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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1933)
.1 I 1 v ' ' v , I Local News Briefs Radio Cars AildHlTh ber of police cars In communi cation with tho city police radio station here I reached 1 yester day when Chief of Police Tony Keufeldt of Dallas installed a re ceiver in his car. Although tests wera not .overly successful last airtt, city police here said Chief Neiffeldt would be easily reached by radio from Salem as soon as adjustments are made to his set. J ?lan re now being laid in West Salem to raise funds by a dance to prOTide a car radio for Chief of Police J. A. Gosser. . Seven city, six state police and two Ma- i rion county cars are now listed to receive calls from KGZR here. ' Dance with Ted Fio-Rito and his world famous orchestra, Salem ar- mory next Monday nite. Fraternls Clnh Meets Although Fraternls club members hare consistently sought to remain a t purely social organization, with no ciric activities,, they last night authorised their officers to as sist" other groups in the effort i- to retain the state high school basketball tournament for Salem. , T,be offlce confer with chamber of commerce officials and offer to add letters of pro test from the club to those of other organizations in the city. J Virtually to a man Fraternls club members are sports enthu- 4 siasts and a majority of them graduates of Salem high school. i Dance Sat. Kenti Hall 25c. Legion Meets, Jfewberg Sev eral Salem Legionnaires not plan ning to be in PnrtJansI fni. T festival events, will go to Xew berg to attend a district confer ence at 8 o'clock tonight, in charge of Fred Deiner, district commander. The next district af fair will be the session of the Marion county council, to be held In Salem, July 14. At this meet ing a program for presentation at the state Legion convention at Klamath Falls, August 10 to 12, will be outlined. Flower plants, many kinds, hardy and well-rooted at 2 doz. 35s. Vegetable plants by dozen or thousand. Salem's Petland. Morehouse License Taken Ten-day suspension of driver's li cense was imposed by Municipal Judge Poulsen yesterday upon Wray Morehouse, 725 South Com mercial street, when the latter .pleaded guilty to a charge of reckless driving. The arrest was made yesterday. Schaefer s 1 he original Yellow Front Drag and Candy Special Store of Salem .. 185 X. Commercial St.' Dial .1107 Penslar A gency When you think Drags, think Schaefer Friday "and Saturday Only Stock up on Schaefer's Home Remedies Made in Salem by Fa In Our Own Laboratory and Guaranteed to Relieve or Money Refunded HOODS Poison Oak Remedy 'A, Soothing Lotion for the relief of irritation caused by Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Poison Su mac and certain other poison plants. For exter nal use only. Sold the Schaefer Way, no cure no pay. 50c (-1 the . fpL Bottle and Be Wise and 75c Solution Antiseptic 100 Pure Aspirin Tablets 5 yards Sterile Gauze 75c Black Psyllium 25c Listerine Shaving Cream 85c Jad Salts 1.25 Bisodol 50c Innerclean 1.50 Alarm -Clocks 1.00 Spring Bl6ssom Face Powder 1.00 Beef Iron Wine 75c Arom Cascara Sag 35c Colonial Club Talc " 50c Colonial Club Shaving Cream ... 2.00 Garden Court Toilet Water ... 75c Fleur du Midi Face Powder . - l.'OO Goggles 1.50 Douche Syringe 1.50 Magnifying Glasses ... ; 75c Anacin Tablets 35c Tooth Brushes 35c Kotex, limit two, each 1.00 Hot Water Bottles ... 75c Box Stationery : 35c Baby Hair Brushes ...... i 35c One lb. Boric Acid . 25c lb. Flaxseed, meal or whole ... 3 ounce Spirits Camphor 25c Anacin Tablets ...... 75c Haarlem Oil Capsules .... 50c Gillette Blades, : 75c Gillette Blades, 5s jSc Envelopes 2 for 1 Quart Mineral Ofl "i ' Tnislws rlBraces - Supporters Try Scnaefer'a Service If To Want tho Best Fit Quality at the Most Reasonable Price t 7 5 Mishaps Reported Report ot five minor automobile - acci dents in' which no Injuries were listed were filed at city police headquarters yesterday as fol low: Mrs. A. H. Wilson, 2230 North Liberty, and J. E. Kirk, 757 Center, at Cottage and Hood; Ellis E. Elwood, 1131 North 14th street, and Frank Lockhart, state hospital, at 17th and Center; R. Shelton. 