1'- The OREGON STATESMAN, Saba; Oregon, Tuesday Monilng. Jnne t 1953 PAGE SEVEN want. 4 I I J... I . - ; : ; 8 l Business Directory Cards id Una directory run on a monthly basis caily. Bat; $l.M per Us per month. AUTO BRAKES Mike Panek. the brake and shimmy r dncfe. 176 South Commorctal Street- CATERING Bort Crmry, the caterer. Ph. 753. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4450. R. K. Nnthneia. CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. I SCOTT, PSC. Chiropractor, tit N. High. TeL Boa 8571. DRESSMAKING V Eap. dresemaklng la your heme, $2 S (tor. Copy picture Tel. 764. FLORISTS CUT flower, wedding bouquets gun- aral wreathe, decoration a C P. Brett haupt. florist. 677 Court. TL (904. ALL kinds oX floral wort Luta Flor ist, 16th Market. Tel. 83. GLASS Auto and window glass mirrors. TaL 610. Walter J. Downs, 48 Breya INSURANCE BECKS A HBNDRICKS 133 K. High Tel. 6347 . COFFET-gMITH. Ken. Ins. Tel. 8612. LAUNDRIES TIIH NEW SALEM LAUNDRY TUB WEIDEK LAUNDRY 181 a High TaL tit CAPITA!. CITT LAUNDRT Flrat la Quality and Service Telephone lUi 1164 Broadway LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired and traded. HAHRY W. SCOTT, "The Cycle Man" MATTRESSES Mattresaea from factory to noma, Spring mattresa $3.00. Reno a tore and v f uialgatora. Hugs cleaned. Capital Bed ding Co. TaL 449. 1030 N. CapitoL Naw soa ttress made to order, aid remade ; carpet cleaning, slslag ; fluff t rug weaving. Salem Fluff Rag 4k Mat treat Factory, a 13th 4k Wiibar. TaL till. Otto F. Zwlcker. Eat ttlL MUSIC STORES VGCO. C WILL Plaaoa,' radloa, sew ing machines, sheet musle and piano a.udiea, Repairing radios, phonographs w and aewlng machine. 412 Stab Street. MUSIC INSTRUCTION ' St3eL Span. Guitar, Mandolin. Be g nnera. adv. claases. Harmony, notes. i l'.egistration ends June 15. Studio TaL 71k or Y. W. C A. 8878. MEDICINE Dr. Chan Lam Chinese Medietas Co. A Iloura Tuesday and Friday, 18 :30 aja. f 4 :80 p. m. 143 N. Commercial. ' PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint Roofing. 474 Ferry. PAINTING t Painting, paper-bunging. Interior decorating. Estimates free, W. H. hhepaard. TeL 4280. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, pampk- lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department, 118 8. CoxomerciaL Tale- phone 810L REAL ESTATE CECKB 4 HENDRICKS, TeL 4847. W. XL GRAB EN HOBST A CXX 134 & Liberty St. TeL 8488. SOCOLOFSKT SON . 804-8 First NafL Bk. Bldg. TeL f 307. STOVES 4 STOVES sad stov repairing. Stoves for sale, rebuilt and repaired. AU kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, bop baskets, books, logaa books. Salem Fence and Stov Works. 381 f Chemeketa. TeL 4774. R. a Fleming. TRANSFER CAPITAL CITY Transler Co. 138 ' sut St. TaL 77T3. IXsUlbuting. for warama aad storage our specialty. uei our rai i FOR local or distant transfer storage, call 3131, Larmer Tranaf ar Co, Trucks t Portland dally. TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITERS Adding Men. sold. rented, repaired. Underwood Agents. Cook Bnort, aia ,-ouru xeu ago. WELL DRILLING R. A. West, 10 years erperlanc. Rl-'D 8. Ros 103 E. TeL tlOF8. PICXICS CXOSK SCHOOL DAYTON. June S The Day- ton grade school held picnics Thursday as follows: MIsa Ber t nice Blough, first and second nrr.des teacher and students in Dayton elty park. Miss Ruby Bris bane, third and fourth In Mor- I gan's grove; Miss Claire Wagner. fifth and sixth in Rossner's grove: Mi!s Lena Stllwell la Loremea's grove. SCHOOL MEETLXQ 19TH HAZEL, GREEN, June 5. The annual school meeting will ' be held at the school house June 19 at 8 o'clock p. m. A direc tor and clerk i will be elected. The -present board is Edward Duanigan, Jr., I chairman T. X. Lehman, Ralph Gilbert, Clerk soais waniplcr. Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Adrertiatac Single Insertion per lict.lOe Three Insertions per Uao 20e Six Insertions per Un..0c One month per line.. 1 1.4$ Minimum charge ......Sit Copy tor IhU ptge te eepted nUI I: St the even ing before publication tor elaaeitfeetloa. Copy re ceived alter tbJa Une will be raa under ibe toeeding Too Late to ClaMlfy. The Stateeinaa aniamee no ' financial responaiblllty for error wtaleb may ap pear la advertisement pao lUbed la Its eolomna, and la cases where tbi paper Is at fault m reprint that part ot aa advertisement tn which the typographical mistake ocemra. The Statesman reserves the right to reject objec tions! advertising, it far. ther reserves the right to classify all advertising un der the proper elasstfJca-tton. HELP WANTED MALE saaaaesaaaaaaa1gBp Good barber wanted, 301 a Winter. aa aaa aaa. -y-, rTUXnjrXXJM Trncka -wanted te haul wood. la qalre of Paul A. Lardon, Rt 7. ey aewlng, write for details. P. (X Box 1478. ClnHpnatl. Ohio. HELP WANTED FEMALE -- 'ii-i-i-,-1-M'-rtmm r,n r,nn Unemployed efficient dressmaker. Open, .operate small shop. Everything furnished. No rent. Commla, 0. Bor ?S, Statesman. FOR SALE Miscellaneous ni.nrxn rLrsrirxi -inixi rLTsAnjirin Freab crsbs now at Filler's atand. Intersection SnvertOA-Fortland read, EHectrical contracting. Repairing. Prices-that aatiafy. 1). C. Wahlberg. Tel. 3504. lunch hour. RADIO FOR SALE 10-tube R-32, $178.00 Victor, repos sessed. Balance due. $51.20. Terms, $5 down. $5 month. See Sir. Janz. Will s Musk; Store. WANTED Miscellaneous W pick tip de&d tor vorthless horses. cown, 6b3ep. free of charge. TeL 48W. - Hut saiii 9 out uraLsm, hats, and shoes m good condition. High est prices paid. Star Exchange, 811 N. Commercial St. Phone 6948. W A Ri I Kl llfSSWfi WTCAWl'sa antU .baa MISCELLANEOUS i i i ------ ' -ii-1-.-rirm i-ii.n.rLrunj-Ln Beat hair cut. Adults 20c, child. 15& Two blocks R of Ubrary. a Winter. FOR RENT ROOMS Uivlerit rrnm srs. avsk sf r wvmS 1877 Court St. TeL 4857. ' ROOM AND BOARD ssssaaSasjasaiaSasssskJksMtatSMaj BaaM anf fYVirn tnm la AIM rnuai tn. TeL S7t. S5 Court St, B. and R. near P. O. $29. TeL S482. '"'''- ininn.ri .n uir Room, board. Brtvate home. S7T a Cora'L FOR RENT APARTMENTS Fur. t R, ant. 1181 HaseL TaL 7884. Dtiplex apt. vnrnrn. 851 N. Winter. Wen furnlahed 8 room anartmeaC Garage. Adulta 478 N. CapitoL 1 aad t room acts. Bummer rate. 858 Center. Nice ram. ants- overstuffed. 888 Union. 1 room modern furau ant. with bath. 588 N. Summer. TeL 4484. . " " '-r-i-i -i"i-i"i-,.nr-iTrnnririnrirLai'ji Three room furnished apartment. private bath, very nice, 1084 Oak St. FOR RENT 3-room neatly furnish ed bungalow. 837 N. Cottag St. -r "i " ii,m ."....'i', 'ti i nnna . t room furn. apt., lights, water, elec tric washer, $10.00 mo. 4538 State. Furnlahed apartment, summer rate. 1040 Leslie. First floor apartment, 1336 But. Clean, neatly furnished ant., nrlvata bath. 646 Court St. TeL 5733. FOR RENT HOUSES MtssseSSjSaskjsassjSAst Fura, and unfarn. heuaea R. A. Forkner. 1618 N. Cottage. TeL 30 3L Sr. bungalow, torn. 1218 Chemeketa. Modern fura. 3-room house, close In. TeL 6810. " - --i- nuufLrLTL nor 17SS N. 17th St. 822.60: 435 Rich mond Ave., $32.50; 815 N. Fourth St, is.ve; i9 aseu, xurnisned, fZi.OO. P. H. BELL, 225 Oregon Bldg. Phone SJVZ. . . - H ninnnAriMAii House, also apta, 255 Division. aaeasaaaaaasakfaBsBeaeMNaa Small house partly furn. 2130 Leo. ATTRACTIVE 6-room modern fur nlahed home, full basement. 820 per mo. van L UKEKK, ore. Bldg. Pn. T3I. Mod. 4 r. house. Inquire 1598 Court - - - i-i-iWirvwifwyifuwu'ui FOR RENT See furnished house, $15; others I1Z.S9 to $30: wnrurnlshed $8 to 825, Also bungalow for sale, payment down. Dau jixe rent. ati BECHTEL or THOMAS ON 841 State Room 4. ' .