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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1933)
PAGE SIX The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning, May 25, 1933 S ociety .European Visitor Feted Before Departure '-. a loclal stir is ' complimenting ' Mlsr Augusta Notdurft, who leaves Jane 3 from. San Francis co on the liner Virginia for New .York city, by way of the Panama , - canal, and who will sail from the ..' latter city for Europe on the S. S. V Hamburg. Miss Notdurft plana to visit relatlTes and friends In Ger- ... many and also to tour Swltier ' land,. Italy and France and ex-' ; poets to be back in ' Salem the v- latter prt of October. '. ; . - . Wednesday night Miss Patricia , Draper entertained with a dinner i ' party at Mrs. Godfrey's, eompli- - i menting Miss . NotdurfU. ' Covers . -- were-placed for the honor guest . Md for. Mr. and Mrs. Hollia -I .' Smith," Mr. and. Mrs." Sidney Kro- ; '. mer. Miss " Genevieve 'Woodard, MIer Helen Hooter, Joha Nelson,: Jafe Craper, SUnley Bacon. i Frank Lynch 'and Miss Draper. - - Cards were in play following the . dinner hour. - . Mrs. E. X: Possehl entertained .-. Monday night with a bon-voyage party for Miss Notdurft who- to her sister. - ; The motif of tho party, was a surprise handerchlef shower., Those attending the affair were the honor guest. Miss Notdurft. Constance Smart, "Irene Roem hlldt, Pattle Draper, Helen Hoo- . Ter, Mabel Putnam, Betty Read, Josee Aeklln. Edna McElhaney, Flora Tarn bull, Jessie Starr, Ce eile Pelley, Letha Pelley, Lena Sherrington, Esther Erickson, Marguerite Crossan, Mrs. John L , . Sweeney, Mrs. HoUls Smith, Mrs. ttlenn "Holman. Mrs. Jacob Not--, ilurft and the hostess. Mrs. E. A. . Possehl.; '-.' Other affairs are being planned for the traveler before her .de .. -;iarture. ' . '' ' ; , O. N. S. Club : Concludes Season The last meeting of the season for the Oregon Normal School lub was held Tuesday night at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. E. l awk. A picnic meeting had been planned but - Inclement weather ' , !:ept the guests Indoors where a chicken dinner was enjoyed and followed by a program and busl jiess meeting. . ' The first meeting of the club for -the fall will precede the an ,. nual banquet sponsored at the '. time of the county teachers' lnstl ., tute meeting. Present for "Tuesday night were Miss Sylvia Paulson, Miss Lois Reed, Miss Inez Reifsnyder, Miss 'Helen Prang, Miss Bertha Engle horn. Miss Grace Hendrlckson, Miss Marie Westhotf. Miss Mild . red Wyatt, Miss Frances Graham, Mrs. . Sylvia Krpas, Mrs. Elsa Thomas, Mrs. Laura Eaton and , Mrs. C. Wallace, j ; Pattern t - Nothing boosts oar spirits more , than a . dashing rig in which we - can dash hither and yon and bis 1.1 .1.. - "1 - . ' x day. Here's, the frock to fill the - role perfectly! - Note the ' perky, capeier ana chic neckband trim ' med with buttons,, and the prec lous puffed sleeves fashioned of contrast to match the belt If you prefer, omit the ; sleeves . and you've sr perfectly darling frock ' tor not summer days.- Pattern 2138 may be ordered only In sues 12, 14, 16, 18 and . 29. sise 1C requires 3 fc yards 38 , inch fabric and yard contrast ing. Illustrated step-by-sten sew ' Ins; instructions Included with this . pattern. . . . 