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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1933)
v. - jn... -i PAGE SIX 'lis OREGON STATESMAN, Salem,. Oregon, Friday Morning. Jane 1933 4 1 178 SOUTH COMMERCIAL STREET S 7T 7Th mmi Jbow rrices op All BccS Elamfcupcc? pound I Best Grade Oleo Choice Beef Roasts Lb. ) Special Lean Bacon Back Lb. flSo Home Made Sliced Bacon Lb. Lean Shoulder Pork Roasts Lb. H(0) Prime Leg of Pork Lb. 312o Tender Beef to Boil ! Lb. d) Choice Colored Fryers Lb. SS Round Sirloin T-Bont Ste,ak Lb. EE Free Delivery-Open Until 9p.m. Sat. Nite-Dial 8686 DRUGS C. L. WELLMAN, Ph. G. 474 N. Commercial In "THE MARKET" Prescriptions Specials For Friday, Saturday and Monday HOT WATER $1 POCKET $1 ALARM BOTTLE WATCH CLOCKS Guaranteed at Guaranteed at Guaranteed at SD gD Baby Foods $1.20 Lactogen 89c $1.20 SMA 89c $1 Ovaltine ........69c $1 Horlicks 75c 15-oz. Bordens 45c 75c Dextri-Maltose ..59c Shaving Creams 50c Ingrams, jars ....29c 35c Kranks ...1 5c 35c Williams ...25c 50c Mennens .....25c 50c Eveready 18c 35c Valiant .18c 50c Burma Shave ... 39c $1.25 S.S.S. . Tonic 79c 50c Ipana 29c 35c Vick's Vorotone $1 Ambrosia Uq. Cleaner 39c 40c Castoria 23c $1 Nujol 59c $1 Super D Cod Lirer Oil Remedies $1 Norwich Aspirin 39c 50c Ex Lax Choc. ....39c 70c Sloans Liniment 42c 1 .50 Pinkhams Com 98c $1.50Petrolager ....:.89c 1.35 Pierces Rem 98c $1 Listerine 69c $1.25 Tanlac 98c 85c Jad Salts 59c 65c Bisodol 49c 75c Acidine 49c Creams $1 Pond's Cold $1 Ingrams 69c 69c $1 Woodbury's Tissue arm 69c $1 E. W. Hopper Tissue cr. 69c 25c. Oronite Cleaner 12c 25c Momento Cleaner 12c 1 Pt. Vacuum Bottle 59c WA m ' coot TO r Are You Interested in a For Ladies Only 8 to 10 Miles Which Will Take Place in Salem About June 23rd If so fill W the event is held, substantial cash prizes will be awarded. The Oregon Statesman, cxiiem, uregon, , ' JunJS rtin c.ontffi,t b. add In Salem .bout be IfZ'mfles. con"1 entering. I would prefer th. dbUne to. I I CODE FDR LUMBER IBDU8TRY ADOPTED TACOMA, Jan 8. (AP) Adoption ot proposed cod for the conduct cf the west coait fir lumber Industry marked the con clusion here of the two-day ses sion here of the trustees of the West Ceast Lumbermen's associa tion. The code has been formu lated to accord with the prorl sions ot the Industrial recorery act now pending la congress and expected to be passed at an early date. It will be carried to the membership of the industry for discussion and ratification in meetings to be held within the coming week in Washington and Oregon. Detail prerislons of the code were not glren out at the conclu sion of the session, but according to statement of Col. W. B. Gree ley, secretary-manager of th as sociation. It propose a control of production among member mills and Is expected to carry oat th schedul of wage ot th loyal le gion of loggers and lumbermen, known as th '4-L." la which em ployes and employers are both represented. KAXTXER TO PREACH HOPEWELL, June 8 Key. W. C. Kantner ot Salem will speak here Sunday afternoon at 8: SO o'clock and will b pleased to see as many old-time families as possible. He