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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1933)
I I' r ft V The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning:, May 26, 1933 PAGE FIV5 (OS r P "5at ' fciifcj..iihii .. -n- itiffvrifii.ri.r-iirT r- - - ,r L .w-'Wt','i,iiii,ii.,iiMln,i.i,i,i,i,i,,.li,ii,,,,i,l iiin.r Tak .'i t em MODE SCHOOLS END HS FOB YEAR Let s . WW U 71 !) moimavi 6 r f r , t ft .178 SOUTH COMMERCIAL STREET with any price setting organizations. We set our own price on ALL merchandise and you will find it the LOWEST at all times. BuniieP None Sold to Dealers Pound 22C All BccS lombuicof pound g(3 Choice V ! f Beef Roasts Lb;) ----- Pore Pork Sausage Lb. E(0)( Choice Tender Steals Lb. E2 Lean Shoulder ' Pork Roasts Lb. Tender Beef to Boil Lb. (cp Lean Loin Pork Chops Lb. Lean - A Leg of Pork y Lb. jiy2C Best Grade Oleo 3 Lbs. Vegetable Shortening 3 lbs. Free Delivery Open Until 9 p.m. Sat. Nite Dial 8686 r l! 3Fi?cb IT 1TIHIE to ooc . rfc boy with the car cooled tonsils He'll show you bow baseball shouldn't he played . How love shouldn't be made. Coming Sunday and Monday, May 28 and 29 ... . . . 1 X. OA (All Subscriptions nut oe m neiore o o uiwt .'ioui Ond 3-Month Subscription to The Statesman Will Entitle You to Two Tickets SUBSCRIPTION BLANK AND TICKET COUPON 1 ; I Pitas enter my subscription to The Oregon Statesman, for three months tbe"" ua- I -1 :..?!! Iz7 A iiT i to war vour carrier the regular rate of 41 cents per 11,1, s, UI U0a w aw aa saj w j wv w - month. I hare not been a subscriber for the past thirty days. I Signed ....... I address .. f .t Phone . 3. -Secured by. I I I i I Mall or britK UW ofder to' The SUtesmanAs soon I two ..amission-tickets to tha Elslnftre theatre. ADinssiow tiuu&is uuuj bu TO jrSS ' ScEPT SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS. Note: Mafl iubriptlpM I mUSl D paid IU uiik.; ...... , . - - - . a " . . - MAIL RATi MONTHS 1M. Bt CARRIER CENTS "kSJZl Ik - it - subscriber . ts. one lo irnom.iBe ounenuiaji - --. I Central Howell Holds Formal Exercise; Lake Labish ers Finish CENTRAL HOWELL. May 11 -The eighth grade gradnation eiercisfte at th schoolhouse Taes day night -were the most formal and complete of any class ever graduated here. Seated on the platform were the 13 graduates. Mrs. Grace Sehon, teacher; Mrs. Fulkerson, county superintend ent; Ernest Werner, chairman of ! directors; Clarence Simmons, W. A. Roth and Dan Steffen, clerk. On the program: Graduates' march with Miss Schreiber at the piano; invocation by Rev. J. . M. Frans; song by class; salutatory, Florence Hanson; class roll, John Zurcher; class history, Donald Kuenzi; vocal duet, Emmallne and Evallne Nafziger; class poem, Ids, Scbarer; class prophecy, yer non Beals; class will, Hollis Ramsden; People, Emil Ped; vo cal duet. Dennis Loganbill and Albert Scharer; Heritage, Roy j Wilcox, valedictory, Lucille Roth; song, class. Mrs. Sehon present ed the class to Mr. Werner, ana he, in turn, presented them to Mrs. Fulkerson who gave them their diplomas brought to her by little Shirley Kaufman. The , seventh grade was In charge. LAKE LABISH. May 25 Lake Labish school district 102, closed i Tuesday with a Joyful picnic held upon the school grounds. Lila Perkins and Kenneth Takavama completed the eighth grade, and will attend high scnooi in saiem. Miss Rose Marie Compau. teacher, exDects to spend a part of her va cation in California. A-; " " - " A - ' f' " ;-" V u -. r4 f: -ill - V ' K 11 JAMt... X... w.. nn,.,.,,,! , ,,,, ' LJLJ ESEMliSfc LINCOLN, May 25 The Lin coln school closed Friday with an all day meeting to which the community was invited. An im promptu program was given: Readings by Naomi Merrick. Mer rllyn and Edrudell Boyd, Marion Walling; community sing with Mrs. Harold Isherwood at piano; stories by Norman Merrick end Garlon Walla.ce; poems, Alvin Madsen, Mrs. George Boyd, Mrs. Alvin Madsen, Edr-dell Boyd and Marion Walling; two songs by tne school with the teacher, Mrs. Ir ene Castle, at piano. Carnival Fun Slated Today For Liberty LIBERTY, May 25 The school will hold its spring carnival Fri day night of this week, with. A. V. Meyers, principal, directing. Vic tor Gibson is general manager and Jack Daseh, business manager. Proceeds from the variety of booths and concessions will go for the school's mimeograph debt and athletic fund. The program will include: pri mary room, "Topsy Turvey Song" by Almira Anderson, Annabelle Vickers, Teddy Gordon, Ernest Smith, John Strohmaler, Patsy Brown, Clarke Houser and Ralph Weiderkehr. Sixth and seventh grades, minstrel show, by Victor Gibson, Grace Salladay, Marjorie Dencer. Raymond Criteser, Ruby Jones, Merlyn Gunnell, Charles Cunningham, George Smith, Rog er Lewis, Edward Strohmaler, Dallas Spencer, James Rowland, Echo Sargent and Andrew Coleman. Old time darky songs will be given by Victor Gibson, Tillman Houser, Charles Cunningham, Sam Eshleman, Wayne Gordon, Joe Williams, Junette Anderson, Opal Norris, Echo Sargent, Patsy Dasch, Pauline Decatur, RuDy Jones, Jacqueline Judd, Wllma Sargent, Margaret Copley, Laura Anderson, Mary Copley, Mary Sar gent, Helen Strohmaler, Mildred Leek, Rowena Westenhouse and Peggy Browning. There is no admission, tickets so far sold to be redeemable at the amusement booths. Class Program is Slated Tonight at Jefferson School JEFFERSON. May 25 The high school Junior-senior banquet was held at the Christian church Wednesday at 7 p. m., with 35 attending, including besides- the Juniors and seniors, the . faculty and Mrs. Lyman W. Patton. A three course dinner was served by the sophomore girls dressed in Dutch costumes. Miss Lucille Pratt was the toastmistrees. The baccalaureate services were held at the Christian church Sun day night. Ard Hoven gave the address. Friday, May 26, is class night, which will be -featured at the school house. There will be the usual program, and the presenta tion of athletic awards. After the program there will be a btrefit pie social. - Corn Plantings May Be Damaged by Rain LARWOOD. May 2fi Glee Gainer, Burl Shanks and Bill Asp are cutting- logs off Rogers moun tain preparatory to trucking them to Lebanon. Considerable damage was done to early gardens by the recent hail storm. Farmers also fear that the prolonged cold rains have rotted the seed corn which many had planted. - , Fred Meyer Shops Feature Outing Needs at Deep-Cut Prices! Be Prepared for. That Trip! JUST 4 more days 'till Decoration Day and we're off prepared with everything needed for a rousing good to the beach, to the mountains, and to almost every time from corned beef to tennis balls they're all place but Buffalo ! Let's make it a real holiday and be here at a saving! - " pcqcnBaUs SOAcsortcS is EastomHhn REPORT NEW ARRIVAL . BRUSH CREEK. Mar 25 Rel atives here have received word rf 1 the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Larsen at Galata. Montana April 32. Both Mr. and Mrs. Larson lived here during their youtlu She was Miss Louise Hatteberg, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ole Hatteberg. - II - inch multl -beach ball with all gum bladder, by U. S. Rubber Co. For the colored strong Made 29c Hair 10c Faultless Water-Tight bathing cap with chin- strap, Ass't colors. Other neat models 29c 59c 72 of Pond'a chiefs, cream. Softer! 