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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1933)
Z ) PAGE EIGHT The OREGON STATESMAN", Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, June 6, 1933 DIPLOMAS GIVEN T0 16 SENIORS Dr. Warrington Addresses Class; Caps ana Gowns New Feature MILL CITY. June 6 The cul mination of one of the most suc cessful scnooi years m me nis tory of the Mill City schools was reached Friday night when "a class of 1 young men andwom en was graduated. At the same time 25 boys and girls who had completed the eighth grade were given certificates. The -graduation exercises were held in Ham mond hall. For the first time in the history of the school, the sen Ion wore caps and gowns in place of the usual graduating dress. A short program, consisting of the processional march by the El lit Ensemble, Invocation by Rev. " Clyde Thomas, music by the high school girls' glee club, an address by Dr. W. E. Warrington of Ore gon 8tate college, music by the Ellit Ensemble, announcement of awards and i presentation of di plomas to the graduating class, musie by Ellit Ensemble, presen tation of eighth grade and award of certificates, and the benedic tion by Rev. Thomas. Smith Gives Diplomas Hiss Ethel Hlckey. principal, presented the Benlor class and J. P. Smith, chairman of the school board presented the diplo mas. H. M". Asplnwal, principal of the grade school presented the pupils of the eighth grade and Mr. Smith gave the award certif icates. Miss Hlckey made announce ment of four freshmen students who are eligible to become mem bers of the Torch Honor society: t.i. viii Ttoatrice JeDsen, - - Roberta Cline and Dwlght Cath erwood. Dr. Warrington, who almost at the last minute, accepted an mu tation to rite the address, due to the fact hat Rev. D. J. Ferguson of Astoria, was unable to conie, made-a splendid talk. Dr.' War rington divided his subject into four topics, speaking first on "Youth and Youth's World," then on "You and Your Circumstance," followed by "You and Your Job," and bringing his address to a close by "You and Your Destiny, rim Personnel Told Those receiving their diplomas were Thelma Anderson, Genella - a lire Rrunner. Bet- g -- - ty Gough, Edward Chance, Ear- leen Groblebe, syma rarmen, f vihv VranV Moravec. ceuwii - - Eduard Rada, Morris Selni, El berta Rada, Alice Smith, Estel Swan, Florence Swift and Kath ryn wachter. Those of the eighth grade who in titirh Kphnnl next fall are Helen ; Bodeker, Roseanna Bo we, Verm Brues, Beuy uayiu, Robert Dolezal, Delbert Downey, nnima nnnHo Naiinv Jane Faust. Wanda Gregory, Stella Haman, Donald Jenkins, Arby Johnson, Hattle Kazda, Lawrence Labenz, Rose Lalack, Claudine LaVine, Mary Lovett, Maxine Merriman, Anene Novak, Carolyn Rada, Wil fred Lee Rhodes, Virginia Slater, Martha Stodola, Edith Turnidge, and Jennie van uam. niinsis SUMMONED BEYOND Loaded for Baer By BURNLEY- I tgF S EASY if XWt-i r HIT -AMD THE BLACK BROWED (O) fea BOMBER- GUMAJAJG JSEk FOR MAX BABJZI m ( VJ That right hamd -1 i best bet 5feJ MM fWn wtmu. tm Cmm lim nft - ml in 1 1 -i 1 296 Entries Made in Gala Event for Boys and Girls Of. Silverton SCHMELIMG IS NO I ROM MAN - IF BAER CLIPS HIM HE MAY GO DOWN THAT dark-browed bomber from Berlin, Max Schmeling, on Thursday night at Yankee Stadium in New York, will enter the ring heavily favored to defeat Maxie Baer of California. In spite of all the attempts to ballyhoo the California playboy as being a dev astating ring killer, eastern fight followers continue to be a bit leary , of Baer. They can't forget the bum fights that he put up in New Yorjc a couple of years ago when he was licked by Loughran and bcnaai. Of course, Baer has improved greatly since that time. When I saw mm worn