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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1933)
Salem, Oregon, Friday, June 9, 1933 r 1 ; ' 3 Interesting: Facts Kenneth Perry says that all these special days are Just com mercial days. Just wait until he gets a Htt'.e older and he'll be glad to be remembered on Fath er's day. O The distribution of The States man today including the extra green section copies is o Father's Day a week from next Sunday. O A big day in Portland today hope the weather man is at least reasonable. ife iirji SAVE S to 2 New Fuscim&ttaBfire lfoy Paying Cash New furniture . . . desirable patterns, latest styles . . . can be purchased at Fidler's for savings of from 10 to 25. Cash does it! Shop here before you buy! ONLY A FEW EXAMPLES 8-pc. Walnut Dining Set, extension table, 6 chairs 2OQ OPC and Buffett jO 3-pc. Colonial Bedroom Suite, van ity, highboy and four Q PA poster bed in maple tpOU 2-pc. Mohair Davenport and, Chair, reverse QQ QK cushions tpe7 oUtf You may trade your used fur niture here. Use it as 1'ART PAYMENT ON your purchase. Fidler Fariiiture Store NEW AND USED 255 N. Commercial Tel. 8425 Varied Program to Be Given to Grange, Fairfield Friday FAIRFIELD, June 8 The rer- ular monthly meeting of Fairfield grange will be heid Friday night, Jane 9, at the hall. The serving committee is composed of Mrs. Frank Felton, chairman, Frank Felton, Mr. and -Mrs. Lawrence Ferschweiller, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam C. Forcier and Miss Sylria Forcler. The lecturer's program arrang ed by Mrs. Helen DuRette, lec turer, will include, song by Mrs. C. E. Allerback, recitation by Le la Runcorn. French harp selection by Jack Allenback. recitation by Norma Short, tap dancing by the Misses Florence and Joan Du Rette, recitation by Robert Run- corn. m Today and Saturday The Bis: Laugh Show Is Here! Standard Feed Co. 228 Ferry St. In S. P. Warehouse Tel. 6858 CASH TALKS Also Comedy, News, Cartoon Comedy and Harry Carey and Rex In "The Devil Horse." Special Mickey Mouse Matinee Saturday 1:30 pm Sunday, Monday A Tuesday FIRST SHOWING, SALEM THE THRILL PICTURE of mo mcse udjs as never ueiore, prom uy our casn prices. Wheat Z $1.25 Gr. Barley Z $1.25 rnvn Cracked or Ground (T-f rE? 100 lbs. , plOD Mill Run Z 90c DUiL DUTY iqoo LAYING PELLETS EGG MAKER "A Complete Ration" WAAtK loo"- $1.59 gt..$1.90 0, K. Poultry Litter Ba!.$2 50 Star Poultry Litter Bale Lk Alfalfa Hay .... .c. $1.10 Wheat Straw . . . .cwt .... 60c with the new sensational star of "Cavalcade" Diana Wynyard LEWIS STONE PHILLIPS HOLMES RUTH SELWYN ' Sun-Mon ""-'S Tuesday r - . l i ill ? J 'f:r Hill III : ( ii - in V II 1.A KH III unnn I II F r III V T flTTCW III II III J I II SUMMERVILLE and ZASU PITTS put you In K stitches in the I J FUNNIEST love story ever S screened. MIDNIGHT 1 SHOW I SAT. NIGHT II I 11:30 II ! 10)1 i QD"? ALL KUKSDaiT A HARRIOT, DEPW6RIC. Originators of Low Prices 351 State St. Fai?mmei?s' IPon1bfl&5 I IT I AM A MERCHANT not a speculator. That is why this market has not raised its prices. No .inflated values here. These are REGULAR PRICES, NOT "SPECIALS." 