The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 04, 1933, Page 10, Image 10

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TU OREGON STATESMAN, Safcm, - , Oregon, Sunday Morning, Jun 4. 1933
Dayton High Under Tobie's
Leadership Grows; Many
L Honors are Awarded
STAYTON, June I. High
school graduation exercises -were
held here Thursday night with a
record attendance. The proces
sional was played hy Margaret
Ireland ot the high school faculty,
and the young people presented
an 'impressive eight as they took
their places on the prettily dec
orated stage.
Dr. Victor Morris, made an able
address, Ms topic being "The
World of Today and Tomorrows."
Following this H. E. Tobie
awarded the honors. These were
for the highest scholastic average
over a period of four yetrs and
went to Alice Boyington ot Me
hama, valedictorian, who had an
average grade of 1.2, Ada Keyes,
1.5, Arlyn Moe 1.7, Edward
Streff 1.9, while Eula Montgom
ery and" Vern Davis tied for fifth
place with a grade of 2.
Others who had honor roll av
erages worthy of mention were
Gladys Chrlsman. G e r m a i n e
Smith. Frances Siegmund, Alice
Brown and Nea Edgar.
The Balfour plaque which is
awarded each year for scholaras
tic ability, loyalty and achieve
ment went this year to Edward
Streff. During the past four years
this award has been presented to
Bernlce Gilmour, Birdun Yeoman,
Dick Berry and Lulu Lewis.
Following this. Dr. Beaucamp
presented diplomas to the second
largest class ever graduating from
the Stayton school, namely: Mar
ion"; Lampman. Germaine Smith,
Edward Streff, Paul Dozler, Alice
Boyington, Glen Bowman, Alice
Brown. Gladys and Lucille Chris
man, Vern Davis, Jeanette Dil
lard, Nea Edgar, Maxine Huber,
Florence Jory, Ada Keyes, Ivan
May, Gerald Marking, Robert
Matheny, Arlyn Moe. Eula Mont
gomery, Hazel Murphy, Harry
Monroe, Esther Ruef, Maurice
Shelton, Alta and Frances Sieg
mund, Trevor Stayton, Maxine
Stout, Neva Titus and Vivian Wel
ter, Vern Davis and Vernon Snod
dy. During the six years Mr. Tobie
has been superintendent of the
schools here there has been a re
' markable growth in attendance.
While transportation has some
thing to do with this, some cred
it for this growth is due to Mr.
Tobie, who has each year made
personal contact with young
folks in the Stayton territory,
and interested them in the Stay
ton schools.
AURORA, June 3 Graduation
exercises for the Aurora grade
school were held Friday night at
the band hall. P. O. Riley, editor
of the Hubbard Enterprise, giv
ing the address. Other program
numbers were. Salutatory, Paul
Arnold: class president, Donald
Eilers; piano solo, George Kraus;
valedictory, Lois Manock; solo,
Mable Stilger.
Diplomas were presented by A
W. Kraus to Francis Colvin, Rob
ert Colvin, Lois Manock, Marjorie
Stephens, Kathryn Hass, Dorothy
Yarne, Anna Mcllnnis, Paul Am
old, Elmer Crisell, Melvin DuRet-
te, Donald Eilers, Richard Hill,
Robert Hurst, Howard Keil and
Howard Mclinnis. Facultv mem
bers are O. J. Church, principal;
Evadne Hurst, Nina Kitts and Au-
dry Eatlnger.
Mr. and Mrs. cnurch entertain-
ed the graduating class with a I
pany ai ise bcuuui gymnasium
and the school picnic was a Jolly
event of Thursday at Reed'g park.
Strawberry Crop is
Less Than Expected
MEHAMA, June 3 Strawber-
ry growers here who were of the I
opinion that after the freeze tney
would harvest half a crop are dis
couraged by the lack ot bolssoms
on the plants. The patches have
leaved ont since the nice weather
and look better than was at first
expected hut there Is an unusual
absence of blooms. Whether or
not this la caused by the rainy
weainer annus me oiooming
son. is Being aiscussea among tne
growers. Where a half crop was
expected a fourth crop is the high-
est expected now. 1n this vicinity.
v . .v , uu,ui01 r
civp uuk kug Bypieo wore UKUiAWi
considerably by the rain during
the blooming season.
SILvERTON, June 3 Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. Conrad who left tor
Phoenix, Arizona late in winter
are leaving Phoenfx. for a trip
through the Grand Canyon and
Salt Lake City on their way home
ward. Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn
llamre who accompanied Mrs.
Hamre s parents south, will re
main at pnoemx.
o . 1 o
I Bits for Breakfast !
