The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 03, 1933, Page 1, Image 1

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Where .Ever You Go
Be it to Slam or Sinslaw
to spend your vacation. The
Statesman will follow If
'. roa'U notify,' 1a advance,
lot. :
Parti dowdy and mfld to
day and Sunday; Max. Temp.
Friday CO, Kim. 40, river 5-S
feet, variable winds, dowdy
Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, June 3, 1933
No. 59
1 1
f:dbeDile' -Once.
?e, is Ccimpus Fear
I i - :' . O r m
Benefits and Efficiency
Of Institution are
Being Stressed
Little Saving Seen in
Closing; ? Industry ,
Teaching Noted
Weams Found in
Roseburg While
Stream Dtagged
, ROSEBURG. Ore.. June 2.
(AP) Boatmen who since early
Wednesday had been dragging the
North Umpqua river at Idleyid
park, 25 miles east of Roseburg.
in an effort to locate the body
of Fred Weams, assistant post
master at HoagUn, were recalled
from the river today when Weams
was found in a dazed and exhaust
ed ' condition in Roseburg.
He was thought to have been
drowned when his fishing tackle
was found in the river.
After a brief rest Weams told
friends that he remembered fall
ing Into the river and being car
ried downstream by the swift cur
Years, and years ago the name
"Chemawa." got its origin from
the Calapooia tribe of Indians sit
uated on the Willamette river
near Albany. At first, the word
meant "desolate"; later, it came
to mean "happy home".
nn roM through the Che-
mawa Indian school campus near I rent for more than a mile before
Salem today, one quickly trans-1 ne reaenea we Dane, lie eaia ne
lates from the word and action of I remembered nothing more, except
these student who remain and I mat the water was terribly cold
the faculty the query: "Is our land that he walked for a long
Chemawa to continue to mean I time through the woods,
happy home' or is It to revert to
that older meaning, 'desolate' t
All Hopeful i But
Are Saying Little
- Of course Chemawa students
and faculty, i from superintendent
down to Janitor, are vitally Inter
ested In what action is taken in
Washington, D. C. on order for
u. T)n ! fAm flunf Pvfln nn
down the lime, employes are not McGee, Here in 1927, Taken
2SrJSJT?TS'SS ' With Ransom Money but
the school continues on Its pres
ent worthy lines.
It is evident, . though, that at-
Embargo on Importation is
Favored; Control of
Oil Frowned on
Economy act is Amended to
Ease Cuts in Veterans'
Aid; Garner Votes
The senate finance committee
by vote of 12 to 7 late tonight
struck out or the administration's
industrial control bill the provi
sions authorizing the licensing of
Industries which refuse voluntas
ily to adopt codes of fair compe
The committee by a vote of 10
to 8 also adopted an amendment
by 8enator Reed (R-Pa) author
izing the president to place an
embargo against imported goods
to carry out the purposes of the
The Marland-Capper amend
ment giving the secretary of the
interior power to regulate the oil
industry by firming prices, wages
and production was defeated, 17
to 1, while the administration
substitute, proposed by Secretary
Ickes, was turned down, 11 to 7
Denies Abduction
tf i VP O PtTV T,. SI iD
C e"tTf" ,CT" T,5 Officers seeking the kidnapers
u - -y- of Miss Mary McElroy, 25, who
ui m iww -"" " Y , jwas ransomed for $20,000, struck
iy presenwa w wo mu ""V'" with startling suddenness in two
ment. that federal body cannot dtie3 todayj resting m per.
but continue! the school. gongf announclng a confession and
In the past two years, &upi. moving swiftly toward prosecu
Ryan nas lniroaucea ana oum io uon
a surprising (degree the vocational "We've cot the whole sang.
program, whleh now includes in- 8aia Eugene C. Reppert, director
struction in' SO ra4esr''TSHging of poiice.
