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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1933)
V c ft V c c vV r p - 4 t f Business Directory -.-hr- ir o. TyT-,",, a monthly basis ostly. Rate : $1.0 pr Una per month. AUTO BRAKES Hike PiMk, the bran an4 attbnmy doctor. 17 South OommoKU - Street CATERING Burt Cmnr, tha caterer. Ph. S7S3. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4459. R. g. Nort (mm. CHIROPRACTORS OR. Ol L SCOTT. PSC, "Cblroprmctor.' 1H M High. Tel. Rea 8572. DRESSMAKING Ex. 4-asnaln In your home, ji i day. Copy plctnre-a TeL 784. FLORISTS. CUT Oowera, wedding bouquet fun eral wreaths, decoration-, C r. Brelt hsup. florist. 471 Court. TeL (904. ALL. kind of floral work. Lets tlor 1st. lta 4 Market TeL S2. GLASS . Auta and window glass mirror. TeL 5tua. Walter J. Downs, 686 Bwn INSURANCE BECKS m HENDRICKS lt N. Hlxh TeL 4141 COFTRT-SMITH. gen, lna TeL MU. LAUNDRIES THK NEW SALEM LAUNDRT THK WEIDKB LAUMDaT Hi a HUh TeL il.t CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRT. First to Quality and Servtea Telephone 11(6 12(4 Broadway LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired and traded. HARRY W. BCOTT. The Cy4 Man" MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory Co noma. Sprina mattress IS. 04. Res orators un) fuualaatora Kugs cleaned. Capital Bed ding Co. TeL 40(9. 1030 N. CasitaL New mattress made to. order, old remade ; carpet cleaning,' sizing ; fluff rug weaving. Salem Fluff Rag 4 Mat tress Factory, a Utn Ar - Wilbur. TeL (4 4 1 Otto P. Zwlcker. Est. MUSIC STORES Li Ea a WIULi Planoa, radios, sew- ins rnaclrtnea,. het tnuaie Aod piano studies. Repairing .radios, phonographs and sewing machines. 412 State Street. Salem. - MUSIC INSTRUCTION riieeL Span. ! Guitar, MandoMn. Be ginners, adv. classes. Harmony, notes. Registration ends June 15. Studio TeL Tlx or Y, W. C. A. (878. MEDICINE Dr. Chan Lam Chinese Medicine Co Hours Tuesday and Friday, 10 :J0 a.m. to 4 :30 p. m. 148 N. CommerciaL PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Pnkit-A Roofing. 474 Ferry. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programa, books or any kind of priuticg, call The Statesman Printing Department. 215 a CommerciaL Tele plione (10L REAL ESTATE BCCKB PEN PRICKS. TeL 4347. W. H. URABENUORST CO. 124 a Liberty SU TeL (4(a socoLorsKT a son (04-5 First NafL Bk. Bidgv TeL STOVES STOVES and stove repairing. Stoves for sale, rebuilt and repaired. All kin ot woven wire fence, fancy and plain, boa baskets, books, logan hooka. Salem Fence and 8 tore Works, 2(2 Chemeketa. TeL 4774. R. B. Fleming. TRANSFER CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 224 Slate 8L TeL t7t. Distributing, for warding ad otorage our apecialty Uet our FOR local or distant transfer storage call 111L Larmer Traaafer Co. Trues to Portlanfl dally. TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITERS Adding Men. eeld, rented, repaired. Underwood Agents. Cooke Short. 61 Court. TeL 6584. WELL DRILLING R. A. West, l yeara axperieoea, RtT5 . rv l08 K. TeL 'HOFr Final Rites Held At Woodburn For Maude Lona Wright WOODBURN, Juna . Fn neral aervlces for Mrs. Maud Leona Wrlbt, 57. who died at her home least of town Friday, were held j Sunday afternoon at the Hall mortuary. Rt Boudlnot Seely officiated, and music was by tha Bethel church quartet. In terment wag In the elle Passl cem etery, ' v I ' ''': " Maude Volkert was born In Wllmlnatoa. O.. May -11, .1876, and she waa married to John D Wright, Decembef ,. 