461 High, and H. Judd, in courthouse driveway; Emma Murphy Brown, 664 South Com mercial, and A. E. Messing, state engineer's office, in front of Argo hotel; George W. Jackson, 722 State, and Walter Smith, 809 South High, at Ferry and Com mercial. - Benefit Races Promoted Co operation of Rose City post. American legion, at Portland was solicited by J. T. Delaney this week in promoting the dog races to be held at Multnomah stadium the night June 20 In benefit to the national champion drum corps. The Portland chamber of commerce and state department of the legion are assisting in plans for large window displays calling attention to the race program, from which proceeds will go to ward sending the Salem corps to compete at the national legion convention at Chicago. Mod. dance tonight U-Park 10-15c Herron Body Un found Efforts to retrieve the body of Howard Herron. 23, of Gates, who with John T. Chess of Chicago ' was drowned in the Santlam river be low Detroit Monday, apparently wero unavailing yesterday. Cor oner L. E. Barrick reported. The coroner said he had received no word from the Mary creek conser vation corps camps at which Her ron was employed. The grappling for the body will be continued, he said. Lions Licensed Driver's li cense examinations were given to 17 men at the Lions club meeting at the Gray Belle yesterday by Harry Graves and Charles Whit temore of the motor vehicle op erators' division. The program, tying in with the examinations, consisted of moving pictures on highway safety presented by Ed win D. Lindburg. Komoto Forfeits Bail Bail of $2.50 was forfeited to municipal court yesterday by Joe Yoshio Komoto, Independence route one, whom city police arrested on a charge of failing to stop at a tnrougn street. Drug Store Oh Boy! What Joy LIFT CORNS RIGHT OUT The Schaefer Way Right from Salem comes the new, better, joyful way to take out corns root and all. Buy the Schaefer Way no cure no pay 25c Schaeferize 29c 17c ......23c 25c 17c 42c 69c 33c ..:..79c 51c .....51c 39c 14c 33c 99c ......33c 39c 49c ......88c .....39c ....10c ...13c 39c 29c .19c 15c .......7c ......15c ......14c ...:.49c .....24c .....38c ...:.,19c ......35c 5s ..... blue .... ... ... me OREGON Rolman In Conference A con ference between superlntedenta of Oregon's two state hospitals and Judge Taswell of the Multnomah county circuit court, with relation to the allocation of Insane pa tients between the Salem and Pendleton Institutions, waa being arranged yesterday by Rufus C. Holman, sate treasurer. Holman conferred with Judge Taswell Wednesday and was Informed that aproxlmately 40 insane pa tients are committed from Mul tnomah county monthly. The law requires that two attendants shall accompany each patient. This, Taiwell said, has resulted in con siderable expense to the taxpay ers. Tazwell previously notified the state board of control that he would use his discretion In com mitting patients. He had been ask ed to send the bulk ot patients to Pendleton. Opening Charlie's Coffee Shop. Sat Special 35c chicken pie din ner with extras. 11 a. m. on. Damon Bldg., 897 N. Coml. Wants Divorce Gladys Schults filed suit for divorce yesterday in circuit court, asking that she be granted her freedom from Ken neth Schults to whom she was married in Salem in 1929. She asks also that she be restored her maiden name of Gladys Kelley and possession ot certain real property and household furniture. Mrs. Schults alleges that her husband has a bad temper, has been cruel to her at times and on several oc casions has struck her and hurt her severely. Non-Suit Bet Aside By stipu lation between (defendant and plaintiff, a non-suit granted in 1931 in circuit court here in the case of the United Artists corpor ation against Frank D. Bligh, was set aside yesterday in an order signed by Judge L. H. McMahan. The litigation concerns rentals al legedly past due on films used by Bligh when be ran the Capitol theatre here. Boy Hit, Bruised Buddy Halt enberg, Salem, suffered bruises about the bead, when he was knocked from his bicycle by an automobile driven by John Frie sen. 1374 Skinner street, Friesen notified police yesterday. The lad's Injuries were not considered