from barbering and carpentry to Baffling silence bad enteloped
Indian arts and cosmetics. the case siiy:e Miss McElroy,
Chemawa sis basing its hopes on daughter of City Manager H. F.
continuation! of the school on this McElroy, was released last Sun
program, which leaders feel pro- aay 29 hours after her abduction
vides the only reasonable possi- rom the bath room of her home,
bllity of children obtaining em- Then today these developments
ployment in competition with came in dizzy succession:
white children. Indian children Amarillo, Tex., officers an
do not Hvej In employment cen- pounced they had arrested: Wal
ters nor are their parents active ter H. McGee. 37. alleged ex-con-
In securing jobs for the Indian Tjc from the Oregon state pen
youths, as are parents of white itentiary; WendellJohnson, whom
children. Hence the school takes tney believe to be Clarence Stev
the role of I fitting them for and ens; Mrs. Hazel Johnson, Mr. and
placing them in their iirst posi- Mrs. l. r. Gilbert
Salem Honored With Visit Today
By Legion's National Commander
'.CI 71 ,CZ7"--
By the margin of a vice pres
idential vote, administration lead
erg checked a revolt in the senate
today against the economy act.
but not until an amendment had
been Inserted In the independent
offices appropriation bill adding
1170,000,000 to ease the contem
plated reductions in veterans' al
rrliCttoS Will Take off This Morning Renewal of Last Year Plan
a compromise amendment by Sen- prom fl. Y.J HaWKS SetS SOUghtj 6-HOUr day IS
adopted to limit to 25 per cent West taSl KeCOrQ
reductions in World war service
connected disability compensa
the Spanish-American war
vote was 43 to 42.
vcur vnnir Tun S ( Ratur-
.ffS-nOtS T) - (AP) - Jimmy Mattern
A aa v
Urged on Packers
PORTLAND, June 2. (AP)
Declaring that California canner
lea are paying their workers eon
Thousands, Including Vets
From all Oyer Oregon,
To Greet Johnson
Ball Game, Banquet, Parade
And Address Features
Of Reception Here
dependent offices bill was passed
without a record vote.
announced early today that he
te was 43 to 42. I finite onld take off about
Senator Byrne. (Dem. S. C.) I91 SSaS i?m than are Washing
then had inserted a 1170,000,000 1 : m dalaTed niaht in ton and Oregon canneries, mem-
appropriation to Uko care of the t f round-the-world speed bera of the executive board of the
heavier expenditures and the In- . ..ala.
He made the announcement at tion, meeting here today, asked
Floyd Bennett field shortly after f downward revision of the
midnight upon receiving a report "
of generally favorable winds but minimum wage scale tor several
overcast skies along the great thousand women cannery .em
circle course he plana to follow pioyes in Oregon and Washington,
to Paris. Oregon and Washington
The weather will be lair from mlnImum for plecework ta
here to Newfoundland, the fore- " , .,,
cast said, but after leaving the the canneries Is 27 cents an
coast, the young aviator probab- hour, but last season the Oregon
ly will have to fly "blind" until welfare commission granted a
tions. Nearly half the 1933 sen
iors have positions.
Few Will Be Able
To Gain Education
A survey j made on the campus
They said McGee admitted that
S9.000 found In bis possession
was "kidnap money," but denied
he took part in the abduction.
Kansas City police reported ap-
late last month shows that of 557 orehending Clarence Click,
students who answered a ques- truck driver, Lucille Cates, said
tionnaire, 296 will not be able to to be McGee's former wife, and
continue in school if Chemawa is De starr, Leavenworth, Kas.,
closed. Of the 557, 261 indicated iunk dealer who was not believed
they would probably be able to J to be Implicated In the kidnaping
attend a nubile school. And of the I Dut was held for questioning.
total. 304 come from broken police said McGee served a term
homes. I In 1927 in the Oregon state pen-
The nastivear. a total of 848 itentiary at Salem for a filling
students have been enrolled in -the Btatlon robbery and assault with
school, with an average attena- a deadly weapon.