189. Her husband dijed September 18, 1923. She la surTlred by two daugh ters, Mrs. L. W. Stegrey of Seat tle, and Mrs. H. A. Jahnke ot Woodburn; two . brother, Louis Volkert of Columbus, O., and Eu gene, of Pittsburgh, Pa., and one aister, Mrs. Sherman Morrow ot Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 CUnltua verd- Slngte loMxtlaa. par Uatate Threw 1 iMtluJi m Sis iniartloni paUaa..M One month Ua..$lU Mi-Imam el-arg M Copy lor tola pats ac cepted nntil rjo tha - toe before p-bUeattoa tor etaaalf teatioa. 0p . telved -after this tlma will bo roa aader tha Aeadlaf Too Lata to Clas-fty. . Tha Statesman ast-oiea n Cnaeclal responsibility r errors which may ap-yar4-adyrU teaU pK Uabatfr Id tta cataasas, and -In cm beratU- paper la at fault will reprint that part ot aa advertisement la which tha typographical mistake ocrara. The 8tateamao rasarree the right to. reject objae tlonal adverttalni. It tar tber reserves tba. rixht to crasetfy all advertlaing un dr tha proper classification. HELP WANTED MALE Good barber wanted. 391 & Winter. Tracks wanted to haul wood. In quire of Paul A. Lardon. Rt. 7. WOMEN Interested in earning mon ey eewlng-. write for details. P. Ot Box 1471. Cincinnati. Ohio. ........... ...... :-I-nriJ.u-LnnrLt ABLE VAV trtr la-Wtn J- Uvery work. Pays M7.S( weekly np. Must own car. Canvassers need not apply. Steady Job. Write quick. Al bert Mills, Route Mgr J4J7 Mon month. Cincinnati, O. HELP WANTED FEMALE unempioyea erricient dressmaker. Open, operate small shop. Everything furnished. No rent. Conunia. (0. Box 8tateis.n. FOR SALE Miscellaneous InterseetioQ Silverton-Portland road. Eletrrr4l MntnHnr ni.M.. Prtoee tliat satlafy. D. C. Wahlberg. TeL 25(4, lunch hour. RADIO FOR SALE 10-tulM R-J. tl 72 OA Vttm- rrv. sesaed. Raln.j afn 11 n rJ'. c down. $5 month. See Mr. Jans, Will's Music Store. Kitchen range, Rt. 1, Box 265, (2F15. 1 flat, ton office dMlr 1 mil tr nr. flee desk, filing cabinet. 3 office chairs, typewriter, law books. Mrs. W. S. IvPtis. 1I4S X. 14th. WANTED Miscellaneous cows, shep( free of charge. TeL 4869. WANTED npr1 hats, and shoes in good condition. High est prices paid. Star Exchange, 111 N, Comrofrclnl St. Phone 5948. MISCELLANEOUS Best hair. mil. Artnlta ft ..ViiiA n. Two Mocks a of library, a Winter. FOR RENT ROOMS Modern room, garage, alp. porch. 1577 Court St. Tel. 4857. ROOM AND BOARD Board and room for ladies. Close In. TeL 5S78. 595 Court St. 1 iJriio-aijifkjj j-trunjTin r . r j wwi i-., . B. and R. near P. O. $20. Tel. 5482. Room, board, private home, 677 a Com'l. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Fur. S R. apu 22(1 HaaeL Tel 7664. Duplex apt, unfurn. 951 N. Winter. Well furnished 2 room apartment. Garage. Adults. 475 N. CapitoL Nice furn. apts., overstuffed. 590 Union. 2 roonf modern furn. apt with bath. (SO N. Summer. TeL 4491. Three room furnished Apaxtmant, private bath, very nice, 10(4 Oak SL Furnished apartment, summer rate. 1040 Leslie. rlffi tiaarlw 4f,1v.aiSA sma .(,,.. bath. 545 Court St. Tel. 5792. FOR RENT HOUSES Porn, and ttaftm. honsea R A. Forkner, Kit - N. Cottage. TeL 20IL Ir. bungalow, furn. 124( Chemeketa. Modern turn. 2-room house, close in. TeL (010. 1700 N. 17th SL. (22.50: 435 Rich mond Ave.. $22.50 ; 2105 N. Fourth St, 915.00; 1070 HaseL furnished, (25.0. P. H. BELL, 225 Oregon Bldg. Phone 894)2. House, also apts., 255 Division. 