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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1933)
) tA(JE TWO Iffl-IPMSS. 'Pussyfoot' Johnson, Thom as Gales to Speak at - First Methodist Church A mast ! meeting of Salem .elti iena will , be held Sunday night at 7:S o'clock In the first Metho dist church auditorium when Wil liam'. K "Pussyfoot Johnson and Thomas, W. Gales, former-state auperintendent of the AMI . Sa loon league of. North Dakota will apeak In opposition to. repeal of the 18th amendment.- The two men are ion a statewide- tour, working against Oregon's repeal In the July. 21 Tote on the ISth amendment. ,: Gales will speak first, hie topic being "Bring Up the Reserves." ' He comes to Salem as a man who has deyoted the greater part of bis life to & fight against -the Ilqnor evil. At first a detective : engaged in liquor law prosecu- tlons in Montreal, Canada, he ; later became a minister, and then an anti-saloon worker in Wiscon sin and North Dakota. "Pussyfoot" Johnson has Tor year been Internationally prom inent in campaigns against liquor. Ue started his work as a federal investigator under President Theodore Roosevelt in Oklahoma territory. Years later he lost an ye when a hoodlum threw a rock at him in the streets in London. Admirers in that city raised a fund to pay him for his injury and the king sent, a message of sympathy. Johnson thanked the king, sent the money to a hospital for the blind and declared that his remaining eye could see the world go dry. Johnson is now on a nation -wide tour, speaking against re peal. His meetings are under the; g A won Owned Tneacen 1 ft Today and Saturday The Big Laugh Show Is Here! Also Comedy, News, Cartoon Comedy and Harry Carey and Rex in "The Devil Horse." Special Mickey Mouse Matinee Saturday 1 ;30 pm Bandar, Monday A Tuesday FIRST SHOWING, SALEM THE THRILL PiCTURE with the new sensational star of 'Cavalcade" Diana Wynyard LEWIS STONE PHILLIPS HOLMES RUTH SELWYN ueissu in lk : TODAY & SATURDAY All the Drakes Had i A Wild Streak! Something bad In them. Headstrong, proud, u n r n I y. Their punishment ifor being Drakes and looking down ! on others. AND S HE WAS A : wd ft w t j ittUViV Positively V,v Not Recom. mended for Children. r ; M1 i t ? . ?-i.-- - Mickey Mouse Matinee Saturday, 1 p.m. SPECIAL FEATURE HOOT GIBSON IN TIIE iTOE MOUOTED CHAPTER F ANCY r i Coming f oElsinorc Theatre t. j Monday, June 12 One Day Only matinee 35c yaadovillo H IN ADDITION TO 1 n r issmiii in IH mill - ' - - - - -- fa,a7 J DRY SPEAKERS (' ye 0 William E. "Pussyfoot" Johnson, a Dove, internationally known anti-liquor speaker, and Thom as W. Gales, Fargo, North Da, koto, both of whom are to speak at a meeting here Sun day night at 7:30 o'clock. auspices of the anti-saloon or ganizations, local, state and na tional. F Recent amendments to the fed eral Dublic works hill huva In. creased Oregon's share of funds for highway construction to ap proximately $11,400,000, J. M. Devers. attorney for the state highway commission, telegraphed from Washington Thursday. The bin is now before the senate. Devers declared in his telegram that Oregon would receive $7, 000,000 for state highways, 4, 000,000 for forest roads and about $400,000 for roads on public lands. As a res nit of chance In thn original bill Devers said the ad ministrator would take no further action on the five coast highway bridges until it was approved. The state already has made applica tion for a direct grant of 30 per Cent and loan of 7ft nor font fnr the construction of these bridges. The total cost was estimated at $3,400,000. Manila, P. I., is warring on gangsters. V ft 'i - 'm Pffcacntatioa FEATURE PICTURE - 5 I V OREGON 1 ROAD FUNDS RAISED The PBOBE 15PLACEQ Progressive League to Hold Meeting Tuesday Night; 100 Members Signed The sewly organised Oregon Progressive league, a gronp start ed hero In Salem, is to hold' a public meeting next Tuesday night in Shrode'g hall, 12 th street. Byron. Conley and Roy R. Hewitt will bo the-principal speakers. The league has set as a speci fic objective the investigation of "misplaced relief in conjunction with the county court and other relief agencies. "No communist or banker" shall be eligible to membership, according to the league's constitution. W. G. Brown of Salem, presi dent of the new group, aald there were 100 men already in Its membership with 2000 members the aim for Salem. Joe Jacobs is secretary of the league and Mr. Haskins is treasurer. The league has been formed over a period of several months. Brown said yesterday, most of the meetings being held in homes. Now more members are to be in vited to Join and public meetings will bo held. Ten - specific objects of the league set out in its constitution are: 1. To assist all needy to gain the necessities of life. 1. To register all doctors that nr rr p t nmcr o Pegasus . . . the Flying Horse . el World-Wide Socony -Vacuum Symbol - 1 7 -.e. - ,M . YOUTX ENJOY GENERAL 4 FUPC FEST 0 I OtlS a'cUck, tUmdmy, T Malay, 1 HkThanday mi TtUty Enalaa The Oid Favorif MEMORY LANE tery TWmIh BMba 7ilS M 7i4S atW Perdaad-KOMO Saattla - Pacific Standard (Diianclkir GENERAL OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, June 9, 1933 have signified, their intention to help tho needy. v ' .,t;To interview all attorneys and fudges for .tho purpose of preventing mortgage foreclosures. 