PAGE Me VtebmeL.. Tht OREGON STATESMAN, Sdlera, flregon; Thnreday Mornini, Mar 23, 1923 4 i 'i BIGOTH INHir-JG 8R - Erickson Poles Long Homer; Pacific Beats Linfield ; 1 For Division Crown " j B RALPH CURTIS Willamette university's baseball team humbled the University of Oregon and - lost Its chance to play Cor the Northwest conference title all in the same afternoon jyednesdajr. While the Bearcat . were staging a thrilling eighth In ning rally to defeat the Webfeet, to 3 here. Linfield was losing the second of Its games with Pac ific at McMlnnvllIe, and that put wiuamette ont of the running as It has lost two conference ''games and Pacific but one. Willamette and Linfield will play here again Friday, hut that will hare no ef fect on the Badgers', Impending trip to Walla Walla. Pacific won at McMlnnvlHe, 1 to 0 and 4 to 2, The Bearcats looked the strong est they hare been all season 'in handing "Mighty Oregon" a trim ming on Ollnger 1 field Wednes day afternoon. Don Burch, fresh man pitcher, had so fully recov ered from a sore arm that he set the Webfeet down with six hits and no earned Tuhs," fanning sev en. Bobbles let in the three tal lies, but the men who booted the ball made up for that later; both of them figuring' prominently In the Bearcat scoring. Donln. Oregon pitcher, had the situation weu in hand for fire In nings, allowing not more than one hit per-lnnlng though in all that time he registered no strikeouts. A tew horseshoes helped him out. Moye's Triple Gives Bearcat First Ron v ' 3ut In the sixth, the lone hit was enough to bring la a run for it was bui Moye s triple scoring; Gribble who had walked. More was out trying to stretch It. In the seventh Willamette picked up an other run when Commons singled, Kostka of ; football fame letting the bail get away so that Com mons reached third. Egelston dropped a neat bunt for a squeeze play and Commons dented the Plate. . That set the stage for the big rally In the eighth, which opened with a screaming home run drive to left field by Walt Erickson, ty ing the count. Gribble singled and Moye sacrificed him along; Com mons was credited with a . hit when Garbarino couldn't decide where to throw. Commons pro- Gross - Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER 1 v i2 i3 I4 i5 v VfiV( i i 27 34 1 35 34 3T 38 yyy HI H7 - HH xfg h7" "" f 1 M I m- HORIZONTAL ' I t What womaa rprMtd Am erica aa erne el the dUgaU at the Gaaava DUaraaamaat v Coaferancci Dr. Mary T A confirmed rogue ? ; 12 What was the aaaM f the II . S. battUabip, blowa wp la v Havama harbar la 1898, with f tha Um of 260 liva?r I 13 The shin-bone 14 Musical note - ' 16 Animal-fleth : 17 Greek letter 18 Break suddenly - 20 Prefix meaning: "before ,21 A aufflx;" .v-v. 22 Unit i v t , 23 Eagle's nest 25 Pastry? , . 20 Bird's habitations ' . - . 28 Preposition . ; 29 Having? great resisting power r 80 To increase tin barely sufficient 32 Black, oily liquid ' . ' 34 Who was the 6rt major-fa-eral aapoiaUd by the Coali- v '. aaaUl CoagraM? 87 Preposition -9 89 Ecclesiastical council 43 Poem " 44 Part of a house 46 Bird i . . - . 