The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 23, 1933, Page 4, Image 4

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Tlxa QIUlCON STATESMAN. Satoa, Oregon, Tuesday tlornla?; Hay 22. 1S23
?No Favor Sways U; No Fear Stall Aire r
Trom First Statesman, March fcS. 1851 v
Chauxs A. Snucus - ; " -; ! " EdUorJi9r ...
Sheldon F. Sackctt - - - - - 'Uaaagiiig Editor
Member f U, Associated Press ';
- Tho Associated Prm Is axclusfvaly an titled to the m tor puhUe.
txm at all aave diapatche cradlted to H or not otherwise cndiud to
this paper; . - --
Portland Representativ ,
Gordon R Bell. Security BulMloa. Portlaad. One
' Eastern Advertising Representative "
- Bryant, GrtXflth A Branson, lae, Cbkacar Naw York, Dtrtt
' . ; Boetoa. AUaata.---.-----.--v:
Catered at tt Pottoffu sl Saim, Orfoe. SxdrOaM
UmlUr. - PvbUaktd every stern; asreapt Monday. J?naa
of fire, tlS SCommernal Street. -
tUU Subucrtpttoa Rates to AJmneo. Wlthta Jiee
amdV i Mo. S cants: S Mo. 11.26: Mot ILll; 1 ra
lEri IScanUatol or ti.. tor 1 tear la
By City Carriers 4S ceata a moatt: a year la adnca, Fat
Copy ornta Oa trains and Newa Stand. til
Banks Gets "Life '
mHE Lane county jury ought to be commended for its
A faithful discharge ol duty. aai wrougu Yrr"
n,-r,. mrxA Vaniino in thct hearimr of testimony and the
making of pleas by the attorneys, and kept dear heads, so
hat nftw ndeouate deliberation it was able to agree on a
very sensible verdict. Mrs. Banks to acquitted. That seems
. .Awftni n tii vidpnM for at the worst sue
was but a tool of her husband's. Banks himself is convicted
of second degree muraer wnica emw m. t"
That penalty while severe, seems adequate. There were those
T o mnrui for rif life. "an era for an eye." While the
shooting may have been premeditated, the crime was in large
measure a "political" crime and not just personal homicide;
hence the extreme penalty was noi jusuuea.
The defense built up its case on the theory of persecution.
The facts were the reverse. Banks was, if anything, the per
tt . tViA ftftsailant. It did not matter if he took
men wholly innocent, like Judge Norton; he pffloned them
in his newspaper, abused them without mercy. Anyone who
crossed his path was made a victim of vituperation and con
tumely. Banks terrorized the county, and was the instigator
rather than the victim of persecution.
Why did he do it? Perhaps it was to satisfy his ego. He
.wanted to dominate the scene. He wanted to run affairs. He
liked to have people take orders from him. Also, he was in
financial distress; and the more he could throw up a smoke
screen and frighten the courts, the less likely was he to have
judgments entered against him for his debts. He was no
torious for his non-payment of obligations. He operated like
a speculator, and when the odds went against him was a poor
sport in kicking through. .
Banks fumed around about restoring law and order in
Jackson county. Had he been acquitted the result would have
been near-anarchy in that county. As it is there will be a
chance for wounds to heal and
be some "crane in Medford that has Deen running
things with a high hand; but it ought not to be necessary
to resort to assassination in order to break their hold. Level
headed citizens there ought to make an effort now to break
down the social cleavage which has been reported.
Life in Medford has been agony for months, although a
fine class of citizens reside there. Now the common effort
should be to forget and forgive and to reconstruct, with this
tragedy as a warning against intemperate f eudism.
I ,,,
- There's a Ketch In It
YITHILE all the states and cities are crowding, tincup in
T f hand, about Washington
money, the news comes out that there is some ketch in it .
And the "ketch" is this: there are fresh taxes in sight. We
are to bond ourselves into prosperity, but we will have to
increase taxes in order to pay the bonds. That is the custo
mary formula of governments getting groggy financially:
more and bigger issues of bonds, heavier and heavier imposts
and taxes, with the end repudiation or resolution.