75c Hainnore 53c SSe Uq. A iron 23c f 1 Herpk-ide 59e OOc Van Esa Blue label 29c 75c Vaseline Tonic 50c f 1 VI talis 69c 85c Plnanda Quinine 49c Remedies 1 pt. Milk Mag. 14c 1 pt. Peroxide 19c 1 lb. Boric Acid 23c 25c Citrate Magnesia 19c OOc Syrup Figs 86c 85c Jad SalU 42c SOc Jaynee Vermifuge 89c Full-Size, Good Tennis Rackets 62c Red Arrow Golf Balls 9c; 3 for 23c 10c Package Paper Plates 5c Reg. 25c Whisk Brooms 10c 85c Boy Scout First Aid Kits 59c New Gem Razor and 5 Gem Blades 19c Regular Size Kotex or Modess 14c 35c Pond's Handy Beauty Boxes 19c Sponge Rubber Sport Cushions 59c Keapslt vacuum bottle. Keeps hot liquids 24 bra.; cold liquids 72 hra. Quart sise 9Se; pt. Highest quality goods, freeh front the makers. Xo Deliveries, No Mall Orders, No C.OJVa, No Reservatloi liut wnat Serfage! Rubber Horse Shoe Set Complete With Pegs for 69e 35c Hamilton Gold-Edge Playing Cards for only 19e 75c Attractive AIL Rubber Bathing Shoes only 49c 50 Ft. AU-Rubber Garden Hose, 1 Yr. Guar. $1.98 15 Inch Wicker Fish Baskets (Without Strips) 69e Universal Guaranteed 6-Pound Electric Iron $2.89 Cliquot Club Sec Ginger Ale, 2 bottles for 25c Universal Guaranteed Electric Toasters at $2.89 50c Probak Blades 25c; 35c Bathing Belts 19c Canada Dry Ginger Ale, 2 for 23c Solo Shoe Repair Kits only 20c the new larger tissues. For 'ker removlng cold ete. 5c 19c Set of Falmolive or Colgate 85c Shate Cream, 25c Talc, and 10c Stpjtic Pencil, all for Talcums 39c 25c Williams Lilac 9c 25c Mennens 12c 25c Palmollve 9c 25c Mavis for Men 9c 25c Sqnibbe 19c 25c Colgates for Mea 12c 25c J & J Baby Tale 15c Toothpaste 50c Bost 25c SOc Detoxal 37c 25c Qniadent 17c 80c Kolynos 19c 25c Listerioe 19c 40c Dr. West 19c SOc Strasskas 25e Antiseptics 10c Virks 5c SOc 8 T 87 Sol. 86c 60c Zonlte SOc 1 pt. Alder 23o 1 pt. SchWfelin 28c SI Lavoris 59c f 1 Llsterine 69e For Reducing SI Bonkora 89c SI Korjena 69c 92 Redacoids 1.11 SI Marmola 53c SI Van Nay 89c 75c Laceys Gam 59c 50o Zamerang 29c Shaving Creams 35c Burma Share 23c 25c Fitch 15c SOc Frost ilia 19c SOc Giant Bay Itnnt 15c 35cKranks Lather Cr 2 for 33c 25c Melbainle 9c 50c Shavo SOc Soaps and Cleaners 10c Lax Soap 3 for 16c 10c Life Buoy 2 for lie 10c Palmollve 2 for 11c 25c Woodbury's Facial 13c 1 pt. Oronlte Cleaner 25c 1 pt. Shell Dry Cleaner 25c 35c Energine 21c Shampoos 50c Pal motive 33e 75c Fitch 39c eOc Hoppers 39c OOc Hair Again 49c OOc Mar-O-OH 89c 50c Woodbury's 24c 1 lb. Shampoo Chips 19c Eastman non-curling ko dak film. No. 11C only. Jlc roll: No. 120 and 127 film, roll Remedies, Bulk 1 gal. Olive Oil $1.19 1 pt. Witchcl Haael 19e 1 gal. RaMtaa Oil $1.49 1 pt. Cod Liver Oil 29c 5 lbs. B.C. Blonde Pslliam $1 5 lbs. B.C. Black Psyllinra 1.50 10 lbs. Bathing Epom 85c Lotions Si Ambrosia Pore S3c 75c Vivatone 53c $1 Hopper's Super Bland 59c SOc Elmo Astringent 39e 50c Pond's Freshner 33e SOc Jergea's 25c 60c Italian Balm SOc O. Adhesive Tape only 19c Bayer Aspirin Tablets 8e 15c Value Como Pocket Combs at 5c Guaranteed Men's Pocket Knives 23c Attractive Pocket Billfolds 69c Handy Leather Keytainers only 19c 50c Open-Back Hair Brushes 23c