, me ukcuuii si AiiaMAji, saicm, uregon, ynday Morning, auty 26. 1933 3 PAGE ELEVEN ' "' : ' " """ "" . i il 1 I Business Directory Cards ta this directory ruo on monthly basis only. Ratei $1.89 per Uae per month. .. AUTO BRAKES Mix Panes, ths brak aad shimmy doctor. 376 South Commrclal 8(ftt CATERING Bwt Crary. the cabrr. Ph. ST63. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4484. R R. Korttanee. tllllC PR ACTORS DR. a I BCOTT. PSC. Chiropractor. 364 . High. VL Be. 8673. DRESSMAKING Exp. - dressmaking In your ITtJJsyogyjIcturwTH. home. 7984 'J - FLORISTS CUT Cowers, weddlnft booejuot un rat wreaths, decoration a F. Brelt hanpt. Cortst, $71 Court TeU 1944. ALL kinds ot floral work. Lau Flor ist. 14th Market. T.L 4591. GLASS Auto and window gtas mirrors. TL !. Wane J. Downs, grey. INSURANCE aicnine a hendricks 111 N. High TeL 494T CQFFKT-8M IT H. yon, in a Tel. 8433. LAUNDRIES THH NEW SALKM LATJNDRT THH W EIDER LAUNDRY IIS 8. High Tel. 4126 CAPITAL. CITT LAUNDRY Kirmt in Quality and 8erTtc Telephone 8146 1364 Broadway LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired and traded. HA.RRT W. SCOTT. "The Cycle Man MATTRESSES Mattresses ' from factory to coma. Spring mattress $8.00. Renovators and fumigatora Rugs cleaned. Capital Bed dins Co. TeU 40(9. 1030 N. CapltoL New tnattress made to order, old remade carpet cleaning. - aizlns ; Quu rug weaving. Salem nun nag ax aaai tr. Factory. S. 13th Wilbur. TeL 441. Otto P. Z wicker. Eat. 191 L MUSIC STORES civtl C WILL .Pianos, radios, sew ing machines, sheet music and piano studies. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines. 432 Slate Street. Salem. MUSIC INSTRUCTION Steel. Span. Guitar, Mandolin. Be ginner, adv. classes. Harmony, notes. Registration ends June It. Scudio Tel. 7184 or Y. W. C. A. 8878. MEDICINE Dr. Chan Lam Chinese Medicine Co- Hours Tuesday sad Friday, iv a. to 4:30 p. ra. 148 N. Commercial. PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint ft Roofing. 474 Ferry. PAINTING Painting. aooratlns. paper-hanging, Interior decorating. Estimates free. W. H. Sheppard. TeL 4280. PRINTING con htationert. cards. Dampb- lets. programs, books er any kind of ortntlcg. call The Stateamaa Printing Denartment 115 8. Commercial. Tale- phone 910L PUBUC ACCOUNTANT M D. dement Income Tax Reports. AifiltiWs. 11014 N. CotnX Tel 8034 or 6247. . REAL ESTATE - BECKS ft HENDRICKS. TsL 494T. n u no A nBTMHOFLST ft CO. i tTh-rtT fit TeL 444a 114 vntoraKT S fiON tSA.t 0-ir.t NatL Bk. Bldg. TeL 7807. STOVES Kt.v. nDalrlns.' Stoves - ri .il for sale, reouia ana kinds of wove wire fence, ncjr pteln. bop baskets, books. loLh00 r,..-!L r.. ud smvo Works. 343 t.i R. a Flemlns, TRANSFER pS-PlTATf Transfer Ca386 stlst iht. D4trlbutla. for- VTim anft storage our specialty. Get our rates. -: - - . . ji.f.nt transfer storage. LrmTranaf Ca Trucks to Portland dally. . TYPEWRITERS " TVPEWR1TERS AddlngMch. SOU. reoalred. Underwood Agents. OwkTft Siiort. $19 Court tsi. see ' WELL DltlLLING a west $0 years experience. BiB 4. Bo 10$ B. Tek 114F6. Mrs. Charles Kurxe Heads P.T.A. Order I 1VDEPENDENCE. May 25 tk. l.at mAAtinsr ef the P. T. A. for the year was held at the train ror mo jei wg scuwui a v" i r V ed were: President, Mrs. Charles Kurre: first tice president, .Mrs. Paul IE." Robinson r second 1ee nresident. Mrs. Gerald Newton; t J secretarn Mrs. Clifford Stalsbergf j Built about f,rm rj V twrvrWBiiVer -MraV It - O -Th Ljrlewi SllOOWMtk: lot . treasurer, iirs. . u. n r. "f-rt MTBMI,t For buy s. of llcers were instaiiea oy Mrs. ' Jeorge .Cohrs, retiring president. Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single inssrUoa per lice lee Three lnsertloaa per Una tOe Six tnsarUans par Uu. .l(t One month per line.. 1.0$ Minimum charge ..tit Copy for thu page ae eeptsd matu t:S0 tta araa las bfor pataUeattoa tor classification. Copy r eeivad after tala time will be run under the aeadlag Ton Lata to Claaatfj. Tae Stateamaa aaeamee ao financial responaiblllty for errora which may ap pear la adrertitRinfmU paa Uah4 ta lta columns, ant ta cases where tble paper la at faalt wlU reprint that part of aa adrertieement ta which the typottaphlcal mistake eceare. - The etatasmaa resenree the right to reject Objec tion! advertising, It far ther reeerree the' right to' classify all advertising ea der the proper elasslftea ticm. SALESMEN WANTED Want salssBian or saleslady with ear to sell baby Sun-Ra-Tra. new on the market. - Erery new birth of record a Srospect. Exclusive territory, write K. Morse. 0I Porter Bid, Port- lano. ura. tor particulars. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Fresh crabs now at Ftdlers stand intersection tHiverton-roruana roaa. For Sale: Lais model Royal type writer, typewriter desk and chair. Chas. Wiper. First National Bank Building. McCaskey credit file fireproof. Bar- gain. l court st Tel. 6584. Electrical contracting, Repairing. Prices that satisfy. D. C Wahlberg. TeL 3504. lunch hour. Plenty bottle beer at 77S Edgewater street. West Salem. Open evenings till p. m. Car load of grain . hay on track. South High and Trade St $18 ton while It lasta Clark. For sale reasonable, man's suit and white flannels. Varley Cleaners, 193 N. Com'l, over Buslcks. MISCELLANEOUS Best hair cut Adults 20c, child., 15c Two blocks & of library, a Winter. We pick up dead or worthless horses, cows.: sheep, free of charge. TeL 4869. Place to practice piano morning. State terms and location. Box 200, care Statesman, . FOR RENT ROOMS Modern room, garage. sip. porch. 1577 Court St TeL 467. ROOM AND BOARD Board and room for ladles. Clos in. TeL 5478. 895 Court St Neat comfortable room In modern home, near state house. Horn privil eges. Attractive, wholesome meals Box 198, care Statesman. Board and room. Nice home. Close In. Prices riht 346 Belview. Tel. 4374. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Pattoa apartments downtown. Call Patten's book store. Fur. S a apt. 3181 HaseL TeL 7444. Lovely fax. 3-r. apt 1580 Center. Apt $13.00. $97 N. Com'L Duplex apt. unfurn. 951 N. Winter. Prescott Aoartments. S rooms fur nished, private bath, fine kitchen. newly decorated, attractive place. adults, reduced rate, a. r. bus line. 1444 Oak St Nice turn, apt Overstuffed. 890 Un ion. Well furnished 3 room apartment Garage. Adult 478 N. CapltoL Nice front apt 458 Center. 3 r. ftirn. apt Main floor, $1.50 wk. 1290 Oak. TeL 5276. Completely fur. apt, 1st floor, gar- 84 Hill T. O. Albert FOR RENT HOUSES nra. ana unrurn. nausea n. a. Forkner. 1410 N. Cottage. TeL 803L Finest modern 3-room Court and Apt, - garages. sardens. $30-$ 26. Phone 5 6 r. home $10 per mo. TeL 4746. S houses, 1 mod. 1 not TeL 6010. Modern 1 Boom N. Capitol St Call $019. Elec. range. Need 4 r. house. Inquire 1598 Court For summer months, 6 r. mod. bun galow, furnished. TeL 8543, room mod.. $20. 235 Cherry Ave. FOR RENT Cafe for rent 897- N. Commercial. Mod, attractive, furn. cottage or $ r. ant. Reasonable. Wyatt tJourt. xei. 5918. 10 a. m. to x p. m. or cau ai 443 ITnfon. FOR SALE Real Estate Don't build mtn you eee the two ine lots all In cherries, pears and ae les. full bearing, on block south of Leslie Junior high school, nice view, level iota. 60x130 each. Sell one er both heap, easy payments. Owner, 765 Rural Avenue, pnon nsst. -SACRIFICED SUBURBAN HOME Tou must see this beauurui piace before you say no. Dandy- H A. lot with 13 large rearing cherries ana-t walnuta Beautiful flower and shrub bery. Cement walKs. aioaern Iimik ttfLmnant. furnace, trara Dou bt garase, cement floor.