'SS t lomat and honors will be confer and John Brand. red by the pastor. Father Joseph Sctaerbring. The graduates will al bo be enrolled In the sodality. They will renew their baptislmal tows and at the morning;, service will make their solemn commu nion. Those who will receive their diplomas from the 8th grade! are: Bernadine Forrette Ellen PIser, Rita Gehlen, Matt'hleu Forette. John Wala,. Cletus Boedlgheimer, Fredrick Lindemen, George Fery Those receiving honors for per. feet mass attendance are William Lambracht, Clarence KIdel, Ray mond Cries, Edward Kiedel, John Walt, Lillian Spanlol and Fred rick; Lindeman. Lorraine Albas and Edward Wala will receive honors for high est religious study. : Prices for Friday Thru Monday Prices for Friday j iMinmenn Examiner for Auto Drivers' Licenses Will Visit Town June 5 Thru Monday - .4 8TAYT0N. June 1. - The closing: exercises of St. Mary"s school will; be held on Sunday, Jun 4, at 2:30- In connection with the afternoon services. Dip Locusts are destroying crops in Occidental Hisamia in Jhe Philippines. ST. sineiEiis RIM t 1 RISK-BIG GROCERY CO. 294 N. Commercial St. 4 Free Deliveries Phone 3527 YOU'LL NEVER GO WRONG AT THE STORE WITH LOW PRICES EVERY DAY Mothers Cocoa -J A. Kerr's Pre-Cooked Rolled This store patronizes Sa- 2-lb. can Xt7l Oats QQr ,era made merchandise, Crack,re-2 Y zyc wStSa?-9ii.25c n,v Brooms, while they - f 77. " , . . last, kitchen type llfC Liberty White laun-Q Recleaned Cracked dry Soap. 10 bars ZOC Corn QP as i2c srj,sarL55c T ;T"! SSsT 19c 29c S $L25 3 cans dO, t&tt- 19c- StrEZ. 29c ri.!..$L30 .s...43c HI 15c g - 95c fiaSni-i iu 1Qi We have a complete line Hodgen Brewster Egg Pro- in bulk, 4 lbs Ut of fresh fruits and vege. ducer with milk, - QQ Swans Down Of tables. oil and greens .... ltU Cake Floor ZDC CrisP Lettuce -j ( ' .. . 3 for 1UC H. B. Egg Mash, Milk Oil Toilet Soap ,- 1A Carrots 1AA and Greens -I JA 3 assorted bars lUt 3 bunches 1UC 100s 1 lsUs? We Are Your Friends and Neighbors Buy All You Want, We Have No Limit 11 SfwW J! i ii 1 'SS J II 935 S. Commercial Prices Effective Friday, Saturday, Monday, June 2, 3 and 5 Obtain Your Fruits and Vegetables From Pay'n Takit Salem's Leading Produce Department i ns i "v s Mild and Sweet, 4 lbs. Large Size, Fine Flavor, 2 for Fine Flavor, pound SILVERTON. June 1 Iris Gardens of Dr. R. E. Kleinsorge and Rbolln Cooler hare been tbe mecca of many flower lorers both from SllTerton and surrounding cities during the past few days. The Iris, the (Towers state, will very likely be good over next Sunday. Two Irises attracting un usual attention In the Klelnsorge gardens are a crystal white and a deep violet, both of which he originated himself. May Take Auto Exam ' SILVERTON, June 1 The examiner of auto driver's licenses will be at Silverton again June S at the city hall. Last time tbe ex aminer was here over .200 licenses were issued. Soa to Beatles SILVERTON, June 1 An nouncements have been received here of the birth of