serious. The mishap occurred on North Liberty street near Divi sion. Wants to Place Boys Work for two boys, ages 13 and 15, on a farm near Salem is being sought through the Red Cross here. The lads are living with their mother. They will work for their room and board. Persons interested are ask ed to see Miss Thora Beesen, exe cutive secretary of the Red Cross on North Commercial street here. Car Stolen, Recovered City police yesterday reported as re covered, a sedan stolen from W. Solinger of Cedarville, Calif., downtown here Wednesday night. The machine was found near Gra ber's camp on the Pacific highway south. Solinger. is visiting with friends on route three, Salem. Dies in Vancouver Henry Crass, 61, prominent lawyer in Vancouver, Wash., and one time mayor of that- city, died there Wednesday. He is survived by the widow and by a brother and sis ter. Mr. Crass was a brother-in-law ot Dr. Darby of Salem. I Births Barr To Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barr, 2195 Center street, a girl, Mary Carole, born June 6 at Sa lem general hospital. Parson To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parson, route three, a girl, Mar garet Catherine, born June 5 at Salem general hospital. Cree To Mr. and Mrs. Lowell O. Cree, 433 Union street, a girl, Patricia May, born June 5 at Sa lem Deaconess hospital. Sleighter To Mr. and Mrs. Levi Allen Sleighter, route seven, a girl, wilda Faye, born June 8.. Kelley To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kelley, 1357 Hines street, a boy, Lyle Norman, born June 2 at the residence.- Swallow To Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Swallow, 480 South 20th street, a girl, Joannie Marie, born May 30 at the residence. Papenfns To Mr. and Mrs. Joe Frank Papenfus, route three, a boy. Frank Joseph, born May 24. Hickell To Mr. and Mrs. Carl Leonard Blckell. 411 N--th Front street, a girl, Virgina Lee, born iiay 24 at the residence. Yates To Mr. and Mrs. Lau rence Melville Yates, 2595 Maple avenue, a girl, Jacauellne Dee. born May 18 at the residence. Gats To Mr. and Mrs. Char les Gats of Monmouth, a seven pound son, born yesterday at the Bungalow maternity home. Wanted Immediately 8 men with $400 to $10OO cap ital to invest in logging equip ment which will return $25 average per day's operation. Bee Tom Wood at Wood. Wheaton Motor Co. or Phone 0388. OUR CERTAIN-TEED ROOFS Can take it, they're Mlller Ised. Let ns give you a free estimate. Salem Paint & Roofing Co. We Guarantee Satisfaction 474 Ferry St. Vacuum Cleaners and Floor Waxers To Rent Call C810, Used Farnltnr . Department : 151 NorOi Hlg STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon. Friday Morning, June 9; 1933 1 ; in -- 1 "-fc Coming Events ' June 10 Annual Cascade area Boy Scout field rally, Sweetland field. 7 p. m. June 10 Willamette uni versity law college alumni la banquet here June 10 Statewide meet Ins; small truck operators, 2 p. m., Salem chamber of commerce. June 12 Adjourned meeting city council to con sider proposed amendments to city charter. June 15 Newly passed beer ordinance becomes ef fective here. June 17-10 Class-day, baccalaureate and com mencement exercises at Willamette university. June 10 Annual election all non-high school districts in county; board of educa tion for these districts to be picked. June 10 City school elec tion, 2 to 7 p. m 220 South Commercial street. June 20-22 G. A. R, and affiliating bodies annual en campment. June 24 Artisans to hold "Covered Wagon" campaign meeting; banquet 8 o'clock. Fraternal temple; large at tendance of out-of-town Ar tisans expected. June 23 Missouri An nual picnic. Municipal auto park. July 24-26 Annas En campment, Spanish War Veterans. Sept. 4-0 Oregon state fair. Al Pierce Visits Al N. Pierce, formerly of the Marlon hotel and later manager ot the Hotel Ben ton of Corvallis, was in Salem yes terday calling on friends. Al is go ing to Mt. Baker to manage the Mt. Baker lodge which is owned by the Adolph Schmidt interests. The lodge is on the flanks of Mt. Baker out from Bellingham, Wash., and is one ot the popular resorts of the Puget Sound coun try. Boys and Girls on Air Marion county 4-H club boys