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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1933)
l tJREGQIt STATESlf AN, Salem, Oregon, Tttnrtaay .oiing, arm ir rs53 TAUB " I i ' ' . ' f 1' : t 1 V ! 1: J IY v : Business Directory Cards la tins tiuoctory run a monthly basis only. Rat: $L6 ptr Um pr moat. . AUTO BRAKES Klk Panes, th bras and shimmy doctor. 275 Booth Commercial Street CATERING Bart Crmry, rh caterer, PH. 6783. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 448. R B. Northne a. CHIROPRACTORS DR. a I SCOTT. PSC, Chiropractor. 386 N. High. TsL Baa 8878. DRESSMAKING Eva. dres-making ta your nome, ISftjaayCogyjIctureaTeSM FLORISTS TUT Honiara, wadding bouquets fun Mai wreaths, decoration C . Bralt laupt, fiorlat. tTT Court. Tel. 8904. ALL Unda of floral work. Luta Flor at, ltma Market. Tel. 8S83. GLASS Auto and window glass mirrors. TeL HOC. Walter J. Downs. 680 Breys. INSU RAN CE BECKS A HENDRICKS 111 M. Hi-b TeL 4943 COFFEY-SMITH, gen. Ina TeL 8882. LAUNDRIES TBS NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WELDER LAUNDRY IIS a High TeL $138 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY First In Quality and Service Telephone I14S 12(4 Broadway LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired and traded. HARRY W. SCOTT, "The Cycle Man' MATTRESSES Mattresses (com factory to home. Spring aaattress 18.00. Renovators and fumlgatora Rugs cleaned. Capital Bed ding Co. TeL 4849. 800 N. Capitol New mattress made to order, old remade; carpet cleaning sizing; fluff rug weaving, paiem u miz ttag at wai tress Factory, a 12th A Wilbur. TeL 441. Otto P. Zwlclter. Eat. 191L MUSIC STORES riRfl C WILL .pianos, radios, sew ing machine a, sheet rausio and piano studies. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines. 422 State Street. fctalem. MUSIC INSTRUCTION RreeL Scan. Guitar. Mandolin. Be- riniutra adv. classes. Harmony, notes. Registration ends June 15. Studio TeL . ... w -m a O e O or i. vv. j. a. MEDICINE Dr. Chan Lam Chinese Medicine Co. Hour Tuesday snd Friday, 10 :30 a.m. to 4:20 p. m. 148 N. Commercial. PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint a Roofing. 474 Ferry. PAINTING patntinr. naDer-hanaimr. Interior . decoratlns-. Estimates free. W. H. Blieppsrd. TeL 4280. PRINTING cor STATIONERY, card, pamph lets, program; books or any kind of printing, call The S la teaman Printing Department, axa v weuunercuu. aww- phone tioi. PUBUC ACCOUNTANT N D. Clement Income Tax Reports, Audit", 110 N. Com'L Tel $030 sr 6267. REAL ESTATE BECKS A HENDRICKS. TeL 4947. nr u nn i RFIVHORST A CO. in a ' IJhartv St Tel. 4IA etm-OIFSKY A SON i.a tnmt NafL Bk. Bldg. TeL 7807. STOVES STOVES and stove repairing. Stoves for sale, rebuilt snd repaired. All vim. mt woven wire fence, fancy and plain, hop baskets, hooks, lgnhkB. Salem Fence and Stov Workij , 312 rkanbAl&. TIL flit. n -- TRANSFER pipital CITY Transfer Co. 221 State St TeL 7778. Distributing, for- ritlna ana Hunit wmr .r Get our rates. wmrt r distant transfer storage, call i ailL7Lrnjer Transfsr Co. Trucks to Portland aauy. TYPEWRITERS .TL'iuoiTrRS Ad din Men. sold, MteA rettslred. Underwood .Afents. i.. a. uhnrt. 619 Court TeL atiywBsw gBaHBBflaaaaeBBBBai WELL DRILLING West. SO year xprlnc.! R. A RFD 6. Bos 10$ B. Tet lief. . wcx iii rntl, BU1-J3 lM.t-l i..i (AP) Judge J. H. Hawkins of the Blue Ridge circuit : superior court today beld that tt act of v . ii-i 4 e was congress ieuiuS ,t unconstitutional, and also ruled ... m.v . nrovpnt inai arj ii n " transportation o the . beTerage over ineir mg"ev o - - .. . . n T- tne sniersisiw ; mjinvc AWARDED .1 v - , hvtwvi Maw SO. School pupils have received the following awards la penmanship: Wallace and, Billy Kirk. LAiala Darr. Jean Haln, Betty jjoiing, . ae-arui piu-, Edward Schulx, merit button; ;, John BuenreiMba allTer star Kin. Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advtvtlalsg Single loser Lisa par Ust.lOe Three luertloaa per line toe 81x Insertions per line. . One month per tl&s..$l.vt Minimum charfe ......Sit Copy for tbLt pate ee eepted until 6:30 the even ing before publication tor elaaett tcatlo-w Copy rs ceived after this time will be ran under the heeding Too Late to Classify. The Statesman aasnmee no financial responsibility tor errora which may ap pear la advertisement pno llahed la Its eolumna, and la easea where thh paper !a at fault will reprint that part ot ea adverttaemen: ta which the typographical mistake ocean. The Statesman reaerrea the right to reject objee tlonal advertising. It tar ther reserves the right tev classify all adrertlalag aa-t der the proper classification. HELP WANTED FEMALE Unemployed efficient dressmaker. Open, operate small shop. Everything furnished, no rent. Commls. 60 Box 208, Statesman. SITUATIONS WANTED Young1 lady wishes work. Good saleslady or housekeeper. Box 297, Statesman. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Fresh crabs now at Filler's stand. intersection Sllverton-Portland road. Electrical contracting. Repairing. s-rices that satisfy t). c. Wahlberg. Tel. 3504, lunch hour. RADIO FOR SALE 10-tube R-32, $178.00 Victor, repos sessed. Balance due, 151.20. Terms, $5 down, 16 month. See Mr. Jans, Will's Music Store. Good Chev. truck $50. Fine motor boat. Eugene Libby, Rt 8, Box 108. Potatoes, Crooked Finger Mountain Burbank. Best $L25 per cwt. Bring sack Hugh Magee, Scotts Mills. MISCELLANEOUS Best hair cut Adults 20c child.. 1S&. Two blocks a of library, S. Winter. TRADE Miscellaneous " ".- -- --i-i -i-,-M-r-.-mrinq.rin.ri.r Will trade wood for rood cow. State price expected. A W. Gaub, Brooks, Rt L WANTED Miscellaneous Wanted pasture for 130 ewes with lambs. Call 35F14. FOR RENT ROOMS Modern room, caraee. sip. porch. 1577 Court St TeL 4857. ROOM AND BOARD Board and room for ladies. Close In. TeL 1178. 696 Court St B. and R. near P. O. $20. Tel. 5482. IXJR RENT APARTMENTS Fur. $ a apt, 2281 HaseL TeL 7814. Apt $12.00. 897 N. Com'L Duplex apt. unfurn. 951 N. Winter. Presoott Apartments. 3 rooms fur nlshed, private bath, fine kitchen. newiy decorated, attractive place, aauits, reduced rates, a. f. bus line. 1064 Oak St Well furnished 3 room apartment Garage. Adults. 474 N. (JapitoL Completely fur. apt, 1st floor, gar age. 864 Mill. T. U. Albert 2 and I room apt. Summer rates. 6 j 5 Center. Nice turn. apts.. overstuffed. 690 Union. - -i- -..I i . iir t-i(-o-iii.n injxnjt 3 room modern turn, apt with bath. 690 N. Summer. Tel. 4494. FOR RENT HOUSES 6-room house. 1880 S. High. Furn. and unfurn. house R. A Forkner. lSlt N. Cottage. TeL 3031. 2 houses, 1 mod. 1 not TeL 5010. Mod. 4 r. house. Inquire 1598 Court For summer months. 5 r. mod. bun galow, furnished. TeL 8562. I room mod. $20. 2350 Cherry Ave. Sr. bnnfralow. furn. 1248 Chemeketa FOR RENT Cafe for rent, 897 N. Commercial. FOR SALE Real Estate Good semi-modern 7 -room clastemd rcsi-enc-, kasement. fireplace, plumb ing, on two big Iota covered with nut. cherry and ornamental trees and roses, grope arbor, near schools, nlc view. going st depression price, aibo two beautiful buildtna lot 68x130 each with large fruit trees, block south Lea lie brick school, at bargain, easy term Owner, 768 Rural Ave. Phort S&54. BUT TOUR HOME NOW tsndy 6-R. modern (north) $2500. 4-R.. basement, furnace, etc. with another 8-R. hous ranted, for $1900. Dandy Fan-mount hBl plae ror 84,- 800. that Is a bargain. SEE JAS. 1. sEAna, KKALTUB Fbr Horn Buys : w i lit South High SNAP. 853S cash will buy a choice lot. clear title and abstract on Vairmount bill, between Lincoln ana Washington streets. Shown by appointment only. BEE BECHTEL or Xt-UASUM 341 State Street KtxLrtr- modern S room buaKalow close In. Nearly aew. A Tory choice horn at only $3000.00, aa iMnuahed. 