a son, Robert Neill, May 24 to Mr. and Mrs. Al Beatie of Riverside, Calif. Mr. Beatie was an instructor in the Silverton high school for a num ber of years. Home Prom Convention SILVERTON, June 1 Dr. A. L. V. Smith has returned from a four days convention of the Ore gon Chiropractic association at Portland. Dr. Smith was made president of the group and an nounced the other officers as Dr. Augusta V. Wehoffer of Portland, vice president; Dr. Nellie Burd, Portland, secretary and treasurer and Dr. Hans Peterson, chaplain. The next annual convention will be held at Belkap Springs next June. STUDENTSNOMinATE Local, Large Heads, 2 for S A M I& 5 IT Young and -Tender, bunch 2 1 SUGAR Pure Cane, n Fine Granulated lbs. HOMINY Van Camp, Xo. 300 Size, can ' MAYONNAISE Best Foods, pint jar , . . Package QDc FLOUR Blue Seal, 49-lb. bag ...... $f09 i DASH Guaranteed Better f Than the Best, 3 lb. pkg. COFFEE A irway. Winning Friends by the Thousands pound )c GRAPE FRUIT Broken Section, Xo. 2 cans. IPooti 1TBaGtn3G Saturday Only, package CHOICE QUALITY MEATS - Genuine Baby Beef Sirloin Rib - T-Boae Veal or Fork Choice Shoulder Cuts fltS; ESV2g SHORT RIBS Lean and Tender Aft). EV2 Lean Sugar Cured nr lb. ECTj 72 Half or Whole SLICED BACON Svrift'a Premium H lb. pkgs. 2pkgs. 2Sc Fresh Halibut Any Size Piece For Baking, lb. Ground Beef Freshly Ground Country Sausage Country Style j lb. iay2c We Reserve the Right to Limit Qoantities Open till 9 p.m. Daily OFFICERS FOR FALL INDEPENDENCE, June 1 At the regular stndent body meet ing at the high school Wednes day, student body officers for next year were nominated and It was voted to have the school pic nic at Hazel Green, Thursday, June 8. Officers nominated were: Pre sident, Paul Carey and Joe Ko moto; vice president, LeRoy Hanson and Edward Dunckel; se cretary. Beryl Kelley, Polly Slo per and Llllie Cotten; treasurer, Dolly Howe and lone Moore; scribe, Vora Berry was elected unanimously; yell leaders (two to be elected) Frances Haley, Ro bert Farmer, Gerald Newton and Kosmo Komoto; council mem bers: Seniors, Eileen Hunnlcutt, Edward Dunckel, Henry Quiring and LeRoy Hanson; Juniors, Frances Cuthbert, Zora Berry, Magnus Syverson and Joan Dick son; Sophomore, Ray Corbett, Ray Dunckel, Joyce Johnson and Bud Newton. Picnics Enjoyed The Ag. boys gave the girls who waited on tables at the Father and Son banquet a welner roast at Rickreall park Wednesday, May 31. The Junior-Senior picnic be tween the Monmouth Girls league and tbe Independence Girls league was held at the City Park, Thurs day, Jue 1. Sheep's Wind Comes Easier Too, We Bet DALLAS. June 1 Sheep men in this vicinity breathed somewhat easier Wednesday when it became known that two yearline cougars had been kill ed on the Roy Newbill farm near Wallace bridge. A party consist- j ing of Wes Lady and Clarence j Wright of Sheridan, Alan and ! Hubert Dunn of Dallas, and New j bill killed one. The second year- ; ling was treed several times be- : fore it