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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1933)
OIl.FIH STARTS BIG AD CAMPAIGN General Petroleum Sending 25 Million Messages Ove Northwest . IP'S Tifenir-five millioa newspaper, radio and billboard, messages o , tbe people i of Washington and Oregon, all j within the space ot three months, are what in brief. General - Petroleum . corporation plans to achieve through tbe me dium ef a new advertising cam paign to" be launched today. The campaign, one of the most lmpresslre advertising efforts ev- rsciuc norm west, will be thrown baclc ot the cor poration's , new General Four Star gasoline, a product which has required years of research and ad ditional refinery equipment cost lag more than $1,000,000 to pro duce. Approximately 100 news papers, nearly 400 billboards, two radio programs, station decora, tions and novelties will carry the message ot the new motor fuel to every community in Oregon and Washington. i More than a thousand Indepen dent stations in both states, each Identified by the huge red Flying Horse, Pegaaus, have stocked the new General; Four - Star gasoline for their customers. The Flying nonw is me woria-wide symbol of V. C-- r . u ducuiij j iicanm corporation, .of which General Petroleum cor poration is the Pacific Coast sub sidiary. , la a statement accompanying release ef - the campaign R. s. King, vice-president a4 general sales manager, pointed but that, aa la nsual in sales efforts ot this magnitude. General Petroleum will place its greatest reliance up on the newspapers to get Its mes sage before the public. The papers selected have a combined circula tion of approximately 11,500,000 readers, all of whom during the next six weeks will "be made fam iliar with the new General Four Star gasoline. "Other advertising mediums have their seeds! -ralnM thm nti executive stated.; "BaLto most aulcklr ret news at vonr nmA. net before the public and in the M nnl jfthtwt.. ..4.. - ' n uuofc uiuiutug winner, were IS rertlslag. People "have the same confidence In ihelr favorite paper mm A V V l iv vuw tu tug ucner Known brands of trade-marked goods." REV. FISHER TO SPEAK CLSJLR LAKE. May 22 The program committee for the next meeting of the Improvement dub nave secured the Rev. F. E. Fish er and family of Dayton who will present the entire program at the monthly meeting held at the schoolhouse Saturday night, June 3 Cross - Word Puzzle By EUGENE P y I y ja. U WA o h I l.o 777 p W w, '22 51 " HORIZONTAL 1 U" whiefc of the U.iUd States was the first aoraal school es tablished? 7 Waal Amarkaa swrdut Was promoter off the first submit- viae aad uUfrapW cable be twooo Eorop aad Ajaorica? 11 Part of "to be" 12 A decorative garland 14 A number 1 Nobleman 17 River in Italy -IS To restrain from acting W To soak flax . .... 21 Barrier' - 22 A- legislative enactment . 24 To winnow grain . 25 Vessel 28 What Roma Catholic priest - f root Pittsburgh lad bis a nay of Blao ShirU to St. Louis for tbe motional eeovaatioa of die Jobless-Liberty party ia 1932i Rev. Jam R. T 30 A Moslem ruler ; ; 32 Age - 32 Growing out . 35 Bird . . i 86 Having great speed 38 A light afternoon meal 39 Pouch ... -4 40 A color . U, T , . 42 Bird : . - U'-v ' : '44 To shake V w ' 45 Brief poem ' ". 47 Plant of the bean family 'A 60 By -": - ; Bl Girl's name ; i . v 63 Rounded end of the head of a hammer tr ..-v..