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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1933)
PAGE SIX The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, June 8, 1933 Socbty Smart Luncheon is Compliment to Recent Bride - Jlrs. Chandler Brown, nee El- anor Plamendon, a recent bride who has come to make her home In Salem, was the Inspiration for a smartly appointed bridge lunch eon at the R. P. Boise home Wed nesday afternoon with Mrs. Boise as hostess. The small luncheon tables were beautifully arranged with early lummr flowers in pastel shades. Mrs. Frank Snedecor assisted Mrs. Boise. ,' Guests bidden to compliment - Mrs. Brown Included Mrs. Willard Marshall. Mrs, Richard Stolx, Mrs. ; Homer Smith, f Jr., Mrs. Bruce ; Spaulding, Mrs. Clifford Brown, Mrs. Breyman Boise. Mrs. Charles ! Claggett, Mrs.! Charles Robertson, Jr., Mrs P. D. Qulsenberry, Mrs. Gas Hixson, Mrs. Asel Eoff, Mrs. Wolcott Buren, Mrs. George Wel ler, Mrs. Gordon Hadley, Mrs. Richard Slater,' Mrs. John Caugh 11, Mrs. Bert Ford. Mrs. Dolph Craig, Mrs. Frank Chapman, Mrs. Kenneth Wilson, Mrs. Carl Nel son. Mrs. Hollls Huntington, Mrs. William Brown, Mrs. Frank Sned ecor, Mrs. R. F. Prael of Portland. Miss Elizabeth Keene and Mfss Frances Keene of Silverton, Miss Josephine McGilchrist, Miss Jose phine Cornoyer, Miss Rosalie Bur en, Mis Rovena Eyre, Miss Jose phine Baumgartner, Miss Kay Goulet and. Miss Henriette White. "Mrs. Walter Spauldiag will en ' tertaln with' a six table bridge.tea -''at the Spaulding residence this - afternoon in compliment to Miss Caroyl Braden- and Miss Roberta Mills. " . . - .' Officers Elected By Music Teachers Miss Dorothy Pearce will again bead the Salem Music Teachers association as a result of the elec tion of officers held at the home of Mrs. Mabel S. Powers Tuesday Bight Other officers for the year will be Mrs. P. F. Thomas, vie presi dent; Mrs. Bertha Junk Darby, secretary; Mrs. Marjorie Rat ;. cliff e, corresponding secretary; and Mrs. Joy Turner Moses treas- " nrer. ; , Unusually satisfactory reports were made concerning the work and programs accomplished by the organization this past season. Mrs.' Walter A. Denton made an ' excellent report concerning the work of music1 week and especial " mention was made of the music - festival given by the Salem public . schools as a contribution to mu . sic week activities. The sponsoring of the local mu ' sic contest, the first of the kind to be sponsored In Salem, was discussed by Miss - Elma Weller and" the excellent standing of Sa lem students who competed out-j- side of the city as a result of the local contest. . " Mrs. Frank Churchill extended an invitation to the association-to hold the annual picnic in the gar dens ot the Churchill home. This ' picnic at the . Churchill home is - an annual affair for the associa tion. . Refreshments and a delightful Informal social hour concluded the last meeting of the season for the Music Teachers. Kappa Delta Alumnae Entertained V - Miss Wilma Coursey entertain ed Tuesday night for members of 1 the Kappa Delta sorority alum nae. ' A short business meeting was followed by an Informal so-1 cial hour and refreshments. Present were Miss Eloise Wright, Miss Edna Prescott, Miss Florian Hrubetz, Miss Lois Riggs, Mrs. Harris LIets,,and Miss Cour sey. -' - . ,. ' . Salem Matrons Guests of Mrs. Meier Mrs. Julius Meier entertained with : . luncheon at - her .country home near Portland Tuesday aft ernoon. To - this matrons from Portland and Salem were invited. - Motoring down from Salem were Mrs.