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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1933)
! f 1 i 1 f i - The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, June 9, 1933 - . . PAGE THREE ' FiBIlTO . BE GUESTS. BETHEL ; . County Meet Planned for 1 st Of July; Varied Topics I Are Discussed The committer to purchase canning supplies is Mrs. J. M. Nichols' Mrs. A. L. Schuls and Mrs. Wv ti' Creech.- Mrs. Cass Nichols and Mrs. A. I. Eof f served refreshments. . BETHEL. June 8 At the meet Ins of Bethel local of the Farm ers Union Saturday night plans were made for entertaining the Marions county convention Satur day, July 1, at .Eethel. : J. R. Carruthers was appointed chair man of arrangements and Mrs. A. C. Spranger, chairman in charge of serving th dinner. Homer Young of the Union Oil company cooperative, of North Kansas City will be on of the speakers. The I following new members have Joined Bethel local: A. P. Fellows. Klein Brothers, Arthur Johnson and Bert Leach. State Meet Reported E. A. Rhoten, delegate from the local, and Mrs. J. R. Carrnth ers; delegate from Marion coun ty, gave Interesting reports of the state convention at Dallas. A. R. Mathys of Central Howell local reported on the oil situation. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Schuls are to take charge of the Farmers Union hooth at the state fair. They will select girls from Bethel local w(ho will sell ice cream pro ducts and soft drinks- ".: ,t , - rr rr Hops Appear Good; Logan Price Higher W A C O N D A, June 8. Guy Smith has been busv this week spraying his hop yard for downy mildew. In spite of cool weather hop yards in this community are look ing fine. Warm 'weather, how ever, is being looked forward to by most growers. Loganberry patches are in full bloom and give promise of a good yield. The price is expected to be fair, five cents a pound. A number here have contracts with Salem canneries. They will re ceive the prevailing price. WINS 3IUSIC DEGREE SILVERTON, June 8. Silver ton friends are interested to learn that Benjamin Edwards received his degree of master of music at the University of Southern Calif ornia. He is an instructor in the music department in one of the junior colleges in the Los Angeles community. Prof. Edwards has visited at Silverton a number of times and has given several, con certs here. He Is a twin brother of Prof Joseph O. Edward of Park land, Wash.x -who recently con ducted the Pacific. Lutheran col lege choir at Silverton In concert. ELLIOTT'S NEW LOCATION Just Opposite Millers on Court St. Specials for Three Days Selling Friday, Saturday and Monday 9-4 Unbleached Sheeting, yard . 15c 81x99 Acme Sheets While they last . . . 49c 81x99 Savoy Sheets CQn Standard quality ... OSfC 81x99 Golden Gate Sheets. Linen finish. The pick of them all Only $1.00 Sheets and Cases With Colored Borders Set $1.29 Imported Chenille Rugs Buy now at these low prices: 18x30 only 89c 24x30 only .......... .59c 24x48 only 75c Bates Cotton Spreads. New Jacquard design. All colors. $1.98 39 In. Figured Lawns. Fast Colors. 19c value, in While they last, yd.. 1UC Elliott Dry Goods Co. 337 Court Street Excella Patterns, 10c - 15c 25c -: " i ' 935 S. Commercial , . li Prices Effective Friday, Saturday and Monday, June 9-10-12 - Open Till 9 p.m. Daily 6 & IP - i - Fresh Extras, Every Egg Guaranteed, dozen ll I All Puroose Blue I r Seal Family Flour LS 49-lb bag Crystal White, P & G Naphtha, 10 bars Pure Cane 10 pounds This' price is good from 7 a.m. to 12 noon Sat urday only. SYRUP Max-i-muM Cane & Maple, quart jar ... MAYONNAISE Best Foods, Pint Jar . j.S()( PANCRUST TTVsrd Vegetable Shortening, pound can ' Vi . SHREDDED Package