- Poultry house. - Clos to Salem on bus une. - 1 pavea roaa. no- -i build. The whole place goes at a big 1 beargata. See JAS, D." SEARS; Realtor e , 133 a High v , . 6 rail, and fir. attic, hdw. floors. . fireplace. full cement bsm. furnace. Large. lot, tine or'outo. as part payment. For buy see VAN M. OREER .... $14 Ore. Bldg. Phone 113$ FOR SALE Real Estate Good semi -modern T-room mastered residence, basement, fireplace, plumb ing, oa two big lots covered with nut, cherry and ornamental trees and roses, grape arbor, near schools, nlo view, going at depression price. Also two beautiful betiding lota fOxlS eaeh with large fruit trees, block south Les lie brick school, at bargain, easy terms. Owner. ICS Rural Ave. Phone SSS4. EXTRA SPECIAL Tour rent will buy you a beautiful T room home only blocks from state bouse. This house Is only year old and can be sold for $3300, one-half Its cost, easy terms arranged. CHILDS ft lOlXER, Realtors $44 State St , Phone TII $1000. Late built modern thna flastered home at 1049 Rural Ave. to down $10 per mo. $li. 4 room borne with fireplace. vavea ax, at ins a. summer St, 12$ down, baL $14 per ma f 1300. Good five room home with gar age, full cement basement, at 1T0 lja sjc down. $11 per me. $800. Three room hom with nnx and woodshed, tot Text feet, paved i-t rtnaeni waiKS. JtUSt DO all caSB. aee. w. n. UKABENHOB8T COL REALTORS 134 Liberty St. Phone 1 4 It A REAL SACRirira - In a two story concrete building lo cated on 8. Commercial St. has two modern apartments above, - can he Douffni on terms. BEB US AT ONC& - a. ViilAl3E.I tlUKBT S) CO. . REALTORS Liberty St phone f If 8 . ! ecres, Kasel Green Diet AH er cuiuvauon. New house1 week only 150. $2S0.00 cash, balance monthly. See Jos. Barber, $00 Gray aajfun, or earners Grocery, EXCHANGE Real Estate Bevea room house, wra trade for acrragg or iota nox m, stateaman. FOR SALE FARMS ' ,- -ii-u-ij-i.rij-j-j-jut $140081 ACRE FARM $1100 nijHi ri ijfiiiRi.in Few miles out on mnA mmA InllA. hjed some repairs, 1 wells, beau tiful Shade trees, small grove of tim ber, mixed orchard, balance in eulti- 7atlo,Ll!or ra buy m a small farm, SEE CITILDS ft irHXER, Realtors 344 State et. Phone (798 ACREAGE i . 1 . FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Suburban home with city conveni ence and country privilegea. l4 acres not far out, electrlo lights, tele phone, gas and mail service available, 4 room plastered house with nook, bullt-lns, plumbing, fireplace, garage, woodshed droTe well, water system. or win taxe small city residence as part fiifiVrS MILLER. Realtors 344 State St Phone 4708 -1- - ' hi m rsg.j-r r n, nnnn BETTER TUTT TOT a S A. Dlace. Th nrl. ! rtrht e. a? 1?m very Productive. t A. young ri'Y - .pwraei ana walnuts. By Sif.11001-,1 R hous. basement iarn and poultry house. For aulck sale, only $2500. Term - JA3. D. SEARS. Realtor 133 a High Get that suburban some choice tracts; will build to suit house yU won t dar tan about the TT ft RTTicr rm Oregon Bldg. TeL 8902 nasi i. --,-, w irxa ,rn,, ,in,j Lr n C.NAP IN AfRPlfiP UAn- Five acres sill $rn-wi son a. aw1 ua v.,v.n,u huuk, rnce sicbo. ssn rtn-n iV.r,!.rTy?2L.ocated 4 mlle out near ' Hie 11 way. v. it GRABENHORST ft 134 8. Liberty St. CO. WANTED REAL ESTATE WWWW.i . .... . ..- - WANTED Trt umr Attractive 5 home In """i &aiem. close In. Pnone T63S. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY Custom hstchtng. E08 em in.. every Saturday and Tuemdav. Ti HF2 face's Hntrherr 5IONEY TO LOAN eSSSlkSSaSi 'Bells of Harmony' Heard ever KOIN daBy ring out a loan service that Is really really different TOU GET THH FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN IN CASH ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STmrrr puivifr QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE W.l fie to $300 Beneficial Loan Society OF SALFJM Room 119 New Bllgh Bldg. 2nd Floor Lai'SMBED BI STATE SI 8 State Street - TeL $-7-4-4. ...I.. . PERSONAL INSTALLMENT LOANS OlAJD LOAN COM PANT 913 Oresron Rundtnc in ipvlm orace hrs. 10:00 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. xeiepnone 7783. Stats license No. 1-,- n n n - n nn BoiTOW on oersonal oranertv ranav In monthly installment. WTT.T.AM. ETTB LOAN CO.. State Ha. B-lSt. uuaraian mag. asi. II7T. lt0m0m i i i r .n n. FIRST UORTOAnS T?.l V.mtmt Loan Excellent security. Amounts i&oe to IZQOQ, yield T Interest Cniwa MILLER, Mtge. Loan 844 State St Phone 470$ ... PWRSONAL LOANS IADs on furniture, cars, salaries or other good security. Reoarabl monthly. When to fins octal need see us before closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg. Phone 8553. MONET LOANED ON AUTOS contracts Rennaoced Arrange to reduce youi payments Toe keep to t. A. EIKER Cor. Liberty 8L and Ferry rnone stis Ore. POLLY AND HER V sneak cafkt fysR yt Vr SX Uv J A4'S-5ISTrWiyV JZ SEX (swipevJS C ccffcwpnrQ ?jit H padlock 1 FOR SALE WOOD Old fir, 18 er 18 Inch. Sawdust TeL 8981. Old fir dry Phone 8473. - greas $4.00 sad an. GUARANTEED- CRT TeL $009 SaJem Fuel Co. Trade ft Cottage. - . i i-i ii innjMVi Ash, fir sad oak. TeU 8448. Dry wood 4 orJ. TeL 4489. Old fir U", If. TeL 0189. Dry wood. sU kmds TsL 441$. Dry oak. 4 ft, 94.4Q. TeL 8748. LOST AND FOUND Lost, brown eloper bag eoatalnlag 1 er 8 sr. gloves, driver's license, check boo, ssasii nana bag ens some surer. Reward. Leave at 8tatemsn office. PERSONAL I will sot bo responsible for debts contractea oy any one except jayseu. naymona is. isnNa Are yon going to get married In June? If so, here's aa rtortuatty to get valuable gifts free. If Interested, get ta touch with us St once, wo have nothing to sell. Apply Bos 24 L States man. FOR SALEUSED CARS State Motors, Inc. Offer Real Value hi Trn oortation '30 Chrysler Royal Coupe f f t 'SO Bulek Business Coupe 174 tt Plymouth Business Coupe 448 19 Ptude Pros 4 Dr. 8edaa 454 '89 Hudson Greater 8 . 3M '37 Chrysler Finer 70 " , 898 SO Ford Tudor Sedan 378 Karl Keen Trunk. '$8 Otdsmoblle 4 Door 375 838 13S '39 Essex Super Six Sedan '31 Ford 4 Door 8edan Karl Keen Trunk. AH are overhauled and guaranteed (3$ Chemeketa at High Open evening! McKATS USED CARS WITH AN O. K. THAT COUNTS 24 Essex Coach ,,, $ 38 24 Overland Coach 48 II Star Sedan US 27 Chrysler Sedan -, 12S ST Cher. Truck and Trailer 140 SO Ford Coupe 345 31 Ford Pickup S9S S3 Plymouth Sedan 845 II Chev. DeLMxe Coupe, 9040 mL 875 if Chev. Short W. B. Truck. 118 19 Chev. Panel Truck, recondl- tloned 13$ We trade and elv trtna. Open Evenings and Sundays McKAT CHEVROLRT CO. 383 Center 430 N. Comt Phone 8189 1928 Whippet Sedaa 8 76 1926 Ford Roadster. Ruxt 50 1928 Essex Spt Coupe 125 1928 Whippet Coudo 126 1929 Ford Truck (Overhauled) 1S6 Can handle good milk cow and some wood on truck. BORREGO 340 N. Liberty TeL 3688 iirirsii inruu 1931 Studebaker Coupe, motor overhauled .$496.00 1928 Durant Coune 111. to 1931 Bulcfc Eight Sedan, look ii K new 696.00 1937 Pontine Coupe -1937 Dodge Coupe 1937 Hudson Sedan 185.00 126.00 95.00 192S Studebaker Commander Sedaa 325.00 85.00 1926 Oldsmobtle Coach, trunk. 