was captured. This cat j was taken alive but died several hours later from the cuts re ceived when the dogs attacked it. The two yearlings have been working in that vicinity for the past winter and have killed 45 lambs during that time. An old female cat and several of this year's cubs are still In the hills near Wallace Bridge but have not been located. Both the cats killed Tuesday measured five feet from tip to tip. The group was accompanied by a number of men who had lost sheep who assisted in the chase but did not participate in the killing of the cats. The party had four hounds with them belong ing -to Lady and Alan Dunn. Irwin is Winner In Mortgage Suit Over Dallas Store DALLAS, Jane 1 Judge Arlle Walker handed down a decision here Wednesday in the case of the McKesson Pacific Drag com pany vs. Andrew Irwin Jr., in fa vor of the defendant. The plain tiff was seeking to have a chattel mortgage held by Irwin against the taf in drug store here set aside in favor of their own claim against the store. The store was placed in the hands of a receiver some two months ago and has been operated by him since then. In his decision. Judge .Walker stated that he believed the mort gage held by Irwin to be valid and that he saw no reason for setting it aside. It is expected that Irwin 'wfll resume operation of the drug store vithin a few days. '"'.,. - n.very day, many commodity prices are reaching new 1933 highs. Soon these advances must send retail prices up. It's wise to buy now I Oranges Sweet, Large Size 2 dM 35c Beets, Turnips and Carrots 3 bunches 10c Cantaloupes Delicious Flavor 4 for 25c Green Beans Extra Tender 2 lbs. 15c Local Lettuce Large Solid Heads 2 for 5c Cucumbers Oregon Hot House 3 for lie We are selling hun dreds of items bought before the rise at rock bottom prices. But these stocks cant last long! Stock up before they go. Dromedary Grapefruit ?J He 6 63c Texas Fancy Shrimp 10c 6 Zs 57c Silverdale Tomatoes 9c 6 Mayday String Beans No;2 8c 6 cans for cans for Rinso Washing Powder 17c Snowdrift Shortening 3c- 3J)C White Star Tuna Wesson Oil, convenient H gallon size 49c Troco Margarine, 3 1-lb. packages for 25c King Oscar Brand Sardines, 2 tins for 19c Durkee's Salad Aid, pint jars, only 17c C H rare Cane Sugar 100-lb. sack 4.49 At Fred Meyer Grocery Department 49c 45c Yellow Cling Peaches NoJ 7c 6 39c Libby S- Asparagus NoJ 15c 6 Z5 89c Armour Corn Beef 13c 6 2? 75c Lily of Valley Corn NoJ 10c 6 57c Lily of Valley Peas 13c 6 ? 75c Libby 's Pineapple8 Siffi 5c 6 Silver Grille PearsNo;a2nVi 11c 6 Rosedale Salmon" 1 11c 6 ? 