5 Acre with modern 6 room oun- ralow near Salem. Price only $380.. i xcr tun. - - ' t - 59 Awere toe tea nortn ox iwuen. u fenced and cultivated, Good Hop land. , vargam as I-. J. . i-iutn -w. till 328 Stala Btrart FOR SALE Real Estate Don't build entn yon ses ths two fins lots ail ta cherries, pears aad ap-1 pies, run nearmg. on wocx soota x Leslls Junior high scbool, etc view, level lots. (0x110 each. Sell one or both cheap, easy payments. Owner; Tit mini Avennw. prone smu. EXCHANGE Real Estate FOR EXCHANGE 8lSe fans mortsaa-e to exchanre for a Salem borne. Two semi-modern 4 room Salem res idences valued at ISSSt to exchange i or acreage near saiem. CHILD 3 ft MILLER. Realtors 344 State St. Ffaono 7S Service station. T room house aad a lot for sal or trade. Writ Box zvs, statesman. GOOD TRADE flOOO., good farm, 28 acres, stock and equipped. R. boose, barn, tw poultry houses. Trad for a filling' sta tion. SEE BECHTEL or THOMASON, ji etate. Hoom . FOR TRADE 10-A 3-A filberts. 8-A. good prunes s-n. nouse. natn. fireplace, prune dry er, and I poultry houses. Trade for caiem nome. JO-ACRE TRADE An in cultivation. Trout stream. Most all m crop. 5-R. house, bath, light and water system. Barn. Poultry nouaa. un pavea aignway. Tak a small plac close to Salem as part If you want to buy, trad or sell, tt w see JAa D. SEARS, REALTOR 133 South High Street FOR EXCHANGE! KJce modern Portland home to ex- cnang ror Balem horn or close in acreage home. Also a nice horns at erty. See Virk with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Phone I44S. " "nriifiruu-Lnj u Clear Income nront in TrlaVn t chants for acreage near Salem. Will assume. Also $1000 fn cash and 11000 clear propt want small screajr near town. M. U. SHIELDS Oregon BIdg. Tel. 8902 FOR SALEFARMS 80 A. dairy. Pavement New modern ilirf' n tune on Part- 71" N- High. FARM BARGAINS A splendid 33 acre farm well Im proved, fully stocked and equipped and growing crop for onlv 84800 no 5 very nlc Improved acres close to ciiy limits, east for $3100. 50 Improved acres 8 miles of Salem, some umter, running stream for $3000.00. 20 Improved acres, an tillable, good road, a real snap, for $1400.00. Melvln Johnson or W. M. Pennington z in frtate street ACREAGE ! 5 ACRES CLOSE IK. Bood 6-R. bouse with bath, ltfffit and water system. Barn and larre poultry house. Family orchard. 1 A ruoeria. for quick sale at $2910. Terms. 10 A. RIVER BOTTOM s A. ready for Dotarona. a tin.. per. and pasture. I R. house. New uarn. uarage. only I250Q. Trm 35 A. STOCKED AND EOTTrptirr Fair Improvementa IS A. lion. All DIOW land. fianA Aar anil t h?T?e. 2 cows, poultry and tools. Price ia. r or rarm Darguins see JAa D. SEARS, Realtor 132 a High St SUB0RBAN home RinniTv 8 A. all in cultivation. Nut trees and I family orchard. A rood S R niiri house, bath, electric lights and water jBiein. j? me wen. .00 capacity hen jiuuw, nrooaer nouse. Darn and rabbit hutch. A snaD at S29S0. tusa n.n and baL easy. 2U miles Salem. " ana new K. hoftse, etc. on BTjiveiea nignway, 1H A. young cher ries, in ear saiem. Quick sale at $2400. See me for ether good buy VAN M. GREER 214 Orejron Bide. Pnnn 711 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED TO BUY Attractive 5 room modern nm in xsorin waiem. Close fn. Phone 7533. Business Opportunities UROCERT STftPM Must aelL lpavlnir rtv laa- a-v uieap T9nu Kooa location, km ovtw evenings or sunaay, 370 S. I9th St. For sal or rent senrtca station ami eanwa-s garage, on busy highway. 285 Cheme- LIVESTOCK anrl POITI.TRY Custom hatching. BOO eiren at lua every Saturday snd Tuesday. TeL us. Leei Hatchery. i-iv-i ri r n it---- For sale. KOOd work mare, ntnele nnd double, weight about 1400. Fine lars-e 4 yr. old Guernsey cow. Just fresh. 