8a4 fUttm MnU- (16c) im calai Amm Adu pUrm. Writ ylalaly 7sr ., a4draa aa ctrU bbm br. ax te itxU tis wraud. - Tha m'nuuMr dttoa f tat Aaa , AAmm Ptt,n Wok Is rulr. Afur aoB,P sport, fU, tennu. eresMt, fiiaipwi, hoM (fecks, tpiil bcgla r' ttiu, atrU lor joohw-, nd cool ' cloth for ywufatort,- and .la tractlon ft uklc ckl awooUr an among tko f aeinaUag ttoaa. Sena for yoor copy. Pilot of emtaloc flf toeu ctnta. Catalog ar4 pittorn to gttatr, tmnty-nvt crati. . . ; ; Aadroot all man order to Ta Oro ' com atatonaaa - Pattora 4trpaitBnt, 2iS,Wt 17U xxm, Ktw Tork city. News and Club Olive M. Doak, SOCIAL CALENDAR - ; Thursday, May 25, ' ' Town and Gown club at Lassanne hall, 8:30 o'clock. . - i- Keber Ladies Aid. alVday meeting with Mrs.; Sey mour Jones. " . - U. S. Grant circle. Ladies of Grand Army of Repub- 1 lie, armory at 8. o'clock; business and social meeting. , South Salem W. C. T. U., 2:00 o'clock; Mrs. Necia ; Buck, special speaker. v .t- z- "" . West , Way club of Women's Benefit association, . with Mrs. Mable Johnson, 1080 Skinner street. West Sa- . lem. '.'..;. . - ? . -. . - ' v Friday, May 26 . Daughters of Union Veterans of Civil War, regular meeting, S o'clock. Women's clubhouse. ' v Unitarian Womens Alliance. 1 o'clock luncheon in .Emerson room of church; reservations with Miss Ethel Fletcher or Mrs. F. A. Weil. ' .. , " -... . - --'..Three-Link's club,. 1430 o'clock -in dub-rooms of. -'I. O. O. F. hall; social evening with encampment to follow.- v.. -. . ,-;-VV:... ,- 'f --..j V-.; V -'-: . ' -. ... Past. Matrons association.' with Mrs. Ida Godfrey,' -7:10 o'clock ,- dinner: followed by business and social .meeting.. . . . .. , i.v ..r'---v ;. - .- k . . Mrs. J. Dale Taylor hostess to Calvary Baptist Mis sionary society at her home, 210 Soath 19th street, l:i9 o'clock. , World Wide Guild First Baptist church, with Mrs. F. A. Erlxon, 151C North 19th street; Mrs. J. Vinton ' Scott, speaker. - Women's Bible class of First Methodist church, bus iness and social meeting; 1:30 o'clock, home of Mrs. Ed na Waterman, 1307 Hines street. Saturday, May 27 Rebekah degree itaff requested to meet at Odd Fel low's hall, 8 o'clock, for drill and practice. Salem Women's club, installation ot officers. Memorial Day Plans Made at Social Meeting Plans were made for the an nual observance of Memorial day at the social meeting of the Sons of Veterans of Civil War and the auxiliary, Tuesday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Per rlne. An informal program of mu sic and readings followed the pot luck supper and business meeting. . Present were Mr. and Mrs. H. R. McWhorter, Mr. and Mrs. John Robbins. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rem ington, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Reily, Mr. and Mrs. "J. A. Yantiss, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin, G. R. Stover, A. M. Lausch. E. L.. Buchanan, J. F. Thompson, Eugene ?Prescott, Mrs. Mattie Schram, Mrs. Charles Fessenden, Mrs. -Esther Kruger, Mrs. Mary Llckel, Mrs. Mae Ivie, Mrs. Lulu Boring, Mrs. Mary Kruger, Mrs. Helen Kruger and Mr. and Mrs. Perrine. Thursday evening ; St. John's Ladles Aid will hold their annual birthday party beginning at 8:00 o'clock. Mrs. William H. Fisch er will introduce those taking part. Those who will take part are Rev. H. W. Gross, Miss Ger trude Steinka, Mr. and Mrs. G. Brodhagen, Miss Loretta Kahler, Miss Irene Roemhildtr Harry Wendland. William O'Neill, and Mr. and Mrs. William H. Fischer. Mrs. Charlotte Gross Is president of the society. Mrs. Dennis Landry held win ning score for the attractive des sert luncheon card afternoon for which Mrs. E. E. Thomas was hostess at her home Tuesday in compliment to members of the Sa lem Women's press club. The an nual picnic enjoyed by this club was discussed it this meeting and it was determined to make it a beach affair sometime in June. Stay ton Women's Club Plans Garden Silver Tea Past Matrons Club Confers Floral Degree for 25 Years of Service Stayton Plans for the silver tea Garden: Fete, being sponsored by , the Women's club . have been made. The party will be held at the Goode gardens, Monday, June 5. from 2 until 4 p. m. There will also be tables for bridge and, "500" for those who care to play,- also a program..; ,. - , Invitations have : been sent to Mill; City, Scio, ' Salem;; Silyerton, Union " Hill, Gates, - ; Aumsville, West Stayton; Willard. Woodburn. Liberty,' , Jefferson and Howell clubs to attend.? ; t Monmouth Miss Ruby Hamar, daughter of . Mr: and Mrs.' L. D. Hamar ot- Monmouth, became the bride of-Claude McKern, son 01 Mr.,, and- Mrs. - L. A. McKern of Monmouth in a: simple ceremony Monday night at the Evangelical parsonage: ; Rev.