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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1933)
I VACATION TIME Have The Statesman fol low yon while on your va cation; mailed to any ad dress two . weeks, only 25 cents. Call 0101. mm WEATHER Partly cloud jr with occa sional rain today and Thurs day; Max. Temp. Tneeday 61, Mia. 41. river 3 feet; southwest winds. FOUNDED 1851 EIGHTY-THIRD YEAR Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, Jane 7, 1933 No. 62 nc.niiif d pnnc mi in urn mil ii 1I1G Columbia Floods Lowlands In Vancouver , Region, ; - : Also) Oregon, Side v Silver Ratio Basis For Money Reserve To be Parley Issue Economist: Not Kitchen Variety 75 Feet at Hood River but Not '.' Rising; ; Portland ; Docks are Damaged PORTLAND, Juno (AP) As the Columbia river kept up its steady rise tonight, 'spilling oter thousands of aerey of lowland in the vkjiattjf of . Vancouver, -Wash., the number of farmers and dairy men temporarily deserting their lands along; the river was increas ed. - !- ?. ; w..t.-v- -- Several dairy herds were" driven from the pastures: Owners of oth er herds rushed supplies to their farms where they . expected to stand a long siege. Those resi dents who decided to stay, at their lowland farms despite the disrup tion of travel the high water has brought, were planning to bring their milk and other farm prod ucts to market in boats and on rafts. At Vancouver the river "rose to a stage of 21.3 feet, only .3 of a foot less than last year's crest, 21.6. Some hope tor at least tem porary relief from the rising wat ers was seen in the, report . that the Snake river was falling. Washongal, Camas Lowlands Flooded Farther upstream at Washou gal and Camas, Wash., lowlands along the Columbia and Washou gal rivers were completely flood ed today and farmers and home owners were preparing for even higher water. Operations of a large paper mill at Camas, it was said, would not be seriously hind ered until the 29-foot . level , is reached. Although there was still a 10 foot clearance along the dike on Richardson road on the Oregon side, gardeners in - the district were concerned about the steady rise of the watersrliWnBah county deputy sheriffs -were' on patrol. The river was within 6 feet of flooding an amusement re sort, and employes of a meat packing plant were patrolling the Faloma dike lest the waters break through and flood the extensive industrial area of North Portland, With the river at avel of 75 feet at Hood River, truck eardeners in the area were build ing dikes today to protect the low lands. The stream was near a standstill there today, however. after rising steadily for several days. The Willamette river was also rising steadily, causing damage to several docks in the Portland harbor, hut the weather bureau predicted that after Thursday the rise would be considerably slower. The river tonight stood at 20.3 feet here, a rise of half a foot in 24 hours. The weather bureau forecast a stage of 21.5 feet by Friday. Flood stage is 25 feet. w - Not Bimetallism Says Pittman, Author Of Proposal of Nevada, member of the Amer- ReVOlt ASSUaged Dy F. R. S mr-'jr -watt The only woman officially attach ed to the U. S. delegation to the London economic conference. Miss Celeste Jedel is shown as she sailed from New York. She is a member of Professor Moley's advisory council. E T UM ION mm Another Mass Meeting Will Be Held Here Saturday; Organizing Groups The Truck Owners' and Farm ers Protective association will hold another mass meeting at the chamber of commerce here at 2 p. m. Saturday to discuss the new truck licensing and taxing law which goes into effect soon, and to consider ways of obtaining its revision, the executive committee decided at a meeting yesterday.. The general public, as well as truck owners and farmers, will be urged to attend. The wave of opposition to the new law, which the protective as sociation maintains is unjust and unreasonable, is mounting daily, as evidenced by numerous letters and other inquiries coming to A. (Turn to page 2, col. 1) NEW THEATRE TO OPENED PUN SCOUTS T n WHAT T HEY KNOW Bridges that can be made of raw materials found in the woods and can be assembled like jig saw' puziles, rustic fireplaces with nary a nail, brick nor piece of tin, shelters constructed with no tools other than axe, knife and spade Boy Scouts learn to take care of themselves along the forest trails and on Friday night they will demonstrate their knowledge to the nubile. At 7 o'clock that night the pro gram of the annual Boy . Scout field rally of Cascade area, com prising Marion, Polk and Linn counties, will start on Sweetland