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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1933)
The OREGON STATESMAN, Saleo. Oregon, Tlmrsdty Mornlajr, Blay 25, 193 J CLASS SERB TO BE SUW . ... :rn ..... For 80 Seniors of SHverton : High School; Graduates .. Are Listed E. J. Shumaker property. Bear the Evangelical church and expect to move the first week in June, af ter making Improvements. : Miss Velma Gander, a cousin of Mrs. --Mary Powell, arrived in Portland Thursday on the S. S. General Sherman from the Philip pine Islands. J She has been teach ing school in the Philippines and will spend some time visiting "her relatives here and elsewhere in the valley. Row II. IX. Stocker. pastor t the First Presbyterian ehurei of Al bany, will he the speaker; there will also be special .music The eighth grade graduation exercises will be held.- In..' the school adultorlum Monday night. May 29, County School Superin tendent Mrs. Mary L."Tulkerson, will be the speaker. , The high school graduation program will be .held .Thursday night, June. 1, Dean Frank Mor ton : Eriekson of 'Willamette uni versity will give the adress to the class. ; j - , oylas;. ; The Wheeler and Train er una were real and eUssussed. There seemed to be quite an optl mlstle feeling over what congress has accomplished for farm relief. George Wilson, a Marion boy, who has keen employed at Gray men farm for some time, and also a atndsnt of the Portland Bible school part time In the past two years, has accepted aa appoint ment aa minister la G slice, a min Willamette Grocery y To Open in Woodburn Grocery-company. The manage ' meat la planning for opening day, Saturday. , . Co-Op Selling and . - Buying: Considered . By Farmers9 Union MARION, May ft At the Far mere Union local meeting Friday night plans- were made for con .,WOODBURN,iMay c24 The E. J. 'Allen building on Front street which has been occupied by the A. 0. Nelson's grocery until re cently la being renovated for oc cupancy by the Willamette gro cery of Salem. This Is one of a chala of SO or 40 stores owned and operated by the Willamette Prunes and Cherries Suffer From Weather TURNER, May 24 The bacca laureate service for the Turner high school senior class will he held Sunday morning. May 28, at 11 o'clock at the Christian church. ROSED ALE. May 24 The con tinned rainy and unsettled weath er has been very : hard on - the prnne and cherry crop. - The out siderable cooperative selling and ing town in southern Oregon. come Is very uncertain. PAGE TEN Ml HITS HI VJCJTII 8ILVERTON, May 23 Baeca laureate services will be held at t& En gene Field auditorium Sun day night with (he Rev. C. J. Hall el the. Methodist church dellver- tssr the .sermon. Rev. Mr.' Hall : lias chosen ' for his subject "The . Three Great Facts of Life." Preceeding the sermon will be . die processional march ''The Cor nation - March" played by the Methodist . orchestra; Gabriel's "Awakening Chorus" sung by the Choir and accompanied by the or chestra: scripture readingty Rev, Ernest Larson; Invocation by the Rev. C. L. Foes; vocal duet, Teach Me to Pray," sung by Kthel Smith and Frances Nelson; orchestra . selection. Following the sermon the choir will sing Heyien'g "Creation" and the ben diction will be pronounced by . Dr. W. O. Livingstone. , Graduates of the SHverton high school number 80 this year. " Work Already" Done , Seniors who finished their work In January and who will receive their diplomas on June 1 are Mar garet Ballangrud, Ina Clark, Or sna Day. Ernest Deorfler. Opal Grlnde Hazel . Haw ley, Pauline Henjum, Mabel Huddleston, Es ther Larsen, Alvln Moen. Eleanor Moen. Sylvia Overlund, Hilda Pounder, Phyllis Rodenberger, Orville Schwab, Thorkild Thor klldson, Ralph Severson, - Edwin ' Wllllg, Robert Tweed. Finish this Month Other seniors who will be grad- aated are Constance Barker, Vera. Beer, Versa Beujtll, Gladys Burch, Vivian Burk, Catherine Bump, 'William Cameron, Sheldon Cun ningham, Merle