- A. L. Lonsberry read theservice." Attendants were Miss Gladys McKern, sister-of the groom, and Miss Aletha" "Lons- .Woodburn The ladles 'of? St. Mary's Episcopal Guild held their meeting at . the home of Mrs. Cecil J.. Espy .Tuesday, afternoon. Airs. H, -L. Gill, president, " presided and Mrs. Frank Wolf led de votions. A social hour was en- Joyed. -Mrs. H. L. Gill will be hostess June 12; . Sublimity A "Croup ot friends and relatives . gathered, at . the home ot - Mr. and Mrs. .'.George Glover Sunday night; the occasion being Mrs. Glover's birthday. : IUI fciri v,5- y v J 3 HOTEL likiTLi Society Editor High School Reserves Elect Officers The High School Girl Reserves met for their final meeting Mon day,. May 22, during which Dr. Purvlne, as guest speaker, gave a short talk about health. During the remainder of the meeting the semi-annual election of officers was held. The follow ing were elected: president, Bet ty Dotson; vice-president, Claire Kolbe; secretary. Arlene Moffit: treasurer, June Weeks; program chairman, Ethel 'Able; publicity, Iola Quesseth; service, Eleanor Curtis; ring, Freda Schults. The new cabinet will meet at the high school Monday, May 29, to discuss plans for the coming year. Vera Oreys are Club Hosts Mr. and Mrs. Vern Orey were hosts Tuesday night in compli ment to members of their bridge club. An informal evening of cards was enjoyed which conclud ed with Mr. and Mrs. Mack Car thew holding .winning score for the evening. At a late hour Mrs. Orey was assisted in serving refreshments by Mrs. Fred Fleming. A lovely arrangement of orchid and yellow Iris was used for the serving table. Present were Mr. and Mrs. James Uebeleman, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Hamlin, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fleming, Dr. and Mrs. C. Ward Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. Carthew and Mr. and Mrs. Crey. Mrs. Breyman Boise was host ess for a prettily appointed lunch eon and afternoon of bridge at her. home Tuesday in compliment ' to members ot her club. Sublimity -Mr. ; and Mrs. Irvla J. Schumaker entertained with a 6 o'clotk dinner Sunday night at their home. Covers were placed for Mr, and Mrs. Wes Starr and children Vincent and Inez Rose; the Misses . Therea and ; Irene Starr of Salem, Syl and George Silbernagel of Jordon, Dorothy Starr, Mabel , Schumaker, . Helen Starr. Mildred and Leonard Schu maker, and Mr.' and Mrs. Irvln j. Schumaker and children, Robert, RIchard;,Betty Lou and Darrell. ; Woodburn Past" Matrons' club of- Evergreen chapter, Order .of Eastern .Star, Monday night hon ored Mrs. , Carrie Young by con ferring upon her a floral degree for 25 years membership in tne club;, -' .." "v."-' Mrs. F.W. Settlemeler has been appointed 'to .serve as grand . sent!