O .Q
(Continued from Pace 4)
In celebrating the nation's birth
day. These facts taken together
form a background of high Amer
ican history that renders Salem
and Its environs the most Impor
tant point of all places west of
the Rockies, as related to Amer
ican possession and empire on the
Pacific coast. This Is a heritage
that, with the centenary celebra
tlon, next year, of the coming of
Jason Lee, will begin to come into
Its own; an asset, even from a
cold commercial value, above any
other we have, even in this golden
land of diversity, rich. In natural
resources above any other area of
like sixe In all tU world.
s a v
It is a lone err from this on 6-man
f s L"""' "V" ' ;
multiple presses that grind out a million copies of a big newspaper in a
few hours today. The press shown here is a reproduction of the Guten
berg Press, the oldest printing machine in the world. Otto M. Forkert,
of the Art Institute of Chicago, costumed for the period, is shown per
atinjr it at the Chicago World a
HUBBARD, June 3 Com
mencement exercises were held at
the city hall Friday night with a
large crowd in attendance. As is
custom, the juniors decorated the
hall. The entire hall was cano
pied with gold, purple and white
crepe paper cut in intriguing de
sign and the effect was very pleas
ing. The plan of decoration was
made by Pierre Traglio, Interior
decorator of the Crown flour
The processional was "Barcar
olle" sang by the girls' glee club
and accompanied by Mrs. Rich
ard Fields; invocation by Rev.
Meyers of the Boys' Training
school; salutatory, Marlin Carl
son, Country Gardens, by the
Glee club; valedictory, Anne
Knight; vocal solos, "Goodbye
Sweet Day, " "End of a Perfect
Day," Helen Knight; address by
Roy R. Hewitt of Salem, in which
be stressed the motto of the grad
uating class, "Life is what You
Make it."
Diplomas were presented by
Dr. de Lespinasse, chairman of
the board to John Seholl, Ruth
Coleman, Helen Paulson, Bill
Hendry, John Patton, Anne
Knight, Jack Moomaw, Marion
He then presented the eighth
grade their certificates: Ernest
Zelinka. Charles Knight, Ruth
Junlckle, Harley Hostetler, Polly
Holcomb, Warren Hatcher, For
rest Hartzler, and Gordon Boje.
Kenneth Dart is teacher.
Legion Medals Given
Honor Boys, Dallas
DALLAS, June 3 Legion me
dals presented by Carl B. Fenton
Post No. 20, American Legion, to
the three boys at Falls City, Rick-
reall, and Dallas who have the
honor grades and records in
scholarship during the year were
nrAspntod Thursdav nieht at the
reKuiar meeting. Medals were
nresented to Elmer Holman of
jrv-ji, . d Lawrence Goode of
Faljs CUy at tne coge 0f tne ajn.
ner and a medal was given to
Harry Ott of Rickreall during the
Lejrion meeting.
Plans for the annual Polk
county council picnic here Sunday
were discussed and practically
completed. Those expected to at
tend are the veterans from Falls
City, legion and auxiliary mem
bers from Monmouth, Independ
ence, West Salem and Dallas
UITRTliPn lima 3 Thft Bfitl
or cU or tne Hubbard high
school and Mrs. Richard Fields
motored to Molalla on Thursday
night to attend the commence
ment exercises of the Molalla high
. . f whlcn tnelr former
elassmatet ElTl8 Rich. Is a mem
v . .- MO,-iOM mxim n
terulned the Hubbard seniors at
tu flom of hlg parent3 Mr and
Mrs. E. P. Rich.
,v XT- J
Philip A. Benson, president of the
Dune Savines Bank. Brooklvn.
N. Y., who was elected president of
the National Association of Mutual
Savings Banks. Benson was se-
jeccea zor tne post of honor at the
recent nanicerr convention at
" 1 . t
It '
- -. w:
t St
T,1 '
-do wer nrintinz Dress to the riant
fair, whM it u ea Ttnhitinn.
Real Estate
Deals Made
At Jefferson
JEFFERSON, June 8 Real
estate is quite active in the Dever
district. Mr. and Mrs. Z. N. De
Coster and family of Independ
ence nave purchased the old Jo
seph Groshong place and will
soon move on to the farm. He
has a crew of men doing the
springs work on the place, end
De Coster expects to set out 75
acres of hops, and 40 acres in fil
berts this fall. He already has a
55 acre hop field near Independ
L. R. Reynolds has traded his
farm near Dever for an apartment
house in Corvallis. Mr. and Mrs.