out at ausduc vuy within the last week he looked like a different fighter from the Baer of a year or two ago. He handles him self like a real' boxer now, moving around with plenty of speed and even displaying some fancy foot work, dancing in and out just like the clever boys do. There s no denying that the grin ning giant from California has im proved ; but has he improved enough to beat as good a heavyweight as Max Schmeling? Somehow, I dont think so. I like Baer personally, and I'd like to see him win Thurs day night, but what I'm afraid of is that when he gets in there with the German hell forget all the stuff they've taught him, and revert to the old, wild-swinging Baer we know so well. Schmeling is a pretty fair boxer, and a rather cautious guy at that; so it isn't likely that Baer will tag him with many of those long, wild hooks. But if Baer remembers to shorten his punches, like they've been trying to teach him in his training workouts, he'll give the Teuton quite a rough trip. Schmeling has looked about the same in his workouts for this fight as he looked in the past. The plod ding Moxie never looks particularly hot in training. I've seen many a sparring partner cuff his ears off in a workout. But in a real fisrht with the small gloves it would be a differ ent story, of course. The German looks to be in good shape you can always count on a methodical guy like that to be In rood condition for an important fight so hell have no excuse to offer if Baer beats him. Although he is not of the time to boast about what he will do to an opponent, it is easy to see that bchmeling doesn t think Baer will give him much trouble Thursday night. He saw the Livermore Lar ruper in one of his fights out West last year, and he was not at all im pressed by his fighting ability. benmeung is really looking ahead to a title bout with the Sharkey Carnera victor. Moxie thinks that Sharkey will be able to outpoint the formidable Italian giant in the coming title joust, and he hopes to win the crown back from the gob, either this Fall or next Summer. However, Schmeling would bet ter keep that lantern jaw of his tucked down behind his shoulder Thursday night. Max Baer can punch, whether he throws 'em long or short, and I don't think the Teu ton can take it any too well. Have a care, Herr Schmeling I CocrrtxM. 1113. King futuru SradletU. lac ET PARADE'S WINNERS TOLD SILVERTON. Juno 5 The pet parade sponsored here today by the American Legion and its aux iliary proved 'a big success and brought hundreds of people Into Silverton tor tho occasion. The parade formed down at tho Eu gene Field grounds where tho pets were judged before they par aded the business district. There were 296 entries all told. Prizes awarded were as fol lows: Dogs: 1. Freddie Thumberg; 2. Ina Weatherill; S. Norman Elliott. Cats: 1. Vadis and Vale Dick- erson; Z. Anita ciurr; s. ueiiy Zetterberg. Rabbits: 1. Betty and Tommy Williams: Z. Patsy and Peggy Hedges; 3. Edward Norman Hansen. Goats: 1. Arlene Torgerson; Z. Orpha Leslie; 3. Marvin M ell by. Ponies: 1. Silas Torvend; Z. George Vachter. Chickens: 1. Thurston Creed; Z. Marlon Cooley; 3. Kenneth Thostrud. Birds: 1. Phyllis Adams; S. LaVonne Thomas; 3. Alfred Scharback. FI h: 1. Marjorio Weatherill; 2. Harriett Ness. Other pets: 1. Glen Lamm (tur tle); 2. Mary Parker (pheasant); 3. Marian Ruth Walker (rat). Smallest pet: 1.-Bernlco Han- nan (frog);' 2. Frances Mehl (tadpoles). Largest pet: 1. Silas Torvend (pony); 2. George Vachter (pony). Most comical pet: 1. Ruth Tin nell (chicken); 2. David Crab- tree (dog). Best trained pet: 1. Shirley 01 son (dog): 2. Norman Elliott (dog); 3. Frank Miller (dog) Best dolled up pet: 1. Helen Canada (dog); 2. George and All He Cramer (dog); 3. Elmer Gra ham (dog). Most children from one family with pets: 1. John Ludwlckson family. Largest variety of pets from one family: 1. Carl Stamey fam ily (6); 2. John Ludwicksen fam ily (6). Pet from longest distance: 1. Harvey Weaver; 2. May Leslie; 3. Lester Beugll. Best original costume: (girl). 