The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 06, 1933, Page 3, Image 3

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, SaWm, Oregon. Tuesday Aloroine.'june 6, 1933
Local News Briefs
Moody Eje Perjury Ralph
W. Moody, Medford attorney,
probably will represent the at
torney general's office in an In
vestigation to determine whether
perjury was commited In connec
tion with the recent trial of Mr.
and Mrs. I A. aBnks in the Lane
county circuit court. This was in
dicated by Attorney General Van
Winkle yesterday alter ne naa re
ceived a letter from Governor
Meier requesting that he take
charge of the alleged perjury
probe. Moody was chief counsel
for the state in the prosecution of
Banks and his wife on charges
of first-degree murder.
"Wanted, used furniture. Tel. 5110
Remodel Bohemian Extensive
remodeling will be done at the
Rnhfmlan restaurant, damaged by
fire Saturday night, before it ia
ronnonnd for business, the pro
prietors announced yesterday. The
kitchen, where ma nre occuueu
win h replaced with a new, mod
era kitchen,, at the rear of the
dining room, where cooking op
rnttona will be in full view of
customers. The front portion of
the restaurant will be redecor
ated. Kiwct Loan Soon The Mu
tual Savings and Loan associa
tion here has received word that
'it may expect the 120,000 It has
applied for from the Home LoaA
bank within the next 10 daysi
The money will be the first bor
113 Candidate Pile A total of
113 candidates have filed as dele
gates to the proposed constitu
tional convention to vote on re
peal of the 18th amendment to
the federal constitution, state de
partment officials said Monday.
Among those who filed yesterday
were Claude Buchanan, Benton
county; Fred Thiel, Clatsop coun
ty, and Fred Misener, Wheeler
county. Buchanan favors retention
of the 18th amendment while
Thlel and Misener favor 1U re
More Warrants Called A call
was issued by Rufus C. Holman,
state treasurer, Monday, for the
McCallums to Seattle Rev. Stanfleld Lose license Dri-
nd Mrs. Hugh N. McCallum Oliver's license of H. L. Btanfield,
the Court street Church of j45 North Fifth street, was re
Christ, will leave today for 8ea-voked for one week when he
ttle, where they will visit until (pleaded guilty In municipal court
Saturday with his father. Rev. I yesterday to a charge of cutting
James S. McCallum, retired. The la corner.
senior Rev. McCauum .pe Speeding Chanted-Clty police QutlOOk GOOfJ fOf $95,000
" " eunaay arrested Palmer Wil-
he served at Eugene, Hams, route four, on a charr of
t-., speeding. He was cited to appear
-,-,... .- w., in municipal court yesterday but
UCUuiVk - " I A. AA .V
here on an extended visit with "fc 1" "
v t t tt cin. , case as disposed of.
Dock Project; Engineer
Revising Report
her brother, H. H. Smith of the
Fairview district, ana wun ner i Hepe From Bend George O
While refusing to predict the
decision of the United States army
board of engineers on the Wlllam
niece, Mrs. W. L. Rocanm, oi sa- Curtis, circulation manager of the ,fw TI f Tr i aaa nfla
lem. She will also visit another Bend Bulletln was In Salem Sun. vajley . plea hr JJ M. M
niece. Mrs. J. c. werren, oi jrior- ay yisiyng his brother, Ralph
ence. Curtis, and family. He also visited
You may buy a new Frigldalre f.1 mAr"' M J' M' CUtl8 ' couraged- by the response given
nnw for little aa 15 ner month. " toe. ra to we canalisation
payment of all state .warrants in- ... r-iMrir int . a7 Court. I rnA. mxj Th . project's outline, delivered by El
dorsed "not paid for want of I I u-ntwa MmmitiM nf th atato I Ha recently In Washington. The
funds" up to and Including May Car Sldeswloe Two automo- hra-mura tt-i- ham rrini . local attorney returned Sunday
3. Warrants affected by this call biles sldeswlped on the highway meeting for the chamber of com- -nd ! t the chamber of com-
aggregaie szto,4z.iz. meireas- miles soutn or saiem sunaay merce here Wednesday morning. ir uucueoa uduj nwa.
