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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1933)
0 The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning. Jane 9, 1933 pagkIeleven $: telFYmj aTWTSiff ITMDSBB H Business Directory Cards iu Urns dtroctory rw a monthly basis ouljr. Rats: 11.00 per Una per month. AUTO BRAKES 41k Paaek, the beak sad shimmy octo. 275 South CommoRjal Stroet CATERING CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 44S0. R. E. Notthnesa. CHIROPRACTORS DR. CX I SCOTT. PHC, Chiropractor. 356 N. Hhrh. TeL Re. IS7I. DRESSMAKING Exp. dressmaking- In your boms. ti.j Jay. Copy pictures. Tot 7884. FLORISTS CUT flowers, weddlnji bouquets tun ral wreaths, decorations. C. P. Brett haupt. florist. 677 Court. TeL 6304. ALL, kinds of floral work. Luts Flor ist. It til A Market TeL 9433. GLASS Auto and window class mirrors. TeL 0108. Walter J. Downs, 880 Breya. INSURANCE BECKS A HENDRICKS 183 N. High Tel. 494T COFFKY-SM1TH. gen. Ins. TeL 8612. LAUNDRIES THB NEW SALEM LAUNDRT THE WEIUER LAUNDRY U High - TeL 9lti CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY First in Quality and Service Telephone 3165 1264 Broadway LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired and traded. HAKRYW. SCOTT, "The Cycle Man" MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to home. Spring mattress J 8.00. Renovators and f umfctatora Hugs cleaned. Capital Bed dlng Co. Tel. 406a. 8030 N. Capttol New mattress mads to order, old remade ; carpet cleaning, sizing ; fluff rug weaving. Salem Fluff Rag & Mat tress Factory, a 13th Wilbur. TeL 441. Otto F. Zwlcker. Est. I91L, MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL, Pianos, radios, sew ing machines, sheet muslo and piano studies. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines. 432 Stale Street. Salem. MEDICINE Dr. Cas Lam Chinese Medicine Co. Hours Tuesday and Friday, 10:30 a,m. to 4 :30 p. m. 148 N. Commercial PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint A Roofing. 474 Ferry. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department, 216 S. CommerclaL . Tele phone 910L. REAL ESTATE BECKB A HENDRICKS, TeL 494T. W. H. URABENHORST A CO. H4 a Liberty St. TeL 4l. 80C0L0FSKY A SON 104-6 First Nat L Bk. Bldg. TeL T80T. STOVES STOVES and stove repairing. Stoves for sals, rebuilt and repaired. All kinds of woven wire fence, fascy and plain, hop baskets, hooks, logan books. Salem Fence sod Stove Works, 262 Chemeketa. TeL 47 T4. R a Fleming. TRANSFER CAPITAL CITY Traasfer Co. 224 State St. TeL 7771. Dlsulbutlng, for warding and storage eur specialty Get our rates. : rOR local or distant transfer storage, call 21IL Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland dally. TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITERS Adding Men. sold, rented, repaired. Underwood Agents. Cooke A Short. 61 Court. TeL 6664. WELL DRILLING R. A. West, 30 years experience. RTO . Bon 103 IS. TeL 110F6 Last Rites Are Said For Mrs. Lichte, 77, Prominent, Woodburn WOODBURN, June 8. Fu neral services lor Mrs. Elizabeth Lichte, 77. well - known resident of Woodburn, who died Monday, were held from the Christian church Wednesday afternoon; Rev. Dubersul officiating. Music was by the Lutheran church quar tet. Mrs. Lichte was born In Swit zerland. May 14, 1856. and came to America with her parents when eight years old. She was married In Illinois to Henry Lichte, who died 15 years ago. They came to Oregon 20 years ago, living near Mt. Angel for several years. She has lived In Woodburn the past 10 years. S arriving are two sons and three daughters, William and Frederick of Woodburn, Mrs. Rose Gibbons and Mrs. Dorothea Gibbons ot Woodburn, and Mrs. Margaret Miller ot Portland. One on. Joe. was killed In an aute- kaoblle accident several years' ago. Services were in charge of the Hall mortuary, with Interment In pelle Fassl cemetery. Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single Insertion per uce.lve Three Insettloas per line ..,.loe Six Insertion par lias., lie Dwm monta. per Bm...v MinlouuB charge ....... JUt Copy for this page ac cepted until :30 the even to,; barer pwbttcatton far classification. Copy re ceived after this time will be run under the heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assumes no financial responsibility for errors which may ap pear In Advertisements psb ilshed in its columns, and la cases where this paper Is at fault will reprint that part ot an advertisement la which the) typographical mistake ocean. The Statesman reserves the right to reject objee ttanal advertising. It far ther reserves the right to classify all advertising un der the proper classification. HELP WANTED FEMALE WOMEN Interested In earning mon ey sewing, write for details, p. o. Box 1478, Cincinnati. Ohio. FOR SALE Miscellaneous i....,..l.lVlVfL j.n ii-inrinf fwwwn. Fresh cniba now at Fldler's stand. Intersection Sllverton-Portland road. TOlr-t r! rn I MwitMAftn. Ta Prices that satisfy. D. C Wahlberg. Tel. 3504. lunch hour. Kitchen range, Rt. 1, Box 265, 63F15. 1 flat top office desk, 1 roll top of fice desk, filing cabluet, S office chairs, typewriter, law books. Mrs. W. S. Levens, 1145 N. Hth. Reelfaned white wliiter wheat. Tel. 7F33, R. J. lUckett, Wallace Rd. Box 159. 1 wood range, -heater, kitchen cab inet, beds, springs and mattress for sale or trade at 2095 X. Com'L ; WANTED Miscellaneous We pick up dead or worthless horses, cows, sheep, free of charge. Tel. 4869. - ...... -i-,-,-.--i nnrxru uxju . w - buii n nx L. hats, and shoes In good condition. High est prices paid. Star Exchange, IH H. Commercial St Phone 5948. MISCELLANEOUS Best hair cut Adults 20c, child., 16a. Two Mocks R of library. R Winter. FOR RENT ROOMS Modern room, garage, sip. porch, 1S7T Court St. Tel. 4S57. ROOM AND BOARD assJeBsaessssieaWs eje j s un. is" - i-- rjjXJSff Board and room for ladles. Close In. TeL 5678. 63 Court St. ajsssjs,sesWtsW j u r-r-i r-Lr J-Lr-vvyvJr,-rr-)r B. and R, near P. O. $20. TeL 5482. Room, board, nrlvatn hum. 177 S ComL 7 FOR RENT APARTMENTS Fur. 2 a apt, 2261 HaieL TeL 7684. Duplex apt., uofurn. 921 K. Wiater. Well furnished 3 room anartment. Garage. Adulta 476 N. CapitoL a -w a wsa a. ua mu va aai iMtcrtkba private bath, very nice, 1064 Oak SC ' Clean, neatly furnished apt., private bath. 646 Court St. TeL 6762. Nice furn. apt., 690 Vnlon. AsasMaamsasVajsStfeaPj Apts. $10 aiid up. 58 Center. 3 R. and bath, 263 N. Cottage. - - i-i-i-Mi-nivwwvwvwvvvwvwui Gentlemen, clean, 2-room. 255 Center. FOR RENT HOUSES Furn. and unfurn. housea R. A. Forkner. 1616 N Cottage. TeL 2031. 3r. bungalow, furn. 1218 Chemeketa. House, , also apta, 256 Division. Small bouse partly furn. 2130 Lee. Modern 7 room No. Cap. TeL 3516. -I -i- - -i i-, n wwri ri ri ri .n nru. "jnu i.n.i i ju 2 R. house and bath, partly furnish ed, 311.00 per mo. IncL water. 925 N. Church. FOR RENT 6-room modern house, 118.60 per month. TeL 6810. - . - 1 tfinnnn ixrxj-tj- Tljree room furnished house, garage. 