SNOWFLAItES 2-lb. box ... SWEET NUBBIN (Pickles) Quart Jar .... MALT Buckeye, can Coiee Nob Hill Being demonstrated Fri day and Saturday. Spe cial price. Q&MfflSfSS meired 2 tall tins o 2g Butter Kernel Corn The wh.t rrf " 2. Obtain Your Fresh Fruits and Vegetables From Pay 'n Talrit Salem's Leading Produce Department Dacaacaac Golden Ripe ; lbs. GANGES Fancy Med. Size, Full of Juice 51c ea. New Peas Fresh from The Dalles lbs. BEE1TS Fresh Local bunches IN OUR MARKET THIS WEEK-END Boneless BEEF CUBES ' Pound 15c SHORT RIBS Fine for Braising, lb. 9y2c ; BOILED HAM Supreme OKa Quality, lb. OC Top Quality Beet the best we could bay Sirloin T-Bone . - Choice Arm and Shoulder Cuts PORK ROAST 12V2C Choice Lean Cuts, lb. SLICED BACON 25c Eastern Sugar Cur ed, no rind, lb. SPRING FRYERS 19c Fresh Dressed lb. 3 15 Inch attractlre bars with ilpper tops. Ideal for carrying swimming salts, etc. Black or tan. Seech Sport ;Bago A raise erent teatoxing handy bac and cases for town and racation use. You'll want at least one. - J Suede Duffel vcroiglxtBags -Bags ( Capacious 18 Inch brown or tan sued bag with zipper top. Fine to carry sport things. 50c Tube Ipana Toothpaste 25c 50c Frostilla Lotion, only 23c 60c Mum Deodorant, special 33c 1-Ib. Straw. Cleansing Cream 29c 25c Mermen's Talc for Men 14c 25c Melbaline Shaving Cream 9e 1 Pint Kitchen Hand Lotion at 9c 25c W illiams Lilac Talcum 9c $1 Louis Philippe Powder at 39c 25c Fitch's Shaving Cream 13c 50c Cutex Hand Cream, only 29c 16-oz. Sazon Almond Lotion 29c $1 Piver's Fave Power at 79c 60c Wildroot Wave Set, only 29c 50c Tube Kolynos Toothpaste 25c 50c Woodbury's Shampoos at 24c 60c Size Italian Balm for 39c 35c Ingram's Shaving Cream 19c $2 Pinaud's Face Powder 98c $1 Pond's Cold Cream, only 59c 50c Deodo Powder Deodorant 39c 50c Nourishine Shampoo at 29c 60c Glostora Hair Dressing at 39c 40c Dr. West's Toothpaste 19c 50c Frostilla Shaving Cream 19c 50c Milkweed Cleansing Cream 29c Vt-b. Velma Theatrical Cream 15c 4-oz. Squibb's Antiseptic 12c $1 Hind's Honey and Almond 69c $1 Hopper Restorative Cream 59c $1 Dona Rosa Face Powder 69c 35c Cutex Preparations at 27c $1.50 Colo Hair Coloring 89c 50c Marchand's Hair Wash 33c $1 Lustex Hair Tonic, only 59c $1 Houbigant Bath Powder 59c $1.50 Houbigant Bath Salts 79c 50c Santiseptic Lotion at 33c 50c Tanite for Sunburn 39c 50c Palmer's Almomeal at 39c 25c Golden Glint Hair Rinse 15c 60c Djer Kiss Face Powder 39c 50c Creme DeMeridor 19c $1 Liquid Arvon for Hair 69c 75c Hopper's Face Powder' 49c 1-lb. Sweet Pea Talcum at 15c 50c Assorted Melba Creams 35c 60c Neet Depilatory, only 39c At Toiletry Dept. (No Mail Qrders, No. C. O. D.'s, No De Mrerles, No ReserrationB.) Black or tan- lined cases complete with lock and keys. 10". 15". and 18" sixes. Orer 100 highest quality ar ticles at deep-cut prices. And in addition to these many Bar ings, we meet competitire prices for equal quality goods. You are sure to save on erery purchase! Rubber Tea Aprons Neat rubber tea aprons in assort ed solid colors. Daintily ruffled. Has handy pock et. A sensational value! While they last to go at 7c each. lOiclsbiral 1 V - 72"x36" Bo actt Towels Huge, gayly-striped, beach tow els to use for a spread or wear as a cape. The season's smart est beach accessory. 'Soft-Spun quality. 