47 Hypothetical force 48 Pale ; V 49 A fruit 60 Metallic element i 61 Mexican dollar ' 63 Chemical symbol for Neon - 64 Silly Cat Toa oa. iMaKnail VnAftTMT 58 What SwodUh ehamUt, 4e- uJ, providad for aaanal - a haaaf acton la - ' , Uteratore and farther . '- aaee ef peace? m r m 6 What lady waa appoUUd by Prosidoat RooTit a sacra- ' - - tarr af Labor U so cabaMtt Fraaeaa ? 'vertical 1 What former U- S. PWUaat r . eigaad the traaty at VarMiuae - andina tae woria warr ' X Mystic ejaculation . . . t Vessel In which oil It burn ' 4 Prevaricate 8 Growing out - it -I , - r ceeded to steal second while the first baseman held (he ball, v -Squeeze Play FalU 1 Amd That's Lucky now all was ready for a squeeze play to bring In the winning Tun; but - this time - Egelston couldn't reach the . ball, and "Duke" Shaneman threw to third to catch Gribble who had come more than half way home. Shaneman'a throw was wild and both runners came in. -'v.-'' The game was marked by a hitting revival by four men who had been somewhat In a slump: Erickson, Gribble, Moye and Com mons, c" ''-& '"'. - ":-';r The much-postponed game be tween the same teams at Eugene will, be played next : Wednesday, and if Oregon doesn't win that It will have to survive a fourth year in which no Z baseball victories were scored against Willamette. The score: Oregon AB . R H Vail, If .........4 10 Clausen, 3b ...v. 4 0 0 Hoage, 3b ....... 4 3 1 Cheater, lb ..... 4 0 2 Shaneman, c ..... 4 0 1 Kostka, rf ....... 4 0 2 Garbarino, ss . . . 4 0 0 Chatterton, 2b 3 0 0 Donln, p ........ 4 0 Totals Willamette 35 Alt 3 K 0 0 0 1 2 0, 2 0 0 11 Oravee. 2b ...... 1 0 2 2 3 2 0 1 19 Manning, lb ..... Pemberton, If ... Ertekson, cf Cribble, 3b Moye. ss Commons; rf Egelston, . Btrca, Totals 22 I Score by Innings: Oregon ...... .002 00 100 3 Willamette ....000 001 13 5 Stolen bases. Vail, Hoages 2, Kostka. Commons. Sacrifice hits, Egelston, Moye. Bases on balls oft Donln 4, Burch 2. Three-base hit, Moye. Home 1 run, Erickson. Double plays. Commons to Ora vee. Struck out, Donin 1, Burch 7. Umpire, Dwight Adams. McMINNVILLE, Ore., May 24. (AP) Pacific university won both games of a double head header here today with Linfield college, 1 to 0, and 4 to 2, to take the western division champion ship of the Northwest conference. The double victory won the Bad gers the right to go to Walla Walla, Wash., to play. Whitman for the conference championship. Pacific ............. 15 1 Linfield ............. 0 McKeel and Critchfield; ener and Brostrom. . Pacific 4 Linfield 2 McCoy and Critchfield; and Brostrom. ; - 3 3 Mich- S 0 3 Helser 8 Quote 9 Arab rabian rarment 10 Musical note 11 To hold a conference IS Waal Eaaiuh qvaan was tha last of the Stnart sovaraiaasT 19 Roman bronxe 20 Liquid measure 21 To ventilate 23 Request 24 Aa artificial universal Ian 5 fumbled true ' 27 To spread hay for drying 2d Askew 81 Hoted English, collegiate town 35 Forest tree ' " -34 Wham did President Roosevelf. appoint as Secretary of tha Treaaarr in hU cabinet? ' 85 To total 38 Musical note - 38 Conjunction 40 Born 41 Aaultanate in Arabia 42 Compulsion 44 A wingNMcnoa ot an aero plane 4S Caaaa Is the capiul of what larva Grecian bUnd? 48 Fermented grape-juice AO WU kaa 1mm Am Snaalr. or of the Honse of Reprasenta- tivoe to bo elected Preidnt ot the U. 9.T 60 Appendage 61 rood tor babes 52 Title of respect 65 Negation 67 Musical note . Herewith Is the solution to yes terday's Puzzle. ft mm MP&EjSmAfRE P1A TIL NORf C A'tS E tfT RjE k i it i 1-. lh tern as: RiAMtFolTO RitTOlWAj IK Hollywood -Auction Defeats 1 Elks, Salem Linen Wins . ;. r -V' Over Kingsley tee j; r i -tf tmmaammm -. .' '- ' .