Ek Schoels who have been living
south ot Albany will move on to
the farm, and Mr. and Mrs. Reyn
olds will move to Albany.
Dempsey Wills and Joie Woold
ridge are planting 20 acres in
squash on a ne-7 tract of land in
tne Dever district. They have
contracted the crop with a Salem
cannery. Two sacks of seed were
delivered to them for planting.
Rebekah Lodge, Mill
City, Chooses Former
Leaders for New Year
MILL CITY, June 3 Mrs. Ida
Fleetwood was reelected noble
grand of the Santlam Rebekah
lodge at the second meetinar of
the members of the order in May.
ad bie Geertson was also reelect
ed secretary and Mary Carter
treasurer. Nellie Ward was elect
ed vice grand. Other officers will
he appointed by the noble grand
and vice grand. Installation will
take place July 5.
Mrs. Eva Raines who recently
returned from Pendleton where
she was delegate at the state
convention was elected district de
puty president, and will have
charge of the installation cere
Mrs. Overholt Dies
At Age of 80
SHELBURN, June 3 Mrs Cor
delia Overholt, 90 years of age
last April, died at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Lara O. Finley
on Wednesday night. Mrs. Over
holt has been in declining health
for some time. The end came
peacefully after a number of days
of unconsciousness.
She will be laid to rest In Weis-
ner cemetery by the side ot her
husband who passed away in
She leaves the following chil
dren to mourn her departure:
Mrs. Flora Fleming of Scio, Clar
ence of Kingston, Mrs. Finley of
Shelburn, Vera Dort of Hebo, and
Leroy and Arthur Overholt of
ABIQUA, June 3 Friends here
have learned of the death of Fred
Bichsel, father of Chris Bichsel
of this community, at Molalla
Tuesday night. The elder Mr
Bichsel had lived in Oregon for
58 years and was 82 years of age
at the time of his death. Inter
ment was made in the Bear Creek
cemetery near Molalla. Surviving
are six sons, Fred of The Dalles;
Will of Portland; Ernest of Ore
gon City; Albert of Molalla and
Chris of here; three daughters.
Mrs. Clara Stuve, Mrs. Anna Gib-
erson and Miss Elizabeth Richsel,
all of Molalla.
SILVERTON, June 3 Mrs. C
J. Hall will give a travelogue of
Sumatra at the Tuesday night
meeting of the Junior Woman's
club. Mrs. Hall was with her
husband, who was missionary at
Sumatra for many years and her
travelogues are greatly enjoyed
SHELBURN. June 3 A large
crowd from Shelburn was in Scio
Thursday evening to witness the
graduation exercises for the high
school. Three members, .Veneta
McClain, Helen and.Leland Mil
ler, of this community were
among the graduates. Helen Mil
ler read the class will and Veneta
McClain the class prophecy.
Awards are Presented, new
Heads Named; Athletes
Given Their Letters
the last assembly for the rear at
the Independence high school of
ficers, elected for next year were
Installed by George Gentemann,
retiring president They were:
President, Paul Carey; vice presi
dent. LeRoy Hanson; secretary,
Pauline Sloper; treasurer, Dolly
Howe; scribe, Zora Berry; yell
leaders, Frances Haley and Rob
ert Farmer.
Honors and athletic awards
were also made. Coach Loren
Mort presented basketball letters
to Edward Dunckel. Jim McEl-
downey, Chester Lenhard. Tom
McLaughin, Magnus Syverson,
Henry Quiring and Paul Carey.
Baseball letters to Theodore Coon.
Beverly Thurman. Loyd Richards,
Raymond Corbett, Paul Carey,
Edward Dunckel, Joe Komoto,
Bud Newton.
Mr. Robinson presented letters
to the boya and girls tennis
teams. The girls' team won the
county championship this year.
Boys receiving letters were Paul
Carey. Jim McEldowney and Mag
nus Syverson. Girls receiving
letters were Elizabeth Baker, 01
ga Syverson and Vivian Soden.
George Gentemann awarded the
yell leaders letters to Jack Berry
and Robert Farmer.
Debate pins were awarded by
the debate coach Margaret Eddy
to: Four year pin, Elizabeth Bak
er; two-year pin, Hersel Peyree;
one-year pins to Robert Farmer
and George Gentemann.
Margold "I" pins were awarded
by Mrs. Hazel Stalsberg to Mil
dred White. Pauline Sloper. Paul
Carey, Eleanor Bell, Beryl Kelley,
Myrtle Sweringen, Karl Murphy.
Edward Dunckel, lone Moore and
Joe Komoto.