3rd nnu eawt or Turner. MONEY TO LOAN 'Bells of Harmony' Heard ever KOIN dally ring out loan service that la really really different TOU GET THE FULL, AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE u.N LOANS 10 to $300 Beneficial Loan Society OF Rom 119 New Bllgh Bldg. 2nd Floor LICENSED BY STATE SIS State Street TeL 8-T-4-S. i-irM-or, . a. PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS STATE LOAN COMPANY 313 Orearon Bulldln. Ind Vlnnr Offic hrs. 10:00 A M. to 6 :J0 P. 1L Telephone 7788. guts license No. S-li.. r "VWWinf 1. 1 nn n n n m Borrow en eersonsl oronertv : renav In monthly IrtstaUments. WTLLAli ETTHI LOAN CO. State Ho. S-1K. E-i Guardian Bids. TeL 3877. POLLY AND HER 7bg1s (tvvPcKA b'i OK) s C&J&K 3 irTt YAtST? 3TWIS LOCKED IS ?- S-TrSHfi VlMA'SECiT 0$) A TWO-TSvJTHS 1 (III. TAKE IT J MONET TO LOAN - PERSONAL LOANS - . atADB ea farmltvre, sera, saJartoe or other rood secortty. Rspayabie moathly. Whsa ta flnanetal sieed ese us beroro eiosing a wen. QEI4ERAL. INTESTHETfT CORPORATION first National Baas Bids. Fbtoe IU1 MOXKT LOANED ON AUTOS . Contract Refinanced Arraxtgs t reduce yeui parmant . Yoa keep the rx P. A. EIKER Cor. Liberty fit. and rrr Pbeae 4111 Saisia. Or. FIRST MORTGAGE Real Estate Loans. Bxcellent security. - Amounts ISM t 12009. yield 7 Interest. CHIU8 4k MTTJiER. Mtgw. Loan S44 BUte St ' ' Phone 7t FOR SALE WOOD GUARANTEED DRY TL tsee Salem Fuel Co. Tsaa A Cottag. Asa. fir and oak, TeL 1148. Dry wood 14 cord. TeL list. Dry wood, all kinds. TeL 4418. Dry oak. 4 ft.. I4.t. TeL ITOs. FOR SALE USED CARS MCKAY'S USKO CARS WITH AN O. K. THAT COUNTS tt Essex Coach $ 35 It Overland Coach ., 4i 87 Star Sedan 116 87 Chrysler Sedan Ml 27 Cher. Truck aad Trailer St Ford Coupe Stl 31 Ford Pickup 2tl '33 Plymouth Sedan 545 '32 Cher. DeLuxe Coupe, 8000 mL 576 lit '29 Chev. Panel Truck, recondi- tloned 325 We trade and alve terms. Open Evenings and Sundays McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 333 Center 430 N. Coml. Phone 3189 WANTED Several light car Will pay cash. USED CAR EXCHANGE Terms Trades 513 Chemeketa "m i J"iirsrLiLijLrL anitnn qa, rxTLJsjijvj-f 1939 Oakland DeLuxe Sedan only driven 14,000 miles. Not 10 of ser vice taken out of It New car guaran tee, $485.00. Will accept good milk cow as part pmt See this at once at 340 N. lib. Borrego s, phone 3888. McKAY S USED CARS WITH AN O. K. THAT COUNTS 1928 Stude Coupe a dandy $125.00 1929 Willys-Knight Coup 250.00 1929 Pontiac Sedan . 295.00 1931 Ford Pickup 295.00 1929 Nash Sedan 325.00 1932 Chevrolet DeLuxe Coupe 575.00 1933 Plymouth Sedan 545.00 1929 Chevrolet Panel Truck 325.00 1929 Chevrolet Truck 195.00 TERMS TRADES Open Evenings and Sundava McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 338 Center Phone 3189 430 N. ConVL WANTED USED CARS Cash tor lata light our. TeL 7671. Light coup or roadster, rood condi tion, not over $80. Terms. Ph. 4820. Two Canneries to m m m Upen on Monday First operations In local ean- nenes are siatea ror next Monaay or Tuesday, when some gooseber- riea will be bandied at both the Hunt Brothers cannery and the Reld, Murdock and Company plant. Stocks and Bonds (Copyrlsht, 198$, Standard Statistics C.) May 1 STOCK AVKBAGEA 50 20 20 SO Ind'l KK't Ct's Total Today SO.ff 42.S 01.2 76.6 Previossftsv S1.T 4J.S 2.S TT.T Weak sr a,- 76. .l as. 73.6 Year aco $5.5 13.4 8 AS 83.S 3yesrasro 180.S 130.S 370.3 14.5 Hirh 1938 Sl.T 42,$ 41.0 5.$ 3$A 61.S 77.T I T.nw 1 012 48. 7$.0 85.0 I Kirk l aaa 71.$ $5.1 89.S 111.0 13.2 51.8 i i.ow 193a BOHD AVEBA6BS 2 20 Ind'l KB'i 71.3 74.5 SO 60 Ut't Totsl Today 82.5 M6.1 Previous day 71.2 74.1 WMk-ar- 70 1 71 ea r 76. 