, Somebody must pay We can't get money for roads and
wharves and swimming pools and institutional buildings with
out someone coming around and presenting a bill for services
rendered. Finance committees now are wrestling with the
kind of new.taxes to levy, for taxes there must be. New gaso
line taxes are proposed, though after June 9 the gas sold in
this state will carry a 6 cent tax, 5c state and lc federal. In
creased income taxes are suggested, but incomes have been
shrinking to the point where incomes yield small taxes. Fi
nally perish the thought! the democrats are toying with the
thought of a small sales tax. That would be bitter medicine
for the Portland Journal which is sweating blood in its oppo
sition to the state sales tax. Then Pres. Roosevelt urges re
peal of prohibition so that whisky taxes may serve as a sub
stitute for these other new taxes. ' ' V ' ' -'
- The country has reached the point where any new taxes
are very painful. Fortunes have4been shattered, incomes are
inadequate for : people to keep up their standard of living.
History shows no instance of a country ever escaping a de
pression by piling on fresh taxes. .But, like everything else,
we are on the way, going we do not know where.
" I . :::.
End of Isolation .
WHILE the-United States is not disposed to enter the
league of nations, and while it' will hot put its troops
at the call of Europe and underwrite the quarrels over there,
this country ought to go forward along lines of international
cooperation which Pres. Roosevelt has laid "down. The world
is a unit, after all, and the United States cannot detach itself
from the world. We will have to use our. influence in the
peaceful settlement of world problems. -
Progress has been made in a week.' Roosevelt's address of
a week ago, copied off Hitler and, the war. fevers subsided
quickly. Now the four European powers are agreeing te a
pact which assures peace for ten jrears. .The United States
professes a willingness to join in a consultative pact which
will tend to isolate a nation which violates the peace. v
The administration is following up with moves toward
economic accord, reduction of tariff barriers and quotas.
The problems of the world are not insoluble. With applied
intelligence and rational sympathies leaders of nations ought
t to come to agreements which will speed up peace and secur
ity and prosperity andjpublicsafety. ' - ;
'Aj The Salem Y. W. C A. !
T r55 fali the women of tbe Salein Y- W.C. A. started but
did not complete their raising of funds for support of
the organization. Today and tomorrow they plan to complete
Jnf joblome 1822.be1 required to carry them through
t? rJaaryV The , y. W. is virtually the only body here
which is doing anything for women.-AH other bodies turn
cases of women in need over to the Y. w t,a v.
are given a helpingjiand. Salem cannot afford to let this
work go down. The Y: W. Is working rm Kn,w -v., v-i
as large as other years. The
cated drlrer. It
ilrl.a. T. tm . j i
. wiiiifc ma .humuvbui la lm ina inni nr am
.. .. .. 1UU""1U projecuie iraTeunc talrty er forty
. If It hits some obstacle tragedy Is almost certain.
miles "an hoar,
peace to be restored, mere
to get a share of the new easy
community should respond gen-
. . . " -
Dlary of a seaman who
was with CapL Wilkes
la Oregon Country, lJMi
There Is a rare book In the li
brary of A. N. Bush, Salem, that
harks the mind of the reader back
to conditions la the Oregon coun
try nearly 100 years ego. .
The title Is "Lights and Sha
dows of Sailor Life," and It Is
made as principally from notes
of a diary - kept by the author,
Joseph C. Clark, while he was an
enlisted seaman with tbe United
States Exploring Expedition, 18SS
1842, of which Capt. Charles Wil
kes, IT. S. nary, had supreme com
mand. The compiling of the book
was completed in lsf7, ft was
published in 1848 at Boston, and,
of course, has been long out of
After sentimental words of In
troduction, ' and some original
lines of poetry in the same strain,
the book tells that the expedition
was ready for sea August 9, 1888,
going out of Hampden Roads,
Va., to rendezvous at Rio de Jan
eiro, with eyery mess supplied
with a Bible, and eyery man with
a prayer book.
a "a a
The Journey to that city, capi
tal of the then empire of Brazil,
took 95 days. The Americans fir
ed salutes In honor of the event
and In other ways participated la
the celebration of the 19th birth
day of the young emperor, son of
Dom Pedro the first, with all
ships In the harbor floating their
flags and every street decorated,
and the beautiful young empress
participating In the parade. Clark,
the author, familiar with slave
conditions in the United States,
compared In a most unfavorable
light the terrible state of slaves
In Brazil.
. Feb. IT. '39, the fleet of the
expedition - .was aronnd Cape
Horn, and some of the vessels
were dispatched to make explor
ations in the Antarctic regions
further south.
- 'May 20, the coast of Chile was
in sight, with the lefty Andes 19
miles distant. Came to Valpara
iso, meaning Valley of Paradise,
A small - city the conditions of
which belled the name, in fact dis
graced It, with Its "chingonoa
dances, harking back to the
groves. f: the ancients; a town
full of courtesans, in a republic
that also was one only In name.
