1 PAGE SIX The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Friday Morn int. Jen -2, 1933 -.1 I Chamber of Commerce Aid in Enrollments MONMOUTH, Jona l To-fs cnittte arrangements for attend" anc of school , salUraa luring the lummer session of tb trsln Inc department, H. W. Morlan, president at tb chamberpot eom mrnm. nmnnilTv lnterYiewlnff parents to secure consent tor 13 YEARS 0 SERVICE Mast neat I markets, when ;stock Js on the o p ward : trend, resort to tricky special to hold their custo mer. All we ask is to compare onr price and quality with aay markei in Salem; If It doesn't euaUor better anything thai yon see; telT us and we wET better it. Thank you." Beef Roast 'PJt.;..., Beef BoU Sirloin Steak Prime Rib Roll ........ Very Best Quality : ..10c-12c . . . ....7e-8c ..12c 15c Well Trimmed Pork Roast .... Spare Ribs j... Fresb Pig Hock . .. Back Bones J------- Pig Feet . 9 .....lie ; 10c ,:....5c ; ..3C :.....r.2c Uncomparable Quality Guaranteed TOTfVfGood to the Last BiteT rn UUCJULIUI-) Whole or Half ULt Bacon Backs ..12c-14c Breakfast Bacon 13c-15c ; Bacon Square .....7c Boston Butts 9c Pure Lard ..........4 lbs. for 30c Our Hams and Bacon are all sugar cured and smoked : with oak wood. The price is unbelievable for such top quality. Veal Roast 10c Veal Stew 5c Hamburg 12c Pure Pork Sausage 12c We challenge anybody to shew us better meat than these two products. ' 4 A HOME BUILDING MARKET MctD (DWELL Where a Dollar Dots its Duty 173 So. Commercial St. Phone 8757 We Close at 8 o'Clock Saturday Undanca I all ta cbUdrn poi Ibl; in town. At mora children offer larger teacher training opportunities,-tMs daflBiteslgnlns ap fdr their presence reflect help fully spoa summer sessloa activ ities.,,, V - i School for beat Graduation Soon Tha closing exercises of the Oregon state school tor tha deaf will beheld at 8 p. m. Tuesday. Jane f . No - special inTltatfons ara being sent out this year. The pnhllo is InTited. Perrydale Spring Festival is Today; 2 Grandsons Come FKRRYDALK. June 1 Maria Bock has been shoe en by papular rota to reign arer the ascend spring festival to ba held at tha Perrydale school Jane I. Her at tendants era Rath WDdt. Helen Bruin ma, Mildred Mailer and Catena- Wirfs. - " : 'The program wU2 consist of at operetta siren by the grade school; two May pole windings and other numbers and contests. At noon a basket lunch will he scried in the gym. Mr. aad Mrs. Henry Gillian ara rejoicing doubly as they have te new grandsons. A. aon waa bom -tfr Mr.vand Mrs.- Herman. Gilliam Monday and tha stork made e salt at tha home et Mr. aad Mrs. Cheater QiUlaaa at Rich reall, taring a sea there Tuesday. THE BEST FOR LESS AS 137 S. Commercial Tel. 4010 SIS r Maxwell House i Coffee f High Quality pound can 2C Kitchen Brooms Each 2Ec White Wonder Soap " Oregon Product 10 EQc Matches - j Carton Purex Quart Bottle Certo I Bottles'. 2a5C Snider 'a Catsup ft Bottle Crown Flour Hard Wheat E24 49S sack 49s Sack, Hard Wheat .... H S J v TTE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES A3? JL A K 137 S. Commercial 171 s. Commercial Grocery Com 1 .j. ir.n a 4 Phone Next to McDowefl's Market Savings for Friday, Saturday and Monday . June! 2, 3 and 5 FOUTilAY The Perfect Shortening sr.