1939 Chevrolet Coach 836.00 We have ten used cars $18.00 up to , gooa transportation. Easy ianu Bonesteele Sales and Service, Inc. Corner Chemeketa ft Liberty Sts. Phone 444 4 !E DIES; BOY RITES SLATED SILVKRTON. May 25 LewU Vanco, TT, died here this after noon at the home of nig son, El sie. They came here seversl months ago from California. Four children survive: Elsie of Silver- ton, Asa of Michigan, Mrs. George Rosen vsld of Florida and Mrs. Win Bowers of North 8tar, Mich. Remains are at Ehmans. Funeral rites for Edward R. Newton, who was drowned at Sa lem Wednesday, will be held Sat urday at -10:3$ a. m. at the Ex man funeral home, Rer. J. M. Jensen officiating and with Inter ment in the Hubbard cemetery. Edward was born la Hubbard March 23, 1918. They came here three years ago. Surviving are the parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Newton, and a sister, Roberta. Pioneer Cemetery Services on Sunday GERVAIS, May 25 Rer. H. a Stover of Knight Memorial church of Salem Is to deliver the Memor ial day address at the services to be held at the Pioneer cemetery, three miles south of Gerrsia, Sun day. May 28, beginning at 2: If p. m. YOUTHS IN CHARGE DALLAS. May 2S Young peo ple of the Dallas Christian church will have entire charge of the ser vices of the church Sunday night. May tS. Enla Smith will preside. j The music for the service will be under the direction of Evelyn Ltndahl with Doris Newblll ac ' eoinpanytng. Talks win be made by Margaret Ltndahl, Rath Petre, Fred Teats and Otto rtseher. PALS lews m OLD CHOP OXS, ' POTATOES FIRMER PORTLAND, May 11 (XP) A liberal call for butter of all scores sad especially lor the lower grade, was observed la trading here today - , Mannfjtnrtnjr Interests storlag batter tor their wm aeceaat irere not inclined to follow fslly the cut of 1 cent a pound In the bny Ing price ef Imtterfat annomaeed resterday. General steadiaesa Was contla- ned la the local market for egga. Ne lHc chtsrs- was showing and price catting ' was getting less pronounced. Receipts were sbot holding their own. Sudden strengthen tag bt -the old potato- market with substan tia, .price advances at the source si well as leading jobbing point. caught most of trade TRiprepared. New stock was also firmer in spots. - - iOld crop onions also partici pated in advancing Tataes. The latter was quoted up to $l.l-2 cental U retanera. Higher prices were belag named for strawberries following the slump of yesterday. Sales today were mostly fl.TK with a few a dime higher. Local berries we arming in a small way but are not very good. ATVilXE, May 25 The eight Igrado, 'grhdustion exercises will' be held is the schoolhouse Fr1dyigH? May tt. The program Is: Chorus, junior glee club; salutatory by Marcla wright; piano solo by Leonard Miller; Tocal solo by Violet Per- klss; play by the girls; solo by Charlotte Martin; a play by the boys; valedictory by Dorothy Smith: a march by members of the class, sad the presentation of the diplomas by the chairman of the school board. Fred Garbe. The student body Tuesdsy elect ed officers for the first two weeks of school next fall: Cletus Lebold, president: Thelma Mc Donald, vice president; Doris Niccolsin, treasurer; Roland Rhodes, secretary; Mr. Tons, ser- geant-at-arms; Mabel Kullander and Andy Foster, yell leaders. Cousin Cash) Vote Against Girl When Sex Rules Voting MILL CITY, Msy 25. The studeny body held a hotly contest ed election Friday. At the last minute the girls put up Virginia Jepsen for the office. The nom inating committee had named Ar- ey Podrabsky and Delos Hoeye. It finally ended in a tie between Miss Jepsen and Hoye. The presi dent, Edeurd Rsda, a cousin of Miss Jepsen, cast the deciding rots- in favor of Hoeye. Other officers sre William Waehter, vice - president; Virgin ia Jepsen, treasurer; Dortheen Dunivan. secretsry; Lawrence Ka- noff, athletic manager; George Gillenwater advertising manager, and Paul Allen, superintendent of grounds. ALM TAKES NEW JOB 8ILVERTON, May 25 Julius Aim Jr., who has been with the Porter store here for a number of years has aeoepted a position with. grocery firm at Fossil sad will leave for his new location this week. D. Walker will fill the va cancy at the Porter store. Radio Program ran) AT. MAT ts EOW FO&TLANS 820 EC 7:00 V. S. Nsry band. NBC. 8:00 Ronald Beck, Stasis. 