63c Calumet Com Starch 2 "??,' cans for cans for 29c 65c Chase & Sanborn Coffee s2 cans 5 7 C and 2 packages Royal Pineapple Gelatin FREE. lie Puritan Malt Syrup H 39c Sunbrite Cleanser 3 c"r 10 C Lipton's Orange Pekoe Tea, V-Ib. tin 33c .Gold Medal Wheaties, 2 packages 21c Snider's Chili Sauce (14 oz. bottles) 15c Minced Gams ViS size cans) 2 for 23c Fred Meyer Strawberry Preserve 2 H -lb. Jar 27c At Fred Meyer Grocery Department Smart Accessories for Your Swimming Suit 50c Bathing Caps 29c Bathing Belts 10c Bathing Shoes 39c pr. Ass't Color Face Cloths 3c each 85c Johnson's Floor Wax for 53c 8 oz. Wright's Silver Polish 19c 1 pt. Johnson's Glocoat for 49c Rubrite Dust Cloths 39c 13 ittoTOiflnraca Eastman Film 127 8 Exp. 19c 120 8 Exp. 17c 116 8 Exp. 21c 130 6 Exp. 43c 122 6 Exp. 43c In addition to these many specials, we meet competitive advertised prices for like quality goods. You are sure to save. 1 pt. Milk of Magnesia only 15c 1 pt. Cameo Rubbing Alcohol 9c 75c Congress Playing Cards 39c New Kotex or 25c Kleenex 14c 50c Rea Rita Tissue Rolls 19c Foot Relief Aaat Corn Pads Oc 85e Shur-off 23c . 60c Ice Mint 36c Tia Foot Tablet 23c eOc Coolene 39 c 85c Free zone 23c 25c Bluejay Pads 15c Toothbrushes 15c Guest Brushes 2 for 15e KOc Dr. West in Cartons 15 50c West Dental Brash 39c 50c Colgate's 9c f 1 Meekers Plate 60c 50c Prophylactic 89c SI Clean Between 09c 85c Hughes Ideal 19c Tonics f 1 Adex Tablets 70c $1 Whites Cod Liver Oil 60a $ 1 McCoys Tablets 50c SI Stearns Tonic 70c $1.85 Pierces G.M.D. 83c SIJSO Neo Bovlnlne 98c 12 oz. Mrleladol 89c Stomach Remedies 75c Acidlne 39c OOc Alraroid 39c 05c Bisodol 39c f 1 Jacksons I'd. 00c 75c Cal Bis Ma 49c OOc Bisurated Magnesia 43c 60c Stuarts Tablets SOc Ointments BOc Unguentine 29c 0Oc Iodex 43c 25c Xo Sept 17c ROc Petta Salre SOc 25c Sayman'a 17c fl.20 Resinol 70c 75c Mercirex BOc BOc Cotirara 43c Face Creams 60c Sempray JoTenay S9c f 1 Ponda Creatna 59c 00c Dona Rosa 49c flOc D & R Creams SOc AOc Squibb's Creams 89c BOc Milkweed Cr. 29c BOc Woodbury's Creams 88c Cod Liver Oils 12 oz. Squibbe 79c 12 oz. Parke Davis 79c 1 pt. Meads SOc 1 pt. Norwich 30c 4 oz. Mnlfords 10c 1 pt. Norwegian 29c 1.20 Scotts Final 09e f 1 Peter Mollers 69c Remedies 10 lbs. Fpsom Bath Salts 29c 1 pt. Russian Oil 29c 1 pC Olive Oil 39c 1 lb. Sassafras Bark 21c 1 pC Witch Hazel 19c 1 pt. Bay Rum 39c 1 pt. Peroxide 19c For the Hands SOc Cutex Hand Cram 29c 50c Pacquln Hand Cream 20c 60c Plnaud's Hand Cream SOc f 1 Hinds H A A Lotion 70c SOc Jergen's Lotion 25c 50c Woodbury Aim. Lotion 24c BOc Frost 11 la 23c 14 oz. Saxon Almond 20c Foot Comfort! Dr. Scholl's Famous Aids Give Quirk and Assured Relief This is Dr. Scholia foot happiness week In our stores. Let as show you how to ban ish foot trouble. 1 Dr. ScholVs Aids for Quick Relief Ass't Corn Tads 27c Foot Powder 29c 35c Foot Balm 29c Pedicreme 20c Bunion Reducer 60c Scholl Toe-Flex 00c Stocking Protector 23c Bromidrosis Pd. SOc Remedies 1 lb. Flaxseed or Meal 9c 1 lb. Agar Agar 63c" 1 lb. Boric Acid 25c 4 oz. Sweet Oil 19c 6 oz. Aromatic Cancara 2Sc 8 oz. Spirits Camphor 19c 6 oz. Glycerine Rose Water 9c Medicated Oils $1.50 Agarol 87c $1 Haley M. O. 60c Si. 50 Petrolager 83c $1.50 Maltine Preps. 