- ;i4c PEAS ' Large No. 2 Cans Regular 2 for 25c seller, can aC LARD or Shortening 3 ibs 1..25c COCOA 2 lb. can 19c Crystal White - Qn Soap, 6 bars LaC JELL-0 3 pkgs. 19c 9c TEA Green t Black Wht paekagew. OYSTERS " American Besuty 2 cane X5C K C Baking Powder ' y 19c TOMATO JUICE tmi cans . 15c PEANUT BUTTER 2 ibs. 15c MAYONNAISE Pint 15c Economy 150 N. Commercial St. Phone 5563 Walker says: Stock up your Pantry at these low prices. Lower than lodajrs wholesale cost on many items. SUGAR Friday 10-12 only Pure Cane io Ib, s? COFFEE M. J. B. Co. Aladdin Sat 10-12 only Lk lb. can M. J. B. Coffee l ib. tin 31c eour Crown Mills Harvest Maid 49 bag Each Sat only 3-4 BROOMS Good Weight Kitchen each 2pg Friday - Saturday Friday and Saturday, June 2-3 Crackers Snowflakes or Superior Wafers lb. caddy as Mayonnaise Preferred Stock Packed in Qt Jars Tomatoes Corn, String Beans 3 cans 2p3 Quart Waldorf Bath Room Tissue 6 rolls Sd3 New Potatoes Fine Cookers lbs. EE New Carrots Make a Carrot Salad fun bunches 3 HOFFMAN'S MEAT MARKET 150 N. Commercial 1 Tel. 5563 In Connection with Economy Grocery Specials for Friday and Saturday Beef Roast, young ten der beef Q as low as 7C Boiling Beef as low as ... 6c Leg of Pork -12V2c Pork Roast Young lean pork 10c Oleo, best grade 3 lbs. 23c Veg. Shortening 3 lbs. ' j....;. 23c' Lean Sugar Cured BACON Whole or Half pound 13c Hams, mild, sugar cured 13c Bacon Squares and Jowls 9c Fryers pound . 19c Summer Sausage, lb. . . 20c FREE DELIVERY WITH GROCERY ORDERS IT ' Tl iros. 45 State . WASHING ELECTRX ; UACIIDiES V2W sad up Wa Sefl, Heat aad Servtea AH Makea Usaa E!e .Wasaazs E2erkt HA ana. CM MARIOS . COtfifTT'" IHB11EBS ' Waite Sewlna- Barsalaa la TJaai Beering1 Mechtaea www. vssvwb liTri lance Store L ate Tel. 0023 Apnnance 450 State . . . J ixlllll r H. I 'A II s jriu. Ill II . a C4-l -r s. I ;o t 'All II rncraacee wisa the eder ef iew,Taaata. (Ill Jill III 13, ' iZ. If J I o Independent Druggists 115 S. Commercial St. Jin Today and Saturday fi..jrT.i fJ.- I man imnmai Also, Our Gang Comedy 41 A LAD AND A LAMP" Newl, Cartoon Comedy and Harry Carey and Bex In "THE DKVTL HORSE" Sunday, Monday aad Tuesday S1 . -V"' ' f-- y 1 1 , &. .rL,Um.. .ill F- sis) tfte tfSfiW TTV Te kavs a SMiifafyl fwakriBs yom akm anut aae ; int sieaae a eexse. . .MaotasVaeaMcaaiyeasiaeerf Mnaska4teBOTat Sat an bow, fca titi aad hmI tone aBka aata SjKewed JsmmI . . . mm teflMiiM that pofatt a tkrifty t loraliniM. Th uu4.ti yt if iilfTlisaaa alaa vakk tams the as viae ea a yea. "y. . TOILETRIES Bath "Drystate- JeriUet CHiams Senea year ytw . . suae Sry Wth a seas treats wt Jol E OyabOic aaiietodc: SO 2Sc..a50e K Toilet Powder Teal lore ae 'flower frairaace of Joateet TaBot Powder iiimniil ea tho Feels eeel tool Cma! C4MeMKB?Salaaa4 Ttaoae Cimm ioiUoj Crouat. Mch50C IDEEtD C0J IPIDDCtEJT FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 60c Ex Lax QQ 25c Colgate's OK Chocolate .... OOL Tooth Paste 2 for DC 10 lbs. OQ 10c Palmolive "11- Epsom Salt OOL Soap 2 forXlC 60c Mum QQrs 50c Pana or Deodorant OaC Tooth Paste awOC 50c Packer's QOrt $1 Danderine rrv Shampoo OOt Hair Tonic UuC 1 Krank's (ZQn 25c Paca.uin's ir Lemon Cream UaC Hand Cream . XOL ;i Ever Dry ftQa 65c pond'3 QQ for perspiration .... OaC Creams OaC 65c Dichloricide fO 1 Gallon pa Moth Crystals dbeVC Water Glass K)uC 25c Feenamint 