'Youns Pig Pork Roast Oclb Young Pig Pork Steak 11c lb "Flavorized" Sliced Bacon, per lb. ....15c 1933 MILK FED LAMB 1933 Leg o'Lamb 20c lb Lamb Chops 18c 111 your Community Owned Store Phone 9456 356 N, Liberty Farm Produce, Groceries, Crown Feeds NO PARKING RESTRICTIONS There may be profit in selling inferior meats, but there is no profit in buying them. Choicest Sirloin Good Steak Beef to Boil 15c lb 1 7c lb Grocery Dept. Durkee's Salad ? Oil " Absolutely Pure 1 gai 53c Bring container II. & D. JELLO All flavors fi oka f size pk OL SHRIMP 5-oz. tins 3 tins ,29c SALMON No. 1 tall can fj cans ,- - 29c POSTUM CEREAL Urge size 1 Q package JLU Crown Feed Dept CROWN KOMPLETE LAY MASH 100 lbs $1 85 CROWN LEADER EGG MASH 100 ib, $1 49 CROWN MILLRUN 80 90c WHEAT (Recleaned) 100 n. $1,25 GROUND BARLEY 100 .b, $1.25 ROLLED OATS 60.t 90c Fresh Ground Prime Beef Beef Roast 120 lb 8-10-12i2clb. "Flavorized" Hams, per lb 15c The result of 70 years experience in curing meats. The most delicious ham you have ever tasted. Sugar Cured Cottage Rolls 12' c lb Fine to Slice Sugar Cured Picnics ' lolli Deliciously Mild Best Margarine, 2 lbs. ............ 15c Pure Pork Little Links 10c It Pure Pork Sausag 12c lb Cabbage and Tomato Plants Selected cuts of choice young pigd, delicately seasoned - Out of consideration to our employes, we close at 6 pjn. On Saturdays at 7 p.m. HARRY M. LEVY, Prop. COFFEE Cascade Blend Freshly Ground d pounds 35c SALT 3 lb. sack 8C 8-Ib. sack 19e PICKLES Fancy Sweet Mixed lpint 17C ALBERS Flapjack Flour For Better Pancakes LARGE PACKAGE 17c FRYERS Dressed & Drawn POUND 25c OLEO Gem Nut 0 pounds 25c SOAP FLAKES Nas sours Castile d pounds 25c TUNA FLAKES Clear Water Brand No. 2y2 Size mA cans . 19c SUGAR Fine Granulated Cane 13 ib, 63c MALTED MILK Thompsons JL lb. can 37c 1 Paizle Party Free. Hours of fun for ereryone. (Not a jig-saw puzzle.) Wood Bros. Grocery THE HOME OF GREEN STAMPS 155 N. Commercial St. Tel. 9164 370 State Street NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERY All Flavors Gelatin Dessert, 4 pkgi. ..19c Fine Cane Granulated 10 lbs. ...... With purchase of $1.00 or over nr km c Hills Bros. Red Can X lb. can 5n5See 2 lb. can Of Oil I 59c Pure Apple Cider Vnimegai? Per gallon flDc Fresh Refined Highest Quality Safladl (5)511 Egc Bring Your Container Orange Pekoe & Pekoe. An English Blend of the Finest India Teas TEA V V2 lb. pkg. lb. pkg. 25c 49c Jo) 3AIM5&3 SITIREEir RHAlilXIST NOT A CHAIN STORE You'll find the foods you want at a price you won't mind paying at the MARKET Cocoa Malt One pound can 33c A BIG SHRIMP upment ot iancy large snnmp ana wnai a amerence mere is 9c per can is the price Goodness no! One of the boys looking at us write Big Shrimp says There ye go again, talking about Chain Store Ads. No, we were just thinking about the difference in canned shrimp. We have just received a shipment of fancy large shrimp and what a difference there Is in Shrimp. Once you try these large shrimp you'l never like the little shrimp again. Oh yes, almost forgot, well theyre very little higher than the little dried up kind Here are two of the biggest values in tomato juice we've ever had to offer our customers Del Rogue Pure Tomato Juice Medium size tin. Usually this size sells for 10c. Get a suply now at this low price 2 cans 11c Big No. 2l2 Pure Tomato Juice 10c Happy Vale Cut Stringless Beans 21c No. 2 cans 3 cans Fancy Golden Bantam Corn Size 303 3 cans 20c Armour's Veribest Dev. Bleat 5c size 3 cans 10c Size 3 cans lie 16c Chipped Beef In glass 11c Golden Key Milk 5c SUGAR 19 lb. 89c BROKEN TV 1 slice nneappie No. 2 cans 7V2c Sliced Pineapple Broken Bi Un 1 1 C Mortens Iodized Salt Recommended by the American Medical association for prevention of goiter, 26-oz. pkgs. 3 for 25c Amaizo Corn Starch, pound pkg., 2 for 9c Raisins, 8-oz. packages, 3 for 9c Jell-O, 2 packages 9c Armour's Pork & Beans, Med. Sz. 2 for 9c Walter Baker Cocoa, small pkg., 2 for 9c Rose Dale Medium Red Alaska Salmon tall can 9c Happy Vale WHITE SUGAR C om No.l cans 2 lor 9c PILLSBURYS - Old Mill Flour M-J B- COFFEE 49-lb. sk. 98c 3-lb. tins per lb. 25c Durkees Salad Aid Durkees Mayonnaise Qt. Jars 29c Pints 27c Qt. Jars 49c