field here.! Troops from all parta of the area are expected to par ticipate in the exhibitions and contests. Many of them will camp overnight at the field. What can be done with bow and arrow will be demonstrated, as & special program feature, by Harry and John Hadley Hobson, archery experts. A new theatre win be opened at 255 North Church street here August 1, Donald A. Young of the Capitol Securities corporation announced yesterday. The cor poration will remodel the struc ture now occupied by Dadivson's Auto Service. Although the pro- ect is backed by local capital. Young declined to divulge the names of persons interested in it Entirely independent, the new theatre will show first and sub sequent run pictures of a type not before available in Salem, Young stated. Plans are, he added, to in stall a small stage for acts and to render the show house comfort able, well ventilated and heated but not elaborate. Admission prices will be less than those pre vailing now. Remodeling, to start about July 1, will include replacement of the present concrete floor with a sloping theatre floor, addition of a new front with marquis, and provisions for a small confection ery at one side of the entrance. Soil Fertility Tour of Valley Is Slated Today CORVALLIS. Ore., June . (AP) A ( soil fertility tour of western Oregon, designed to Tlew the results of fertiluer - demon strationa (sponsored by the Ore gon experiment station under many cropping: conditions, .will start f r ojn Corvalli tomorrow morning, land continue through the west! side counties to the north In the forenoon and back through the east side counties in the afternoon. Information as to where the touring party may be "picked P enroute is available through the c o a n t yi agents.- Soil scientists here estimate . that About one third of i the present, $300,009 pent in Oregon for fertilisers is wasted. by improper msa . LEADERS HOPE FOR PEACE ON VETERANS AID Additional 60 Millions for Disabled may be Paid, Not Raise Taxes S. PRESIDENT ROOSE VELT. .AT SEA. June 6. (APJ Senator Key Pittman Compromise, Feeling Among Bourbons lean delegation now proceeding to me juonaon economic conference. revealed today the terms of a clan Dy wmcn tne nations could use silver as a certain percentage of tneirr currency reserves to econ omise on gold and to raise and WASHINGTON. June (AP) stabilise the price of the white! Democratic house leaders were metal. more hopeful tonight that Presi The governments whose renre-1 dent Roosevelt's compromise pro- sentauves , participated in the posai on increased, veterans out- Washlngton conversations are In tays would be accepted by the general accord. Senator Pittman house Thursday and the cc.tro- sald, though the chances for verted independent offices supply agreement at. London upon a eon-bl11 ent to conference. structive silver program depend The president's executive order upon progress in other fields. I modifying the regulations nrevi- The senator insisted his nlan I ouslv nromulzated and orleinallv aoes not constitute bimetallism designed to save $420,000,000 in as gold would continue to be the I veterans annroDriatlons was cred- standard. ited by Speaker Ral&ey with less- The nations appear to be In I ening the revolt that spread from agreement, Mr. Pittman said, the senate to the house. that the currency reserve of gold The situation was canvassed by should be lowered below the 40 Raiser. Representative McDuffle per cent now required in the of Albama, chairman of the econ- Unlted States. Twenty-five ner omy committee, and Lewis W. cent gold coverage was mention- Douglas, budget director, at a ed for purposes of illustration hv conierence tonignt at tfte capitoi. the senator who said one-fifth of Failure of the president to in- tnis reserve should be silver . ciuae presumptive as wen as ser vice connected aisaDUity cases, they found, however, was unsatis factory to many members of the house. At the White House the execu tive order issued was estimated as increasing the outlay for veterans about $60,000,000 compared with the $170,000,000 anticipated ex tra outlay under the amendment adopted by the senate. "Budget Director Douglas In forms me that if the president's compromise, which will embody the regulations Issued today, la adopted, the additional outlay may be made witnout increased taxes," Ralney said. HIO WAT DELAYS SEARCH FOR BODIES Noted Magazine Publisher.. Dies' " v . v - S ML r TRrSH. K, CTRTIS CYRUS if CURTIS 1 DIES UK TODAY Rated one of World's Most Successful Publishers; III More Than Year Both Drowned men Forest Corps Members, Word To Coroner Here MATTERN HOPS TOWARD