9:15 Cooking school. 9:46 Organ eoaeart, XBC. 10:00 Arrow trie. NBC. 10:80 .Woman's Kagaiiae ef tes Air. NBC. 12:15 Weatern Farm sad Home bees NBC. 13 :45 O. P. Plumber. 1:46 John aad Ned, RBC. 8:00 Harmonics Rascals, KBC. 8:30 Friendly Chat , 4:45 Ifsdhl, the magician. 5:00 Echoes ef the Pali-adei, XBO. T:00 Amos 'a' Andy, NBC. 7:15 Tharatoa, the magician, XBO. 8:15 Oihaere eircaa, NBC. 9:15 Charles Hart, KSO. 9:4J Paal Cane. BBC 10:15 Asso Weeks' orekeatra, KBC 11:00 Phil Harris' eseaeatra. HBO. 11 :30 C-ua Arahelm's ercheatra, KBC. jcotst PosTurn eee Xe. :! KOIN Kleek. 0:00 Mario, Little Trench PrUeeas, CBB. 10:46 TM and That. 11 -00 Pert Xaargy tri. H CHIDE MT1 HT A Profitable Hani GRAINS DROP AS INFLATION FADES CANTALOUPES APPEAR Recent Buyers Switch To Selling Side. On Wednesday CHICAGO. May 11 (AP) In flation went Into eclipse todsy ao far as say Immediate influence on torn value of grain was concerned. Prices of all grains ran down hill most of the day, and losses were overcome In part by rallies at the finish. Responsive to at least temporary waning ef the ef forts oi tnnatkn talk, many re cent buyers switched to the sell-1 rax tide, and gmre more heed to bearish weather and crop reports. Wheat closed unstable, under yesterday's finish, corn 1 V4 drawn, oats unchanged to l cent off. Today's closing quotations: Wheat May 1; July 71tt- Com: May 414; July 44. 41 Sept, 47K-K; Dee 4$-4. Oats: May 24; July 24; Sep. 21; Dee. 27. General Markets ' PK0SVCB BXCSAsras POBTLAKD. Ore Msy SS. (AP) Predsce .zcksnn. set prices: Batter- Xatras lie, standards IlKe. orlsM flrrts 11 He. firsts SO. Egm rresk est ISe, treah aseaiaau 17a. Portland Grain POBTLAKD, Ore May SS. (AP) WktAt Opea High Lew Olw May 57 ST 87 ST Jaly SB SS ST ST September 60 69 SS SS Cah wheat Ne 1 Big Ba Blae- Atem SOe, dark hard winter 19 per seat 87 He, 11 per east 4S, aeft waiu 6He weatera whit See, hard wlster 58 Ha, a.rtb.ra apriag Boe wetter rag SSe. Oats Ne. t white $32.50. Cr Ne. 8E yeUew $23. Uillrua Staadard $20. Portland Produce POBTLAND, Ore.. May 36. (AP) Butter Prxnta, axtrai 34e: rtaadards 2He peeae. BotWrtat Portland dalirery A grade. 21-22. pound; farsurs' door Salivary 31- Z2e; aweet cream 5e lugh.r. Igga faeitie poaliry pr.due.ra aeloag pricea: Jaaihe, 19a. axtraa ISe, SAixai colors ITe, mediama 17e dosea. Bayiag price t wholeaalers: fraah rarreat eaipts 64 lbs. asd ep 14 Ha deaaa. Chaeae 02 acora Orexoa triplets ISe, loaf 14e pomaA Brokers will pay Ha below oaotatiooa. with rosulea le hiehw thaa aaotatioaa. Milk Ceatract price 4 per coat ao- liT.rr 1.T0 ewt; B grada trtn 87 He pound. Coastry saeata SalUac Brie to tailors: Country killed hora. best belch- era. eadar ISO peases T-B: Tealers SO te 100 pounds 7H-8c; apnng lambs 12- 13c; yearunc z-4e: betJj iwti 2H s: eann.r cows : balls 5H-Se poaad. Mohair nominal bnyinr price: 19SB cup ioe poaae. Caaeara berk Euyiac nrie. : 10SS poei ee pouno. pa Aemlaal. 19JS, 70-75. poaad. Lira pouhrr Portland d.llrery. buy- lag pnee: Ueary haea. colored 4H poaada lie: do medlnma 12e; lights 12, apalags light 1H poaada up ISe; color ed, aprings 16c; reoatera 6 poand. Ducka, Pekina, brotl.ra ISe poaad; old dueka. P.kina. 1012c; colored 10c. Qaioas Solliag price to retailers: Ore gon fl-US cental. Haw ealoni CoJiforais B.rmDda 81.S0-LT9 per 50-pouni erata, California 40. rer lag. Potatoes Loeal 65-T 5. eras re bos Dosehvtes gei a 91.SO. d Bakora. S1.S5: lakima raais SLAO. Sew potaleee CaUIerala garseU 1 peuas: white 3-S14S poea. Btrawfterries Sacramento 14s SI.TS 1.85; rroaae 10a $L35 rrato. Wool 1SSS eli. neatiasL WUlamotU rallor IS -XI poaad. eastera Oresaa 1 loe poaad; aeathara Idahe lO-zoa poaad. nay Baring vnee rrom pradeear: All alfa $14-16; elon ir $11; eeatern Oragea limotby l; Mil ass rates fix. Portland Livestock POBTL4 JTD. (W. Mar 15 (API- Co ttU Booaipts 125, ealres 10; .toady. euan nut SS-t, eonmoa and mod- lam $3.73-4.50. Heifer, good $5.50-4.15. commoa aad sudium $1-5.50. Cows good. S4.e-S.IS, ammo aad aaodiam 81.50- 4.S0. Ball good, 83.26-8.74; aatters aad tdia- 81 1 6-1.25. Vsalara reed, 85-6. aaaa end saodiam $3.60-5. Catroa good. f 4.