nrer prevlouslv issued calls for niht hut nn one was seriously I n xx? Pntt. r tii j.rfannn . I Ellis said that ordinarily an ad
the payment of warrants totaling injured, state police reported. The tion Is the new state president. Terse report by the regional en
$1,472,000. Warrants indorsed by m- wr driven bv Nick Podo-I glneer made In this case was
the treasurer aeerezAte s 2. 2 00.- -i,. P-tia-,i mf wnilim o. Audit Bille Members of the controlling with the board at
000. I Pnwcii nf ramaa. Wish. Mike county court yesterday were busy Washington. From the expressed
auditing the Mav bills for pay-(attitude of several board members
A few used ice boxes, 25 to 100 Pnmwi(.h sffrd a minor cut on ment by the tenth of this month, and the fact that the report made
lbs., from 4.50 to $15. Eoff Elec- ,lf J , SUIierea " v by the engineer at San Francisco
trie, Inc., 347 Court St., Tel 9119. Patriotic Meet A meeting of had been sent back for revision,
t,- win i. mrv Salem patriotic bodies' represen- eih onined there was a rood
Missionary Group MeeU The nre-idem 0f th KIwania club tatives will be held at the cham- Cbance the river project would be
missionary society of the First
I v 4 V
111 i-annrt Ma nnnn Ml th ucl W""""" kuuifcut.
. .ThlTh , il xr r ! w I McMlnnville Inter -club meeting
at the home of Mrs W. I. Staley, L recently In that city. The
371 N. Summer street at 2:30 I ' -m 1
June 7. Mrs. Roy Lockenour will
be the speaker. Assistant hostess
es will be Mrs. A. N. Moore, Mrs.
E. C. Charlton, Mrs. John Farrar.
attendance award will be given tfOllC6 BZilKCU. 1
oy Kev. w. .ari uoenran oi v;ai- All T J TP f
vary Baptist church. Plans are H LiGSLuS 1 3.11
being made by the club lor
local observance of all - Klwanis
night, June 26.
approved. He warned against too
great optimism by the chamber
here and said that the board's de
cision could never be predicted ac
curately in avance.
Ellis said the promotion of a
hnere nnblic work nrorram bv the
In Amnesia Case?dtllhmliVirJ oppcr
He also expressed himself as
pleased with the outlook tor a
Coming Events
June T Marion conaty
Jersey Cattle dab, fair
grounds. tr Jane Final day to re
new driver's licenses at low r
June 10 Willamette uni
versity law college alumni la
banquet here.
June 17-19 Class-day,
baccalaureate and com
'mencemeut exercises ' at
Willamette university.
Juno 20-23 G. A. R. and
affiliating; bodies annual en
campment. ,
Juno 25 .Missouri An
nual picnic, Municipal auto
July 24-20 Annual En
campment, Spanish Was
Sept. 4-0 Oregon state
hit G. Potter, 198 West Wilson
street, on Trade when the man
ran out from behind a train. Pot
ter was slightly injured.
Everett Kendall, three, of 890
South 20th street, suffered minor
hurts when he ran into the street
and was hit by a car driven by
Walter H. Davis, route five, at
21st and Shelton. Cars driven by
A. H. WIehe, 87 North Front,
and Tommy Ogura, Brooks route
one, collided at Liberty and Mar
ion streets yesterday but no one
was hurt.
rowerheVe by the Mutual since JJ;" Hans0n and Mrs
wa admitted to memDersniD m
" ...... 1 I . n T" . 1 A TT,. .
