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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1933)
The OREGON "STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, June 7, 1933 erton Juniors to fought struggle by B-2 score. strom; Presbyterian, Hale and Barrett; First Methodist. Eekman and Carkin. Umpires were Dwlght Adams and Gas Moore. Batteries were First Christian, Lewis and McCandlish; Ameri can Lutheran, Serdots and Sal- SCHWAB LIKELY i HOW MAX BAER SHAPES UP IN TRAINING By BURNLEY PAGR EIGHT .... . . . - - j Silv Saiemm Today KIBBBNS LOSES KEI WITH 01 GRIP (Sjj f e 9 M :TI No-Hit Chucker, Brother of Famed Orville, Chosen; Game is at 4:30 Is Oyer? Anxious; Thy e Wins Fast - Bout; Ex-Gridder V Stronger, Faster SAVAGELY To THE ?k( V iX J p Very rough f S'i Sf I. . American Legion Junior base i ball four years ago brought Into the limelight a wiry lad who was destined to make history in this particular class of ball by pitching a Marion . county team, sponsored that year " by Silverton, tQ the Northwest division championship. That lad, Orvllle Schwab, gradu ated out of the junior baseball class Immediately following his big accomplishment, but another youth of the same family has risen up to carry on the family honor and Silverton's. The younger brother, Arland Schwab, gave notice of his arrival as a moundsman by hurling a no . hit, no-run game for Silverton high this spring, going on from there to win half a-dozen starts. It so happened that he pitched neither of Silverton's games against Salem high. This afternoon local fans who have been watching this bear's pro gress from afar, will have their first opportunity to see him in action; when the Silverton Juniors come here to play the Salem Jun iors at 4 p.m. on OUnger field. The' Salem team defeated SH verton ten days ago at Silverton in a practice game, but they did not have to! look at young Schwab's assortment of throws on that occasion. Several Salem pitchers, with excellent support, held Silverton to two runs in that game however, and Salem s chances are good if they can col lect a few tallies against Schwab s hurling. Coach Harold Hauk of the Sa lem Juniors was not certain last night whether he would make any in hi lineun or not. He expeets to start Francis Gatchell, who made a good showing against Woodburn despite the fact that he had been ill for several days just before the game, on the mound if the Jefferson boy is in good con dition today. There is some pos sibility that Mike Miller may be moved to third base and Hum phreys may be given a chance in the outfield. STAYTON, June 6 The Le gion Junior baseball team went down to defeat here Sunday when it played Silverton. the score be ing 15 to 10. Stayton held a 6 to 1 lead until the fourth Inning, when Silverton ran In eight scores on account of ragged fielding. rhamn. oitchlng for Stayton, struck out nine men, while Coom- ler tor Silverton strucit oui live. Grande Ronde Noses Ahead Of Elks Nine "V'-,"7"ia wrsnndar Miem him - was out. opeianu "L" ."Z 1- Vila, -pita t. I gins, uurnus iui pires were given plenty of close iYeu uencrr dwvv " decisions to iron a; was orana; Konae s cuic wuss" i or tne aay. Salem Elks 10 8 3 Orand Ronde 11- 10 5 Scroegins and McCanery; cope- land, Rigga and Hudson T. PAUL. June 6 (Special) -Sl V? ,5ior. ;Li7intlmr to the havoc created by IS St. Paul bingles by mixing in eight errors. Lena Elder 1 " 8 St. Paul ..1 12 13 z Balschoness and Bartn; busee and Klrsch, SHEDD. June 6 (Special) Harrlsburg's Mid-Willamette lea- gue team i continued its winning stride here Sunday, aeieatea Shedd 11 to 2. Gilbert of Harris- bnrg hit a home run. Tuttle, southpaw Just out of high school, struck out eight Shedd batsmen and allowed only six Hamsourg hits. Wymer of Shedd fanned ten but needed relief. Harrisburr 11 13 2 Shedd z ft Tuttle land Burnett; Wymer, Elder and Corbin. TANGENT, June 6 (Special) Tangent won from Lebanon here -Sunday, 8 to 2. Lebanon's 10 errors played a major, part in handing Tangent Its third victory of the season. Lebanon ! 