ance of 760 students, coming
lareelv from the northwest, as POISON SVSPECTCED
follows: Washington, 275; Ore- PENDLETON, June 2 (AP)
gon, 140; Montana, 185; Idaho, I An inquest was ordered today in
CO: Alaska. 25: and other states, I to the death of. Emmett Hink
150. j house, 42, who was Jound dying In
Whether there will be any ul- ni8 caDin Sunday in the northern
Mmsta aavlnz to the government -- n Umatilla county. Physlc-
with closing of Chemaka, should lanB Bai,i traceB of poison were
the matter come to this, is a ques- I f0Und in his stomach. It waa be-
tion. The plant, In which invest- i neved he took his own lire
temporary reduction in this state
The Btate supreme court yes
terday heard arguments on the I he reaches Ireland.
At a 11. m . V 1
500.000 water purchase bond is- NEW YORK, June 2. (AP) i " . .
sue authorized by Salem voters I Breaking his own records for a
18 months ago. W. H. Trinale, j non-stop west to east transcon
The cannery board, represent
ing about a dozen Oregon and
fnrmnr ritw attnrnov. TtrsAntd I noi mh t Unt.ntnf rm- Washington canneries, said that
with Chris J. Kowits, incumbent, mander Frank Hawks landed at ta 2t mnimum ,oul
the clty-g case while Carson ft Floyd Bennet field at 10:11 p. m. fewa. my """" STl
Carson and Walter E. Keyea Eastern Standard time), tonight tbT b "quired to pay not more
were counsellors ior me uregon- i irjn tmm Anria in i tj ." "
Washington Water Service com
pany, defendant and respondent
in the suit in the higher court.
Objection to the city's case
centered around the use of the
newly established declaratory
Judgment statute as a basis for
litigation. Keyes contended every
taxpayer In the city must be nam
ed as party defendant. Tr indie
a 14-cyllnder plane with a robot
His flight surpassed by more
than four hours the non-stop rec
ord of 17 hours. 36 minutes he
hung up June 28, 1929. It fell
I officially that the minimum scale
should be enforced, with canner
lea guaranteeing at least 51 per
cent of their workers such wage.
No official action was taken at
tar short, however, of the trans- today.g meeting, but agreement
continental jaunt of Captain I ' .a, fni . mtinr at
I James Halxllp who made the nwmni. wh.. within th next
C(J WkO I'll 11 UC&VMWAUV. 1IUIU1V I . , A - . , I V W " t " "
held the argument waa abBard. nwUh stops, in 10 hours, 19 10 days, with the Oregon and
Graduating Class of 378
inent of over a million dollars
has been made, will nave to oe
kept in condition, and it is esti
mated this, with attendants and
incidentals, will cost 150.000. In
addition, the government will
have to pay tuition or boarding
echool expenses and in some in
stances both, for the students,
t i v . will run nvpr the
WUICU llUi " ' I . jf "wrfiTn f II
$170,000 which It cost to operate
Chemawa the past year, it is said, the former in dark coats and
Added to all this Is the appar- wbite trousers and the latter
ntlfact, that children at the ned ln tractive dressea of
echool do not wish to return to 8tel Bnades received diplomas
the homes of their parents, mere- ye8terday morning at the 27th
ly to go back to tribal habits and anniial commencement for Salem
the 815 to 820 -dole" from the genl0r Wgh ECh0ol held at the
government. Elsinore theatre here. The class,
Towner Dismissed one 0 the largest in the school's
Front School, Word ' history, was addressed by Dr.