Davenport, Helen Davis, Sylvia Dobberfuhl, Perle Down, Elmer Egan, William Gates Jr, Laurel Hanson, Muriel Har Vee, Eugene Hobart, Mildred Jenkins, Arnold Johnson, Edward Johnson, Elsie Jorgenson, Walter Jergenson, Margaret Keene, Roy King, Norman Kolln, Louise Lath am, Ernest Lee, Wesley Lewis, Edith Lord, Carl Loron, Theodore Marx, Clair Morley, Pearl Moores, Doris Moseng, Vincent Neal, Ber nle Oas, Grace Oeder, Delbert Ot Jen, Edna Overlund; Bonita Par-, none, Leland Ray, Alphie Rudis haaser, Nora Rutherford, Wayne Satchwell, Albert Satrum, Fred Schmidt, John Scott, Orvin Sever non, Charles Tirber, Lillian Stor Ue. Olga Sunde, Millicent Taylor, Dnane Thornley, Conrad Thork lldson. Myrtle Thorkildson, Edwin Tlppner, Palmer Torven, Harry Way, Wayne Weeks, Maurice Winter and Mildred VanBuren. cmie mm HISTORY IS VISITED SCOTTS MILLS, May 24 The seventh and eighth grades with their teaeher, Miss Ruth Boyce, motored to Champoeg Monday, where they enjoyed the day plc mlcktng. The grade school Is out ad the high school will be out Js f.i: - The baccalaureate services will fee delivered Sunday morning at the Yrlends church to the gradu thas; class of the 8cotts Mills . high school, Rev. H. Maey, preach ing the sermon. Special music via also be given. J. B. Fisher of near Redding, Calif., Is visiting old friends here. . 3Kr. Fisher lived in this vicinity lor several years. A surprise birthday party was Shrea on Tom McRoberts at his homm at Crooked Finger Monday sUght. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. - J. II. Kinaer, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Magee, Mr. and Mrs. M. Dorgan and family and Ben.Wenner. Her. C. C. Poling To Give Memorial . Address at Dayton DAYTON, May 24 Arrange ments for the observance of Me morial day in Dayton are in charge of the committee, Rev. F. E. Fisher, Fred Matches and Rex Fetter. The services' will be at 11:39 a. m. Tuesday at the Brook side cemetery. . Rev. C. C. Poling of Portland will give the address, the school children will sing and . a firing squad will be here from McMinn ville National guard unit, i Sol diers of three wars will partici pate In the ' service. Memorial sermons will be preached Sunday In eacjt church by the pastors. f U3GD mm R n QDC' 2)Mro(2 ) i OA" -4 - - . I ' N FRMMHI'ln"MHBJM!B jssssjBasjBism RiJi fe on f rouoe-rree Kl v tKi - ', Are you going to hobble out Decoration bay on your old, weak tires when trustworthy Riverside quality is priced so low? : What about a blowout when you're swinging the curves in packed, fast traffic? What about those speeding World V Fair tourists? YES, SIR if you ever needed new, safe tires, it's note! Ward's Riversides are made by one of ... If at any time any Riverside Tire mMM. e. the 4 largest maker of the best tires in America. Riversides are quality tires. Our guarantee proves it Read it for yourself. ... . . . Wo Guarantee every Riverside Tire to give satisfactory service with out limit as to time or mileage. should fail to give you satisfactory service, we will repair it FREE OF CHARGE -or replace it with a new tire and charge only for the actual amount of service you have received. Any tire backed by such a strong guar antee HAS to be good! vt s-rtr 80x4.50-21 SSa S0.05 28x4.75-19 . 4.10 0.45 20x5.00-10 ...... 4.45 7.O0 28x625-18 ...... 5.05. 75 81x525-21 5.50 8JS5 OtAer Sizes Similarly Low And yoa can Trade la year worn tires as part paysseat when too boy River side Dc Lax Wards bnest. Free Tiro Mounting Women's Smart 95 41' In the popular summer pastel shades, and white dresses, some with jackets. These are unusual values, including our line of regular $7.75 dresses. Dresses for all occasions. KlffltS Smart Hats for Summer Wear The newest straws and popular sum mer shades, incloding manj whites. You'd Expect to Pay More Ward's Saves You Almost 1a Menu's SimStts 75 as And UwjH sack of wsrstedW n th smart 1933 styU.t Oxfsrii! Blae.! Crsy.l Brswpil New Taatl Sc s Wvfit Record Attendance