385 Hood St. Phone 5636. FOR SALE Real Estate SNAP: 6 acres all plow land, well located, has three room house, chicken house, garage and woodshed. Price $1500. $50 cash, bat. $15 per mo. A KISAli BUI, SEE W. H. GRABENHORST at CO. 134 South Liberty Street THIS. HOME PRICED TO SELL Late built modern six room home. tile construction, paved st, N. front, full cement basement, furnace, fire place. Price 62600. $100 down, baL $35 per mo. ITS A BAROAIN. SEE W. H. GRABENHORST 4 CO. 134 South Liberty Street Good semi-modern 7 -room plastered residence, basement, fireplace, plumb ing, on two big lots covered with nut, cherry and ornamental trees and roses, grape arbor, near schools, nice view, going at depression price. Also two beautiful building lots 60x130 each with large fruit trees, block south Les lie brick school, at bargain, easy terms Owner. 765 Rural Ave. Phone 6854. Don't build until you see the two fine lots all In cherries, pears and ap ples, full bearing, one block south of Leslie Junior high school, nice view, level lots. 66x130 each. 8ell one or both cheap, easy payments. Owner, 76S Rural Avenue, phone 6851. BUT NOW $8400 Home For $3800 T room modern home, best of con struction. Only 6 blocks from state house, north. Small payment will han dle. CHILDS ft MILLER, Realtors . 344 State Street Phone 670$ HOME AND AN INCOME Close In property on large corner lot 71x100 ft, 6 apartments partly furnished, Owner wishes to leave and offers a real sacrifice at price of $3000, part terms CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 144 State Street Phone 4706. Reasonable 1 house at 469 Locust: 1 at 1690 N. Cottage, 1 at 2155 Myr tle, n. i, box Z27, saiem, ore. FOR SALE Real Estate Strictly modern S room bungalow, close In. Nearly new. A very choice home at only $3000.00, all furnished. Terms 5 Acres with modern 6 room bun galow near Salem. Price only $3800.00. Terms given. 60 Acre located north of Salem. aTl fenced and cultivated. Good Hop land. Bargain at $2500.00. Terms. J. F. ULRICH CO. Phone 8672 326 State Street Home bargains Neat 4 room house, garage, for only $400.00. 5 room modern house, modern ex cept basement for only $1200.00. 6 room delightful modern home, gar age, large lot, price $3600.00, terms. Close in 3 apartment house, a real snap for only $5000.00, will take small er house. Mt lvin Johnson or W. M. Pennington 275 State Street FOR SALE. LEASE OR WILL liUlLJi TO SUIT Choice corner suburban property. Ideal for store and station. Priced rea sonable. CHILDS at MILLER, Realtors 341 State Street Phone 6708 EXCHANGE Real Estate 1 , $700 first mortgage covering 40 Iota ' lanJ t0 xcnn" tar cit? C. SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. TeL 8902. FOR SALE FARMS " FOR SALE 7-1 0 acre with 6-room house, just Inside city llmlta Some irult, nuts, all in garden. Three blocks from school. 2175 Broadway. R. O Burton. ACREAGE ------- - - - - SS-A. Most all in cultivation. (East So-",'' 4"R- ho"s. hi, good road. tltOO. Give terms. DANDY SUBURBAN HOME Mce 6-R. plastered house, basement furnace, bath, toilet. Electric lights and water system. Fine well. 16-Uree bearing cherries and walnuts. Close in on paved road. Price cut to $3400. Give good terms. Better hurry. JAS. U SEARS. REALTOR 132 South High Street WANTED REAL ESTATE WANT TO BUY NOW From 20 to 40 arres north, must be reasonable priced. Have $500 to pay down, call at room 202, Oregon Bldg LIVESTOCK and POULTRY Wood, all kinds, call 4SF14, Smith Rubens. FOR SALE Jersey heifer. 