- - -- -- -- - -1 i- -ivrAnfuw FOR RKT Tarn mnH.ni lumui one sightly, suburban, five rooms: the other six rooms, wen located. Each rents for $15.00 per month. KONALD C. U LOVER 205 Oregon Building Modern 7 room No. Cap. Tel. 1548. WANTED TO RENT Painting, papering, or decorating by expert workman for rant on furnished house or apt Open Door Mission, 313 N. Commercial Street. FOR SALE Real Estate Remember Z have some choice lota; will build that house te suit on easy terms. Let me show you. H. C. SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. TeL 802. SNAP If you want a dandy well kept S-A. tract close in, very eiiesjs come m and Be me. No fooltng about this place. JAa D. SEARS, REALTOR 111 South High Street FOR SALE Real Estate 40 for a noma ta N. 8alem, living room, dining room, bedroom, kitchen, bath, garag and some fruit. $3150. bungalow, combination living and dining room, oak floors, alee klt ehea and nook, 8 bedrooms, basement, furnace, close to school and boa line. $200 down. f 37$S. Nice, home, S bedrooms, sleep ing porch, fully modem, large lot, 1 garages, east front and paving pd. $260 down. $2350. English style home, oak Coor m living and dinette, tile drain boards, 8 bedrooms, basement, furnace, fire place, garage and paving pd. $110 down. Melvin Johnson W. V. Pnnfnsn Tit State Street TeL 7fS. ATTENTION ATTHACTTVBJ room modern house on a corner lot. for only $1000. A bargain. Sea Ar thur M. Madsen with VAN M. GREER 201 Ore. Bldg. TeL TH8. "i"i-irrw'aSsaaSTiaali THE JOTS OF COUNTRY LI VINO immediate possession of 1 acre of dark, fertile land, neat 4 room plas tered cottatre with nook, bath, built tns, electric lights, gaa, drove well, garage, woodshed, shrubs, flowers and garden !?V. W" fc Pvd road. Price $1800, part terms. . s . et of location, partly IrPi, to sarden, drove welL some or Ln.A. lfood huy tor . cask SZ5, bal. $10 per month, S int CHfLf MILLER, REALTORS 144 SUte Street Phone S7S8 Stricthr maAn a ...r. oese In. Nearly new. A very choice home at only $3000.00, all furnished. Terms. 8 Acres with modern S room bun galow near Salem. Price only $3800.08. Terms given. 50 Acres located north of Salem, an fir.-"-!? 2 "OP land. Bargain at $2500.00. Terms. . J. F. ULRICH CO. Phone 8672 325 Stat. Rr&. residence, basement, fireplace, plumb ing, on two big lota covered with nut. Cherrv and wnam.mtal t , ... grape arbor, near schools, nice view. , ""?o,,. price, aiso two beautiful building lot 60x130 each with hrn fmlt LI I. .v. He brick school, at bargain, easy tertna Owner. 7(5 Rural Ave. Phona lgs . i,.-ii-.-w--Lrt irxx.i Don't t1Tia imfll vnn mm .V- Ltl lwu rina lots ail In fh.ii.. - i plea, full bearing, one block south of ucaua junior nwn scnooj, nice view, level lots. 80x130 each. Sell one or both cheap, easy payment Owner, 785 Rural Avenue, phone 8854. FOR SALE FARMS w' n. ....... -1Tfuuul run. VJUIUK. 5ALB 18 H acre home, electric lights, I acres orchard wlr good buildings, fine soiL Price $2400.' cash, balance t. csec mawkj.NS St ROBERTS For Farm Bargains ALMOST GIVEN AWAY 4 S -acres. Most all In cultivation and crop. Looks fine. Family orchard. New 6-R. house. Barn 40x50. garage, brood er. Ire, nrmltrv Vmu im w at once only $2800.00. $1600.00 down. oeiirr nurry. ie my arent. ia.3. u. BEARS, REALTOR 131 South High Street EXCHANGE Real Esfjita FOR H A T .W! rT vsrer ktan-m Well located North Salem property. baaementa, 17 rooms in all. garagea. 'uiwrm, snruoa, rocaretie and pooL Some furniture. Good In come. Prto tSAAA nrni . . farm near Salem. Prefer cherry or nut . wu T&ni not to exceed $5500. 10 acre farm few miles out, 8 room DOUSe. bara an1 mihnni.M ir . w culUvation. 