CHITA; But Should Make up Time as Post, Gatty had Trouble And Lost H Hours :r r Texas Aviator Refreshed by Sleep at Omsk; Damaged .' Strut Is Repaired High water condition Tester- day retarded the search for the bodies of Howard Herron, 23, and jonn t. Hess, 20, members of the conservation corps stationed near Hall, 10 miles this side of Detroit, Coroner I e. Barrick reported on his! return here last night with Walter Gerth, who assisted him. Gerth, however, left directions with men from the forest camp ror proceeding this morning with further grappling for the two bodies t m m DEBT UEST1 LONDON, June 6 (AP) A special meeting of the British cab- Lev I Harris, elderlv man Uvinir inet will be held Friday when the In a cabin near the scene of the problem of what to do about the drowning, told the coroner he saw American aeDt payment aue June Herron and Hess In a boat trvine 15 may bo threshed out to a, de- to cross the Santiam river to the Linn county side, that they lost an oar out appeared In no diffi culty when he entered his cabin. When he came out a few minutes later the boat was not in sight. ' Reports at the forest camp. Barrick said, were that the oars from the boat were discovered along the river boom at Mill City. The boat was found on the rocks. badly battered, a mile and a half downstream from the Harris cabin. Young Herron, contrary to. nre- vious reports, was a member of the conservation corps, the cor oner, who interviewed the father, a Gates resident, stated. Hess en listed in the corps at Chicago and was a member of Company 620, stationed at Mary creek camp in charge of Lieutenant Serff. cision, Officials estimated today in an nouncing the summoning of the extraordinary meeting of minis ters that the government expects to have by Friday some indication from Washington .of what the American government Is counting on from London when pay day rolls round. x PHILADELPHIA, June 7. (Wednesday) (AP) Cyrus H. K. Curtis, newspaper and maga- tine publisher, died today. He was in his 83rd year. M. Curtis, one of the world's greatest publishers, passed away at 2:10 a. m., In his home in suburban Wyncote. He had been ill since May, last year, when he was stricken with a heart attack while on his yacht Lyndonia, near New York, and was hurraed to this city aboard the vessel. Five days later his wife died suddenly. She had taken a room in the hospital to be near him and passed away in her sleep from a heart ailment from which she had suffered for a number of years. She was his second wife and a second cousin. Mr. Curtis was chairman of the board of the Curtis Publish ing company which publishes the Saturday . Evening Post, Ladies' Home Journal and the Country Gentleman,' Also, Mr. Curtis was president of the Ctrrtls-Martin Newspapers, Inc., which publishes the Phila delphia Public Ledger and Eve ning Ledger and the New York Evening Post and owns the Phila delphia Inquirer company, which publishes the Inquirer. He was a member of the Associated Press. The publisher left one daugh ter, Mrs. Mary Louis Curtis Bok, widow of Edward W. Bok, for many years editor of Ladies' Home Journal. She was his only child. OMSK, Siberia, June 7 (Wed nesday) (AP) Nearly ; half a day behind the world ' girdling record he hopes to beat, Jimmle Mattern was flying over interior Siberia today toward Chita, 1,703 miles due east of here. Favorable weather ahead and half a day on the ground here with its refreshing sleep were factors to aid him in making np the advantage he lost yesterday. The Texan took off from hero at 1:10 a. m. Moscow time (5:10 p. m. Tuesday, eastern standard time). As his plane cleared the ground he was Just 10 hours. 41 minutes behind the pace set by Wiley Post and Harold Gatty when they set the world circuit traveling record of eight days,. 15 hours and 51 minutes in 1931. Good Chance Seen To Make Up Loss Mattern left Omsk just three days, 12 hours and 50 minutes after his departure from New York for his record-breaking transatlantic flight to Norway. (fost ana Gatty passed over Omsk three days, two hours and nine minutes after leaving New York, flying on the Novosibirsk It is recalled they encountered trouble later, plunging into m u d h o 1 e at Blagovestchenck. where their plane was mired for 14 M hours.) Mattern landed here Just 54 minutes ahead of Post and Gatty's time, arriving from Moscow at 1:35 Moscow time yesterday (5:35 a. m. eastern standard time Tuesday). A wing strut broken In landing was repaired here yester day. Mattern covered the 1,400 miles to Omsk from Moscow In 12 hours, 21 minutes. kdiana, Formerly Dry Stronghold, Goes Wet Two to One By Nearly