8mall house partly furs. 2430 Lee. Mod. 4) r. house. Inquire 1591 Court. ----------i"iiiiirrriorTrLn.n.rLrvi FOR RENT See furnished bouse, (15; others (12.50 to 930: unfurnished (8 to 825. Also bungalow for sale, payment down. Dai. line rent, hjsjs BECHTEL or THOMASON 341 State . Room 4. Modern T room No. Cap. TeL 3545. WANTED TO RENT Painting, papering, or decorating by expert workman for rent on furnished house or apt. Open Door Mission, (15 H N: Commercial Street. FOR SALE Real Estate Strictly modern 5 room bungalow, close in. Nearly new. A very choice home at only (3000.00, all furnished. Terma ( Acres with modern ( room bun galow near Salem. Price only f 3(00.00. Terms given. (0 Acre located north of Salem, all fenced and cultivated. Good Hop land. Bargain at (2500.00. Terma J. F. ULRICH CO. Phone 8(72 22f Bute Street ' " SNAP If you want a dandy well kept S-A. tract close in, very cheap, come la and see ma. No fooling about this PUJA& D. SEARS, REALTOR 1(2 South High Street FOR SALE Real Est&t Remember X have some choice lots: will build that house to suit oa easy terms. Let n show you. j - H. C. .SHIELDS' i -Oregon Bldg. TeL 1162. Good semi-modem 7-room plastered reaidetice, basoment. tliwpisce. -pinnrb-Ing. on two big lots covered with nut. cherry and ornamental trees and rosea, grape arbor, near schools, nice rlew, going at depression price. Also two beautiful building lots -60x129 each with large fruit trees, block southJLes lle brick nrhool, at bargain, easy terma "wntr, Hum ara Fnona (854. .. i... Ynnnn ut ui.ii.iuuuui Don't -build nnta you see the two fine lots all in eherriea. pears and an cles, full bearing, one block south of Lesll. junior high achooL nice lew, level lots, (0x130 each. Sell one or both cheap, eawy -payments. Owner, T(i Rural Avenue, phone (854. K1IT NOW (8400 Home For ( 800 7 room modern home, best of con struction. Only ( blocks from state bouse, north. Small payment will han dle. CHILDS ft MILLER, Realtor 344 State Street Phone 470( HOME AND AN INCOMeT"" , P"? property on Urge corner lot 71x100 ft, S apartments partly furnished. Owner wishes to leave and a real sacrifice at price of $3000. part terma ...CTLDS MILLER, Realtora 344 State Street Phone 6708 FOR SALE, LEASE OR WILL UULLD TO SUIT Choice corner suburban property. Ideal for store and station. Priced rea sonable. CHILDS A MILLER. Realtora 344 State Street Phone (70S SPECIALS TODAY Owner leaving city. Modern bunga low, good furniture, all clear for $2950 Good terms. Worth at least one thou- fil ,?orem Never get another chance like this. To nee it, SEE BECHTEL or THOMASON 3State Street Room 4. WHT PAY RENT? cJ?1? y.U can bu Rood home for (450 Another one for $950 $1250 and To BSEE"' baUnce like nnt- it e?1?"1, or THOMASON "1 Street 4 LOOK! TOUR GAIN, OUR LOSS! Two well-located North Salem i!?- modern, and complete TJ1ere 8 no 'oollng about these places. See our a pent. YAN iL GREER 202 Ore. Bldg. ? Phona 75Jj FOR SALE FARMS rOTt QUICK SALE acrW4 home' "ffhU. acres orchard, creek gravity water H cash, balance 6, SEE HAWKINS A ROBERTS ... For Farm Bargain. ALMOST GIVEN A WAT " " eJ-"aTCI!i JL0' 'n cultivation and crop. Looks fine. Family orchard New tt li DOU,Ury house, fencea U taken no my agent J.D-aJS? MAXTOR nign Qireet H.V.V .r"n' UAKUAINS $14000 buy 20- nice all tillable acres, house barn and some fruit, on good road 8 miles Salem $500 cash balance 5 years at (. ' $4500.00 buys 72 good smooth acres f0m;r,h,0U8f Rood barn, other build hvraWill take small place near Salem or good valley town. Melvin Johnswn or W. H Pennington 275 State Street T TTl.T T7 ewi - . . EXCHANGE Real Estate WW WXMH 1111... nn r u L tj hnJL, 1Qm with apt. for smaller rTr3-: 5arm- or merchandise. ?J 'appointment. 