3 yr. Fresh soon. Byron Ruddell, R, 1. In ilependence. N. of Kent! hall MONEY TO LOAN Bells of iVAn.ei larmony Heard over KOIN dally ring out a loan service that la really really different YOU GET THE FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE 6A7AO fJV It) 93(1(1 Beneficial Loan Society OF SALEM Room 119 New Bligh Bldg. 2nd Floor 518 State Street TeL 8-7-4-0 . . . - , PERSONAL LOANS If A Tim An 4ile-.... ninthly." When 111 ne'see uouibKAL INVESTMENT jgrat National Bank BISfc Pbone ISSt PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS oiAic iAN COMPANY 2 Oregon Building. 2nd Floor Office hrs. 1 0:0 A. M. to 6:30 P. M. Telenhone 77t o.,.. 7T gjg " - iinun o. Bol 1UW An nmrmnr m 1 r w. n A . lHmiIlln,y Installments. WILLAM ETTE LOAN CO State Ho. S-169. 60s uuwoaa uiug. xej, J5T7. MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce youi payments Ton keep the car P. A. EIKKR Cor. Uberty 8L and Ferry ons 4733 Salsm. Ore Private monev to innn nn mnA Mi estate security. Abrams and Ellis Inc.. 411 Masonic FOR SALE WOOD jZ-mm -----OUARAMTfttrn rtn-v j, . iiiin i Mi.ii.ri,i TeL EAOS RiImi BS,.i rr m . Cottage. WMWWO . . . . ........ .nnnn Ash. fir and oak. TsL K14S wry wooa $4 cord. TeL 6459. 16" dl-V Ol.ll. Vnnil ICA-r, old fir $2.50 load and dry planer wood, $2.60 load. Prompt delivery. At Tra cy's. Tel. 898. LOST AND FOUND FOUND Keys on ring. Tel. 3064. FOR SALE USED CARS McKAT'S USED CARS WITH AN O. IC THAT COUNTS 1926 Stude Coupe a dandy 4126.00 1929 Wlllys-Knlght Coupe 250.00 1929 Pont lac Sedan 295 00 1931 Ford Pickup 295 00 1929 Nash Sedan . 825 00 1932 Chevrolet DeLuxe Coupe 575.00 1932 Plymouth Sedan 645.00 1929 Chevrolet Panel Truck 325.00 1929 Chevrolet Truck 195 00 TERMS TRADES Open Evenings and Sundays McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 331 Center Phone 2189 430 N. Comt POLLY AND HER POOR, R WOULD GET Drr wood, nil Und, Tol 4iii DryoakT'efL,' V.00?n TeL 8708 ... .1.,-,-.-.-- xynn - IN TROUBLE THE very FIRST TIME HE TAKES HIS NEW XCAROLTT. ITX FOR SALE USED CARS ". '. - 1 ri n r nANTED Several light cars. Will pay cash. USED CAR EXCHANGE Terms Trades 642 Chemeketa . . PRICED TRANSPORTATION 1937 Oldsraobiieoaeh. Priced .... t? eU - 5.06 J2:! Sf Sport CouP "5-Oe" 1926 Oakland Coupe. "Real S"od." (s.o F"r- "P -0e Model T Ford Coupe . IT 56 Dodge Screen Delivery. "Good condition." , 85 00 !!H 9.h"v- T- Dump body 115.tl6 1927 Overland Coach 60 Can handle good milk, cow In trade. BORREGO'S 210 N. Liberty Tel. 2688. Radio Program tkdat, run 9 KOW rOgTUUTD 620 Ko 7:00 U. S. Nsry b.nd, NBC. 8:30 CroMCDti, NBC. :S0 Ooekiag school. 10:00 Arion trio, NBC. 10:30 Woman's Magnine of tke Air, NBC. 11:45 Five Csrd. NBC. 12:15 Waitern Farm and Hone hour. NBC. ' 12:45 O. M. Plummer. 8:00 The RolUckera, NBC. 8:20 Friendly chat. 4:30 Little Orphan Annie. NEC. 4 :45 Mahdi, the magician. 5:00 Echoes of the Palisades, NBC. 6:30 Firat Nighter, NBC. 7:00 Amot 'a' Andv, NBC. 7:15 Soloirt. NBC. :15 Charlea Hart, NBC. 9:45 Paul Carson, NBC. 10:15 Anaoa Week's orchestra, NBC. 11:00 Phil Harrii' orcheatra, NBC. 11:30 Gus Arnheim's orcheatra, NBC. KOIN PORTLAND 940 Kc. 6.30 KOIN" 1 Klock. 8:00 Billy Hay's orcheatra. CBS. 8:30 Concert Miniatures, CBS. 8:00 Marie, Little French l'riucest, CBS. 9:15 Ania Aita, CBS. 10:00 Commander Graham, CBS. 11:15 Alex Semler, pianiit, CBS. 11:30 Harrisbnrg Variety ahow, CBS. 12:15 Harry Biggs and Rose city trio. 12:30 U. S. Army band, CBS. 3:00 Feminine Fancies. DLBS. 5:00 Dick Aurandt, DLBS. 6:15 Modern male chorua, CE8. 5:30 K.lwin C. Hill, "Inside Story," CBS. 6:00 Lo HolU-Grace Moore, Hayton's orcheatra, CBS. 6:5 Freddie Rich end Columbiana, CBS. 8:00 Groric Hall's orchestra, CBS. 8:30 Joe Hayme's orchestra. CBS. 9:00 t!ug Arnheim'g orchestra. CBS. 9:30 Conquerors of the 8kT, DLBS. 10:00 The Cavaliera, DLBS. ' 10:15 Sport flashea. Gene Baker. 