". - BUcm, Oregon, Friday Morning, May 251933 I. SUNDOW - MONDAY - TUESDAY V cm puis nai-pcintm mi r rtttTCI T88I-1IT1 UCSISt J u .a -.SLii'-' Midnight Show nfliTT' s1- ile at 11:30 ALL COLOR MUSICAL "NORTHERN Ej TRAVELOGUE NEWS EVENTS W - " r. tPOSURE" A KI1IPIS, SBSSP V tnMSVSnnuV SBflhenV snw BWbUW WBMUW en VMM mn-mc, I. A' nil WMWV Originators of Low Prices 351 State St. . - t Isn't It Disappointing When you take time to carefully prepare a meal. Then you find your efforts have been wasted, be cause some -one sold you a poor piece of meat. There are no disappointments at this market. We believe in . quality .first. When good meat can be sold for less The Midget will sell it. " Young Pig Pork Roast Celt Fresh Ham Roast 15c lb Dainty Lean Loin Chops 15o lb Young Pig Pork Steak 120 lb "Flavorized" Sliced Bacon per lb. 15c Milk Fed Veal Roast Sell Milk Fed Veal Breast Sclb Milk Fed Veal Steak Wo II Milk Fed Lev o' Veal lb "Flavorized" Hams Half or Whole .per lb. 15c Fresh Ground Beef 12c lb Pure Pork Sausage 12o lb Useless to pay more Risky to pay less. Best Margarine 2 lbs. 15c Out of consideration to our employes, we close at 6 p.m. On Saturdays at 7 p.m. HARRY M. LEVY, Prop. i i - Your Community Owned Store Phone 9456 356 N. Liberty Farm Produce - Groceries - Crown Feeds Grocery Department LOOK Durkee's 1 GaL Salad OU 53c for only L... Bring Tour Container Curve Macar oni, 3 lbs. 14c Argo Gloss' 1 Q Starch, 8 pkgs. XC Snow Drift Shortening 55 J 45c Crown Feed Dept You will find Crown feeds as good as money can buy, why pay more than these prices? Crown Lay - QFf Mash, 100 lbs. JL.OO Crown Leader "I yfl E? Mash, 100 lbs. 1 -0 Crown Dev. Mash . 1.85 Crown Chick c A ff Starter, 100 lbs 440 is a Crown product' with a money-back guarantee. We are still - . At Gfi selling this LSzLL J 4" lb. ak. OVC POULTRY P1" Toar Apply Them m Yomr mtCKT ana teeus ... wgn- if 11 "est Price Always! HELD AT LEBftTJQrJ Funeral MnrleM for the late Mrs. Viola Kerr, mother of Mrs. Frank G. Bowerso of this elur, were held In Lebanon yesterday afternoon, conducted by Rer. R. L. Helna of that city. Interment occurred ln Co mills beside tne "body of her husband, Samuel T. Kerr, -who Had preceded Iter la death by tome four years. Grare- slde serrices were in charge of the Corrallls W.R.C.- Mrs. Kerr passed away at the home of her ion, Fred Kerr, Leb anon, where she had resided for seren years. Death was attribut ed to heart trouble. She was 77 years of age at the time of her death. Born In Pennsylvania, she was married o Mr.. Kerr In Linn county, Iowa in 1872. The family came to Oregon in 1878, residing In Corrallls nntll seven years ago when they mored to Lebanon. Surrlrin j are three sons." two daughters, - seven grandchildren and two 'great-grandchildren. The sons are Clifford Kerr, Corrallls; Dolph of Portland and Fred of Lebanon. The daughters are Mrs. Lillian Bowersox of Salem and Mrs. Nlta Johnson of Oakland, Calif. A son, Daybn. passed away last January. - Interesting Facts JU yjJ The distribution of the States man today including the extra green section copies la 1 3o43 1 We just noticed that someone Is advertising for some one to get married in Jane. They say they have nothing to sell but lots ot nice gifts for the couple. We know that the parties. Interested are al right, so if you are going to get married you bad better do It In June and answer the ad. Well we had nice weather for oneday anyway If we did have a .thunder storm to follow. We hare resolved not to predict weather hereafter. We are told that if we would get a bunch of men and go up to Table Rock and shovel off the snow1 we would nave good weath er. Who will volunteerf ' -O V - What we'd like to know is bow can a eolored man get a , black eyet Accident Policy Of Otto Schiess Good Investment A dollar Investment which has already multiplied Itself 80 times was made some months ago by Otto Schiess in one ot the North American accident insurance po licies offered through the States man. Schiess 121 North Front, was injured about the