The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, Sunt 4. 1953 PAGE FIVE V 4 ir Local News Brief Lrnlie Awards Given- At Jhe j fiaal student assembly of the sem- ester at Leslie Junior high school Friday, awards and prizes were announced. Frances French receiv ed the Dr. "W. H. Byrd memorial , award et -singling hr oat as1 leading La scholarship, serrice and - general cooperation To .Dorothy. E. Williams went the Leslie sn perior scholarship Award. The win ner -l has been honor, student throughout her threeyears la the; Junior high sad -holds four, high honors and two regular honors, a record tor the school. The second Leslie service award was present ed to Jean Doege, for service and cooperation throughout her Junior high course. She also is an honor student. Hot lunches serf. Sat. and San. at VtL How. show hy Cong, women. , Xrw Tote Necessary Because no candid ate. received, a majority . of student body votes, a new elec , tlon! will 'be ecesltated;:,thi "week- at Willamette . university. V Anna" Fleming; and . QWea : Htmt will contest for song nueen; Max ' Blgby and Joe Hoe. will run off their race tot yelt king. . In the newi Tote for the Albert prise, Mylte Lawyer and Kenneth Oliver will! be opponents while Enoch Dumas and Rafus Franc will eon- test j for the Willis prise. Rural Routine Changed Ar rangements are being completed through the local poatoffJce for a complete renumbering of R. F. D. route 6 as the result of changes which will he mad In Macleay rural mail routes. "Route 1, Macleay-, will be entirely eliminated, its patrons transferred to routes 5 aud out of Salem and a num ber of patrons of route 6, Salem, transfered to route 7, Salem. The changes in routing will go into ef fect June 16. Classes Elect Piercy Sweet will head next year's senior class, members of that group at Willamette nuiversity decided Friday. Other officers elected in clude Naoma HCwett, yice - Presi dout; Rpberta Mills, secretary; Milo Ross, treasurer. Sophomores elected Garfield Barnett, presi dent: Dorothy McDonald, vice president: Nell Marie Perrlne, secretary; Norman S w a n s o n, treasurer. Decree Signed A decree for the defendant in the cause of J. II. McDonald against the Globe & Rutgers Fire Insurance company was handed down by Judge L. H. McMahan yesterday. He held that an agreement to arbitrate and to abide by the decision of the ar biters had not been made as the plaintiff contended. McDonald claimed a $1609 payment was due turn for a bouse he lost near Salem last year. Private tutoring Limited num ber Junior high school pupils. Registration Jnne 5-9. Ruby H. Kennedy, 694 . N.. High. Wants Divorce Margaret C. Muellhaupt filed suit for divorce yesterday from M. O. Muellhaupt to whom she was married in Sa lem in 1931. She asserts he de serted her that year and since that time has not lived at her home. She says property rights have been adjusted out of court. The plaintiff asks the return of her maiden name of Margaret C. Wells. Given Certificate A certificate of merit has been given Leona Burrieht. eight-year-old second Child Hit, Unhurt A small child escaped injury though it ran Into the fender of a car driven by P. S. DeWitt, 10 30 Norway street, on a downtown, street yes terday, city police reported.': De Witt said the child, broke away from , Its mother, Mrs, . O. E. Downing of Lyons, and ran. Jnto the street. One other mishap' re ported yesterday was between ears operated by L M. Flagg.- 788 North Liberty, arid O. R. Strasu baugh, J130 Broadway! at 467 Court street. No injuries were listed. Answer . Filed Answer was filed gin circuit court Saturday in the else of William C. Miller against the Goodyear Tire and Rubber company and C. Roy Dun can. Defendants claim that the plaintiff was at fault in an acci dent which occurred October 18. 