11:30 Johnny Robinaon's Jantien Bi-aeh orchestra. KOAC COBVALLIS 550 Ko. 6:30 Musical Openert. 6:45 Farm market reporta. 7:00 Morning meditations, led by Rev. Harold. 7:30 Sranning the headlines. 9:15 Music appreciation, Byron Arn old. 10:15 Organ melodies. 11:00 Better health ana longer life. 12:20 Prof. A G. B. Bosquet, "What to Do in the Garden." 8:30 Band concert. 3:30 Farm honr. 8:30 Dr. W. B. Anderton. "Interesting Objects in the Sky." 8:45 Byron d Arnold. RACK FROM IDAHO SCOTTS MILLS, June 8. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Blelenberg and family returned home Sunday from Idaho, where they visited Mr. Bielenberg's lather and other relatives for two weeks. CUT ALFALFA LABISII CENTER. June 8 Farmers who have alfalfa here have been cutting It this week and last. AT GRADUATION ' "TZ ' ; . ( I ! I f-Ji I 1 'v ir 1 v S I :AJ T f , , 9 ' - I r - n --- 1 (''.wl t ' -ii'f' f 11 1 I'm, L 1 . - Two scenes from the graduation exercises tt the U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis. At left President Roosevelt is shown presenting diplomas to members of the graduating class, while at right Midshipman Maurice Brown, of North Dakota, receives warm congratulations from Miss If arion Miller, of Annapolis, his fiancee. PALS J Bri-l-- lirAMMV LrCG.M Ure. p yt IKE! k 10 SETS OF EGG PIES REPORTED PORTLAND, June 8 (AP) There appeared two sets ot egg prices locally although they were not being openly quoted. Hot weather quality from the interior were helling 1 to 2c below prices established for western Oregon egs by the local co-ops. Much ot the Idaho stock was In the for mer class. There was no open change in the price for the day. That the organization was maintaining prices and selling an increased volume despite the lowering ol quotations by others was announc ed by Manager Reed of the co ops. Receipts were slowly decreas ing and a big loss in supply was due to be shown within the next 10 days. The market was ex pected to be more or less erratic on account of the weather. Qual ity eggs usually were firmly priced when hot weather eggs from the interior show a saggy tone. There was no change In butter prices whether for cubes or prints on the open market for the day. On the produce exchange the cube trade was fully main tained. Buttertat holds steady. PORTLAND, Juna 8 (AP) Market for live chickens was a trifl slow for light weight hens and for broilers but heavy hens continued steady. Turkeys were in call for dressed hens. First loganberries and raspber ries of the season were offered from Sacramento at $2 crate of 15 baskets. First Youngberrles were also received. Strawberries were held firm at $2.25-2.40 generally for Gold Dollars and $2.50 for New Ore gons. Some of the latter were 1 to 2 Inches in width and brought an extra quarter. Call fornlan around $1.75 crate. With a number of carloads of California pees still hanging around here on consignment, the local trade was demoralized with an increasing supply of local and The Dalles offerings, selling as low as 2c for the latter. Country killed calf market re mains firm. Lambs were In fully as good call as supply while hogs were about steady. There was a good call for beef. CELEBRATE SCHOOL'S CLOSE MONMOUTH, June 8. Chil dren of the training school have been celebrating the close of school with class picnics at Hel mick park and other places of outdoor. Interest. The seventh grade with their teachers Mrs. J. A. Cox and six of the mothers: Mrs. J. Cobb, Mrs. L. E. Forbes, Mrs. R. S. Johnson, Mrs. II. D. Ross, Mrs. A. H. Craven and Mrs. Velma Smith enjoyed & big day Thursday afternoon, swimming and