Waitress to be Banker's Bride - " ,f - J Tttath-State to Ratify - Repeal of Federal Prohi Measure 248 Delegate Named By RepealisU and 76 Wffl Oppose INDIANAPOLIS. June T (Wednesday) ( AP) Indians at ita special repeal election Tuesday voted to Join the nine ether ststee that have balloted in favor 'ef re pealing the eighteenth amend, ment. Incomplete sod unofficial re turns indicated that at the coa vention to be held June 26, whn the sute's stand 00 the amend ment Is to be formallr 24 8 of the 3 29 delegates will vote for ratification on the twenty-first amendment, and sevntwi against ratification. The remaia Ing five were doubtful early today. Jomy or, 155 delegate is required for control of the convention. The- popular the state in favor of ratification or the new amendment was nearlv wo to one. The vote, from 2274 nf .h- state's 3691 precincts was: 5i - ZJ9 for ratification and 277 64 against. Fifty-aix counties return ed majorities for repeal delegates 33 elected drv delatea Miss Frances Sewznk, 20-year-old Frankford, Pa., waitress, who recently announced she is to marry Robert F. Welsh, 59-year-old banker, who is a prom inent society sportsman. Miss Sewxak works in her parents' sandwich shoo a few doors from Welsh's banking firm. FREIGHTER, FISHING BOAT IN COLLISION DOiWH SELECTED WASHINGTON, June (AP) Approach of payment day for the European war debtors a week hence stirred a fresh revival of speculation on this controversy to day but found President Roosevelt still silent and apparently stand ing firm for payment of the $144,- 179. 074 due. News that the British cabinet would meet in extraordinary ses sion on Friday to tackle the prob lem, linked with intimations from London that it expected word on the attitude of the United States at that time, brought from the Wlila TTnu a a n1v this atfltamant .' round on tseacn LVlrJt Be "There bar been no official word from Great Britain on war debts. Therefore, no official reply Is being prepared. FDR U.S.ATTORNEY WASHINGTON. June . (AP) President Roosevelt today nominated Carl C. Donaugh for United States attorney for Ore gon. 6. Carl BOSTON, June 7. (AP) Coast guard headquarters early today received a report that the steamer Santa Cecilia had col lided with the Gloucester fisher man Lucille during a heavy fog 19 miles off Pollok Rip lightship and was standing by. Immediate details were lacking and coast guard craft were order ed to the scene. Available records list the Santa Cecilia as a freighter of the Plant Steamship corporation of New York. They show her to be a 6,000-ton vessel. Pollok Rip lightship lies be tween the island of Nantucket arfd Martha's Vineyard. Body of Boy is PORTLAND, Ore., June (API The nomination of C. Donaugh by President Roose- A nnnho Acton 11fi velt todav to be United States at- v torney for, Oregon was the first lifc AaTrr III definite step taken so far by the 1TCVC71 ill PORT ORCHARD, Wash., June 6--(AP) The body of a hand some boy about five years old, washed upon the beach at Eglon today, was believed by officers to be that of Larry Rayner, whose parents were drowned when their skiff overturned Friday. An at tempt at identification will be made tomorrow. Hope for River Development is lnif1 h7 7?PT I Donaugh's nomination is confirm r vilC7U uy 4" ed. There have been rumors new administration in filling ma jor appointive offices in this state. Donaugh, who is state chair man of the democratic party. found considerable opposition to his candidacy. Many democrats claimed that in working diligent ly for his own appointment he was not devoting sufficient time to line up other patronage Jobs in the state. George N e u n e r, Incumbent United States attorney. Is expect ed to step down as soon as Until Year Ago LAWTON, Okla., June 6 (AP) Nah-Thle-Tla, 110-y ear old Apacbe, who last year was hailed as the oldest living mother in the United States by the Na tional Federation of Women s clubs in Seattle, was burled at Apache today. Never, until a year ago, had the aged Indian woman been ser lously 111. As & child, she played with the famous chief, Geronimo, and remembered well the historic falling of stars in 1832. HOP WT LK LARGE SALE IDE 413 Bales Sold in Last two Days; Prices 70 Cents And Little Above Hop sales of 413 bales of 1932 stock in the past two days has brought more life to the hop mar ket than has been exhibited In nearly two weeks. Hart and WU liams bought 222 bales yesterday at 71 cents; and 53 bales from Lachmund at 71 U cents. Wolf Hop company bought 114 bales Monday at 70 cents and 24 bales at 67 cents. In the 222 bales at 71 cents was 61 bales from Frank Miller at Forest