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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1933)
Jar OREGON STATESMAN, galea, OrtwlWay Morning. Mar 20. 193S . ' B www r a V mai t V J I 4 4 V Business Directory Card in this directory run on . monthly, basis rmiv Rat. J 11.00 per 11ns per month. AUTO BRAKES Mike Paoek. the brake and ahlmnry doctor. 878 Sooth Commercial Street CATERING Burt Crery. the caterer. Ph. (751. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4158. R E. N orthneea, CHIROPRACTORS ba a I SCOTT. PSC. Chiropractor. 2S8 H High. TeL Rea 8578. DRESSMAKING Exp. dressmaking- in your home, Jjj?JLCopyplott)rea. Tel. 74. FLORISTS CUT flowers, weddlna bouquets Tun eral wreaths, decorations, a F. Brett haupt, florist. 677 Court. TeL $904. ALL kinds of floral work. Luts SI ov ist. Kta aUrkeC TeL 8888. GLASS Auto and window (Ua mirrors, TeL 8188. Walter J. Downs, 480 Breys. INSURANCE BECKK s HENDRICKS 888 N. Hlah TeL 44t COFFEY-SMITH. gen, lna TeL 8888. LAUNDRIES THB NEW BALKM LAUNDRT TUB WELDER LAUNDRY 168 a High TeL m CAPITAL. CITT LAUNDRY First In Quality and Service Telephone 8185 1244 Broadway LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired and traded. HARRY W. SCOTT, "The Cycle Man" MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to home. Spring mattress 68.00. Renovators and f umlaatora Rugs cleaned. Capital Bed ding Co. TeL 404. 1030 N. CapitoL Mew mattress made to order, old remade ; carpet cleaning, sizing ; fluff rug weaving. Salem Fluff Rag at Mat tress Factory, a 13th & Wilbur. TeL 441. Otto F. Zwlcker. Eat. 1911. MUSIC STORES, GEO. C WILL. Ptanosf radios, sew ing machines, sheet myslo and-piano studies. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machineai432 jStateirtreet. Salem. ( MUSIC INSTRUCTION Steel, Span. Guitar, Mandolin. Be ginners, adv. classes.. Harmony, notes. .Registration ends June IS. Studio TeL 118 or V. W. O. A. 878. MEDICINE Dr. Chan Lam Chinese Medicine Co. Hours Tuesday snd Friday, 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p. m. 148 N. Commercial. PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint Roofing. 474 Ferry. PAINTING Painting, paper-hanging, interior decorating. Estimates free. W. H. Sheppard. TeL 488e. PRINTING FOB STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department, 216 & Commercial. Tele phone HOL PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT H. D. Clement, Income Tax. Reports, Auditing, llOtt N. Com'L Tel 3030 or 6147. REAL ESTATE BECKE HENDRICKS, TeL 4347. W. H. QRABENHORST Ca 114 a Liberty St. TeL 666. SOCOLOFSKY ft SON 864-0 First NafL Bk. Bldg. TeL 7307. STOVES STOVES and stove repairing. Stoves for sale, rebuilt and repaired. All kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, hop baskets, books, logan hooka. Balem Fence and Stove Works, It Chemeketa, TeL 4T74. R. a FVeming. TRANSFER CAPITAZ. CITY Transfer Co. 33 Stats St TeL T778. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get oar rates. FOR local or distant transfer storage, call 8181. Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland dally. TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITERS Adding Men. sold, rented, repaired. Underwood Agents. Cooks ft Short, Sit Court. TeL 8684. WELL DRILLING R. A. West, SO years experience, RFD Bos 193 EX. TeL 110FS. Graduation Program At Liberty on 31st LIBERTY, Mar 29 The eighth grids graduation exerts Lies will be held Wednesday, May SI, at S p. 3ft. Graduates will be Hel en Strohmaier, Margaret Copier, Opal Norrlg. Melrln Cleveland, Jack Dasch, Felix Foster, Tin cent Westenhouse, Albert Hersh felt, Kenneth Decatur and Victor Gibson. Arery ' Thompson will deliver the address. Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advcrtlsteg Single Insertion per Uee.lOe Three Insertions per Ua 20 8ix insertions per Un..t0e One month per line.. $1.06) Minimum charge ..n..tit Copy tor this page ac cepted until i:S0 the even ing before publication for class! fication. Copy rs eelred after this time will be run under the heading Too Lata to Classify. The Statesman assumes bo financial responsibility for errors which may ap pear In advertisements pub lished in its columns, and in eases where this paper is st fault will reprint that part ot an advertisement in which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject osjec tional advertising. It fur ther reserves the right to classify all advertising un der the, proper classifica tion. HELP WANTED MALE JsWssBsSSaa: 1 TTUtJlu tA MMtSA hnilBS ft ssi 1 as da Salem. Mast be neat in appearance, re liable, a hard worker and able to fur nish A No. 1 references. Car unneces sary. Apply June 1st, 1:30 p. m. 130 N. Com'L Roof Dept. SALESMEN WANTED Nationally Known Concern Can Use two men one rrpw ni:in vliYt m, outside territory, permanent, good pay if you can qualify. College education preferred, references, for appointment call 7547 Sunday, out of town appli cants write statesman. Box 204. ' .'u' Viia lUi A tZlASH- tional otittiir fvi ijia-n vitw a- be a good closer, hard worker and able to furnish A No. 1 reference. Call June 1st. 8:30 a. m., 120 N. Com'L SITUATIONS WAN7TED Younff lady wishes work. Good saleslady or housekeeper. Box 207, Statesman. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Alfalfa hay, on track near Trade and HiSTh St.. tl9.DA mr tnn nnmn slightly damaged J17.00 per ton, de- .c. ciia. v-. stuck, rnou 3iot. Intersection SUverton-Portland road. Eleetrlenl Prices that mtixfv I r U'.hik...' Tel. 3504, lunch hour. Kor salci rnAsftnahle man, .nit white flannels. Varley Cleaners, 193 N. Com'l, over Buslcks. For Sale, Birchflcld davenport, rock er and chair. All electric cabinet radio, oak dining table and 5 chairs; china closet and other hnosehold furniture. R. 5, Box 162, Salem. Ued, chiffonier, princess dresser and stol. Perfect condition. Call at 1725 3t;ue. "potatoes CrMkedfinsVr' Motmufn burhanks. Look best, are best, yield 'f st. Hugli Magee. Pcotts Milla McCormlck-IX riding cultivator. A. R Barnes, Rt 1. Jefferson. East Far men's Service Sta. For sale, '29 Chev. truck. Tlymouth coupe; also radio and seed potatoea TV. M. Fay. 5 SI Hfehland. , M1SCELLAN EOUS Best hair cut. Adults 20c. child., 15a Two blocks & of library, a Winter. We pick up dead or worthless horses, fowa, sheep, free of charge. Tel. 4869. Want to buy auto service station or garnge. Box 202. care Statesman. TRADE Miscellaneous ..... wr gima cow. ocate price expected. A W. Gaub, Brooks, Rt. 1 . Will . . ...,. . . . . WANTED Miscellaneous AVflntVf1 TYH Hi IITA tsw- 1 tA m-a iU v 1."- va awv w;n9 TV i ViX Umbfl. Pall 35F1 4. FOR RENT ROOMS MfXfrr rrnfn rm - .v. 3 577 Court St. Tel. 4867. ROOM AND BOARD - -ini-sTsnrLAj . J-""- - ava sesussj, AVSJ la. TeL 547. S95 Court St. Board and room. Nice home. Close la. Prices right 145 Belrlew. TeL 437. ------ i - - i-iin rxn nrxn Front room, hnanl. nn. f 9A A A - 133.00. Near Capitol. TeL 3'7.' FOR RENT APARTMENTS Patton apextnntv-SowntowTi. Call Patton'a book etere. TFur. t K. apt, 3381 HassL TeL sisiisi ,-, -kfnorijJxrxrxjvxruxfL Apt 812.00, 817 N. Com'L Duplex apt, unfurn. 851 N. Winter. Prescott Apartments. 3 ,-ooms fur nished, private bath, fine kitchen, newly decorated, attractive place. Rutins, reaucea ratea is. f. dus line. 1084 Oak St Well furnished 8 room apartment Garage. Adults. 478 N. CapitoL Completely fur. apt, 1st floor, gar age. 844 MilLT. Q, Albert - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -ir , -nnm 1 room furnishMl itarhnmt 1 7 oa S80 N. Llherty. ' ' FOR RENT HOUSES u-ivuni smiimn, itof a. xxism. . l- . ID. r Furn. annl tmftirn. Iuiimm n a Forknsr, 1818 N. Cottage. TeL 89IL 8 houses, 1 mod. 1 not TeL 5010. Mod. n house. Inquire 13)8 Court For summer months, ( r. mod, bun galow, furnished, TeL fc583. room mod. f 38. 