possibility
that this would be disposed of
rapidly tomorrow.
Except for this, the other bills
on the program either were at the
White House or were traveling
down Pennsylvania avenue for the
presidential signature.
In the last few hours of today s
session, action was completed on:
A measure creating a coordina
tor to bring order and profit into
the railroad business.
A bill creating a $2,000,000,-
000 organization to aid home
A tax measure continuing for
a year the one cent gasoline levy,
giving the president power to low
er postal rates, and transferring
from the producer to the consum
er the three per cent electricity
The major measures left pend
ing as a tired senate went home
tonight after 12 hours of work
were the Industrial bill, to be fin
ally determined In tonference.
and the veterans' dispute pending
In the Independent offices appro
priation bill In the house.
Several other measures, of se
condary Importance, Including one
to give President Roosevelt power
to name a non-resident governor
off Hawaii, still had to be acted
upon by the senate but members
considered that the house meas
ure might be accepted intact.
Dorothy LaFollett, 13, of
Wheatland, was seriously injured
yesterday afternoon when a truck
driven by her lather, ciyae sn
LaFollett. collided with a sedan
driven by Raymond Clarence Mm
er of Newberg at the Hopmere
corner, state police reported. Tne
attending physician at Deaaconess
nospuai last nignt was sun un
able to determine the extent oi
her injuries.
I Lincoln Wirt, riding with Mill
I er. suffered cuts and L.a ouett
received a ,bad head bruise. Neith-
er Mrs. LaFollett nor Hank Stay-
ton, riding In the track, was in
I lured. Miller also was unscathed.
LaFollett Is said to have ad-
mltted he failed to stop upon en-
I terlng the main road. The Sadan
1 and the truck landed In the ditch
and both were heavily damaged.
I Wheat from the truck load was
strewn over the surrounding area
n 022232 CaS IH
More Warrants;
Eyes Investment
Call for the payment of state
warrants Indorsed "not paid for
want of funds" during the per
lod of May 4 to 11, Inclusive, was
issued Friday by Rufus C. Hoi
man, state treasurer. This leaves
a total oi X800.750.3i outs tana
ing. Warrants originally were in
dorsed in the amount of 12,464,
Under a new law which became
effective Friday, the state bond
commission is authorized to In
vest certain state funds in bonds
and interest-bearing warrants of
the state of Oregon. Holman said
I he would confer with the bond
registered state warrants. This
I procedure would save the state 3
I per cent interest, which is the dit-
I ference between the amount earn-
I ed on bank deposits and the
I amount paid on warrants.
Oregon Projects to
Be Outlined Finally
At Capital, Decided
Wilcox to Carry Proposals for 1 1 8 Millions
In Public Works to Washington Today;
Coast Bridges at top of List
PORTLAND, Ore., June 9 (AP) The complete program
of public works to be undertaken in this state with fed
eral money wiU be worked out in detail in Washington,
D. C, under the direction of Raymond B. Wilcox, personal
representative of Governor Meier, it was decided today at a
meeting here with the governor, Wilcox, who heads the state
Score of Fatalities Noted
Friday; Rain Awaited
Throughout East
NEW YORK, June 9. (AP)
Skies were scanned anxiously for
the clouds that would bring rain
and relief as the east continued
to swelter tonight in the season's
first major heat wave.
More than a score of deaths
were reported today, bringing the
total number of lives lost so far
this week, as a direct or indirect
consequence of the oppressive
temperatures, to more than 100.
The heat blanket extended from
the Atlantic coast inland to the
Mississippi river. Illinois had re
ported a total of 22 deaths, of
which 18 were in Chicago. Penn
sylvania had a death toll of 14,
with six in Philadelphia, where
the mercury reached an official
high of 89 today.
Three deaths were attributed to
the heat in New York city, where
the coming of darkness brought
little relief because the skyscrap
ers retained the high tempera
tures of the day.
Upstate, four deaths were re
corded In Buffalo and two in
Rochester. One man died in Cam
den, N. J., another in Bridgeport,
Conn., and a third in Baltimore.
The other fatalities occurred
earlier in the week.
Scores have been overcome
earlier in the week.
A three - day program of horse
races and other features will be
staged at the state fairgrounds
here July 2, 3 and 4, under the
supervision of Ed Wright who
handled the rodeo at state fair
time last fall, it was announced
Friday by Max Gehlhar, head of
the state agricultural department.
This announcement followed a
meeting with a committee of
Capital post, American Legion, at
which the question of the legion's
participation In the program was
It was decided that the legion
would limit its sponsorship to a
special program on the night of
July 4, concluding the three-day
affair. Nature of the legion's pro
gram has not yet been reTealed.
Claude McKenney Is chairman of
the veteran's committee.
Thousands of Actes are
Inundated; Dike Bieaks
PORTLAND, Ore., June 9.
(AP) Swollen by heavy rains,
the waters of the Columbia river
and its tributaries flooded thou
sands of lowland acres today,
halted mill and construction ac
tivities at several points, washed
out several bridges and narrowly
missed causing a loss of life.
The upper end of Puget island
in the Columbia, midway between
Cathlamet, Wash., and Westport,
Ore., was Inundated by a four
foot wall of water when a 50
foot section of the protecting
dike crumbled under the com
bined impact of the rising waters
and a high tide. The break came
suddenly after all but one of sev
eral farmers patroling the dike
had retired for the lght, think
ing the danger past.
While there was no loss of life
and but slight damage to crops
on the island, as the waters
drained quickly off, residents
were in fear of a new flood with
a high tide due early tomorrow.
They were working feverishly to
repair the damaged dike, lest a
second invasion ot the river sweep
the Island generally and destroy
most of the crops.
John Vik, the only on to wit
ness tho break, said the 50-foot
relief committee, and engineering
members of the state committee.
