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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1933)
? PAGE EIGHT The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning. May 26, 1933 high 'Pref erred Customer' Davis Should Resign as U. S. - . Envoy; Solon Avers '.' - . j 1 1. ' (Continued from pat 1) olpated in marketing $,024,444. 200 of securities since January 1, 1919, without "high pressure calesmanshlpr' and favored legis lation to require full publicity on profits from marketing stocks and bonds. I . Testimony! by George Whitney Morgan partner that be made 1889,000 on a single trans action In the stock of Jobns-Man- ville corporation but denial that ue proiuea irom insiae Knowledge as a director of the company. , Submission of letters from John J. Raskob and others thanking the Morgan i House for offering them stock at below market lev- els, and the expression of hope by the former chairman of the dem ocratie national committee that be might some day reciprocate. TAX HOLES STARTS (Continue from pag II isrrying forward their capital losses to avoid income taxes." Representative Doughton (D- .iC chairman of the ways and means committee, said he was strongly in favor of the amend ment." He designated a sub romniittee composed of Ragon D-Ark), Vinson (D-Ky), and Vreadway (R Mass.) to draft the rmendment. "Avoidance of tax payments as scloaed by the senate banking -nimlttee's investigations of Mr. "'organ," - Doughton said, "dis closes the necessity for a revision " our international revenue ' .73. I shall propose a sweeping investigation into them with a Vew to thoroughly overhauling t em at the January session of ongress." j T noosEiET policy WASHINGTON, May 25. (AP) Behind closed doors snd in secret caucus, house democrats tonight assailed the administra tion of the national economy act as it affects! veterans and author ised the steering committee to name A group to wait on Presi dent Roosevelt to demand a re laxing of the regulations. Responding to an appeal by Speaker Rainey that no resolu tions be adopted criticising the ad ministration for Its treatment of the veterans, the caucus allowed Jtepresentatve Rankin (D., Miss.), to withdraw his proposal to reate a committee of seven to MOVE TO PLUG UP H PROTtS Gross - Word Puzzle -Bjr EUGENE SHEFFER 1 ia t " w r r m r r I" 75 r Th 7 ZZ? 77. Vff. 777y IT 22 Z2324 25 76 Wrnvk -M -l. y2z Zi 34 Z?Z 37 38 sWWs 222222 jPH ' H2 H3 H5 46 Hi HQ SO 31 4 l iki I 1 Wt' 1 I HORIZONTAL 1 aromatic plant i (personal interest or advantage -spider 12 large lake 13 labor lt--lyrie poem 15 secretary f a college faculty 16 an exact opposite. 18 patcher or Uilorl 20 Greek letter . ' 21 renus of flowerhif herbs i 23 strikes - ; sharply 27 sooner 30 earth ; 31 curious scraps of. . literature 32 extract: . 34 insect egr," 35 stream of ' . ' water j. 17 bodice of a , . ' lady's f : --.dress --4 -;- 39 murdered 40 provision 41 epoch 43 serpent slain near Delphi by Apollo 47 intelligent 51 legend 82 vegetable 53 member of the British nobility 54 pen-name of Charles Lamb 65 lofty mountain Herewith is the solution to yes terday's Puzzle. rWAR'LWTlO Ofrtan, in, Ksw "HAIL QUEEN SHENANDOAH X!" f in ii nil i n tt i f "r---"1"! f - , f - ' V ''. y, ' i a. uy No, this is not a military weddinz, although it has all the earmarks. The Cashing swords of the historic Richmond Blues form an arch of honor for Her Majesty Queen Shenandoah X as she Is escorted to the throne by Secretary of War George Dern. The Queen of the celebrated apple blossom festival at Winchester, Va in private life is Mile. Francoise May, daughter of the Belgian Ambassador to the United states. ISlIJi IS HELD in FISHERMEN ASTORIA. Ore., May 25 (AP) The, arrest on the Altona fish ing drifts of David Moberg and Arnold Peterson, Astoria high school boys, last night, aroused considerable interest and com ment here today as the Columbia river fishermen's strike contin ued. At strike headquarters It was said the two youths were fishing under permit of the strike com mittee for food fish. The arrests were made by the sheriff of Wak klakum county. Wash., and the boys were taken to the county Jail at Cathlamet. The sheriff was quoted as say ing no formal charge had been filed against the boys, but that they had been placed under arres for failure to have a state license and for "malicious mischief." He said this mischief consisted . of laying out their net Immediately in front of a net operated by one of the strike-breaking Altona fishermen and across the top of the net of another Altoona fish erman. protest to the chief executive. Instead, Representative Cross er of Ohio, chairman of the steer ing committee, was authorised to select a committee to see Mr. Roo sevelt tomorrow. The caucus was forced upon the democratic leaders by a petition of . 