8380 Cherry Ave. - rii'.n"iri ii ixia For rent modern S-room houaa. 1690 & Church. TeL 4834. 170 N. lTth St. 813.60: 1930 Mar. kst St, 820.00; S1B3 N. 4th, 818 Hi 341 Lesli street 325.00. p. H. iiJi, 225 Oregon Bldg. Phone 8903. FOR RENT HOUSES ' WW. .M,, a&ooern rurnisiuui & r hmnk. cc Others 310-31S. Ant. tie n tt.,.. nlshed houses $7. SO to 110. Aptst. siuusu r ur OA 149 on PffttfT Payments, $45-$SI0 up. Modern """"i Muui payment aown, bal. like rent. See BECHTBX or THOMASON S41 tate- Room 4 --NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY 3r. bunralow. furn. H4 Chemeketa. i 1 1 r-nfi ihiiiii FOR RENT - - - ' i,-,1fvwW Cafe for rent. SOT N. Cownnerrtal WANTED TO RENT Wanted .... . jst. 4 or s room modern house, walk- distance of state house. Respea- ",J""s- i ri. pvi FOR SALE Real Estate Srrlrlv nuulua . rfoes to. Nearly new. A very choice vaij fjwov.vB, an rurnlshed. xenna S Acres with modern S room bum- buuw near oatem. price only Terms srlvn 5 Acres located north of 8alem. all fenced and cultivated. Good Hop land. ,.iu u 9i.avw.vv. Terms. J. F. ULRICH CO. Phone 8(73 m State Street 5Sf?"em,"n,ode !- Plastered LTLTULr flJTr. t" nrepiace, plumb- cherry and anunuiiiii m it lUiZZ f:T' "cnooi. c view. bewBUful buudins; lots 40x130 each r, s , I . Dioca soutn ue- . , a vw. 4UVUU , Don't bund tmn mm t i 4 wwnns, one MOCK BOUtB of level lota sort Is " I1" both cheap, easy paymenta Owner, TS fiTrnug. pnont SSa4. EXCHANGE Real Estate FOR EXCHANGE , J I E n farm miw4iM.. . i . ror a Salem home. Two p ml Idences valued at 33S0O to exchange for acreage near Salem. tisSi?1."?. MILLER. Realtors 344 State St. Phon C7S1 IX rflom hall f. i , . . , . " -- . enia m oionmoutn for house in Salem, or small acreage. room, double-plumber house, for "Lree or riv room house. fn'TTJ?, BLDG- locate,S in town in Okla. for property in or near Salem VAN M. GREER 14 Ore. Bldg. Phone 7511 1 - - - - wwwwgi seven room hnn.w m j . . acreage or lota Box 1 99. Statesman. Service station. T room house and ?06?tSSces1nan.Or WHt Are you satisfied with the propt. you ownf our chances to trade were hat you really want, see me ; I have helped others and it will do no harm jouSwant"!" 1 m'Sht h3Ve 3ust what Good 20 A. trade, west of Corvallia H. C. SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. Tel m, FOR SALE FARMS CO A. i i ' I Irr T9vAmAM - j ' i. .w moaini "5f'. ""S ttno on part. 710 N. High. BARGAIN SMALL FARM 18 acres excellent soil, part irrigat ed, year round creek, spring water electric lights, lots of fine fruit, good 5 R house, fair barn. This is a beau- ,ilace' . Price onI' 250. terms to right party. SEE HAWKINS ft ROBERTS ror rtenl ITfot r . 1 . . v. -vi F.iiiim HERE IS THE RANCH ... " naTe tM'en waiting for lv tl!Li PACIpJC HIGHWAY. Strict K modern Improvements. 2 sets Bldgs. 150 A. cultivation and crop. Most all J erml!?tto,Tn (nP lana. 1 A. alfal r.n" A. p ?ce Tan nought for about one thud what it cost tlie former own er, fae JAS. D. SEARS, Realtor 132 S. Hlt-h St. ACREAGE 5 APR rQ flion tt Good 6-R. house with bath, lights and water system. Barn and large v?nIIiH.nouS- Fam,'r orcliard. 1 A. Term? F QU,Ck 85116 at 295'- 16 A. RIVER BOTTOM S A. ready for potatoea 3 A tim ber and pasture. 