-- 4 Which State of the Uoloa first graatadr compUto ufifraf to roaiar v;t . '2? ' 68 Constellation T ift , -;; 67 Mohammedan prince :, . :'"; 88 What AnraHeaa atatesmao waa Socratary of War, 1882-83, d later boeaaao Jastleo ef tho Soproaao Cowrtf - , . VERTICAL -.' 1 Waal Miaaoorl ' coogroMmaa, ' soeootly docoaaod, is credited V with originating- tha faaaooa oayiaf, -I'oi ffroai MlaaearL rMi've gOt tO Skew Sao? great lake . 2 Hire 4 Preposition 8 Beak ef a bird 8 Former Russian ruler SCENES FROM DISASTROUS MAINE FIRE mar. .m . I : " Milt City Among the members of Marilyn Chapter. Order ot Eastern Star of this dty who at tended the district meeting ot the order in Albany Monday evening were Daisy Hendricson, worthy matron; Mrs. W. Chesnut, Mrs. Sig Jepsen. Mrs. A. I Raines, Mrs. R. Ii. Cooper, Mrs. A. A. Holthouse, Mrs. Lloyd Dunlvan, Mrs. Charles Kelly, Mrs. R. I Schroeder, Mrs. E. C. Gordon, Mrs. Vivian Albert. Mrs. Ella Hendricson, Mrs. W. W. Allen, Elsie Plambeck, Merle Chesnut, Mr. and Mrs. T, W. Allen, D. B. Hill and Jake Lettenmaler. Bar sillai Chapter was hostess tor the district meeting. Mrs. Scott Macklin entertained in compliment to the birthday of Mr. Macklin Saturday night. The dinner table was attractive with a centerpiece of lilacs and iris, and similar Cowers were used about the guest rooms. Covers at the dinner table were placed for Mr. Macklin, and for Mr. and Mrs. Don Macklin, Donna Jean Macklin, Mr. and Mrs. Arch Macklin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spainhour, Mrs. Tom Doty and Mrs. Scott Macklin. SHEFFER 7 Length-measure 8 Electrified particle 9 Printer's measure 10 Sad destiny 13 Migrate 15 Fish 17 Don Ricardo J. Alfaro bacama President of what republic oo January 16, 1931? 19 Moved swiftly 21 What celebrated Aataricaa aoldior was Vice-President off the U. S. 192S) and later be came U. 3. Ambassador so England? . 23 Was victorious - 24 Musical note 26 Mountain in Armenia 27 Small .iutt. 29 Carved Indian memorial post set A " w Appr-oacnes 31 Who has been the only bach elor President of tho United States? Ri Mnnnrt 37 Cyprinoid fish a o mt int same AC.nntjir nf fihor. 44 What is the name of th world aaost densely popw Uted bland? 45 Scent 46 Ancient country in Greece 48 Dapper 49 Roman emperor 51 Affirmative vote 52 Emmet 54 Pronoun 55 A State (abbr.) y Herewith is the solution to ye terdsys Putzle. r itlAlRiLRlAl HER i55 naoe curing ue Height of the conflagration, these two P"?f" how the city of Auburn, Me, being ravaged by the names that did over $2,000,000 worth of damage to property. An area over four blocks wide and near ly two nules Jong was devastated, more than 200 homes being reduced to ashes. Photo at left, made c . .. Ii j qociety t EMmt Itim mmmmmm ftawUMl Ills. KJac rntaei SjaSlila la The OREGON STATE3lliANy's4lea;l0rtiu from a hill-top outside the town, shows the dense column of smoke rising from the center of the city as the fire raged. At right, firemen are shewn battling the advance of the flames in Auburn's mala squared This is the second disastrous fire In Maine in less two weeks, the ether being at Ellrworta. Curtis Reid Marries in New York Word has reached Salem of the marriage of William' Curtis Reid. son of Mr. and Mrs.' E. TV Reid ot Salem, and Miss Dorothy Stowed of New York City. The marriage was an event of 2:15 o'clock In the Madison Ave nue Methodist church with Rev. Sockman officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Reid left Immedi ately by motor for Salem where they will spend the summer months. a a e Miss Helen Louise Crosby, Mrs. Winnlfred Herrick, and Miss Dor