25 members, headed by Repre sentative Goldsborough of Mary land. 66 Greek god of love . 67 under ground portion of a plant VERTICAL 1 layers or " strata . 2 range 3 falsifier 4 intellectual 6 originated 6 incalculable period of time 7 metric measure 8 flutter 9 utter the note of a dove 10 queer 11 four winged - insect 17 remove 19 willow usee for basket work . 23 emit by ' eructation 24 wild buff ale of India 23 pedant 26 surfeit 27 auditory organs 28 indigo plant 29 rant 30 dressmak-ing- fabric 33 makers of , barrels 38 females of the sheep 38 hunting: dog 40 sword .-' 42 mature 44 luminous circle . - around the . : sun or moon 45 medley , 46 tidy , . 47 spring 48 enake-like . . fish 49 short, sleep 60 common name of lions . fiam Sradtata, 1 mm t' A- 4. Fireworks Blast Rocks Calcutta CALCUTTA, May 26 (AP) A terrific explosion of sufficient intensity to awaken the whole city and suburbs, occurred early today. A fireworks factory at Shippore, across the Hoogly river, was believed the scene of the blast. Details were not available in Calcutta several hours after the explosion. HEXKLE IS HONORED PORTLAND, Ore., May 25 (AP) H. W. Conger of Medford was elected president of the Ore gon State Funeral Directors' as sociation at the annual convention here today. C. W. Henkle of Dal las was elected treasurer. MICKEY MOUSE TO send -rue CAPTURED MAIU PILOTS TO TMEIR DEATH, ! PETE STVMNiDS BY Tt-tEa. ! UBVER WHIUE SHYSTER COOMTS TO THREE THIMBLE THEATRE Starring Popeye VOUR fEST) HUV? 1 Lft TROUBLE, SHOtTl BUT WW, DONT OKftf -RfVXSE VEfX (J I f TTA lVTftr VA SHfc'S SO lv MAKE. THE POOR ) KHJ ArtEA . VEDr ILt 3- TEW B0t46.OlJU- 15 KAVJ DIVOJCe FROM f nHjrf&n ! l V VPwV4 I ; CZ- toIctJ J" LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY AAV STARS. I THOUGHT YOtrD NEVER ARtJPVE , AMD WITHOUT TH05E. PHOTO BE CAMPING WERE. UNTIL AFTER DOOMSDAY.' TOOTS AND CASPER IT WAS EXACTLY C4E WEEK A40 YESTERDAY iTHAT COLONEL HOOFER LEFT FOR MEXICO : CITY TO UVB PERMANENTLY AND KT5 BACK AUSSADY, TOOTS! I HAVE TO LAUH EVERY TIME jl THINK OF TMB Bl4 FAREWELL BANQUET WE I 4AVE HIM AT THE CLUB AND THE EXPENSIVE- WATCH WE PRESENTED mi. KtT tttt JKt irixx, V- ftfiK IjKiixXX, ig . MtM bttfl.M fllt t1emf E EM . (Continued from pax 1) would see to it that the amount did not run over that figure. The witness stated Black bad said that he could raise $1400. The issue regarding the amount of the shortage was decided at a meeting with the county court when two small items were strick en out and the balance decided on by the auditor accepted by the court and by Black. Rowell said Black told him he had lost the money due to poor prune crops and sickness in the family. Frank Farmer, county commis sioner, told of the conference be tween Black, the auditor and. the county court March 28 when Black stated that the amount shown in the auditor's report s the shortage was about right. Black said he had 1440.74 left in- the' special account, and a check- for this amount was drawn payable to the county. Farmer said Black admitted us ing the county money to pay his own bills and that the defendant's figures on ' the ' shortage were 11618.27 after the balance in the bank had been paid to the coun ty. The witness quoted Black as saying he believed he could raise the balance of the shortage in case he got the Job as postmaster here and that he requested and was granted a few days to try to raise the balance of the shortage. When Black was asked why he had not paid the, shortage he al legedly answered that be "didn't pay because he didn't want to start another Investigation of his office." At the meeting on April 11, two