Officers for the girls' league
which were elected and Installed
are: President. Eileene Hunnl
cutt: vice president. Beryl Kelley;
secretary. Dolly Howe; treasurer,
Myrtle Sweringen; song queen,
Vurla Becker.
Junior Class Host
At Final Gathering
For "Mill" School
MILL CITY. June 3 Tuesday
night memberg of the junior class
of the high school were hosts to
the members of the senior class
and high school faculty at a ban
quet. For this purpose the 4-L
hall was nsed. The dining table
was centered with a large ship,
emblematic of those who are soon
starting out on the broader sea
of life after their many years in
chool. Around the ship was a
laree wreath of spirea. The small,
dainty menu cards also bore an
ignia of a small ship in blue and
gold, the class colors. Plates
were placed for 38.
Alberta Van Dahl acted as
toastmistress. Arey Podrabsky of
the Junior class spoke In behalf
of the juniors of the many days
enjoyed with the seniors, and
Mary Alice Brunner responded
for the guests.
Alice Smith gave the history of
the senior class, Sylvia Farmen
read the prophesy and Genela
Gentry read the class will.
A four-course dinner was serv
ed. This is the only time in the
school year that the Junior class
entertain and the annual event Is
always looked forward to with
Capacity Crowd Out
For Spring: Festival
capacity crowd attended the
spring festival given by the In
dependence training school at the
high school gym Thursday night.
The gym was beautifully decorat
ed with the spring flowers. Large
butterflies flitted about the toad
stools on the stage where the
Spirit of Spring Beatrice Barton
and her court .Nora Hogan, Mar
garet Syverson. Lucille Barnhart.
Roseanna Alexander, Aurlta
Guild. Mildred Pomeroy, Donna
Horton, and Ruby Goresline, were
The whole pageant, from the
time Old Man Winter was chased
away by all the spring things to
the Robin Hood s men dance,
went off beautifully. Mrs. Flor
ence Hutchinson had charge of
the music and choruses.
A chorus of over a hundred
boys and girls sang during the
whole pageant.
JEFFERSON. June 3 Mrs.
Bess Cooper and children, Anita
and Roger, arrived in Jefferson
on Wednesday from Glide, and
will spend the summer with her
sister, Mrs. J. O. Van Winkle and
family. Mrs. Cooper recently
closed a successful term of school
at Glide. Rosalie Pullen who "has
been assisting with the work in
the Van Winkle home for the past
two years, will leave for her home
at Sodavllle on Saturday, where
she will spend the summer with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F.
AMITY, June 3 The regular
meeting of the Amity community
commercial club will meet next
Wednesday, June 7, at the Amity
Methodist church.
We repair them
when others can't.
Guaranteed Watch
Repairing or money
yypf - I7) : '
'I . 1 " 11 i I ....::.; .
rf - 1 I
, ;- 1 jzz2
V ?r v r v tfTa"-
V ' 3
Betty Treat Is a treat for the eyes
in this novel bathing suit which is
more than a little reminiscent of
the vogue that prevails in the Ha
waiian Islands. Pretty Betty in
troduced the hula mode at Camp
Oquago, Andes, N. Y and now the
whole camp has gone Hawaiian.
Alumni Coming to
Reunion Dinner at
Mt. Angel College
MT. ANGEL. June 3 The an
nual alumni banquet of Mt. Ange!
college will be held at the college
Monday night at 7:30 o'clock.
Many old graduates are expected
to attend. Talks will be given by
Han. John P. Kavanaugh, Rev.
Louis Sanders, Henry Gagnon and
Rev. P. Moffenbeler, all of Port
land and by Rev. P. Leipzig of
The Mt. Angel Academy alum
noe party will take place Tuesday
evening at 7:30 in the academy
auditorium. A short program
will be followed by a banquet af
ter which the evening will be
given over to dancing.
Lieutenant W. Lansing and fam
ily of Salem are spending a two
weeks' vacation at their farm
Store Closed All Day Monday to Arrange Stock for a
Store Wide
We are doing this because we were forced to terminate
the auction a week early due to our auctioneer being
called to Tacoma.
If you have not supplied your needs at the auction by all means take advantage of this
opportunity. At this sale you may examin e the merchandise and buy at your leisure.
Weatherford Gives Address
At Scio Commencement;
Honors Awarded
8CIO, June t. Before a crowd
that packed the Z. C. B. J. hall to
the doors, the commencement pro
gram was held for the Scio high
schooL Mark V. Weatherford of
Albany, gave the main address ot
the evening urging seniors to be
Individuals and work out their
own code of living. Loren a Thurs
ton, who by virtue ot having the
highest grades in the class was
class valedictorian, was also
awarded the scholarship to Al
bany college.