1.2 7 10 ! Tangent . .... 8 11 2 Batteries: Robins and Simpson; j L. Bault and McKean. MEHAMA, June 8. The Me-1 hama nine defeated Scio here Sunday, 15 to .0, Johnson hold ing the visiting batsmen to four hits. Mehama played errorless ball while Scio made four bob . bles. The Mehama team collected 20 hits oft Beat pitching for the visitors. '! Ledgerwood and Watts were the heaviest hitters for the home 'team.r Mehama plays Tur ner next Sunday. July 4 the Stayton team comes here when Mehama celebrates Independence day. Sunday's game: Mehama ............15 20 0 Scio ................ 0 4 4 Johnson and Watts; Beat and Densmore. DEFEAT RIVER RATS SILVERTON HILLS. Jane The Silverton Hills baseball boys defeated the River Rats 17 to 141 Bundkv on the local diamond. GIANTS DIG 010 LEAD IN 1TIH. NATIONAL LEAGUE W. L. Pet. New York 27 17 .614 Pittsburgh 25 16 .610 St. Louis 28 18 .609 Chicago . . . .' 25 22 .532 Cincinnati 23 23 .500 Boston 20 27 .426 Brooklyn 18 25 .419 Philadelphia 16 31 .340 BROOKLYN, June 6. (AP) -The New York Giants clung to the National league lead and swept the three-game series by defeating the Dodgers 7 to 2 to day: Mel Ott and Hack Wilson got home runs. New York 7 9 0 Brooklyn 2 8 1 Hubbell and Mancuso; Carroll, Mungo, Thurston and Lopes. CINCINNATI, June 6. (AP) Scoring three runs off Allwyn Stout in his first start for Cin cinnati, St. Louis today won a drawn out game 6 to 2. 31. IjUUIS .............O 10 J, Cincinnati , 2 4 0 Hallahan, S. Johnson and Wil son; Stout, Benton and Hemsley, Chicago defeated Pittsburgh. 5 to 3 today, eettlne four runs ntt agnon In the eighth. Chicago 5 12 Chagnon, Swetonic and Grace; Rot Tinning, Bush and Hart nett Tavlor Z? f, UiA s I c Second Day of Swim Campaign girtv bovs. about half if them heSiers. turned out yesterday fr "cond day of the "Learn to Swim" campaign which Is be- mg put on by the Y. M. c. A. this week. This number represented a considerable increase over the turnout Monday, The swimming instruction Is bein? given free of charee' with Gus Moore and Owight Adams acting as leaders. All boya of 10 years of age and over are-Invited to attend the remaining two days' classes, which will be held on Thursday and Saturday. a similar class for girls of the same age will be held todav and continuing on Friday. FAIR JOB FOR Y , i 1 1 In keepta with Chicago's reputation for dolor thlnM to blar ws wJnthan J, America's tolckSS were 2eT 2 SfMtTJiJ 4 S16 Wori4 Dnicker. of the University ol Michigan, and W . Garner, t Mt are here shown at their novel Jo , wiUi an Oriental paeda fox a backoond. " k. jrm I f mm mrs wwmt t Jit trmmmmmmmm: i i . lr -V X" U hooks HHO fT Maxes, in the Pink, Await Battle Gong; Odds Favor Ex-Champ by Wide Margin NEW YORK, June . (AP) Lacking the turbulent last min ute arguments of the old days, but with interest and feeling run ning almost as high as it did when Tex Rickard was at the helm. Jack Dempsey's battle of the Maxes worked out of the training camp stage today and into the metropolis. Max Baer, the bronzed giant from California, packed his train ing clothes and lolled about his camp at Atlantic City. Schmel- lng, the methodical Teuton who held the heavyweight title al most two years and wants it back, took his final boxing drill at his country club camp on Lake Swannanoa, N. J. Baer weighed in around 210 pounds after his last workout and Intends to "dry out" another pound or so. He will boast a weight advantage of about 20 pounds over Schmellng, in addi tion to inches in height and reach. . DEFEATED 19 TO 8 WOODBURN, June 6 The Jun ior Legion team was defeated by the Postofflce Pharmacy team of Portland by a score of 19-8 In the Legion park grounds here Sun day. Kahut got a home run in the ninth Inning. The Postofflce team made 19 runs, 18 hits and 3 errors, Woodburn, 8 runs, 8 hits