6 R house. New 3L.t ?TOCKED AND EQUIPPED .. Improvements, it A cultiva tion. All plow land. Good dark soiL 1 i?Mn' i?0W5' Pu'try "1 tools. Price 3-850. For farm bargains see JAS. D. SEARS, Realtor 132 S. Hl-h St. WANTED REAL ESTATE l',.. . - m, n . ." i i-.u avJ BUI j '' 6room Modern home in North Selem. Close In. Phono 75SI X7 A VTl-r. rim . WAix,, ,,,., , ,,....... utiWEKl STORE JLf 11 of oall 1 1 . -ofc wit, lvo-vinsj cuy, clean stock, clieap rent, prood location. se OS " w" on o. 1910 Ot- i-srsnnr ii - in WfrnrMfcjejsi Beer ffirrUn TnsoiKti8i -t-ia. . . - - - , " "vlAi,l4rtK XHULOUSn- t.5i",es on, flT grove - i . dux aua, Btatesmaw. LIVRTnrT' Dftmnmv - v uiu tuuutni w'" 1 " - -i -i - - Custom hatching. 808 ergs at lUi every Saturday "and TJSedix. TeL 133FI. Lea'a TTarhw T. - - - WAAAAAAAA Kor aala vnw i. . . . r ttM wutk diaiil single ana double, weight about 1400. Fine large 4 yr. old Guernsey cow. Just fresh. 3rd house east of Turner. MONEY TO LOAN - - - ifijiumjLjt l&Lmmat Mm l&Lmmat m Z . W 8aADB en furniture, cars, salaries or other good seCTrttyIUpayable monthly, when In fmanclalneld see us before closing a iSan. GENERAL rNVESTMENT ha , . CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg. Phou 888 3 POLLY AND HER B.THEM FLIVVER PEOPLE HAS V. "1 1""""' f k I i 1 W ".Sawr 1 -- f A NERVE TO ONLY ALLOW MEH -ZJZsmzz&tT f ($10 AT YD A WEEK7) f SUH I X. TS -a ., , . 2 ff MONEY TO LOAN MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange ts reduce rout parmeet Yon keep the car P. A. BIKER Cor. Liberty BL and Parr Phone 4783 Salem. Ore PERSON At, INSTALLMENT LOANS o i t JB UUH COMPANY IIS OlM'lUI Dlu ijLr' x2l A. M. U S:3 P. U. Telephone 7738. Stats license No. a-is. FIRST afORTQAGB Real Estate r.Ki-r lit1! i aecamy. junounts ", yw 7 rateresc CHlLDd A MILLER. Mtre Loan. 344 State St Phone S70J ...... wvmn mm-mm -, ..x,,. Bells of Harmony Heard rer KOTN aB ring out m loan earncs that Is really really different. TOtT GET TTtB FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST - wvw rrviiAijx QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERYZCB wAns fie w I0S Beneficial Loan Society ns Biriru Room lit New Bltsjh Bldg. Snd Floor ujviuaatu ux STATE M State Street TsL 8-7-4-4. BorrOW OS UrMlul nnm.H. . mm. w m monthly InstaThnenta. wruar. ETTE LOAN CO. Stats Ha S-14. SS Guardian Bi4e? Tel. ItTT FOR SALE WOOD 8938. 11 l In" 8w'l- GUARANTEED DRY wood . opal Jei 8000 Salent FtmI Cav Trade CottSSA Ash, flr aad oak. TeL 8148. WssMSaWSsSi LVy weoa $4 on! TeL 4 St. Old fir ir, It". TeL TI. Dry wood, all kinds. TeL 4418. sSksSsstsSsjsSesswoWM Pnroek, 4 ft.. 84.0S. TeL 8708 FOR SALE USED CARS McKAYS USED CARS WITH An 1 1 tt. i ha t- riiirvTi 2S Overland Coach 4S '27 Star S1.Tn ,c '27 Chrysler Sedan""Z - , 12S a umt. Truck and Trailer 100 30 Ford Coupe 2s 31 Ford Pickup 2s '32 Plymouth X.1in cjc '82 C'hw. TteLuxe Coupe. 9000 mL 675 -OA et - f . m mm - v,nev. onon w. u. Truck 165 . jnev. ranei Truck, recondi tioned . jjs We trade and give terms. Open Evenings and Sundays - - - ..v. 333 Center 430 N. Com'L Phone 3189 Whippet Sedan $ 75 1928 Ford Roadster. RuxL SO 1928 Essex Spt. Coupe IIS 1S28 Whippet Coupe 125 1929 Ford Truck (Overhauled)... 185 I an Handle good milk cow anil imi wood on truck. BORREGO 249 N. Liberty Tel. SS88 Several light cara Will pay cash. t?EU 1 AK EACHANCiB Terms Trades 548 Chemeketa SEE TOM WOOD for your trucking requirements. 3 losglng Jobs available for experienced logging truck men. Need good equipment good road, short haul. 30.000 per day. Wo have 3 Chev. trucks and a 3-ton Federal for sale. Others available. O. M. C. Sales & Service. WOOD-WHEATON MOTOR CO. Inc. 540 Chemeketa St., Salem, Ore. Phone 0588. WANTEDUSEDCARS Cash for late light car. Tel. 7471. Legionnaire Picnic Plans Promise Fun DALLAS, Mar 29 Plans for the American Legion annual county plcnie here Sunday. June 4. are practically completed. Del egations will be present from Monmouth, Independence, West Salem and Dallas. All meetings will be held In the Dallas city park with a short program and u basket lunch rounding out the day. The reg ular business meeting will hoirin at 10:80 and