5480 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED TO BUY v-,tKraft!Ve 6 rm modern home in Korfh Salem. Clone in. Phone 7533. Business Opportunities - ' ' ; WANTED TO BUY small grocery c , s"T,,n Bood community center. Salem. Box 211. Statesman, ' LIVESTOCK and POULTRY . ,..,. FOR SALE Gentle work mare, Jer ff?.00' fren aoon- 1 N. Front Rubens.11 km'ls, caU Smith Three horses for sain or trade for car, also fresh cow for sale. Second house eaat of Bethel school MONEY TO LOAN 'Bells of Harmony' Heard over KOIN daily ring out a loan service that is really really different. TOTJ GET THE FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH ONLY LA WFUL INTEREST .STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ON LOANS It to t$oa Beneficial Loan Society - OF SALEM Room 119 New BUgh Bldg. 2nd Floor it a .if2NiED BT STATE (It State Street TeL X-T-4-a or " fi'r'rar? aUrlee I or etner xond anenrtty. Bemyabhrl oa befory clortng a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT M . CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg. Phens (XIX PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS aaaaa (f ,f ja In 1'ia X M. 8-1(5. Na h, T?,"1 Property! repay Si-J?? bjaUmta. WTLLAM ETTB LOAN CO., State lie, 8-la7lii Guardian BldgTTeL (Sit. POLLY AND HER ZW Jtf T TV5' ..O eVwVr4TED-t30TJS-O - jr VTySSp vSj I Jl MONEY TO LOAN wwwWim - n n n qruvj MONET "LOANED OH AUTOS . Coo tracts py-nail Arraage ta roduca yotu paymeats Ton keep- tho-gag , P. A..EIKER Con Liberty St. aad Fwry Phone 41(8 . tslsaat Oca, Private mommy to loan on good real estate security. Abraxas and Ellis Xnc 411 Masonic. FOR SALE WOOD niTA T A rU'TsTTrr rtDV m a TsL 600 aalea Fuel Co. Trade m Cottage. ................ 1. rinn (mjmjjj Asa, fir and oak. TeL (Mi. Dry wood $4 cord. TeL (4(9. Dry wood, all kinds. TeL 4418. Dry oak. 4 ft, I4.M. TeL $708. - -- -- -- rn.ixiuwx 1C dry slab wood. M dry old fir. Prompt deHrery. At Tracy TeL (98(. LOST AND FOUND LOST Weymaan tenor banjo. In case. Kewara. TeL 76(2. LOST Black male Atrdale In downtown district Name "Nigger on collar. Liberal reward. Call it S. it M. araraye. 235 B. Com'L FOR SALE USED CARS aaaaaaaaaeaaaaa. iN'lVrVrtXAJ'LrUIJ1 McKAYS USED CARS WITH AN O. K. THAT COUNTS 1926 Srude Coupe a dandy $125.00 1939 Willys-Knight Coupe 250.00 1929 Pontlac Sedan 295.00 1931' Ford Pickup 295.00 1929 Nash Sedan 225 00 1932 Chevrolet DeLuxe Coupe 675.00 1932 Plymouth Sedan 545.00 1929 Chevrolet Panel Truck 325.00 1929 Chevrolet Truck 195.00 TERMS TRADES Open Evenings and Sundays McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 333 Center Phone 21(9 430 N. ComT. ' ---- " 1 1 1 ii i r WANTED Several light ear Will pay cash. t USED CAR EXCHANGE Terms Trades (42 Chemeketa 1M8 ChV nrmr-Y, Sam-If!.. ..!. an estate. TeL (411. LOW PRICED TRANSPORTATION 1927 Oldsmoblle Coach. Priced to sell $ 3.00 1928 Essex Sport Coupe 125.00 1925 Oakland Coupe. "Real Rood." 00 1927 Cbev. Coupe . 85 00 Model T Ford Coupe 17 50 Dodge Screen Delivery. "Good condition." 63 00 1927 Cbev. Truck. Dump body lisloo 1" verland Coach 60 00 ' Can handle good milk cow In trade. . BORREGCTS 240 N. Liberty Tel. 2(88. WANTED USED CARS Will FtTYV Prtevl A t jm. , Call evenings J5F4. First Indication of what cherry growers may expect on their crops this spring1 Is contained In report receired by a local man from the cherry district of California. There the prevailing price on Roy al Anne is four cents; on some maraschino stocks, 4 cents on Black Tarts, sU cents; and on blngs, eight cents. While these prices are not nec essarily local prices, they give some Indication of wbat the local crop will sell for. So far, no open market quota tions on cherries hare been made, or if they bare, fruit men aren't talking about it. The local cherry crop, while not a bumper one. Is promising. WOULD FORECLOSE OX LAXD DALLAS, June 8 F. O. Byer ley filed a foreclosure complaint here Monday against Millie M. Stafrin, individually and as execu trix of the estate of Conrad Staf rin, et al. WOUNDED 1 'V. . ' :-..: v. v :. 