The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 06, 1933, Page 1, Image 1

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Have The Statesman fol
low yon while on your Ta
xation; . mailed to any ad
dress two weeks, only 25
cents. Call 0101.
Mostly fair and mild but
occasional cloudiness today
and Wednesday, Max. Temp.
Monday - ?1. Mia. 40, rlrer
4.8 feet.
Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, June 6, 1933
Reid-Murdock Leads off by
Packing Gooseberries;
Others Preparing
Good Year Except for Light
Crops of Strawberries
And Prunes, View
First operations on the spring
fruit crop sot under way locally
late yesterday when Reid-Murdock
cannery started packing
gooseberries. Later this week,
probably Wednesday, Producers'
Co-op will handle the compara
tively small tonnage represented
by Us growers, and Starr Fruit
Products will start a short run
for another cannery.
The first of next week the "West
Salem cannery and Hunt Brothers
will stait canning of gooseberries
for short runs, and Stexr cannery
will begin Its own gooseberry
Aside from loss of the Etter
burg strawberry pack and prob
able light prune crop, canneries
seem to be entering the new sea
son with some optimism. Carry
OTer is the lowest in several sea
sons, which add material bright
ening to the production for this
year. Wages so far are some
question, but local canneries will
work on the basis determined by
the welfare commission.
Oregon Strawberry
Crop Starts Coining
First local strawberries were in
the stores yesterday, but suffi
cient quantities of Marshalls for
barrelling -will not be ripe until
another 10 days or two weeks.
Because of shortage of berries
dne to the freeze-out, the straw
berry market has made heavy ad
vances in the last 10 days, with
the top price reached Saturday
when the Sublimity 400-acrepool
-sold at cents. Five bidders
sought this pool, and it is report
ed, bidding was exceptionally
keen. " - -
Black raspberry crop this year
will be heavy, according to re
ports from the canneries. Cleary
and Hillman, which last year
made a record pack considering
the "youth" and size of the can
nery, plans to make a heavy pack
of black caps, and also to handle
Ted raspberries and loganberries.
No prices on open market purch
ases of any of the berries, except
strawberries, are being talked.
Cherry Crop Likely
To Be Heavy Here
The cherry crop looks excellent
so far. and it is probably a large
quantity will be both barrelled
and canned in all the local plants.
No price on cherries is being talk
ed yet. The prune crop is pretty
well damaged, according to pres
ent indications, though a few
growers say they will have a good
With cherry prospects excel
lent, both the Salem Cherry
Growers association, of which
O. E. Brooks is president, and the
Willamette Cherry association, of
which Robert Shinn is manager,
expect to handle a large quantity.
The Salem Cherry Growers as
sociation is constructing a new 50
by 200 foot warehouse along the
tracks at Locust and Laurel in
preparation for a big season. Last
year 19 cars of black cherries
were shipped as fresh fruit to the
eastern market, and this year that
number will probably be bettered.
Construction on the new plant
will be completed in another 10
days or so. It Is estimated that
the first cherries will be handled
. July 1.
Mr. Brooks reports that the as
sociation will enlarge its activities
in the spring of 1934, and will
barrel strawberries, as well as en
tering the barreling field with
cherries. So far, only black cher
ries for fresh equipment have
been handled. This association
handles the crop from Lambert
orchards in the Macleay section,
a cherry project of slightly more
than 215 acres in bearing trees.
fi, Mira
PORTLAND, Ore., June 5.
(AP) Development of the Co
lombia river was discussed today
by President Roosevelt with Sen
ator McNary (R., Ore.), who was
a breakfast guest at the White
House, a special dispatch to the
Oregonian, tonight from Washing
ton. D. C stated.
The president asked It there
was a power surplus in tne pa
cific northwest and Senator ' Mc
Nary replied that there is at pres
ent rates; the dispatch said. Mr
Roosevelt asked the Oregon sen
ator for "sufficient data", on the
market for power and to, deter
mine If there Is a need for more
bower in Oregon and Washington,
"McNary gathered the Impres
sion the disnatch said, "that
something might be done on the
Columbia development at warren
dale If the engineers find a suit
able foundatfon, as a dam there
would aid navigation. Hood con
trol, erosion and power."