knees February 27 in an auto accident at North Commercial and Center streets, and since has been unable to work. The Statesman yesterday received to pass on to him the second 840 check on the insur ance policy, and he will receive 810 per . week until he Is able to return to work. Standard Feed Co. 228 Ferry St. 44 Lots of Parking Space" Phone 6858 WHEAT Recleaned CORN Crkd. or Ground BARLEY Ground ROLLED BARLEY 100 Ibe. $1.25 100 lbs. $1.30 $1.25 100 lb. 75 lbs. $1.00 Albers TURKEY STARTER Albers PULLET GROWER 1933 EGG MAKER PROGRESSIVE SCRATCH 100 lbs. $2.60 100 lbs. $1.90 $1.90 100 lbs. 100 lbs. $1.35 ALBERS MOLAS-O-MEAL CARNATION DAIRY SCREENINGS - MOLASSES ALBERS RABBIT PAKS 100 lbs. $1.30 10O lbs. $1.40 80 lb. 75C 100 lbs. $1.85 Railroads Will Spend Big Sum - -. - , V . ST. PAUL. May 25 (AP) The Northern Pacific and Great Northern railways announced to day they would spend more than 813,000,000 this year for track and building maintenance. The Northern Pacific plans to spend 25,875,000, representing a slight Increase from 1932. The Great Northern budget will be approxi mately the same as last year, when 27,771,027 was used. 6ccnoaieal-6ffidcnt LtoUDienu""" 25 ounces for 030 LffUl KSBSSBB 11 " ' i M....8gaaa i r in t aaiessifcSM $2.50 Sport Goggles A necessity for motoring and all outdoor activity. In smoke, green, amber, fieuzal and blue. Metal case included. For a Limited Time Only lgMsgtKh Sotted iH INDEPENDENT DRUGGISTS 115 S. Commercial St. No need to take Harsh Laxatives Tbers's gentler way to restore normal elimination! Get RezaS QrderUes. They do not gripe or irritate. And youH lore their choco late taste. Safe always. ftntotfc Orderlies ofoooipvivcy Stomach Sufferer marcel at NEW 3 minute relief People who hare suffered for years from ttomarh aionie are saarfeUog at the quick relief of Bisaa-Rex,; S mew, delicious-tastinf antacid fow ler. Its comfort Is UattoJ tool It, acts four ways. HtntraSzes excess add; reHeres the stomach ef gas; soothes membranes ; and aids diges tion of foods most Gkeiy to ferment. I FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MINERAL OIL One gal. $1 LAXSEED Blonde, 1- lb. 19c m LA i Lovelier than EVER yet spending less on beauty Smart women everywhere are con gratnlatinc; themselves oa harmg discovered Jonteel Toiletries. They do so much for beauty yet cost half what yon often pay. There's no sacrifice of quality. Experts created Jonteel I The saving comes in the seOinf plan. Investigate the BXW Jonteel Toiletries today. Tonteel U toiletries Bayer ASPIRIN rA. 100 tabs DuL OLIVE OIL QQ- One Pt 07C SCOT TISSUE Reg." 10c, 3 for 19c 25c BLUE JAY -r PADS lut 50c SUPER )Oa D OIL e7l 50c IP ANA PASTE 25c TOILET A GOODS 50c Hind's H & A Cream 50c Ambrosia Dry Skin Cream $1 Milkweed Cream ; 60c Neet Depilatory 4 29c 19c 59c 39c SHAVING) (NEEDS 23c 36c 19c 19c 35 Colgate's Shaving Cream 50c William's Aqua Velva 50c Brisk Shaving Cream . 85c Krank's Lather Kreem Rledlclne Values $1.50 Agrarol ....87c 50c Arzen 29c 75c Castoria 39c $1 BonKora 79c 35c Freezone 23c 75c Dona's Pills 49c 12 oz. Myeladol 89c 25cCascarets ....17c $1.50 Petrolager 83c $1.25Tanlac 89c GAUZETS guarantee protection Only ia Gauxets wfll yea Bad is escmaive feature a tubVer safety sheet which sstitsfar. cannot penetrate I "RIOUTH -TESTED ANTISEPTIC f -f.T The mouth ' tmrale that eoes the .thincs it sheold he-, - cease tested lm 4e BMath for results. Ma am SOLUTION Only registered phar macists are employed where you see the sign Drug Store. Where ever yon buy your drugs, b sure to look for the sign . . . DRUGS. HEADACHE ? ; get this bltr mipiri ke need te snffer headache scoales when yoe may tt tekkrebef: Puretest la true AapWn. That te wtsv it reUrres sain store avkkryt And safety! Ajid itdoesnotdenreas the heart er Irritate the stecnach. Always ask for Psretsst asekte. Articles ot Incorporation for t& newlr ortanlxed Salem Brew ery association irere filed lata Thursday with the county clerk here. Frank T. Schmidt. Kola Nels and Ross H. Wood are in corporators. - The