4-.- . v ." ; V" i i i I s?1 1 ..-(S-. I N Kiss Margaret Kraia, of Newark, N. J ona of tba fira personi wounded daring- the attempt oa the Ufa of President Rooaerelt ai Miami, last February, shown aa aht Vft tba Wbita Hooaa after en on tha President. Tba Chief aeen tire epTeased joy at ber rapid ra eorexy. PALS CHEfIRr PIES in SOUTH LOU 0000 Egos Mixed; Shortage Acute In Asparagus; Berry Supply Limited PORTLAND. Jane f . (AP) Lack ot a prica changa in tha market for butter here suggest ed again the streogth displayed by the local trade In face of ef forts of outside abrppTt to cre ate tba Impression that Portland was a cheap market. Buttertat quotations were ful ly steady with practically no change In buying values for the day. There continued a mixed tone in the market for eggs with ona distributor holding values at the highest' point along the coast. Bulk of the sales here were in dicated at 1 to 2 cents below these values. There was a slightly easier tone suggested In the market for lire hens with bere and there 1 cent loss la the price. Weakness continued in the broiler trade. There was another Improve ment in the market for country killed calves with a further slight gain In the price. Hogs were holding steady while a shortage of good lambs continued despite the weakness In the live mar ket. With only limited supplies of California berries here or in sight for tomorrow, values were ad vanced to $2 crate for offerings despite the poorness of fruit. Oregon Gold Dollars were gener ally J2.25-2.40 with improved Oregons $2.50 generally as were some Columbia river Clark Seed lings. There was acute shortage of asparagus bere. Columbia river offerings have been greatly cur tailed by the high water and cool weather. Sales up to $2 pyramid were confirmed. NEW YORK, Jane . (AP) Financial trading continued brisk today, especially on the stock exchange where shares stumbled into Selling after an early advance and then firmed again. Speculative bonds had a good run-up. Wheat had small declines and cotton sagged. Vol ume totaled 6,205,969 shares. Santa Fe's senior stock closed 11 points lower and the common softened 4. New York Central, Southern Pacific and Union Pa cific yielded 1 to ,2. Western Union and Postal Telegraph pre ferred again raced ahead of the market, the former advancing 4 net and the latter nearly 9. U. S. Steel reached a new high for the year at 54 but closed unchanged. National Steel ad vanced on reports that the divi dend might soon be Increased, while Republic, Youngstown and Vanadium made progress. Allied Chemical lost 3 and Case 2. Coca Cola, Safeway and General Rail way Signal added a couple of points or so. Rubbers were high er in expectation of tire price ad vances. Radio Program WZDEESDAY, Jobs 7. QW FOXTIirD (80 a. 7:00 Organ concert, WBC. 7:30 Organ eoaccrt. NBC. T:SO RAytkm Hamblen, NBC. 8:00 Beaald Back, pisniit. :1S Jsek ud Fttir, NBC. 9:15 K, D. Moyles Co. t:(0 Cooking scbmL 1:00 Sank Kreiadler, NBO. 10:30 W .man's Marsalas et tae Ala KBO. i:0O Al Paaree aae His Oaag, NBO. (SO Tria4Iy caat 4:00 Pair e Piaaec, NBC. 5:15 Rialte EcIums, NBO. :(0 Xyrea Niesley. NBC. :J0 -am Gereoa, Ike Kibitiar. f :00 Aaiae 'a' Aady. NBC. t :1S Al Mitchell's erckeetie. NBC. :1S Adveatnrea ( Sherlock Bournes. NEC. (:5 Coarsd TUbsalt aa. Graft's er- " ekestrs, NBC. t:S$ Ceneert la Bhytka, NBC. 10:19 Aaoa Weeks' orchestra, NBC 11:00 Pail Harris' ereksstra. NBC. 1190 Jhn Tart's orchestra, (TW te NBC. rone roKTXAjrD 940 x. :0 KOCT Week. 8:00 Viaeeat Tfaver'a orchestra, CBS. 9:00 kUria, Little Freaek Friaeess, CBS. :15 eorce HeU'e orchestra. CBS. 9:45 Raesiaa errhastra, CBS. 10:00 Aaa Lral at the ergaa, CBS. U:15 Rose City trie aad Harry Biggs. 