1. Patty Prather; 2. Yvonne Ser vice. Best original costume: (boy), J DUAL SHIPWRECK ON WEST COAST .;,- : .'m&i-:x?-'&j T .v:-T. . . .v, " it :-:: : :- . x-.v - . .-..-i : A-'. : V: x . v:-: x -y ., . '-v r'' : ---.---j:---.x.-:-4r -.r:--: Two ships, on Impaled on a rock and one aground on a sandbar, are ihown being battered by seas as they awaited tho arrival of salvage tugs off Point Honda. Cal. Tho entire crew of the Nippon Maru (fore ground) was still aboard the vessel when the picture was made. MO JEW TEACHERS HIRED. Mill CITY MILL CITY. Juno K. Two new teachers have been hired by tho school board of Mill City for tho coming year. These two will take the places of Miss Bonnie Ilaack and Miss Hilda Favor, who will each become a brido during tho summer months. Miss Mar garet Drager of Salem and Mis Marie Mitchell of Ashland, are the two new teachers. Miss Drag er is a graduate of the Monmouth normal and Miss Mitchell of the. Southern Oregon Normal school at Ashland. Mrs. Leroy E. Dike and Miss Gweneth Dike left for Portland Sunday to spend a week or more visiting relatives. Miss Dike re cently returned to Mill City from Oregon City, -where she was em ployed In the public school as In structor the past year. Mrs. W. W. Allen and MIs Ethel Hickey of Mill City, are among those In Portland this week to attend tho commence ment exercises at Hill Military academy. Robert Allen, son of Mrs. W. W. Allen, Is one of tho graduates. -' 1. Glen Baker; 2. Freddie Thumberg. Youngest girl bringing pet: 1. Carol Day; 2. Catherine Gladen. Youngest boy bringing pet: 1. Allen Zimmerman; 2. Freddie Thumberg. Best decorated doll-buggy or other carriage with pet: 1. Anita Cluff; 2. Donald Renwick; S.Joan Cooper. 300 Attend Homecoming Of Collegers Macleay Grange Observes 33rd Anniversary; Two Charter Members Present wnnrmiTRN. June 5. Mrs. Hannah Thomas, 57, died at her home here Saturday afternoon af- r an Illness of nearly two years. Hannah Skobere was born in Sweden In 1876, coming to Ameri ca with her Barents when elgni years old, and lived in Colorado and eastern states for a number of mm. She was married to J. A. Thomas at Roslyn, Wash., Decem ber 30, 1897 and came to Wood burn in April, 1925. She had lived hero since, except for about two vA&ra SDent in Canada. Besides her. husband she is survived by three sons, Arvil R. and Fred J. of Woodburn; and Roy C. of Hermlston. Ore.: a daughter, Lena, died In July, 1930. Three grandchildren and one brother, Albert Skoberg, of Lougheed, . Canada also survive. : Funeral services were held at the Methodist church Monday af ternoon. Rev. Glenn S. Hartong officiating. Mrs. V. D. Bain sang, with Miss Helen Wood fin at the piano. The Rebekahs, of which she was a member, had charge of the services at the grave. Mrs. Thomas was also a member of I. I. Stevens Relief corps and the Royal Neighbors. MACLEAY, June 5. The 33rd anniversary and brothers night was observed at the grange meet ing Friday. During the business session Mr. and Mrs. M. White were given the first and second degree by H. E. Martin, master. Reports were given on Income tax and Morgan Investigation by Frank Bower; on election of di rectors in non-high school dis tricts by W. A. Jones; on county agricultural meeting and farm prices by A. Maden; brief talk on the Morgan Investigation by Margaret Magee, and Mrs. A. Maden reported on the 11. E. work. Program Features Hiatory W. A. Jones was in charge of the