3 it. Th 03SG0N STATESSf AN. Saien. Oregon, Sunday Mornlflg, Jane 4, 19i3 - ' . - iaugnt Gh emeketa Chapter of Hold Final Meeting Jones Home PAGE SKVKJC V ers at Charming tea Meeting Marks Installation of Mrs. JoKn F. Carkin as Regent fpHE annual installation and social afternoon of Chemeketa chapter, Daughters of the Saturfav nftSSSUti0n wf ?bseiTe? at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Jones at whth ttaTSS ?'h ?,roTfusion f loreIy flowfs a a beautifully appointed tea hour vLLf -1 ?! ? T' Love' rt-Snng regent, and Mrs. John H. Carkin, in-cominir V?reSn ed' featured the installation servirk ' m-comm? it tk?7S' 9 Clark had charge of the installation and used a service written by her self. This proved so popular with the chapter members thato written py ner t 'w w "Hve " Prmtea ana sent to all the chapters of the state. A prominent visitor at the Saturday afternoon meet ing was Mrs. John H. Hall, state president of the D. A R. who spoke briefly and interestingly before the business meeting of the chapter. O Annual reports showed an p- ceueni amount or work accomp lished by the chapter this past year. Plans are being made for a similar year under the regencv of Mrs. 'John H. Carkin. An unusually large attendance was present for the Saturday meeting with chapter members of Woodburn, Dallas and Salem present. It was announced by the com mittee which has been at work on the laying of the Abiqua marker that hopes were held that the marker could bo placed this month. Mrs. C. C. Geer. Mrs. B. L. Steeves and Mrs. H. T. Love make up this committee. Assisting Mrl Jones at the tea hour was the hostess committee, which Included: Mrs. V. L. Pot ter, Mrs. W. C. Conner. Mrs. A. A. Under 1 ill, Mrs. W. H. Byrd, Mrs. Clnud E. Ellison, Mrs. F. E. Sherwin, Mrs. J. G. HeltEel. Mrs. J. G. Gei?lemau and Mrs. L E. McLeod Mrs. Stearns Cushine. .Tr (Maxine Ulrich) arrived in Salem yesterday from Evanston. 111., j where she and Mr. Oushing have-j "cu Muucuis at xsormwestern this year Mr. Cushins Is a stu dent in Garrett Bible Institute while Mrs. Cushing has - taken some work there and is working toward an adranced degree in po litical science in Northwestern proper. She will be the guest 6f her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John B. I'lrich for several months. Mr. Cushlns is remaining in the university city during the sum mer. Both young people are pop ular members of last spring's .lass at Willamette. .' Mr. and Mrs. William Walton. Mrs. James Walton and Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Sackett win motor to The Dalles today to- be present for the wedding of the grandsou of Mrs. James Walton, James Walton and Miss Kathryn Brigh am 6f Eugene. Mr. Walton has a large ctrcle'of friends, in Salem where he has visited many times with his grandmother. Mrs. James Walton. Both young peo ple are graduates of the Univer sity of Oregon where they were prominent in college social activi- ties. Mr. Walton is a member of Sigma Nu fraternity. The wed ding will b a smart event at 2:30 o'clock at the P. J. Stadle raan home in The Dalles. Delphians Study Church Architecture The Sigma Nu Delphians will meet at the public library Mon day afternoon at 2 o'clock and at this tim will take up study con cerning the aspects of mediae val social life. Topics concerning this study will presented by Mrs. G. E. Tryon, Mrs. C. Roblin. Mrs. Fred erick Deckehach. Mrs. R. D. Paris. Mrs. Oscar Cutler, Mrs. Floyd White. Mrs. J. C. Perry and Mrs. Claude Glenn. Following the regular study period the sroup plans to visit the churches of Salem in order to stu dy the various types of architec ture to be found. Officers Installed by the Zonta club Thursday