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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1933)
4 PAGE TWO The OREGON STATESMAN, Saknu Oregon. Sunday Morning. Jane 4, 1933 Paired Jn Adorable,", Film . Opening Today; Garat Fulfills Ambition Henry Garat, young Interna tional screen star, fulfilled a five year ambition - wnen be came to , Hollywood to co-star with Janet Gavnor in "Adorable" for Fox Film, to be seen at the Grand to day. - five years aeo in Paris." ne said, "I saw that beautiful pic ture, 7tb. Heaven in which Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrell be came famous. I tell In love with the petite little Diane of the pic ture, and I aid to myself then: . 'Some day I am going to be that girl's leading man and kiss her.- 'r During the fire years, Garat be came a great favorite in musical comedy, playing an extended en gagement on Broadway in "Paris Nights," and then returned to Europe to become the most popu lar male screen star on the conti nent. Now he la playing cpplaite Miss Gaynor in "Adorable," and If he kisses her during the love scenes with a little more fervor than ,; might be expected from a leading ' man, we may smile at the roman tic young Frenchman who made a aeeutezlv lmsossible vow five years ago. " Wilhelm Dleterle directed "Adorable." which also has Her bert Mundin. C. Aubrey Smith and Blanche Frldericl in its support ing east- blow m w HERE IN ID 1ST' "Red Dust,", opening today at the Hollywood theatre, presents the Interesting combination of Clark Gable and Jean Harlow in a turbulent story of Cochin, Chi na. The picture Is based on a dramatic triangle which results when the aristocratic wife of a French engineer visits a tropical rubber plantation and falls in love with its overseer, thus en gendering the hatred of a defiant, hard-boiled girl of the dance hall variety; who has prior claims on the man. Gable has the role of the over seer, a part totally different from his recent successful portrayal op posite Norma Shearer in "Strange Interlude." Miss Harlow, fresh from her triumph in "Red Headed Woman," plays - the hardened plantation girl who, -though scorn ed at i first, subsequently proves that isufficient sex appeal and strength to live the brutal life of the tropics give her an indisput able advantage over her more civ ilized i rival. Mary Astor is seen as the engineer's wife, and Gene Raymond as her husband. Dance Reviie featiMor k m- m"u,",m"m-?m''iirm 1 1 i 'ii I "i """,,M,MMMMMMMfTiFwsrwii!"TO'rwM ' fed' - ' f ,4 n v! 4 ' " I J f" ''" 1 " If I ' 1 ' " - " - ' - jit m& : mfi y . . M -fci ' ' IJA " v ill I V:. i I- ;. " ..' f , e i- ! .. i , J ' ' ' urn, IUL ltl ; '1 v .v .. w.ilM:"'if K w.., i;. ..xijjiiwm ... witfl W! ' V rt ' "' - . ' ' v-... y- - . , 1 , t - mm ', ' 1" v J , v - . ,v 5, --icj'. --, ' - ' t, i'., - . XV-" Every one set and ready? Here is what will face the crowd at Warner Bros. Elsinore June 12 Ted Fio-Rito and his Hotel St. Frances Orchestra. l . c !'" x v Ii? t , ? -. -r . - v . r " - " JU k I ,s i i "A ' - V Xv. J lit - - i Robert Montgomery and Madge Evans in a glimpse from "Hen Below" feature now showing at the Elsmore. Clark Gable and Jean Harlow in a scene from "Red Dust' now showing as a feature at the Hollywood. MtAngel Cannery I Starts Season; Cash Paid on Old Packing t- MtI ANGEL. June 3 The Mt. Angel; cannery opened Friday, be ginning the season with the can ning of gooseberries. The straw berry; crop has been practically wiped out by last winter's cold weather but the cannery expects to take care of all the cherries, blackberries, blackcaps, logans, pears: and prunes of local grow ers. The entire 1932 pack has now , been disposed of and the growers 1 paid (a full. The Call Board. . By OLIVE M. DOAR ELSINORE Today Robert Montgomery in "Hell Below;" Bobby Jones In "How to Break 90." Wednesday Barbara Barnes revue; feature picture, "High Gear." Friday John Barrymore In "Reunion in Vienna.' GRAND i Today Janet Gaynor and Harry Garat in "Ador- able." Thursday James Dunn Boots Mallory in "Handle with Care." Friday-Tim McColy in of Action." 