1932, and for which the plaintiff now seeks damages from: the de fendants, the latter hold Miller was driving .too .fast and did not have the right of way. , ; County Gets $10,000 fetate re lief . officials have apportioned 810.000 to Marion county as its share ef federal relief funds and relief committee members are hopeful that $$000 more can be made available if it becomes nec essary that this amount be had. In May the federal government ap portioned $ 23,(00 to. Marion county. The state's allotment for June has been measurably cur tailed. Minier Pet it km Filed Three petitions nominating Walter B. Minier as candidate for Salem school director were filed with the school clerk. W, H. Burghardt, yesterday. Altogether the peti tions contained 127 signatures, nearly four times as many as re quired. Minier has not yet filed his acceptance. The school elec tion, at which two directors will be chosen, will be held June 19. Ellis to Speak William P. El lis, attorney, who recently repre sented chambers of commerce up and down the river in a hearing before the board of army engin eers at Washington will speak to the chamber f commerce tomor row at noon. His topic will be: "What I Saw in Washington." Ice, prompt residence delivery. Phone 5603. Also new modern all steel refrigerators at low prices. Capital Ice & Cold Stor age Co., 560 Trade street. i Protests Dismissed The state utility commissioner" dismissed protests filed against the discon tinuance of Oregon electric pas senger trains No's. 9 and 12, pre viously operating between Port land and Eugene. These trains were discontinued early in May. Files for Water The Elk Creek Light & Power company has filed application with the state engineer here for permis sion .to appropriate 5.6 second feet of water from an unnamed springs for domestic use in Clat sop county. Salem Couple Weds A mar riage license was Issued at Port land yesterday to Ralph R. Parker of Portland and Carolyn F. Car roll of Salem, according to an As sociated Press dispatch. Both gave their ages as legal. Estate Filed The estate of the late D. Vanderbilt was admitted to probate yesterday and Ruth Coates was named executrix. The Bus That Many so in Effect on That day; License act Is Important one Not Much Required to Create Special Interest in Affairs By D. H. Talmadge. Sage of Salem OT much la required to create pecial Interest. I have read this week in the Amer icas, magazine- for June a tribute to "The Mother of the Smiths." I was but -mildly v interested in the story in the beginning, but suddenly I perked up. Mrs. Smith was born in Fayette county, Iowa, and it happened , that Fayette county, Iowa, was the heme of my people for many years. Where fore I went at -once onto a friend ly basis with Mrs. Smith, although I had neltfr seen her nor heard of her. She' was the mother of nine children, the youngest of whom Is the redoubtable Ernie, famed football star of the University of Southern California. A well told story of a grand woman. Now and then I 'see on Salem streets a big and high-priced ear filled with prosperous looking folks from the depression-desolated middle west. Perhaps the de pression in the middle west Is somewhat similar to Dan Gilli gan's Insomnia. Mrs. Gilllgan said to one of the neighbor la dles: "Sure, poor Dan suffers ter rible, but 'tis a bit putzlln' to me why he snores as he does." (Continued from paga 1 these laws were enacted with a view-of obtaining; additional rev enue and providing; increased re gulatory powers. Fishing, Hunting; Laws Are Changed Another series of laws have to do with changes in the fishing and hunting seasons in various sections of the state. An open season on elk has been estab lished for the eastern Oregon districts. Abolishment of the office of, secretary or. the state board of higher education is "provided in another, law of the,19J session. Df. E. E. Lindsay, secretary since the inception of .the board three years' ago, will retire ..July 1. More than 40 laws are correc tive and deal with the workmen's compensation act. Other amend ments approved by the 1933 leg islature strengthen the blue sky law. The legislature changed the date of holding the state fair from the third Monday in Sep tember to any time in the fall that may be deemed most suit able to the state fair director. Greater protection will be ac corded patrons of public grsin warehouses under acts intended to increase the responsibility of warehousemen and bondholders. Three of these new laws regu late potato grading while others assist in the refinancing of irri gation and drainage districts. Milk inspection also is made more drastic under a new law. Insurance Code Is Much Changed Approximately 30 other laws have to do with changes In the state insurance code. Educational laws include the teachers tenure act, make it compulsory for school busses to carry signs, and protect Jeachers with relation to positions and salaries. Two laws having to do with gasoline