-' nel . of 4he'. grand, chanter of Ore-, For Better; : HEALTH Ton may be sore that glasses wm be recommended and fit ted only when necessary. And too coat wm he amaO. I I if Affairs Encinitis Club ; ; Elects New . , OGcers . :, Election of officers ; for'" the coming year .occupied the' atten tion of the members. of -the. En cinitis elub at the regular dinner meeting, held at . the T.W. C. A. Tuesday evening. Miss Mabel Currle ' was elected president; Marie Shindler, vice - president; Lenore Naegali secretary; . Leila Park,' treasurer; Dorothy Franks, sob leader; Helen Richardson, pianist, and Mrs. Helen B. Ham ilton, club advisor. These officers will take office when the club re news its activities after the sum mer vacation. .. i Covers were laid for Mrs-Eliza-' beth Gallaher, Helen Richardson. Alice Talk." Agnes EmmeL Harriet summer Evelyn -Poulsen, Lenerel waegan, Muriel Rowe, Anna Pet ers. Laura Phipps, Bessie' Tucker, Leila Park. Gertrudo Chamber lln, Olga Gath, Ruth Stover, Es ther Rickey. Mabel Currle. Marie Shindler, Mildred Judson and Dorothy Franks. Gertrude Chamberlain. Marie Shindler and Evelyn Poulsen were appointed to make arrangements for the week - end trip to Camp Santaly, June 17. . o Mrs. H. T. Love is Complimented A charming afternoon was en joyed at the home of Mrs. John H. Carkins Tuesday, at which time incoming; and outgoinr officers of Chemeketa chapter. Daughters of American Revolution entertained members of the chapter and a few additional guests. Mrs. H. T. Love, outgoing regent, was guest of honor and was presented with a lovely tribute, a book ot poems written by Mrs. William Fordyce Fargo, member of the chapter and past regent. The tea hour was a nrettv cart of the afternoon. The service table was centered with a bowl of gay- iaced pansles and the "same flow ers were suggested in the original favors Miss Grace Bailley. Miss Gretchen Spencer and Miss Bev erly Swart assisted in serving. Additional guests for the after noon included Jkliss Eula McCully, Mrs. Edwin Keech. Mrs. W. E. Chandler, Mrs. Hal Patton, Miss Ruth Geer. Mrs. Cosper of Dallas. and Mrs. Gilmore of Lewis and Clark chapter. D. A. R. Mrs. Carkin is the incoming regent for Chemeketa chapter. o o o Mrs. J. Dale Taylor will enter tain the Calvary Baptist Mission ary society at her home Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. O. M. Pickens will have charge of the program, and Mrs. Mary Wat son will lead the devotional hour. The theme of the meeting will be "A o-lan. Ka1.rai - J - ..11 Aauw nai u ,UU m lull view ahead." Special music will be a feature of the afternoon. The Three Link club and the Encampment will celebrate a 1:30 o'clock potluck supper in the Odd Fellows hall Friday night. All melibers of the Rebekah lodge are cordially invited to attend. A program meeting Is being planned after the regular business meet ing of the camp. vi r- nnnrv W?7-' . i ii ii n i ii ic ii i ...- v .- .'yw - .. - . t m i - . a mm mm mm mm m m. - -:r v- . i- ., -- m. v.w . v. m m Thtv;Stateman .Will; Entitle You '::.ZTo 2 Tickets to See - Eor : i - USE THIS COUPON :;r.. All subscriptions - Saturday evening Smart Tea: Honors Visitors Here l ' From East - " . t-:.. -U ' . i .: . . - One .of the smartest events ot thei past few weeks was the tea for which . Mrs. D. J McLellan en tertained at her home on 'South Commercial street Wednesday af ternoon complimenting her house guests,. Mrs. C. W. Schauta a sis ter, and ' Miss Anna Malloy . an aunt - ot Mr. McLellan, who- are here from New York city, . .. . Miss : Sally McLellan - greeted the guests', at the door and re ceived with Mrs. Schants, Miss Malloy and -Mrs.. McLellan - with Mrs. Bragg ot Portland. . Mrs. Frits Slade, Mrs. Dan Fry, Jr.,- Mrs. Wallace' Carson and Mrs. Allan Carson presided at the beautifully appointed tea '-table which was centered with a strik ing arrangement of flowers in a French bouquet effect. A group ot prominent matrons assisted in serving. This pretty affair, delightful in Its 'Informal ity, is the first of several affairs being planned tor the guests. . A hnndred Invitations' -were extend ed for the tea. vr V BdysCho Sing This Mornings :f' - -.' . s , An event that promises much beauty is taking place at 9 o'clock this morning at - St. Joseph's church at which time the boy's choir of Saint Benedicts ab'jeyr