the newly organized leaerai loan Thomas to Speak Charles M. vw "J" Failine to date in their efforts toVnnn tVvmiiTai fr tui
w i. vi win ha tKjpd to rr-1 .i.-- I cheon. Jr.. 1240 South 15th I .. J5, 000 terminal flock tor sale m
meet maturities, to refinance out- er viu'give an add;es3 on major "freet was sentenced to serve amnesia victim who came m"St JJ V lllri aJd
standing claims and for new poweT problemB ,n the Portland T ?ays In the city jall after to the Y w c A he . week J S;,7Ln!.i,S
i i nnnrr TUTBrn nvsnsaniHi-srunaiEi. . . . i
ness of Salem's application. While
i. .niiitftn t?5 Elec- ..Za .u, rw Rnr,. l". loins changes in the application
"SUt, TrrronrL . oirecuon or iu roruana orn- - ' where she is unaer oBservauon. maT be needed. Ellis Is of the
trie, Inc., 347 court. tlons. Similar addresses were giv- fl7 Te-terdar Grants Pass officials knir,in- ,-
I . I m i vjiuivu u a u v toivug vaaa tuau
.?h w-iT. 8T?.1.m?v " To Hold Bonds The state rec- "Pjled loc1 ocers' queries. and the c!ty enabled to secure the
rlage licenses were Issued Mon- lamatlon commission at a meeUng f"'1" w""u 7ilm'uu" reaerai government aa-
day at the county clerk's off- Estates Appraised Two ap- Monday agreed to act as depos- j 'that dt!.Pintli5toTl TaceL. . ....
ces here. Loren D. Daviason, zt.. praisals of estates were filed in ltory for bonds of the Medford lr- """"J impruTemeui ol "
(44 Center street, a teacher, re- pro,ato court yesterday. The es- rlgation district which is now in Pet?rea out. river to provide cheap water
r.,d -n nrmlt to wed Doria ?I?Z lt iyJX a T?rhm.n Zru of reoreanlMLtlon. The During moments of seml-recov- transportation Is imperative tor
Reismann. 18, Pendleton, a stu- ha8 an estimated value of $5271. bonds of the district aggregate t7,!nt . w 'h,.onHnn!? d!Lme.Bt "i"
dent; Angela De Poia, 23, Wil- most of the property being real I $1,107,000
ark, a crane hooker, receivea a estate. Jacob Urban Is admlnls-
Mt. Angel, a housekeeper. T. Holloway has an estimated "7"5- " 6 , - X.r?.
I value Of 1241 Harold E. Eakm juiuvi cvuri jro -i-iuay iu wvemk- ".. v " v-
Retnrn Car Thlevee Inspector -,,,-!-,;, in his motor vehicle with Im- imperative for low-cost. ' Ellis
rt-. Pnffo. anil Traffic Offlfer I itnuur lllrVit. TTm vaa flniwl tS
J l 1 J " t J - 1 ..w. --O " " " I WW
George Edwards of the city pouce j Just receivea, a snipment or new and costs, but was unable to pay 11)1) mpn tfi W OTK
department left yesterday for Se- bridge lamps, $2.49 and $3.49. the fine so commitment was Is- v " vr-,
attle to return James Logan and Eoff Electric, Inc., 347 Court St, sued.
rimA. cvl- tn 1 pm tn face I I
UVJ .v- v I . . n . . i . . . .....
.ii..A, .t-ai-- an antnmo- JicKSon cpeaKS uie u a uounuef ray im aiaiaeur
bile May 28 belonging to Lewis I cuul u B IUU eici-uuiuiumj u- cuumj ;-si-iuy icui vu-va. i
TTin-.t k7a ct.iumiK atrot Th velopment In which attainment is I the state treasurer in the amount
two youths, according to the in- never final was pictured to Wll- of $14,779.50, covering Its flrst-
spector, have admitted the then. '-"" uU...cj l i lH I -.--
T.nrhir Born Mr. and Mrs. by Dean Frank M. Erickson. He s11.471.83 and Crook county $3.