'Man Comedy Enjoyed by Crowd at Rickreall RICKREALL, June 3 Th Simon-Pure Simpleton," a comedy by Lillian Mortimer, was present ed by the senior class of Rickreall high school. May 31. A good- sized audience was in attendance, $20 being taken In. . Taking part were Margaret Ed gar, Edna McCrow, Stanley Sher wood, Marvin Waring, Joe Sim mons, Mildred Robison, Elizabeth Powell. Chester Cunningham. Nai da Carroll and Gordon Blhl, with Mr. Mitchell directing the play. TEACHER HAS CHILD RICKREALL, June 3 A eight and one-half poxmd boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Chester C. Gil liam May. SI. '. The young man has been-' named Ronald Eugene. Mr. Gilliam is. high school teacher here,' ANCAL riCMC HELD AIRLIE. June 3 The annua school picnic was held Thursday, The high school spent the day In Newport, grade school at Staats and la Maple Grove. HOLLYWOOD Today Jean Harlow and Clark Gable In "Red Dust." Wednesday Warren Will iam and Joan Blondell in "3 on a Match." Friday George Sidney and Charlie Murray In "The P.nhATiB And Kp.Ht'i In TrmiM " Janet Gaynor and Henry Garat in a scene from the feature picture, "Adorable," now showing at the Grand. Mary Stalker Signs For McLaughlin Job ABIQUA, June 3 Miss Mary Stalker, who was to have taught in the Duunlgan school this year, has signed her contract to teach In the McLaughlin school. It was reported that there was some dis sention among school board mem bers in the Dunnigan district and the new teacher has not been elected. Mrs. E. K. Mulkey taught in the Dunnigan school last year and Miss Lois Riches just completed the school term at McLaughlin. Miss Riches will teach at West Stayton next fall. Beer Bill Goes To Vote Monday The Needham-Fuhrer bill to permit the sale of 3.2 beer in Sa lem will come up for final action at the city council meeting Mon day night with aldermen on both sides of the question claiming a victory ahead of time. Pro-beer aldermen yesterday were claiming nine votes promised in favor of their measure, while the dry group has claimed seven votes against it and threatened to with draw from the meeting if neces sary to prevent a seven-to-seven or eight-to-six vote. HOME FROM NORTH DAKOTA KINGWOOD, June 3 Guests at the J. E; England home are Mr. and Mrs. Buck Griffin and chil dren Marvin and Lois of Ellen- dale, North Dakota. Mrs. Griffin is daughter of the Englands. The Griffin family will visit oth er relatives at Yreka, Calif. SCHOOL VOTE COMING SHELBURN, June 3 Every one from here Is asked to attend the annual school meeting June 19, as a number of vital questions are to be settled. This district is trying to raise a special tax. CORN PLANTED . LYONS, June 3 Farmers in the Lyons vicinity are busy plant ing corn the past week. Most of them have several acres planted. Corn Is usually planted about the 18th of May, hut weather condi tions delayed the work about three weeks. . AMITY LODGE ELECTS AMITY, June 3 The Rebekah officers elected for the following term, beginning July 1 are: Mrs May Dickey, Noble Grand; Edna Strout, Vice Grand; Mrs. Bessie Sorenson, recording secretary and Mrs. Clara Broadwell, treasurer. REV. ORR TO SPEAK HUBBARD, June 3 Rer. Orr of Montana will speak at the Con gregational church Sunday night, June 4 at 8 p. m. The general public Is invited to attend. Theit 1 Auto is Admitted by Pair Two Salem youths, James Lo gan and Elmer Seyler, are under arrest at Seattle and have admit ted to police there that they stole an automobile belonging to Lewis Elliott, 570 Statesman street. here May 28, Inspector Orey Cof fey of the city police department announced Friday. Inspector Cof fey and Traffic Officer George Edwards will go to Seattle Mon day to return the pair here to face the theft charge. CLINIC SLATED OTH 6ILVERTON, June 3 A pre school and infanta' clinic will be held Tuesday afternoon at the Eu gene Field building. The regular immunizations will be given at this time, as well as the tubercu lin skin tests for anyone who de sires to have this test. MOT CI REPDRTH) IT BBDATS PICTUIIED ifflH FILM "Hell BelotoTis Sensational Submarine Drama Taken With" Navy's aid "Hell Below," Metro-Goldwyn Mayer's sensational drama of sub marine adventure, with Robert Montgomery, Walter Huston, Madge Evans. Jimmy Durante, Eugene Pallette and Robert Yeung heading the cast, is the at traction coming today to the El sinore theatre. Based on the