House of Morgan's Domination
Of Utilities, Railroads Bared
Wheke. Mor.gaj Utilities
The senate committee hearing into the activities of J. P. Morgan and
company has brought to light the company's control of a vast net
work of the nation's Mill tie. From the unobtrusive Morgan head
quarters at Broad and Wall streets. New York, utilities In eleven
states are ruled. The investigation more recently lias delved Into
the railroad interests of the Morgan partners.
Van Sweringen Questioned;
Probe of Lamont Stock
Deals is Uncertain
Senate investigators of J. P.
Morgan and company learned pri
vately today of a partner's income
reducing stock sales and then
heard their investigator Ferdi
nand Pecora develop publicly
how the Van Swerlngen's founded
a vast railroad empire on borrow
ed money.
Halted temporarily In question
ing Thomas S. Lamont about late
1930 stock sales which involved
also his wife's market transac
tions, Pecora grilled O. P. Van
Sweringen on the growth of the
rail domain of himself and his
brother, M. J. Van Sweringen,
from a (2,000.000 cash loan in
The investigator showed first
how the Cleveland men acquired
nickel plate control for $8,500,000
of borrowed funds. Then Van
Sweringen agreed money for ob
taining his Chesapeake and Ohio
interest "came from the public."
The Van Sweringen railroad in
terests and Morgan and company's
latter years financing of them be
came the subject of Pecora's ex
amlnation after the banking com
mittee deferred until tomorrow a
decision on whether Lamont
should testify on large stock sales
on December 30, 193Q a year In
which all Morgan partners laid an
aggregate income tax of $48,000
Mill whistles of the Swede Ba
sin Sawmill here blew this morn
ing for the first time In two years,
calling 70 men back to work.
Several hundred worker went
back to employment last week
harvesting the local strawberry
Another local agricultural pay
roll has been furnished this spring
by the men hired to set up new
hop fields to add to me several
hundred acres of hops already in
production here.
McMINNVILLE, Ore., June 5
(API A neremptory writ of
mandamus was Issued today di
recting the state highway commis
sion to pay $8,150.29 to the Sal
mon: River-Grand Rondo nignway
improvement. distrlcL The writ
was issued upon order of Circuit
Judge Walker after a hearing of
tha case.
The road, known as the Salmon
River cut-off. was first planned
as a ten-mile market road to cost
185.000. When it was taken over
by the state highway commission
the district issued iiza.wuu in
Interests Operate
Two Youths Drown, Santiam
Near Detroit; one is
Valley Resident
Report of the first casuallties
in the civil conservation corps
reached here last night when
Coroner L. E. Barrick received a
report of the drowning of How
ard Herron and John Hess late
today while, crossing the San
tiam river near Detroit. Howard
Herron is said to be a resident of
the Willamette valley, while John
Hess is reported to be from Chi
cago, and a member of the re
forestation company which recent
ly arrived in Oregon.
The two men were crossing the
river in a rowboat to go to a work
detail, when they lost one oar and
were swept out of sight around
a bend. Observers running along
the bank sighted the overturned
boat but the men were not in
Dragging operations were im
mediately begun but at a late
hour last night the bodies had
not been recovered.
EUGENE. June 5. (AP)
Four civilian . conservation corps
district will be filled by Wednes
day night, it was stated hers to
day. Quotas of men from Lane,
Polk, Benton and Linn counties
will go out from here Tuesday
and Wednesday to complete the
camp -personnel at the Sisters
(Turn to page 2, col. 1)
Grants Pass Mill Opens
Highway Board Loses Out
Newberg Views Runaway
Banks Given Operation
bonds and levied an additional
$90,000 in special taxes to pay for
It. Trustees of the district brought
suit to collect part of what they
claimed is due.
NEWBERG, Ore., June 5
(AP) It has been a long time
since residents of this city had
seen an accident caused by a run
away horse. Miss Agnes Schmidt,
21, was injured. not seriously.
when the horse she was riding be
came frightened and careened in
to the path of a truck. The horse
died from its injuries.
EUGENE,' Ore., June 5 (AP)
Llewellyn A. Banks, convicted
last month on a second degree
murder charge for the slaying of
George Prescott, Medford consta
ble,' today underwent a major op
eration. Physicians said later his
condition was satisfactory. The
former editor and orehardist of
Medford will be in the hospital at
least two weeks. He has not yet
been .sentenced, the court having
allowed his attorneys time in
which to file a moHon for a new
trial, an action which they said
they would take.