The attitude of students them- Carl Gregg Doney, president of
ielves, obviously interested in see- mjunette university who spoke
Ing tho school continued, brings waBte.M
nn the lenathr argument put I vmnTialzlnr the finincial costs
forth ln Portland papers by E-A. ot tne, worid war which he esti-
Towner, a former Chemawa sto-1 mated at $400,000,000, Dr. Do
dent, in support of the potential J ney inquired if It was not pos
tlosing. Records at Ckemawa I ,lbla tnat Mme Shakespeare or
Show that Towner was dismissed I Edison was lost in that holo
from the school, which may shed I "We have not made our
iome light ion his malcontent of uvea function with tho utmost
Indian education, vi 'Chemawa. wisdom " he declared. at l-s-
; EducaUoa of the Indian in the I timated r by the Carnegie . Insti-
bubllc schooL as a closing order i te that 87 per cent of tho av
here would mean, is probably all raae American's activity Is
, right ln theory, but in practice I waste."
thr is a ! loBi -step between a I He counselled against Individ
basis of equality with the white mal dependence on chance and
" Children, many re inclined to bo-(quoted Ruskin who' said tho pur
lleve. As a prelude to what may I pose of education was tho educa-
happen, it lis noted that an east- j tion of . tastes, "Lack of appre
rn Oregon chamber of commerce I elation of tine arts is loss and
lias already adopted a resolution I waste," he declared.
opposed to the enrollment of In-1 "Opportunities were never
Mian MMrn from that section In I rreater than today," Dr. Doney
111. nn hit ahnnl there. This I told the graduating class. "Lift
Turn m i. col. 1 I uo your eyes, see these chances
claiming It it were followed to its
logical conclusion, each taxpayer
who ln 40 years would contribute
anything to the retirement of the
bonds, would have to be named.
The court set aside one hoar
for hearing arguments. Briefs are
already filed by both sides.
minutes last August.
Mrs. T. C. Mountain of Aums-I
ville last night was elected presl-
Waahlngton welfare commissions
inviting the California welfare
commission to sit with them to
iron out a regional agreement for
a uniform wage and working
house scale for women and mln
The Oregon welfare commission
today urged the cannerymen to
consider a six-hour day for work
ers to spread employment.
8:00 p-m. Official party
arrives at Olinger Held, open
tag American Legion Jnnior
baaeball season.
0 :SO Banquet at Marion
hotel la honor of national
8:00 Parade throih
downtown streets.
8: SO Commander John
som delivers official address at
9:00 Legion public dance
at Crystal Gardens.
American Leglondom of Ore
gon today win xurn eje u
direct steps toward baiem 10 see
and hear Louis A. jonnson
Clarksburgh. W. Va.. wno win
arrive here at 8 p.m. to pay his
first and last official visit to the
state in which he was eiectea
national commander of the legion
at the Portland convention last
Recognition will be paid Com
mander Johnson by patriotic
flags and decorations which the
merchants of the city have been
requested to put up, by the open
ing of American Legion junior
baseball in this district, by a
banquet, parade, public meeting
and dance. Judging from inquir
ies received. H. G. 'Tod- Mai
son, chairman on arrangements,
last night said legionnaires in
larea numbers would be here to
day from virtually all sections of
Baaeball Ceremony
First on Program
Maror Douglas McKay, Mayor
elect Joseph K. Carson of Port
land. Earl W. Snell of Arlington.
speaker of the house at the last
leslslature and personal repre
sentative of Gvernor Meier, and
Jack Eakln of Dallas, department
lecion commander will accom
pany Commander jonnson nere
from Portland in tne omcuu
nartv this afternoon. Immediately
upon arriving here, the party
will ro to dinger ileia wnere
Comm&nder Johnson will be
xreeted by King Bing Frank G
Deckebacb Jr., of the Chernans
and Warren M. Jones, exalted
ruler of Salem Elks club. The
party will then open the base
ball gane between tne baiem ana
Woodburn Legion Junior nines
with Commander Johnson on the
mound. Commander Eakln be
hind the plate and Mr. Snell at
Following the ball game, Com
mander Johnson will be at his leis
ure for Informal meetings.