games completing the fan fare of Jolly events. OF U. S. MIDDIES STRAWBERRIES FIRM AT 12.1, Still The Lesser Evil LABISH GROWERS WAGE HOT FIGHT GRAIN TRADE AWAITS CROP NEWS Lettuce war Carried to Seattle Side; Sells 35 to 50c PORTLAND. June 8 (AP) The competition between local growers and Seattle peddlers for control of lettuce sales in Port land was becoming spectacular on the East Side Farmers' Wholesale market. Late yesterday when the Seattle distributors were barred from the market they moved across the street to a lot owned by a wholesale house. Thereupon a prominent Labish grower mov ed his truck from the Market and parked directly in front ot the Seattle truck. Then the war went on merrily. Lettuce sold all the way from 35 to 50c crate there and on the Market mostly 50c tor the day. Peas were In rather liberal ot tering today with The Dalles con tributing large lots ot good qual ity. Sales were slow, starting at 3c flat and finally dropping as low as 2 He lb. Strawberries are in slightly in creased supply but trading was slow on account of the weather. Local stock was priced $2.25-2.50 for the best while California sold $1.75 crate. Root vegetables were much the same as during recent days, the bulk of the turnips moving 30 35c with a few 40c, beets 30-35c and carrots 30-40c dozen bunch es. Rhubarb held much the same with rather liberal offerings. Spinach was in supply, dull and very low priced. Likewise radish es. Asparagus went to a new high mark at $2.10 pyramid with the bulk $2. General Markets PEODTCE EICHAHOB PORTLAND, Ore. June 8. (AP Produce ezrhance. et prices Butter, extras 22c, standards 21 Me, prime firsts 21 He, firsts 20 He. Eras Freih Ex tras 13c, fresh mediums 17e. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore., Wheat Open Jely 60 September 62 H June Hich 60 Vfc 62 J 8 (AP) Low Close 5V 59 Va 62 62 December 65 V 65V, 65 65 Cash wheat No. 1 Big Bead blue stem 06c; dark hard ninter 13 per rent 67e, 11 per cent 63c: soft white 58Vsc; hard winter SSc: northern spring, el ern white, western red 56c. Oats No. 3 white 122.50. Corn No. 2 yellow 621.50. Millrun Standard 119. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore., Jane 8. (API Batter Prints, extras 21c, standards 23c. Butterfat Portland d!iery. A (rade 21-22o pound, farmers' door delivery 21 22e pound; sweet crests 5c higher. Ejjrs Pacific poultry prednrers' sellin; prices, Bohemians, 19c, extras 18c, mixed colors 17c, mediums ITc doaen. Hpytnr price of wholesalers: Fresh cur rent receiyta 56 pounds and up 1213c doxea. Cheese 03 score Orefoa triplets 13c; loef 14c pounds. Broker will pay le below quotations. Milk Contract price 4 per cent, Portland delivery $1.70 cwt; B (rade cream 37 Ho pound. Country meats Selliaf price to re tailers: County killed boss, best butch ers, tinder 150 pounds, 6Vi-7e; vealers 70 to 100 posnds. 7tt-Bc; tprisf lambs 11-12 He; yeariiaga 2-ec; heavy ewes 2H-3c; canner cows 5-0e; balls 5tt-6e pound. Mohair Nominal buying price: 1933 clip 12s pound. Ca tears bark Buying price: 19SS peel 4o pound. Hops Nominal, 1033. 70-75e pound. Live poultry - Portland delivery: bay ing prices: Heavy hess. colored. 4Vi pounds 13c; do medium 13e; lights 11c; sprints, lilht 1H pounds p 11c; colored spring 13 14e. Koeeters 60 pound. Ducks, Teklna, broilers 14-lSc pound: oM ducks, Fekins lOe, de colored 10c pound. Onions Selling price to retailers: Oregon 31-1.25 eeataL New onions California Bermudas ft. 60-1. 75 per 50 peead crate. California 40 per lug, new red 2c pound. Potatoes Local 31.15-1. 