7 acres fine young cher- " " iiiucria. rTKt onry X16UU. Wla oittcai resiaenoe. S mAm iitot. 1a , house In Lo Angeles. fouz atoderu S room bous far good home in Taeoma, aoout these. CTni.nsj A. InTTm 144 StatTstreet-" PhonTafOS Larg home with apt. for smaller noma, acreage, farm, or merchandise. TeL for inmlitou. tut tmmmmmmmmmmmmmZZ r """vim VTq, WANTED REAL ESTATE ... "APiliLU TO BUT North Salem. Cloas hi. Phonefill Business Opportonltiea mmm m - - -nrmrfl l H.IIJ Inarfl tMra . i .i . i m n . stock, rasa bosmeaa. mun itn. count, owner leaving dry. Jess O. CnmpbeU. 101 Oregon Bldg. Phone WANTRn TO TaTrr ti jyness m good com. center, SaSS WAJTirr TO trrr , , -" wui greoary business m goad community center. Salem. Bor 111. Ptatrra LIVESTOCK and POULTRY FOR SATE riain. mm m - " m. uimi tfarr- . ' " maim, ats jm. aTont. Three horaaa tnr m M car, also fresh cow for sale. Second hous east of Bethel scJmoL isssaOtAaataaaaaaw Babv sflfnlrsi Taa . a.V siwu MONEY TO LOAN -fr8 S a '"" ' .n r i8T us n 'Bells of Harmony Heard ever 8COIN dally ' fing out a loan service that Is really really different. TOTJ GET TOT FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH OXLYJLAWFTJL INTEREST nn-. a a r ru v am. v; X QCICE AND COTOTEOUS SERTXC. """i'-J i lo fill a Beneficial Loan Society m-m flit -!-. W47 run itrt? Rm 1.1!JS'W Blih Bldg. Snd Floor .vw at. S1AIS 1H State Strset .Tat S-T-4-4, POLLY AND HER V,, If 'v LARIINyER.i . Yl (TtXTrEVf flT IS i -AM 111 WUAT A r lkui ran 2ffVIl ! Ti: J C v,f m.k.pi! $ I1K? S I MONEY TO LOAN PERSONAL LOANS MADB a furnltare, cars, aalarle or other rood aecurlty. Repayable monthly. When hi fmaadal need see u before closing loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank B!& Pbos 8581. ... ------ imnrinnni PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS STATS LOAN COMPANY til Oregon Building, 2nd Floor Office hra 10:00 4k. M, to 8:30 P. M, Telephone 7783. Stat license No. 3-165. a-iai ..-., "i- 'rrwir ii "an runa MONET LOANED ON AUTOS) Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce rout pay-meats You keep the ear P. A. EIKER Cor. Liberty St aad Ferry Phone 4731 Balsas, Ore Prlveta tnnnn tn Inan nn mrnA 1 estate security. Abrams and Ellis Inc., 411 Masonic Borrow on personal property : repsy In monthly Installmenta WILLAM BTTB LOAN CO State tie. 8-163. an Goardlaa Bldg. TeL 387T. FOR SALE WOOD nmitNTrm nav . TeL 600 Salem Fuel Col Trade Cottage. ,a -------- -i--i . n n nAAJXaAa Ash, fir and TL 664a Dry wood $4 cord. TaL 8458. "i " i""iJaia-ieriiin r rui.raarasrinnas Dry wood, an ainda TeL 4418. Dry oak. 4 ft. 84.80. TeL 8708. 18 dry slab wood. 18" dry eld fir. Prompt delivery. At Tracy's TaL 183$. LOST AND FOUND LOST Weymaaa tenor banjo, tn case. Reward. TeL 7643. LOST Black male Alrdal la downtown district Naan -"Nigger- on cellar. Liberal reward. Can at S. ft M KaraKe. 235 S. Com'L FOR SALE USED CARS sssajsajSniaaasaM McKay's tjskd cars with an o. k. that counts 1826 Stude Coupe a dandy $ 12 6.08 1920 Willya-Knight Coupe 350.00 1039 Poatlac Sedan 25.00 1S1 Ford Pickup 35.00 192 Nash Sedan 326.00 133 Chevrolet DeLuxe Coupe - 575.00 13S Plymouth Sedan 645.00 1929 TJhevrolet Panel Truck 325.90 1989 Chevrolet Truck 195.00 TERMS TRADES Open Evenings and Sundays McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 833 Center Phone 3189 430 N. CotnT. 