othy Moore of the Salem Business and Professional Women's club, returned from Klamath Falls Sunday evening following attend ance of the state convention of the Business and Professional Women's club. Mrs. Winifred Herrick was elected to treasurer ship of the state organization. Rickey W. Carothers and C McNeil were hosts to the women of the Rickey Sunshine club for a "500" party at the Carothers home. High honors went to W. Carothers and F. Carothers, and low to Mr. and Mrs. McNeil. Pres MICKEY MOUSE I i f Having DISCOVERED THE Dl RIG I QUE AND RESCUED CAPTAIN DOBERNVAN, MICKEVS NEXT (JOB IS TO NOTIFY THE SQUADRON OF PLANES BY RADIO THIMBLE THEATRElamng Popeyo CQMEiTO THIS Win-, CrDPVP J&1 IOC ftPlL4lAN .JTW "I Vi .-V." LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY H0NE5T.I THINK ZTUST SWELL FOOD AKT LCTTING-Ud HUUt-'AN- WAt)HN y CLOi HttJ, TOO- j r r"-9 T m iwiKir tup excur unonet m ' 1 RTOJTHAMKVOU J ro 4k, 'Pftac. trials mjm mtA 1 ' i i i . i in TOOTS AND CASPER ij KNOW YOU RS 'LONESOME BECAUSE V COLONEL HOOFER 'MOVED ARM?, BUT- YOU MUST STOP ? BROODING 4 . IT. . ICSO. ICASPERI r. ent were Mr. and Mrs. W. Car- others. Mr. and Mrs. a McNeiL Mr. and Mrs. F. Beard, Mr. and Mrs. C. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. C Courtnler, Mr. and Mrs. O. Diets. Mr. and Mrs. T. Fulton, Mrs. F. Bolh, Mrs. p. B. Beck and F. Car- others. e e Mrs. C. C. Geer presented Gen eva Van Cleave, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elria Van Cleave. In aa attractive musical recital at the Van Cleave home Sunday after noon. Miss Ruth Geer assisted oa the program with two vocal so los. Friends and relatives ot the young pianist were invited la tor tbe afternoon. e e a TJ. 8. Grant circle. No. 6. Ladles of the Grand Army ot the Repub lic, wm meet m the armory at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon. A short business, session will be fol lowed by a sbci&l hour and the making ot final arrangements for Memorial day. May 28. a a e Dr. and Mrs. J. Harry Moran leave this morning for Portland where they will be for tbe next II days attending the state chiro practors meeting in session la Portland. HE PMS UO rTTEKT10H TO MB! I'M 50 MN I COULpJ TtcV MY, J 6AWO-SlM4S MR M1EHO o V IEA SCEEP IM VOIR CUTE UTTLE ivm ii mi I I III jfCALAJNG ALU PLAN5S txf HAtTpuNNyN ( W,UU VA U AT S 1 MICKPYMOUS5 CALUNO thEV DWTWSW A V SENDINGAPPATUS T J V7 mlO. PLANES! HEY! J ( BBESOMCTHIN ) V- IfgJ J ( V'f ) 7WHERSARE VA ? S I WRONG WITH J ( Tur55F J WA'.' . . '7 7 y THE RADIO Z2Tr' m f" " 'l rrn, . I m r-mtXmm. 7).. -.- -" --'-.c t ; 11 . W. PWENtl TOOTS 1 JnlZiy'A'MrS A Tnes&y klonifog; ;May ' in ni i ii n i ifY n-i Will Support Administration But, Reserves Right to Disagree on Policy Expressing ' entire willingness to help the present administration solve the nation's Uls but reserv ing the right of dissenting to pro cedures deemed unwise, W. C. Hawley, for 2C years congressman from the first district In Oregon, told the Salem chamber of com merce yesterday the way out ot depression would be alow and re gained confidence would be need ed before Improvement came. "Only through patience, through self-denial and through regained confidence la the integ rity of our fellow men will good times be resumed," the congress man declared. The speaker decried flat money saying it was a "pirate whieh ought to take more than It gave." Not since the time ef cre ation has .mankind made some thing of nothing, he added. Voice Opposition To-Forest Camp Hawley