the program at 11 a. m. -ine program will Include numbers by the harmonics band, instrumental numbers, numbers by the Corrallis drum corps, and a stunt by the local Boy Scout troops. A basket lunch will be held at noon with the local post furnish ing the coffee, cream and sugar. The afternoon will be devoted to programs snd s playground ball game. A team from Mon mouth and Independence has is sued s cha lenge to any team picked from the rest of the coun ty. A bonfire will probably be held during the evening. Operator Division Stays Open Today As an accommodation to local persons who wish to take their auto drivers' licenses before the fee doubles early next month, the operators division at the Salem of fice will be open Memorial day. It i was announced yesterday from the secretary of state's office. PALS . Interesting Facts gj. Charles Lindbergh was mar ried four years ago last Saturday. -o Neiiced, one straw hat on . the streets Monday. . O A friend of ours was telling how he was asked to contribute to the Atlantic Monthly. If ve were to cross the ocean we hare no doubt but what we would eon tribute to the Atlantic Dally. O Need good pitch fork and an extra hoe out on our farm. Might trade some of our golf clubs for them. THE BULL ITS Large Delegations Attend Catholic Event; 200 Enjoy Event SILVERTON. Mar It Silver- ton lost all three ball games Sun day afternoon at the parish pic nic at St. Paul's parish. Wood- burn Juniors, coached by Dr. Don nelly won over Silverton boys by a score of to 2. The Mount An gel Foresters defeated the Silver- ton Young Men, S to 2. The Star- ton Sodality girls slaughtered the Silterton". gltls. 2 to 7. The treasure hunt Droved a novel attraction. The "pot of gold" was finally discovered by Alva Weatheril and Bob Jenkins. Large delegations were Dresent from Mount Anxel. SUvton. Woodbura. Sublimity and Salem. Father J. Scberbring. formerly In charge of the parish here but now or Sublimity, was among those present. The St. Monica's Altar society served chicken dinner at noon to over 206 people. The kitchen was in charge of Mrs. W. Sterber, Mrs. L. B. Scharback. Mrs. T. J. Reil ing. Mrs. Mary DePiero, Mrs. J. J. M titer. The Maypole of dolls which attracted considerable at tention during the afternoon, wag originated by Mrs. Al DeRyke. wno also conducted the treasure hunt. Bingo was conducted br W. Sterber, Joseph Snyder and L. B. scnarDacx. The dining rooms wera in charge of Mrs. J. A. McCullough, Mrs. E. A. Dommogalla. The een- eral committee consisted ot Al DeRyke. Charles Soneer. T. n Scharback and Herbert Michel- brook. The day was closed bv a uro gram presented by St. Paul's school. The Rev. Father T. R. Jackson of New berg, gave the ad dress. Ko. 1 synopsis ot Annual Statement ef tba Corrallis General Hospital association et Corvallis, in th 8tate of Oregon, on th thirty-lint day of Decemhtr. 1932, mado to tha Insurance Commissioner ef the S'ate ot Oregon, portnaat to law: CAPITAL Aiuo.iit of capital ttock paid op, . INCOME J(t premium! received soring the jeer, In'.eifit, dividends and reatt received di:nr,g the year, . Income from other sonrees received dnring lb.- year, $1.1.083 53. Tori! Coaa. $43,083.53. w DISBURSEMENTS Net louet paid during the year includ ing edjustfant eapenaea, . Dividend paid en capital flock daring the year, . Commissions and aalariet paid during: th year, 81I.1P5. T7. Taxes, lieeasei and fee paid daring th yar, ; Amount ef all other xpaaditurea. 888,- Total erpenditnres. 843,998.11. A93KTS Tain of real estat owned (market varne. ag9.504.6S. Taloe ef stocks and bonds owned (mar ket rsiii), Leene oa mortgage aad collateral eta. Cart la lank ead ea sand. $1,081.48. Premium ht eonrae et eelleetioa writ ten since September 80, 1931, , Other aseU, $42,498.83. Total admitted assets, 8134.694.74. LIABILITIES Gross claim far leases en paid, . Amount ef ea earned presninme ea all outstanding risks. . Dee for eeamUaJo and Vrekerage. . All etaar liabilities. 