- ,T,"r A. : Uvealey... Mrs. Frits Slade, Mrs. .William Walton and Mrs. Keith Powell of Wood- burn. t ! Members of Alpha Phi Alpha . Alumnae association met at the home of Miss Dorothy Eastridge Monday nizfct for a. huxfnpw meeting followed .by a delightful j social nour. flans were made at . the business meetinr for observa tion of the "ten year" reunion ob- . served by this sorority. Superfluous Hair is a Handicap in THE OUTDOOR SEASON The MART ON Method perma nently rids face, nnderarms and limbs ot n sightly, hair 'growths safely and surely. In vestigate this method today! Xo Pastes ; , 3f a Liqaide No Powders ' No Needles Consultation Free - -Opea Tuesday Eves. Till 1 P.M. Marton Laboratories 04 1st Katl Bank, Salem r Clip and Mall Today Without ! obligation kindly send ma a copy bt literature fS. 11 " 9 . News and Club Ouve M. Doak, . SOCIAL CALENDAR Thursday, June 8 .' , " Faculty Women's club, el fresco dinner in Robert M. Gatke gardens, 5:30 o'clock; husbands special guests; last meeting of year. Mrs. Elizabeth Skewis, 1797 Center street, hostess for tea in compliment to Daughters of Union Veterans of Civil War, 2 to 5 o'clock. ' . Artisans plan open meeting, 8:30 o'clock. Fraternal temple; program and dancing. Willing Workers class of First Christian church will meet with Mrs. W. H. Gardner, Route 5, for its monthly class party. Last business meeting of Kile club, regular lunch- eon followed by afternoon of sewing for Shrine hospital. Senior piano recital of Miss Elizabeth Boylan at Waller hall, 8:30 o'clock; public invited. Woman's Relief corps, all-day meeting at fair grounds; potluck dinner at noon. Friday, June 9 Regular meeting of Daughters of Union Veterans, 8 o'clock in Women's clubhouse. Englewood Women's elab, with Mrs. D. O. Lear, 1075 North 20th street. Sewing club -of Business and Professional Women's club, 6:30 o'clock potluck supper, with Mrs. Maude Pointer and Miss Daisy Hayden at Pointer home, 1050 North 15th street. Brush College community club, at club hall; even ing meeting. Sedgwick Relief Corps, officers and members, Mil ler's hall, 2 o'clock; drill practice. Women's Missionary society of First Baptist church, with Mrs. Walter Lotis, 135 Luther street, 2 o'clock; all wishing transportation be at church at 1:45 o'clock. Saturday, June 10 Willamette Lodge country club, evening meeting at clubhouse. Prlngle Pleasant Point, social club, annual picnic, au-uay evem n wagers grove. A group of members of the En- tre Nous club held a gay ho-ho6t party Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hummel. Five hundred was in play at four tables with first prizes going to Mrs. W. G. Gehrke and William E, Moses, and second honors go ing to W. G. Kreuger and Mrs. H. A. Smart. Spring flowers were used effectively in decorating the rooms. Later in the evening sup per was served. Members present for the even ing were Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Smart, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Gehr- :-S5 SPECIAL . i or two for r5 A Society Editor .ke, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Kreuger, Mr. and . Mrs. William Barl, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hampshire, Mr. and Mrs. William E. Moses, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Trommlitz, and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hummel. Mrs. Frank Clark and Mrs. Or vil Leffingwell held winning scores for the benefit "500" party which was held at the home of Mrs. Ray Smith on West Nobhill Tuesday afternoon. The afternoon was sponsored by the Women's Benefit association. I) o Shirt. Frocks of Sport Knit- Silk PimiPS - - Prints Ftp-. Famous "Stehli" WashSilk in Newest Summer Fashions! ' v : : ' . -;' :.r;. . ; l,Just arrived! And placed :fn the window, daplays for, vYoday'a selling eVent. A real sale with wanted; iummer, wash silks aplenty. Plain pastel Stehli" in Awhite; blue, . pink and yellow washable silk crepes. White and hair - line stripe silk piques. , Prints in light grounds. The very newest sleeves, cap or cape also no sleeve. Action pleats, belts, etc All sizes 14 to 44. Come quick for" these. Choose from. the 'window then come early for your fitting. - Affairs Bride-Elect Guest For Pretty Tea And Shoiyer Mrs. Enoch Dumas and Miss Roth Schreiber entertained Wed nesday afternoon at the Alpha Phi Alpha, sorority house In compli ment to Miss Dorothy Taylor