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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1933)
PAfJP, EIGHT The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning. May 2V 1933 Society School .of Music f Presents Students I- An appealing recital has been arranged for Wednesday night in Waller hall at which time stu dents from the school of music ot Willamette university will be . presented. The program begins at 8:15 o'clock and is open to the public. Miss Ruth Ingrid Schreiber, pupil of Frances Virginie Melton, is be ing assisted by Maurice Dean, fctndent In voice under Prof. Cam eron Marshall. Miss Clara Wright will be accompanist for Mr. Dean. The program includes: Bach-T-Bouree f rom 2nd English Suite. Each Sarabande from th Eng lish Suite. . -Schumann j... Fasehingsschwank Romanze C.'-.' '. VI '- Scherrino "" .' - Ruth Iagrld Schreiber ' - ! -..: IL Handel Wbere-e'er You Walk - (from Semele).- Balfe The 'Heart, Bowed Down (from The Bohemian Girl). Maurice Dean III. Chopin Nocturne Opus 32. No. 1 Chopinl...Etude Opus 2S, No. 12 Debussy.. Gardens in the Rain ' Moszkowshi Malaguena Ruth Ingrid Schreiber IV. Wagner To the Evening Star (Tannhauser). Mendelssohn It is Enough (from Elijah). Maurice Dean V. Grieg Concerto Allegro Mdderato Ruth Ingrid'Schreiber Orchestral part played by Barbara Barham Jefferson A group of friends f athered at the, home of Mrs. ulia Ann Vaughn on North Main r.lreet Thursday evening in honor U her daughter Flora's birthday . anniversary. It was a complete rjrprise party. At a late hour re reshments were served to the onor guest Miss Flora Vaughn, : rs. Julia Vaughn, Miss Mary onohue, - Miss. Anna Klampe, . ::rs. R. A! Buchanan. Mrs. E. J. Alexander, Mrs. R. W. Curl, Mrs. little Reeves. Mrs Emma Whed !ce, Mrs. H. E. Jones and daugh ters', Geraldine and Shirley, Mrs. Virl Case and daughters, Rita Anna and Constance of Dever; - r.nd the hostesses, Mrs. Paul Kotthoff and Mrs. W. A. Kott hoff. f Clear Lake The Ladies Im provement club met for an all day meeting Wednesday and it was announced at this meeting that there will be one more meet ing this season, May 24, before the season closes. At this last meeting plans will be made for the annual picnic and all mem bers are urged to be present. Pattern . By ANNE ADAMS What la the smart way for the matron with i a ."not-to-slender" figure to achieve the, coveted sil houette of' the; new mode? The secret .it told in today's sketch to wear only those, lines that flat ter and slenderise and, to-choose only those prints '.that will' not accentuate Juljness.: Note; In pat tern 21 3 i the smart-bodice .treat ment, sleeves! with graceful flares and snag hip-yoke and pointed seaming. --- Pattern 8636 may be ordered only ia slses , 28, 40, 42 '44, 46 and 48-and SO. Size 38 requires 3 yards SS Inch fabric and 1-8 . yard. 8 inch. lace, illustrated step-' ; :by-step : sewing; instructions in- chtded wlth..;"jiattem. C - . . flftooacontsUoej In cotnt or stamp coin pnftrr). for ttaU ao Adtato - aattenw. ..We . plainly yoar- hjubo; addrooi and yl aaa t. Be. saro' to Uto tixo wanted. v. tto bow saiaam odttoa of Us Anne ' Adams Pattern book is ready. Aitor boob, sporta, (olf. Unci rMe, jumpers, boats frocks, (pedal toglB pattens, style tot Janiera, and eool elotaea fot yoaagsters, and: tn tracttea for ataxics ckie motor. ro ssmbc tae t MotnotUaf atoms. Send for year copy. Price of catalog, flf teea cents. . Catalog sad ptttora to (otbor tvoaty-flvo eonta.. Addroia an bmO ordort to Tao On toa atatooauut Pattora aorpartsMat. 8 Wort 17tk street. Vow Tork etty. iiitf News and Club :Ouve hi: Dqak, SOCIAL CALENDAR . Tuesday, May S3 , Mother's day observed by Business and Professional Women's elub with dinner and program at Marlon hotel; 'special music and program f Misses Breithanpt to present flower arrangement talk. . , r:' ' Mrs. L. Slingman. 1040 South Liberty street, hostess for circle of Spiritualist church; Mrs. Edith Scott of Eu gene special guest; meeting at 8 .o'clock. -'.CM Delta chapter of Delphlans with Mrs. E. V. Wooten, 9:30 o'clock. - ' '-Chadwick chapter, Order of Eastern Star, guest of Ada Chapter. Independence. . . Salem Women's Press club with Mrs. E. Thomas; dessert luncheon at 1:30 o'clock followed by card after noon. -. . ' Sons of Union Veterans and Auxiliary at home of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Perrine, 775 North Cottage street, 6:30 o'clock pot luck dinner. " . Women's Council of First Christian church. In church parlors. 