4. To increase working condi tions and raise tho standard of living. ' ' i : 5. To increase work and to ahorten working hours, t. 6. To uphold all Just lavrg. 7. To assist in the repeal of all unjust laws. 8. To cooperate with any or ganizations that conform with our principals. 9. To aim at all times toward the municipal ownership of all public utilities. 10. To abolish interest on mon ey or if interest la to be collected, the state or government to be beneficiaries. 11. To work for tho re-estab-llshment of a government, of tho people, for the people and by the people. Labiih Center Man Goes to Pastorate In Everett, Wash. LABISH CENTER, June 8. Rev. H. R. Schenerman, who has served as pastor here for the last four years was assigned to Ever ett, Washington, by the Oregon Evangelical Conference Sunday. He will hold his farewell service hero next Sunday afternoon at S o'clock. Word has been received from D. R. DeGrosa and son, Robert, who are now touring the middle west, where they will stay for the summer, that they have acquired a 180 acre place near Ontario, KBQ Tfaso Fill up your Tank - Let your Engine Decide PETROLEUM CORPORATION O F .CALIFORNIA ASOCOHY-VAC IIUH, CO MP AN V mo DIVORCES ARE II E Two divorces were granted here Thursday by Judge L. O. Lewell ing. Lulu If; 8urridgo was granted a decree from George D. Sarrldge, to whom ahe was married in April. II Jl. She wai also granted the right to use her maiden name of Lola M. Coin. She told tho court Surrldge used Indecent language and was cruel to her. Myrtle Carson who married L. C. Carson in July, If 81. at Van couver, Wash., secured her mari tal freedom and the restoration of her maiden name of Myrtle Robertson. She alleged her hus band deserted her. L. Hockett Named To Chiropractic Examiners Board Lloyd L. Hockett of Salem yes terday was appointed by Governor Meier as a member of tho state board of chiropractic examiners for tho three year term. Ho will succeed Dr. W. Boyd Whyte of Pendleton, whose term has ex pired. L. Jounnault of Stanfield waa appointed Justice of tho peace of Oregon. They will make their home there next fall. en e ids SttfflffUflim The Call Board Dj OLIVE M. DOAK KLSIXORE Today Miriam Hopkins in 8hame of Temple Drake." GRAND Today Tim McCoy in "Man of Action." HOLLYWOOD Today George Sidney and - Charlie Murray in "The Cohens and Kelly's in Trouble." tho Stanfield district in Umatilla county. Reappointment of A. R. Sawtell and P. W. Janney, both of Port land, as members of tho state board of accountancy, also was announced by Governor Meier. Scotts Mills to Hold Graduation The commencement exercises at Scotts Mills high school tontght will nark the completion of inch events throughout the county for te im-l3S school year. Mrs. Mary L. rulkerson, county school n per in tea dent, will present the diplomas. 6he aeid yesterday all grade schools had already com pleted their work. M " -ij-CSASOILDKIII (Eireffltieip !Mfllae wILUMETTE SENDS out me Envoys t A "Greater Willamette cam paign will be carried on through out tho northwest this summer, faeulty members and university students cooperating to tell the story of the university hero to prospective attendants at the school and patrons of tho insti tution. Tho student body was in formed of the program this week at a special chapel service. Herman Clark. W. C. Jones and R. S- Keene, faculty members, will cooperate with Dean Frank M. Erlckson in the summer work. The three first-named men will travel la tho northwest while Erleksoa will handle tho problems of prospective students from his office hero. r mar mmm uoie mcciroy Presents TED FIO-RITO and his N. B. C. - C. B. 8. World Famous Orchestra SALEM ARMOR? Mon, Jane 12th Ad Soaio special, students will bo aolocUd to help with tho work while all members of tho student body have been urged to use their influence to attract worthwhile students to tho campus here. JvifASTTST IAAM ALVT CM 1 CAmUXDU A 1 2 Comedies Sportreel Coming In Person KGW's Covered Vogpn Days i w w- mm 1 u 1 ' 4 t 1 1