at home of Nellie Schwab include: Helen Pearce. president; Kathryn Gunnell. first vice president; Helen Yockey, second vice president; Hazel Cook, third vice president; Eliza beth Gallaher. secretary Mabel Brownell. treasurer. Committee ' appointments an nounced by Dr. Pearce: Program. Belle Brown, Haiel Cook, Helen Louise Crosby, Dorothy Pearce; finance. Frances Wright Jonas son. Winifred R. Herrick, Mabel Brownell ; publicity, Nellie Schwab. Helen Yockey, Alene Phillips: attendance. Hazel Cook, Winifred Herrick. Robert Butler; membership and classification, Alene Phillips, LaVerne Winkler, Elizabeth Gallaher; service, Hel en Yockey, Lena Belle Tartar, Ma bel Brownell, Kathryn Gunnell; fellowship and intercity, Ora Mc Intyre. Kathryn Gunnell and Bar bara Barnes; International rela tions. Helen Louise Crosby. The Salem club will be repre sented at the convention of Zonta International In Chicago in June by a delegate according to action taken at the Thursday meeting. The appointment will be announc ed later. The club will meet for lun cheon at the Marlon hotel Thurs day noon. . Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Gregg en tertained about 30 members of the Berean class at their home Friday nfght with a charmingly arranged social evening which began with a potluclc supper. Mrs. G. Ed Ross Is president of the class. Cross - Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER - 13 777, '5 77 22 22 22 : z& .... rr 68 7T ' 4o "1 1 1 ry-l W-rrr HORIZONTAL 1 cavils 5 a very small draft 8--a map 13 at all times 14 restore to freshness 15 plant from which drug is - obtained 17 pat l tending to eat sway : II to astray 22 fuaranteed z congre- . gated 25 poMesMS 7 blwted W latter part f the day, - poetie t SO decree , ' W close I i5 consecrate 17 gwswed ' 13 change ! 40 preposition 1 to travel 42 delicate fabric 13 to happem 14 threaded withdaetik meUl . ; -14 wtnr ' Urch.) ' 60 and not 61 refuse from metals in melting S3 posed 56 put up . ' stake 57 hastens Cdthigh of animal -42 peculiar to its locality CS la able 67 perturb 69 cause to function 71 a smooth consonant 72 a medicine 74 scent 76 moved gradually 76 a deer 77 proficient VERTICAL 1 gave up 2 avouch 3 censure 4 for " . 5 congeals 6 within 7 equal owns 10 nutriment 11 wander 12 hard month structures 14 cleans lightly 15 wrench Herewith is the solution to Sat urday's puzzle. fdgfeLiesHgi MTLONlCOTM SEfsljf rNEft R 1 AJ SEE 2 1& iniquity 20 brief poem 23 a least whole number 4 occidental 2& liberation 29 pertaining to sprites 31 venturer 32 narrow - rooms 34 something owed ' Si bend 58 turf 3 perform 89 to soak ' hemp 45 rambling 47 eolitary 49 waterfall 51 alight de pressions 52 eeagoing vessels 54 alatelike ' . rock 1 56V beverage . 58- tachffl 59 sluggish . 61 old . 63 lifeless 64 a minute ' particle 66 on the summit 68 short piece of connect ing pipe 70 linear . 'At Home' is Anniversary Tribute DELIGHTFUL affair of to day will be the "at home" for which Mr. and Mrs. William Everett Anderson will entertain between the hours of 2 and 5 o'clock at their homo on Court street, in compliment to their 25th wedding anniversary. Friends are invited to call in formally during the receiving hours. Alternating at . the urns during the afternoon hours will be Mrs. C. D. Gabrielson, Mrs, Frank G. Myers. Mrs. Max O. Buren. and Mrs. Max Page. Mrs. Otto Paulus and Mrs. Verne Mc Intyre will be in charge of the dining room and a group of young maids will assist In serv ing. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson were married in Salem 25 years ago at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. 