8A1.0S4.TT, oslr?1 Utbi,,ti' capital, $81. Capital paid ti, . Sarphss ever all llaoiQUet. 843.659.8t. Sarplns as regards policyholder, $4$, 439.97. ToteL $184,894.74. Br s ik ess nr obegos fob thi txas e premiums reeetred nrlag the year, Leeees paid doriag the year, Leases incurred daring fse year. Kama ef Company, Corrallis Oeseral Hospital Assentation. Name et President. . Ia. Potter, name ef Secretary, Paal Briggs. Statutory resident attorney for eervies. A Satisfied SUM HPS : i . . . r irvrnnipr nnn LALflulJL nLLU At Gervais Public School; Other Children Ter minate Lessons GERVAIS. May Xf. Gradua tion exercises for the eighth grade ot the public school were held at the auditorium pridar nfaht. Rev. Orations gave the address; Dor- othy Ferguson was salutatorlan. snd Gail Cutsforth. valedictorian. Marie Phillips, the lower grades, Doris Turner and the Presbyter ian church choir furnished the musical numbers and J. H. Tum bleson, high school principal, made a short talk. Rose Cutsforth. chairman of th school board, presented diplomas to Dorothy Ferguson, Ethel Har ris. Marie Jfasen. Harriet Mc- Dougall, Can Cutsforth and Irving Koenig. J. F. Huston, nrlnetnal made a few farewell remarks. CENTRAL HOWKI.I. Maw 9 A large number of people en joyed the last day school plcnie rnoay. Both teachers will return. The honor rolls in the snnte room were: Health. Lucille Roth, Dennis Logan bill, John Zurcher, Emit Ped. Florence Hi nana uni. lis Ramaden, Emmaline and' Eva- une Noislger. Albert Scharer, Donald Kuensi. Evelyn Plunkett. Lucille Hall. Glen Beala. Attend. ance honor roll for month, Flor ence Hansen, Emmaline and Eva- iine isafxlger, Lucille Hall, Al bert Scharer. Dennla Lnnnhin Emil Ped, Roy Wilcox. Donald R.uenw, Leonard Roth. Marjorie Herr. Donald Nafsieer. Henrw rw. twyler: tooth brush trtrdi fnr clean teeth. Albert Scharer. Clar ence bimmons, Florence Hansen. John Zurcher. Donald Kuensi. Perfect attendance certificates for year: uiarence Simmons. Emil Ped and Florence Hansen of tht upper room aad Harel rmu Frances King of primary room! irizes ror book report went to Glenn Beals. Honor attendance roll fnr month: Primary room. Raymond "in, Jonn Kaufman, Elmer Gir- cux, tteien jarmen. Joyce Stef fen. Harold Roth. Margaret Whitehead, Louis Aubrey, Fred Scharer, Robert Roth. Carl Wil cox. Carol King, Alfred Dettwyler. Alvin Hansen, Hazel Beals, Rita Steffen, Ralph Nafjiger, Carolyn Kaufman, Frances King. PIONEER. May 29. The school children h4d their closing day picnic Friday at the club house. Loi Slater and Carl Thiess were graduated from the eighth grade. Clyde Robbins has been haul ing lumber the past two days. He plans to remodel his house this summer, making it larger. SUBLIMITY, May 29. The eighth grade graduation of the public school will be held Friday, June 1, at the Forester hall. Miss Christine Shulte. teacher, has been hired for another year. Grad uates were Vera Palmer. Frank Lahr, Samuel Tice and Laura Tate. VICTOR POINT. May 2$. School closed Friday with the an nual community picnic and basket luncheon. Receiving diplomas were Marvin Darby and Ernest Qualey. Mrs. Daphna Hunt of Val ley View was the teacher. DAYTON, May 29. Twenty seniors of the Dayton union high school will receive diplomas Fri day night, June 2. Exercises will be held in the Demaray hall. No lan Sweeney is valedictorian and Alice Wirfs. salutatorlan. The baccalaureate sermon was preached Sunday night at tho Methodist church by Rev. John Runyon, pastor of the Christian church. The class roll: Clair Palmer, president; Nolan Sweeney, vice president; Nellie Felton, secre tary; John Clow, Grace