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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1933)
s. - - Th OREGON STATESMAffrSa "'PAGE SEVEN - 5 -.i OLD GRADS JTAEI1DIIER i MT. ANGEL, June 8 i The balls of Mt. Angel academy re sounded with mirth and happy talk Tuesday sight when the old grads gathered . to renew old friendships and to welcome Into John W. Ebner, ol the first grad the alujnnae association the 18 lusting class la ISIS, Mary Bcol- gradtatea ox 1933. I lard, president of the almuns Theresa Dehler. one of the Tlee I association, Rer. Vincent Koppert, presidents of the association gare director of the school, and Inga the address of welcome, after I Goplernd. of Silrerton, normal which a snort entertainment, con- graduate of 1833. sisting of humorous songs and a The remainder of the erenin'g mock awarding of degrees and di- was spent In Tisitlng, card play- plomas was given by some of the I lng or dancing. The academy or former students. The alumnae chestra furnished the muslo. men proceeded to tne dining hall for th ban a net' Father Alcuin was toastmaster Rev. WackerbartK IS ana cmiea tor speecnes irom Mrs, iaS)E 150 N. Commercial Street Phone 5563 New Man in Pastorate Of Jefferson Church Save Friday and Saturday Sugar MAYONNAISE g Fine Grain Fancy Qt. Pantry Jar ,lOn.-413Vs .fu Qt. ...sDg Royal . ' Gelatin J Crackers Fruit Flavors Superior or Snowflakes 3 for &D 2 lb. caddyS23(g I Fishers 4 fYiffpp Biscuit Mix uiiee 90 seconds from pack- Bliss Vacuum Pack TomSoes Vine Ripened as Heads ' I 2 ib,. . SSCg 1 2 for parages Fig Bars Sweet & Juicy or Ginger Snaps 3 a. Q g 2 ....& JEFFERSON. June 8 Roy. Carl Wackerbarth who has been pastor of the Evangelical church at Florence for the past three years, was appointed as pastor of the local Evangelical chnrch for the ensuing year, at the recent conference session held in Salem He will move his family here next week, and will conduct services at the local church Suniay, June 18. The Home Economics club of Morning Star grange met at the hall Wednesday afternoon. The president, Mrs. Dale Gronso, was in charge of the business session Refreshments of cake, sandwiches and coffee were served at the close of the meeting. There were nine members and fonr guests present. Hogg Bros. 456 State WASHING ELECTRC MACHINES .50 and 39 up We Sell, Rent and Service AU Makes Used Electric Mf and Washers y 111 up MARION COUNTY DEALERS White Sewing Machines frr?Q&0 New ... Bargains in Used Sewing Machines HOGG BROS. Appliance Store Jjr 456 State Tel. 6023 JQg Y t .1. A. If Savings Effective June 9, 10 and 12 Fancy Full Cream Hup hqVsj S(5)ffe: Edwards Dependable Vacuum Pack E lb. can Qc NEW POST T O.S.G. Sardines Bfax-l-inuM, large oval cans, ca. Pork & Beans Campbell's, can PEAS Del Monte 2 cans for SYRUP Our Choice, I't. Jar FLAPJACK Albers, large Pkg OATS Snnrlpf, O-lb. sack COFFEE Airway, pound ......... ToiletTissue 3 Zee Rolls Fine Granulated Per sack $ S 2S 1 limit .... d Pure Cant FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Price Rose Save and buy Good Flour 49 lb. sack 9G LETTUCE Local Large Solid A Heads 4 for Fresh Peas Full O Pods Olbs. Carrots Iarge o Bunches O for Ec Bananas Large Yellow Trutt,,lb. .... (" ccjtipag laite BEEF'CUBES FBKH OK' PorkSausage Cut from choice young Cooked fa SaIem ,aade country styi Beef to boil or braze. It is very good skasc a forS5s a lbs, ago Fresh Dressed tjtl. PORK STEAK FRYERS MawSlMlSB Cut from young Pigs from the country llHJUlllltliOG Nice and lean All drawn - The Tery Best flSVkclb. Sgclb. HQs pint - - . i A Fine Lot of Young Hens and Rabbit to Fry An Our Meats Guaranteed to Satisfy of Your Money Refunded. Chas. Duval Market Mgr. j $1.00 Orders DELIVERED FREE Excepting Features No. 37162 N. Commer- Save at the following , No. 519 270 N. Com m t!S,ilit9 . Seway Stores: mercial-Phon? 9432 No. 661978 N Capitol We Beaerre th. Eight to No. 