81.1 74.2 99.5 100.0 syesrssgo 4.i ioo.4 Tear ace 54.2 71.S 65.1 71A 47.6 74.S 57.0 78.0 47.4 71.S 57. lUrk 1$$ 85.1 76.1 Lew 193$ 74.1 SS.S High 1932 86.3 76.1 Lew 1982 53.2 Kew 193$ high. 70.9 S7.S Radio Program THURSDAY, Xtm 1 KOIN POEXLASD 940 X. 6:80 KOIH Klaek. 9:00 .Marie, Little Treses. Prince, CBS. 10:45 Thi aad That. 12:15 Bos City trie. 1:00 Book of Lifs. 1:45 Belle Martha, DLBS. 8:00 Feaiaiaa Fsasies, DLBS, 7:45 Tarzaa of the Apes. 0:00 Fifth Avenue Fo-r. 10:15 Sport riaike. XOAO COEYAHJS 650 Ke. 7:00 Morning meditation, led y Mis Mildred Bartholomew 9 :00 Home economic obaervar. 12:20 Arthur Kiag. "Lnrigstioa ia Us WUis-wtt Ysney." 12:45 Lebanon atrswberry festivsL 2:30 Jeaastte Brsans, 'htskiag Swim Si ing 8ats fee AH." 3:05 Mr Jsssi Heoernasa. "Aeeai-pU-ments ot the Otero Oonseil for the Pro tertian ef BoaSalte Bassty." T:00 Dr. K. K. Brsssma. "Hep Tnt- provemeat. . 8:00 University sf Or t cos stBalcsl. PALS STORAGE OF BUTTER 01 Advance In Live Chickens Is Foreseen; Oregon Berries Bring $3 PORTLAND. May 81 (AP) Storage movement ot better la In creasing Tae lapet waa rrowln- aa fast aa the -output, which waa retaining a fenerally ateadr tone ia tbe trade here. There has been no price change daring re cent day. In fact open market prices are even firmer than tbe exchange list suggests. Butterfat Talaee vera suggest ing at least steady tone tor tab tar with demand so good that in spots premiums were being re sorted to. Trading In the egg market was about steadr. In spots there wag weakness underlying the situa tion with here and there augges- tion ot some weakness although general values were stationary. Prices were holding at least firm In the market tor lire chick ena with continued suggestion of an advance to be forced. There waa no change in buying prices for the day. Supplies of country killed calves were quite well cleaned up over the holiday. There was a slower tone In good but the de mand remained good for spring lambs and beef. Market for California strawber ries waa rather firm with most sales $1.75-1.85 for 24s, Oregon stock waa generally In scant of fering with the first sales recent ly on local growth at $3 crate. Asparagua prlcea were about steady. First new crop California red onions were due. Whites and old Oregons steady. Walnut Crop in California to be Under Normal California's walnut crop will be So ner cent under normal this year, while Oregon's crop will be even larger than last year. J. E. Conner, director of the California Nut Growers' association, predict ed while in Salem yesterday. Freezlnr weather will probably cut the tonnage in tbe southern state from the 44,000 tons last year to 25,000 tons or below, this year. i .estimate oeio' uiauo now uu prun crp ta thl ctron show a big drop from those of sev- Estimates be! or made now on eral weeks ago. Now a 25 per cent crop Is the talk, following con tinued rains. EXECUTOR S NOTICE OP SALE OP REAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that, un der and by Ylrtue of the power and anthority of the last Will and Testament of Thilda Olivia Rog ers, deceased, which Will was duly admitted to probate and rec ord aa tbe last Will ot said dece dent and Letters Testamentary with .said Will annexed duly Is sued to the undersigned In and by Decree of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County ot Marion rendered and entered ot record on tbe 29tb day of Septem ber, 1932, in the Matter ot the Last Will, Testament and Estate of said deceased, the undersigned aa aucb Executor will on Saturday the 10th day of June, 1933, at the hour of ten o clock In tbe forenoon of said day at the west door of the Court House In Salem. Marion County, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bid der for cash the following des cribed real property belonging to the deceased at the time of