12:0 Jsek Brseks. CBS, 9:00 Festiaine Fancies, BLBg. 8:00 Sperts authority, CBS. :4S Light Opera Gems, CBS. Fin. nine MB BRISK A Practical Woman LABISH LETTUCE FIGHTS SEATTLE WHEAT UNDERGOES LIGHT SETBACK Price Reduced, Lower Figure Threatened; Carrots Arrive PORTLAND. June C (AP) There was some active competi tion between Labish producers and Seattle peddlers of lettuce to day on the East Side Farmers' Wbolesale market. The Seattle distributors were not allowed in tha market but stationed them selves outside the doors and con ducted their business without pay ing either a state or city license or a market fee. Labish threw quite a scare Into the Seattleitea by dropping the price immediate ly to 75c a crate and Indicated that even a lower value would be named if the peddlers from the north desired it. Lettuce market was naturally weaker as a result of the contro versy, ranging from 75e to 90c with a few $1 crate. The trade bere was demanding that -the city collect a license from the ped dlers. Fancy quality new carrots were offered from The Dalles for the first time this season. Priced around 40c doxen bunches. General Markets TBODUCB EXCHANGB PORTLAND. Ore.. June 8. ( AP) Produce exchange. Bet prices Batter, extras 22c, standards 21 ,c, prima firts 2mc. firsts 20 He. Egg fresh E tras lSe, fresh mediums 17c. Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore, Wheat Open Jely 60 ? September 68 Deeember 65 H Caah wheat No Juna High 61 3 6. (AP Low Close 60 60 H 62H 72 5 va 1 Big Bend blue- stem 67 He; dark bare winter 12 per cea oe, 11 per cent 6-c; soft white, hard wiated 60c; northern spring west ern white, western red 57 He. Oats No. 8 whit (21.50. Cora No. 2E yellow (21.50. Millrun Standard (IS. Portland Produce 1 PORTLAND. Ore, June . (AP) Butter Prints, extras .4c, standards 23 H e. Bntterfat Portland delirery. A grade 21-22o pound, farmers' door delirery 21 22e poand; sweet cream 5e higher. ECCS Pacific poultry produc-rs' sellmc price: Jumbos, 10c, extras ISc, mixed colors 17c, medium ITc dozen. Baying price of wholenalers : Fresh cur rent receipt 66 pounds and up 12-14c. Cheese 2 score Oregon tripleta ISc; loaf lie pounds. Broken will pay lc below quotations. Milk Contract price 4 pr cent, Portland deiirery (1.70 Cwt; B grade cream 37 He pound. Country meats Selling price to re tailers: County killed liora, best butch ers, ander 150 pounds. 6H-7c; Tellers 70 to 100 pounds, 7H"8c; spring lambs 12-12 He; yearlings 2-4c; heary ewes 8H-3e; eanner cow 5 c; bulls 5H-6e pound. (obair Nominal buying price: 1933 clip 12c pound. Cascsra bark Baying price: 1933 peel 4e pound. Heps Nominal. 1933. 70-75 pound. Lira poultry Portland deiirery: bay ing prices: Heary hens, colored, 4j pounds 13c: do mediama 12c; Hghts lie springs, tight 1H poand- ap 12c; colored springs 15c. Root ten 6 pound. Daeke. Pekina, broilers 15e poand: old ducks Pekins 1012c, do colored 10c pound. Onions Selling price to retailers: Oregon (1-1.25 cental. New onions California Bermudas (1.60-1.75 per 50 pound erste. California 40e per lng, new red 2e pound. Potatoes Local (1.15-1.35; Des chntes Gems (1.60; do bakers, (1.75; Yakima Gems (1.50. New potatoes California Garnets (H-(e pound; white 2e pound. Strawberries Sacramento 24s (2 2.25; Oregon (2.25 2.50; Clark seed ling (2. SO crate. Wool 193S clip, nominal. Willam ette valley 2l-23e poand; eastern Oregon 17-20e; southern Idaho lS-20c ponad. ,,H-r " Baying price from producers: Alfalfa No. 1 (15. No. 3 (14: clorer (13. eaatera Oregon timothy (16, oats a ad Tetck (15. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore, Jaae . (AP Cettls Receipts 150. calves 15; steady. Steers, good, $6-6.75. common and mo diusa (3.75-6.25. Heifers, good (5.25 dealer, rood (6-6.76. Calres, good Hoga BtecaipU 150; steady Good 140 to 200 pounds (5-5.75; 300 ie 250 ponnds (5.35 5.75; orer 350 pound (S-S.75. Sows, good (4-4.75. me diaaa (3J.0-4. Pigs, good (1.75-4.73. Sheep Boeeipta 100; abo-4 steady. Lambs, good sad ekoiee (4.25-6.75. me dium (4 6.25. Wethers (2 4.75. Ewee St 3.50. T:15 Uttla Jack Little, CBS. :0O Eddie Duehin'a errherra, CBS. :00 Tod Fio-Rite'a archestrs. DLBS. 10:00 Archie LoTeland's band, KOIN te CDLBS. 10:00 Johnaie Walker' "Isie of Gold en Dreams," KOIN to CB8. 11:00 Johnny oh ia son's Jaattea Beach orchestra, te CDLBS. KOAO OOBVAL LIS 66 Xa. 4:0 Masieal Eye Oponera. 7: on Maraiag modi. stia. Ud by Bev. Paal P. Petticerd. 0:00 Home economics obserrer. 11:00 Better health aad laager Hie. l(:0O Pwrm beer. 3:30 Dt. Hcariotu Hon-, "Tage Ublee Ciaderellas of the Kitch en." 3:30 Songs from the islands. S:0O Dr. W. L. Powwa, "Boeoat De Telepmeats ia Fertiliser Prac tice." 8:(0 Bdaa Ed -ards, piaaiat, sad Carl Laiao, toner. Salem Markets Grade B raw 4 . aaltk, co-op pool price, f 1M per hundred. Sarptus $IJM. (hUlk ease- e attm-Cal sveragO Italy Distributor price f 1.70 Butterfat Top 20-21c, Prints 24 K, cnbea 23H. frlees paid te gn iwere ey lalea harm Jane (The price bete, sepphed ay a laaal poeer. see iadieaur f ta dairy surfcet sal are rnara bum- by Tba gleusss) PBOTT AJTO VXOZTAAL a String beani, lb, wb, " .1 J Artichokes, dot' .7 Atpartgni, local, dot. .SO Cabbmgo, lb. .03 Grees paitpera. CaliL. Uw J PV Cah.'.. lb. 04 Onions, doi. boocbrt as Fetstoet, Yakiaa No. S l.t5 "' , 1.00 te 1.2S Florida 340 sbaita, wbuet 9 Art Saract potatoos. crate Laxtnee. Ca'.f. Oaioas. Labish. tw Rhubarb, local . Celery. Caiif crate Mexican Tomatoes ApplM Wioosas. fancy Extra fancy Ne towns, taaey Extra fancy Oranges, p.p. 1.0 -1.25 .(95 .01 s ts . .OS .1.40 - .00 -1..S 2.25 to 2.7S I sac 7 .8.00 lo 4.00 Beeta Calif dot .45 TurniD locl iu .40 .60 Sptaaeb, local, crate Baaaaaa. lb. on stock .25 to .05 OS Hands Celery hearts, dot. Mustard greens Cucumbers Pineapple, retail Cantaloupes, crate Lemoas Cooseberri-a Strawberries, locals .90 .60 .80 to 1.30 . .20 te .10 5.0O 7.50 .03 to .04 2.50 HOPS top. Top. 1932. 1931. IS. .70 .Si TV BOoa Baying Prices Extras Standards Hedinms .14 .11 .12 .4 .11 .09 -0 POOXIBT Old rai.r. . Colored hens . Medloms hens Ught bent. Broilers .13 to .15 3.00 KB AT Lambs, top Hogs, top First cuta .5.50 5 .04 H to .02 H to .054 to -02 H to Steers Cows ... Heifers OS .03 .04 .03 .06 H 07 H Balls Dressed Teal, top uressed bogs ortarw asm kit Whst, western red .65 White. No. 1 .65 Barley, top, tea IS. 00 to 20.00 Oats, ton 20.00 te 25.00 Hay. buying piieaa Oats and retch, ton 18.00 Alfalfa, Taller 1st cut .19.G0 Eastern Oregon 20.00 Clorer hay 18.00 WOOL Medium Course .23 .23 .10 .01 H .04 H Uohair CASCABA BABK Greea. Ib. . Dry, lb. - Stocks and Bonds (Copyright. 1933. Standard Statistics Co.) June STOCK AVBSAGES 20 SO to KB's Ufa Tntai Todar Previous day Week ago Tear ago .. 