sales safeguard dealers against so-called unfair compe tition in the sale of gasoline and make evasion of gasoline payments more serious. The leg islature increased the penalty for kidnaping in line with the stat utes of several other states. The name of the state home for the feeble minded will be changed to "Oregon Fairview Home," while the Oregon em-1 empty handed from a search of ployment institution for the adult I the Ozark hills in northwest Ar blind in Portland will be known I kansas for two men believed to as the "Oregon Blind Trade be companions of Lewis Bechtel, An ordinarily reliant and active person and this is particularly true of children can cross a busy street with less risk alone than with a solicitous escort, unless the escort be a police officer. There is in Salem a man who has had occasion many times to cross through traffic with his five-year-old grandson, and the child has broken away many times and caused his grandfather quite ser ious at least, very uncomfort- D. H. TALMADGE able attacks of Jitters. Yester day, however, acquaintances ob served that the child was acting like a lamb . He clung to the old gentleman much after the manner wf a kind-hearted policeman es corting an old lady who resembles his mother. "The idea Just pop per lnt my head," explained the grandfather; "Instead of using my customary strong-arm system I asked Buddy meekly if he would please see that I crossed the street safely, and well, you saw how nicely he did It." I reckon it was small pop-ideas of this sort that gave Solomon his reputation. SIB OF nn win PORTLAND, Jane 3. (AP) The preservation of a 1009 foot strip of virgin timber along a fonr - mil stretch of the Crater Lake highway narJ Prospect rests with the forest service rath er than with the state, A. R. Wat sek, acting chairman of & special park commission recently ap pointed by . Governor Julias L Meier, reported .here. today to the state highway commission. Wat zek added that in his opinion the strip should be preserved. Watxek pointed out that the fate of the 8000 acre tract becamo a. state wide Issue when the Rogue River Timber company, present owner announced it planned to log oft the timber. The strip lie between Prospect and the boun dary ef the Rogue River national forest, ;.. . . . Civic and fraternal organiza tions throughout the state.' led hy Mrs, Jessie M. Hoaeyman, presi dent of the Oregon Council for Protection of Roadside Beauty, moved te save the timber in the interests of the beautifies tion of the highway. I HE REFUSES a THIS GREET OF EMEU 1 4 ' -7 ; j . v - - BESTKIT BLAZE SH PHD A northwest breeze and speedy action by the fire department saved the Bohemian restaurant. 362 SUte street, and other build ings in the block from what might . save proved a disastrous fire at 4:45 o'clock yesterday aftcrnoon.- -Flames which firemen ssid start-1: ed front the kitchen stack, over- heated by grease burning out,'; quickly spread to surrounding-; walls and celling. ' - - Using chemicals and a small quantity of water firemen suc ceeded in checking the flames be fore more than minor damages were done. The restaurant propri etors, f. E. Scheel and E. W. 0Neil. were forced to that ap shop because of the smoke , and ruining of food by chemicals, but they announced they would be open for business today. The building housing the res taurant is owned by Ladd 9c. Bush bank: Its only other tenant. Com- mercial Printing Service, waavu harmed. 1 According to authentic former Governor James M. Ox. ef Ohio, is the "one man" mentioned in the Morgan investigation, who re fused to accept the offer of the House of Morgan to buy stock at cut-rate "for ethical reasonA." Cox is shown leaving the inquiry. TRAIL OF C01CTS HI MALVERN.' Ark., June 3 (AP) The trail of a second group of escaped Kansas convicts was picked up in Arkansas today as a search was started for two men, one of them identified as tax Kenneth Conn, who kidnaped a man and his young woman com panion at the Pine Bluff last night and stole their car after re leasing them at the railroad sta tion here with enough fare to take them home. Meanwhile, posses returned school." Still another new law makes one of the fugitives captured yes terday at Dripping Springs, Okla It possible for the governor to 1 near the Arkansas line. parole persons incarcerated in the state penitentiary for murder. The existing criminal