1 . . ; The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning. May 23, 1953 PAGE SEVEN ffi) i ' - ii It ;! )(Q35 White Biege Black" o. : V - ropolitan JI Wings H OH .00 . on. oo . - r' "..'' j on. oo ; on.oo ; neit d"i nn J c-25c k to- i faer ei nn $i:od. Hs: m nn. 01. uu rda, oi aa PA.UU, '. '." .4 9 OL i i 4 ' t URE I. I ! ', - ' -I, elsewhera liberty St, I . 1;; 7EDD.' roars or R AY ' " , ii ' " ' ' - ' fi SHOP HERE TOMORROW 2r.ans.. -SEE.. SAVE.. Every Department Visit . '-' For Unusual Values Worth's Dept. Store 1 Where You Save Every Day F3iresiaeG PoBBair FRONT WHEELS REPACKED AND BEARINGS ADJUSTED " Drakes Tested and Adjusted Reg. Price $1.45 Special Wednesday Only "Park While You Shop" vlrestotae Service Stores Inc h?, Center at Liberty Tel. 9144 Now is Your Time to Save 'Aft IMSBKMP'S WEED. , Don't Miss These Red Hot Specials , For Men and Boys ,Men's Fine Lisle and Rayon Hose: Plain d A A and fancy colors. Extra special, 8 pair 3 plUU Men's Golf Hose: Fancy and plain cotton dj A A f and mixed. Special, 2 pairs J .... plUU Men s Shirts: Fine broadcloth, plain and fan- dl A A cy, many reg. $1.95 values, now, ex. special Fine Silk Ties: Good selections and new pat sterns. Many reg. $1 val., now for $.day, 2 for P1.UU CLOTHINQ-WDOLB MLUM STORE l - " 1 -Mr i Cooperate with Salem !' Merchants to Make : DOLLAR DAY . WEDNESDAY !:4 .Big Day In Salem add fir' Bush Bankers Established 1863 Pure Dye Silks on Sale.' MILLER'S Offer a Big Bargain in High Quality Silks! Dollar Day! Buy these pure dye silks that wear so well for only $1.00 yd. White and lingerie shades. Also in this sale Canton and satin back crepe in the darker shades. Tomorrow, these fine silks are yours at this low price per yd. . . , MILLER'S THIS COUPON GOOD FOR ONE DOLLAR On Any Furniture or Drapery Purchase of $5 or more Wednesday (Contract Goods Excepted) r Present this coupon with your purchase of $5 and over I IT IS WORTH ONE DOLLAR I . 1 l Furniture Company 467 Court St. Phone 8419 Army -Navy Goods Store 279 N. Commercial St. Between Court and Chemeketa 3 Doors North of Piggly Wiggly For WEDNESDAY Only MEN'S CHAM BRAY WORK SHIRTS Reg. 50c values. Limit 3jto a customer $1.00 LEATHER WORK SHOE Reg. $1.50 seller $1.00 BED SHEETS 81x99 2 for $1.00 Limit 3 to a customer MEN'S BROADCLOTH DRESS SHIRTS Plain colors, QQ Limit 3 to a cuseomer -FROSH" PANTS d1 QQ Wednesday only ..DX07 "FROSH" PANTS TWEED PANTS - Qff Wednesday only ..DJLt) MEN'S DRESS OXFORDS WOOL PLAID BLANKETS 4 lbs.- 1 Q Wednseday only....DAvl Wednesday only ......... $1.87 Originators of Low Prices 331 STATE ST. THERE MAY BE PROFIT IN SELLING INFERIOR MEATS BUT, THERE IS NO PROFIT IN BUYING THEM Watch your P's and Qfs, Prices and Qttdity. We help you Save dollars. A k .TV7 A TTDrrTI? J OIlEIBriV SPECIALS Silk Dresses Just received, large u y Nfri shipment, "Snappy Frocks for the vNjTU1 r Miss- in white and pastel ... ;.-S 4 U Frocks pastel Other groups new arrivals - in plain colors prints and combinations. $3.97 $397 EXTflA SPECIAL 300 PAIRS of white oxfords, pumps and ties all sizes - a wide variety of styles. Very special price 1 li J (Offered at This Price Wednesday to Week End Only) We Complete Your Cos- f!tf7fr T) tume with a Snappy Hat V 15 Biiil.25 Handsome Zipper Bags 97c o 141 South Commercial St. Salem. Ore. 7 77 77D Cfr 1 1 DOLLAR DAY SPECIALS Jyikifh Towels Large size, 22x44, long wearing, soft and sturdy. Boys' Suits Choice of boys 3-piece linen suits or 2-piece crash suits with longies. 