articles of incorporation authorise 76,00O of preferred stock at f 1 a share; par. and 350,- 000 of common stock at si a share, par. Preferred stock Is to have prior claim annually to profits up to six per cent of the stock's par rai se, and Is to share ratably with common stock after the latter re ceives six per cent dividends. The preferred stock is not cumulative. It becomes votlnr only when divi dends, hare been passed for two years. - The association is authorized, under its articles, to manufacture beer, aje and other malted drinks and to engage in retail distribu tion of them. MRS CHARLOTTE KELLY DALLAS. May S5. Mrs. Charlotte Kelly. S3; wife of C. L Kelly ot this city, died Monday af ternoon at the state tuberculosis hospital at Salem. She contracted tuberculosis about a year ago fol lowing an attack of flu and was taken to the hospital eight months ago. She !s surrired by her hus band; one daughter. Mrs. Ethel Bergstrom of Molalla. Funeral services wer held Wednesday at the Henkle and Thomas funeral home. . Legion Banquet Plans Revealed Reservations for tha American Legion banquet to be held. here Saturday, Jan S, when National Commander Louis A. Johnson Tislts, mast bo mad not later than May JO, B. 0. Malson, gen eral chairman, announced yester day. -- The largest gathering of legionnaires and members of the 40 and t since the Portland con vention la expected In Salem for the commander's visit. Places at the bane,aet to be held at the Marlon hotel have been limited to SOO. Commander Johnson will make his only official Oregon atop here. Stores to Close On Memorial Day In keeping with Memorial 'd? custom, all donwtown stores la Salem will be closed daring the entire day, thus permitting em ployes to Join In the general ob servance. State and county offic es will be closed, of coarse. HOFFMAN'S MEAT MARKET 150 N. Commercial TeL5363 la Connection; with Economy Grocery Specials for Friday and Saturday Beef Roast, young ten der beef Q as low as . J7C Boiling Beef as low as 6c Leg of Porkr 12V2C Pork Roast 10c Oleo 3 lbs. 23c Veg. Shortening 3 lbs. 23c Sugar cured lean Bacon.' Come and buy a half or whole slab at this low price, pound .y : " Bacon Backs, whole or half 13c 12c Hams, sugar cured 13c Jowls pound 9c Fryers pound . Dressetd and Drawn Chicken 20c FREE DELIVERY WITH GROCERY ORDERS 5 935 S. Commercial B Golden Ripe Fruit For Your Picnic 3 lbs IL4Jc Open Till 9 p.m. Daily We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantity UGA P Pure Cane Fine Granulated lbs. . . g)C Saturday Only For your holiday lunch ... Kraft's mammoth 200 - lb. American cbeeee, wrapped In tin foil. Demonstration Saturday. Don't fail to taste this quaUty checee. IFflotiQfir BLUE SEAL 49-lb. Sack $09 Cafluninnietl: The Double Acting Baking Powder lb. tin Ec WESSON OIL Makes Wonderful Mayonnaise H GAI Look This Over! -W Obtain Your Fruits and Vegetables horn Pay'n TaMt, Salem's Leading Produce Department TOMATOES frftP Red Ripe, pound LLVUVi NEW POTATOES TT(p) White Shafter, 10 pounds KIOJ?s 2 doz. ag 3 for a LSS TITCS Welght4to8 nJjLaj ROASTS VEAL OR PORK Choice Shoulder Cuts lb. 12 2 c Fresh Halibut Any Size Piece for Baking J2c GrountTEeef or Pork Sausage Freeh 1 Olg Ground lb. m For the Cold Lunch lUth's Spice Luncheon Meat Trench Head Cheese Veal Loaf or Mlaced Ham lb. 19c Cake Special Staple Walnut SAT. OSLY 29c A Geaulae Cast Aluminum DUTCH i OVEN Complete' with . eorer and Each only ..... . $1.49 Tfltfc fl or Mor Pmrchase Raisin Nut Bread, Sat. only, 16-oz. loaf 8c Honey Maid Graham Crackers .2-lb. box 25c Mortin's Iodized Salt, 22-oz. carton .2 for 15c Potato Chips, Reg. 15c size : 10c Root Beer Extract, French's bottle 13c Maraschino Cherries 3 oz. bottle 7c Highway "Sure-fife Matches 6 boxes 19c Antlcich Shrimp, extra quality, tin 10c Standard Tomatoes, No. 2yx cans 7 Peaks Golden Bantam Corn 2 for 19c ..3 No. 2 cans 25c A Special 3c Redaction Effective to Monday Evening on This Famous Coffee (gE?I7I2I2 Grocery end Meat4 Prices Good Friday to Monday Evening May 26, 27, 29