and girls who will attend 19th annual 4-H club summer school at Corvallis this month, will be heard over KOAC between 4:45 and 7:30 p. m. Wednesday night, June 14. During the course of the school, representations from each coun ty will be on the air. Sues for $3000 A 1 b e r 1 1 n. e Krenz, for herself and as admin istrator of the estate of the late Emil Krenz, yesterday filed suit in circuit court against William J. and Nora S. Nevens, asking Judgment for $3000 on a mort gage note allegedly past due. In terest has not been paid since April, 1930, plaintiff alleges. No Meeting Friday No meet ing will be held Friday for the junior division of the Salem stamp society. Joseph Weber, Jun ior advisor, announces no further meetings will be held until fall when the group will be reorgan ized. Going to Seabeck Veva Gar rett and Amelia Schrack of the Willamette university T. W. C. A., . . . a i',i like thtsM&Wdrtn?:k ttr. . :-; A SIXCOUPLES GET E TO Beat "Gin Marriage" law by One day; Notice to be Required, 3 Days Anticipating the "gin marriage" law which becomes effective to day, six couples took out wedding licenses yesterday at the county clerk's offices here. Hereafter ap plicants must apply, wait for a three-day period to pass, and then receive their official permit to wed. Couples licensed Thursday were: William F. F easier, 27, Wood burn, a farmer, to Gladys Irene McGee, 25, Mt. Angel, a teacher. Leo M. Buchhart, Mt. Angel, a farmer, to Mame Mackll, Mt. An gel, a housekeeper. Donald Schoenborn. 22, Oregon City, route three, a farmer, to ona A. Cordill, 24, Molalla, a teacher. James A. Bottrell, 33. 1145 N. 13th street, Salem, a salesman, to Alma Marie Green, 28. 1180 North 15th street, a sales lady. Charles B. Carves, 13. Pilot Roek, a teacher, to Mary Opal Hoskins, 23, Stanfield, a teacher. Emil Otjen, 22, 818 Rural ave nue, a laborer, to Ethel Mae Nich ols, 20, 2209 Mill street, a house keeper. Marion S. Allen Funeral Service Today at Albany Funeral services for Marion S. Allen, nromlnent citizen nt Al bany, who died at his home Mon day, June 5. will be held at the Albany First Methodist church Friday, June 9 at 2 o'clock. The body will lie in state from 1:30 to 2. Mr. Allen, formerly a .rail road man In Wisconsin, came to Oregon in 1901. and hn fnr, lived In the vicinity of Jefferson ana-AiDany. plan to attend the annual sum mer conference held this seaann at Seabeck, Wash., June 17 to 27. Miss Schrack will lead a discus sion group on worship at the con ference. Land Bank Sues The Federal Land Bank of Spokane yesterday secured a foreclosure decree on mortgage allegedly past due. De fendant named was Max Schar bach and 20 others. The princi pal of the mortgage is 13246. Acres covered total 80. Einzig Away William Einzig, secretary of the state board of control, has been in eastern Ore gon the last two days, stopping at The Dalles where the state tuber culosis hospital was visited, and then going on for an Inspection of the state hospital for the In sane at Pendleton. Picnic Today Freshmen at Willamette university will hold their annual picnic today, Lois Underwood and Kenneth Manning hajing charge. Trucks will leave the campus at 4 p. m. for River side park, where the festivities will be held. ctaarette w.v-'. v.v.s- 5s .-. -."VV- .. ...".-.v. "T."0":ou-S-a,".,i.-.'.'. V""'" " 'V."'", " ' LICEHS ID V X - v V - f ' ' v ' s i :: r Obituary Hutchinson At the residence. Sit Mill street. Wednesday, June 7, Mrs. Helen Hutchinson, aged 27 years. Survived by widower, Robert Dall Hutchinson of Salem; son, Robert Jr.; daughter Annabel Louise; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Toose; sister Annabel Parkmand Toose; brother, Fred J. Tooze Jr., all of Salem. Funeral services from the chapel of the Clough Bsrrlck company, Friday, June 9, at 4:15 p. m. with Dr. Grover C. Blrtchet officiating. Interment In Belcreet Memorial park. Ackerson, Mrs. Katie May Ackerson at the residence on route 1, Rlckreall. Tuesday, aged 59 years. Survived by daughters, Mrs. E. Wiedman of Tachats, Ore., Miss Alma Ackerson of Rlckreall; sons. John Garinger of Hood River, Calvin Garinger of Milwaukee, Fred Garinger of Rlck reall. Funeral services from the chapel of the Clongh-Barrick com pany. Friday, June 9, at 1:30 p. m. with interment in Lee Mason cemetery. La ma At the residence. 