Powell O. Cree, the latter me sua eiuuenia snuum ueiw uaiu I jli .s v
ilt,-- -ana nioVfnann wore their eoals but should set 'new I
Ti.piTin eontratulations vester- marks as progressive attainments Request Ride to Heppner -
- - I I OnMAMat Annant Pari T D-jih-iof Aff
nnnn tha Wrtfe ftf a nine- I were reacneu. ouyriiuuucu. m a ov--
Ha 0 Bankers
In "Who's Who"
Church Members
Veda Frlest, her age about 45 dustries in the Willamette valley.
years and her mother, Martha the speaker said. Increasing corn-
Traffic Violation W 1111am Sunto. She carried $3.7 S in her petition between industries, means
pointed out.
the Open Door mission is appeal
- - jai fri. I rues vuuuici -aoaaaaa jrau- t- 1
7 . . . 1 .,..,.. i or me aeienaants was nieu muu- i wom&xx
. a a J a VA
pouna aaugmer juouuay w rnnnte.r rn,im Answer i- t.,0i -f . w-tiw ,nn-
baby has been named Patricia day , clrcult court ln the Heppner Any perflon who could
IaT of Loder Bros, against W. B. Wil- 1 heln tha vonne woman la reauest-
,x., m, r - TTn I mot and wife. The defendants as- ed to call 5660.
UllllllUrj XJIOAVO W-.wa i . .a ll 1 fill - I
minor chimney fires necessitated rt tney tney nave no naDimy un-
the calling of firemen yesterday 1"""" aitTtif f w r
v.. aia j,-,.. Ttlft made with the piainturs hut ra-
but did no serious damage, me i . t;.. x,Dn
blazes occurred at 1026 North . .
.- of lOtri a nT Mar. 1UU'
Siver Fas Road Three Struck by
Cars but None
Seriously Hurt
As many as 100 men will be
employed on construction of the
South Silver Creek falls road
members of the county court said
yesterday. Work is to begin this I Three persons were struck by
week under direction of Hedda automobiles ln Salem over the
Swart, county engineer. The men I weekend but none was seriously
will all be employed from the! injured, according to reports to
area through which the road runs, the police. Yesterday John Marr
The road, to be completed this I city dog catcher, was knocked
year, was begun as a market road down by a truck driven by Law
project last year by the county. I rence C. Orwlg. 1970 North 18th
Its completion was delayed by I street, on South Commercial.
disagreement with property own-1 Delbert Patterson, 445 South
ers over the right of way. I ICth street, reported that his ear
dispute over i:np
O'Neills ask Receiver for
Property Involved in
Accounting Plea
$3050; Randie Melby against
Gerhard IL and Helen O. rreska,
$4325. -
County's Share
In O-C Fight is
$27 JO, Reported
Marion county's share in a
$2500 expence fund being raised
to preserve for 18 counties of Ore
gon the Oregon it California tax
Demand that a receiver be ap- refunds is only $27. SO. county ot-
polnted to have charge of the flclals said yesterday. The ex-
1933 operations of the Sod ho? pense Is being pro-rated among
ranch. 90-acre place ln the Clear 18 counties on the basis of fed-
Lake district,' was made ln circuit eral lands in the county. Some
court yesterday in a om plaint counties wil have a heavy share
filed by C. B. OTfeill and W. L. of the expense, Johephlne's ratio
O'Neill against Robin D. Day. running to $500.
Plaintiffs allege that they are! Guy Cordon, district attorney
each one-third owners of the for Douglas county, will take the
leal in presenting the Oregon
counties claims at Washington.
He has been authorized to go east
if it seems necessary that he pre
sent the counties' claims there.
Marion county's annual share ln
Oregon 4b California refunds has
been nearly $7000.
More than half of 1105 bankers
listed in the current issue of
Who's Who in America are church
members a recent study by Rosa
lind A. VanWlnkle. graduate as
sistant at Willamette university.
reveals. Miss VanWlnkle listed
655 of the bankers as members
of some religious denomination.
The Episcopalian church had
the highest percentage of bank
ers listed in the directory, 190
professing membership ln that de
nomination. The Presbyterian
church claimed 27 per cent of the
listed bankers with 180 members,
and the Methodist church 75
bankers listed, or 11 per cent.
Other denominations, as prefer
ences for the bankers, were in the
following order: Congregatlonal-
lsts 56; Baptists 42; Catholic 28,
and Unitarian 26.
ranch, under a partnership agree
ment ln which the defendant owns
The O'Neills also ask that Day
be restrained from selling the
ranch while an accounting is be
ing made.