98c $1.50 Keplers Malt 98c $1 Norol Psyllium 49c $1 Norol Agar SOc Pet Foods 15c French Bird Seed 10c 15c Frenchs Song Restorer 11c 15c Egg Fread & Nesting 9c 35c Parrot Food 21c 10c Bird Biscuit 8c Calo Dog Food 8 for 25c 35c Bennett Dog t akes 29c Hair Coloring $1.25 Nourishine 98c 25c Golden Glint 17e 25c La vaton Rinse 15c Oc Egyptian Henna 80o $1 B Pauls Henna 69c $1.50 Kolorbak 98c $1.50 Colo 80c Reducing Agents $1 Bon Kora 79c $1 -Korjena 59c SI Marmola- 59c 75c Lacey's tuni 59c 82 Reducolds $1.11 SI Van Nay 69c SI Dextrettes 79c Golf Balls Tiger 25c Nobby 8 for $1 Fairway BOc Red Arrow 8c U. S. Royal 65c My-Te-Fine 23c Tobacco Camels, Lucky Strikes O. G. and Chesterfields Ctn 200s 98c Pkg. 10c Edgeworth Smoking Tobacco R. R. or Plog Slice 16 oz. 99c Oh Gee Cigars 3 for 5c Dukes Mixture 5 for 19c Star and Horse Shoe Chewing Tobacco .65c plug, 3 cuts 25c 15c Prince Albert 2 for 23c 50c Briar Pipes for 29c Large assortment of Frank &. Langley Horn Bit Corn Cobs 9c each Frank Medico Filter Pipes, with 1 pkg filters 98c Wave Set $1 Elmo WaTine 69c 50c Jocur 89c $1 Sllmerine BOc 60c Wildroot 29c 35c Wildroot Pdw. 19c BOc Woodburys 24c Pills and Tablets 100 Hinkle Pills 15c 100 Saccharin 15c lOO Aspirin B gr. 16c 100 Asafetlda 5 gr SOc 10O Bland B gr. 25c 100 Thyroid 2 gr. SOc 100 Cathartic 29c Laxatives 50c Ex-lax 30c SOc Feenamint 28c 25c N. R. Tablets 19c 50c Phenolax 30c S5e Calotabs 23c 50c Cascarets 29c 25c Dr. Mile 10c 25e Carters PUls 15c Ointments 25c Carbolic 17c 25c Witch Hazel 17c 25c Arnica 17c 25c Zinc Oxide 16c 25c Boric Acid 17c 25c Sulphur 17c 25c Poison Oak 17c Razor Blades 50c Glllett Blue 30c 50o Probak 5s 25a BOc AntoStrop 29c SOc Gillette 5s 25c SBc Gem Blades 23c BOc Segal 6s 20c Toilet Soaps 28c Packers Tar 15c 25c Listerlne 19c 25c Ponds Complexion 15c 25c Henri Rocbeau lie 10c Lax 3 for lie 10c Creme Oil 8 for lOe Shampoos 50c Woodburys 23c $1 Sepol 40c Oc Marrow Oil 39c 60c Watkins SOc 75c Fitrhs SOc $1 Bloudex 70c Remedies 60c Olive Tablets 80c 50c Midol 33c 50c Yeast Foam 27c $1 Ironlxed Yeast 60c 75c Harlem Oil Caps 40c 75c Caroid and Bile Salts 53c 25c Aaacin 15c Outdoor Needs 2 Blade Pocket KnlTes 28e SOc San Goggles 29c Mercer Wrist Watches $1.69 $1 Defiance Watches 55c $125 Flashlights 69c Fish Baskets 69c Toothpaste SOc Ace Magnesia 21e SOc lodeut 25c SOc Ipana 25c SOc PepMMlent 25c SOc Bost 25c 25c Lltterine 10c 40c Dr. West 10c For Moths $1 Expello 59c $1 Larrex 50c $1-50 Larrex 89c 75c Dirhloricide 49c 25c Apex 8 for SOc 10c Cedar Flakes 5c At Fred Meyer Toiletry and Remedy Dept. (No Mail Orders. No CO.D.'s, No Reservations, No Delireries. Quantities limited to store stocks.) 170 North Liberty St. (Between State and Court Streets) We reserve tbe right to reasonably limit quantities Candy Fred Meyer Chocolates Assorted, Hand-dipped l ib. bx 29c, 2-lb. bx 55e Petite Mix 19c lb. 2 for 33c Butterscotch Balls 23c lb. Alice Blue Old Fashion ed Peppermint Patties 1-Ib. box 19e Commercial Chocolates 15c lb. Spiced Midgets 19c lb. Dipping Choc 19c lb. 5c Candy Bars Large Assortment 5 for 10c Few Exceptions Choc Covered Cherries Fancy 1-lb. boxes 29c gQkssBMBsMiO I