At 6:30 n. m. 300 legionnaires
nabllc officials and friends will
gather at the Marlon hotel for the
banauet ln honor of the national
commander. A limited number of
reservations for the affair are still
available, according to Chairman
Malson. Persons who have made
reservations and not yet called for
their tickets should apply at the
Marion soon after 1 p. m., he ad
line of March for
Parade Annoanced
The parade participants will as
semble on Ferrr street at
o'clock tonight, and begin the
march at 8. west to Commercial
street, north to State, east to
(Turn to page 2, col. l)
At Least Nine Additional Dead Sought, Probably Morg
Victims Will be Discovered Today; Area ten Blocks
Square Laid Waste at Long Beach Which Believes it
Is Experiencing new Quake
Heroic Efforts of 500 men Prevent Further Spread of
Holocaust; 20 Fire Units Called, all Ambulances
In Vicinity; Scenes of Horror arc Witnessed After
Explosion; Derricks Topple Like Toys
LONG BEACH. Cal., June 2. (AP) An earthshaking
explosion at a gasoline absorption plant in the Signal
Hill oil field near here today killed at least seven persons,
injured perhaps 50 others and caused damage estimated at
about 350,000.
In the blackened 10-block-square area, police and fire
men tonight sought nine more men believed to have burned
to death.
Taken by many persona for an earthquake, the blast.
which occurred in the Richfield Oil company absorption
plant and demolished it, was felt for 30 miles around, shat
tered windows more than five miles away, ruined small
O homes nearby, and started tires ln
other oil company properties con
trolled four hours later.
Only heroic efforts by 500 men.
armed with shovels, prevented the
oil that flowed from broken stor
age vats Igniting and spreading
the fire to other sections of the
huge oil field and residential
They built dirt dykes that turn
ed the widely flowing oil away
from the scene of the conflagra
tion. Heat from the twisted and flat
tened metal tanks and equipment
prevented easy access to the cen
ter of the explosion area. Because
County to be out $7000 or
So if Motrs Report
Proves Correct
Marion county officials were
varrini TMterdav lest an Item of
hniit S7000 mdrtml as receints of this It wss believed by Long
for 1933 on the Oregon and Cal- weacn. ixs Angeies. wnmmgion
ifornla land gTant refund might nd San Pedro policemen and flre
ifi matPrtalUe mcn. n emergency details from
t , , - liniiea iiea navai snips in me
sent by James W. Mott, congress
man, is to the effect that the con
tinuation of this advance Is ex
ceedingly doubtful since the
comptroller - general has held the
appropriation Is a non-continuing
one and that the only funds yet
available are those left from
1933. a small amount at the pres
ent time.
Mott also has advised members
of this district that the present
proposal In Washington Is to lim
it the refunds to the county to a
pro-rated division of moneys re
ceived from timber sales during
the past year on the O. A C. lands,
since sales have been small, the
division of moneys would fall far
below last year.
The refunds were begun under
President Coolidge's administra
tion and were pushed by Cong
ressman Hawley and Senator
Stanfleld. The principal of the re
turn was the fact the lands bad
reverted to the federal govern
ment after private owners had
held them and that the counties
thereby were deprived of a large
source of revenue. Tho govern
mental advances were eventually
to be repaid by sales ot timber
from the lands.
Eighteen eounl
are affected, some
ing budgeted as much as $10,000
annually as Income from this
Long Beach San Pedro harbor
district, that the actual number of
dead would not be ascertained un
til tomorrow.
The corrected death list:
Ed Weller, about 35; Anaheim,
oil worker.
Duke Gaughan, Bellflower, oil
C. J. Brown, Whittler, oil
Charles Cope, 15 West Moun
tain View, Long Beach, oil
J. L. Shumway, Bellflower, oil
Mrs. Lottie Carlyon, 803 East
27th street. Long Beach.
Marilyn Carlyon, 8, same ad
The explosion turned the ad
jacent area into an inferno.