A partnership agreement was
made in 1931, they assert, in
which C. B. O'Neill was to keep
the books, W. L. O'Neill was to
run the ranch and Day was to
sign the checks and have other .
supervisory control over the bus-'
Iness. The ranch was subject to a
$20,000 debt which was to be
treated as a first claim until it
was paid.
The O'Neills say Day has not
offered an accounting of the
books and allege there has been
some variation ln the amount of
advances made by each of the
The plaintiffs allege that the
estimated value of the 1933 hop
crop from the ranch is $25,000.
Last week Day sued C B.
O'Neill on a $1200 note due from
the latter and asked that an at
tachment be placed on the ranch.
Truck Men Conier
Concerning Laws
Truck operators from all sec
tions of Oregon gathered here
Monday to discuss with the state
utility commissioner provisions of
the new track and bus law which
becomes operative July 1. Much of
the discussion centered upon
rates, filing of tariffs and termin
al costs.
Judgments lor
Deficiency Not
Given in Sales
Reports on a number of sales
to satisfy Judgments made by the
sheriff's office here were filed
with the county clerk yesterday.
In most instances the properties
sold brought the entire amount of
the Judgment and no deficiency
Judgments were granted.
Cases reported and the amount
received at the sale follow: Stella
C. Culver against D. M. Burnett
et al. $1479: L. S. Lambert
against Jeanette B. Fisher, et al.
$2000; L. N. Jones against Mary
Mae Garrett, et al, $411; Beaver
Investment company against F
H. and Laura Lamphler; Robert
I. Hayes by guardian, against
Charles W. and Effle M. Voriee.
New Management
at the
Good Eats Cafe
184 N. Liberty
Fifth street and at 19th and Mar
Ob ltuary
Plead Not Guilty Stanley and
Manuel Hogate yesterday pleaded
not guilty to charges against
them, and hearing will be held be
fore Justice of the Peace Miller
Hayden later this month, prob
ably the 20th or 21st. Hearing is
held up because witnesses will not
be available until that time.
Many Plan for Banquet Thir
ty-three tickets have already been
At the residence ln Donald,
Henry Nelson Goode, June 4, at
the axe of 55 years. Leaves a wi-
How "Delia Goode of Donald, two -.. S'.,'f " fW
aaugnters. z.oe uooue Willamette university alumni as-
and Mrs. Eileen Ras of Hillsdale, Bociatlon Fay Sparks, secretary,
Ore.; son. Henry Goode of Don- an0Tinced yesterday. The banquet
aid: sisters. Mrs. W. H. Fuson of . K v.m v-,- oatnrdav Jn-
. ' ... T.J.-J " "
Aumsvuie, jurs. u. r,. r.u u, i 1? A lar e re8ervation shortly be-
aajem, mro. j. -.. -uS i fore the banquet Is expectea.
brothers. J. A. Goode of Portland, I
J. W. of Albany. Albert M. of San I licenses Issued Marriage 11c-
Dlego, H. J. of Los Angeles ana en8es were issued In Portland.
V. A. of Stayton. runerai ser- Monday to Gilbert J. Wagner or
tce Tuesday. June 6 at S p.m. I cai-m and Tvr Huehes of Port-
from the chapel or w. t. mgaon and and to Harry H. Wilson oi
and Son witn Kev. wiacaier om- Mt Angel, and Alice Jane Davis
elating, interment aiisiou ot Portland,
eemeterv. I
In Court Today unaries re-1
McCallister terson. accused of larceny or tools
Ralph McCallister at San Jose, and other equipment belonging to
Newt Berge. will appear in jus
tice court this afternoon at 2:00
o'clock to stand trial on the
Calif. Snrvlved by his father, H
J. McCallister of Astoria. H. G.
McCallister of San Francisco and
J. W. McCallister of Salem. Fun
eral services will be held from
the Clough-Barrick company cha
pel Tuesday, June , at 4 p.m. In
terment Belcrest Memorial park.
Rev. Grover C. Birtchet officiating.