at Closing Club Session WHEATLAND, May 24 The closing meeting; until autumn of last- Unionval Community club was held at th Unionvale school hows' Saturday night with a rec ord six large attendance. Out of tho neighborhood numbers on the program were furnished by Mrs. . C. Clark of Dayton. Gailan Frsahottr of Pleasantdals, Hilda Fletcher Of McMlnnvtlla. AnnaKsl Nelson and Grace Carlson of Day- Hsrirs Purchases r Lots at Jefferson; srj;ERSONt.May. 4, jtd irris nas purcnasd Uto lots ad Jolnlnr tho TreA rknrr ty on tho north.ind has moved a small housonx the nlace. and Is now imr-taere. H ha, been wvin-ra tho country about five 2$s northwest of town. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Colgan who kva bMTI llTtnr fn v n - - Looney residence have leased tho Special New Glen Park HDiress Mir Our Lowest Price Evert 7C Yes Sir! Oar low. est pries ever! Bay w sad save! Fall cot, wt dyed tread eleta, exceQeal si Urine, IHuu. Moe, tao, green. . Saves Vz the usual cooking time! Saves hell Makes canning safe! Pressure Cooker IS,..Ia S 1775 Cooks in 13 aal time w 1 1 a less faeL Pre serves bealth-ghr-ing vitamins. cheaper meals tender saves s r s 1 s food. Heavy, last, ing ahnatnnn! Save $5 to $10! It's New I A Specially Equipped Mew mficyelle The tires are Gi ant Stud River sides. And It has Auto typo horn, electric headlight and wide base parking stand! pairik Buy 42 II - - a--- 1IMr-''in-inriitt i inmi r- -- - - IPlmgs Them in SETS Each C h sets el 4 or more Boy Riversides to sets for Bal anced Power. With sll new lags, cylinders spark alike. Worn pings waste 1 gal. gss in If. (Single lags 4S) 40-Pound Cotton - V An outstanding vatua at cs45 140 layers of felted cotton lin ters to prevent la tap 1 11 s. Itoaad corners; roll edge j , floral ticking;. I y fW) (o) MM .211 Repeater Western Field, boh action. Ac curate! 24 in. tapered barrel. rifceartridgea $ 5 Clean Fire ,22's box Heavy jacket cartridges. C o n p or coated. Noa corrosive ps iia ing. Ac curate. Lunch Dox Kit Uttblaao' perfect mali odfiQecBos is ventilated ee feeds stay fresh. Wax Your Car 29 Ssve 33 . and do as Save 25 dDcn T&mt Casitnimg TTacMe n&odl, Meell, MimeJ swell e Job as yon've Ward's Auto Clenner 20c Easy lift Jack Ball bearing doable screw llfu 1 tea V y from ii to &SK . Sled base. li Drake Dands 0&69 SovolSoa Pootiao and Chevrolet bands. The Nonacor lin ing is already riveted ecu Vacuum Dottle 79 quality UsaaOy Sr. Plat slse. Keeps Cold 41 aears BotUbean. AatoDnlbs Seve X3 "Westlngbouse Masdas. t can dle power 10c, 21 cp 18c, 32 p 18c". L i STEEL BAIT ROD One piece tempered grj AQ chrome vanadium steeL Agatine guides. l 1 Nickeled reel seat. PRECISION REEL Level winding. $.05 Chrome plated. Adjustable anti-backlash. y ) Carries 100 yds. 18 lb. line LACK KING" SILK LINE Oar fin- fj 1TO est. Waterproof, non-kinking. Choice of weights. 50 yds. of 22-lb. line ...... L IF j dDraitSniigs, (DsfflmijpSmig, WoirfldPg Fauir Tr5p9 "Wora Caim'it HBeatt Ward's Hot-CoW Picnic Jug 2o It holds 1 gallon of food or liquid. Fine for soups, stews, haked beans, coffee stpnmfnir Tint at monl tfm TToona J things cold just as easily. Just the thing for drinking wslct. xxusay Bteei jacaei sumas me anocKS. omootn crock lining. Wide 3-inch mouth. Use cover for a cup. Save 4 to 5 Use Ward's 11 IPrare JPemnnsyllvaimSa (Mil In Your Own Container It Is Qsusrt Ward Riverside 100 pure Pennsylvania oil is from Bradford crude which commands highea mice of ANY crude oiL When 'sold in service stations oil of this qual ity costs you 50c-S5c quart. WUa fi it e S i mm mm e n Da e s D12 SinaaipilS Wairal Valines I eaJaaasssasW Ties, ferag, one-straps! Perforated et plain with Louis ee Cohan heela,-5mrt at a osrftesi and priced faex2idvtIyyowi giiBply can! afford Dot to own t least on vcir. Ooslitr tnadsMixelWt leathenl llarrelous wahies at ISX Come tomor row! Pick your style! If A A Py 275 U liberty St. Phcaa G774 I : : A V r- -v a 0 M 4 V 4-1 V A m e 9 H Salem, Oregon