syndicalism law was amended. grader of the Highland school. estImated TaIue ot property left mis was Kiren oy ius """am foundation of Oakland, Calif., in ' - t f a poster coniesi paruciyaieu ui by pupils all over the country. I The contest featured "Kindness ' to Animals" and was made dur ing a regular drawing lesson in school. Sues; Attaches Suit to collect $1253 allegedly due on a note signed in 1927 was begun yester dav by S. L. Day against C. B. O'Neill. At the same time an at tachment was granted on 50 acres of land owned by the defendant. Plaintiff claims the note is past due and asserts interest has not been paid'-sinee 1931. Brewery. FUee The Eastern Oregon 'Brewing company. La Grande, file articles of incor poration Saturday. The capital ' stock Is $2 5 Incorporators ' are William Mcintosh, George W. " Singer and P. J. Lilly. This is the . fifth brewery to be incorporsted ''I since 3.2 beer was legalized by the federal government. " I WDilEIPIii FP by the deceased was $3998. Obit uary VICTORY FOR VETS TOLD BY STEIWEB Austin Adams, 39, and Miss Be atrice Garner, 23, were released here shortly before noon today after being forced to accompany two men on a wild 12-hour ride that took them through half a dozen cities in south Arkansas. wILLIETTE HOLDS SALEM SIP QUAKE FELT AT SA FRAIICISCO (Continued from page 1) tance or direction from the rec ord. Smith At the residence. Rt. t, box 12, Salem, June 2, Effie A. Smith, mother of W. A. Smith of Turner, A. H. Smith of Salem, Mrs. W. H. Miner of Elgin. Nebr Mrs. C. L. Miller of Salem and Mrs. F. N. Andrews. Aumsville. Sister of Mrs. U. M. Lambert of Philomath, Wlnfield Siocum of Diller, Nebr., LeRoy Siocum and Mrs. Emma Runner of Salem. Also survived by 2 grandchildren and one great grandchild. Aged 72 years 4 months 28 days. A native of Illi nois. Mrs. Smith was a member of the Royal Neighbors of Elgin, Nebr. Friends are Invited to at tend the funeral services to be held Mondsy, June 5 at 1:30 p. m from the Terwilliger Funral Home 110 Chemeketa street. Interment Macleay cemetery. r Vi - 1 ' A. I Special fried chicken dinners today, 50c and 75c. lien's Cafe, 158 8. Com'l Chicken dinners, special 30c, Cowing Events June -Beer, sale or dinances before 'city coun cil. June 7 Marion county Jersey Cattle clab, fair grounds. June 9 Final day te re new driver's licenses mt low rate. June 10 Willamette uni versity law college atwamt in banquet here. Juno 17-19 Class-day, baccalaureate and tpm mencement exercises 1 at Willamette university. June 30-22 G. A. R. and affiliating bodies annual en campment. June 25 Missouri An nual picnic. Municipal auto, park. July 24-26 Annual F.n rampment, Spanish War Veterans. Sept. 4-9 Oregon.; state fair. " Plank At the residence, 641 Center street. May 31, Elmer C. Plank, aged 69 years. He leaves the fol lowing brothers and sister: Arth ur O; Plank of Salem, Leland H Plank ot McLaughlin, S. D., Roy L. Plank of Plalnview, Minn., and Mrs. Clara I. Bullis of Payette. Idaho. Funeral services Tuesday, June 6 at 1:30 p. m. from Rig don's mortuary. Interment Bel crest Memorial park. Senator Frederick Steiwer is at tempting to obtain clarification of the action of the United States senate Friday in voting to limit to 25 per cent reductions in World war service connected disability compensation and pen sions of veterans of earlier wars, he telegraphed Bryan H. Conley of the Veterans of Foreign Wars here yesterday. The senate amendment. Senator Steiwer stat ed, read as follows: "In no event shall World war serrice connected disability com pensatlon of any veteran or the riCf- . "iv"Vi! "l " Tir Newlln. director ot the Richard i ' ' ' " Memorial observatory at the un SAN JOSE, Calif., June 3 AP) A slight earthquake, cal culated by the University of San ta Clara to be centered on the San Andreas fault, SO miles northwest ot here, was felt here at 6:43 o'clock tonight. The selsmographlc record last ed about one and one half min utes according to Dr. Albert J. Willamette university leads in the choice of Salem high grads as to the school at which they wil1 continue their higher education, with 32 out of 50 indicating that they plan to enter Willamette, ac cording to records in the office of Principal Fred Wolfe. This list of 50 who are planning to go on with hher education is not complete, as there is no require ment asking them to make their