35; Dee chutes Oeas 31.60; do bakers, 3175; Yakima Gems 31-W. New potateea California Garnets 2 H -2 tie pound; white JHe pound. Strawberries Oregon 32.2S 2.50; Clark aeedliag 32.50: Bacrmento Si 31-75 crate. Wool 1933 clip, aomisal, Willam ette ralley 3113c pound; eastera Oregoa 17-20e; southern Idah l-20c pound. Hay Baying price from producers: Alfalfa Ne. 1 315. No. 3 814: elerer 313. eastern Oregoa timothy 816, oat sad etch 915. 1 Portland Livestock 1 PORTLAND. Ore., June 8. (AP) Cattle Receipts 100. calres 20; steady. Steer good, 86-6.75, common and me dium 93.75-6.25. Heifer, good 95.25 0 15. Vealers, good 96-6.76. Calves, good 33.50 6. Hogs Receipt 400; steady. Good 140 to 200 pounds 85 5.75; 200 to 250 pouads 95.35-5.75; over 250 pounds 95 5.75. Sows, good 3 4.73. me dium 33.50 4. Pig, good 33 75-4.75. Sheep Receipt 600; steady. Lambs, good and choice $8.25-6.75, me dian 94 6.23. Wether 31 4.75. Ewe 91-2-50. The New Zealand government's project for land settlement to re lieve poverty has already attract ed applications for 12,000 small farms. Salem Markets Grade U raw 4 milk, cp-op pool price, 11.30 per hundred. S orpins f 1.38. (Milk based oa Semi monthly eatterfat ers.) Distributor price f 1.70 Kmttr-rtnt Tai. as oo. prints 21 H, cubes 22 ?i, Prices paid to gravers kf Sales barer June 8 (The prices tlo. eun4ite4 e a local grocer, are Utfecaiive f tk daily surkel est are ent reswontevd by TV atsteaaiasl rauir ajtd vegstxasxci String beaav lb., wh. Artichokes, doi. . Asparagus, local, dox. . .13 - .75 . -SO . .034 . Jl . 04 . .15 .1.25 Webbage, lb. Qreee sToers. CslA lb. fess, Calif., ib. Oaioas. 4os. bunches Potatoes. Yakima So. 2 Loeel -1.00 to 1.25 2.40 2.40 t.50 Florida Shasta, while Sweet potatoes, crate Lettuce. Calif. 15 Onions, Labish. cwt. - .85 . .01 2.25 -2.75 Rhubarb, local Celery. Calif . H crate Mericaa Tomatoes Apples Winesapa, fancy Extra Casey , Kewtowos. fancy Extra fancy Oranges, p.p. Fsncv . Beets. Cslif. dox. .95 1.40 .90 1.45 .23 to 2.75 8.00 to 4 00 .45 Turnips, locsl. dor. Spinach, local, crste .25 to Banann. Ib. on tock Haads Celery brarts. dos. Mustard gre.-ns .40 .60 .05 OiH .90 .60 Cucumbers .60 to 1 30 .20 to 30 5 00 7.50 .03 to .01 2 .50 -- 711, .58 PinesrtJe retail Csntalotfpe. crate . Lemons Gooseberries Strawberries, Iocs! HOPS Top, Top, 19 12. IS 1031. lb. EOGS Bay log Price extras Standards Mediums 0:d rooster . .14 .18 .12 .04 .11 .09 OS POULTRY Colored hens . Medium ben Light hen. Broilers .13 to .15 MEAT I. a tubs, top lines, top 5.00 5.40 5 15 .05 .03 .04 .03 .06 H .07 H rirsts csts 6teers .04 H to .02 H to .03H to .02 H to Cows Heifer Bulls ... Dres-ed Dressed eal, top . noes GSALH AND HAT Wheat, western red .63 White, No. 1 .05 Barley, top, ton 1 00 to 20.00 Oats, ton 20.00 to 35.00 Hay bayinjt D rises Oat and Tetch. ton 16.00 Alfalfa. Talley 1st cut 17.00 Lstt-ru Orecon 17.00 Clover hsy ... WOOL Medium . . Course .2 5 .23 .10 .01 H .04 H Mohair CASCARA BARK Green. Ib. Dry. Ib. . Stocks and Bonds (Copyright 1933. Standard Statistic Co.) June A STOCK AVERAGES 50 20 -0 90 !ai'l liR't t't's Toti Todsy g5.3 43.3102.6 81.9 Prerious day 34.3 43.7 102.1 81.1 Week ago 81.5 43.8 90.9 77.S Tear ago 86.6 14.1 54 5 36.8 3 years ago 177.5 121.2 253.0 162.9 High 1933 65.3 44.6 102.6 81.9 Low 1933 42.3 23.5 61.5 43.9 High 1932 72.3 39.8 111.0 78.9 Low 1932 85.1 13.2 51.8 85.0 'New 1933 high. BOND AVERAGES 20 20 20 60 73.3 76.3 84.6 78.0 73.4 76.3 84.4 76.1 71.8 74.9 82.4 76.8 55.8 54.4 74.4 61.8 94.1 107.1 99.7 100.3 73.4 76.6 85.2 781. 