-V-?: ' ' "' ' The moon change having ap parently brought an 'end to rain, the Salem Kitball league, got down to business ' Wednesday night and played two games right on : schedule- that is. on the new schedule, the original one having expired with few games played. Hollywood Auction played Its first game of the season and de feated the Elks 13 to 3 In a slug- feet which saw one player on each team contribute a home run; Schelbner of - the Elks and Bob Kelley of the Auctioneers. . Hollywood 12 19 2 Elks u X 8 12 6 R. Kelley and Hartley;, Lem- raoo, ueaseman and Cross. Salem Linen , Mills deefated Kingsley lee In a tight duel, 4 to I. All of the runs were scored in the flrsVtwo Innings and the teams settled. down to air tight ball thereafter. .-Both pitchers showed excellent possibilities. Salem Linen 4 JL0 2 Kingsley Ice ... , 18 3 Serdoti and McCaffery; Mor ley and Meyer. The new schedule, on whieh one game Is already postponed. Pade's Grocery vs. Teachers which was to have been played Tuesday, follows: May 25 Western Paper vs Kay Mills, Teachers vs. Artillery. May 26 Kingsley Ice vs. Ar tillery, Salem Linen vs. Capital Journal. May 39 Elks vs. Salem Golf club, Hollywood Auction vs. Kay Mills. 'June 1 Teachers vs. Salem Linen, Elks vs. Western Paper. " June 2 Western Paper vs. Pade's. Capital Journal vs. Teach ers. June I Pade's vs. Elks, Salem Linen vs. Artillery. June 6 Kay Mills vs. Salem Golf, Western Paper vs. Holly wood Auction. June 1 Pade's Grocery vs. Sa- len Golf. Valley Motor vs. Capital Journal. MICKEY MOUSE tficrr KNOWING THEIR DIRIGIBLE HAS BEEN LOCATED BV MICKEY, PETE AND SHYSTER PREPARB I TO DUMP tTHE CAPTIVE MAIL PILOTS! OVERBOARD! THIMBLE THEATRE--Starring Popcye S SHUUTlie, DO RtfOA j UJAHT TO MARRf THIS t- v MOf " JLiTTLE ANNIE ROONEY LTjrt tvjx uavt tn rn i VOU FEEL LIKE IX MY DEAR HONEST FACEAMD I SURE SECRET 15 MOT AWTMMG VOU NEED . DC, A5HAMJEO Or r TOOTS AND CASPER TOOTS TOOTS! CCLCML KTS OUST RETURNED BY AW LAND THAT Blt 003 IN MEXICO CITY I WHEN HE ARRIVED THERS H3 FOUND OUT THAT THE UOS HAD OUST BSSJI 61VENJ TO A RSLATlVa wrrr im twit ctsm i fcv Tawn) - nwa w a w a w a " V Portland Hoists Gonfalon Celebrates Second Victory Over Seals COAST LEAGUE W. ¬ L. 18 20 21 22 24 24 29 34 Pet. .617 .133 .563 .561 .530 .500 .336 .396 Portland ...29 Hollywood .......28 Los Angeles ......27 Sacramento ....... 27 Mission ..........26 Oakland. 24 Seattle ........... 16 San Francisco ....IS PORTLAND. May 34 (AP) . Portland celebrated ita first pen nant raising in 19 years by defeat ing San Francisco, 6 to 3, here today, to make it two straight for the series. Sam Gibson, former Seal pitch er, was unhlttable on the Port land mound until Bottarinl hoist ed a homer In the seventh. The 8eals added one more In the ninth Inning. The Beavers started out with a three-run lead la the first inning added two mora In the sixth, and completed their scoring with one la the eighth. Parrish and ! Leslie Nines s Clash Today Parrish and Leslie Junior high school baseball teams will ' clash tor the second time this season at 3:30 p ' jn., today