3. Beckner. Rev. Paul Bandy was the officiating minister. Mrs. An derson's older sister who is now enroute from Florida on a long motor tour which will lead to Sa lem In July Is the only person now living who was present for the- ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson came to live on Court street shortly af ter they were married and lived there ever since. Mr. Anderson was born on Court street. This evening following the vopen house" hours a dinner will be served with covers placed for 20 guests. The list will Include old friends of the hosts. SOCIAL CALENDAR Monday, June 5 Sigma Nu Delphians, 2 o'clock at city library plan tour of churches of city following regular stady meeting. Rebekaha meet for regular business meeting. 1:00 o'clock In Odd Fellows halt Alpaa Phi Alpha alumnae association guests of Miss Dorothy Eastridge, 370 South 19th street. Tuesday, June 6 American War Mothers, 2 o'clock at. American Lu theran church, all urged to attend to make plans for visit of national president. Salem Music Teachers, with. Mrs. Mabel 8. Powers on Court street; last meeting of year; election of offi cers. Mrs. Prince Byrd hostess to members of Yomarco class of First Methodist church, at her home 2991 East Center street: election of officers. Public invited to graduation xerelsee of state school for deaf. S o'clock In school Auditorium. Salem W. C. T. TJ. at hall corner of Ferry and South Commercial street. Miss Jessie Martin In charge of program. Wednesday, June 7 Dakota club in W. O. T. U. hall, corner of Commer cial and Ferry streets; last meeting of season; potluck supper, 4:30 o'clock; bring ewn table service: all Da kotians invited. Thursday, June 8 Faculty Women's club, el fresco dinner in Robert M. Gatke gardens, 5: SO o'clock; husbands special guests last meeting of year. Mrs. Elisabeth Skewis, 1797 Center street, hostess for tea in eompliment to Daughters of Union Veterans of Civil War, 2 to I o'clock. Regular meeting Daughters of Union Veterans S o'clock in Women's clubhouse. 2. of Barbara Freitchie Group to Give Tea Barbara Frietchie tent No. Daughters of Union Veterans the Civil War will be hostess for an Informal silver tea Thursday afternoon from 2 to 5 o'clock at tho home of Mrs. Elizabeth Skew is on Center street. Mrs. Marguerite Elliott, Mrs. Euleaa Bales, Mrs. Alice Horn ing, and Mrs. Madeline Nash will alternate at the urns during the afternoon. All friends and members of the Tent will be welcomed during the tea hours. The Auxiliary to the Sons of Union War Veterans and the Vet erans organization enjoyed a visit this Tuesday from the national president of the Auxiliary, Mrs. Jean Bowers Thompson of Elgin. 111. The national guest attended the memorial services conducted by the two organisations and Tuesday evening was honor guest with Mrs. Louis King, national instituting and installing officer, for a pretty banquet served at Hunt's oafe. Mrs. Thompson left that night for Portland and from there continued to Seattle to con tinue her official visits to the var ious organizations of the states. Mrs. King accompanied by the lo cal president. Mrs. Alice Adams, were among those to welcome the national president in Portland up on her arrival Monday. They ac companied her on the teur of the Columbia highway and the veter ans' hospital and later attended the banquet given In her honor at the chamber of commerce Mon day night. An Interesting and pretty pro gram was presented by a group of piano students of Lena May Dotson Friday night at the Cal vary Baptist church. Small Pat ty Green assisted n the program. Those who presented numbers in cluded Virginia Tomklns, Jean Newman, Estelene Smith, Jean nette Clarke, Mona Greene, Ruth Ostrin, Wilson Clarke. Mary Prime, Betty Anunsen. Effie