whose marriage to Dennis Patch will be an event of June t. The afternoon was a tea and shower for the bride elect." Syrin gea and Iris were used in profu sion about the room and for the prettily appointed service table at which Mrs. Dumas presided. Miss Edwyna Broad bent assist ed Miss Schreiber in serving. As an attractive feature ot the tea hour Miss Marjorie O'Dell sang a group of solos. Guests in complimeat to Miss Taylor were Mrs James Taylor, Mrs. A. A. Lee. Mrs. George Ol iver. Mrs. C. H. Schreiber, Mrs. Franees DeHarpport, Mrs. Her man Rehfuss, Mrs. Stearns Cnsh ing, Mrs. Wilmer Wells. Mrs. W. V. Johnson, Miss Dorothy Hutch ason. Miss Maida Caldwell. Miss Lydia Childs, Miss Isabel Childs, Miss Gladys Taylor, Miss Marjor ie O'Dell, Miss Sarah Jane Dark, Miss Edwyna Broadbent, and Miss Atwood. Mrs. Frank Lilburn To Present Students Mrs. Frank Lilburn will present her fifth annual kindergarten re vue at the clubhouse of the Salem Women's club Saturday night at 7:30 o'clock. The revue will include 20 youngsters of the city between the ages of three and one half to six years of age. Dancing, musical solos, read ings and rhythmic orchestra num bers will be presented on the var ied program. Of interest in Salem is the marriage in Portland Tuesday night of Miss Katherine Addink of Woodburn and Farley Mogan. son of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Mo gan. Mr. Mogan Is a state patrol man stationed in Salem. New Wash Silk "Stehli' Quality! Mrs. John Wiles To Present Pupils Mrs. John Wiles will present a group of her piano students Fri day night at the Wiles studio at S o'clock. , Friends and parents of students are invited to attend the program. John and Martin Mahula will as sist with Tiolia numbers and Bet ty and Joan Twedt wlU present a group of vocal numbers. Piano pupils being presented include Frances Mahula, Marjorie Whlttlngton, Dorthy Koschmider. Margaret Lehman, Eunice and Vernon Johnson. Marjorie Price, Nadlne Lenls, Stewart McElhln ney, Florence Elasser. Doris Jean Cutler, 'Martian Zeller, Frances Dewey, Dorthea Fellows, Bobbie Suing, Joice Betty and Dale Live ly, Gertrude Maranda, and Jewell Turner. Beta Chi Alumnae Have Dinner Meeting Members of Beta Chi alumnae association met at the Spa Tues day night for a dinner party. Iris in pastel ahades and green tapers madfl a pretty table decorative motif. Plana for commencement activities were made at the bus iness meeting following the din ner hour. Covers were placed for Miss Florence Power, Miss Leila John son, Miss' Frances Hodge, Miss Lila Cation, Miss Eloise White, Miss Gaynelle Beckett, Miss Flor ence Young, Mrs. Clarence Em mons, Mrs. Russell Mefford, Mrs. Oarlen Simpson and Mrs. Merrill Ohling. Kffl MADE BY "CENTRAL SHOE COMPANY" For MILLER'S BASEMENT Shoe Dept. Are Unbelievably Low Priced For Such Smart Style, Good Quality Shoes! SUMMER IS ALREADY UNDERFOOT . . . YOUR FEET ARE AT THE FOOT OF THE MODE UNLESS YOU ARE DECKED OUT IN THESE NEW LIGHT SUMMER FASHIONS. AND YOU'LL SAVE MONEY, TOO. WHY, JUST HAND US A TWO DOLLAR BILL FOR THESE AND GET SOME "CHANGE" BACK. These are not on sale. Just an example of Miller's resourceful buying advantages. Look! Boys Two-Tone OXFORDS Old Officers Reelected ; Falls City Marriage Told Church Groups of Valley Busy With Many Social Activities Silverton. At the annual meeting ot the Women's Home Missionary society of the Metho dist church, held Tuesday at the home of Mrs. George Webber, the old set of officers was retained. Mrs. H. J. Iverson is president; Mrs. C. F. Folsom, vice - presi dent; Mrs. A. Grlnde, recording secretary; Mrs. Will Lynn, cor responding secretary; Mrs. W. Graham, treasurer. Assisting Mrs. Webber as hostess was her daugh ter. Miss Maggie Webber. Mrs. Iverson gave a report on the recent councU meeting held at Portland. Announcement was also made ot the lecture open to the public to be given at the Methodist church Friday night b Mrs. Necia Buck of Salem. Silverton Mrs. J. M. Jensen