The OnSGON STATESMAN, Salen, Oregon; Wednesday Monitor, May 24, 1933 WeMoolt Bali Tossers PAGE SIX I Opp Bearcats flifiE First Victory in Three Years Is aim of Oregon men; Gemmel may Pitch The Webfeet are coming! That Is, if the weather man is wrong and the amateur prognosticate are right. For today is the herald - ed occasion on which the moon changes, bringing good weather. And if it doesn't work out that ' way, the Oregon Webfeet are not likely to come, for Bitty Reinhart, so it's said, has a horror of wet ness. It has been, three years since Oregon defeated Willamette on 1 th diamond or for that matter, on the maple court, but that's a Jv different season. Back in 19S0 Oregon beat Willamette at base ball, but in 1931 Willamette won three games, and in 1932 they didn't play. Reinhart, all the more on this account. Is, expected to start his ace. pitcher, Gemmel, against the Bearcats today. He is a star line- man in the autumn, and-the man - who "held Columbia - to a near- shutout seTeral weeks ago. ; "Spec" Keener of "Willamette is rather hard up tor pitchers just bow, Burch baring a sore arm and -t - 1 1 I a n J with UlBTVC 11 lUjurcu uuc, tuu niwu ing up Friday, "Spec" is in some thing of a quandary as to whom to send on the hill today. It may be Pemberton, or it may be Cribble. The game is scheduled for 3:30 p. m. Ti MONMOUTH May 23 The Town baseball team of Airlie Sunday won a marginal victory from Monmouth's Town players in a close, fast contest, score, 5-4. Batteries for Monmouth, Harp and Nelson; for Airlie, Toedemeier and McAlpine. Toe demeler is pitching for the Ore gon State rooks this spring. . The Normals played baseball with Linfield as an end to the May Day sports, the Normals winning 10 to 8. Linfield batters cracked-the offers of Todd, run ning the score up to 7-1 while the Wolves were unable to con nect with the Linfield pitcher's fast ball. In the fifth inning Todd's arm collapsed, the Wolves taking ad vantage of the opening. Hammer ing out hits which netted from one. to three tallies each inning. Harry Scroggins relieved Todd in the fifth. Normal battery, Todd, Scroggins and Harp. SUVER NINE IS WINNER BUYER, May 23. The Suver baseball team played Buena Vista en the home ground Saturday af ternoon, winning 15 to 11. DBS DEFEAT MONMOUTH Cross - Word Puzzle By EUGENE 13 is 20 27 71 27 2a 7 31 32 33 35 36 51 3T 52 'A Va 53 'A i "I H3 Hi H7 7& HORIZONTAL 1 pert child 4 -celestial body 8 bucket 12 negative correlative 13 walking i stick . 14 row 15 -prosecute 16 English queen 17 bone in the forearm 18 German city 20 finishes 22 abound 23 dined . 24 imbibe 27 ensnare 29 salad base 81 celestial phenom enon 34 harvester 85 prevented 37 tear , 38 color 89 mimic ' 40 bows ".lightly " 43 conspiracy 44 belt ' 45 accessory ' covering of r ft ieed 48 engrossed 50 aunt (Spanish) 81 later Roman emperor 62 fatigue 88 mistake 54 expired 55 frozen vapor in flake form 66 plant allied to wheat Herewith is the solution to yes terday's Puzzle. UU MtAngelis Winner Over Brooks Team MT. ANGEL, May 22, ML An gel defeated Brooks here Sunday 9 to 1. Scoring four runs in the first Inning Mt. Angel took the lead and was never headed. Wolf, Mt. Angel pitcher, set the Brooks batters down in easy fashion, al lowing only seven scattered hits and giving no walks while Swegle, Brooks hurler, was touched for 13 hits, gave six bases on balls and hit two batsmen. Ramp, shortstop for Brooks, handled several difficult chances without an error and Johnson, playing second base for Mt. Angel, did likewise. Brooks 1 4 Mt. Angel 9. 