58.8 57.0 74 1 63.6 71.8 76.0 86.3 78.1 53.3 47.4 70.9 57.S Today Previous day Week ago .... Tear ago 8 years ago . Hich 1932 lv taa.t High 1933 Low 1932 8th Graders to Win Diplomas, Monmouth MONMOUTH, June 8. Grad uation exercises will be held Fri day afternoon In the training school auditorium for the follow ing eighth grade children, who will be presented their diplomas by Josiah Wills, county school superintendent: Alfred Baker, Bobby Bingman. Willis Cole. Ker mlth Roth. Wayne Petrie. Donald Santee, Martha Mae Blair, Mar gery Chambers. Nada Embree, Helen Elliott Helen Hutchinson. Clara Mae Haller, Margaret Schirman. Ruth Tilton, Walter McKern and George Mnrdock. Children chosen to be class speakers are Kermlt Roth and Helen Elliott. Activities of the day will open with a class break fast served In their honor at the home of Miss Florence Beardsley, principal. To utilize surplus sugar, Cze choslovakia is converting it, mix ed with bran and other ingredi ents, into fodder for horses, cat tle and pigs. g Trade Slackens. Drop In Prices Results; Bears Working CHICAGO, June 8. (AP) Halting for the United States government crop report tomorrow and developments at the world ec onomic conference Monday, grain trade slackened today, and prices went lower. Sensational advances in British exchange failed to act as much of a stimulus. Trade gossip had it that a professional element under, able leadership, was opposing wheat price advances, but lack of aggressive buying power rather than augmented selling charac terised immediate operations. Wheat closed weak at virtually the bottom figures reached, fi- voder yesterday 's finish, corn 4 down, oats M- off. Today's closing quotations: Wheat July T3H-4; Sep tember 75-73 H; December 77- Corn July 43 Ti : September 464; December 49 H. Oats July 254: September 26-27;; December Si-4. DOLLAR DROPS 10 STOCKS GO HIGHER NEW YORK. June 9. (AP) With the dollar dropping to new lows before a late rally, stock market operators for the advance put considerable leverage under their favorites todsy and the 90 share closing composite made an other new hieh. Amon? mining issues. Alaska Juneau. Mclhtyre Porcupine. In ternational Nickel. Dome. Cerxo de Pasco and Patlno strengthened 1 to 3 points while Homestake had an extreme rise of 10. which was later halved. U. S. Smelting rose nearly 5. Steel stocks moved up, U. S. Steel and Bethlehem showing net gains of a point. Sears Roebuck and Montgomery Ward were higher, while Ameri can Telephone, General Motors, Du Pont. General Electric, Wool worth, North American and Case confined their net improvement to fractions. Allied Chemical Jumped about 5. Santa Fe. Deleware & Hudson. Union Pacific. Pennsylvania and Baltimore & Ohio were off frac tions to 2 points: Chicago A North Western common reduced a 5 point drop to a point. Medium and Low Fleeces Demand Said Moderate BOSTON. June 8 (AP) A moderate demand is being receiv ed on medium and low fleeces, but th finer grades are draggy. Strictly combing 56s or 3-8 blood and -4 8. 50s or 1-1 blood, Ohio and similar fleeces, bring 32-33 In the grease, while tho shorter or combing staple of the same grade bring 28-30 In the grease. Fine Ohio delaine or strictlv combing 64s and finer fleeces sell at 28-30 in the grease with most sales at 28-29 on a rather narrow demand. WITNESS Giving expert opinion oa the sci ence of aeronautics, Colonel Charles K. Lindbergh is pictured as be ap peared before the Hons Military Affairs Committee which is holding hearings on the Akron disaster. Lindy said he favors the continu n of Iie-htar than air craft. By CLIFF STERRETT o o I . , . ' :- ? .'I t -: j t . 1 i - . c.. V.. - . V, 1 '- - I " tf: i iW7 t Sa9a ''S 5 - wwM,i I HWWWMM,