-5. common aad atdli SI . Haga Kesetpt 400: steady. Hog Qoed. 140 te 200 pounds $5- 6: SOS e 864 pewds 45.25 6: over ISO peaads 94.75-54. Sows seed. sea.!, aBodlum 94.23-4.73. rigs go. fS.TS-4U II. ghaa n.aalsli 600: steady. Lambs, aorta ff. rood aad choice 86- 4.50, aaodiwm $4-4; oM loaabe, good aad eholce B4-4.T6. eeauao aA aaodiam 41- 4.85. Wethers $3-3.50. Ewes $1-3.50. 13:15 Ro.. City. trie. 1 : -Booh e( Life. 1:45 BoUe Martha, DLB8. 8:40 Temiaiae Faaelos, DLBS. 4:06 Smiling Kd HcCoauU, CBS. T:30 Blaak A Bloa. 7:45 riahiag baUoUs. 9 o Band Bex rerae. 9 : 15 Maatcal Terras Use. KOAO C0BTAXI3 66 Be. T:0O hforaiag SAodiUtieas, led by Harold Howard. S :00 Mora lag coaoert. 9:00 Uncle Sam at tout serriea. 9:15 Vaala asnreela ties, ea lllaatratod loetar eearae by Byrea Arnold. 13 :00 Farm beer. . T:16 Laar Margaret Smith, plaaUt. T :40 Baalaoe laatitule of the air, ad das by Prof. 1. Lloyd Lehtaster. "The Use of Checks la S MorehaadiaiBST." S:40 I rat Barrraf, plaals. aad Mr. Olyde William aoa, aapTaae. 8:30 Or. W. B. Aaoartoa. "The aarta sad Moon Their Pa, Preeeat aad Future." Salem Markets .' Grade B raw 4 snllk. co-ost pool price, 11-M per hsuidred. Seu-plas f las. (Xl Ik baud asm! steatUg eslterfat eve rags.) BaUerfat Top 30-21, prinU MM, cabes 22H. (rever Sy Salest be yen Max 2S FTVe erleee Selew. sapptied ey a gveeer, are tsalcstlee ef tao Sally bet are runatMl The euHesawa) auig aaa ftusruiiii trisg besas. lb, wa, , JS - arMehekes. des. .TS Asparagms, IseaV des. .TO OAbeage. a. , .01 r?PriCiiL. . Potatoes, Talus So. S rwu aeasts. whites ee-eet setatees. stets feMtaee, tUit Oairas. Lsbiak. cwt Btfcakerh. local rjelery. Cellf, erste suxlcaa Teautoei Ap4aa Wiaeaase, fa act Extra fiMi Star tee-as, taacy axtrs (aacr OTMgea, s, rsacy Beets. Calif, doa. Teraipa. lee at, daa. Spinach, local, crate Baaaaaa, la. ea ateck Haaaa Strawberries. Frene, Oraras Olaaa. 34-cn Oalery Beam, Sot. atastarfl gTeeai OaeastMr .SO ta 1.J0 M to .SO 5.00 Plaeappla retail Oaataloapet, crate BOPS To. Tap, 1032, Ik. 19S1. lb. .75 .38 BOOS Biytag Ptiees Extras . .14 . its . .13 .'.04 Standards Mediums P0ULTK1 Old roostora . Oolerod heas afediams heas Ught bena. , .11 . .0 -OS .13 to .15 5.50 5.50 ..5.15 .04 H to .05 .02 H to .08 .01 H U .04 .02 H te .08 .06 H Broil era MEAT Lambs, top . Hege. top First cats flteere Cows Heifer Balls Dreaaed veal, top Dreaacd hora . .OS QBAI AHD HAT. Wheat, weatera rod . .60 WhiU, ho. 1 .60 Barley, top. toa IS. 00 to 20.00 Osta. toa 20.00 te 25.00 Hay. baring prleoe Oats and T.tch. toa ls.oo Alfalfa, ralley lit cut 19.00 Beaten Oregon 20.00 Clerer hay 18.00 HUTS Walnuta, top Filberts, top .10 ta .13 .11 Stocks and Bonds (Copyright. 1933. Standard Statistics Co.) AlAT 33 STOCK a VX HADES 60 20 0 SO Ind'la HR'a Cl'a Total Today 75.3 40.1 89.S Tl.l Preriooiday 76.0 40.1 SS.4 72.S Weak age 71.4 38.7 7. 70.6 Tear ago 89.7 14 6 (11 40.0 Syaaraago 187.6 111. 261.T 192.1 High 1931 , 76. 40.1 95.S 72.6 Law 1913 41.S 71.8 35.1 23.S S1.S 39.8 111.0 1S.3 61.S 43.9 71.9 85.0 High 1933 W 1932 BOJTO AVTEBAGEJ 2 20 80 40 tad'ls n&'s Ut's Totai T0.4 Tl.l 01.6 Td.S Today i day 70.1 Tl.S 81.1 74.1 Week are 49.1 TOA . 65.5 50.T . 93.9 104.S . 70.4 Tl.l . 6S.S ST.4 . Tl.S TS.O SOA TS.l Tear ago 78.T S9.4 99.4 100.0 S years ago High 1911 . l.S T4.4 74.1 61.6 Lew 19IS . High 1981 . 