page six - - - ' ' ' ' i The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon. Sunday Morning. 'June 4. 1933 - eidings Take Lead in Social Interest of Capital Citv Over Weekend " : . i t : i I: J une s r irst Group Marriage of Miss Irene Breithaupt is a Pretty Event of Saturday Afternoon mHE wedding of Miss Irene Breithaupt and George G. Van Natta of St. Helens, son of J( Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Van Natta of Portland, was solemnized in Salem Saturday evening at 4 o clock in the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Breithaupt The marriage is one of interest in club and college circles of Salem. Both Mr and Mrs. Van atta are graduates of Willamette university where they were promin ently identified with student body and university activities. Mrs. Van Natta represented Willamette in several inter-scholastic activities and was aiiiuatea wnn Aipna rni Alpna sorority and with national Tau Kappa Alpha fraternity. She has also been actively connected with club and church activities of Salem. Mr. Van Natta graduated from Willamette school of law and at the present time is a prominent attorney in St. Helens where be and Mrs. Van O : . Natta will make their home. The wedding was aulet with Mariorv 0D11 Will only immediate friends present for the ceremony which was Tead br Rev. S. Darlow John son, for seven years pastor of the Methodist church at St. Hel ens, assisted by Rev. B. Earle Parker. The marriage tows were exchanged before a beautiful floral altar of palms, and flow ers and tall coral colored light er tapers. Miss Helen Breithaupt, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. Robert Fulton of St. Helens was best man for Mr. Van Natta. Mrs. Van Natta, wore a mod ish gown of blue sheer crepe and carried a beautiful arrangement of lilies shaped into a spreading fan effect, from which fell graee- ful streamers of i white chiffon ribbon. Miss Breithaupt wore a gown of coral crepe and carried a fan shape arrangement of sweet peas and blue iris. Mrs. C. P. Breithaupt wor a gown of rose beige and her flowers were Talisman roses. Preceding the ceremony Miss Bernice Hickman sang "O, Prom ise Me" accompanied by Miss ? Both Schrieber. Mrs. E. , T. B. pill, cousin of the bride, played the wedding marches. , A reception followed the cere mony. Mr. and Mrs. Breithaupt. and Mr. and Mrs. J. w. Van l Natta, : received the guests;" 'Mrs. Percy .Kelly) and -Mrs.'AUce Fish ? er presided it, the beautifully ap- i.t pointeo; service tabler A Bowl of Perntet-rdKes-' and --sweet - peas .vi guarded' by ? fall ivory tapers in u Bilver caridalabra centered the table. Miss Berat Wh nil a A rf .. t Spr,ihgbop, M1s8 Dorothy Cor als ueiius, miss Mane Lippold and. i Miss ' Loreta Varley assisted in s6rini ? J - '- :.. ; vMr. and" Mrs.- Van Natta left J immediately, following the recep rz rt'on.? For" "Her going away dress, ' T8--Yn.x'Natta wore a smart en !?mbiioI y bluexand white. j .The weddin-g of Miss Elsa Tucker .in Casanova.' Virginia. .;. "June 10 'is . a matter of interest ;,t;fn .Salem. She will marry ReV.i J. r Thomas Lewis of Alexandria, Vir ginia. The marriage today of James Walton in The Dalles is also of . interest in Salem. Mr. and Mrs. William Walton, Mrs. James Walton and Mr. and Mrs. Shel don Sackett motored to The Dalles today for the' event. v Another wedding of interest ; will be that of Miss Lora Mills, i daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. ; Mills who will become the bride ; ' of Alfred Schmidt in an impres , sive service at high noon today ,.- at the First Nazarene church. ! Rev. Fletcher Galloway will of- t ffciate. Miss Lou Ella Hardy will act as maid of honor and i Melford Stull will act as best - man. Jshers " will be ' Ernest . Friesen, Harve Ratslaff and Ro bert Huston. : " Immediately following the .ceremony ; the. young people will . a wedding trip which will v take them north. After ; Jane 16 they will be at home at - 0 Union street. Anniversaries are Complimented The. anniversaries of Mr. .and Mrs. J. Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochran .-were complimented at the home of Mr. and Mrs. !J. H. Bradford this past week with a gala party given by the Happy Go Lucky club. An evening, of crds was fol lowed by an attractive "buffet luncheon. Guests in compliment vto Mr. and Mrs. Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Cochran include Mr. and Mrs. O. Turner, Mr. ant Mrs. Gaib, Mr. and Mrs. HilL Mr. and Mrs. C. Cardy, Mrs. Emma' Ves Vri Miss Margaret Steward" Miss Mary: Stewart, Ralph Ennar and jajMc Stewart. ?.. -' ' L " Misa Gladys Tipton, teacher at Parrish Junior high school left Saturday for Los Vegas. New Mex ico, where she will study during the summer months at the.Unl- ,"versity of Los Vexa. Mis Tinto was accompanied by her brpihr ,. - aMwjl,Vmakothe;irrp jriotir. ' 1 tfFROM THE CAMERA'S X)F - M2yfif Croiiise Natural expressions j., f. - Priees ;. most v reasojiV. able. hfjT.i;- V- i.:. PORTRAITS ' v :2Ja rtls tic posing -? i nd. .rf. "J" -lighting -j smart "new tyles. .in ...fioi8lfe;rTT Weekend Features of Interesting M arnages in . o D 1 ! i resent oenior KeCltal Miss Marjory O'Dell will be presented in her senior recital from Willamette oniversity school of music Monday evening at Waller: hall at 8:15 'clock by Frances Virginle Melton, director of the department of piano and theory of the university. Miss Ruth Schreiber will assist with the orchestra parts on a sec ond piano for the concerto In D minor by Mendelssohn. The public is invited to attend this recital. The program includes: I. Mendelssohn . Concerto In D minor Allegro Adagio Orchestral parts on second piano by Ruth Schreiber. II. Bach-Hees Chorale Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring Schumann . Warum? (Why?) Schumann. .Aufschwung Soaring) Schumann Grillen! (Whims!) Balakirew.L'Alouette (The Lark) De Severae Une vieille boite a musique (An old Music Box) Palmgren The Sea m. Chopin .. .Prelude Op. 28, No. 22 Chopin. . .Prelude Op. 28. No. 11 Chopin. . .Nocturne Op. 62, No. 2 Chopin Etude Op. 25. No.. 9 Chopin. ..... polonaise Op. 53 " IV. Beethoven. ... ... Moonlight Sonata Op. 27, Not' 2 'Adagio sostenuto' ' ' Allegretto Presto agitato A Quietly solemnized wedding was ,tUat; of Miss Xeannette". Se bern, daughter' of Mr. and Mrs. Sebern 'of Valero and Sam To'efs of this city. Rev; F.-L. CammeJU pastor of the ' Amity Methodist' church, read the impressive cere mony in his home Thtirsdav .Tim, ft. Mr. and Mrs.! Toevs wer at tended by Misses 'Elizabeth Toevs and . Marie Sfbern and : by Lester Sebern. , ' ' . - " They are making their home at 1655 North .Capitol street. Mrs. Louis Kine returned from California where she has been visiting for the past nine weeks. She plans to stay in Salem until time to leave for the east where she will attend the national en campment of the G. A. R. in St. Paul. Minn., In September. Mrs. King a national officer. As Illustrated But With CUBAN HEEL f- Greater - - WE Qual Off icers are Named by Club SALEM MacDowell club closed its season Friday night with a meeting at the home of Miss Mary Cupper at which lime re ports from the year's work were given, and officers were elected Mrs. W. S. Levens will head the club for a second time as a re sult of the vote Friday night. Oth er officers Include Mrs. Frank Lilburh, vice - president; Mrs. Elza Thomas, secretary: Mrs. s. W. Starr, treasurer, and Mrs. W. T. Jenks. auditor. The reports from the vear'a work were exceedingly promising ana indicated one of the outstand ing accomplishments of th Huh. In the light of this advance an unusually successful season is an ticipated for the coming year. Following the business session Miss Cupper was assisted by Miss Billie Cupper and Mrs. Harris Llets In serving refreshments. The club will convene again in September. - Music Teachers To Close Season Salem Music Teachers will meet at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Mabel ,S. Powers 'for the- last meeting tbfhe ' season for the group. Mjss 'Lena Belle Tartdr and MrsT , Frank Churchill will be assisting hostesses; , . At this time -the rcimlar hu: iness meeting will be presided over by the president, Miss Dor othy Pearce: She .will call . for re ports from" committees' which have been serviftg this year. Following thft Will he election of -off fcers to serve 'for: the; coming year. -, ' . -' Refresh ments "and 'an informal social hour "" will" conclude the meeting. - - - - Study Piano ... During the SUMMER VACATION with DOROTHY PEARCE 267 North Winter Phone 4236 SANDALS Smart Shoe Treats for Summer The New White Cuban Heel Sandals The Name is "Smart" . . . and right smart they are in ity . . . . Fit . . . It a NATURALIZER only i i - -i J. Oheofihe Many New ModehmWhite . ' . - . ' ' - f .5 .