ML Angel, will sing. The apearance ot the choir la in honor of the feast ot the Ascen sion. Father Leo ..Walsh, O. S. B.. will preach the occasional ser mon. Father Buck will ting the mass. The choir is composed of 40 voices and is under the direction of Father Cyril Lebold, L. S. B. It was one of the outstanding musical groups which sang in the grotto service in Portland, May 14. The service this morning is open to the public. o a o The Women's Council of the First Christian church met Tues day afternoon in the church par lors. The South Circle had charge of the program. Mrs. Estella Gabbert gave the history of how the South Circle came to be. Mrs. Guy Drfil and Mrs. W. H. Gard ner sang a duet. Mrs. E. J. Mauk gave a short talk on "I Have the Best Husband in the World." Mrs. E. C. Riley and Mrs. J. P. Sear each gave patriotic readings. Mrs. Gertrude Kirkpatrlck sketched the history of the Virgin Islands and how the United States came to own them. Refreshments were served by the South Circle. o o o An interesting reature of the Women's Alliance meeting of the Unitarian church Friday after noon will be the talk on batik work by Dr. Mary Roland and an exhibit of the work. This will be the program feature which will follow a 1 o'clock luncheon. o Mrs. Hannah Martin talked on the sales' tax before the regular breakfast meeting of the Salem Credit Women's club Tuesday morning at the Marion hotel. In teresting reports were also given concerning the events of the Cred it association convention held in Vancouver, B. C, recently. Mrs. Clarence Keene entertain ed members of her club with a de lightful afternoon at her Silverton home Tuesday. Mrs. William Wal ton and Mrs. O. C. Locke were special guests for the affair. One 3 Months V" Subscription to So -tP- . : m-:--w ir'dii . h m u si -z. m a 'v ' r - - .. . ... - must r be in ; by. . 6 o'clock May - 27; - ; ' , :r :V '. I PATCHWORK QUILT PATTERN " HoMjTMmb Jfo. 483 - - By LAURA WHEELER - -' : ,j V - V ' " ' .' -- " - The hexagon- one - patch, so popular with the needlewoman of generations past, can he used to form radically different oullts. Two very effective arrangements are given la all detail in this pat tern. Though structurally the same, the variation in design is achieved through the distribution ot the materials. The one showa a wreath and floral border ar rangement, while the other la a repetition of a group ot hexagons that can first be formed into a block and the blocks then attach ed. This one-patch tyle ot quilt mad entirely of patches cut from SALES T1X ADDED Declaring that the proposed sales tax for Oregon taxes the In sufficiency of the poor and ex empts the surplus of those more economically favored, Otto K. Paulus yesterday presented a neg ative argument "on the tax to the Retail Credit association. The association went on record as opposed to the sales tax. Pointing to the experience of Mississippi, which raised only two and a quarter millions in a year on a sales tax, Paulas de clared In his opinion the six mil lion dollar revenue which Oregon hopes to raise from the tax will not be greater than fcur millions. Mississippi has twice the popula tion of Oregon, with approximate ly the same sales total. Paulus declared the tax will bring no relief to real property, but merely an added burden to the property holder. I Six men. all arrested on Skook um Lake for unlawful fishing without a license, faced Judge Miller Hayden la Justice court here yesterday. Arrests were made by Sergeant C. A. Hearing of the game division. I BURDEN UN SXMEN ADDED ON Li CHARGES GS.IZIE... Nature I Sf V Please enter my subscription to The Oregon Statesman, for month. I havo not been a Signed 'Address I I - : i - ; atau er snoi ijlls eruer two admission tickets to ' .. t . , . . I I TO JUNK X.