13 1 Swegle and Seguin; Wolf and White. ST. PAUL, May 23. (Special) St. Paul defeated Monitor 8 to 3 Sunday in a Mid-Willamette league ball game. Monitor 3 2 2 St. Paul 8 13 2 LONE ELDER, May 23. (Spe cial) Aurora's ball team contin ued its winning stride, defeating Lone Elder here Sunday 9 to 6. J. .Evans led the Aurora hitters With three singles and a two-bagger. Kendall and Spagle each got three hits for Lone Elder. Aurora ' 9 13 4 Lone Elder 6 9 8 Owings and J. Evans; Kendall and Harms. DAYTON, May 23 (Special) The Grand Ronde Mid-Willamette league team trounced Dayton here Sunday 11 to 0 to maintain its undefeated status iii the league. Copeland, Grand Ronde pitcher, allowed but three hits while his mates played air tight ball in the pinches. Grand Ronde ...... .11 7 3 Dayton 0 3 10 Copeland , Hobbs and Riggs; Rossner, Reinstein, Hadley and Statenberg. F. M. Ferguson filed an affi davit of protest yesterday against the claims of his wife, Sadie Fer guson, who seeks attorney's fees, suit money and temporary ali mony, while the divorce . suit Ferguson filed is being litigated. Ferguson alleges his wife con tinues to "live at his table," that she has Ml good dresses In her possession, that she and her daughter continue to buy liberal ly of goods not necessities, that she has. an undivided one-half in terest in real properay, and that prior t-3 the closing of the Aurora State bank she withdrew and kept $1480 which he had deposited there. Ferguson admits that he re ceives a net income of 1110 a month but claims the family groc ery bill runs as high as $50 a month and this, with other fin ancial reasons, prevents him from paying his wife the sum she seeks. SHEFFER 30 34 37 23 HO HI 42 21 44 A 4? 50 53 A 5 'A VERTICAL 1 picture in a news column 8 small rodent 3 introduced 4 scrutinize 6 color temper glass or metals by action of heat PROTESTS ;i III CLAIMS OF SPOUSE H IO II fe 777 24 25 26 4z : VWA 142X4 7 come in again 8 in addition to 9 be indis posed 10 tavern 11 grassy plain 19 emir (variant) 1 discourage 24 bracer 25 frozen water 26 by or through 28 in whole 30 blemish 31 disfigure 82 night before S3 recital 85 stop 41 milk prod ucts estab- t lishrceni 42 held in : reserve 44 trudge 44 boil slowly 45 too 48 Brazilian coin 47 unr DUCKS IN OUT IN TEN INKS Oana Saves day and Berger Drives in Winning Runs; Hurlers on Parade COAST LEAGUE W. L. Pet. Portland ....... 28 18 .609 Los Angeles ..... .27 20 .574 Hollywood;. 27 20 .574 Sacramento ..... 27 21 .563 Oakland -. 24 23 .511 Mission r. ... 25 24 .510 Seattle 15 29 .341 San Francisco .'. . 15 33 .313 PORTLAND, May 23 (AP) Portland defeated San Francisco 11 to 10, here today in a free scoring contest that went 10 In nings. The Beavers went into the lead with a run In the first in ning, lost it to the Seals who made 4 tallies in the second and one in the third, then regained it in the third with 5 runs. San Fran cisco got two in the fifth inning to tie the score. Each team scored a run in the sixth and another in the eighth. The Seals collected a run in the 10th Inning. Prince Oana kept them from a couple more in the same inning when he made a leap ing catch of Zinn's fly against the fence, with two on and two out. Berger brought in the winning runs for Portland in the 10th when he rapped out a single with the bases full. San Francisco 10 11 2 Portland -.11 14 1 Douglas, Stuts, Davis and Mc- Isaacs; Koupal, Cohen, Boone, Jacobs and Sheely. Palmisano. Los Angeles 5 10 4 Seattle 6 11 2 Thomas and McMullen; H. Pill- ette, Sewell and Bradbury, Cox. Oakland 11 '18 2 Missions 12 20 1 (10 innings). i McEvoy. Salinsen, Fieber. Join er and Veltman; Lieber, T. Pill- ette and Duggan. Fitzpatrick. Sacramento 0 5 S Hollywood 10 15 0 MICKEY MOUSE GEE, MICKEEY, I fA fV vC ...ITi ... 