and 8 errors. This was not a scheduled game. The next game on the Junior schedule will be played at Stayton Wednesday aft ernoon at 4 o'clock. The Woodburn Aces also lost their game played on the high school diamond with the Union Athletics, by a score of 8-7. The Dr. Donnelly team of Colts won an 8 to 4 game from the state training school boys at the training school grounds Sunday afternoon. These boys are all ad der 14 years of age but are play ing some Interesting games. Next Sunday the St. Paul boys team will play the training school boys, at the school. The Irish' Free State expects many visitors from America this summer. TRACK STARS 1 O I -, i ' 0 Mi The odds In favor of the splen didly conditioned Schmellng leng thened. His crowding offensive, bolstered with a sharp, cutting left Jab and a right cross that has knocked out Johnny Risko. Mickey Walker and Young Strib ling, seems the perfect battle style against a big, wide open target of the Baer type. Today Schmellng was mentioned at 2 to 1. Baer's strength, It was conceded, lies In his apparent lm perviousnees to punishment, his reckless courage, and the body belting power In the long arms that hang from the widest, shoul ders of any heavyweight In the ring today. Ticket sales went along mer rily again today as a warm sun and bright skies encouraged the belief In favorable weather re ports for Thursday. Dempsey be lieves the attendance will be well over 60,000 with gate re ceipts edging close to the $300, 000 mark. t 7 n i firm" The Battle of the Maxes is scheduled for Thursday night in New York and at this distance, it looks like quite a contest; more so than the Schmellng - Sharkey bout last year. Sharkey, who took the crown away from the German Maxie, is slated to meet Camera this month, and when that's over the heavyweight situation will be getting somewhere. We can't per sonally tell you a thing about it, but The Statesman's Associated Press machines are . still running, and we expect to furnish you the news. The time of the Baer-Schmellng fight will be about 5: SO p. m. Thursday, and we have arranged with the Cherry City Baking company and Gardner Knapp to have public address rap here In front of the office, and the full blow-by-blow ac count of the battle will be giv en. Make your curbstone reser vations early. As far as we have been able to learn, there will be no radio broadcast; if there is it will be Indirect, as Jack Dempsey has announced there will be none from the ringside. So come and enjoy the party. We'll do our beet to make it lively, but that Is largely vp to the Maxes. Some of us thought Pat Finne gan was a fine fellow but not much of a wrestler, when he was causing feminine hearts to beat faster hereabouts several months ago. But Pat appears to be getting up in the world; he knocked over Jack Reynolds, the 147 pound welterweight champion, In a non- title bout recently in Springfield, O. Pat is now out after a title bout with Reynolds, and he sent up a Springfield sport page which goes into raptures over his im proved status. Pat is a home town boy there. . The Eugene Townlee wm com here) Sunday to meet the Senators, aad.whe 'Squeak' Wilson and Bob Wiltshire & est there oa the mound, there likely to be another dueL Wilt shire held Wolf ers Federals to even hits Sunday, but the Fed erala won because Treadway Charles held the towulee to three Bill Relnhart's Tbwnles, never theless, present no puny scoring threat, with inch sluggers as Cotter Gould, Johnny Londahl, Chester, Russell, Van Dura and Shaneman la the hatting order. AI WIN TWICE TO INCREASE LEAD AMERICAN" LEAGUE W. L. Pet. New York 31 13 .705 Washington 27 21 .563 Chicago 25 20 .55ft Philadelphia 23 20 . 