June 20 they vera in the har
bor of Callao, seaport of Lima,
chief port of call of the "repub
lic, with canditlons no . bett
than In Valparaiso.. Few schools
in Lima or other points, none In
Celebrated July 4 in the horri
ble "Peruvian dew," . and were
ready for sea on the 13 th, bound
for the south seas. Discovered and
explored a number of Islands, In
whica .tne conditions of the na
tives, many of them cannibals,
were barbaric beyond description.
They touched at Samoa Nov.
IS, and were soon off the shores
of New Holland, the old name for
Australia. They celebrated Christ
mas day at Sydney, where they
round tne English officers cor
dial. Left that port Feb. 1, 1841.
March 8 were off the coast of
New Holland, southwest of "Bo
tany Bay,. the famous British
penal colony, the name of which
has attached to such a settlement
any where. Clark reported see
ing American prisoners among
the convicts, havinn- been sent
thither after conviction as felons
In Canada. - --. -
March 80 the expedition was In
tne Bay of islands. New Zealand.
April t, proceeded to the Fill
Islands. Had plenty of trouble.
in getting supplies from the
ltives. . Quoting from the book:
"The king was fishing when we
reached there (one of the Islands)
and we were obliged to wait for
him before we could commence a
trade, as he allowed no one else
to trade with white men. When
he came we found him a surly old
man, apparently about SB years
of age. . . . His whole appearance
was morose and vicious, and he
wanted four times as much for
the pigs as we had been In the
habit of giving any where else,
and said he did not care whether
we took them or not. Provisions
we most get somewhere, and . . .
agreed to give him his price.
Knowing tnat tne natives were
fond of music. I sang some lively
airs, for the king, with which he
seemed much pleased, and it was
the only time I saw him smile.
une or me pieces sung was a song
called 'All in the Tonga Islands
which contains the following
xney said tney a cut me up
like pork,
Ana eat me witnout knire or
"The king having obtained
some knowledge of the language.
by trading with whalemen, turned
to some of his kinsmen, and said,
'He knows that we are going to
eat him But I determined to
spoil HIS appetite if possible, be
fore he sat down to the 'mess
should he attack us."
The natives did attack the par
ty, and there was a terrible fight.
in which Clark shot one cannibal
dead and klUed another with his
knife, but he was so badly wound
ed tnat ne was not expected, and
did not himself expect to survive.
The first cutter of the fleet
came to the rescue, opened fire
on the attacking band of natlvea
and, several of them being kill
ed, the rest took to the bushes
Lieutenant Underwood and Wil
kes Henry, midshipman, were
killed, their bodies stripped en
tirely naaeo, and dragged some
distance to the beach, with the
expectation of making a hearty
meal from them.
Knocked senseless, and lying
' (..'
; Si
Dr. Sherwood Farria (left), of Chevy Chase, Kd, and Dr. X. H. Street.
f Washington, are pictured as they left th inquest tnt th death of
Mrs. Cora Britten, wife of a New Jersey physician, after a coroner's
jury bad found that th woman died as a result of "criminal conduct,
gross malpraetic aad brutal treatment" at th hands of th two' doctors.
Ia insert is Hiss Fay Busaard, nurse, who tasUfled regarding a "secret
or cure,- wua which ura. air&toa waa treated whil a patient X
- the two dnrtnra a. a i m . . . m
so still that the native thought
him dead. Clark recovered and
got np, perfectly delirious, and
walked among them, lvnr,
laughing and singing. which
made them thiak he waa a spirit.
and ia their superstition fright
they offered him n further vio
lence. Th rescuing party took
Clark aboard, covered with
wounds, and he was "out of his
head" for several days but. mlr-
aealonsly. he entirely recovered.
Capt. Wilkes and Past Midship
man Eld were oa shore at the
time, making observations, and
perceiving the cutter under way,
going to the rescne of their at
tacked party, and. shortly there
after going away with their ei
sign at half mast, struck their
teats and hurried toward their
schooner, arriving a little before
the cutter.
When CapL Wilkee anxiously
inquired what the matter was,
and found the two officers had
been murdered, he sprang toward
the bodies and fainted. Quoting
from the text: "He was taken in
this state to the cabin of the
schooner, and remained in this
senseless condition for IS min
utes, before he was resuscitated.