1929 Oakland DeLuxe Sedan only driven 14,000 mtlea Not 10 of ser vice taken out ot it New car guaran tee, $466.00. Will accept good milk cow as part pmt See this at once at 240 N. Lib. Borrego'a, phone 8 4 8 s. FOR SALE USED CARS -AABasWaaAsaaarSaaaSaaSBaS WANTED Several tight cars Will pay cash. USED CAR EXCHANGE Terms Trade 543 Chemeketa 1929 Cher, ooach. Sacrifice ta settle an entate. Tel. 6418. WANTED USED CARS Equity la 4 room plastered house, and a late '29 4 -door Ford for a later modal of some light sedan. Must be In good condition. Box 318, Statesman. -- - - r -i-n'irm nn Will bur Ford A 9-doar fnr ruh Call evening 3SF4. Wool Prices Keep Up Strengthening BOSTON, June S (AP) Wool prices continues to shew a strengthening tendency. Advances however, are not being realized with the rapidity that character ised trading several weeks ago. Current Interest Is particularly strong on medians Quality fleeces aad the finer grades of territory wools. Kecelpts ef domestic wools here durtnx the week ending Jons 3, estimated by the Boston Grain and FUrnr Exchange, amounted to 5,lfS,S0t pounds, compared with 5.051,2 09 peuads the previous week. I CAPTURED o 's',Vi-',? - . V 1 'NR. - t -V" i- Sought for years a the last of the Powerful Corskaa bandit chiefs, Andre Spada (aboTs) recently sur-' reruisrajd to the authorities at jaedo, Corsica, where he appeared rags wita a erowm upon his head. aoriues oeuere the paaait kadex miad is 6Waaxd, PALS 11 - -jgr STOCKS SVJIfJG BACK TO FORWARD TD NEW YORK. Jaae I. (AP) Stocks .swung back Into the ad ranee today after some uncer tainty as to whether Saturday's setbaek had signaled the begin ning ot a reaction that really meant business. Sales totaled 5,01 9.19 shares. Chemlcsl stocks boiled .upward under Inspiration of a brisk ad vance by Allied. Packing com pany shares looked stronger. Communications followed a sharp run-up by Western Union which listened to Wall Street rumor of a pending merger with Postal Telegraph. At the close. Western Union was up 94; Homestake, AUled Chemical and Armour of minols preferred . Postal preferred more than ?, National Distillers aad American Sugar 4. and Dome Mines, Santa . Fe, United Fruit, United Aircraft, American Tele phone, Harvester, American To bacco "B," Du Pont and Westing house 1 to S. U. S. preferred shares advanced 1. T MARION, Jnne s A well-attended meeting of the Farmers Union local was held Friday night. Reports from the purchasing and good-of-order committees showed much had been accomplished. Hsrley Libby, delegate to the state convention recently held at Dallas gave a complete report. G. W. Potts, the newly elected stats president, and wife, were present and gave an outline of the work thst is to bo sccomplished In the coming year. Mrs. Harriett Do Langh was elected correspond ent from Marion local for. the Oregon Farmer's "nioa paper. The annual closing picnic of the school was held Friday at the school grounds, with a large crowd attending. A basket lunch with home-made ice cream was served at noon. Is the afternoon a double header baseball game was played with the A urns rill boy and girls, the score being in favor of Marlon In both games. The same teachers. Miss Graee Pehrsson, Miss Rose Hatton and Mrs. Leota Sloan have been re tained. Eola School Holds Graduation Event For 8th Graders EOLA, June 6 Graduation ex ercises were held at Eola school Friday night. Miss Katherlne Ar buthnot gave an Interesting talk to the three graduates: Mildred Denham. Ruth Sexton and Lela Huddleston. Miss Arbuthnot was the eighth grade teacher of the Eola teaeher, Edna Great. Other numbers were: piano solo. Willow Gibson; violin solo, Mrs, Mort; vocal solo, Miss Pan ker; reading by the first grade: vocaK solo, Mrs. Chambers; vocal solo. Miss Eleanore Moore. Radio Program Kgw JoarTaai. a 20 X T.-SO Orgaa eeewert, SBC. 9US Orgaa eoaeert, NBC. 1-MV. a Army ea4. NBC. S.-OO Deaald Seek, ptaaift. S:S0 Cresmti, HEC. :80 Martha Mesds seeiety, KSO. 0:48 Fissasa larrsau 10:80 Womta's Maratia t U Air. NBC. 11:30 Arzeati tria. KBC. 11:45 Ur4Uk Wilkee, KBC. ll-.l Wettera Term aad HeaM aeur, KBC. 1:S Xelo4ie theogliti. XBC. IrOO Al raarc aa4 His ease. KBO. 8 HO Prieadty ehsL 4:45 llakdi. tke waticiea. RelUdsrtea, MSG. : Live at stake, JTBO. S:8 Ceaeert trie, XCX. T:O0 Astas "a1 Aedr, KBO. Y:15 Memory Lana, KBC. 9:00 Maaieal Maaneqaisa, KOViO. :rO Hearleide Seaed. 