Dumler To Mr. and Mrs. Ai
ded Waldo Dumler of Silverton,
a boy, James Alden, born June
2 at Salem Deaconess nospitai.
Marauardt To Mr. and Mrs.
Walter W. Marquardt, 1575
At the Tesldencca 541 Center
street, May 81, Elmer C. Plank,
t a -.m --. 11 tnevoa trlA f rti
lowing brothers and sister: Ar- South Cottage street, a girl. Lor
thnr c. Plank of Salem. Leland H. etta Joan, born May 26 at the
Plank of McLaughlin. S. D.. Roy residence. -
r tm.-v f Tia--iw Minn., and I Tone To Mr. and Mrs. How-
Mrs. Clara I. Bullis of Payette, ard Tong of Aumsville, an eight
Idaho. Funeral services Tuesday, pound girl, born June 4 at the
June C at 1:30 p.m. tirom Rig- Bungalow maternity nome.
don's mortuary. Interment Bel-
crest Memorial park.
In this city, June I, Edward
Dleaendorf at the age of 65. A
late resident of 971 South 22nd
St.- Funeral announcements later
by W. T. Rigdon and son.
without 0 parities Lost t T1a
no Orroa Bide
Phoaa SSOS
Can take it, they're Miller
lied. Let as give you a
free estimate.
Salem Paint &
Roofing Co.
We Guarantee Satisfaction
474 Ferry St.
May 29. 1951
. varv much about what
AM U MM rt fogU oar. to hear r, ma
g0,s on under th. hood, of their " ac0ld.ntaXl they
Th. drlr.r kno that -drlvlns qualltl.s . not
. 4. How th. aanufaetuwr or to1v. tnos.
g rrisS H. jud... entire!, tor th. resuXt. h. -U i
driving. "shop". Xtt u talk Results,
felI. it i- TX-Vu illl find that the
Sqothnes Drive the Ford V-8 an ,
-. ..oothness. due to its design
Methods of its manufacture. drlve.
Po Th.r. It U. 70 horsepo. . -
.toft for th. arlver-. remartoble.
of thl. oar-lt. llf-UK. 0o ot VMMam ihan
toono7, Our V-8 MU(. or. por on . lndlTiattal drlvlne.
oar have aad.. -
under average oondltlon. th. Ford V-8 doe.
Of .our... oar econo., .-Initial ooat.
too. but it is also economical in tne co p
operation, maintenance. r4rition The motor car muflt not
This is woman's contribution, xn
View the rora v-
200.000 Pounds Wanted
Highest Cash Price Paid ,
; Junk, Hides, Pelts, Wool
' ; 145 Center Street
.. By the Bridge
Vacuum Cleaners
and Floor Waxer
To Rent '
11 11 1
Call 6910, Ised r'urniture
. Department,"
151 North High ,
w be useful, but al.o good-looking.
nd our oo-aent on it. fin. "ar""- In s0 years ,h, ohanged th.
Coafort.. Thl. alao 1. .caan-. ooncern. In SOj
.otoraTTroa a .agon to a ooaoh . ,B00th-
A v .
. . Jl A4a
-a-sn-a nrv bs 11 v a. mi a
niuuAug o
taste, quality, ease
)olor. good
; safety, roominess and convenience.
mw cm
If If flll. i U t 1 I II
Sure they hurry! To
get this waiting breakfast
treat of crisp, golden-
brown Post Toastiesl
Children doa't waite any time
getting down to a breakfast of
Post Toasties! They turn up
bright-eyed on the dot . . . for the
grandest-tasting cereal there is!
Grown-ups love h, too . . . these
tender flavory flakes that taste so
good with milk or cream or
dressed up temptingly with lus
cious fruits or berries.
And Post Toasties, made from
tender toasted hearts of corn,
turns into energr fast, . . q mid
energy that the family needs for
a bright, cheery start each day.
Begin serving Post Toasties for
of General Foods.
Jala Pesfs Jealar Detective Carpal
TWO TmiSn aaa tsps.Se
j wC &9tf 0fvCw4 Pe4flf fteVttlel
ffMa tffK w4 wmM Oct. IS, It IS.)
a -