In the mean time, th bodies were
removed from th boat, and
placed on the quarter, under the
cover of tarpaulins, whil I was
taken to the berth deck. By this
time Capt. Wilkea recovered a
little and returned upon deck, but
no sooner saw th bodies than he
fell in the same state from which
he had'just before recovered. On
coming to again, h cried and
moaned In the moat pitiable and
melancholy manner."
(Continued tomorrow.)
Farm of Lott Brown,
Jefferson, Purchased
Jefferson, May 12. S. J.
Polaniuk of Sheridan, has pur
chased the 140 acre tana f Lott
D. Brown, near Marlon. He will
take Immediate possession, but
will not move his family until
Elizabeth Aupperle, who is a
student of Oregon Stat college,
was elected to th Phi Chi Thet
organization, at th honor con
vacation held there recently. This
is the highest honor t be be
stowed on women la commerce.
' ' -vv SO FAS. .-.;...;
- Joaa ' Hastings, savant and
bautifnL Uvaa a sacladad liie with
bar two old aaaidaw anBtsla a hooae
leasj rsss to aeed. Asa Krrle, dia
coverinf that Joaa has visited a
dance hall, angrily reveals to her
the story of aow bet mother had
won her father away from Aunt
Babe. Joaa. aleae ia her roeos.
clasp a fear heart a zoiaUtora of
her zaochah aad rafases te bailey
ah waa asTthiasi hot rood. Anat
Ewi etrye a cheaa aato aad en
gage BUI Ifartla, a garage worker,
to car lor it. Bill, looking rp
from hi work, aeaa lean watching
Mat frees bar window. Anat Ewi
ha ferfelddam Joaa to go with
Hilda Sedgwick, tbe most popular
girl at caooL Therefore, the
other girl ssob Joaa and . ah I
the lonsTIn pressed
to hard, ah aboek bar hair back
fariocaly aad triad
Bin lawod hex. WeTJ, if be didnl
aow, a weald pretty seoaw. Already
she waa phuraing th wedding.
WhitaasUa. Ne, ivory satca.
bar fraadntether Vaa Fleet's
point vaO, with tnQ. LSiasef th
valley aad gardenias, Hk Hilda's
oldest aistar AUc bad wheat ah
was niaiikd. Hilda cevld b
bridesmaid. She'd forgive Hilda for
being a inesa, aad they'd be friends
agam. Hilda eU wear ail
mad aeiasrhlajt Eke that dw
was raving ahout with Bttk puff
aicsoas . .
KSns. Recce was evwr at
S Joaa got thremgb th first two
days of her ostracism, thinking
about the boy who looked up at her
from th res gardea. Building air-
taatlea, wtstTally dreaminc.
Th third day ah couldn't stand
itanylonrec. She had to walk oast
GerwtssGsrage. It was six blacks
out of her way, bat she would walk
down town, and pretend ah had to
bv something at th grocery.
Horryina axons the little board
walk near tbe ferry, where th big
boat for Saa Francisco, and th tit
tle boat for Txhorea soneaked at
their raormga, old Captain Horner
hailed her. "Hello, Johnnie Hast
ing, what yoa doina down hereT"
The quick scarlet dyed her cheek.
-on, I'm lm going to th
eery. Her toctgo tripped oa th
lie. She looked at him appealingly
at of big, troubled, gray-green
"Com to meet year sweetheart
that's what!" Old Captain Homer,
who remembered when
baby, ehsckled. Veronica's little
girl with a sweetie! Tb very idea.
weu, weu.
"Of course, Pm not!" Joai
gasped. She looked at him ia hor
rer. How could he have possibly
zeuna oar.?
"Well, yon will be pretty
Getting prettier every day. Johnnie
Scus me. Guess rll have' to be
calling yoa Joan now, you're such a
young Lady, er mebbe Miss Hast
ings! Hea, bee!"
Joaa laughed too, with blessed
lief. Oh, the sQly she waa! Of
costs, he hsdat meant anything
now eoaia net
"Goodbye I" ah flan over her
shoal dor. "Goodbye, Captain Hor
ar a a . .
now ane waa almost as tne ga
rage. Her steps got slower. Slower
stilL The boy was out ia front, do
ing something to a track. His
stronr brown arms flashed in the
sun. A, Httl pulse began to beat in
Joea'a tnroat. Should she speak
A MITT. May 21. The an-
naal May day fete waa held Fri
day at tb Amity high school.
Queen Rsby 1 ruled over her
subjects la a most gracious man
ner. Masio waa famished by the
Amity high orchestra, directed by
Mr. Walts, of Ltnfleld.