Carlson. Mabel Bejaul. Iran Dusan. Carl Fields. Mary Alice Dixon, Horace Edwards, Le Vonne New house, Floyd Lyman, Marceil Jeanne Reavia, ciair Reichsteln. Charles Kenneth Hadaway. Doris Eloise Kurta, Viola Shafer, Earl Web ster, Alice Wirfs, Frederic Holt. OlfSBTllS OF f HUE FIB SILVERTON. May 19 An attractive little booklet called "The Owl's Nest- has been is sued by the Silverton chapter of the Future Farmers of America. It Is s resume of the year's work. It gives the chapter offi cer!: President. Herbert Jones? rice president, Tom Miller; sec- Customer FOR STH GRADE mmmmmmmm 1 a Radio 1 Program TUESDAY. Kay SO roi ronTLAJir 940 Kc 8:80 KOIM Ktack. . Marie. Uttl Preach Princess, CBS. 10:18 HeaUs ef the sic 18:15 He City trio. :S Eeil Martha. DLBS. $ :00 Femiaia Fancies, DLBS 8:80 Ed via C. Hill T:1S Thread et Happiness, CB3. 6:00 Bells of Harmony. KOAO COaVAIXIS 650 Xe. T Sferalag medrtaHeB. lee by Dr. Freak: B. aLat thews. 8:00 Sferaias; ceacerV. :0O Home eceaearir observer. 18:00 Farm hewr. 8:00 British lairs travclegae. :$0 Farm hear. T:1S Dr. Tieter P. Morris, "The World ia Review." t:80 A school for clerk of school fceerd. 8:00 Oreroa State college maaieaM, Naditt Mtllholiea. eepraae. 6: IS The Orecsa Bute enllege aum mer seaaieas, Deaa M. KUweod Smith. retary. Palmer Tor-vend: er, Clyde Parsoas; reporter. San ford Davis: editor. Tom vnir- advisor. Warren E. Crabtree. It tells that this vr thA it Smlth-iughea students have pro jects consisting of $8 acres of crops, 129 head of livestock and 1145 head of rtoultrr HrhAr Jones has the largest project, eight acres of barley, alx acres of oats. 19 acres of wheat and four purebred sows and litters. The chapter mom hprs nirr are Fred Sohmidt. Berne Oas, Laurel Hanson. Palmer Torvend and Harry Way. The "Owl'a Nest" via nrintd by the local chaDter an th. ri- Midget press which is In thn rr of Mr. Crabtree. Tom Miller and tieroert Jones did most of the work. It was also financed by the boys assisted bv Mr. Cm n- tree so that it would be of no expense whatever to the school. IS SELECTED GRANGE DELEGATES SILVERTON. May 29 That Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Hobart will attend the state grange con vention at Pendleton on June 12- 17 as delegates from the Sil rerton arrange waa announced at the May meetinr held Fridav nlrht. Mr and Mrs. L. O. Hadley will go irom tne Silverton Hills grange. Mrs. Emil Loe was chairman nf the program furnished Friday night which included mnsir? hw George Isrealson. readings by Harlan Loe. Jean Lathers and Kbeta Drake: fones bv the four Norsemen; piano solo, Violet Her rigstad; demonstrations by the -H team. Rheta Drake and Elsie Satterlee from he Thomas school and with Mrs. Emma Wolfard as leader. A feature of the evening was the motion picture "Accident prevention. Farmer's automobile enter-insurance exchange." shown by Arch Geer. The next meeting of the local grange will be held June 23 when the lecturer. Mrs. Karl Haberly. will secure a speaker on the sales' tax subject. Announcement was also made of the agricultural and home ec onomic club meetings of the srange to be held on June 7 at Union Hill. The Safety Valve - - Letters from Statesman Readers OUR BLUE AND GRAY All Springtime's wakening flowers sweet Have donned their best array. To show our noble veterans We deep revere the day High set apart in every heart To honor Blue and Gray. Red, White and Blue by breeses swayed Above the sacred sod. Where heroes He who gave their lives For country and for God. Our hearts we bring our heads we bow In reverence to the day High set apart in every heart To honor Blue and Gray. The cause for which they fought and bled Our living Veterans and the dead Gave ns a holy UNION, wed. God bless the Blue aad Gray. EDNA GARFIELD BR BACCALAUREATE SERIES HELD For Woodburn Seniors; Oth er Schools Concluding Year's Program WOODBURN", May Bac calaureate services for Woodburn high school's graduating class of SI students were held In the Woodburn auditorium Sunday night. Rev. Glenn S. Hartung of the Woodbura Methodist church de livered the sermon. 