10:18 Aasea Weeks' orchestra, NBO. 11 Phil Harris' orchestra. KBO. lt:Se Gas Araaaim's orcbettra, KBO XDDJ POXTLAND 4Q Ks. 8:30 KOnt Jtlaek. 0 Baddy Barred eraksarra. CBS. ,8)0 Marls, LltOe rreaeh Priaeeat, Ma4non atria g eaaemble, CBg. !?:if E1 Haekett. keateaa ef the ah-, "tto freak Weatphal's erdMstre, lt:18 Bteee CTty trie ead Harry Bigg. 18 : The MaUdeera. CBS. . 1:48 Belle aa4 Martha, Geaaral reeds. DLBS. 8 .00 Paatell Ranaeaiaa CBS. 8:11 JaaaUe Taas rasa's reeitat :06 Brra 4aae varletiea, CBS. 0:45 ColeamVia armpaeay erehaawa, CBfl. T:3 Abs Lyssa'a Calif araia aat, CBi 8:15 O lea Orar' ereaastra. CEaL :30 Leea Belaaee'a ereksitoa. STATE PRESIDED VISITS AT Nil That Thraateaiagr 8kr( HELAlT WAVE turns grains upward local berries re ach markets Spring Wheat Suffers; Prematurely Ripens Winter Wheat CHICAGO, Juae B. (AP) Sizzling temperatures Inflicting dsmage to winter 'wheat In Kan sas, Nebraska and Oklahoma turned all grain prices sharply up ward late today. Contributing to the rise of val ues was the first complaint from spring wheat territory. South Da kota points sending word that Immediate rains were needed to prevent serious losses. With the mercury as high as 110 in Kan sas, and forecasts pointing to no relief, widespread premature rip ening of winter wheat was report ad, and harvest operations were expected to become general much earlier than looked for. Wheat closed strong, 1-H4 above Saturday's finish, corn advsnced, oats 4 -Sup. Today' closing quotations: Wheat July 7Jtf-"4; Sep tember 77-; December 77 4 . Corn July 41; September 47V4-; December Oats 24 ; September 254; December 1 7. General Markets PBODTCa BXCBAJfOB PORTLAND. Ore.. Jea 6. (AP) Produea exchanga, nat prices Butter, extras 22c, atandards 21, aria a firsts 21 e. fh-ata 30. Ecra Freak Ex tras lSe, fresh Bedlams 17a. I Portland Grain PORT LAND, Ore., Juaa 5. ( AP) Wheat Opea High Law Cloaa Jaly 59 eo 58 60 Heptrmber 60 63 604 63 Deeember Si 65 CI 65 Cask wheat No. 1 Bit; Bead bhia ateia 63c; dark hard winter 12 per cent 69 e, 11 per cent 63 e; soft white, bard viater 40 c; n art harm apriag west ers wait, weatara red 5Sc Oats No. 3 whiu 322.50. Cora Ks. 3E yellow 821.50. Sfiliraa BUn4ar4 81. Portland Produce POBTLAXD. Or, Juae 6. (AP) BntUr Printa. axiras 24. ataaaards 23 c. EotUirfat Portlaad delivery. A grada 21-22e pound, farmars' door Salivary 31--2e paved; aweet craam Se kigker. T-tt Paeifia poaltry predaeers' aeihng pricaa: Jamboa, 19c. extraa 16c, mixed colors 17a, mediums ITe desea. Buying price t wkolesalsra: Freak car rent reeeipta 56 pounds snd ap 13-14c. Chaeae 91 afore Oreroa triplets 13e; loaf 14 panada. Brokara witt pay la Velaw e.aoUtioaa. Milk Contract pries 4 par eaat, Portlasd deiivery 81.70 ewt; B grade cream 87 Vie pound. Conn try meats SeTliag price "te re tailers: Ceoary killed hera. beet batch ers, asder ISO peaada, 6 Te; vaelers 70 te 100 poaada. 7-7U: aprtng lambs 12-12e; yaarliaga 3 4e; kaary awea 2-3e; eaaaer cows 5 e; buHs 5-6e panad. Mohair Nominal buying price: 138 clip 12 eeead. Caacara bark Baying price: 1933 peal 4a pound. Hops Nominal. 1933, 70-T5c pound. LWe poatery Pert la ad Salivary: bay ing prirea: Heavy kens, colored, 4 pounds 14e; do mediama 12e; lights 12a; springs, licht 1 peaada ap 12c; colored ipringa 16a. Keoster 6e peaad. Packs. Pekina, broilers 15e poand; eld Sacks, Pekina 10-12e, do colored lOe pooad. Oaieas Sell lag pries to rataitera: Ornroa 01-1.35 eoaUL Kow oaieas Oeliforaia Bermadas 31.60-1.75 per 60 poand ersto. Califoraia 40a per hig, new red 2o pound. Potatoes Lscal 31.15-1.85; Dm ekstes 810; do bakers, 81.75; Yakima Game 31.50. Kew petatoea California Garnets 3-Se peaad; wkiao 3e peaal. ehraw harries Secrameate 24s $1.85 3: Oreroa 83.26 3; Clark seedliag 8 rata. Wool 133 dip, aomina!. WtBam ette vIWr ll-SSe aeand.