580 Center street early Thursday morning, Violet M. Lama aged 38 years. Wife of E. C. Lama, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Snelgrove; mo ther of Ada Gene and Warren Lama; sister ot Max Snelgrove of Salem and B. B. Snelgrove of Blackwell. Okla., and Mrs. M. L. Cherry of Salem. Funeral services Irish Wmg Iroeoiry o. 294 N. Commercial .Lfaith le home erfhant fr keeping faith in you by building your lo cal community in using local and home-grown products. Try THE STORE WITH LOW PRICES EVERY DAY Red. Mex Beans 10 lbs Rice Broken Head 5 lbs. 39c 19c re reals Kerrs Plour and Cereals Graham Sk Whole Wheat Sk. Hot Cake Sk Corn Meal Sk Crack Rolled Wheat Whole Wheat Flakes 29c 29c 39c 23c 39c 23c Kerrs White Eagle 93c 45c 45c Hard Wheat Flour Pure Cane Sugar 10 lbs Certo 2 bottles The real pectin .. -:. . ft v ' 1 " . w xj. x ' - t . : .-. . : . : . s. ::::" s N - - V X - T-' -x : , N ' r s 7 ' " i J will be hejd from the W. T. Rig- aon ana eon mortuary on Friday, June 9 at 2 p. m. Weil Af the residence. C57 Chem- ekeU street. June 7, Rev. Fred Albaa Well. Survived by the wi dow, Ellen Eliot Well, one son Thomas Eliot Well of Washing ton, D. C. and one danchter. Janet Hobart Weil of Salem. Fun eral services from the Portland crematorium Friday, June 9 at 2 P. m. with Rev. W. G. Eliot of ficiating, under the direction of Clough-Barrlck company. Please omit flowers. Hicks Jacob Edward Hicks, passed away at a local hospital Jane 5 at the age of 7C years. Funeral announcements later, from the Clough-Barrlck company. Bowman to Head Up Oregon Home Mission Council PORTLAND, Ore., June 8. fAP) Dr. Harold L. Bowman of Portland was chosen president of the Oregon Home Missions coun cil at the annual meeting and executive session of the group here. He will succeed Dr. M. A. Marry of Salem, who presided at the meeting today. The council decided to sponsor a state pastors' conference early this fall and at a still later date, a second regional conference of pastors at Salem. St 4 Deliveries Silver Bar Tomatoes No. can OA 3 for zyc Golden Bantam Corn No. 2 can 3 for I... Salad Oil Qt. Jar Rinso Large pkg Crown Kitchen Queen Flour. 49s 29c 29c 19c Just arrived! A car of Salt from the Morton Salt Co. We have any kind you need. Also Hay Salt. Table Salt HKr (Towel) 50 lbs DC Half Ground Salt H. G. 3-4 Ground H. G. Hay Salt 47c 49c 47c We Are Your Friend and Neighbors PAGE FIVE 7000 SCHOOL VOTE BALLOTS Seven thUMad ballots lave been ordered for the school elec tion June 19 ia this county, Mrs. Mary L. Fu!keron announced yes terday, and added that more sciy be needed if requests for larre numbers of ballots keen comic g to her office. Many inquiri are being m&ce about the qualifications for voting on directors of the new board of education or for local school of ficers. The qualifications are: Tte voter mast be a full fledged citi zen of th United States, firtt ro pers do not permit voting; muM be 21 yesr old or over; uum be resident of the state six mortbc; must be resident of the district 3 days immediately prior to the elec tion. To vote oa the annual cbofl budget, in first and second el districts votr must have tfcflr names on assessment rolls as I1 as having the above qualification. Anyone who U bead of a family and has th above qualIficatlor.f may vote on the budget In a tbiid class district. CmCrlESTERSILLS SOLS ST BSPC6BTS ITUmuf hm. in mi. turn. Umw w , Phone 3527 FEED & PRODUCE DEPT We have one of the best and most complete lines of feed that can be manufac tured. Try us and see! Mill Run Kerrs White. SO lbs. ... 89c Grd. Henchin Barley. 100s . Ground Oats Fine for cows. $1.25 $2 15 Hodgen Brewster Dev. Mash. Milk Oil -1 and Green 3)J.D Dev. Mash Without milk $2 05 Hodgen Brewster Egg Pro ducer. Milk Oil Q- QQ and Greens .... tJ)JL0 Hodgen Brewster Lay well Mash. Milk oil &-t Q and Green. 3)XU7 A- -v-::: .v:vv;.vs tt TV A tm Uli u r-iaii t fJC. fWVa ..'' "- - Or -vLJl"e mill tth hh V Sk TrL!'" ' V I L cfrtTTuirVrttas iaws V. .X. I mnmm raw WJ. Ismrr ft Urns Toabxo Da, i V