Vair, Loretta Smith, Marie White. Ora McDowell, Betty Dotson. Bonnie Belle Miller. Neva Smith, Helen Schulz, and Doris Schunke. Junior Philharmonic Group Will Present Program June 13 rtE Junior Philharmonic orchestra will give a program at the Y. M. C. A. Tuesday evening June 13 beginning at 8 o'clock. This group, which is composed of students preparing themselves to take a place in the regular phil harmonic symphonj drchestra has been under the direction of Wesley Roeder, Miss Mary Schultx and Raymond Carl during the past symphony season. For the program June 13 the director will be Raymond oCarl. Rehearsals are being held each Tuesday and Card Benefit Successful Affair THE BENEFIT bridge party given by the Graduate Nurs es association, Mrs. Margaret McAlphlne, chairman, was a very successful affair, attended by many prominent matrons of the city. Two violin solos were pre sented at the tea hour by Miss Helen Purvine, Miss Eva Cochran, accompanist. Prizes for high scores were awarded in contract bridge to Mrs. A. J. Hayes; auction bridge, Mrs. C. W. Emmons; five hund red, Mrs.- Marcia Cusick. Award" for Jig-saw puzzle went to Mrs. C. E. Robland. The nurses were ess'sted in serving by a bevy of young maids: Misses Mary Yeager, Dorothy Hardie, Lucy Fischer, Jean Pro bert, Betty Hamilton. Elva Sehon and Frances Stewart. . The Junior Harmonj club met Friday afternoon at the studio of Mrs. Walter A. Denton, club counselor. A musical program waa given by the members and a discussion on musical subjects and a musical appreciation con test were features of the after noon. Those present for the afternoon were Geraldlne Frigaard, who Is president of the club, and Lncy Fisher, Phyllis Fisher, Marjorie Knox, Margaret Clare, Helen Os trin, Emma Miller, Doris Qute kunst. Marylee Fry. Dan Fry III, Jackie Lachele, David Smith. Jr., Roy Oeterin George Outekunst, Zoma Barnholt, "Martha Cox. An toinette Lambert. Mrs. Walter Denton and Mrs. David Smith, an additional guest. 7:30 Thursday nurhts at o'clock and nrenaration are being made for an impressive pro gram. The personnel Includes: first ; violins. Elaine Sherman. Maxine Coodenough. Georgia Harrington, Kathleen Broer. Mary Easen, Car ol Potter, John Mars, Tatsy Schramm. Phyllis Keith. Mabelle Lilburn; second violins. Jack! Powers, Hume Downs. Margaret Rlg&s, Jean Harrington, Yvonne Smith, Venabeth Clendenning. Dorethy Kletzlng, Esther Mapes. Bertha Lou Mapes. Carol John son, Wendell Johnson, Pearl Smith. Viola. Margaret Zerzan 1 and Mary Schoettle; cello. Marie Pat ton, Agnes Moisan, Kenneth Rob inson; bass, Estil Benner; flute, Marjorie Broer; clarinet, Frank Hunt, James Col. Gordon Carl. Lucy Klein; saxophone, Robert Guest; horn. Arnold Taylor; trumpet. Ronald Adams. Win Laughlin, Oliver Glen. Ted Sher man; trombone, Bert Broer, John Laughlin. Catherine Eaton; tym pana. Ha Mills; snare drums, Fran cis Lilburn, Elmer Barkus; bass drum. Doris Haidi; triangle. Jak Pollock: cymbals, Charlotte 1 1 i I : : piano, Mary Kelis. Miss Deena Hart Entertains Club The F. L. club was entertained by Misa Deena Hart Thursday evening. Election of officers for the coming term was had. After adjournment of the bus iness meeting, luncheon was served by the hostvs to Miss Mai da Caldwell, Miss Helen McElroy. Miss Hazel McElroy. Miss Mildred Martin, Miss Bernice Zielke, Miss Myrtle McClay. Miss Lula McClay, Miss Wilda Fleener, Miss Sibyl White. Mrs. Ruth Harbaugh. Mrs. Chester Lanktree. Mrs. William I Heseman, Mrs. Joe Beaty. Mrs. j Archie Warf and Mrs. George Na- derman. I Two Licenses td.K ' WeSiarislssuedJ By County Clerk Two marriage licenses were Is sued yesterday at the rotBty clerk's office. Marriage license business has picked up noticeably the last few days, due, county officials think, either to the ar rival of the spring season of to the fact that the five-day interim period for marriage applicants be comes effective June 9. Ernest T. Hondrick. 