program: Reading of the min utes of the first meeting. Eva Jones; history of Macleay grange by first lecturer, Ida Hartley Tekeuburg; song, grange broth ers; reading, J. F. C. Tekenburg; Frank Bower and Howard Maden. vocal solo, 11. E. Martin; lmper sination of Harry Phillips; har monica solo, E. Tooken, occom- SAW SLAYING Bank Cashier 111; Teachers Leaving For Summer Homes TURNER, Juno 5 Mrs. U. S. Talbot, Turner bank cashier, was taken seriously ill and moved to Portland where she submitted to a major operation Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Thurlo W. Smith left soon after the close of school for . Pilot Rock, eastern Oregon, where they will spend two weeks. Ho expects to take a summer course at O. S.i C. Miss Ruth Clark, intermediate . teacher, will spend tho summer with her parents in Portland and may study at tho normal. Willard B. Bear, Junior,-was awarded the Russel prize offered , by Albany college. He returned to . his homo Friday night BKSEFIT PROGRAM HELD ' ! WOODBURN, Juno 5 An in teres ting two-hour program of magic and mystery was given by Mel-Rou, the famous magician and mental 1st at St. Luke's com munity hall Sunday night. The , proceed of the evening will go towards tho building fund for the new church under construction 1 :-v.:A-x- . Lw'v ( xx: - -4 panled by Bill McGee; reading, A. A. Geer; speeches by Irwin Bartel, W. A. Jones, J. F. C. Tekenburg, May Patton, Eva Jones; and mov ing pictures on safety E. P. Lind burg, W. King, A. A. Geer. Tho birthday cake was baked by Eva Jones and cut by Alice Patton. The oldest member and Ida Hartley Tekenburg, a charter member. Silver Star Members Eva Jones, W. A. Jones and Mae Taylor patton are silver star members. Mrs. Tekenburg and Edith Waldo Johnston are the only charter members still grange members. Mr. Tekenburg and Cecil Eoff were tho first members initiated after tho grange was organized. The first master was Claira Waldo and first lecturer, Mrs. Teken burg, first secretary, Josephine Taylor Craig. Other charter members were C. J. Simeral, W. A. Hurst. Harry Taylor, L. S. Sanders, Edith Wal do Sarah Page Ida M. Carter, Maggie Hartley, Mrs. Anna Som eral, J. B. Waldov S. Hummer- son, Elva Hummerson, Mrs. E. A. McLaln. Mrs. F. S. Klmsey, Mrs. Harvey Taylor, Mrs. Sara Wheel er, Mrs. M. A. Peck, Mr. and Mrs Adam Burns. G. II. Page, Miss Etta Pago W. H. Howd, F. E. Good ell, Mrs. Matilda Taylor, Miss Alta Taylor, A. Heffner, R. Pe- Pellng, Ed Wilson. RIVERVIEW, June K Mrs. Clodfelter presented her Jeffer son, Richardson Gap and River- view music pupils In a recital at Riverview Friday night. The Rivervlew pupils presented Mrs. Clodfelter with a lovely potted plant. Pupils who appeared were Bob by Peterson, Joyce Weetenhouse, Marjorio Dawson, MadaUne Mc Donald, Elizabeth Brunkal, Gene vieve Godwin, Frances and Lela Hawk, Ilene Sprague, Ruth . Mill er, Delores Godwin, Juno Harris, Dortha McDonald, Melvln Clod felter, Kenneth DeWall and Thel ma Sprague. Miss Marion O'Malley, oi Brooklyn, N. Y., who is on the verge of nervous breakdown following her ordeal at the hands of holdup men, who killed her companion, Charles Hehling. in a parked ear on the jcean front. Mehling was slain wKn he triad to protect tho girt. Accident Occurs At Four Corners Point in Stay ton STAYTON, Juno 6. B. Fits gerald, wlfo and daughter of Mill Cltar, met with what might have been a Tery serious accident Sat urday at tho intersection of the Stayton-West Stayton and Stay ton-Sublimity highways, when the Fitzgerald - car collided . with one .driven, by William McKlnnon of Slaytonv 'v.V". The Mill City car turned over by tho Impact, with the occupants tfnderneath. Mr, Fitzgerald - re ceived some broken ribs, but tho women were not seriously