'The Prise of i Life." The processional Mendel ssohn's "War March ot the Priests." was played by Miss Nel ma Saylor and vocal numbers by the high school quartet, solos by Miss Helen Woodtla. Miss Daisy Shrock. duet by the Misses Daisy ana iiasei bhrock were given. In vocation was by Rev. John T. Myers, prayer by Rev. J. C. Tay lor, benidictlon by Rev. B. Seeiy and the recessional, vas played by Miss Joyce Wood fin. Com mencement exercises will be held June 2. Nei. Neleaa Pasee WOODBURN. May 29 Nelo W. Nelson. 73. died at the Oregon City hospital Sunday morning. He was born in Malnio. Sweden. April 28. 1860. He came to America in 1881 and to Oregon in 1903. He has resided at Beaver Creek since last October. Survivors are his widow. Emma Nelson; daughters, Mrs. Sigre Wampole of Woodburn and Mrs. Effie Rasmussen. and two sons, Oscar and Emil Nelnon; also six grandchildren. Funeral services will be held from the Hall funeral chapel. Tuesday afternoon at 2 p. m. Bur ial at Belli Passi cemetery. WOODBURN. May 2 9. Fu neral services for Mrs. Janet Clark were held Saturday after noon at 2 p. m from the Hall funeral parlor. Rev. Boudinot Seely of the Presbyterian church, officiated. Pall bearers were sons and grandsons of Mrs. Clark and interment was in Belle Passi. Jan et Stephens was born lu Scotland November 8. 1850. and moved to Canada in 1873, where she was married to David Clark. They moved to North Dakota In ise and to Oregon in 1910. She is survived by the following child Yen: William and George Clark, S' Rno(la Lounsbury and Mrs. EfUa Christenaoa. all of Wood burn Irving of Clackamas, Mrs. MarySTeegarden ot Shelby. Mont. DavicV A. Clark ot Bottinean. n! D., Mrs. Nellie Cranston of Minot, S. D. and a brother James Steph ens of Dunkirk Mont. Store Rein Moved WOODBURN. May 29. Otto Sawalish. proprietor of the Brry Center dry goods store, is mov ing his stock to the building own ed by Herman Koschmeder, next to the Ogle building. The store will be closer to the center of the business district. WOODBURN. May 29. The junior-senior reception was held at the high school Friday niht, beginning with a program held in school auditorium, (o which the parents of the students wer in vited. A melodramatic burlesque, special feature, was given by Billy Baldwin. Dorothy pectel, Eljzabeth Hunt, Hollia Ottoway. Leslie Erb. Maude Martin, Garth Harlan and Jean Richmond COMEDV WEDNESDAY FALLS CITY. May 29. A four - act comedy, "Oh! Susan"' is to be given by the senior class May 31. in Victory hall. Those participating are Thelma Robin son. Hugh Hintage. Delilah Ames. LInny Murphy. Guylo Lew is. Norman Helgeson Eda Mott. Marjorie Bainter, Donald Clark Wilber Howell. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice ia hereby given that the undersigned has filed In the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for th County of Marlon their duly verified Final Account! as ixecntors of the estate ef Eli sabeth G. Loughridge, deceased, and that said Co art has fixed Tuesday, the Cth day or June. 1933. at tht honr of ten o'clock A. M. of said day. as the time, and the County Court Room in the County Conrt House et Sa lem. In Marion County, Oregon. aa the place for hearing said final account and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 28th day of April. IMS. E. A. MILLER. D, D. SO COLOFSKY. Executor, ef the Es tate ot I21lxabeth O. Loughridge. Deceased. RONALD' C. GLOVER. Attor ney for Executors. Saless. Ore gon. M. 2-9-16-23-31. By CLIFF STERRETT