declared he recognised the dnty of society to provide aa existence for unfortunate people out of work but he declared him self opposed to forest camps aad other activities where unneces sary work Is done. The federal treasury is not in exhaustible nor is federal govern ment credit unimpeachable, he declared. -People mast realise that Undo Sam basal dollar he doesn't take from the pockets ot his children. Every cent ot the 27 billions of federal debt will have to be paid oft some day." Hawley said people who loan money are entitled to considera tion along with debtors. Many present scnemes tor reiier are only devices to take money from the thrifty, provident class and to give it to Improvident people, he declared. Mr. Hawley declared the world war was the fundamental cause ot the world-wide depression bring ing grave unbalance hi wages, "prices and the amount of goods tor sale. He said installment sell ing and overexpansion of debt had added to the difficulties un til public debt exceeded 50 bil lions of dollars with two billions an annual charge tor Interest on the public debt alone. Abandoning Gold Ig Deemed Unwise ''Going off the gold standard simply means diminishing the value of property to the extent that the gold dollar Is diminished The Silent Now Showing: DENIin HI GO INTO ft FrT t I I ctiEM o Z CPNCP ) -trcs MUCK, I Vfs-cc?A srtfSJ r Inside Information HU6K CMLD.HU5M-T WAft4 VOlC 1 X CAWT STAND TVUNKSJ-IT AAAKES f. VECAKlCRYvAWO HEAVENS KNOVITJOtfT VJMSTA TOBCANSayBtrriAUOW5 LOSE AV TEMPER WHEM PEOPLE STAIZT "THAMK1WG M WHEN VE MOTKIMS TODESEJW: rn A Surprising Sight IT StXDSyS SINCS COLONEL MOOFER LEFT FOR MEXICO CITY TO RESIDE rtsstAKziniy and eaoi owr i miss ; HIM MORE AND MORE WELL, HES 60NE AND HJL HAMS "TO MAKE THE BEST OF IXfSXT ITS ONMA TAKE A LON nj cjST VS&O TO NOT SEEING Tmm. mm - -- " hd L W . OFF TO GOVERN PHILIPPINES O Eager to assume his duties as Governor General of the Philippines, Frank Murphy, red-haired young bachelor whose brilliant career as Mayor ef Detroit is accounted aa outstanding achievement in American civics, is pictured as he arrived at Loo Angeles, en route to Manila. P. L With Governor General Murphy is his sister, Mrs. Marguerite Teahan, who will act as bis official hostess. la value," Mr. Hawley declared. Hawley stated he was without sympathy tor France's protested Inability to pay her debt while ahe maintained a large army aad en gaged In wars ia North Africa. This debt to na is on of honor: If U Is not paid, that nation will act to see that it is and I don't mean it will go to war. either." Hawley averred. A trumpet duet was furnished members of the chamber by the Philharmonic orchestra. C. A. S Prague asked community sup port for the T. W. C. A. drive which ends this week. Ronald C. Glover Introduced Mr. Hawley. BASKET D1XXKR PLANNED CLEAR LAKE. May 22 The Clear Lake school will close next Monday with a basket ttlnner on the school grounds. Dorthy Neal and Texla Bostrack hare each taught a successful term ot school. LAD LOSES FINGER VALSETZ, May 22. Waiter Johnson badly injured his left hand Friday while sawing wood with Bert Babb's crew on the mill pond. The small finger on his left hand was crushed off by a large block ot wood. Station "Untamed!" HOWEST. I V THERE VOU GO AjSMw X NEVER 6&J SUCH MAKE YOU MAD-BUT MfiCE WOCD AMD INTO SUCH ARAGE vooveeeoj ASTOWtSHEDrvr SONICE- 7 4 A " THAT WAS A NICE FAREWELL BANQUET WC 4AVS HIM AT THE CLUB THAT NlCrHT BEFORE HE LEFT AND TEARS CAME INTO HIS EYES viEN ttZ PRESENTED WM WTH THAT WAhlOND-STUDOEO 40LD KflTTCM! THB INflTOi COST Sl975.a- ALL THE MEMBERS CKPPED Usl FlYH 1 DOLLARS EACH TO BUY IT, BUT ? EVERYBODY VAS 6LAD TO DO n! HTTS A CY.TU. a4UYANDHE tJCSERYED A CfZLL Y21TCH! sr m aw ar a a : ii a rf t - v. :i '. "' . j . 