77T POOR. BRAVE FELLOWS! ) V - SORRV I FEU. ON j WHAT ' LU "T gSS f THEY HAVEN'T A V tSUNK NUTHIN ! - V YOUR RADIO! I WE '-) NXf?U!z? ) CHANCE! NOTHING HANG ONTD YER fe -, V IT WASN'T DO LfVr? JJ" JITL CAN SAVE w V A SEAT! WERE. GONNA I ) V Voua i -v. , - " -' i iii ' ' - - THIMBLE THEATRE Starring Popeye YOUR rAAJESTV, S ' SEX Y KlN V. I KUt w dEfiH UTTLE , N WrW'SON f KW A VpfC PERMISSION TO . J VBl6tr4lSS,MR.SH0LTZ? p WANTTlNi YOUft V !HU.TZlE J W V HfW - -Vs. LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY NOW. DARL1MG. MOLD VOJi HEAD UP A LITTLE 4 AMD 1 HIGHER. AND SMILE- PREXEMDYOU SEE A f M THINK ITS GOIUG ft Cr LOVELY FAIRY GODMOTHER FLYING ALONG f DID YOU TO BE A GOOD v7 CARRYING AN ARMFUL OF BEAUTIFUL A TAKE. MY XgL ONE.T.LL HAE Ee uw.V . SlFTS-7M4T5r J j, L PICTURE. Pf IT FINISHED IN k& tf? WK TOOTS AND CASPER tfT dOOD HEAVENS! V9 TIIAI IWU,V4MI1 I SEEIIMf TllinS! room C0SGW1IS The other day we scanned for several hoars the questions In the "culture test" which was administered to the soph omores at , Willamette univer sity. It ruined our golf game for the next day, besides pane taring any vain belief we held as to being cultured. And we would, we fear, rather shoot say an 85 than know the an swers to all those questions. And incidentally among all those questions, we failed to no tice any mention of any subject even vaguely concerned with the world of sport. There seems to be no doubt that it the purpose of education is culture, sports are out of place In the colleges. And yet In this age, one would be left out in the cold In many a conversation- among supposedly cultured folk, if one lacked a talking knowledge of golf, foot ball, horse racing in some lo calities, and even that unrefined pastime, baseball. O The Northwest conference. ' track meet will belield at For rest Grove Saturday. Willam ette has been aboat fourth or fifth in final standings in that annual event for a number of years, bat we wouldn't be sur prised to see the boys some where among the first three this spring, though they will have to edge out Whitman, Pa cific or Paget Sound, all of which have strong teams, to get there Unless Puget Sound has some people we don't know about and Whitman and Pacific boys have been running and heaving weights under wraps, Willamette will take two or three first places and that will be quite an ac complishment too, In view of past history. ' O The Bearcats are pretty strong in the distance runs, but we note that Whitman has a two-miler who has gone around in 10:06, so Brown and Lange will have to do Rom stepping. V YES, ITS ME! COLONEL HOOFER. T -BUT WHAT WM5EIF N PERSON" I vJUST I ABOUT THE ARRIVED FROM MEXICO CITY I .15000.93 BY AIR-PLANE AND DON'T ( . A YEAR HIND TELLING YOU THAT ITS I JOB YOU MIGHTY EMBARRASSING FOR ji LANDED ME TO BE BACK HERE CHIME TERRIBLE HE Salem High Youths err ten Times to Give Indians ' 16 to 2 Victory Chemawa Indian school's base ball team evened up the season's series with Salem high Tuesday, by defeating the red and black 16 to 2 on Olinger field. The Indians banged out 12 hits off three Salem high pitchers, but that wasn't the worst of it; . the Salem high boys, who had been taking their workouts as a ping pong table or somewhere during recent rainy afternoons, fumbled and heaved the horsehlde for 10 