535 Cleveland 28 23 .531 Detroit 21 25 .457 St. Louis 17 32 .347 Boston .....14 30 .318 NEW YORK. June 6. (AP) A six run outburst In the sixth and seventh innlnrs. climaxed bv uaDe Kutn's 11th homer of the season gave New York a 3 to 4 victory over Boston fn today's second game after they had won tne first, 4-0. Boston a 11 1 New York 4 8 0 H. Johnson and Ferrell: Pen nock and Dickey. Boston 4 9 1 isew xoric 8 10 1 Rhodes. Weiland and Ferrell Brennan and Dickey. PHILADELPHIA, June ft. (AP) with home runs by Miccey uoenrane and Ed Coleman and good pitching in the pinches by Roy Mahaffey. Philadelnhia defeated Washington today, 8 to 4. Washington ,. 4 H 2 Philadelphia 8 10 1 Stewart, McAfee. Burke and Sewell; Mahaffey and Cochrane. ST. LOUIS. June 6. (API Chicago hit opportunely today to wln from St. Louis, 5 to S. for the fourth consecutive game. Chicago 5 9 3 St. Louis 3 9 1 Lyons and Grube; Blaeholder. W ells and Shea, Crouch. CLEVELAND. June 6. (AP) Lvnwood "Schoolboy" Rnwn pitched Detroit to a 5 to 2 victory over Cleveland today. Detroit S 11 1 Cleveland 2 7 2 Rowe and Hayworth; Harder, Brown and Spencer. Lights Fail So Beavers Can't Play COAST LEAGUE W. L. Pet Portland ...........36 24 .600 Hollywood .........35 26 .574 Sacramento ........36 27 .571 Los Angeles ....... .33 28 .541 Mission 22 31 .508 Oakland ....27 34 .443 Seattle 23 25 .397 San Francisco 23 40 .365 SAN FRANCISCO, June . (AP) Where were the ball play ers when the -lights went out 7 The answer tonight was "at San Francisco Seals stadium." And what did they -do about It? They went home. So did the fans who turned out to see the Mis sions and Portland open their luu dico uuuci vuw liuvoih The blowout of a main fuse . . mm t -1 Ji,,- .V I.-- four hours to repair the dam- age. The game, which hadn't started, was postponed. Los Angeles -.. 8 14 Sacramento .......4 12 ' (10 Innings) Newsome, Ballon and, Cronln: Flynn, Saundes and wins. ...........Tii Seattle . Hollywood Plllette and Cox; Page, Wet- sei and costa, TDbin, San Francisco S S 2 Oakland 4... 1 I 2 Zlnn and Mclsaacsi Joiner and veltman. m. 1 league kitball game Tuesday ev They socked Charles' , offerings enlng on Sweetland field, 9 to . mightily at that, but those roam- ia a second game the Presbyter !ng Federals got under most ct iana advanced a step lj winning them. . , from First Methodist in a hard Aged experience ' met youthful strength, in .the main, 'event last night at the armory., and won; but not by virtue of superiority.-Ev erett Klbbons, because of freakish luck and a quick flare 'of hot headed temper, threw himself with his own body scissors, giving Ted Tbye the decisive fall. The third round lasted a mln ute. and ten seconds. Thye had thrown Ribbons . out of-the ring with an arm twist. Klbbons. boil ing with rage, charged back into the ring, punished Thye severely with elbow blows to the face and neck, and then leaped to apply the body 'scissors.' Thye turned away from the lump. Klbbons hold went home in reverse, and he fell to his back for-the count of three. The match was rood and excen- tionaliy fast, due perhaps to the cat-like agility of Klbbons. Un doubtedly, it was the best heavy weight grappling contest witness ed here in years. Tbye met his downfall In the first round after a naif hour of wTestllnz. Klb bons was the aggressor, constant ly working to keep Thye in the middle of the ring. Thye, ordinar ily an average clean wrestler, used his fists, kicked, and refused to break clean in his attempts to "get" Klbbons and ston the rush ing tactics of his stronger oppon- eni. .lDDons finally took the fall with a flying body scissors. He lost the scissors as he hit the floor, but held Thye with a body press. Tne second fall went to Thye with a wristlock. Kibbons weakened himself by a leap Into tne ropes. Ho fell back on his shoulders, and Thye Dinned him down. The time for the second fall was 4:50. In the second match. Herman Olson and Chet Wiles went to a draw. Olson, as usual. disDleased me fans wlfh his subtle way of using his fists. The first fall went to Olson in 23:20, with a ham merlock. Wiles took the second round with a series of chin locks, iiying mares, and body