- eastera Oregea 17-SOe; eeetbera I dak a ls-aoe peaad. 7T.B.".Tl,lX i4 fro" predaeers: Alfalfa 814-18: ehrrer 111. Eastera Ore gon timothy 315, oats aad vatek $15. Portland Livestock POBTLAKD, Ors., Jsae 8. (AP) Cattle Reeeipta ISO, oalras 114 ; i S5 lower. Good. 8S-T, common aad mediem 8S.75 S.5. H iiars, good $5.50-4.25. coaxmoa and mediam $3-8.5. Cows, good $4.60 8.36. eemmoa aad medium $2.75-4.5. Balls, geed 88.15-3.78. Oatters aad me dhua $215-4.26. Vaalara. goad $4-7. cam mea aad medium $3-6. Calvaa. geed $5 0. eemmoa aad modiaaa $8.60-4. Rog aacatpta S5e; weak. Good 140 U 300 peua4 $5-5.75; 30 U 35 poaada $5.85-4.75; over 350 pewads $5-5.75. Sows, geed $4-4.76, me dium $8.80-4. Pigs, good $3.75-4.78. Sheep Receipt 800; $5e lower. ..L. reed sad caelee $4.83-4.75. sse diam $4-4.25. Wether $1-4.73. Ewes $1 Lp0( . -09 Ted Flo BHe'a erehartrs, DLBS. 10:S WeH BobUaea'a orahastra. ll:0O Cafe 4 Pari a ereaestra, DLBS. KOAC COaT 4 7.7.781 86$ Xa. :30 afealeal eye e pre era. 7:0 Xeraiar meditatioaa, lad br Or. JemeeX. MiUigaa. 8:00 aferaiag eoaeert. :0O Heme eeeaeariea ebeerver. 10:30 afasterwork reeerdiaga. -11:30 Cade Seat at 7 oar service. 13:00 Farm hoar. 2: SO Mrs. Vara Haskell Branioe, " 'Toea . Age Play aad Leisure. " 8:00 Keg-re spirituals. : Taohaa Petaraoa, pUaiaa. 7:30 ram bear. 8:18 Or. Viator P. at orris, "The Werid t aaview 8:45 UafieU eellaga sragraau Salem Markets Grade B raw 4 milk, co-op pool price, f 130 per hansdred. Surplus Ul. (atiik baaed ea asm! moataly baitarfat average.) lisfribwtor price f 1.70 Butterfat Top 20-21 e, prints S4M, cubes 22H. Prices pal4 te growers by lntM a Salem bayers rrVs prices So low. aeapue ey peeer, are ladMaties ef the daily but ara aae r-n . m n t l k i. . rauiT ASTD VXOBTABLBS String beeas. lb, wk. OS .75 .44 . 48 .04 AM aruoeoaoa, sex. Asparsgaa, local, dos. Cabaega, lb. Greea poppers. Cai.L. la, reaa. uuf, Jk. Oaieas. dos. eaackee rata teas, Yakima Ka. S Laeal .1.00 ta 1.35 8.40 3.40 lAO 1.35 - JS .01 3.25 3.75 Plorida Sharta. wkitea 8wae petatees. state iotraee. Calif. Onions, Lakiak, ewt. KoaDarD, local Celery. Calif, crate Msxicsa Tomatoes Aeelae Wlaesapa, fssey Kstre fancy Kewtawaa faacy Extra faacy Oranges, p.p. - .95 .1.40 . .se .1.45 2.25 to 2.75 raaey 3.00 te 4,00 .45 .40 .23 to .64 .05 .3 Baata. Calif, dea. Turmipe. local, dos. Spinach, local, crate Baaaaaa, lb. oa stock Heads Celery hearts, dea. Maatard greea .0 .60 Cucambera .SO te LS0 . .20 te -SO Plaeappla retail Cantalonpea, crate -5.00 .7.50 Lemon a Gooveborriaa .3 te .04 2.50 Strawberries, locals HOPS Top, 183. lb. .75 8 Top. 1981, lh. SOOS Baytag rricas Extras Standards Mediama .14 .18 .13 .04 .11 . . .08 .18 to .15 POraTBl" Old roosters . Colored hoes . Mediums boas Light baas. Broilera fctSAT LsmLe, top . Hogs, top first cots Staers Caw 1 .5.50 -S.SO -5.25 .04 .03 .03 .02 to to te te .05 .0 .04 .03 .O .07 Heifers Bulls Irassed veal. top Preaaed hers afiini asm craw Wheat, westera red .65 WhiU, No. 1 .65 Barley, top, toa IS. 00 ta 20.00 Oats, toa to.00 te 25.00 Hay. baytag priees Oata aad vetch, toa 18.00 Alfalfa, valley lat cut Eeatera Oregea .19.00 .20.00 -18.00 Llerer hay WOOL Medium . Coarse Mohair Greea. lb. Dry, lb. . .25 .28 ao is .04 CAS C AAA BASX Stocks and Bonds Cwyrigsi lSa. Standard StatisUes Co.) Jaae 5 STOCK arrsAOZI so 20 S SO Ind'la KB' Ufa Total . 83.1 44. . 79.S Today Previous day Week ago Year ao S years age . High 1988 . Low 133 High 138 Lew 1933 . 