her death, subject to lease to October 1st. 1933. to wit: Beginning at a point on tbe north line and 2.779 chains north 89 56 west from the most nor tkerlr northeast corner of the D. L. C. of W. R. Munkers In township 7 south, range 2 west of the Willamette meridian In Mar ion County, Oregon, and running thence -north 0 1 west 23.86 chaina to the north line of tbe D. L. C. of Samuel Farrens: thence south 89 48' west 8.217 chains along the north line of tbe Samnel Farrens Claim; thence south IS' east 25.82 chains to the north line of tbe W. R. Mans er's Claim; thence south 89 5C east 8.227 chains to the place of beginning and containing 21.25 acres of land, being the tract ef land and real property mentioned and referred to In paragraph sec ond of aaid Will of Thilda Olivia Rogers, deceased. Said sale will be made subject to r confirmation by aaid Court. Date of first publication. May 11th. 1921, last publication June 2th, 193S. WILLIAM X. ROOfcR. Executor, C. M. INMAN. Attorney for Estate M-11-18-25-J-1-8. Excess NEXT ESTIMATE LOWERS GRAINS VALLEY WOOLS SELL AT 25 CENTS Crop Improvement to Be Shown; hew Record set CHICAGO. May II (AP) Prospecta that unofficial monthly estimates tomorrow would show crop improvement aa compared with government May 1 figures gave a downward shove to wheat values today. A transient burst ot buying at the outset hoisted wheat to a new top price record tor the season. but profit taking Quickly develop ed, aad apeculatlre demand tailed to last In the face ef corn weak' ness. Better weather for planting operations did mueh to aend the corn market down hill. Wheat closed unsteady, -l cent under Monday'a finish, corn at -l decline, oats H-H off. Today's closing quotationi: Wheat May. 71 -7 ti July. 7S-; Sept.. 75H-H: Dec., 78- Corn May. 43; July. 45U-4; Sept.. 47-: Dec., 50-. Oats May, 23; July, 25; Sept.. 25-2; Dec.. 27-. General Markets yaosucx exchange POBTLAXD, Ore, U.j II. UP) rrodsoa exchanrt. sat price Batter, extras 22c, standards 11 He, priaas firatt 21ft, firsts SO. Ercs Frask sitrs 18c, frvsfc medium 17c. Portland Grain PORTLAND, Or May II. (AP) Who. Opaa Hifk Law Class -lay 60 OOtt 00 60Vs July 81 1 SI ltt Septamkar 62 62 62 62 Caak wheat K. 1 Big Best bluo ttet 6Se, dark bar winter 12 par cent 70c, 11 per cent 60c; soft white, liar winter 61c; northern priaf, welters white, we. tern red 60 e. Oat Na. S white $23.10. Cora Ms. tE jeUow $23. Millmn 8Uadsr4 $1. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore.. May 81. (AP) Batter Prints, extras I4e, ctandarda Butterfat Portland delivery, A grade 21-22e pound; farmers' deer delivery 31 23c pound ; aweet cream 6e higher. Eggs Pacific poultry producers sell ing f rices, jumbo 19e, extra 18e, mixed colors 17c, medium 17c doien. Buying price ot wholeaalers, fresh current te- j ceipts 56 pound and up, 14 dosen. Chert 92 acor Oregon triplet. lSe, losf, 14e pound. Brokers will pay le be low quotationi. Milk Contract price 4 per cent, Port land delirery $1.70 cwt; B grade cream, 3 7 Vie pound. Cosntry mrati Selling price te re tailer, country killed hog, best batch era, nnder 150 pennda 6H-7e; veslere SO to 100 pounds 7-7 Vie; spring lamba 12 13 He: yealiags 3-4s pound ; heavy ears 2li-Sc; canner cows 5-9e; bulls 6ft -6c pound. Mohair Nominal buying price, 1933 clip 12e pound. Cacara bar- Buying pric. 1933 peel 4c pound. Hop nominal. 1933, 70-iae pound. Live poultry Portland delivery, bay ing price; Heavy bene, colored A pound 14e, do medium, 12c; light 12c; spring light, Its pound up, 18c; colored prise 16c; roosters 6e pound: docks. Pekina, broilers, 15e; eld decks. Pekias, 10-lie pons, do colored iws pound. Onions Selling price te retailer: Oregon 81-L35 cental. New omoss California Bermudas 81.60-L75 per 60 pound crate; California eoe per lag; new re -f pound. Potatoes LossL Sl.IS-l.B5: Dee- chutes Gems, $1.60; do Bakers $1.75; Yakima Pirns. $1.50. New potatoes California Garnet. 