2 o'clock. " -. . " "" j- ; . r , Regular dinner meeting for B. and P. W, elub. Mar lon hotel, g:30 o'clock. Mothers will be complimented. ' Wednesday, May 2 . First Presbyterian Ladles Aid society, with Mrs. Max Buren, 745 Court street, 2:30 o'clock. ' Progressive Health club, St. Paul's parish halL 8 o'clock. Maccabee Thimble club, with Mrs. Myra Dot bob, 1109 Union street, 2 o'clock. Thursday, May 25 Town and Gown elub at Lausanne hall, 2:30 o'clock. Keixer Ladies Aid, all-day meeting with Mrs. Sey mour Jones. U. S. Grant circle. Ladies of Grand Army of Repub lic, armory af2 o'clock; business and social meeting. South Salem W. C. T. U., 2:30 o'clock; Mrs. Necia Buck, special speaker. Friday, May 26 Daughters of Union Veterans of Civil War, regular meeting, 8 o'clock, .Women's clubhouse. Unitarian Womens Alliance, 1 o'clock luncheon In Emerson room of church; reservations with Miss Ethel Fletcher or Mrs. F. A. Weil. Women's Alliance To Meet Friday The Unitarian Women's Al liance luncheon will be an event of Friday at one o'clock in the Emerson room of the church. This is a postponed luncheon the former date having been set for the past Friday night. Miss Ethel Fletcher and Mrs. F. J. Goodenough are in charge of arrangements. Mrs. Fred Alban Weil or Miss Fletcher are receiv ing reservations for. the luncheon. 00 Gervais Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cutsforth were hosts for a three table bridge party at their home Thursday night. Prizes were giv en Mr. and Mrs. K. Wilson. Re freshments were served to Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. M. Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mc Ilheny, Mr. and Mrs. T. Mac Kenzie, all of Salem, and Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Adkissom of Gervais and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Cuts forth. Monmouth The final meeting for this year of the Social Hour club was held at the home of the Misses Maggie and Alice Butler. Election of new officers Tesulted on these being chosen, Mrs. Ho mer Dodds, president; Mrs. J. F. Santee. vice president; Mrs. Da vid Riddell. secretary-treasurer, o o o Pleasantdale. The , Aloha Needle club met at the Owen Hol liday home Thursday afternoon and quilted for the hostess. Ten members were present and Mrs. Marlon Boulden was a guest. Mrs. Holliday served refreshments, o o o Mrs. Joseph! J. King of Port land has been the house guest of Mrs. Carey F. Martin for the past few days. 6a. 3 for $JX All Merchandise is From Our Regular Stock, Especially Reduced --for This Event Undies Society Editor ..-J Mrs. S. E. Coates Birthday Hostess i Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Coates were ' hosts at their house Saturday i night in compliment to the birth day anniversary of Mrs. Coates. Cards were in play at five tables with winning scores at the end of playing awarded to Mrs. Frank Clark. Clifford Jones, Mrs. Henry Wechter and George Grabenhoret. Guests bidden for the evening by Mr. and Mrs. Coates Included Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Jones, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Orin Whitney, Mr. and Mrs. George Grabenhorst. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wechter. Mr?. J. M. Co burn, Miss Evelyn Coburn. Riverview The Thursday Thimble club met at the home of Mrs. James Rieley in Crab tree Thursday, with Mrs. Ken neth Coulard as Joint hostess. Eighteen members were pres ent. The day was spent !n tying comforts, embroidering aprons, crocheting and making sheets and pillowcases for the hostesses. The club will hold Its annual husband banquet May 27th. The rlub will meet at the home of Mrs. Fred Sommer with Miss Lucille Sommer as Joint hostess June 1. ' 0 o o Grand Island The Mothers' Circle club was delightfully enter tained Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Morton Tomp kins. Mrs. Elsie Yaden was a special guest. Final plans were made for the school