Delayed for Servicing of
Plane as Moscow but
Beats Schedule
Five and Quarter Hours to
Good in Comparison to
Post-Gatty Time
MOSCOW. June S (Tuesday)
(AP) James Mattern was rac
ing into the black-clouded east
early today toward Omsk, Siberia,
after taking off from here at 1:14
a. m. (5:14 p. m. Monday, east
ern standard time) on the fourth
leg of his attempt to hang up a
new world circling speed record.
The American aviator slept
only two hours after his arrival
yesterday afternoon from Oslo,
Norway, but was forced to remain
here nine hours and 17 minutes
because of delays in servicing his
Soviet officials refused him per
mission to fly the shorter route
to Alaska via Yakutsk because of
unfavorable conditions. He is fol
lowing the same route taken by
Wiley Post and Harold Gatty, who
established the world-girdling rec
ord of eight days, 15 hours and
51 minutes in 1931.
(Mattern left Moscow five and
a quarter hours ahead of the
standard set on the Post-Gatty
flight. He was three hours ahead
in reaching Moscow. Post and
Gatty stayed there 11 hours and
30 minutes.)
"Fooled Them," Says of
Report He Was Lct
Asked his reaction to surmises
abroad that he was lost when he
was unreported for some time aft
er landing in Norway Sunday,
Mattern said: "I fooled them
didn't I?"
He ended his Transatlantic
hop from New York on Jomfru
land, off the south coast of Nor
way, at 4:15 a. m. Sunday. Six
teen hours and 45 minutes later
he flew to Oslo, Norway. At 12:40
a. m. eastern standard time", he
took off for Moscow, arriving
here seven hours and 17 minutes
Asked whether he was able to ;
sleep during his flights, Mattern
answered affirmatively and then
outlined an ingenious arrange
ment which permitted him to
catch "forty winks" in the air at
various times.
"1 fixed rubber bands to the
stock from the compass rack, al
lowing sufficient margin to pro
vide for a slight drift to the
right," he explained. "Then I
crossed my legs and with my right
foot put a slight pressure on the
left rudder, which equalized the
drift and kept the plane on an
even course. That's the way I got
my catnaps."
Lumber prices soared $3 a
thousand on common and $7 on
clear, giving evidence of Increased
demand, it was announced at the
Salem chapter, Oregon Building
congress, executive committee
meeting last night. The increase
on common represented a rise of
nearly 50 per cent over the lowest
price of the last three years. One
mill, it was reported, has more
orders booked ahead than at any
time since 1930 and its represen
tatives have been instructed to
limit the number of carload or
ders they accept.
The builders voiced new optim
ism tor a betterment in their in
dustry, which has been at rock
bottom since 1930. They felt that
property owners, foreseeing high
er prices, would soon begin to
make improvements and initiate
new construction.
Several builders reported that
because most building materials
are gaining In price, they were
now forced to place lime limits
on quotations they made on con
struction and allied work.
For the first time in Its history.
Salem Garden club will enter ex
hibits as a club at the state fair
next fall, the members decided at
their meeting at the chamber of
commerce Monday night. This was
the last meeting until fall.
Receipts from the Willamette
Valley Flower show held in Mar
ion square last weekend amount
ed to approximately $140, the
club president, Ernest Iufer, re
ported. The amount of profits. If
any, had not yet been determined.
The program for the meeting
consisted of talks by Ben Max
well. Polk county, on roses, and
E. T. Barkus, Salem, on delphln-
ia. Barkus stated that rot In del
phinia may be forestalled by not
cutting the tops of the stocks.
n w
Council Passes Beer Bill;
Sale to he Legal June IS
Abolition of Purchaser job
Not Favored; Engineer
Will be Employed
Patton Protests Increased
Insurance Rates; Dock
Plan Vote Slated
The city council Monday night
voted down a proposal to abol
ish tb office of city purchasing
agent and tc place all purchasing
directly in the council's hands or
with the city recorder. The or
dinance, generally characterized
as an aldermanlc attack on City
Recorder Mark Poulsen, would
have deprived the present recor
der of one-half of his present du
ties and reduced his monthly pay
from 180 to $90.