2 for SLOP 7-Cell Flashlight Flashlight complete with 7 cells. Throws a power ful U-mile M flfl beam $1UU 2 Gallons Oil Rambler pure Pennsyl 10 $1.00 for Lifebuoy Soap At a record low price, 24 bars $1.00 (We Reserre the Right to Limit Quantities) Boys' Cords Good quality, sizes 6 to 16. Elephant A A color, pr. plvlU vania oil m 2-gallon can. $1.00 Montgomery Ward &- Co. 275 N. Liberty St. Salem, Ore. Phone Get All The Dirt No streaked neck bands! No hand rubbed cuffs! Tha Zenith Washing Prin dple is magically quick, gentle and effective. Gentle rubber hands -conical clothes sep aratorall aluminum divided roller dryer with automatic pres sure adjustment are ex clusive Zenith features. Zenith' different tething action, mora gntt and efficient. Saves time and clothe. Zenith quality marrantt yean of satisfied trntiim $49.95 $69.95 $79.95 $119.50 We are Participating In Salem Dollar Day Wednesday See Our Bargains GEO. ALLEN HARDWARE CO. - 230 X. Commercial Em ., - Specials for Salem DOLLAR DAY Group Values to $10.95 Group Values to $14.75 Group Values to $4.95 Dresses $4.95 Coats $7.95 HATS"$1.95 Milady's Shop HGoMimg IToum? Age? "No woman has any excuse for looking within 10 years of her actual age," says . Helena Rubinstein. Dollar Day Special Wa are so anxious tor every woman to hare the benefit of HELENA RUBINSTEIN'S two cream treatment that we arB presenting every purchaser of Pasteurized Face Cream with a gift jar of Beautifying Tissue Cream. If these two creams are used regularly as part ot your daily beauty treatment they will accomplish wonders for your skin and bring such marvelous results that you will.be delighted whenever you look into your mirror. Both Creams for $1.00 Value $2.00 CAPITAL DRUG STO?.E i. H. WILIETT Corner of State and Liberty Tel. 3118 lis Certificate $ is good for In Trade when Applied on a Purchase of $5.G0 or More at Our Markdown DIAMOND Watch and Jewelry Sale CLIP THIS COUPON OUT AND BRING TO OUR STORE The Jewel Box Void After May 29th 175 N. Liberty Street 8774 lBSILILAIft BAIT IPESIIAIL Guaranteed Fast Color Percales They AO won't last long. 17 yards for DiUU 54-Inch All Linen Sets Cloth with six nap- A A kins. Colored borders. Set JJUUU Colored Turkish Towels 20x40 r A A inches. Beautiful jacquard design D for $1UU Fancy Rayons and All Silk Shan- O yds. A A tnngs Val. to 98c. While they last L. for plUU Your Choice of Any House Dress in O A A the Store Values to 89c - - for 01. UU Extra Inducements Offered Throughout the Store EQUnottt H2)i?y Goods Cojnmjpaimy 176 X. Liberty St. Excella Tatterns 10, IB and 25c Big Dollar KDay Specials Block's Golden Rule Store REAL STORE-WIDE SALE Reg. 25c fig. curtain marqui sette, fast colors Q-f fSf $ Day, evi yds.... DAUU One lot women's 33.00, $4.00 tt $5.00 one and two piece knit ST SLOP One lot woman's new French crepe slips, extra long shadow hem, asst. Q for shades Li One lot men's quality wor'x and dress socks, " rj Pr. BIk. & Brown Li dl One lot plain and figured curtaining 36" -j yds(J- Extra special i-U OJL One lot women's re?. C9c wash Crocks O for S1.00 Dollar Day O Women's $5 00. $6.00 & $7.00 One lot men's bU ' oreraHs. oxfords and slip- J- ff sizes to 38 O pr. pen. pair ... Oi.UU Reg. 69c. One lot women's reg. to $6S5 SLOP One lot men's rey. $1.00 ray on and broad- n pr. -f j00 clcth shorts O ol One lot child's 59c checked gingham rompeia J for f" Sixes 1-2-3 Tears d JL One lot girls sateen bloomers. gMfSLOO Bloch sGoldenRuIeStore ! SLOP 2 SLOP 41S STATE v ' . . '.