Men tried to run. They were
knocked to the earth and covered
with flaming oil before they
could go ten feet.
Derricks surrounding tho ab
sorption plant toppled like toys.
At least ten tanks ot 1,500 to 2,
500 barrels storage capacity pop
ped like toy balloons.
(Turn to page X, coL I)
I'LX The Day in
At Salem High is feted GIESK 1110 SCHWAB
- 1 1 rhamhnr of rnmrafrf Otner or-
Three hundred and seventy- get an objective and tho vision I tlctn chosen were W. P. Collard
win not let you rest." I0f Mission Bottom, vice-president;
Presentation of awards to tho I Mrs. A. E. Bradley of Aumsville,
graduating class was made by I secretary, and F. A. Doerfler t
Superintendent George W. Hag, I Salem, treasurer.
Francis Barnes winning tho Jo-j Parent-Teacher activities were
seph Albert award for tho great-1 discussed by Robin J. Maasko ot
est progress made ln tho year ln I the state department ot education
m.. a a. a Sfea i j a .a. v Wl Tl IT
schooL Marion Minthorn won the Pound for the Leslie association. I president of the Willamette Valley
S American Legion auxiliary I J. McNeil for Lincoln, Dr. Vernon I Morig.K T'AJITZ
award for tho best showing ln A. Douglas for MeKinley and Mr. 5nwD' rl, ,
history. Betty Galloway won Collard for Mission Bottom. A. E. , '. .Zn wnrl
magna cum laudo ln Latin and Doerfler urged thsyparonts and Mn4T RA brah
Nina Taylor cum landa. The teacners to ngnt ror retention ox " V -7mVi Vm.
Baucho Lombe science medal the school bus system and Mrs. '?r5"T!tJH.t
PORTLAND. Ore.. June 2.
(AP) A motion for a new trial
tor Dr. B. F. Olesy . ot Aurora,
Salem Heights Wins With)
Community Club Exhibits1
- . a v I U TTT 4 .! . V m.
wu wrueu iu .lames Mffivj. . w- " I , .nA lnan
Margaret Doe ire. valedictorian. I tlonal Parent-Teahoer convention I ",,.?:!1,..:r L
. ... . ... .lik.u . o...i. Mv iconsoany worn cuuticicu uu
pioneers who ln part must follow
paths ot their predecessors and
in part make new trails. Helen
Purvine, tied with Miss Doego ln
scholarship, gave a violin aoio,
Rondlno Jiy.B eethov en-Kreisler,
She. .was nccompanied - by Eva
Cochran who also played for a
chorus ot It -senior boys who
saag two numbers. Robert .Read,
elected by the faculty, gave the
piano; solo Flnlandia
April 21 ot using tho United States
malls to defraud. -
Dr. Giesy and Schwab were sen
tenced by Judge Cavanah to serve
lft months in county jail and fined
17 sa ich Wttt waa sentenced to
Tenement Blaze IS wir - T -
The government eontenaea tnat
Two Small Girls
Burned to Death
NEW YORK, Juno 2 (Satur-i tho officers sent through the malls
day) Two small girls were burn-1 morUare notes, which they knew
ed to death early today when I to bo worthless, to Investors In ex-
oy i mo swept a tenement nouse onieango for other notes which naa
the west side. I become dA. William Phoenix.
Tho triumphal march from I Firemen, smashing their way to I manager ot tho company and eo-
Aldia" was tho processional I a rear, -first floor apartment, I defendant, was found not guilty.
opening tho commencement ex-1 found tho girls, about seven and I Walter C Winslow of Salem,
ercises and was played by the I ten years old. dead on tho floor. I counsel for Dr. Giesy and Schwab,
high school band. Rev. W. Earll .William Hunt and Arthur Ren-land J. O. Stearns, Jr., Watt's at
Cochran offered tho Invocation I ahan - suffered ' severe injuries I torney. will argue the motion. Dls-
and Rev. 8. Darlow Johnson pro-1 when they leaped, from a second-1 triet Attorney George Neuner will
nounced tho benediction. floor window. , . . represent tne government.