small Items we're stricken out but the items regarding Interest on the money were retained. The witness said the amount of the shortage decided on at this meet ing had been agreeable to Black. During cross-examination, the defense introduced a resolution signed by the county court stat ing that Black and the surety company which carried his bond, would be released .from 'further liability after payment' of the shortage. The state objected, say ing that the state was not a party to this contract and could not be bound by it. The objection was overruled but the court agreed to instruct the jury regarding the contract. C. C. Gardner, county commis sioner, corroborated Farmer's tes timony. Other witnesses called by the state during the day were: E. S. Stultz, clerk of the grand Jury SUPPLIES. ID. THE DAY HELLO, IIT AIM T MED s v lj ArL-a-f machine 1 here's what rTN'vS.i cp fiSi TZTZv 4 TL R' J cosh! 1 rl Zy 1TC'T r-rrr X M ( W,L-- come j V fe 1 jl -- I'D LIKE FOR COLONEL HOOFER TO PUT N AN APPEARANCE AT THE CLUB! I TOLD THE BOYS THAT HE'S BACK, BUT THEYTHtNK HIM WITH: fMKTODIfUt THEM J l"f . Uttu 1 V KIDNAP HEROINE S ... ' . ... ; ' li ? l-S l.V (I nix I x : i . ... i.;. i r z 1 J Back at the Harwich Center school, from which she was kidnaped and held for ransom, 10-year-old Peggy. McMath right) is shown as she regaled her schoolmates with a first-hand account of her adventure. Meanwhile, Kenneth and Cyril Buck, Harwich brothers, are held in 1100,000 bail awaiting trial in connection with the abduction. They will come up for trial at Province town. Mass which indicted Black; Will Howe, member of the grand jury; J. R. Craven; Claire M. Miller and F. J. Craven. The state is expected to con clude its case tomorrow and the defense will begin presenting its case immediately. No estimate on the length of the defense case can be obtained but it is hardly poss ible that the case will go to the Jury before next week. Tornado Visits Missouri With Two Fatalities WEST PLAINS, Mo., May 25 (AP) A small tornado swept through rural bill country two miles northeast of Pomona, Mo., tonight and three persons were taken to the Fox hospital at Po mona, two in a critical condition. The injured are Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Matthews and their adopt ed son, whose home was destroy ed. Both Matthews and his wife were in a critical condition. He moved to a farm here recently from Topeka. Kans.. where he was employed in magazine work The Ace Now Showing The Somnabulist THAW K MOO, VTMAkiK VDU, T1 ChEX WELUNG TON - WAX I Jjtg, KlO, AWKCE-WELLIWGTOM HA5UTA LAZY Sf MRS. REEAL, I tTERRV-BPUOG V I 4Jf VOORE AS DPOW5Y MAYBE, BONE. IM HiS BOO HES A GOOQ, WOWEST X AMD GOOD f YOUR2 BEST A AS RIP NAM WW4KUE.! y HE'S SKXf j SEKJSlBLE.WMO-WEARTED CREATURE. LUCK! ILL I GIRL AMD 7 . l -y&t A- BUT 1 DOKFT SE.EM TO BE, ABLE TD BE.SEEIMG J IFSWEl'S T UJwV V7 ' EREAK WIM OF" THE HABIT OF - . S J YOU AT THE J PRETTY ILL if W M C 7 J pT 1 III WS SLEEP COUMTY M TAKE HER H e JA :i?J JZi -S FAVR. r-7 I PICTURE V. ?JV. f& Z Y Worth SOPHIE! X f OONT ASK HIM "VI V TO VtSTTTHE CLUB U ) OUST YET, CASPER', fl HE FEELS TOO (1 COASSUSSZD TO J I FACE THE BOYS- I -O . . ' i f ( . i Major Byers is Called; Author Of March Song LOS ANGELES, May 25 (AP) -The active and colorful career of Major Samuel H. M. Byers, poet, statesman, civil war veter an and author of the stirring war song. "Sherman's .March to tbe Sea," has come to an end. He died of pneumonia at the age of 94 late yesterday at the home of rela tives. Major Byers, a native of Pul askl, Pa., was the last surviving member of General Sherman's staff. That famous general select ed him to carry dispatches to Gen eral Grant, then at Richmond, f from Cape Fear river, and he also carried messages from Sherman to President Lincoln. TRUCK KILLS DOLSOX PORTLAND. Ore., May 25 (AP) Marke D. Dolson, 61, of Portland, died In a hospital here today from injuries suffered when he was struck by an automobile driven by Arthur W. Bolster, 18, of Portland. of Spades "A Hitched Hiker" the Price V I JUST HAVENT THE IN SPOTLIGHT THB ?ANiv SEE. THAT rM BACK ALREADY. CASPER1 WHEN I LEFT HERE I THOUGHT ' I WAS 60Sl AWAY FO KCCPS IF I HAD KNOWN ID BE BACK A