preference or applications known. Those planning to enter Willam ette include Nadean McWain, Mar lon Mlnthorn. Victor Ballantyne, Jr., Phillip Gille, Charlotte Eyre, Alvin Reed, Geo. M. McLeod, Lau rence Morley, Lucile Kelty, Jane Fisher. Frances Jensen, Samuel Saunders, Milo Mathews. Jr., Guineveve Wood, Harriet Pointer. Margaret Doege, Lillian Potter, Roberta Johnson. Donald Ellis, Lucy Klein. Cathryn Eaton. Dor othy Rice, Harry Mosher, William Bush, Albert Bo are man. Minnie Neufeld. Jeanne Cladek, Harry J. Mohr. Frances Ellis, Elwood Ray mond. Doris Hiday and Rachae.1 Tocum. Twelve naming Oregon State as their choice are Mark Gehlar, Dorothea Corey, Mildred Ander son, Edwin A. Fronk, Joe Ber nard!, Orpha Dasch. Cleo Rltner, Elwood Raymond. David Shepard, VrinVKn V.nPalt TariA T onlov ! K and Loraine Willing. j Jack Price, Joo Darby Ned Hale and Marian Hill are the students , planning to enter Oregon. Zollie j Volchok, University of Washing ton and Rachel Pemberton, Paclt lc college. (Continued from pas 1) Idan, grand chef de guerre of the Oregon 40 et 8; Major General George A. White of the national guard: Gideon Stolz of Bed wick post, G. A. R.: Mrs. Alice George, state president of the legion aux iliary: Mayor-elect Joseph K. Car son, Jr..)f Portland, Mayor Doug las McKay of Salem, who welcom ed Commander Johnson to Salem; Earl Snell, representing Governor Meier in welcoming the national commander; and Fred H. Paulus, representing State Treasurer Hol raan. The preliminary program in cluded presentation of colors, with the Capital post cadet band play ing "The Star Spangled Banner": numbers by the Salem drum corps, I announcement of the 1933 state i legion convention at Klamath I Falls by Commander William Ken- ton of Klamath post; numbers by I the Rose Cltv anxillarv nnlt t- I tional champion glee club; and se lections by the Capital unit aux iliary national champion trio. highway department oiling crew, was working on Hay Creek, north of Madras when the truck backed into him and hurled him to the ground. Several years ago he pitched in the mid-Columbia base ball league. Fire Alarms Fewer In Recent Month Fewer fire alarms were sound ed in Salem the past month than during any of the preceding months of 1933. Assistant Fire Chief William Iwan announced yesterday. During May there were 24 alarms in the city and three rural ones. Of the city calls. Cen tral station responded to eight. North ststion to five. East sta tion to six and South station to five. Last April 41 alarms were turned in. None of the May fires was of a serious nature, the assistant chief caid. Kev "Tri-rcaes" With A New EDeal Foj? You! 1 NON-SKID CELL Dallas Athlete Injured; Truck Rolls Over Him BEND. Ore.. June 3 CAP) Clyde Bramlette, formerly The Dalles high school baseball star, was in a hospital here today re covering from serious injuries suffered yesterday when he was crushed under a backing truck. His right leg was fractured in several places and his left leg was badly bruised. Bramlette, member of the state pension or the dependants of sueh war veterans bo reduced more than 21 per cent of the rate being paid prior to March 13, 1932." "Regardless ot final form.1 Stei war's message went on, "it represents an enormous victory In behalf of a square deal for the disabled veterans and their dependants. Iverslty. PORTLAND ROUSTS DIM CORPS PLAN . Steal Gas Found guilty et the theft of gag from the R. Wollery service station tn the White build- In, ill QftntK Crtn n am4.I Mnt t t' nnKM. ,.. ... corpa stated here today, 125 by Justice of the Peace Hay- WI" " lta, "' den. DuBois is from Washington. Sla KlTe tne rest ot tho state (Continued from pas 1) the last eight years to develop the drum corps." J. T. Delaney, business manager for the drum and where he claims to be the opera tor of a state game farm near White Salmon. Guardian Reports The First an equal opportunity to advertise Oregon. "The drum corps hss been prac ticing new and intricate drills three nights each week and Radio Central Oregon Hit by Heaviest Rain in Months BEND, Ore.. June 3 (AP) Central Oregon last night and early today was soaked by the heaviest rain in six months. The precipitation in eBnd amounted to .84 of an Inch In 24 hours. An electric storm preceded the rain. The Jefferson county wheat belt was soaked by rain which started this morning and continu ed tor several