81.4 43.S 96.5 81.7 48. 93 41.6 17.0 S'J.7 - 184.6 128.6 364.1 84.1 44.6 99.0 42.8 28.5 61.5 73.S 3.B 111. 85.1 18.8 51.8 78.2 77.7 41.5 189. 80.4 43. 73. 35.0 OKD A VISAGES 3 20 3 60 77.7 TT.4 76,0 SLS 100.3 T7.7 68.4 78 J 57.8 Today Previous day Week ago '73.8 73.S T1J SS.S 3.0 72.S SSJ 71A 76.6 76.S 74J 5S.7 106. 76 S74) 78.0 47.4 84. 88.7 82.T 7S.S 99.8 86.8 74.1 88.8 70. Tear ace S yaara ago tlisa 1K8 Lew 138 High 1988 Low 183 53.3 New 183 high Downey mildew, destructive pest ef hop Tines, has put la Its appearance aad Is forcing the growers to start spraying to com bat the disease. Control tuethods hare been pretty well worked eat by experience and by experimen tation ot state ollege scientists. The mildew flourishes In damp weather which Is not too cold. la May while the rain were heavy little mildew was observed be cause the temperatures were re stively low. With wanner days the mildew Is coming out. It plays swift havoc ea the Tinea, stopping their growth at the top. Henry Crawford brought In sonre specimens of vines from the 8L Paul district showing that the mildew had gotten a rood start. The disease la reported la other districts, but farmers are getting busy at once te sare their tUss. DuWriEY MILDEW IS APPHG. REPORT Gooseberries 3 to 4c, Strawberries $2.50 24-box Crate Local gooseberries mad their Initial appearance oa the mar kets Monday, with prices to grow ers ranging from three to four cents, depending apoa quality. First strawberries also appeared from local gardens, with the mar ket quotation at $2. St per 24-box crate. Other markets were generally unchanged, except cattle, which was Inclined lower. Berry Pool Brings Top Price, 5Vc The Sublimity' strawberry pool, bids oa which were opened Sat urday, aold at II, eents per pound te Starr fruit Products compsny and Psulus Bros, can nery, ef Salem, the two concerns to $?: ids the tonnage, the States lamm learned yesterday from Peter J. Etzel, secretary for the pool. About 409 acres. Including some from the Silverton Hills and Union Hills district, are rep resented in the pool. The output will run about 190 tons, it is estimated. The berries are Mar sballs. Five canners bid for the pool. Including Cleary and Hlllman. R. D. Bedle. Baker Kelly. Starr and Paulus. PORTLAND, June 5. (AP) There was no change la the gen eral local butter and butterfat situation for the week's opening. Cubes snd prints alike were In clined to show a steady tone at last week's value. Prices were mixed In the egg trsde with prsctically only one interest, the Co-ops. quoting the higher figures. "We sre increas ing sales," says Manager Reed, "and maintaining prices." Small sited broilers were play ing hsvoc with general quota tions on all small fowls in the local live chicken trade. Hens were steady for both light snd heavyweights as well as for me diums. Prsctically all last week's ar rivals in the country killed meat trade were cleaned up and the current week starts with a clean slate and more steady values. Further showlnr of at rn w-t K was suggested all through the market for strawberries. Gold Dollsrs from i Bank were quoted $t.d and new Oregons $2.75 with a few large sized selections S3 while Cslifornisn were $1.85 $2 crated Better demand for hothouse to-. matoes and cucumbers as a re sult of sunshine. Old onions were steady te weak witk new stock stesdy. Celery was higher for Cslifor nisn. o i RACE VICTIM J o ft' - ' -4 . X-i tdksUr Spangler, e Los Aageles. gho was killed auxins; the annual 00-mile Memorial Day elassis at CadazasDolis. when his car hurtled the wall at the 22VsnIl4 rnark. The same fate befsQ XsJcofaa fez, sf Westrffls, Ii. O- ta the race which was wtm try Loi If err. By CUFF STERRETT J f " - V , ; 7 1