errors. The worst inning was the sev enth, in which Coach Les La velle's playful lads circled the paths for seven tallies on Just one hit The errors were mostly bad throws, but one was due to the fact that Quistad, Salem's- third baseman, had been hurt in field ing a hot one and didn't tell any body about it. WItiel, Salem's starting pitch er, did well until the third when Katchia smacked out the first bit a home run. Things got grad ually, worse and in the fourth Sherrill relieved Witiel, to run into the major portion of grief In the sixth. Cottew then took up the burden and did much better, thanks to improved support. He allowed three hits and two runs in the last three innings. The In dians earned four of their 16 runs. Meanwhile the Salem boys could do approximately nothing at all with the offerings first of Seltlce and then Vivette. Mason got the lone hit off Seltlce, and Nicholson a scratch bingle off Vivette. Against Spencer who pitched In the ninth, Salem scor ed two unearned runs. Mason was safe on a bobble which should have been the last putout, and then Nicholson sent a screaming triple down the first base line, scoring Mason. Nicholson came in on a wild pitch a few moments later. The Bcore: Chemawa AB R H Alexander, ss . . . . 6 1 1 Bobh, 3h-c 5 1 1 Mickey, the Now Showing "A "Don't Mention It" What a SO XA THERE? SOON! lt Palmer, lb ...... 4 S 1 tolTette. lb-B.lh c l l ffepe'neer, p,., ;'.'..; ". .9 Jones ...."..... 1,1 Hatchef f I 2 Markishtum, lb i 4 1 1 Seltlce, p-rf ..... 5 1 2 Katchia, e ....... S .. 1 2 Zundle, 2 0 0 Totals 46 16 12 Salem High AB R H SalstTom, 2b-ss... 4 0 0 Ramp, If. ....... 4 0 0 Mason. 3b 4 1 1 Nicholson, cf ..... 4 1 2 Maers. e 4 0 0 Pickens, lb 3 0 0 Wlntermute, rf .. 3 0 0 Quistad, Sb 2 0 0 Miller 2b 1 0 0 Witzel, p ....... 1 0 0 Sherrill, p 1 0 0 Cottew, p ; . . r '. . . 1 0 0 Totals 32 BUT NEEDS BELIEF NATIONAL LEAGUE W. L. Pet. Pittsburgh 21 11 .656 New York ........19 ,13 .594 St. Louis ..........19 16 .543 Brooklyn ........ .14 15 .483 Boston. 17 19 .472 Cincinnati ....... .15 18 .455 Chicago ,,..15 19 .441 Philadelphia 13 22 .371 CINCINNATI, May 23 (AP) Although he didn't last the full game, Roy Parmelee won his own gam, when he hit a homer with two on base that started the New York Giants off to a 6 to 4 victory over the Reds today. New York 6 9 1 Cincinnati 4 9 3 Parmelee, Luque and Mancuso; Lucas and Lombard!. Brooklyn 0 4 0 Pittsburgh 3 6 1 Carroll and Sukeforth; Sweton ic, Ryan and Padden. Boston 3 10 3 St. Louis 1 6 0 (Ten innings.) Frankhouse, Cantwell and Har grave; Carleton and Wilson. Philadelphia 9 19 0 Chicago 5 12 0 Rhem, Tinning and Davis; Bush. Grimes, Richmond and Hartnett, Giant-Killer Sheik'a Harem PiRMELEE WINS IT Y SEE,ZERO,MRSt REEAL IS AWFUL 5MART-5HE.0U5rl PUTS HER HEAD IN THIS BOXPUSHES A BUTTON I OR. SOMETHIN'-AST SHE HAS AKT T'LL BETCHA ANY PICTURE MAKES WILL BE A SWELL n PICTURE. Surprise! 4 I MJ TT ft " J. I DtONT 6rET THE OOB. Y 6EE, CASPER! I VUSDOUSU-C&QSStD!) THAT'S WHEN I LANDED THERE J TOO BAD. I FOUND OUT THAT SOME ( COLONEL! BUcSHQT W THE FIRM V THAT HAD JUST firVEN .THE OOB J I A SWELL BABE GETS HOMER ; AND YANKEES WIN AMERICAN LEAGUE W. L. Pet New York 20 11 .645 Washington 20 15. .571 Chicago 18 14 .563 Philadelphia ......16 14 .533 Cleveland 18 16 .529 Detroit 13 19 06 St. Louis 14 21 .400 Boston 11 20 .355 NEW YORK, May 23 (AP) Babe Ruth's sixth home run of the year started the Yankees off to an 8 to 6 victory over the Cleveland Indians. Lou Gehrig hit his eighth homer and Earl Combs and Ben Chapman also hit for the circuit. Cleveland I . 