A more beautiful spot could
not bo needed tor the outdoor
flower show being sponsored to
day and Sunday by the Willam
ette Valley riower anow associa
tion as its fourth such offering
ot garden beauties to the Wil
lamette valley public
It is being held ln Marlon
Square and tho fountains ana
trees lend perfect Harmony ior
tho lovely gardens developed as
part ot tho displays. An interest
ing -international street" leaas
the war to any number ot in
teresting exhibits. As the' com
plete number of tents nousing
tho exhibits are arranged ln a
circle tho "street" forms an ln
terestlng part of tho entire de
Music and garden talks ng
nro prominently in tho program
which is .a continuous one cur
ing tho afternoon and evening
Winners announced Friday af
ternoon Included Salem Heights
with a blue ribbon for Its com
munlty elab exhibit. Sweet Briar
club placed second. Albany Gar
den club took first for garden
clubs and Corvallis second with
honorable mention going to Mon
mouth Civle club.
In the horticultural section
Mrs. Pearl Grote won a blue
ribbon tor roses with a tins
specimen ot - Golden Emblem.
Miss Mirpah Blair showing Talis
man waa second. Miss Oda Chap
man took first place for climb-1
ing roses with a two shaded
single rose, Austrian Copper.
Mrs. Henry F. Cabell. Portland.
was given blue ribbon in the swiftly through the house, is
flowering shrub class with a passed by congress.
(By the Associated Press)
George Whitney, Morgan
banking: partner, denied kaowl-
edge of partldpatlow in Mor
gan Paris stock by Kins;
George ot England. King Al
bert ot Belgium, Mnmollnl or
French politicians.
Joseph B. Eastman was re
ported slated for railroad co
ordinator when tho administra
tion's railroad bill, moving
rhododendron display and Miss
Oda Chapman was awarded sec
ond for a kalwitsla. Mrs. Andy
Moffit took first ln the peony di
vision. Mrs. E. J. Brooks was
given first place on pansies and
Mrs. V. L. Gibson, route 1, sec
ond place. Mrs. Margaret Rose-1 The senate eased veterans eat
crane took first with a viola I in the Independent offices bill
display. Mrs. W. H. Smith waa I fl70.0tft,oa and sent the bill to
given a blue ribbon for a meg- conference.
nlflcent specimen of delphinium.
President Roosevelt let it bo
known he had about rear bed
the billion dollar goal on tho
reduction of government ex
In tho iris classes Mrs. O. M.
Schaffner took first tor a single
specimen and Mrs. E. M. Hotfnell
second, while Mrs.. Hoffneir took
tho blue ribbon for a basket and
Alice F. Palmer second place.
Sweepstakes tor the hortKuI-
Tbe Jnatlce oVpartaaent con
sidered new ladlctasento whiefc
wonld permit extradttio froan
Greece -of Sanraet IasuTi, for
mer wUlttJe king.
. Chairman Harrison ' proposed
tural divisions were won by Mr, j to tho senate finance committee
Paul Wallace whose ' cola mblnts I a piaa to place tho major share
won first and Mrs. E. J. Brooke of the administration s laaaairy
who took second with her pansies. reviral tax tardea noon industry
In the decorative section for instead or uo amau taxpayer.
amateurs only, prises were as fol
lows: Sweepstakes ln flower ar
rangement went to Mrs. Chester
Cox for her modernistic arrange
ment in yellow, and to Miss Edith
Schryner for her arrangement in
. (Turn to pegs 2, eoL. ft)
Preakleat Roosevelt said
a letter bo planned to ask taw
halting of borne forerloswrea
as soosi mm rongrrae approves
tho pending home losa mort
gage legislation.
Mr ra