WEEK I CERTAINLY WOULDN'T HAVE. LET THE MEMBERS 60 TO THE EXPENSE OF MS THAT FAREWELL. BANQUET WATCH! Mw.'V. J f - ' POnS IS ELECTED E (Continued frees page 1) final sessions were as follows: ' Recommend to national gov ernment the appointment of L. H. McBee as farmer member ef the state committee to administer farm' relief. Recommend the support of truck transportation by not hav ing It throttled by legislation. - Recommend the reduction of freight rates to former levels. Recommend the banding of all cooperative oil stations in the Pacific northwest ander one head. Recommend compulsory auto insurance at a liberal rate. Recommend that the conven tion affirm its opposition to the passage of the proposed sales tax. A vote was taken on this resolution with a big majority of those present voting in favor of the resolution. Recommend the convention endorse the movement to com pel the blending of 10 per cent alcohol with gasoline. The total registration for the convention was 275 with most of the delegates attending for tbe full three days. Ray Gill, master of the state grange, and Ben T. Osborne, executive secretary of the state federation of labor, were guests at the closing ses sions. J. T f. n:s BOSTON, May 25 (AP) James Roosevelt.'son of the pres ident, said tonight that J. P. Mor gan, "his partners and probably many others like him in a leser way, have in no way violated the letter of the law and have acted strictly within their legal rights." Commenting, In a prepared ad dress, on the senate banking In vestigation and Mr. Morgan's tes timony that he bad paid no In come tax in 19S1 and 1932. Roosevelt said: "the legal fault lies not with Mr. Morgan, but with the law and those who drew tbe law and allowed such a thing to be." He said Mr. Morgan, his friends and many others, "have taken ad vantage of what the law allowed, and you and I will agree they probably would have been unhu man If they had not done so." By NERVE TO LET 5 MM RS I I P1ERP0N SON 9i FACT, I FEEL LIKE PACKING MY BActS AND CfOthK? SO FAR AWAY THAT NOBODY WILL EVER SEE MS A4A1N ' OUST TO MAKE 4000 FOR THAT BANQUET AND THE WATCH AND THAT W - t Police Radio Galls 1022. First Month Calls handled over KGZR, new ly installed Salem police radio station, totalled 1022 the first month according to figures com piled yesterday. Of these calls. 258 were regarding specific po lice eases, 650 conveyed needed information to the officers and 114 were for. test purposes. With one car alone, 99 calls for sped- flee eases were received duricg the month. The average time between the time the call was sent out and the time the police officer report ed the call or completed the or ders, ranged from 15 minutes for car two to 8.47 minutes for car four. The average varies because in some instances a police patrol man consumed a considerable period of time fulfilling the or der before he could report In. In some Instances a petroling officer was able to report a call back within a minute from the time it was sent out by making speedy connections with a nearby tele phone. The average time on a case was 10.5 minutes. The report shows that the hours between 9 and 10 p. m. are the busiest. 63 cases being han dled fn that period the first month. "Indispensable," was the way Chief of Police MInto character ized the new radio service yester day. He said it had greatly facil itated law enforcement by speed ing It np measurably and tad demonstrated in the first month's operation that its use would grow. Thief in Court; Grabs Overcoat PORTLAND. May 25 (AD A thief went to court here today but tbe judge and the attorney didn't know it until it wa too late. The "visitor" to Circuit Judge Tucker's courtroom made off with an overcoat belonging to E. C. Bronaugh, Sr.. attorney who was arguing a motion before the Judge. SHARKS GET FOUR B R I D G ETOWN. Barbardos. May 25 (AP) Four persons died and five were rescued tthen the pleasure yacht Florrnce Fence captized yesterday in shark-Infested waters off Pell can island. By WALT DISNEY By SEGAR DARRELL McCLURE 1 By JIMMY MURPHY "ST DOfTT YOU W688X C6LCSSZL! NONE OF THE BOYS ARE 60NNA' ASK FOR THEIR" MONEY BACK WE 40TRJOOP YOU FOR ONE WEEK . . ANYWAYAND THAT WAS r 5 i i ;,v . rt; 'j.