78-1927 State Phone 8620 , Umtt Quantities . Phone 9485 I It I Rear Admiral William D. Leahy. who has been named by President Roosevelt aa cniex of tne Navy Bureau of Navigation. He is 68 years old and was formerly chief of the Bureau of Ordnance. Ad miral Leahy has been commander af the Destroyer Scouting Force since 1931. nras BID An orange- painted bus with black lettering to announce it was from Oregon State college, pass ed through Salam Wednesday morning. It carried IS college men, students In agricultural en gineering, who are going to at tend the national convention of agricultural engineers and Tislt the world's fair at Chicago. W. J. Ollmore, head of the department at the state college, and Clyde Walker, associate professor, have charge of the party. The trip is a self - financed Journey, yet is costing each man only 10 cash. A year ago the students rented land, raised corn and sold it, clearing some $300. Seme farm equipment manufac turers made contributions to the fund. . Various Implement factories In the middle west will be visited. Literature advertising Oregon and its educational advantages will be handed out. Manager C E. Wilson of the Salem chamber of commerce gave the men conies of "Come to Oregon" for distribution. One of the students in the party is Everett Davis, noted as end in football at O. S. C. and guard on the basketball team. the annual picnls and basket din ner Sunday In the gymnasium. At one o'clock dinner, was served, af ter whloh a program was enjoyed. Following the program, election of officers for the coming year were elected. Those chosen were Dan Van Otten, president; Percy Zumwalt, vice president Viola Houk. secretary. Market Better For Fruits is Viewpoint WOODBURN, June 8. A meet ing of the Woodburn Fruit Grow ers' Cooperative association, was held In the Artisan's hall early in the week when the members dis cussed the prospects of the straw berry crops and marketing con ditions. Prospects for a fair crop of fruit, with the exception of strawberries wre reported. Mar keting conditions are somewhat Improved. The loganberry crop will probably be ready for harvest early In Jr.". FESTIVAL KX JOYED PERRTDALE. June t The spring festival put on by the Per rydale school was enjoyed by a fair sized crowd Friday. Queen Marie I was crowned Queen of Spring by the county school su perintendent, Joslah Will. Her attendants were: Helen Brulas ma, Ruth Wildt, Estella Wlrfa and Mildred Muller. Etty Broad well was crown bearer. Jimmy Gllson and Patty Scott were train-bearers. ALUMNI DINE. ELECT PERRYDALE, June 8 The Perrydale high school alumni held W. J. LEE & SON FEED - FLOUR - SEED CREAM STATION 840 Ferry Phone 0418 TRIANGLE Chick and Turkey feeds and Egg Mash. In Pellet or mash form. CASH FOR BUTTERFAT & EGGS Jefferson School at Close of Year; Staff Leaves For Vacations JEFFERSON, June 8 The Jefferson schools closed last Fri day and picnics were enjoyed that day by the students of the grade and high school. The high school had their plcnie in grove across the Santiam river, while the grades enjoyed their good time on the school grounds. Games were enjoyed, and at the noon hour picnic dinners were served. All the teachers have gone, ex cept Superintendent Lyman W. Patton who lives here. Miss Fran ces Chambers will spend the summer with her mother and bro ther In Portland; Miss Maude Durfee is visiting her brother in Portland, and expects to take a special course during the sum mer; Bertha Dillon will attend Summer school at Monmouth Normal. Margaret St. Clair left for her home at Gresham, and Miss Pierce will spend the sum mer vacation at Kalama, Wash., with her father and sister. Mrs. Flo Yocng who lives at Crabtree, will teach In the Dever school next year. MRS. VERSTEEO ELECTED DAYTON, June 8 Mrs. J. W. Versteeg has been elected to teach the Falrvlew school next term. Closing Out High Grade Lines Less Than Wholesale Prices SPECIAL ONE WEEK ONLY ?2.65 Certain-Teed All 9 1 fi Purpose Paint. Gallon tDeAU Outside Paint Inside Gallon si.35 Flat WaU Paint Gallon ...