1Qn 50c Pebeco OC-ra Gum ItjC Tooth Paste .. DC 35c Kotex - J $1 Caldwell's Q New Equalizer X4rC Syrup of Pepsin UaC 60c Dr. MUes OQn 50c William's OAn Alka-Seltzer O Shaving Cream OrtrC 40c Castor ia S A 1 lb. Wrisley OQ for Children rC Cucumber Cfeme ..Wa7C n Pepsodent rQ 60c Sal qQp Antiseptic fJi7L Hepatica . OaL 27-YEAR OLD laxative still popular Jut twearz-eorea yoats KaxaQ Or 4attta har boaa m acoepeas is- net for constipation. Becanae of thir detifbtfut cbocolate tatt c&O drtn lor tbem. Aad aocause of ttioir featU Batunl action they aro aporociatod bf woaoa aad elderly people. Aad how thoy actfrato iki( pah bowel. Only aatur could ho kinder, ftexan Orderlies do not tona hihit. Also Chesterfield, Old Gold and Camel 20's 10c Pkg. 99c Carton STOMACH SUFFERERS get this NEW RELIEF Stomach sufferers ererywhero are flndiag a wokooaed aow relief from add stomach disorders. Erea ex treaie cases respond to Bisma-Rez, the tasty a&tacid powder thst pros relief ia a few mawtes. Itt coaatoit ksta, toe.' Tea ewe yourself a trial ef this relief! - i fi I SUGAR Fine Granulated 10 111 1 OTBMMeaaaaMsau PANCAKE FLOUR Sperrys, Waffle or Pancake A 4 Ib. sack 22C 1 111 lU onJr T lif Phone 4018 Orders of $1 Delivered Free 245 No. Commercial COFFEE i. J. B. Oft l-lb. Una OUC MUSTARD Franch'a Jar 9c BISCUIT MIX Flabera on 3C Factafe CRACKERS Saowflakes 2Mb. carton . . 24c PORK & BEANS Rltters cans 14c SOAP PalmoUre Bar 5c WESSON OIL GaL SUe SQ Each 45JC JELL-0 Assorted Flavors Packafrea 19c CHEESE CloTtrbloom i J Affed. Ib IOC DOG FOOD Cala or Victory 1 C 9 rana IOC Alladla Coffee, M. J. B. Product, 24b tins . .40c B. A M. Beans or Brown Bread, 3 caas . . . ,27c Jl Wl Jit Saw Pazzles, each 10c Grape Kats, package 15c Cocoanat, Baker's Premlam, lb 17c Kippered Snacks or Sardines, S cans ......... 10c I Tory Soap, medium size bar 5c Catsup, ratter's, large bottle 10c Rioa, broken kernel, 4 lbs 10c Vinegar, cider la bulk, gallon 19c Kerosene, gallon 17c; 5 gallons 70c Tree Tea 1 lb. black 55c 1 lb. green 40c Malt Standby, Lt or Med. Can 35c Flour Golden Bells, Hard wheat. 49 lbs 85d Beans . Small White or Red Mexican 3 ib. pkg 15d Tomato Juice Van Camps Per can 5d Free Demonstration in our store Friday and Saturday of all H. & D. Products. You are cordially in vited to attend. . 4 M . corn or st lieans la No. 2 Cans 25c Flour Crown or Fishers k. . . 129 49 Soap White Wonder 10 bars 22c Milk Golden Key 23c raaa 'Marzarino Dinner Befl lbs. 25c Cigarettes All Brands IslA Stock, pkg. 1UC 98c Carton Soap Chips, Quick Arrow, pkg. ...15c Hot Sauce, 3 cans lOe Hominy, Tan Camps, 3 cans ,14c Brown Rice, MJB, 2-1 b. pkg 15c Yellow Split Peas, 3 lbs 10c Pink Salmon, tall cans a Peaches, allce or halves 2 M alee can lfc Pancake Flour, Flapjack, Ig. pkg. 17c Eggs, fresh extras, dos. 16c Klqro, coffee substitute, lb SOc FRESH FFRUITS AND VEGETABLES New Spuds Grapefruit Apple Gooseberries Oranges Shafter Whites Fancy Seedless , Fancy Winesaps Fresh Local Sweet Navels 6 . 12c 1 3 14c I 6 n. 23c 3 10c 1 2 - 25c CRISP TASTY "ffv., ei Emu, vmitms WrW S?Te SQ quart HziA2Clb. KIArjOHALF or whole r L VEGETABLE r rf-z SMALL, SUGAR CURED ' t 1U. SHORTENING S lbO -D SLICED BOILED 1HI A 2 HHP, BULK FATTENED 2-pound average BACON SQUARES For Frying or Seasoning: CD1 I V i 1 1 " 1 I I 4