--.. . -, . iSHHliB -STILL BELIEVE-IN QUALITY; Interest in Camp Santaly Grows Interest In Camp Santaly is growing and registration of those who wish to attend shows the popularity of this annual summer activity of the T. W. C. A. To date those registered for the camp which opens July S In cludes June Curtis, Thelma Thompson, Vera Buckler, Harriet Crawford. Elizabeth Steed, Geral dine Parker, Margaret Goraham, F 1 o r e n s Daugherty, Marjorle Mack, Louise Hayes, Lydla Clag gett, Barbara Compton, Betty Betfk, Gladys Fisher and Phyllis Lelandes. . A group of the camp committee, headed by Mrs. C. H. Glenn, chairman, are at the camp this weekend making preparation for the opening. There are still some needs which the committee is asking the public to assist in supplying. These include coaches and chairs, coat hangers, linoleum for kitch en floor, colored yarns and rafia. Camp counselors will meet with Mrs. Elizabeth Gallaher Wednes day night for dinner at which time more plans will be discussed for opening of camp. High school Girl Reserves will Install officers at a tea given by Miss Eloise White at her home on North Capitol Tuesday after noon at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Elizabeth Gallaher and Miss White will be installing officers. Ouilt Display Silver Tea Feature Mrs J. A. Bernardi will open her home on South High street Wednesday afternoon between the hours of 2:30 and 5:30 o'clock for a silver tea to be spon sored by Chadwick chapter of the Order of Eastern Star. At this time she will place on display her personal collection of hand made quilts, a collection said to be of unusual beauty. All members of the chapter and any interested woman is asked to call during the tea hours and see the quilts. Proceeds from the silver tea will go to aid a member of the cnapter. William E. Moses Entertain With Cards - Mr. and Mrs. William E. Moses entertained at their home Friday evening with an informal evening of cards. A profusion of spring, flowers' made a pretty, background for' the card tables.' - . ' " Mrs: Grant W. . Sbaffner. , Mrs. A. E." Wickert, Earl Andres-en and "A. - E. . Wickert " held-- winnlnz scores for the evening of cards.'LA late supper hour concluded" the" informal affair. .' . .- Invited guests included. Mr: and Mrs. David O'Hara. Mrs. Earl Andresen. Mr: ahdi.Mrs. Grant W: Shaft aer,' Mrt -and Mri A.' ET.; Wickert, Mr. and. Mrs. Karl Pease; Mr. and Mrs.: J. G." Tay lor, Mrs." Blanche Niemeyer, and C. M. Inman. . Ptice ' ... .;: Store ' . ' " ' x Debutantes Weekend Tea and TEBUTANTES of Salem J graduation and last minute parties before school con cluded. All have kept up a pretty round of activities di versified and interesting. Among the affairs given was th -of Saturday night at which time Miss Dorothy Butte ; Miss Edna Matthis entertained at the home of Dr. and In. J. O. Matthis for an evening of dancing and informal games, Roses, sweet peas and other spring flowers were, used about the guest rooms and ; to each maid was presented a corsage of roses and sweet peas. Mrs. R. Butte, Mrs. J. O. Matth is and Miss Loretta Matthis were special guests for the evening. Guests included Miss Dorothy Williams, Miss Ruth Jean Garn Jobst, Miss Barbara Pierce, Miss Marion Hultenberg, Miss Eva Crinklaw, Miss Shirley Cronemll ler, Miss Charlotte Hill. Miss Jean Doege, Misa Jeanette Brown, Miss Jean Bantell, Miss Marian Ritchie, John Ritchie, Dean Ellis, Allan Mc Callister, Wilbur Curry, Jonathan Howe, Otto Bahlburg, Robert Bra dy, James Earle, Jay Kemple, Frank Guricb, Ronald Foster, Thomas Gabriel and Richard Niles. Friday afternoon Miss Edna Savage entertained for a group of graduates from Salem high school. The affair was a prettily appoint ed tea at the Spa with covers placed for Miss Martha Sprague, Miss Frances Ellis, EIss Eleanor Trindle, Miss Helen Purvlne, Miss Julia Johnson, Miss Evelyn Haag, Miss Charlotte McClary, Miss Hel en Worth, Miss Dorothy Keeton, Miss Marjorle Klssling and Miss Dorothy Murphy. Miss Marjorle Jlckens was host ess to a group of young friends at her home Thursday night. Cards were in play for several hours. Guests Included Miss Lucy Fisher, Miss Betty Lou Burdette. Miss Jean Probert, Miss Mary Louise Ritter. Miss Mildred Bender. Miss Barbara Crltes, Miss Gladys Knight and the hostess, Miss Mar jorle Pickens. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Barkus and great grandson, John Westphal, and Mr. and Mrs. John Tweed mo tored to Portland today. cznnTcriT Enjoy Busy of Cards, Dancing have had a busy week with Mrs. Bessie Edwards Complimented Guest Mrs. Bessie Edwards was the inspiration of a gay surprise birthday party Thursday evening given by a group of friends in honor of her birthday anniver sary. The evening was spent playing "500' pinochle and working Jig saw puszles, and with music. The rooms were prettily decorated with cut flowers. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Townsend, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McLeod4, Mrs. Walter Lansing and daughters. Garnet and Ethel, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Mc Elroy, Mr. R. F. McLaughlin. Miss Lora McGee, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Erickson, Mr. and Mrs. George Naderman, and Mr. and Mrs. George Edwards. Refreshments were served at a late hour. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Barkus en tertained with dinner Thursday evening with covers placed for Mrs. G. R. Moorehead, Mrs. Nell McDonald and sorf Ronald of Lyle, Wash., Mrs. Larry Kimsey and son Lloyd of Burns, and for Mr. and Mrs. Barkus. Pastel shades of iris arranged in a low basket formed the centerpiece for the table. Miss Blanche Frye became the bride of Carl V. Barnes in a quiet ceremony in the parsonage of the United Bretheren church Satur day afternoon at 3 o'clock. Pres ent for the ceremony which was read by Rev. A. S. Henderson were Mrs. Edna E. McCanley and Mrs. Blanche L. Aumes. dakiko co.- mm mMmmi P. E. O. of State Plans for Convention The 22nd annual state conven tion of the P. E. O. Sisterhood t Oregon will be held this year in McMlnnville beginning Jane 19. There will be at this time 49 chapters of the organization re presented at the convention. Mrs. C. A. Sprague of Salem is state president. Mrs. Louis Braly is president of the McMlnnville chapter which is acting as hostess for the con tention. Mrs. Zora T. Knight of Tecum eh, Okla., is supreme pretldent and will be honor guest fr this convention. Mrs. Sprague will preside over the closed meetings and Mrs. Ar thur E. Welch, vice president of the state organization will pre side over the open meetings. Plans are going forward for an entic lng program of social affairs to compliment the business and pro gram hours of the convention. Miss Delores Parker was hos tess to the violin and piano Dun ning class of which Xoy Turner Moses is advisor, Saturday night at her home. A business meeting followed by a program and social hour was enjoyed by the members of the club. Summer Music Study . . . in Piano and Group Instruction INTENSIVE - PRACTICAL - DELIGHTFUL will be given by ELMA WELLER Classes Starting June 5th Full Particulars on Application Studio, 095 X. Liberty - Phone 0559 Piano Studia Open During Summer Vacation Ruby H. Kennedy 694 N. HIGH ST. Balanced menus for summer means more careful planning to include the bone and body building elementsso necessary to maintain strong bodies and alert minds. Serve hillmawo T.3QCtCr BffCQd with salads ... its high quality fills ovcry demand. Ed Lucas Home Scene of Party Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lucas opened, their home to mem bers of the Eteri class of the First Baptist church for the monthly class meeting. Toe first part of the evening was devoted to bus iness and derotioaa, after which informal game vex enjoyed by the group. At a lata, hour refresh ments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Robey. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ramseyer, Mr. and Mrs. Mar vin Roth. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mil ler. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cole. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Slater. Mrs. Larry Gronquist, Mr. MUtoa Di erks. Mrs. Robert Fromm. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wagers, Mr. and Mrs. Robey. Mr. and Mr. Bernard Zobel, and the boats, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lucas. The American War Mothers will meet Tuesday to make prep arations for the visit this month of Mrs. Lenore Harnsberger. na tional president of the War Moth ers organization. The meeting being called at 2 o'clock at the American Lutheran church and all Mothers are urged to be pres ent ( "l , t V - T , - , - V i