The council authorized the util
ities committee, headed by S. A.
Hughes, to enter into a contract
for the survey and engineering
of power rights on Marion lake
now held by the city. Mr. Hughes
said he favored the retention of
J. G. Kelly at $200 a month and
expenses but the final contract
for the work will be determined
upon by the full committee. Al
derman Henry Vandevort said he
thought the contract should be
passed upon by the council but
the latter, by resolution, left the
matter with the utilities commit
tee. The federal power commis
sion hag asked the municipality
to complete its filings for power
from Marion lake at an early
Patton Protests
High Insurance Cost
Hal D. Patton, former alder-
man granted the floor by
(Turn to page 2. col. 1)
CHICAGO. June 5. (AP)
Illinois today Joined the parade
of eight other states opposed to
national prohibition, by the over
whelming majority' of approxi
mately 800,000 votes.
Even downstate counties, long
regarded the prop of the dry
movement in the state, contribut
ed in the main along with indus
trial centers to the maelstrom of
votes for repeal.
The vote from 4980 precincts
out of the state's 7249 stood: For
repeal 881.2811. against 190,503.
Indiana, which legislation this
year changed from a drastically
dry to a most liberal state, will
vote tomorrow on repeal of the
18th amendment with some pbo
hiblt ionics believing the result
will show the true trend of the
naton on the liquor queston.
"If we can win in Indiana we
can prevent repeal," Bishop James
Cannon, Jr., of the Methodist
Episcopal church, south, declar
ed. Others, accepting that view
point, said a real expression of
the county's feeling on the 18th
amendment could not be obtained
from the nine states that already
have voted.
Drum Corps Shy
Of Queens; Will
March in Parade
The Salem national champion
drum corps will not participate in
the coronation Thursday after
noon of the Portland rose festival
queen, the members decided last
night, but will put on an exhibi
tion drill at Multnomah 'stadium
tbat night, march In the parade
Friday afternoon and appear at
the stadium again that night.
Though the corps will be featured
on the program at the stadium
Thursday night. It will not enter
the drill team competition.
PORTLAND, Ora, June 5.
(AP) Otis Cllngman of Okla
homa City defeated Bull Stastny
of Seattle, two falls out of three.
In the main event of tonight's
wrestling-card b .re.
Bulldog Jackson, Klamath
Falls, took two straight falls
from Henry Fredrickson, Everett.
Wash., to win the seml-windup
Martin Hoffert, Tillamook, and
Herb Berguson, Portland, wres
tled three rounds to a draw In
the opener
Late Sports
County Dry Slate is
Selected; Mt. Angel
For Municipal Beer
Vote is 152 to 28 on
Charter Change;
Ballots few
T. ANGEL. June 5. The
sale of "non - intoxicating
beverages and Insofar as
the law allows intoxicating bev
erages" by this city was made
legal today by a vote of 152 for
and 28 against.
This amendment to the city
charter is a result of an ordi
nance calling ' for a referendum
and provides that the city will
handle the sale of the beverages
and claim the proceeds from
such sale. The matter is now en
tirely in the hands of the city
council and they will provide for
the regulation of the sale.
The vote was one of the light
est which has occurred in this
Mrs. Roosevelt met by. son
At Tucson; Goes onto
Los Angeles Today
TUCSON, June 5. (AP)
Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, on a
transcontinental flight from
Washington to Ios Angeles, arriv
ed here tonight after greeting her
son, Elliott, in Douglas, where he
had flown from the coast to meet
The president's wife, who is
making the trip west to visit with
her son, participated in brief cere
monies dedicating the interna
tional airport at Douglas.
While waiting for his mother's
arrival young Roosevelt, who Is
managing a coast airlines com
pany, took up many of the throng
for brief rides. Ben Catlln, regular
pilot of the ship, sat by his side
to watch his chief's ability as an
Tonight Mrs. Roosevelt was the
guest of Mrs. John C. Greenway,
democratic national committeewo
man for Arizona, and a lifelong
Mrs. Roosevelt will leave Tuc
son for Los Angeles tomorrow af
ternoon, stopping at Phoenix long
enough to greet citizens there.