Grove; 49 bales from Adam Orey of Salem; 52 from the Cooper estate at Independence and 52 bales from Mt. Angel. The Monday and Tuesday sales reduce the 1932 stock in growers hands to 2800 bales. The market decrease over two weeks ago, when 75 cents was the prevailing price, is probably ac counted for largely In lack of In qulrles. Word from the east that the government is holding up a num ber of brewery permits for one reason or another may have some bearing on the slightly lower mar ket. These breweries will of course not buy heavily until the permits are Issued, and as soon as they are issued some pickup In the market may be expected. At the same time, buyers are not unmindful that it is at most only another three months before the 1933 crop will be on the market. voters gener- INDIANAPOLIS. J ii n a e (AP) In torrid WoI h or TnHl..- roters cast their ballots on repeal me cigmeentn amendment today. Despite urcnt annai by both prohibitionists and lead- era oi me repeal forces, the elec torate failed to turn out in great u iu u e r s ana predictions that un tne nuaHflH would cast thir ballot. ally proved correct. Temperatures in th ni.x.. deterred many in urban commuai- ues from votinr -hii n al districts farmers went abea wun rield work. Indiana has been regarded by some prohibition proponents as the crucial state in the repeal battle. Bishop Jamei Cannon, Jr of the Methodist Episcopal church, south, campaigning here said: 'Indiana U the first state in which we have hafl an even chance. If we can win here we can prevent repeal." Repeal leaders looked to the outcome of the voting with con fidence. William Stokes, executive director of the United Repeal council, said the lethargy of the voters served only to cut down the majority in favor of repeal. CHICAGO. June 6 (AP) The margin by which Illinois be came the ninth state to reject na tional prohibition widened to night on the basis of virtually complete returns from the state's vote yesterday on the 21st amend ment to the constitution. The returns showed the final vote probably would be four to one in favor of the amendment, which would repeal the 18th amendment if ratified by 36 states. The vote for repeal was about nine to one in Chicago and two to one in the remainder of the state. Unofficial returns from 6656 of the state's 7249 precincts gave: For repeal 1.125.846; against re peal 302.193. ASK HFEB OF Butsch Dies From Burns The Dalles Mayor Injured Vacuum Cleaner Rescues Boy 14, Hailed as Hero GASOLINE IS BLAMED MOUNT ANGEL, Ore., June f. (AP) Joseph M. Butsch, 84, died from burns suffered today. officers said, when he threw gas oline on a brush fire to speed the, clearing of land. He was overcome by the fumes, the officers said, and unable to get out of the path of the flames. He was the son of Mrs. Frank Butsch, and lived on a farm a mile north of here. HORSE THROWS HIM -THE DALLES, Ore., June . (AP) Dr. Fred Thompson, The Dalles physician and mayor of the city, suffered- fractured pelvis and possible Internal injuries when he was thrown from a horse today while vacationing at the Charles Bernard ranch at Supplee. Ore. An ambulance was sent from The Dalles to bring the injured man to a hospital here. SAVES TRAPPED BIRD PORTLAND, , Ore., Jane . (AP) Here's a new use for a vacuum cleaner- the conservation of wild life. In the ' home of . Ev- PORTLAND, Ore., June 9. (AP) Belief that federal funds for the development of the Col urn bia river above Portland for nav igation ' will be made available was expressed by George C. Baer, personal representative of Gov ernor Meier, in a report he made today upon his return from that Neuner may run for gover nor In the next regular election. Fehl Claims Levens Said Late Sports He was Innocent, 'Fi anted' duct extends from above the kit- "rrriT"' r ' . " . . . r ' , " " chen range to the roof. Frantic flutterings were heard today in the ventilator. Harding: 'knew some feathered creature had man euvered itself into captivity, but he couldn't rescue the bird through the small opening. He got his vacuum cleaner, poked the norzle up the ventilator and "turned on the Juice." He with drew the cleaner slowly. Held fast to the noxxle by the suction was a- PORTLAND, Ore., June 6. (AP)--Wong Bock Cheung, Chi cago Chinese, defeated Abe Kap- eapital with representatives from I lan of New York, taking two Washington and Idaho in an at-1 straight falls, in the main event tempt to promote the develop-1 of tonight's wrestling card here. ment. 1 Cheung weighed 214, five pounds "it is my opinion mat tne co-1 less than his opponent lumbia river will receive an alVo-l Cheung was awarded the