69c each. Dr. Scholl s Foot Relief 35c Pedicreme, only 29c 35c Foot Balm for 27c 35c Corn and Callouse Pads 27c 50c Bromidrosis Powder 39c All Purpose Rubber Cu shions. Only 29c Porous soft sponge rubber Handy for office chairs, bath room, boats, etc. Garden Hose 50-ft. Igths. Guaranteed 2 Years $3.39 Superior, wo ven, r u b b er garden hose complete with couplings. Prices For Friday Thru Monday 85c Jad Salts for Reducing 49c 2-oz. Al-Caroid Powder at 39c 85c Radox for Foot Baths 59c $1 Jackson's Anti-Acid Pwd. at 59c $1.20 Eno Fruit Salts 79c 60c Size Bromo-Seltzer at 39c Lb. Merck Phosp. of Soda at 33c 8-oz. Upjohn Citrocarbonate at 98c $1.25 Smith's M. A. C. 98c $1.20 Size Sal Hepatica at 69c $1.25 Tanlac Spring Tonic 89c $1.35 Dr. Pierce's Remedies 77c $1.25 Hood's Sarsaparilla - 98c $1.25 B. L. Tonic at 79c SI. Beef Iron & Wine at 59c $1 Adlerika Eliminative, only 63c 11- oz. Ovoferrin Tonic at 89c $1 Fellow's Hypophosphates at 89c $1.15 Swamp Root Remedy at 89c $1.25 S. S. S. Blood Tonic at 79c 16-oz. Iron, Qu and Sulphur at 89c 14-oz. Steam's Tonic at 79c 16-oz. Eskay Neuro-Phos. at $1.59 $L Ass't Dr. Miles Remedies at 63c $1.50 Allenrhu Remedy at $1.39 8-oz. Neobovinine 20 only 98c $1.25 Haliver Oil Capsules at 83c 1 Pint Russian Mineral Oil at 29c $1.25 Bon Kora Reducer, only 79c $1.25 Absorbine Jr. Antiseptic 77c $1.25 Agarol for Constipation at 87c $1 Nujol Lubricant, only 59c $1 Ironized Yeast Tablets at 63c 1 pint Milk of Magnesia at 15c 12- oz. Squibb Cod Liver Oil at 79c 1 Pint Norway Cod Liver Oil at 29c $1 Adex C. L. O. Tablets at 79c 10-lb. Epsom Bath Salts at 33c 1 Pint Fred Meyer Olive Oil at 39c 1 Pint of Witch Hazel at 19c $1.50 Size Petrolagar for only 86c 100 Saccharin Tablets, only 15c 100 Cascara or Hinkle Pills at 15c 1 pound Flax Seed or Meal at 9c 1 pound New Sassafras Bark at 21c 1-lb. 20-MuIe Boric Acid at 19c 50c Unguentine Ointment at f 29c At Toiletry Dept. (No Mail Orders, No. C. O. D.'s, No De liveries, No Reservations.) 70c Shaving Value 35c Colgate or Palm- All for olive Shaving Cream, f 25c Talcum and 10c AMP Styptic Pencil. Commodity Prices Continue to Advance Buy Your Future Needs Now Rosedale Full Slice NBC Graham Crackers or Snowflakes b 23c Pineapple 2 M.J.B.Coffee 2Y2 cans lb. can 25c 30c ilb. can only 75c Sunkist Oranges Nice Size Sweet Navels 2 OZ Arizona Grapefruit Sweet, Seedless 5 for 19(5 39 Oregon Peas Exceptionally Nica 31bs. 10c Fresh Tomatoes 2 lbs. 15c New Potatoes California's Best 10 lbs. 25c Cucumbers Oregon Hot House 3 for 10c Tobacco Camels, Lucky Strikes, O. G. and Chesterfields Ctn of 200s 99c, Pkg. 10c Hurley Burley, 14 oz. tin 49c Roll Rite, 14 oz. pkg. 5c 3 tins 15c Half & Half And One 50c Briar Pipe All for 49c Luxury Cut Plug Tobacco 1 lb. tin 75c - l2 lb. 39c White Rolls, 3 for 25c Rocky Fords, $1.39 bx 50s 7 for 20c Candy Sphinx Chocolate Cover ed Cherries, attractive 1-lb. box 29c Jelly Beans, lb. .15c Striped SHnts, lb 19c Spiced Midgets, lb-.19c Gum and Life Savers 5 for 15c Van Camps Pork & Beans 3 1 4c Blue Ribbon Malt Syrup 3 53c "Daintie Bits" Grapefruit t,2 9c P & G Laundry Soap 5 SS 11c Alber s Flapjack Flour g. 1 7c Libby's Tomato Juice4t!"s25c Canned Milk Carnation 5 cans 27c Mrs Stewart's Bluing bot. 11C Nalleys Mayonnaise tl 25c French's Mustard 11c Calo Dog Food 4 T 25c Maraschino Cherries (2 oz.) 2 bottles 15c Cut All Green Asparagus, 4 small cans 29c L of V. Sliced Beets (No. 2 cans) 2 for 17c . Stewart Pimentos (22-oz- cans) 2 for 15c Alaska Ice Pack Crab Meat ( cans) 23c Pure Vegetable Shortening, 3 lbs. for 25c Josephine Tomatoes, 2 large cans for 29c King Oscar Kippered Snacks, 4 cans 15c Ralston Rye-Krisp, large package for 32c S & W Artichoke Hearts, small cans 10c Lynden Chicken Dressing, large cans 6c Jell-Well Dessert, 3 assorted pkgs. 14c Libby's Fancy Peas, 2 No. 2 cans 29c Globetrotter Sardines, each can 5c Balco Malt Syrup, per can 43c Sanifush, per can 21c At Fred Meyer Grocery Department 170 N. Liberty Street We reserve the right to reasonably limit quantities. (Between State and Court Streets) l ib. box - ..29c 2-lb. box 55c 4 . r