She will fly to Phoenix in a
plane chartered by Mrs. Greenway
and plans to leave there by the
regular American Airways plane.
Juarez Saloon
Manager Slain
JUAREZ, Mexico, June 5
(AP) Theros "Theo" E 1 s o n,
manager of lobby No. 2 cafe, was
fatally shot tonight In the office
of the saloon.
His assailant ran from the
cafe. Jumped into the Rio Grande
and swam to the American shore
amid a hail of bullets fired by
Mexican customs officers. El Paso
and federal officers were seeking
him late tonight.
Charles Howard Receives
Doctorate; Ken Praises
CORVALLIS, Ore., June 5
(AP) A warning against the !
present drive in certain educa
tional quarter to substitute for
the American idea of democracy
In education the old-world idea of
aristocracy of learning was sound
ed by Dr. Mervin Gordon Neale,
president of the University ot
Idaho, in the commencement ad
dress at Oregon State college here
Declaring he has no quarrei
with those who are honestly try
ing to bring about economies in
education. Dr. Neale said the
present situation is being used by
those opposed to free democratic
opportunity to overthrow the ex
isting system In which secondary
and higher education are extend
ed to all alike. The address, con
sidered one of the most outspoken
given here in years, was primarily
directed to nearly 500 graduating
The Idaho educator declared
that Dr. Henry C. Prltchett and
Abraham Flexner are among those
expressing the ideas of a "power
ful group" attempting to keep
higher education for the aristo
ccratle .few, unsoiled by the "in
terest of technicians, tradesmen
and tollers of the realm."
Dr. Linus Pauling, professor of
cbemlstrv at California institute
of technology, was given the de
Brown, Laughlin and
Hammond of This
City Chosen
'dry" slate for Marion eoun
tty for the July 21 election
on the proposed repeal of
the 18th amendment to the feder
al constitution will be filed with
the secretary of state's office here
this morning, members of the
Marion County Dry committee an
nounced last night.
Three Salem men will be on
the slate of seven candidates, all
of whom are pledged to vote. If
elected to the state convention,
to retain the 18th amendment.
Local candidates are Frank E.
Brown, E. S. Hammond and S.
B. Laughlin. Other candidates
will be E. W. Conlson. Scotts
Mills; H. S. Bond, Turner; Glenn
E. McClellan, West Stayton, and
Walter T. Shrock, Hubbard.
A "wet" slate was announced
recently by the Oregon Hopgrow
ers' association and affiliated or
ganizations. A forceful campaign to hold
Marlon county in the dry column
will be made, members of the
committee said last night.
Center Attention on Full
Ticket, for Delegates'
Election July 21
PORTLAND, Ore., June S.
(AP) E. M. Heacock, president
of the Oregon Anti-liquor league,
said todav that the constitutien-
allty of the state law providing
for a convention to determine
upon the repeal or retention of
the 18th amendment to the fed
eral constitution will not be at
tacked at present.
He Faid that the committee of
nine of the united drys of Mult
nomah county did not discuss the
matter at its meeting today. Hea
cock bad said last week that a
discussion of attacking the con
stitutionality of the law had been
scheduled for today's meeting.
The attack under considera
tion, it was said, was to have been
based on the ground that the law
provided for pledged delegates to
the convention to be held within
a month after the special election
July 21. Drys are now centering
their attention, Heacock 6ald, on
the matter of a full ticket of dele
gates for the convention.
"We have five days more in
which to file." he said. "We have
no doubt but that we will have a
complete ticket throughout the
state. But there is much work to
do and we are concentrating upon
the Job."
Fire early last night destroyed
a small section of roof on the
house at 1595 North Cottage
street, city firemen reported. The
damage was not great.
gree of doctor of science at today's
The other two to receive doc
tors' degrees were Charles A.
Howard, state superintendent of
public instruction, upon whom
was conferred the degree ot Doc
tor of laws and David C. Henry of
Portland, consulting engineer, who
wa given a degree of Doctor of
As chancellor of higher educa
tion, W. J. Kerr presented the
degree to Dr. Howard. He said.