6 7 0 New York 8 9 1 Hildebrand, Hudlin and Myatt; Allen and Dickey. Detroit 7 9 0 Washington 1 3 2 Marberry and Hayworth, Stew art, Russell, Burke and, SewelL St. Louis 6 11 2 Philadelphia 8 12 0 Coffman and Shea; Mahaffey. McDonald, Grove, - Gray and Cochrane. Chicago 7 8 1 Boston , . . 0 . 6 3 Gaston and Berry; Andrews. Welch, Kline and Ferrell. v Teachers Beat Ford Salesmen The Teachers beat the Valley Motor team 4 to 3 In a kitball game on Sweetland field Tuesday night. The game was called at the end of the fifth inning because of rain. The teachers pounded out 11 safeties to eight for the Motor men. Batteries: Valley Motor, M. Ritchie and W. Ritchie; Teachers. Drynan and Gilmore. BALL TEAM ORGANIZED MEHAMA. May 23. Another baseball team has been organized here under the name of "Mehama Cubs." They have a game sched uled for May 28. Battery will be Johnson or Monroe and Jory. Rus sell Wilson Is manager. By YOUR PlCTURE- SHE IF FOLKS i BUT I THOUGHT MAYBE TUST A OH, WELL! THERE'S NO USE OF CRYING OVER SPILT MUX! ALL MY LIFE IVE BEEN . TROUBLED BY KCLAT1YCS FIRST IT WAS SOPHIES RELATIVES THEN MY RELATIVES AND NOW 1 rET TRIPPED UP BY A RLATIV OP SOMEBOCnr- 7S " Reed Comes From Under To Win Bout Robin Reed jerked his way out of a surfboard and neatly floored Jack Kennedy for the Winning fall at the armory last night. The fall came as a climax to a round in which Reed took an unusual amount of punishment. Kennedy, a grappler from .the old school, re peatedly tied Robin up in arm and leg grapevines. Robin managed to kick bis way out of them, finally, but the holds weakened his arm and laid him open to the surf board, a favorite of Kennedy's. Reed took the first fall in 25.30 with a' step-over toe hold. In the second round Kennedy brought his arm and leg grapevine Into play, and finished up with a surfboard, taking the second fall in 7.40. Reed and Kennedy, as a rule clean wrestlers, resorted to the usual profusion of foul play. Refaree Harrington ended the one-hour bout between Mutt Eddy and Hermie Olson by knocking Olson out with a right to the Jaw. Harrington . was administering punishment to Olson for hair-pulling, and Olson lost his head, sprang at Harrington, and put a wristleek on the referee's broken hand. Verne drew back and let the Swede have It. Eddy had taken the first fall in 13.30 with a step-over toe hold And a chin lock. Olson took the second with a flying tackle In 6.30. The first bout, the roughest of the evening, between Toby Chris tensen and Fred Marcissa ended In a draw. Christensen repeatedly jumped out of the ring, cried, and threatened Harrington. Christen son took the first fall in 8.45 with a reverse nelson. Marclsso knock ed down the second fall with a flying mare. The time was 3.15. LIBERTY BEATS O.N.G. LIBERTY, May 23 The Lib erty town team took Its third con secutive baseball victory from th Company A, 162d Infantry, O.N.G. team here Sunday afternoon, 21 to 5. HOWELL NINE LOSES CENTRAL HOWELL, May 22 The Central Howell baseball team played a game Sunday with the Silver Cliff team on the latter' diamond and lost, 7 to 9. By WALT DISNEY li..- Tv By SEGAR DARRELL McCLURE T GEE, ITS 6RAMO -1 NEVER ff NOT A THOUGHT U HAVE A J WORU PICTURE OF MY OWN SELF W OR ILL 1 KNOW YOU GET ANGRY Pi FLY INTO THANK YOU AVI A PAGE LITTLE. DAiLU By JIMMY MURPHY I'M 4LAOTO SEE YOU A4A1N, YOU OLD MALRUSJ BUT YOUMtcrHT HAVE KNOWN THAT ANYTIME YOU'RE OFFERED A YEAR OOB THERESA CATCH Ton SOMEPLACE! CwnHH int. m. tww sn tn- - 49 f avorhur ' 0 I9)k King Hum S)Jk. hK.