24. 2204 Simpson street, a laborer, receiv ed a license yesterday to wed Veda Claire N'endel, 13, Wood burn, a student. Kenneth L. Rickman, SI. J$T South Winter street, a grocery clerk, received a license to marry Alberta M. Krosehell, IS, 1S99 South 13th ttreet. The rites are to be held Jane 11 by Rev. A. E. Mineman. School for Blind To Give Program On Tuesday Night An entertaining program has been arranged for the closing ex ercises of tho Oregon State S' ool for the Blind, to be held in Nel son hall. Chemeketa and Liberty ftreet?, Tuesday nigM at o'clock. Th? program will include solos and well-rehearsed numbers by the Junior and senior choruses and by the Rhythm band. A fea ture of the evening will be a", clever or - act play in which are cast the four eighth grade gradu ates and rme of th? high school students. The boys' orchestra will offer the concluding numbers. The public is invited to attend. imrii:n is fall SHELBl'RV. June 5 J. f. -'hIion s'i-tained painful lacera tions and bruises about the head and face when he fell from a trail er Wednesday. Ben Miller who has been under treatment in the Albany hospital for a month. Is reported to be somewhat improved. TAKES STATIOX JOB SILVERTONT. June S Amoe Green, the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Green, has accepted a po sition as manager of a service sta tion in connection with Chick Inn ner Woodburn. MICKEY MOUSE N'EW ARRIVAL IS GIRL SILVERTON HILLS, June 3 Mr. and Mrs. Clay Porter are an nouncing the birth of a Feven ponnd daughter Monday at the Bnnenlow Maternity home at Sa-leTi. An Accommodating Escort By WALT DISNEY THIMBLE THEATRE Starring Popeye Now Showing "Duty Calls!" By SEGAR MPjHM Ey. WW BfcH-VOLTftGE POPPfO t j AHOY. OUVE. UOV GOT I I THIS rS GOOaOil KN&X I 'VErt THE MOS' 1 SM NgftSED yOU UP FOQ r ! PROSPERS TO PQPHAKtfvJ NrlVOS ITEM-T TrAE '5 A CEKRT. LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY . SO-UDtAG, KHG BLOZO.) I M GOkNG TO t ' Annie 'g Biff Problem By DARRELL McCLURE BREAD Fgex, maA v Ynt Qt 'giant'. HC MUST fel-SS) 1 MAWE RFFU CLAWsiit'i BO2M WHEM fpBXUftT- OOOH. AJJTHC TOOTS AND CASPER JUAE TUB .JATTPO ONE! BEEJ4 TREATING M rSNIFT) ITAJkFT VAAA-WAM3 CAUSE EV02VBCCV KTEP9 LOOKING AT f&Aa.i mo urbriura. TTJ" COURSE. I KWOW A GlAMT 6ZT? PAID TO LET RXK5 LOOK ATMtM - OUT THEY LAUGH AT MM AM SAY A BIG FAKE AW WE. AIMT A FAKE -AW IT MAKES ME FEEL rah ai i rtJFo " PHONED iKRirrm -rr mukir-n CAMPER! HP vAin kitit to k-nmAi ' tcAoifla: .ir. rmvz 1 YZZL TTTJZ?" V"! hUAT A rwuncwwiij i - in i fTOSSFZSX HZR! An Unwanted Champkrasfciy By JIMMY MURPHY VK I WANT YOU AND YOUR HUSBAND TO HAVE DINNER vSTH US THURSDAY NEXT. UUUU! DONT MENTION IT TO SOPHIE BECAUSE I WANT THE PARTY TO BE A ClStPtUSS TO Hf NOW CALL UP THE HfiOOPS AND INVITE THE TOO, OUT TELL, THEM tOT MENTION IT TOME! Y m r 11 - - - a w i t - - mhi rr niv mil &&m f sure weiXY fv -1 L abwfbiwtowri if NOBODY MUST KNOW THAT I KNOW ABOUT THE FAKTY. COLONEL! I WANT IT TO vwiiiMej FUR ME VMJ taunaM nuurr i uk m . 7 THE iKPBSSftlCM THAT YOLTRE ALWAYS v iwws iwta uoumct NICE THINGS IW IKT TO IfaUl m TUS LDVP OC f -A 1 -AND DAN DEAR , PUT 36 CAK9UTS ON MY BXTTHDAY CAKE! JUST 35- f 35? rrOSH,wwirr i EVERYBODY KNOWS WEVE BEEN HARRIED ZA YEARS' DO YOU EXPECT ME to say; MARRIED YOU WHEN YOU WERE SEVEN? I VS 60T THE REPUTATION OF BONr A PRETTY 600 FioScXtawT I DOTT WANT PEOFLK TO THINK rM THE wSiik ,43w11otv L la 7i f ' f i ' ..liA.I i 1 " "itm.Vtw lf . G.-w it,w itHm4 t? Kftf