2-'e pound; whits 2Ks pound. Strawberries Sacrament 14. Sl.TS- 1.90; Oregon $2.50-8 crate. Wool 1939 slip, nomi-al. Willaaa- atte valley, 13-25 poand; eastern Ore gon 17-20e pound; Mother Idabe 16- 20e pound. Hit BuTisg pries frem producer: Alfalfa $14-15; clover $11; eastern Ore gon timothy $15; est snd vetch $15. Portland Livestock 1 POBTLAXX). Ore.. Mar JI. (AP) Cal tie Receipts 10, ealre 30; somia ellr steadr. Steers, good. 667. common aad medioss $3.75-6050. Heifers, good $5.50-6.35: comma sad medium 83-5.50. Osws, good f 4.50-5.2. amsa snd medium 6LM- 4.50. B , good $3.25-3.75; ratters ssd msdinm f 115-1.11 Yealers. good S-T, i common sad stedism $3-6 Calves, goo $5-6, common snd medium S2.50-5. Hors Receista 650: 10s lower. (rood. 140 to 300 peasd 63-5.85 : 300 to 250 pounds $5.55-5.78; sver 350 pounds $4.85-5.50. Sow, good $4.35-8; medium S4.23-4.7S. Pigs, good SS.TS- 4.75. Sheep Receipts 400; -notably steady. Lamb good snd choice, s men and medium f 4-6.50. ethers $3- 4.75. Ewes $1-3.50. Salem Students Are Honored by Ad Group Award Two Salem students at the TTnlvrsi(w nf Oreron. Kathrrn Lougbrldge and Edwin Cross. - -f--4 ,1-1,1 Imam -civ c- - the anoaal Joint banquet ot Al pha Delta Sigma, men's adrertls lng honorary, and Gamma Alpha Chi, women' honorary, beld last week end In Eugene. Mlaa Lougbrldge. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C A. Lougbrldge Bagxg$) Salem Markets Grade B raw 44 aailk, co-op noot price; per haadretL Sarplus f 1.15. - ' fhUlk Use sa sU itshT ealtocta vrt. Dfstrfbator price f 1.70 ; Batterfai Top 20-21C, print 24, cabee 22. t FT less paid I grf Sr Bates rr Ma? St (Tk arts as Setsw. spbs4 sv ssl srsosr. as isdisstlr ti is ily saarsat Sat r r raat f at Tk Statataaa) raOTT AMD TtQBTaALaa Strlaf .' Ik, w. , .18 ArUcsakas, dss. .75 Asrscss. local. Cos. ,, .TO Casks, I. .03 Or sspssrs. CsliL. Ik. , JS Psas. Calif, lb. .04 Oaisms, dss. kkas J Petstoe. TaUam X. t l.SS Lscsl i oo U IM Florida S.40 Shasta whites 2.40 8t patatses. ersta 1J0 Lattnca, Calif, Oaioaa, Lakiak, cwt. Rksbark. local Calerj. Cm 111- ft crata -taxicsa Tomatoes Apples .1.S0 U 2.00 AS .01 .2S 2.75 Wineaapa, lasejr Extra faaer . Vawtosraa. laser Extra fasejr Orancra, p.p. .S5 .1.40 . .00 .1.4S 2.25 ta 2.75 $.00 to 4.00 .45 .40 .25 ts .60 .05 , .05 20s 1.25 Fancy Beet. Calif, doi. Turnip, local, dot. Spinach, local, crate Bananas. Ik. on stock Hands Btrawberriea, Fresno. Ore On plnai. 24 cup Celery heart, don. Mustard craeai Cn cambers , 1.65 .00 .00 .80 ts 1.30 . .20 ts .SO 5.00 Pineapple, retail Cantaloupe, crate uori 19S2. Ik Tep, Top, T5 Jit 19S1, lb. .. EOOS Boris- Prices Extra Standards Mediums . .14 .18 .13 .64 .11 .09 OS POtTLTBT Old reenters - Colored boss -Medians ken Light heat. Broiiers 13 to .15 a AT Lamba, top 5.50 Hogs, top 5.50 Tint cuts 5.35 eteers .04 to .05 Cowa ... . .02 te .03 .04 .03 .OS Heifers .05 te Balls .02 te Dressed veaL top Dressed hog . .. OS XH AST HAY .07 Wheat, western red .65 White, No. 1 .65 Barley, top. ton 16.00 to 20.00 Oats, ton 80.00 te 35.00 Hty. bovine prices Oat aad vetch, ton 18.00 Alfalfa, valley 1st cut 19.00 Eastern Oregon 20.00 Clorer hay 18.00 VTJTS Walnuts, top Filbert, top .10 to .13 .12 WOOL Medina .28 Course Jl ao .01 .08 Mohair 0A8CAKA BARK Dry. waa awarded the Collins cup as the outstanding senior woman student in advertising. Ed Cross, son of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis B. Cross, a Junior at the university, received the $150 scholarship given annually by the Portland Advertising club. Sheldon F. Sackett was the principal speaker of the event, addressing the group on "Youth aad The New Deal." o o NEW SENATOR o WOliana H- l9tnpac, of Grand at I I6ian - m xormcr neor I . r ; T i oaprens wvun e avqr , w uu w mm iw eenUy appointed u. S. enator te fill the vacancy created by tbe death ef Sexurr JL B. HowelL O . V t TO V o nwr iaavuiwa. vav ia i bad a distinguished career ia State poliUae, oSv ..... .. t ' :"-- i I ; w - '?'