86.1 TS.l LOW 1913 S3.9 47.4 T0.S 6TJ New 199S high E HAYESVILLE. May 25. The graduation exercises of the Hayee- vlll school were held at the school house. Thursday night. with the following program: Processional, Mrs. Esrl pesrey; Inrooatiea. Beg IL W. McCallnm; piano solo, sixth grada, Wllma Rings: presentation of class. Mrs. Marshsll;salutatory. Edwin uav la; class poem. Yashlml salto; elass prophecy. Marie Dietxman; class will. Mary I tow, reading, Richard Batdorf; valedictory, Lester Martia: vocal solo, Mrs. Earl Pearcy; address. Prln. H. F Darhsm; presentation or diplo mas, A. Stettler; benediction, Rer. H. S. McCallum; recessional, Mrs. Pearcy. PTE SOCIAL TONIGHT NORTH HOWELL, May 25 A pie social will be held at the grange hall Friday night, May 2$, with the yoang women members ta charge. All women attending are to bring a pie. r .04 JS aa 1.00 t 1S , - 1.40 1.40 S tm AO .01 t.SS 9 1 .96 LA JM 1 At TS i.oo u 4.oe .4S .40 .15 te .00 .05 -. .0516 30s LIS so .00 RS GRADUATED ON lrlARKET Oregon Strawberries Higher. After Drop Weather Eyed First cantaloupes ef the seasos appeared oa the local market yes terday, selling retail at it ceata two for 21 cents and If cents, de pending upon site. Quality la Oregon strawberries Jumped back to a higher price yesterday after the low ef Wednesday. Tee terdey's quotation was $1.41. ft truckioad from 1 California- was available at lower figures. , Cattle are firmer and If ceata higher per hundred. uuier commodities are changed locally. ua- 'WET SUES IE TO HIGHER LEVELS NEW YORK, May 21 (AP) Having broken through previous real stance levels, the stock market wss unable to hold a second wind todsy and fluctuated erratically. The losing average of prices was fratl.nally lower in a turnover of ' MlMet shares. The fast-moving ""wet" shares provided plenty of fireworks. Na tlonal favorites in the same gross gained 2 to more than 5. Elsewhere, chsnges were mixed. TJ. S. Steel. American Telephone, American Can. Consolidated Gas, Montgomery Ward, Union Pacific. Case and Western Union yielded about a point, Santa Pe. Illinois Central and Louisville 4b Nash ville were up as much, while Standard brands, in the limelight at Washington, gained 1 1-4 net. Allied Chemical, which has not yet composed its squsbble with' the stock exchange, broke 5 and closed near the low. National Lead was helped by a regular quarterly dividend of $1.25. rising more than 1. U. S. Steel preferred slip ped 1&. Shanghai Incident Pictures Make Hit With Mission Body FRUITLAND, May 25 The ba zaar sponsored by the Woman's missionary society was a success. Pictures of the Sino-Japanese con flict were shown and explained by Dr. J. Vinton Scott of Salem. The Fruitland school will hold its last day plcnJc Friday, May 2$. All friends and parents of the children are-invited. All residents of Zone 3 and all others interested will meet at th Fruitland public school to discuss the transportation set and the se lection "f a candidate for the' po sition of director from Zone S os the county tuition and transpor tation board. GOIXO TO COXDON WALDO HILLS, May 25 Mrs. E. A. Flnley and children Teddy, Norma and Blair, and Mrs. Fin lay's aunt, Mrs. F. M. Moore of Silrerton are to leave June 2 for Condon to be present at the high school graduation of their consia and niece, Mabel McKay. Mrs. D. M. Mc Far land, graadmother and mother of the two women will return with them for an extended visit. ALTAR-BOUND - - r---se' V j : - . t . , ( . . Qose tm the heels ef the announce ment of the marriage of his former wife, Both Elder, Lyle Wemack, who was Bath's second, let it bs known that he. too, would inake an other trip to ths altar. Womack is shown at the Pasadena marriage btrrrau with hi arid to b. She la I airs. Louise Tucker, of Arcadia, CaL By CLIFF STERRETT - H