Seniors included: Glenn Arn
old, Doris Kirk. Carol Miller. Vel
oris Crenshaw, Leland Miller,
Helen Miller, Emmet Maine, Eld
red Burton, Adolf Krosman, Rose
Sllbernagel, Katherlne Thomas,
Frances Salzl, Alfred Vunker,
Norma Mumper, Alan Freltag,
Verneta McClain, Eddie Stepanek,
Virginia Tarnidge, Lorena Thurs
ton and Ruby Jackson.
Friday morning, report cards,
honor cards and baseball letters
were given out Honor cards went
to highest grades in entire school:
Helen Slack and Melvin Holt;
seniors, Katherine Thomas; jun
iors, Vivian Lamplot; sopho
mores,,. Melvin Holt; freshmen,
Helen Slack. Melvin holds eight
honor cards for this year and will
receive a prize.
Coach "Pat" Beal awarded
nine baseball letters. Eldred Bur
ton and Adolf Krosman each
made 23 hits during the season,
and they and Leland Miller played
73 innings.
Letters were awarded to Leland
Miller. Eldred Burton, Adolf
Krosman, Don Davenport, Marley
Sims, Richard Quarry, Eldon
Todd Keith Miller and Oswald
Crenshaw. Alan Freitag was
awarded a track letter, the first
track letter to be awarded in the
Scio high school.
Doris Neptune, girls' coach,
awarded 10 baseball letters. Irene
Palon, Mary Kruml and Sylvia
Frederick played the full innings
played by the team. Letters
awarded were: Helen Miller, Vel
oris Crenshaw, Norma Mumper,
Venetz McClain, LaVaun Gardner,
Irene Palon, Edna Purdy, Norene
Sims, Mary Kruml and Sylvia
The final event of the school
year was the annual school pic
nic, held this year at Lebanon.
About 90 students attended.
, 340 Court St. - Salem
George H. Howard, partner in the
Morgan firm and head of the
United Corporation, is pictured at
the Senate investigation as he was
questioned by Ferdinand Pecora,
counsel for the committee, who en
deavored to show United was only
a dummy for the Morgan firm.
Brotherhood Meet
Slated for Monday
Evening at Turner
TURNER, June 3 The Turner
M. E. Brotherhood will hold its
last meeting of the season Mon
day night, June 6. New officers
will be elected. There will be
special musical numbers and an
outside speaker is being arranged
Born to Mr. and Mrs. C. H.
Sears May 30 at their home a
daughter, Veda Orzella. This is
the third daughter and fourth
Riches Principal of
Santiam School in '34
a recent meeting of the local
school board, Waldo A. Rlchea of
Turner waa elected principal for
the coming school year, and Em
esine Smiley of Independence, pri
mary teacher. This will be Mr.
Riches' third consecutive year
here and Miss Smiley'a first year.
o o o
doors open
9 a. in
Visits .to flva flae Jersey herds,
demonstrations, a picnic dinner
and livestock Judging will com
prise the program for the Kth an
nual Jersey Jubilee which will tx
held next Friday. The tour will
organize In front of the Beaver
hotel In Independence at 9 a. m.
The first stop will be at the S. H.
Robisa farm east of RJekreall.
TTae next stop will be at the dairy
farm of W. B. Allen near Oak
Grove and then on to the W. H.
McKee & Sons Jersey herd at
Perrydale. where much of the
program and the noon-time dinner
will take place.
In the afternoon the Jersey
herds of M. N. Tibbies and L. A.
Hulburt, sooth of Independence,
will be visited.
At two or three of the stops
members of the Jersey Calf clubs
of the county will contribute short
numbers to the program. Mem
bers of the Oak Grove Jersey Calf
club will probably put on a stent
at the W. B. Allen farm while
Jesse Johnson of Elklns Is train
ing his calf club for a feature
number at the McKee A Sons' .
SILVERTON. June 3 The Rev.
B. A. Borevick is conducting th
services at Calvary Lutheran
church each Sunday during the
absence of the regular pastor, the
Rev. Ernest G. Larson who has
gone east for the month of June.
The Young People's society of
Calvary church will give a pro
gram Sunday night at the church.
SILVERTON. June 3 A so.i
was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Al
fred at the Silverton hospital
Thursday night. This is the firt
child. Mrs. Alfred was Miss Mar
Sanders, a teacher In the Silverton
schools, before her marriage to
Mr. Alfred.
Keen vision makes for
efficiency and invites suc
cess. May we advise you
in the care of your eyes.