Electric Alarm Clocks only $1.39 Child's Prophylactic Tooth Brush, Paste and Holder, all for 19c 1 x 5 Z. 26c Tin 2 tubes 25c Colgate Ribbon Dental Cream SOc Colgate Tooth Brash in neat package, all for : and 49c Deodorants 50c Non-spl 33c 60c Odorono SOc SOc Dew 29c 50c Heck SSc fiOc Mam SOc SOc Ererswert Stick 89c 25c F re tick 19c Prices for Friday Saturday Monday Cleansing Creams 50c Melba 83c OOc Elcaya 89c 85c Ponds 23c 50c Sqoibba 39c SOc Milkweed 29c $1 Ambrosia Skin 49e 60c Dona Rosa 49c Depilatories 50c Zip 29c 60c Xeet SOc 50c Evans 29c 75c 4711 49c SI Zip Sets 49c SOc Odorono 29c $1 De Miracle 69c Face Powder $1 Pivers 79c $1.10 Coty 98c 60c Djer Kiss 39c $1 Dona Rosa 69c $1 Elmo 69c $1 MeUoglo 59c 50c Ponds SSc ilo Focusing BathTotTclo 50$ Sport Goggles j i . Vcnnsybrsvii laicWillow xicmc K. f . xm A V 111 L.k A Focusing flashlight com- 22x44 handsome Soft- Brown -tinted glasses In rennsyivania uomei iea- urge wuiow ... . , . . v. . ti..i ... nis balls. Take a supply (10"xl8M. 8" deep) with Vlobe. Handy on 7Q pastel designs and ja ' borders. 2 for .. At Fred leyer Toiletry .and Remedy Dept. pastel designs and jq motoring, and all outings and trips. borders. 2 for . . outdoor uses, pair along on your excursion collapsible handles. Just 29c V"?. 19c Xr.'." 59c At Fred Meyer Toiletry and Remedy Dept. Tasty Foods for Your Picnics & Outings s Libbv Corn Beef 2 r 25c s White Star Tuna 2 Sf 25c cau Pork anJ Beans 3 14c A V E A V E Tobacco Camels, Luckies, Chest erfields and Old Golds 10c pkg 98c ctn. Granger, 16-oz. tin 65c Also Geo. WashM Union Lead. Hurley Burley 14-oz. tin 49c Half and Half Tobacco 16-oz. tin 75c Luxury Smoking Tob. 16-oz. 75c White Roll Cigarettes 3 pkgs. for 25c, Ctn. 83c Cigars 5c Rocky Ford Cigars $1.39 bx 50s, 7 for 20c Muriel Babes, 9 for 25c Certified Cremos $1.49 bx 50s, 5 for 15c Candy Large Gum Drops 19c lb Spiced Midgets 19c lb. Old Fashioned Chocs. 15c lb. Striped Mints 19c lb. Fresh Spanish Peanuts 10c lb. Sphinx Chocolate Coated Cherries l ib. box 29c Alice Blue Pep. Patties Packed in Attractive l-lb.boxes 19e : ' .Fred Meyer" Chocolates Assorted Hand . Dipped 1 lb. 29c - 2-Ib. box 55c Canned Milk ' or Pet 5 (Limit) 25c eyasPineapple2ans223c Mission RH Olives 2 L 25c C & H Pure Cane Sugar $4.49 Fred Meyer Strawberry Preserves Jabr" 15c 1S&2H Molasses Cookie. 1 15c Hills Bros. Coffee 31c J. 60c Yellow Cling Peaches 4 25 C Mayday String Beans L cans 15c White King Bar Soap 5 Si 11 C Puritan Marshmallow pk" 8 c Walla Walla Tomato Juice, Is tall cans, 4 for 25c Rosedale Medium Red Salmon, Is tall cans lie Royal Taste Sardines (in olive oil) 4 cans 25c Kingsley Stuffed Olives, (3 oz. bots.) 2 for 19c L of V Golden Bantam Corn, 2 picnic tins 15c Blue Bell Potato Chips, 9c pkg.; 3 for 25c Hill's and Nailers Mayonnaise, pint jars 25c King Oscar Kippered Snacks, 4 cans for 15c Rath's Pigs Feet, pint jar 19c; qt. jar 29e Peets Granulated Soap, large pkg. 19c Hill's French Dressing, pint jars 29c Bisquick, for better Biscuits, pkg. 29c Rosedale Dill Pickles, quart jars 19c Welch's Grapejuice, pint bottles 17c Tvr 170 North Liberty St. (Between State and Court Streets) - . We reserra the right to reasonably limit fluantltlea. Nice Large Else my 9 Juicy Oranges 2 1)02 35c Arizona Grapefruit Seedless 35c Dozen Local Asparagus Fiala Gardens 2 bunches 11c Green Beans Very Tender 3 lbs. 25c Cucumbers Oregon Hot House 5c each New Potatoes Nice - Med. Size 10 lbs. 25c it) 4 f 1 B 4w-. mr ,m.m T.fny i