was a recent hostess for the plea sure et Mrs. Louis Hoppe of For- estvllle, Wis., who will leave soon for her home after an extended visit with Silverton relatives. Guests of Mrs. Jensen were Mrs. Hoppe, Mrs. E. C. Riches of Port land. Mrs. Arthur Dahl, Mrs. Otto A. Dahl. Mrs. O. Jorgenson, Miss Thelma Jorgenson, Miss Hilda J Olsen and Halver Dahl. the latter Mrs. Hoppe's father. Mrs. Hoppe will visit the world's fair enroute to her home. A little better quality at a little lower price. A little more style and a lot of comfort. CENTRAL SHOES ARE WELL KNOWN TO SALEM WOMEN. SHOP AROUND TOWN . . . LOOK AT ALL THE $1 88 SHOES THEN COMPARE WITH ST. LOUIS MADE SHOES IN MILLERS BASEMENT. White - Beige - Brown Elk - Black Your Choice at $1.98 In this group of dress and utility footwear at 1.98 you will find a shoe for every purpost . . . from workaday, to sports. From dining to dancing. The new whites and beiges are specially smart for now. Pumps with high heels that have mesh inserts to keep your feet cool, all mesh ties, white elk sport oxfords, straps, tee straps, beige, black, brown and elk shades in more practical shoes for all service wear. Cut-outs, new perforated fashions, all man ner of heels are here in this low priced group. Come choose a standard brand and save. Miller's Basement. , and Girls Boys a ad girls from two to ten-jean will find these two tone elks -with- the "tough soles'' -not only smart style, bat- really, lone; wearing- ox fords. Coma be fitted before the prices advance to pair. Basement. 'S Falla City At 1:10 o'clock Sunday Miss Marie Viniberg and John H. Will were united in mar riage by Dr. Bruce in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Anrland. The attendants were the bride's broth er and wife from Portland. ' Others present were Mr. and Mrs. McHustion and Mr. and Mrs. Anrland. The couple motored to Newport. Mr. Will' operates a shoe store here, and she has been the Oakhnrst school teacher for the past year. Bethany Mr. and Mrs. Silas Tor vend entertained the Sunday school teachers of Trinity church at their country home here Mon day night. Present were Mr and Mrs. M. G. Gunderson, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Meyer. Rev. C. L. Foss, Mrs. Henry Torvend, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Torvend, Evelyn Torvend, John Goplemd, Charlotte Gople rud, Lillian Block, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen, Thelma Olsen and the Silas Torvend family. Silverton Girl Reserve mo tored to Portland Tuesday to "see the city" and to be guests of Miss Lyla Miller at the Martha Washington hotel. The girls took pot luck with them and enjoyed the luncheon at the social rooms of the hotel. During the morn ing they visited the Meier and Frank store, the Dorothy Alexan JO 9 NAPPY SLACKS! These nappy slacks are ideal slack shoes for outing, beach, hiking, etc. White and beige in' ties and tee straps. Medium and low heels. Basement. BASEMEN1 der and other points of interest about the city. Farnishlnc ears were Miss Elaine Clower. Mrs. Elbert DeGolre and Merl'Larson. Others going to Portland in the group were Mrs. Frank Miller. Ml Olivia DeGuire. Buddy Mil ler, Ella Pfeiffer, Ruth Miller, Marine Morgan Geraldine Gates. Benlta Parsons, Mildred Jenkins. Jean Oeder, Thelma Lincoln. Gwenevler Taylor, Margie Smith. Opal Green. Helen Lamb. Evelyn Stewart, Margaret Thompson. Virginia Browen and Agnes Bren den. e e Gervals. Gervals Eastern Star will be repfeeeate at grand chapter In Portland liexl week by Claire Ellsworth, worthy matron; Lucille Booster, associate matron ; Howard Booster, worthy patron, and C. M. VanZuyen. Hubbard Miss Rhoda Fisher, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fisher, and Kenneth W. Palmer of Watson were nnited in marri age Monday, at Woodburn. William Wallace Graham Announces a Summer Class of Six Weeks STARTING MONDAY, JUNE 12th Private or group lessons Phone 9549 or Call at Willamette University 1 Name r ' Address