famous novel, "Pirboats." br Commander Ed ward Ellsberg, the picture unfolds stirring romance amid the thrills of submarine fighting, tor pedoing of destroyers, the de struction of en armed Italian town and other spectacular Inci dents which have caused the photoplay to be referred to as The Big Parade of the Ocean." Jack Conway directed "Hell Below," most of which was film ed with actual submarines at the Pearl Harbor naval base at Honolulu. several days visiting at the home of Mrs. Atcalnson's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carter. They will be accompanied heme y Mrs. At calnsoo's sister, Mrs. R. Billings and her. three small sons. On the way home they will visrt la Port land at the home of another sis ter and Ue. two women will be guests at pre-nuptial ahower for a niece whose wedding is to be an event of Jane 17. Ml B U STUDIES FISHED 1 PON EKED AS TEST CASE in Completing Inspection of 30 the 36 public camp grounds Marion county, J. E. Blinkhorn, sanitary inspector, yesterday an nounced that he had refused to is sue state permits to five camps until unsanitary conditions had been removed and that seven of the carapi had dangerous water supplies. On account of road con ditions, he has not been able to reach six of the camps. In general the camps In the county are somewhat better than last year and many of them are on a par with any to be found anywhere, Blinkhorn reported. Several camps have been improv ed over last year, including the municipal auto camp here. The inspection of camps is based on provisions of a state health law. The action of F. C. Heffroa of Eugene in filing as a delegate to the Oregon repeal convention aa a dry, regardless of the mandate of the voters of Lane county at the special election July 21. was ac cepted by officials here as a pre liminary move on the part of cer tain anti-repeal groups to test tne constitutionality of the law an thorlzlng the convention In the courts. Heffron's filing was rejected by the secretary of state on the ground that he failed to conform to the pledge contained In the cer tificate. His filing Indicated that he would vote dry regardless of the outcome ef the vote In his county at the special election. The law authorizing the consti tutional convention provides that delegates shall vote In the same manner as the majority of voters in their county on the repeal of the eighteenth amendment. This pledge was changed by Heftron In his filing. Dave O Hara, election official In the state department, said that he expected Hefron to file pro ceedings in the courts to compel the secretary of state to accept his filing. Reports received here Indicated that Heftron represents a group of drys, and that he changed the pledge In his filing certificate for the purpose of carrying the Issue to the courts. In case Heffron eonteets the action of the state de partment other questions probab ly will be involved in the proceed ing. HAZEL GREEN. June 3 The 10 day vacation bible school con ducted by Miss Sadie Massr and Miss Martha Radellff, . closed Thursday night with a program The children dramatized "Noah's Ark" and "The Good Samaritan. The children taking part were Ralph Smith, Alexander Sharp. Howard Smith, and a group of singers. Fred deVries. president of the council of religious educa tion, spoke. Miss Radellff and Miss Nasal go to Hopewell, where they will conduct a school in the mornings, and In the afternoons at Wheatland. Dr. Kantner of 8alem who spoke here for the 30th annirer sary of the church will speak at the homecoming June 11 at Hope well. Rev. Clark M. Smith will pre sent the second sermon on the Lord's Prayer at the church here Sunday morning, and the Chris tian Endeavor will give a play, "Troubled Times" In the evening. Wednesday night, owing to ab sence of the pastor. Mrs. Hattie Van Cleave will conduct the mid week prayer. Grange at "College" To Meet This Summer BRUSH COLLEGE, June t The final Indoor meeting of the season for Brush College grange was held Friday night with a good attendance. The July, August and September meetings will be pic nics held in the commnnity grove. A interesting short program, ar ranged .by grange lecturer, Mrs. Elmer Cook, was given arter the regular business meeting. New