picnic to be held on the school grounds the last day of school, Tuesday, May 23. Games were enjoyed" under the . direction of Mrs. Tompkins. This was the last meeting of the circie ro ne field until next fall. SHIPLEY'S : :. HATS 0 E OA F7 InlPiiRlSES White Stocks Last PAY Affairs ell Party Compliments Maid Miss Thelma McCullough was the inspiration ' for a delightful party Saturday evening at the home of Miss Mabel Jacobson with a group of friends of Miss McCullough as hostesses". The honor guest will leave soon to make her home In Amity.. A feature ot the Saturday party was a shower of pretty farewell gifts. An evening of cards waa conclud ed with a late coffee hour. As sisting In serving were Miss Jacobson, Miss Melissa' Adsitt and Miss Lucile Beechler. Present In compliment to Miss McCullough were Miss Nina Spur lock, Miss. Cora Spurlock. Miss Magda Jacobson, Mrs. La Verne Bodney, Hiss Lucile Beechler, Miss Melissa Adsitto and Miss Mabel Jacobson. . . .... -' ' . - " - " Woodbur'n. "MrT and : Mrs. A. C. Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Harris Nelson who are leaving Woodburn to .reside In Newberg, were hon ored with a surprise party at the George Jones residence, Thursday night, with Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Hartley LeFelvie as hostesses. The Nelsons were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jones for dinner, after which a group of friends called to spend the evening. "Five hund red was played with Mrs. H. W. Bladorn and Claude Galen re ceiving, high score, and the low score going to Mrs. Harris Nelson and Henry Miller. Refreshments were served to the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brochmann, Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Bladorn, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Freeburg, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hovenden, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nel son, Mr. and Mrs. hartley Le Felvie, Mr. and Mrs. George Ball webber, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Free man. Mr. and Mrs." Ross Rider, Wylas Freeman, Claude Galen and Mr. and Mrs. George Jones. 0 Pioneer Woman's club visited the blind school at Salem Wed nesday. They left here about 9 o'clock and were gone for all day. The pupils at the school gave an Interesting program of songs, or chestra numbers and readings. Those who went from this club were Mrs. G. McBee. Mrs. Frank Dornbecker, Mrs. Chris, Mrs. Frank, Mrs. Richard and Mrs. Wil Domaschofsky, Mrs. L. Plum mer, Mrs. M. Blodgett, Mrs. R. Middleton. Mrs. Raider, Mrs. E. Harris. Mrs. Geo. Cooper. Mrs. Gus Curtiss and the EUendale club was represented by Mrs. Ta maris, Mrs. Forest and Mrs. Les ter Martin, Mrs. Van Satin. Mrs. Archey Brown, and Mar Armond Brown. OOO Hubbard Mrs. L. A. Bra den entertained the members of her bridge club Friday after noon. The spacious rooms were pretty with early summer flow ers. Mrs. Elmer Stauffer and Mrs. Julius Stauffer won high hon ors. Present were Mesdames Lester Will, Orlie Boje, Elmer Stauffer. Albert Smith, Kenneth Grim, Neva McKenzie, Hush Wells. Waldo Brown, C. H. Clea ver, JuliuB Stauffer, Anna Scholl. and W. H. Monday. OOO Klngwood Mrs. D. H. GilH land of West Salem was the in spiration for a recent delightful dinner party, when Mrs. Ray mond Compton entertained, com plimenting her natal day at her home on Glen Creek road. Cov ers were placed for the honor guest, for Mrs. Burnett, Miss Vivian Grant, Miss Elberta Causey, Miss Betty Lee, the hostess, Mrs. Compton and Jo Ellen Compton Waists L- - Special Prices n Other Merchandise Throughout the Store Ace High Club Closes Season The final meeting of the year for the Ace High elub waa ' an event of Sunday night at Cole's cafe. At this time a banquet waa erred and this waa followed by cards. Attractive . floral decora tions added to the enjoyment of the evening.' Winning scores were held by Mrs. LoreaV Howe and Lloyd Mil ler. This was the last regular meeting of the year for, the club for this season.. but. it Is planned that picnics and Informal "get-togethers- will be enjoyed during the summer, and in the fall or ganisation will again be made. Miss Charlotte La Due. and Miss Florence Walker were, special guests for the evening. : Members include Mr. and Mrs. A E. Dll man, Mr. and Mr. Lloyd. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Howe, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hendrle, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilbur. .Mr. anil Yfr Arlo Davjj. and Mr. and Mrs! OOO Mill City Next to th . mv iwavo Ul . m Aim city women's -club waa held Tuesdav -. home of Mrs. A. I. Baker, with a! majority of the members pres ent.; The last - meeting la to be held June at the home of Mrs. Fred OHn and is to take the form of a lawn party. For the meeting Tuesday ev ening the members had the pleasure of hearing Mra. Hannah B. Martin of Salem, atatn nr. sentative. While Mrs. Martin In ner talk touched upon the bank ing laws, unemployment relief measures, and hunger marches, the chief part of her address waa on the sales tax bill. Mrs. C. J. Johnson nloaned with a reading and short busl- uess session was neid. after which the hostess served an in. petizlng luncheon. Twenty-seven club members were present. Complimented guests were Mrs. Martin. Mrs. MeVey. Miss Ethel Hlckev and Miss Elsie Crall. OOO Independence Twenty ta bles of bridge and "500" were In play at the Eastern Star benefit party Wednesday evening at the Masonic hall. The party was In? Denem or the carpet fund of 'the ioage. winning honors were held by Mrs. G. C. Skinner, Dorothy Young. A. H. Dixon of Salem. Mr. McKniKht of Dallaa and for "500" W, C. Wood and Mrs. A. o. inauana. Hostesses for the affair were . Vm IT T VTTI1 1 1 x . f P .u.o. xv. i.. wiiiiams, .miss uma Belle Emmons, Miss Mary Don aldson, Mrs. Melford Nelson. Mrs. M. J. Butler. Mrs. W. C. Wood, Mrs. Paul E. Robinson, Mrs. J. N. Jones. Mrs. A. H. Dixon: from Monmouth were Mrs. p. M. Schweizer, Mrs. T. J. Edwards, Mrs. Howard Morlan. Mrs. F. E. Chambers. Mrs. Carl DeArmond, Mrs. L. LInderman, Mrs. Rich ard Van Den Bosch, Mrs. Fred Hill, Mrs. O. A. Wolverton and Mrs. James Gentle. av THE ARESS FAMILY, 7125 Things are looking up for the Arens famfly: Mr. Arena' , new bottle-cap is selling fast And out at the curb is the new' Standard Plymouth. Is there a thrill in that? The boys and Mrs. Arens are both keen as they can be about it. Drive the Standard Plymouth awhile and you forget it is priced . as low as the lowest. ' Patented Floating Power en-EinenxMmtmgaendvibrationfor- : ever. Hydraulic brake are sure. SOLO BY DODGE, DE SOTO TWO V ' V - . 1W0 1 j PATCHWORK Pineapple. No. 420 -B; lam Wheeler - .The Pineapple, that . 'popular motif of Colonial art, can be found In applique and patchwork quilts aa well as in elaborate quilting designs. Its decorative possibilities Inspired this patch work quilt in which the strips, in contrasting materials, reproduce the spiky character of the fruit. Though made of a number of pieces, the block is simple to do, and makes a quilt pattern that is among the handsomest of those :.j 7 "'i ?. 1 f V V"l.. ' H - W ' V in oi Willamette Valley Flower Show Discussed at Club Teacher Bride-Elect is Complimented With Attractive Party at Mill City Brush College Edith Schrlber of Salem, was principal speaker of the afternoon when Mrs. Paul Wallace and Mrs. Louis Singer were hostesses to the Brush Col lege Helpers at sightly "Wallace Orchards,'" Thursday. Miss Schrl ber is an enthusiast for the Wil lamette valley flower show to be given June 2, 3, 4 In Salem and spoke on arrangement of flowers for the show and stated that more prizes will be given this year than before. Other interesting numbers on tho program were an old time community sing led by Mrs. A. E. Utcly, with Mrs. C. L. Blodgett at the piano. Mrs. John Kipper, Mrs Karl Harritt and Mrs. Harry Bonney gave special numbers. Mrs. Oliver Whitney, president, appointed committees for the an nual homecoming picnic in June: Soliciting, Mrs. Fred Olsen, Mrs. Mrs. Focht, Mrs. John Sehindler; coffee. Mrs. Frank Rivet. Mrs. N. PAULINA ST, CHICAGO, ILL, safe. Bodies are big and roomy withRigid-X,double-drop frames and safety -steel construction. See the Standard Plymouth. See how Plymouth matches com petition on price and beats them on value. And remember . . . StandardPlymouth4-door sedan is the lowest-priced 4-door six. STANDARD PtYMOUTH SIX Floating Power engine, mount lags. Small down payment ...coa- m ik Tenient terms ... W Safety Glass, at P. O. t. DCTtOTT slight extra cost. AND CHXYSLE1 DEALERS ' . V- .