? J i - J - f ' . " v - w mmf fmmm -i mi m mmmmm ------ 4 "Free Offerings are Scarce; Mohair i Quoted 1 2c The touching ef the 25e mark on valley wools set off a lot ef selling by farmers, reports X. H. Pickens ot the Thome Kay wool en mills. This seems to hare been state aet by growers, and when that amount la a vs liable they are reedy to let go of their clips. Sales hare beea numerous at that fig ure. Valley wool la of inferior qual ity this year due to the cold wet spring and lack ot early pasture. Resistance la being met on sales of finished woolens at the priee made necessary by tbe advances in raw materials. Mr. Pickens, re ports. Tbe mill Is now running on fall yardage. PORTLAND. May 31 (AP) A Quotation of 25 cents for Wil lamette valley wool waa confirm ed here today, reflecting the scar city of "free" wool offerings throughout the territory. Dealers here said the demand ia good, and the 1 5 -cent price was being free ly offered for medium fleece. Coerve and braid were 18 cents a pynd. ir -reased shearing operations sam the price betterment are indi cated by the increasing movement of Willamette valley wool to mar ket. There was also a firmer tone and another advance for mohaii In the valley with 12 cents a pound freely offered for matured hair. Consignments of eastern Ore gon wool continued to increase but the tra'de here was somewhat confused by statement of great er volume being offered than ran be confirmed. OF NEW YORK. May 31 (AP) Stock traders were more eager to convert paper profits into cash today aad the list closed lower after being irregularly bight-r through much of the active mar ket. Turnover of 6,087,120 shares kept the ticker frequently behind floor transactions. The Standard Statistics - As sociated Press stock composite, which ended April at 66, rounded out May at 71.6. This aubstan- tial appreciation, contrary to the May record for tbe past several years, was accompanied by sharp ly expanded activity, compilation showing that the month'a volume exceeded 100.000,000 share lot the first time since April, 1930. A rally by dollar exchange may have stimulated profU.-taklng ia a market that bad been preoccu pied with thoughts of dollar de preciation and inflation. Ameri can Telephone, American Can General Motors. U. S. Steel, Da Pont, Allied Chemical, Standard Oil of New Jersey and Case among others, tended to drag dur ing rallies and showed new re actions of around 1 to 3. Nee York Central, Radio, Anaconda Otia Elevator, Calumet ft Hecla. General Electric, Canadian Pacif ic, Grigsby-Grunow, Transameri ca. Baltimore 4b Ohio and South ern Railway were prominent lead- era on advance, but finished un der their blgha, in aome ca?e$ cancelling their gains. in n STOCKS 110 FILES III IN HIGH SCHOOL RACE Three candidate for eleetioj aa members ot the new board ot education for non-higb school dis tricts qualified yesterday whei properly completed petition ol nomination and tbe candidate acceptances ware filed with the county anperlntendent'a office here. Saturday, Jaae 2, marks the final date tor tiling petitions. Ernest Werner, zone fonr. and Hla Stevens, tone two, tiled yes terday, botb men being under stood to be opposed to- blx school bus transportation. W. P. Collard, sone one. filed, and stat ed that be was favorable to con tinuing high school baa trans por tation. 4Andltea wbo bare already filed are J. 8. Coomler, none two, Willis R. Dallas, sone three, Con net T. Murray, ton tow. By CLIFF STERRET7