Scarlet Fever Case is Reported Another of the sporadic cases of scarlet fever which hare brok en out in Salem every few weeks this year was discovered Thurs day by Dr. Vernon A. Douglas county health officer. The latest to suffer from the disease Is seven-year Englewood school pu pil, who has a mild case. The health staff checked up on the case at the school and reported ne fear of a spread of the disease W Vffl TO HEAD OF HA WOODBURN. June 3 Mrs. J. Vinton Scott of Salem, for a num ber of years a resident of China, will be the speaker of the Wood burn Woman's club at Its aext regular meeting at the city llhrar ry Wednesday afternoon, June 7. Mrs. Scott will tell about China. The club has Issued Invitations to every woman in this vicinity to be present at 3 p. m. Mrs. Mary E. Bishop, president of the Wom en's clubs, will also be present. The regular business sessioa will be held at 2:30, at which time the annual election of officers will take place. Hostesses for the afternoon will be Mrs. Nellie Mulf, Mrs. George Clark, Miss Helen Allen and Mrs. R. L. Guies. Those serving on the hospitality committee will be Mrs. Ronald E. Burnett and Mrs. Ma bel Ballard. VISIT FROM KENT AIRLIE, Jane 3 Guests of Mrs. Ella Wilson from Kent this weekend are: Mr. and Mrs. Em met Norton, Miss Alta Norton and Geraldlne and Eugene Norton. Air Races Planned At Port on Sunday Air races, formation flights. glide flights and spot landings will be Included In the air show program at Salem airport Sunday. Pilots from Silverton. Albany, McMlnnvllle, Stayton and Corral- lis have been invited to partici pate along with four local pilots. Announcements and musle will be broadcast over a loudspeaker system. GERTRUDE NOVA 404 Pacific Bldg Saa Francisco, Calif. -w ' Please send me FREE complete information about SAFE Re ducing with permanency. Name .. Address City . . . Thousands of women every where are obtaining better health thru this remarkable method of weight reduction. This valuable Information is FREE! Local RfprespntaiiTO Wanted 3$ s '"milt fin. X ATCHIN80NS VISIT MILL CITY, June 3 Mr. and Mrs. W. Atchinson of The Dalles, have been in Mill City the past TODAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY BERRY PRICE UP SHELBURN, June 31. A. Mc Laughlin of Salem, who has con tracts for the strawberries in this section has raised the price from 3 to 4 cents. He will have a receiving station In 8cio, the same as last year. . SEVENTH CHILD ARRIVES EVENS VALLEY, June 3 Mr. and Mrs. Owen Lunceford are an nouncing the birth of a son, born May 28 at their home. The boy. named Donald Gene, Is the seven th child. WILD ROMANCE THAT CAPTURES EVERY WOMAN! THE BICCEST SPECTACLE EVER FILMED! FOX A RHYTHMIC ROMANCE OF A CINDERELLA IN SILKS AND A PRINCE. CHARMING IN DISGUISE Da: PUT ON YOUR SHOES wmmmi FREE - - , j ... I f i 'Hours' i V f y l Only . tf you can- , . f CLJJ not o o m V ... I during the 1 ale hours ? end or lew V I 10 A. 11. -o at our 1 .. tore set i I tft wm be laid ; I w ORDERS x I WILL BE i FILLED. ;: ; ADD u , Ihr. ?yfi j .EXTRA, j Three Pairs Vol Doree Tailored 89cHOSIERY FREE $4 Eock Cut Crystals Strong on Silver Chain Gnaranteed Against Breaking To Introduce Herriot's New Creation, the world's .loveliest Face Powder, present this certificate and 99e and receive one 11.00 box of Pace Powder, one $1.00 Exquisite Perfume, a $4.00 ROCK CUT CRYSTAL NECKLACE, strong on Silver Chain and Ladles' Supreme Tailored Hose. (Remember, yon get 3 pairs of hosiery.) ALL MAIL ORDERS WILL BE FILLED, ADD lie PAT (D(Chr& ALL 6 ONLY OQVW ARTICLES And This Al Limit Two Sets ' If m TUESDAY . JUNE 6 WHILES' Opera House Pharmacy Court and High galem, Or.. -A Uont Owfd Theater s TODAY, MONDAY and TUESDAY Continuous Performance Sunday, 2 to 11 pan. ft" ALSO News, Comedj and Act PTTin LuJiLb HsDEor WALTER i:0U5TC;i JIMMY DURANTE MADGE EVANS ROBERT YOUNG AMea Attraction! Getters Note! BOBBY JONES Shews "The Grip". ta the first new 13 Series HOW TO I BREAK M." dell aborts that every one wtU enjoy as aaras tnf and eatertamlnc , ae they ars.kutrati with Women's Soles Men's Soles Boy's Soles 7wB Children's Soles according to size We use only the finest leathers and there can be no finer work produced in any shop 1 uvci