-v x- V '445 QUILT PATTERN that have comt down to us from the early quilt-makers. The pattera comes to yea with complete simple Instructions for cutting, sewing and finishing, together with yardage chart, dia gram of quilt to help arrange the blocks for single and double bed size, and a diagram, of block which serves as a guide for plac ing the patches and suggests con trasting materials. Send lOe for a pattern for this design to the Oregon Statesman Needleeraft Dept.. 82 eighth Av enue, New Yrk City. Hairy Bonney and Mrs. John Kip per; table, Mrs. Karl Harritt, Mrs. Charles Glaze. Mrs. Charles Mc Carter, Mrs. George Meier. Mrs. Victor Olsen. Mrs. Ferdinand Singer will be hostess for the next meeting. o O Mill City. Complimenting Hilda Favor, whose wedding is to be an event' of early summer, Mrs. W. W. Mason was hostess at a dinner party recently. Miss Fav or has been employed as a teach er In the local schools for several years. Seated at the table were Miss Favor, Bonnie Haack, Mrs. Harold Ladd. Mrs. H. M. Aspln wall, Mrs. Vivian Albert. Melba Miller. Mildred Noweomh Rnth Holt, Virginia Thompson and Mil- j area rearson. Additional Society on Page 9 AMR tecs w -.yi) THE OAKES FAMILY, 9 W. 11ELR Margaret OAXXS is learn ing to drive. She'll want Plymouth. The heavy car makes Mrs. Oakes nervous. Sie likes Plymouth', too. But Mr. Oakes drives to his office. Plymouth gets him around faster and easier. Question: Who gets the car? U doesn't take long to convert "heavy car owner to the De Luxe Plymouth. It's the big gest six in the low-priced field." Free Wheefing is one thrilL Floating Power smoothness, is". DtLmxtPljmmASix, Pmr-DtrS4dmL.ll2mci spsWovaei575F.O& UTHSD0ES ptriaouni at aarun sBOTOts mium Manama A. dinner la honor of Mrs. Claire Phillips' birthday was given at the homo oft Mrs. Millie Monro Thursday sight by Mrs. Rlllie Wllsoa and' Mrs.' Monroe. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Phillips and small daugh ter, Beverley Ann. Ailc Boy In g ton. Jessie Moe, Beulah Ottinger. Keith Phillips, Maurico Cothres. Wava Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Phillips. Harry Monroe, Russell and Erclll Wilson and Ara Purser. The women of the Willing Work ers surprised Mrs. Phillips with a handkerchief shower aV her home aa she returned from the dinner. Present were Mrs. Ledcerwood. f Wilson, Monroe. Dickson. Teeters, wagner, Blum, Moe and Miss Ot tinger. . , A farewell party was given Cor nelia. Jack and Bert Card well at their home Thursday night by the young people. Cardwell's are planning to move to Wyoming very shortly. Present were Alice Boylngton. Harry Monroe, Rusaall and Erclll Wilson. Jessie Moe, Aleen Boylngton. Wilbur Jory, Gladys Blum, Genevieve Wsgner, Dorothy Job nson. ,- o o . ValaeU. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heydon entertained with a three-table- bridge party Thuridsy . night.-' Enjoying the party were: Mrs. Harrold Wells. Mr, and Mrs. Amos Denoo. Mrs. Fred Davis. Mrs. Martin Rudy, Mrs. Jim Dod- son.-Mrs. Doug Grout. Mrs.. Bert Babb. Mra. George March. Mrs. Walter Raymond, Mrs. M. E. Ray mond. Waconda Members of the Wa- con da community club met Wed nesday at the home of Mrs. Pete KJenskl. Work on a quilt to be donated to the Elks for charity, occupied the time. Mrs. Rosa Cole presided in the absence of Mrs. Van O. Kelly. During the business session plans were made for the annual picnic at Silverton park June 18. BAKING POWDER 25 ounces for2Sf ECONOMICAL and EFFICIENT Use onry half as mvck eu Is rq wired of som OSE STn CHEVY CHASE, MD. -another. Transmission is U1 si lent andr automatic clutch it only $8 extra. Springs never need oiling . ; . valves go 30,000 miles .without grinding . . . windshields are Duplate Safety plate glass. "Plymouth .has the edge on -other sixes in 30 places 1 It would be smart to see it today I DE LUXE PLYMOUTH SIX Patented Float ing Power engine mountings. Small down payment., convenient terms... low dc- AND U . R O. BV. BfTkOrr livered prices. Imcaoo I 4 BkOSO i iiS '495 Si cmruKY or Moestss 2 e r - A