was pastor of the Hopewell church In 1876. The preaching serrloe In 1878. The . Jit, Ws'Az " 1 1 ii 1 1 OPTOMETRIC SERVICE Telephone 5858 Eyes Examined - Classes Fitted All Modern Frames and Lenses at Prices Ereryon Can Afford Satisfaction Guaranteed Dr. Rath M. Daugherty 801-2-3 First National Bank Bid. Sunday morning at II: tl m, as usual followed by a basket dinner. Th erenlng daily racation blbl school program will be at 8 p.m. Ereryon la lnrlted to th ser-ylces. WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY repaired in first class running order L. 0. PRESCOTT JEWELER New location 423 Court St. Terwilliger Funeral Home 778 CnZMEKETA STKJEET FHONK SALEM 928 Careful and tntelllgent thought is given to every sit uation. We tenderly honor the opportunity to serve you at a time when service means so much. We attend to every detail. 16 ESTABLISHED 10 HOFFMAN'S MEAT MARKET 105 N. Commercial TeL 5563 IN CONNECTION WITH ECONOMY GROCERY Beef Roast Pound 10c Leg of Pork inln Roast, lb. ..1ZV2C Mutton Roast Pound 8c Mutton Stew Pound 5c Leg of Mut ton, lb 12V2C . Swift's Fancy Picnics Short Shank Pound 12V2C Vegetable Shortening 3 ibs. 23c Oleo lbs 25c Fancy Fryers Pound 19c All Kinds of Nice Luncheon Meats G)5 G$ 2G) hi mn 0 Young I7pd HDoflflai? fira (Qgegoffii IHIomme dDwimed Sttoges All Prices Effective Fri. & Sat. June 9th & 10th Mgei (SoCGee '.y pound tin . . . Sib. tin . . . x Best in the West Carnation Products Carnation Oats or grj Wheat, lg. pkg Pearls of Wheat - v Package ILC Albers Flapjack Flour -f Large Pkg JLV"JC 4S Porters Cello-wrapped Macaroni Products 16-oz. Noodles Your Choice 2141c pkg. ML Hood Soap Products Soap, 5 bars ij jpC Feldman's Double n Refined, bar S)C Nationally-Known Foods orape ixuts ri&Kes tn 3 Pkg as Swansdown Large Pkg." Postum Cereal 1 Q Pkg A1 Oregon Blind School ITdDmmatJdD JJnoncse 3 cans Made From Selected Rogue R iver Tomatoes HOODYS h" IPeaimimt -JEtoattttei? 2 pou.ds STAYTON BRAND Sacnttaanim ISeaons TASTY PAK Stii?aimglle83 IBeannG 2 cans can SaHtieCil Waei?s c GcaEaamras 2 Packages Sweett WBnoUe IPScEsIIe FuU Pint Full Pint OREGON No. 21a 2 cans PURITY COFFEE Roasted and Blended in Oregon Cellowrapt Pound Pkg. QuhqsO mm fVAAAAAAAi PirHy iFieigir FAMILY PATEIIT For Whiter Lighter Bread 49 lb. Sack fill 7 "NDEDFtBUR MMakctarW far mnrms) wwminr Wish to take this opportunity to thank their hundreds of customers and friends who entered the Purity Store Letter Writing Contest. Here are the winners! 1st Prize Mrs. E. L. Harrison, 376 No. 12, Salem, Sunbeam Mixmaster. 2nd Prize Mrs. Kenneth Abbott, 2590 Cherry Avenue, Salem, Silver Plated Tea & Coffee Set 3rd Prize Mrs. Chas. O. McClain, Scio, Oregon, Sunbeam Wafflewitch. 4th Prize Miss Bess E. Bailey. 674 No. Church St.. Salem. Electric Iron. Honorable Mention Bessie Brachen, Monmouth and Mrs. R. D. Barton, Salem, Oregon. I llll . rva tnilna s w I I III I 1" utiles. , WMSSWSMBMMBjMBwwwwWBSWBBMBBMBSBaaBBBS , '"'-'. . C"''i'Tk'1','''""'iJI"'i I" '' '"";.!" """"T "i 1 "J""" """ "IUL'J 4tmmmtmmmnmmmmmmm ,, , mmt l)lnr m M , tmmm ,ri . ,u j .... .... ' ,. . 1J 1 i:,n !1 111,1 Mil