first cation of funds for channel work fall on a foul in 25 minutes after and that th6 president is abso-1 KaplSh had dropped him with an lutely adverse to large projects I uppercut to the Jaw. The Chinese which include irrigation of arid I took the second fall ten mln lands," Baer said in his report to utes later ' with the governor. - choke hold. osjmiwhi atM ia vasaow a b uu I m harmed through a kitchen win- AaVr?r USOGCt dow. SATES GIRL IN RIVER SMITH RIVER,-Ore., June 6. (AP) Weston Dailer, 14. is MEDFORD, Ore., June C (AP) Arthur La Dieu, former business associate of Llewellyn A. Banks, was scheduled to appear in circuit court here Thursday in the first trial growing out of the theft of 10,600 ballots from the Jackson county courthouse on the eve of a recount of votei Walter Jones, mayor of the town of Rogue River, will he the second to go en trial, with John niann nf Ashland, former Jackson a Manchunan i .nnn- h third ta ha eaii- I 1 Richard Btahl. Sit. Berlin,! mhahi i in is. took one fall from Nore Jert-1 dieted for the theft of the ballots, strom, 211, Chicago, to win the l.n indictment that shocked the Tlrtrt T nncrtfrnxrr 'lT-und seml-windup. Larrr eounty by Its boldness and split A dtiCII, laUilgVACW Bennett, 171, Portland, and Hel-the district Into several factions. nle Olson, 172, Portland, wren-1 Th. theft occurred ea the eve of LONOYTEW, Wash.. Juno f . tied three rounds to a draw In I a recount to determine the legal- hero to Geraldlne Stevens, half! (AP) Ruby Taggert, alias I the opener. - I ity of the election of Sheriff Gor- hls age. The girl fell from the I Mrs. Fred J. Morgan, alias Ruby deck of a boat on the Smith river. I Turtey, charged with . murder In Dailey raced to the stern; jumped I Sterling City In connection with overboard and swam to her res-1 the killing of H. M. Polan, Flen cue. Captain Emmett Smith quick-1 tywood, Mont,, gambler. In March don L. Schermerhorn. County Judge Earl H. real, an- SEATTLE, Juno. 6 (AP) With two crushing rights to the I other of those indicted in the case. jaw, Freddie Steele, Tacoma wel-1 and Schermerhorn. who has been terwelght, knocked out . Alvtn I temporarily relieved of his duties ly. shut, off the engine to avoid 11830. was arrested today at the Lewis, Seattle negro, In the third las sheriff, have not yet been call- sucking the child under, and I Greggtown postoffJce near Long-1 round of a scheduled six-round 1 ed to trial. young Dailey swam to the host (view when she called to receive I boxing bout here tonight. Steele! Statements of County Jadge with, the girL i a decoy registered letter. sealed 11 OH and Lewis 146. Tehl and his attorney. A. a. APPRAISER BBOli Hough of Grants Pass, that the late William 8. Levens, assistant attorney general, had expressed belief that Fehl had been "fram ed" In the ballot theft case, were denied In a telegram received from Attorney General I. H. Van Winkle. The defense had filed for per mission to inspect all reputed con fessions and statements of defen dants In the case. Statements by Fehl and Hough were presented la an attempt to show that Lev- ens believed Fehl innocent of the charge. Fehl stated that Levens.. who died during the Eugene trial of Banks, had come to his office shortly before the trial, told him he had been investigating the evi dence, that he was satisfied Fehl had taken no part in the alleged robbery, that he believed he had been framed," and that he would so report to the attorney general. - Hough then stated that oa May SO he had talked with Attorney General Van. Winkle, told him of Levens' reported declaration, and that Vaa Winkle had replied "Yea, (Turn to page 2, eoL 1) ROSEBURG, Ore., June (AP) Claiming "gross discrim ination." and a lack of knowl edge concerning agricultural con ditions in Douglas county, the Roseburg National Farm Loan association, by resolution, has asked the transfer of James R. Brown of Eugene, as federal ap praiser for federal farm loans in Douglas eounty. The resolution was also given the unanimous endorsement of the Roseburg chamber of commerce. The resolution sets forth that during the past rear enlr It loans were allowed out of a to ut of 54 applications, despite the fact that daring the 10 years the Farm Loan association has operated there has never been a foreclosure of a federal loaa within the eounty, and that the diversified type of agricul ture and climatic and soil condi tions make the risk of fore closure a ' minimum factor. BURNED YOUTH DIES ALBANY. Ore, June t (AP) Dale McTfmmonds. eight, years old, died at a Lebanon hospital last night from burns he suffers Sunday when a eaa of kerosene exploded.