presses in 2:30. The draw came in the third round, when both grapplers gave up the ghost simultaneously. Wiles had a step-over toehold on Olson and Olson had a hammer- lock on Wiles. Patchln substituting for Joe Gardlnler, who failed to appear for his match with Prof. Newton, took a victory from the Prof in 11 minutes flat. He knocked Newton out by throwing him out of the ring with a reverse spin. New ton's right shoulder was badly sprained. WESTERN PIPED IS WINNER AT KITBALL Western Paper Convertinr kit- ball team clinched a place in the playoff next week, by defeating Hollywood Auction 6 to 2 Tues- aa n,ht. Suing of Western Pa- Der nlt home run and Singer struck out nine batsmen while his mates played errorless and spectacular ball behind him. Tonight Pade's Grocery will play Salem Golf club, and Valley Motor win meet Capital Journal. One game Friday night will wind up tne series. Teachers and Sa- ,em i"n Mills are sure of places in the playoff which will start Monday. Pade's will be the fourth team if it wins one of Its two remaining games. Western Paper 6 8 0 Hollywood .'. 2 5 H. Singer and L. Sinrer: J. Kelley and Martin. QUOTA FOB FOREST Possibility of more than the 127 boys and young men In Mar lon county's conservation corps quota being sent to the forset camps was seen Monday In re ports that corps detachments from eastern states might not ar rive in the northwest in full strength. Names of 35 extra youth in this county who have qualified for the forest work are being held by the Red Cross of fice in case the county's quota is increased. The initial quota of 127, with three alternates, entrained at the Southern Pacific station here Mon day afternoon for Vancouver. WMh., from wbere ty will be I sent to inmit rimm In h. nnr- tw r.m tr .11 .t. I" " tf -w mmm mmmfM W UVUfl I " ,-immmw avew A4.U recent graduates from high ichooU and men who hr9 .Ann). m As fast as the nearby camps are manned, the remaining men in the eounty's quota of experi enced foresters will be sent to the woods. Approximately 38 men bare gone out to date. Presbyterians, nrst i,tmstian Win at Kitball Behind effective tossing by Lewis, First Christian defeated American Lutheran In a church CORPS MAY SWELL CAMEL'S coUteno do teste better X i 4s i r!l."""T i J , - 1 ?mT Liveirsidles 00 , mmy LoSoBBe Save BUSINESS men hayc discovered what tire men already knew that Riversides are made of the finest materials by skilled work men in one of America's largest tire factories. THE factory that makes millions of tires for "America's leading cars. The only important difference between Riversides and other famous tires is price. Ward's prices are 10 lower. What's more, Riversides are guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction. j When I heard that, I put them on my La Salle and I've been using them ever since. That sav ing of 10 will buy a lot of things ! need. No tire salesman will ever get me to pay extra fo other tires again. I'm married to Riversides. WARD'S RIVERSIDE' T 1 R Ward's Unlimited GUARANTEE Riversides are guaranteed to give satisfactory service re gardless of time used or mileage run. Any tire that fails to give satisfactory service will be repaired free of charge or replaced with a new tire, ia which event voa will b charged only for the actual service the tire delivered. Any necessary adjustments will be made at aay of Ward's 300 Retail Stores. Trade In your worn out tires for Riverside De Luxe We will accept them as part cash toward purchase of 4-pty or 6-ply Riverside De Luxe. Truck Owners Save oa Riverside Track tires Mate Heavy Service, size 30 x 3, each 1 12.30; sise 32 a 6, each, $21.00, MONTGOME RY WA 275 N. liberty I - i fVces os Low os Riverside 4-Piy 30x4.50-21 . . . S3.82 I8a4.73-19 . ; ; 4.19 293.00-19 . i . 4.43 28x5.23-18 . ; . 5.03 Riverside 6-Ply 285.50-18 . . S 8.60 326.00-20 . j 9.73 31s6.50.19 . i 11.10 33x7.00.19 ., 13.33 FREE TIRE MOUNTING Salem, Ore, TeL 8774