In part:
"For a quarter of a century, as
teacher, principal, superintendent
and state superintendent, a con
structive leader in public educa
tion in Oregon, friend, counselor
and lnsplrer of Oregon boys and
girls; challenging colleague
among Oregon teachers; outstand
ing education al organiser, eo-or-dlnator
and administrator."
Age of women graduates rang
ed from to to 10 with an average
age of 23.18 years. Ages of men
graduates ranged from 21 to 58,
with the average at 24.2 years.
Phyllis Marie Thome of Newberg
was the youngest graduate 20
years old less than a week ago.
Richard Roynden Turner of Dal
las. 68. formerly state superin
tendent ot schools wss the oldest
graduate. He had completed work
for a bachelor of science degree in
Ordinance Effective In ten
Days; Signed at Once
By Mayor McKay
License and Sales tax may
Be Provided; new Plan
Is Filed by Olson
Salem's aldermen, after two
earlier failures, Monday night
passed an ordinance which per
mits the sale of beer in Salem.
The measure squeaked through
by one vote, eight members vot
ing aye, four nay and two. who
in previous meeting had voted
nay, being absent. Alderman S. A.
Hughes had chanced from th
negative to the affirmative posi
tion when last night's roll was
Mayor Douglas McKay prompt
ly signed the ordinance which be
comes effective In 10 days, mak
ing June 15 the legal date for
beer's sale in Salem. The measure
did not contain any emergency
clause, which would have mad
beer's sale Immediately valid.
Alderman O. A. Olson introduc
ed and the councilmen passed to
committee an ordinance which
provides a system of beer licens
ing and a sales tax on all beer
hereafter sold in Salm.
Wet Measure l"p
ror Vote in July
Already the council has passed
on measures which will come be
fore the voters July 21. These
proposals call for the amendment
of the city charter striking out all
existing reference to the sale of
beer and wines and giving the
council power only to regulate
"intoxicating liquors."
I The vote on the so-called NeeU-
uiu-ruutrr uiuuiauce IJM lllgui
was: For: Armpriest. Boatwright.
Fuhrer, Hendricks, Hughes, Neei
ham, Kuhn. Olson. Against: Hen
derson Townsend. Vandevort,
Wilkinson. Absent: Daue, O'Hara.
Although a crowded gallery
was on hand for debate, the mea
sure went throueh without a word
of aldermanlc comment. The or
dinance was read by title. Mayor
McKay announced the matter was
now before the council, not a
word was said about" beer, and
the mayor proceeded to put the
A number of W. C. T. U. wo
men were in the audience as well
as special representatives of Sa
lem churches but no onlookers,
asked to be heard and no council
man made a statement.
Deletes Phrase
From Dry Ordinance
The ordinance passed last night
deletes phrases of the ordinance
passed in 1913 wherein sale of
beer, malt beverages, wines and
other light liquors is prohibited.
The ordinance has no effect on
the charter amendment which
continues in the fundamental law
of the city but effectually stops
the enforcement of this charter
amendment by doing away with
the machinery for enforcement.
Last night's meeting showed
that, the pro-beer forces bad
learned from their first attempt
to pass a beer ordinance tbat si
lence is golden. Several months
ago when the first proposal to
legalize beer came np. a heated
debate arose, followed by an ad
verse vote, seven councilmen vot
ing against the propsoal to six
voting affirmatively. Subsequent
ly the matter of beer's sale was
raised at a special meeting but a
quorum of councilmen did not at
tend and no action could be tak
en. The Olson ordinance for licens
ing and taxing the sale of beer
calls for an annual license of from
$10 to $30 on retailer dealers
and a $50 to $100 a year annual
tax on distributors and brewers.
Olson's ordinance also provides
for a stamp tax ranging from one
cent stamp revenue from each
bottle sold to $l on kegs. He pro
vides that the name of the dis
tributor be placed on the stsmp.
Olson estimated yesterday that
$12,000 annually could be produc
ed for the city through these rev
enue features.
Car Theft Charge
Faced by Youths
James Logan and Elmer Sey
ler. Salem yoaths. probably will
be arraigned In Justice court to
day on a charge of stealisg an au
tomobile belonging to Lewis El
liott. 570 Statesman street. Maw
28. The pair was returned from
Seattle last night by Inspector
Orey Coffey and Traffle Officer
George Edwsrds of the city reH
department . -