on Ollnger field. Parrish, with only one de feat to date in the triangular race with Leslie and Sacred Heart academy, will be certain of at least a tie for top place if it wfas this game, and will have a chance to tie even if it loses, by winning the third game from Leslie. In 'their first game Monday night, witnessed only by the par tlcipants, the coaches and the bat boys. Parrl&h won 11 to 2. They started In the rain and It kept on raining through the fifth In ning after which, requirement for a legal game having been fulfill ed, they called It a day. Leslie is expected to make a better showing today it better weather prevails, for It gave Sac red Heart a hard tussle recently and the academy boys hold one victory over Parrish. Browning for Leslie and Serdots for Parrish DLOW MR TOWt4 00 YA TAKE TH55 UALP-PINT SWAB' FOR Vf HUSBIKL iap tan r' v QiS'iiL . cx: haw i haw i W i when j count i j w mcm 7 w ,x&nA7L ' 1 )) jx Pn' fe iSS l8-rS& ST If TVKXrTWII Vf FT - YOU HAVE AN VOUR HOOFEU IS BACK! -PLANS 1 HE OtOMT OP 50M& w PAID jot - $D m by Taking Eddie Mulligan had a big day with two stolen bases and George Blackerby hit safely tor his 31st consecutive game. City and county officials and a squad of regular army, soldiers participated in the pennant raising, celebrating Port land's 1933 championship. 8an Francisco ....... 3 : 9 1 Portland 6 14 0 Henderson, . Freltas and Mc Isaacs; Gibson and Palmisano. Los Angelee ,......,.6 13 9 Seattle .............9 16 1 Newsom, Herrmann, Buchanan and Cronin; Radonlts and Brad bury. Oakland ........... .6 13 Mission ......9 13 8 Walsh, Gabler and Veltmaa; Johnson and Fltxpatrick. Sacramento ........ f 8 1 Hollywood 11 14 1 Vlncl and Wtrts; Shellenbaek and Basaler. wfU be- tho motrndsmea again to- day. 108 JOIIiiSOil HITS PHILADELPHIA, May 24 (AP) In a game abruptly ended In the sixth by a thunderstorm, the Philadelphia Athletics today defeated the St, Louis Browns, 7 to 4, and ran their winning streak to six. A five-run rally in the fifth put the A's ahead after Boh Johnson hit hi second homer la as many days. St. Louis 4 5 Philadelphia 7 6 Hadley, Knott and Ruel; Gain, Claset, Grave and Cochrane. Detroit 3 1 10 Washington Bridges and er and SewelL 1 9 Hayworth: Weav- Cleveland at New Tork post poned, rain. Chicago at Boston postponed, rain. Tha Diving Wasp - - - "11 . 7!T"3 ILIi J Now Showing ' l' J' I I B1.0BBER FOOs.'l U PTWTPCMA ) ' V ' r . nnnu .iarrs - iiiauiu w m m i w m r . Njaw s x t- y m im i. y -t i i - i i a n i i r sr i, A Protecting Wing ClQaPT NEVER KACMO V I FOIKJJ TH5 FIRST THSM4 T, 1 REMMBJIW.5W Maa AAEAMV3 ORPHAU ASVIUM- W AKT HONEST, SHETRCAT6 . S-. ALLTVE KIDS MEAN VTH5 WORST Of y StCI Something - EtlrHTOttS A6Q Tf.TJ 6AV3 YOU THAT 5KEWELL. BANQUET AND FRESEriTEOMXIWTVl THAT DIAMONOSTUOOED OLQ WATCH I ITS ON3 WEEK AcrO TODAY THAT YOU LEFT FOR MEXXO CITY TO UV3 rTUI3MTl.Y AND HERS YOU AREDAC4 ALREADY! DO YOU REAUZS THAT WE CHtPPEO IN RYSPOLLARS EACH AND l975iS? rod TH3 WATCH WT-6AVE "Chatter on the ball field is Insisted apoa by most managers and coaches, bat somehow we ever could quite see the point. Maybe, . after all, the.' pitcher does seed aasmrance from bis mates that they are "behind him, physically and - Spliitaal ly. Perhaps also the reminder that they are