- EXCEPT 8ATURDATS. SUNDAY 8 AND HOLIDAYS. (Note: Mall subscriptions r:-:- " must bo paid ki advance.) Zt''.""'--- ' ::'-,' . ; I UA1L RATE. 8 MONTHS .11.15." BY CARRIER 4S CENTS .PER MONTH. NOTE: A new subscriber la one to whom The Statesman has not been delivered for -the past' JO days- LCAasfo of name at the ' the same pattern piece was the first attempt et the needle woman -of the past to make ah orderly arrangement of patch pieces, early quilts having been of the crasy-quilt type. The pattern cornea to you with complete simple instructions for cutting, sewing and finishing, to gether wth yardage chart, dia gram of quilt to help arrange the blocks for single and donblo bed sise, and a diagram of block which serves as a guide for plac ing the patchea and suggests con trasting materials. Send 10 cents for a pattern for this design to The Oregon States man Needleeraft Dept., 82 Eighth avenue. New York city. , Ernest Kunl. Melvin Bench and Clarence Compton pleaded guilty and were fined 825 and costs, each, the fine being remitted and defendants placed on probation for a year. E. T. Osborn and J. Lasgley got similar fines remitted and probation. Everett Hubbell also admitted guilt and in addition to tine re mission and probation, suffered confiscation of his fishing rod and tackle. All paid court costs. jQgBSSBBBBBlSBSlSBBSBBlBBBBBBSSBBBB Economy Grocery 150 N. Commercial - Phone 5563 IHtea&cpaaFtte&'s . . for Steady Up i?i?flGG ones SUBSCRIPTION BLANK AND TICKET COUPON subscriber tor the past thirty dayal a (1 ' -- - Secured by . --r. i ih xaicaniu. as soon mm ine the Elalnore theatre. ADMISSION .Ml- . - .1. name aa areas or renem am are not new -z " '' -' ' '': ' DODDLE PlfiTIFF I! Two civil actions,1 both, involv ing the same accident, were heard ' In Justice court - yesterday by Judge Hayden. In one, Walter Fahrer sought $77 car damages from Louis C duBuy and L H. Williams sued Louis C duBuy for 8218 damages. , - The accident occurred at Chemeketa, and 1 Capitol streets September e--192l; when Wil liams' ear, Ortvesf If Li. Hoop er, crashed ' tat fc"parked ear owned by Fearer -immediately after a. collision between the du Buy and Williams-ear. . -' On stipulation of' Attorney Al lan Carson for daBuy and Attor ney John Minto" for Williams, the cases were tried: .together. Judge Hayden will hear farther argument on the- ease before giv ing a decision. $266Eaised Y. W. Drive Early last night reports from workers on the T. W. C. A. wind up finance drive reported raising 8288 since Tuesday afternoon. The goal on this campaign is 81800, to round out the year's work. On account of fine weather, many persons called upon were not at home, so it Is nrged that anyone who wishes to contribute to this worthy work send in his or her donation without waiting tor the volunteer workers, to call. Solicitors .will be in the field until the $1800 goal la reached. Plans for the tea to be given for board members, committee women and employers were made by the Cadena club members at their meeting last night. The tea will be held May 21 at the T. W. C. A. The elub is composed of girls employed in housework. Mrs. Floyd Miller, chairman of the camp eosamtttee. has called a meeting of Girl Reserve com mittee members; "advisors and camp counselors for "Friday after noon, at 4 o'clock,' 'when camp plans for the year wflT be formu lated. Sun.-vMon. Tues. May 28, 29 30 lUMGUUtBNOl mi cacmes u. . COHAN . ' r PATRICIA ELLIS RUaiXMcHUCH CLAIR! DODD RUSSELL HOPTON STERLING HOU.OWA1 PRESTON SrFOSTCl - DimmJh - QIYYM lAOY 1 three month and thereafter nn- . ' -.. Phone m ... . . . - r - .' - 'vr?.v '-, r oroer ia veruiea yon.wiu- oe given TICKETS GOOD FROM- MAT It . I . a. . . M . . suDecnptlona. - : ' ' - IT 0 Opemiig Day i 4 - A v -4 4 1 4 mi 'V