$1.75 Quart .45 Quart 50 Pint .25 Pint .35 Interior Floor Paint Enamels Gloss Pamt Quart $ .75 Quart n55 QU"t Pint '45 pt JZZ '.35 Pint -35 Vi Pint .25 J. W. COPELAND YARDS Member Salem Building Congress Wallace Road, 200 Yards North of Bridge Tel. 6627 A Faca Powder at HALF what you usually pay! Smart women everywhere agree that this is a sensible idea. Es pecially when you get Jonteel quality soft, satiny, Invisibly clinging. Only the Rexall No Middleman Plan allows yoa a saving like this 1 Jonteel face powder 25c-50c Independent Druggists 115 S. COMMERCIAL ST. Deep Cut Prices tor Friday and Saturday 50c PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE 25c 11.50 CITRO- QQ. CARBONATE ....70C $1.50 large PETROLAGAR 83c 50c YEAST OQra FOAM TABLETS tC 25c WOOD BURY'S SOAP 15c $1 JACKSON'S POWDER 69c 35c INGRAM'S SHAV. CREAM 23c $1 MELLOGLO rn. FACE POWDER DuC 33c KRANK'S 1AA 100 BAYER'S rnn LATH. KREEM LVC ASPIRIN DuC $1.20 SCOTT S Q $1 size " n7 EMULSION K)VL LISTERINE VvC 50c KOLYNOS Off 75c DO AN 'S y(Art TOOTH PASTE Jt PILLS -JvL 60c MUM QQn 35c POND'S OQa DEODORANT ....Oal CREAMS AOL 50c medium QO 10c VICE'S K LYSOL OUL ANTISEPTIC OL 15 1 pt. Thermos Bottle 50c Cutex Hand Cream 30c No. 116 Film, 8 ex. . 59c 29c 21c $2.50 Sport Goggles $1 Flash- light 50c Writing Portfolio 98c 49c 29c 35c Gem Blades $3 Electric Toaster 23c $1.98 FREE"1 FiSCINATINQ POZZIES with every 7 Ib can of TRQilPSQH'S CE2CQIATE MALTED MILK Thoro'f NEW LIFE in this invigorating Alcohol Rub I Insrastty sooftis and eoola fea sUa. Drtm out sausd scans st, stiff aai lasMts; larigoratas tbs satire tody. JUhlrt ttls k y awsrlis suppte. Doctors om fctslswsrdytMaprstiiWftvriskstitats. Woodr ftd aftar tt bath. Mf a BW Kubbiac Alcohal kMdy ahrayt! Hwcstssr Rubbing Alcohol J2,49c 19c ..89c 19c ..59c 25c Pyrex Bottles $1.20 S. M. A. Food 25c Mead's Cereal 75c 10D Cod Liver Oil Hams-Bacon--Lard We have no fancy name for our Hams and Bacon. They need none once tried by a stranger and the old Ham and Bacon speaks their own name. Sugar cured smoked with oak wood made from nothing but the best selected pigs money can buy, and sold at less than wholesale price. Just try one! G Whole or Half Good to the last bite us . 10-12c Beef Boil Sirloin Steak . Prime Rib Roll Fresh Hock 07-08c 12c . 15c Pork Roast . Spare Rib Back Bones Pig Feet 10c 10c 03c 02c 05c Our fresh Pork is the best trimmed pork on the Salem Market. TRY IT! Bacon Back 12-14c Breakfast Bacon 13 & 15c Bacon Square 07c Pure Lard . . 4 lbs. for 30c Veal Stew .05c Veal Roast 10c McDCDWEtLIL MAtDEKE Where a Dollar Does its Doty 173 So. Commercial St. Phone 8757 We Close at 8 o'Clock Saturday J THE V irihi i I V 137 8. A oio y BEST FOR LESS Commercial TL I White King GRANULATED Only nature is kinder than this laxative Bitter doaes may help coosti patio butthty araoftea too harsh aadaW ways hard tstak. Then is a gentler way to restore aormal ""r-.-Rexall Orderlies art the original chocolate phenolphthalela laxatite Just as tasty as candy. Ko griping or irritation. Ere ft? some corrective must ho take every day, youll Had RexaO Orderlies tale. . This folding syringe Is always out of sight Vomon who are seaaidTe to a too eta In syringe hanging ia otaia sight wQl welcome this new French Typo folding syringe . . .ahnyshiddoa from sight sa a aoat tittle rubbedxod, taloa fasteaod savtlaoc Its compactaosa makes k Uealfortraetllaf. Holds two i H Y- DA-WAY rStGt $2-95 Large pk. ... 24c LiSe Buoy Toilet Soap Cake Van Camps Pork and Beans 16n 4J Alpine Milk Tall Cans Real Qualitj cans RAJAH Quality Coffee pound Corned DccS Armours Best No. 1 Cans cans CROWN PRODUCT KitchenQueen,49sw?edat Qc Oregon Product fS7 SOOP U Cake. 2, Hersey CdJSOa VTK RE8ERTB THH BIOHT TO OMIT QrAXTTTT . (5A8IHI GRXDCEEiir r r