there, helps him to forego disastrous attempts to . strike oat all the batsmen. Anyhow, we nominate for the chatter championship Mr. Stanis laus Kostka, gigantic right fielder for the Webfeet. who is much more impressive la a football uni form than In baseball togs, though not had in the latter. That big boy booms his voice In from the out field, and keeps on booming while on the bench 4t must be deafen ing to hie neighbors. ' - As a baeeball chatterer, he reminded a of a hoc caller, bat ao doubt Is snore la keeping with the gridlroa sport. So well forgive him; that velco saay come fa handy aext an tain a. Mr. Kostka also set something of a record la the ball game here yesterday when he was put out by a margin of lust 180 feet. Gar barino, former American Legion Junior player In these parts, drove a terrific liner into tight field and Kostka, on second, decided It was a hit or maybe he thought there were two down. So the big boy hotfooted It for home and crossed the plate Just as Commons, who had made a great running shoe string catch, lobbed the ball in to Oravee for a double play. Strange coincidences The Bearcats beat Oregon and lost their rfianro for a Northwest eonterenco title the same day. They haveat lost a aeries to MANAGERS TO MEET Managers of teams la the southern Marlon county division of the Mid-Willamette Valley Baseball association will meet to night at 8 o'clock at the Stayton Hardware company store In Stay ton. "Too Much Wift" V aup v T eaai auav sronM. ASYUUM-BUTSHE CAUGHT AMI BACW-ANT THEM I RAM THE LAST TlAAC SHE SHE WV5 AWvTVU m i 4-1 RAM AWAY ACAM AM I NEVER to U Thankful For ,-.r s 8HEU. I VWV - --v f t-THINK YDU OUST FRETCNDED YOU wK3 rwvwcf mivkt.oo tvj o aci A 6O0O WATCH FOR NOTHING! . .THAT'S A OOaPSCnTASLS CM& rU..TKY IT MYSELF OKSDAY) I CAN usa A rOQO WATCH,TO0l v . ; HOW DO WE KNOW YOU CYC WENT TO MEXICO CITY? YOU MAY HAVE OUMPED OTP QB THT? TSAIM OUST YOU? AT THE FIRST STOP Tl HIOiNC UNTi anybody yet, bat wffl, have to ' beat Liafield Friday to maintain, that record. . The principal of one of the jun ior high schools objects to a story which appeared oa the sport page Buy Kelly Fatigue Piooi" TOffGC at NO MORE THAN YOU PAY FOR ORDINARY TIRES VAyl Liberty at Center Douglas McKaj I Triangle Service Chevrolet Co. I Station 430 N. ComT St. - Fairgroands Road Hollywood Super Service Station 2085 North Capitol By sai?v sat akivk: MZ AN CACBIEO LET THAT tMKAGMi, AM I THE WEIGHT CAUGHT ME II VOU ANL GSUXEL-AMT 1 SHE HAD UEO THE DAV SHE hope; KETCH ME AGAIN!; THE OOS WAS AIO teiAWEO KOWl r , ' - i Tuesday ansnt a bat shall game be tween north, and south end youths Sunday, because it mentioned they were from the junior high schools. She emphasises that the schools do not sponsor Sunday baseball and did not sponsor this game. 11 Loacl ttHao' in Rcgiitered By WALT DISNEY By SEGAR DARRELL McCLURE OH. VOU POOR.. UTTLE. DAS2UNG WICKED OLD HAG LA OF HER FINGER ON ILL MAKE HER WISH U ?- 1 sir By JIMMY IV1IJRPHY 6IVEN TO A RELATIVE OF THE BOSS, CASPER! 1T23 DZUC33tS2! HEAV KNjCVoThaT MY OWN RSLATTVES- SOPK:SAWMJHAVa EVENKI , EN0U4H W0RRE5 WmOUT OTHEa PE0PLC5 RELATIVES CAUS6 Kl TRQUCUX.TOO! but rr could nu WORSE 1 AT LEAST t CAN pt twAjwts rjinwT dbavs YCJ a a - K&LATIV5Z , m sa ry ,?!L '"i.TfeT fariKca-ina do