Injur od. -. ; This Is ono of tho worst Inter sections In town, and it is not marked with stop signs as it should be. RECITAL IS H BRUSH COLLEGE, Juno 5 The 10th annual reunion of old timers of Brush College, held in the community grove Saturday was a decided success with 300 persons from all over the state at tending. Tho baby show at 12 o'clock, with prizes awarded every baby ranging in ages from 6 months to 3 years, was In charge of Mrs Paul Wallace and Mrs. C. L Blodgett and preceded a basket dinner served on long tables on tho lawn. Dr. C. L. Blodgett, Mrs Frank Rivet and Mrs. F. C. Ewing arranged the following program: Violin and piano numbers, Kel ly Bonney and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Olsen; patriotic songs and flag sa lute by tho school; poem to the flag, Loyal Whitney; song by school accompanied by Maxine Ol sen at piano; prayer by Captain G. L.- Hall, of McMinnvillet song by audience; address of welcome, Mrs. A. R. Ewing, and response by Mrs. Elmer 8mlth; banjo solo and encore by Hilda Crawford; an Interesting talk concerning early Polk county history by Mrs. Edith Toiler Weathered; solo, Billy Ut- ley, accompanied by Frank Craw ford on Steel guitar, Hilda Craw ford, banjo; Corydon Blodget, mandolin, and Mrs. C. L. Blod gett, piano; Dr. C. L. Blodgett, chairman of tho school board, gave diplomas to Antonio Krall, Vernon Rock and Irving Joeckel, 8th grade graduates of Brush College school. and Mrs. Oliver Whitney, presi dent of tho Brush College Help ers, presented each graduate with a gift In behalf of tho Helpers, In a pretty ceremony; Mrs. Necla Buck gave a short address; Mrs. Lena Prescolt Robins of Salem, teacher at Brush College In 1893. and Miss Clara Moore, who taught there in 1906, and Mrs. Earl Beckett, a former resident, gave interesting talks. Nino mounted runs, relira r tho World war. have been mM i.v New Zealand to Japan as "scrap iron." Now Zealand exDlinr that It had no appropriate plao to Keep them. PASS SWIM TESTS LIBERTY, June 5. The sec ond group of boys of Scout Troop No. IS took their swimming tests at the Salem Y. M. C. A. Satur day night. Tho boys passing the test were Victor Gibson, Joe Wll liams, Jim Crockett. Willard Houser, George Lansing, Frank Houser and Jack Dasch. kSM BUY FIOW use our PAYMENT PUN PAY LATER Thmm TbMMlWM SO a Week jinr.a & bhll SMITH WATKINS Cbemeketa at Liberty TEL. 3112 MUSIC MISS OT8TJKI HOME HAZEL GREEN, June 5 Miss Teruye Otsuka, who has been at tending Columbia university. New York three years, is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. OtsukL Mr. Otsukl Is en gaged in gardening on Labish Meadows as M. L. Jones farm is known. Veteran - George Cummlngs Is making a 1000-mile hike around Britain with beer as his only stim ulant. . ; 21 -DAY ROUND-TKIP TO WORLD'S FAIR in De tuk t Chair Car Other low round trip fares for travel In tourist car and . standard Pullmans. AIso.oco ncinkal aH-xpnM trips. ' touri or M PORTLAND RO$I - Per cemcbte bfenMMM and WO - wpetWee koekM In el -- General Paseenger Dept., . 637. Plttock Block, Portland, Ore. PAS D PIE 4 - J f -.-::-:-v-: v.-.-.y.o.-'-4 . V:- v.:: :... :. . . : ; :-;::-::.' .-------:v-:-:-v-. -5(c.--- AV. .- , v 4- V- 4 t , i 4 X - 1 f - I Miyk icfel a ' . .v. - ' i I like mine Toasted " I have my preferences. WTien it comes to cigarettes I like mine -'Toasted". Not that I understand 'Toasting". I sim ply enjoy ;what 'Toasting" doctl I like the fine quality of Ludues their mellow-mildness. And their purity means a lot to me. For, after all. my cigarette and my lips come in such close personal contact. I've reached for a Lucky ever since I've reached smoking age, and if my womanly rea sons count for anything, it's always "Luckies Please!"