3 years ago 4n.100.5 79.8 44 6 41.0 16.5 P9.2 92 9 61.4 80.0 77.7 40.3 12K.0 258.6 ISA. 8 41.6 10.5 80.4 23o 61.5 43.9 39.8 111.0 73 9 13.2 51.8 35.0 High 1913 Iw 1934 . High 1932 Low 1932 3J.1 BOND AVEKAOE8 24 '7S.1 72.1 71.2 55.8 94 0 73.1 5.3 71.8 53.2 20 76. S 76.5 74.1 54 7 107.0 76.S 57.0 76 0 47.4 Today Preeioui day We-k ago Year ago ( years ago High less Low 1933 High 19T2 84.2 84 0 83.7 74.3 99.7 85.3 74.1 8U.2 70.9 77.9 77.7 76.0 61.6 100.3 77.9 63.6 78.1 57.5 Low 1 New 1933 high Prune Estimates Revised Upward; 30-30s are Gone PORTLAND. June f (AP) A slight revision upward of Ore gon aad Clark coanty prune crop estimates, was apparent In trade talk here today. The latest Ideas for the two sections Is a toUl yield of between 29 and SO mil lion pounds. Little business was reported In Oregon prunes during the week although there was a quarter-cent rise on what Is believed to be about the last of the J0-Js. This practically leaves only 2$-35s un sold, and the volume ot these la small. Latest Quotations were: 2 5-3 5 a. fi cents; 39-40s, 44 cents. TAKES OVER 8TAXD HUBBARD, June . Harold LeDue will have charge of the laach counter at Mid-ay berry farm, formerly ma by afr. and Mrs. JDrlle Boje. Mr. and lira. Boje will continue to run their fruit and vegetable stand. 50 In I U S2.7 83.1 81.7 40.2 181.7 84.1 42.3 72.a Crop to be Shriveled, Light Weight is Expert Belief CHICAGO. June S fAP.- spondlng to forecasts of cooler weather, wheat prices ander not something of a setback late to- oay. The downturn of values csune after -values earlier bad averaced higher. Influenced by the faet this was the fourth successive day hi scorching temperatures southweet and west, with the mercary la some eases breaking the top rec ord. Crop experts expressed belief that shriveled and llght-welgbt wheat would constitute a larg part of the 1933 harvest. Wheat closed nervous. under yesterday's finish, corn H Ti down, oats advanced. Today's closing quotations: Wheat: July, 73-73 H; Sept.. 74-75; Dec., Corn: July, 4 4H-U: Sept.. 4-7i-t7: Dec.. 4S. Oats:, July, 25; Sept., 25.-2; Dec., 27 H. EXPORT OF BRINE f Franc and Italy will produce cherries sufficient for the brine demand this year, and as a result exporters expect little busineae from th United States, accord ing to wire received by the feder al agriculture bureau from Agri cultural Attache N. I. Nielsen et Marseilles. The message fallows: "Cherries, fresh, total produc tion this year expected to be lar ter than last year in Italy, but ir France total production this yeai expected to be about equal to last year. Quantity of cherries to be placed in brine in Italy probablj slightly above last year, hut In France a llttle'less. with total fer two countries about same as 1132. This quantity of brined cherrie sufficient for demand, and export ers again expect little buataeu from the United SUtes. "Present quotations, cost, in surance, and freight. New York In cents per pound new cror French cherries in brine, first quality, stemmed and pitted. 18 to 22 millimeters .5c. New crop Italian cherries In brine Prim, whole, stemmed and pitted 18-20 millimeters 8.4e." , GRAND CHAPLAIX HONORED DAYTON. June 6 L. A. Ross ner of Dayton, grand chaplain of the Odd Fellows of Oregon was honored with a surprise at the Odd Fellows hall here Wednes day. Eighty members were pres ent including Dr. J. H. Nelson or McMinnville. grand treasurer; E. J. Pratt ot McMinnville. grand high priest: SIg Harris of Ger vais, grand junior warden who gave talks. r o- AT TRACK I tl a : -"-,:, :.: k-- is-- j ,-.t . r. To aea tba very latest la f eminlae faabioms visit m race track. Hrna is Mrs. Harold E. Talbo, noted cicty seao-r, pKtnraa as Park. N. T i - arwt- , corrtpcaed of a wbita gkvilk i trimmed rttb -nnlV- Aa- u with grlc-es, scarf and hat bead By CUFF STERRETT CUES 4VM Columbus.