Wilcox will leave tomorrow
night for the national capital to
attend a meeting there next Wed
nesday of the heads of relief com
mittees in the several states. He
will carry with him plans for pub
lic works projects for Oregon that
total $118,000,000. They repre
sent all the projects suggested to
Governor Meier by state and coun
ty officials.
The Oregon relief committee
head will call on J. M. Devers, at
torney for the Oregon state high
way commission who is already at
The governor and Wilcox
pointed out that they do not ex
pect to see Oregon get as much
as $118,000,000, but that the
state wants to be in a position to
get its full share of the money to 1
b& expended under the national
public works program.
The Item heading the list, and
already approved, is that for 3,
(Turn to page 2, col. 3)
Other Bodies may be Found;
75 Burned; Bathers are
Among Fire Victims
June 9. (AP) Ten persons
were reported killed and several
others are believed to have been
fatally burned in an explosion to
night that wrecked the Atlantic
Pyroxylin Waste company, dealers
in celluloid scrap at 31S River
The blast filled the air with
burning pieces of celluloid and
set fire to six homes and a gar
age within a radius of 150 feet.
The reported list of known
Harry Applegar.
Mrs. Harry Applegar, his wife.
Applegar child.
Mrs. Joseph A. Klltch.
Margaret Klitch, 13.
Mrs. Margaret La Tone.
Mr. and Mrs. William Dale.
Two unidentified.
At the time of the explosion, a
small crowd of men, women and
children were bathing In the Pas
saic river from a small beach
near the factory. Flames shot
from broken doors and windows
and burned many of the bathers,
igniting the clothes of some.
Some of the swimmers, Including
children, dived or Jumped into the
It was believed as many as
seventy-five persons were burned.
Firemen and police believed other
bodies may He In the ruins of the
houses destroyed by the fire.
section went out as one piece.
Quicksand formations at the base
of the dike were believed respon
sible for the collapse.
The Columbia rose nearly a
foot In 24 hours to a stage of
15.2 feet at Longview. Wash..
the highest since 1925. The Cow
litz river at Kelso. Wash., rose a
foot and a half in 24 hours to a
stage of 17.8 feet. Officials at
the Weyerhaeuser mill at Long
view said it was probable logging
operations would close for a day
or two as tracks over which logs
are brought to the mill ponds
were under water. Enough logs
were tn the mill ponds, however,
to keep the mills operating until
the crest of the high water has
passed, officials said, and the
stream was not yet high enough
to threaten operation ot the mills.
Those farmers in the Vancou
ver, Wash., district who had not
retreated with their dairy herds
to higher land earlier in .the
week, were still isolated today.
They were keeping their cattle
in the barns and were bringing
in needed supplies by boat.
The dikes were still holding on
the Oregon side in the Portland
area,- but guards were being con
tantly maintained.
Tax Exemption on Federal
Bonds Revoked; Income
And gas Levies up
Vote 57 to 24 on Passage;
Industry Regulation one
Key Section
WASHINGTON, Julie 9. ( AP)
Forming an impenetrable cor
don around the major provisions
of the industrial bill, the demo
cratic majority brought the ad
ministration's business recovery
measure through the senate to
night in virtually the same form
as it had come to the floor.
Driving back amendment after
amendment, the administration
forces marched straight ahead to
the final rote which sent the bill
back to the house for agreement
to amendments. The bill is the
last major measure of the presi
dent's special session program.
The whirlwind finish at the
end oi more than a twelve-hour
session give a final vote for the
bill of 57 ayes to 24 against, vir
tually the same count by which
the senate only an hour before
had rejected the sales tax as a
method of raising the necessary1
funds to finance the $3,300,000.
000 public works section.
Another key section of the bill
provides for the regulation of in
dustry through trade agreements
to be worked out by the majority
of the plants In an industry, with
various committees of labor and
industry and the government to
pass upon varying phases of th
These woind cover working
hours, prices and output, with the
president to have the authority
to license those branches of ta
industry that fall to conform to
the agreements worked eut by
the jiajority.
The greatest changes In' the
long day and night session came
as the senate bore down into the
taxing section. In rapid succes
sion it voted for throwing income
tax returns open to public Inspec
tion and then lifted the exemp
tion that thus far has held tax
free the incon e from securities
of the federal, state and muni
cipal governments.
As the measure went back to
the house, one of the principal
differences in the form in which
it came from that branch lay in
the taxation provisions. The house
had voted to raise the rates on
Income, in addition to lifting the
present levies on gasoline.
Voicing the belief that indus
try should bear a greater part
of the burden for financing the
activities of the measure. Chair
man Harrison of the senate fi
nance committee obtained agree
ment to a plan for putting addi
tional taxes on corporations.
The Day in
By the Associated Press
The senate passed the admlav
lstnuion industrial recovery
bill in night session after re
jecting sales tax as a method
for raising funds to finance $3,
300,000,000 public works sec
tion. The house passed municipal
bankruptcy bill.
J. P. Morgan, in final state
ment to the senate hanking in
vestigators, defended his select
ed clients list as good busjnem
and criticized publication of tho
The house approved the 22,
000,000.000 home loan mortgage
bill In Its final form, leaving only
a senate rote necessary.
The house ami senate ap
proved t h e administration's
railroad reorganization plan,
suspending anti-trust laws, fin
ishing congressional artioa
End of the White Hons con
trorersy over veterans' compensa
tion appeared near to house lead
era as President Roosevelt prom
ised to take care of Spanish Am
erican war veterans orer 55 years
of age.
The president let it be known
he intend to go ahead with
plans for reciprocal tariff aa
reements but will ask seaate
approval la the regular maaner,
after. Instead of before, nego
tiating. "