hours, drenching farm lands and reviving parched range areas. The June rain was said .to have practically assured a good wheat crop in the Madras country. The Deschutes national forest and the plateau region to the east also got some rain. National bank, guardian of the Schults of Portland musical dl- Welnheimer : Louise L. Welnheimer, in this city June 3, lata resident of 7S4 North High street, aged 62 years. Survived by widower, E. L. Weln heimer of Salem and two sisters, Mrs. Agnes Corkish. of Long Beach. Calif., and Mrs. E. A. Boyd of Reno, Nev. Services will be held at Grants Pass, Ore., Monday June 5 under the direction, of Ciough-Barrick company. McCalllstcr - Ralph MeCalllster at San Jose, California. Survived by his father, H. J. McCanister and three broth ers, H. M. MeCalllster of Astoria, 11. Q. MjcCalllster of San Francis co and J. W. MeCallister-of Salem. Funeral announcement later by Ciough-Barrick company. o o I Births I o o Wells To Mr. and Mrs. Vern Wells. 1307 Fairmount. a 10 pound boy, born June 2 at the Bungalow maternity home. Van Sickle To Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Van Sickle, 1242 SUte, an elght-po'hnd'boy", born" - June 3 at the Bungalow maternity home. estate of Walter E. Keyes, a min or, yesterday reported income of S171S and outgo of 11320 to the estate dnring the year. Property held in trust Includes SI 32.0 in cash and totals 35470. Mod. Dance Mon. U. Park 10, 15c Bank Sues The Bank of Wood- burn filed suit yesterday in circuit court seeking collection ot a pote for $650 due from Fred Schwek endick and others. The note was made in 1929; interest is due from mid-year 1932. rector, has written new music to be played at Chicago In October PILES CURED Without Ojuntloo r Lost st Tnae DR. MARSHALL 320 Oregon Bids. Psoas SS0 Too Late to Classify WANTED used nen'a salt easts. bats, and aboea In too coition. High-1 eat prices paM. Star Exchange, III XT. vonuaerctat tfc none - JX-C aspuus 'g-ff na B-iuOH S L"0 "K III 00 oupipsjt, 9niq3 KTH3 SmiIVHD uapiosip ipsmois nuT(3 'poojq paw ino "silPlpuodds mnemnaqi 'uonudnsnoo . joj sau3H asasno DARK DARK 200,000 Pounds Wanted Highest Cash Price Paid Junk, Hides, Telia,' Wool . CAPITAL BARGAIN HOUSE Z -145 Onter Street By tho Bridge Invalid Chairs to Rent Call 09 lO. L'sed Furnit Department ,. 151 North High For Better EYE HEALTH 7ou may be sure that glasses wlu be recommended and fit ted only when necessary. And the cost win be small. German or American Hecotite with Gold Pin Teeth Consaltatioa FREE Silver Filling 50c, SIM Poreelaln FIHiag 1M Plate Repair $L5o Kellne Plate (4-M Cleaa Teeth IL09 Other PUtes f7.M - $23 PsJnleas Extraction ef Teeth a Specialty- fn Per Teeth ....OUl' lf It Hurt, Don't Pay" Pi?. . . KIHGGENS Over J. C. Peauey's Store Telephone 6834 II iH I J-r- . II in ?, Dr. B. H. White No Charge for Consultation Night and Day Calls Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office: 355 North Capitol St. Telephone 5036, Salens, Oregon JULY 4TH SPECIAL CXOqCTKOLK PUSH WATS Kinglet Ends Ceauaarte $1.00 Open rrf. Cvenlnas CASTLE PERMANENT WAVERS CO. stf in Tisn Bank BUftta r Cnstle rtanaer Wavesa, Portland Our tactory-financed pajmeot plan makes it easier to buy Skid safe, Blowout-Proof Generals thaa to buy cheap-grade tires for exsiu No inconvenience. Weekly or monthly payments arranged to suit ever income. With Tire prices so ; low, NOW is the time to buy . Quality tires n i gad pay LATER JJBT.a & BHILIL S3IITH Chmehetn nt LlbeHy WATKINS Tel. S41S Do You Know . . . that more than. 10,000 persons are in jail for , expressing political ideas all over the world? Do You Know . . . that the prescription department is by far the most important part of our business? That three registered pharmacists are 'on duty all the time? That prices of pre scriptions are down? Let us serve you. Schaefer's Drug Store Prescriptions IU.V Commerrial - Dial 5107 The Original Yellow Front Candy Special Store of Baten Are You Interested in a mum cootest? 8 to 10 miles Which Will Take Place in Salem About June 23rd If so fill out the following blank: If the event is held, substantial cash prizes will be awarded. I . The Oregon Statesman, . I Salem, Oregon, j I I am interested in a walking contest to be held In Salem about i June 23rd, and would consider entering, I would prefer the distince to be miles. t -. Name Address I Phone I L ' J