7 " y - i mV ' : ' I j Community Revival at Falls City is Ending FALLS CITY. May 22. A commualty revival campaign con ducted by the Mead party of Sa lem, eame to a close here Sunday. Members of the Freexen family ot Salem as well aa? local music ians have contributed to the pro gram. Special children's meetings bave been held. U1UH KINK T&KKN VALSETZ. May 22. The sixth and seventh grades have re ceived their state examination grades, aad all marks are far above the average. Ones and twos were the grades tor Donald Den- no. Miry Jo Raymond, Louise March. Hazel Foshang. MOTHERS TO BE HONORED AUMSV1LLE, May 22. A program honoring mothers of the community is to be given here Thursday night. May 25, in For ester nau. speakers are coming from Portland and local people will also have a part In the pro gram. C-R-R. 1 UJONTT STAJD FOR those Omm B e m Kh S 23 By KcEE . ZERO -AINT SHE A O-QLD' OWE) AAEAN AKT BAD TEAVPEKED-BUT SHE AJNT-SHE I'LL FW 19 SWtET Af KiND-HEATEDAKr EVEW IP SHE WONT LET ME THAKlK HER OUT LOUO-H.L KEEP YfJULLBE 1 i i i ir?t - ir W mOOD HZAYEIIS! m ... .. .. PACK NIND REALTY D EPARTf,! ETJT CICKS IIS CASES - - f I . V v." v . The state real . estate depart ment investigated 119 complaints of violations of state real estate laws and rules of business In" 1932, according to a report issued Saturday. In 40 cases the complaints were based on facts sufficient to. sub stantiate the claims and f $201.82 was returned to the Injured per sons. The report showed. that li censes ot four real estate' brokers were revoked during tbe , year while a permit issued to one agent was suspended. The license revo cations were based upon misre presentations, withholding money from clients and obtaining a se cret profit. A total of 202S licenses were ibsued during the year, or a de crease of 43 S when compared with 1932. Of the total licenses Issued 1193 were for brokers, corpora- Itom H mrs rt nmbfTm ?a and salesmen 267. Receipts of the department ag gregated I12.73S.19 with oper ating costs of I85S5.1S. A total of 14170.94 was turned over to tha state treasurer and credited to the general fund. Willamette Band Makes Long Trip To Give Concert The Willamette university band made up ot 2S musicians, took a 300-mfle trip to Lyle. Wash-, over the weekend. The band, under the direction of Gus Klemoel, played a concert Friday night la the Lyle community, hall. There were marches and overtures by the band, trtmpet solos by Gus Klem pel. comic musical dialogues by Arnold Taylor and several selec tions by the band's "Hungry Five" mnsical combination. Ar rangements were made and car ried out by Gus KlempeL Band Mlmnr TT1 Tafft mm A TWnn. Major Morgan Gallaher. The band has made several trips this year, amounting to 800 miles In distance. BOND REPRESENTS SWEGLE SWEGLE. May 22 O. P. Bond was named to represent this dis trict oa the bus question and high school tuition adjustment at the mass meeting held Friday night. Swegle was invited to attepd a mass meeting of sone 3 to be held at Frnitland May 2C. p. m. By WALT DISNEY By SEGAR THET5 OrAVY ONE UJL THfVS DARRELL McCLURE 6CAMO? SHE AYS 6HE51 PS ar I'sMMMMaMH x J THAHKMQ HOI ALL THE TtHC tHLVDEOFME r By JIMMY MURPHY 1 i:ov YHAT DOES CASPER SEE - O KVJOVS TO-