Mayor Woodman crowned tho
queen. Maid of honor was Roberta
Mitchell who also carried th
During th noon hour, tennis
matches war played. Amity was
winter ever Perry dale.
In th afternoon a program was
given. A baseball gam was play
ed between Daytoa aad Amity,
the latter winnlag by a score of
18 to 0.
Dayton Honor List
For Month is Named
DAYTON. May 22. Honor
roll la th Dapton grade for tho
month Just closed Is: First grade.
Audrea, Muttbrock, Jean Coeher
hant, Lois Matschack, Joaa Clark.
Second grade, Joyce Lee Good
rich Kenneth Wright, Gcorgeno
Frenk. "
Third grade, Sara Little. Mar-
cine Natibroek, Harriet HUllg.
Fourth grade, Mary Mnhs. Helen
Dower. Fifth grade, Dorcas Bum
side, Phyllis Wright. Sixth grade.
Leaaoeu Dower, Audrey mar,
Jean Psffer, Batty Detenbaogh.
Genevieve Mnhs. Seventh grade.
Betty Cora, Dorothy Frank, Ann
Morris, Gertrude Londershauser,
Josephln. Mnhs. Gladys Wright.
WBaMBaaBwoBaaoaaaMMW '
Corvallis People in
! New Jefferson Shop
JEFFERSON. May 21. Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Bishop, wh have
been conducting . a barber and
beauty shop ia Corvallis, will open
a shop ta Jefferson la the H. K.
Jones Btiloiag aeross from th
pstomc. - .
. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Knight ar
rived from Livingston, Mont, this
week, whara they spent th past
winter with their son-la-law and
daarhter. Mr. and Mrs. Claude
Armstrong. They are gnosis - of
their sons, Harold sad Elmer sad
their famine la Jefferson. ,
.,"" esnassBBawMaanavBaaBaaaaBBaaaaBBaBBaaaMam,
TALRirrS.8TATfl wK '
YALSETZ. May 22 No reliaf
from winter weather Is aeeo s tar
for Yalsets people. Mor cold
rail fen this week, making if
aays oi rain mis monia. -
r would at? New a was
toward bar. rami gripped
her. a seams fl tabs standing still
ta the spot staring. Bat
t Shws walking right
aloag, walking tight by. passing
hhafSho triad desperately ta speak,
ta say "BeUal" nonchalantly, but
she eooldat. Her Up jrtr too dry
ana aus..
His can waa nulled so far over his
ryes ah eoaldn be sere that he saw
ber. Anyway a pretended not to.
Ila tarncd away from her, aad
wouldn't look. Joan's heart almost
stopped beating. h was ssffoeat
mg. bet bar feet carried her right
along; round tbe turn of tbe road,
up the steep road that twisted above
th town. .
After a whil ah found herself
sitting- en th grass, en a hill, all
spicy smelling with bodding shrubs.
and a tangl ex creeping vines.
Down below , she could hoar tb
water lapping oa th rocks. Soma
tittle birds ehirsed la thicket.
sa sax tner a ton time, en th
pleasant Saosalito hillsida, with the
lovely panorama of th bay. th
islands aad ta litti boata. screed
otrtbefoT her. Tb sua was setting
ah clambered stifiv to her
feet, aad knew that ah was cold.
Th wind bad risen to a rale.
-won tiara ta end ex that, an
right!" aad sb trudged oa to the
New bar defence wss down.
th long, dreary day. Sb wasat
anybedra fairy-tal princess. She
was just a ahabby girt, ta a fanny
Td fsihisemd dress. Bat she'd ho
boiled to eO, cat an in little tbxy
paces sex or sard Jt taesa
N, thanks, I doat want to play,
aata basket hall 1 1 waaJdat alav
zor rnmMbtr an end vehementry.
wnsnt on or ta gms offered to let
bar play for a few zoxaaests until
aeon ms cot there.
"What did XtoU rear Hilda said.
"There's no oa bothering with be
sne uum uar
Aad an th wan Jooa's heart
was crvinr. "Oh. nkaa. let me elav
pleas Uk saa back. It feat my
fault rat Queer 4 m aot reallr. If a
Juat Aunt Kwie. Oh, talk to
again b ale to me agsta ri
Loaatyl Tb ache of it n reamed
down on bar like a great weight on
bar bead. Recesses that were one
too short, stretched to eternity.
Days lasted forever. Th memory ef
yeewroay-s sugnz rajuied, and the
dread ox tomorrows wen
or than she ceold bear.
"Ifs saostlr beemon I look
fanny. If I had a new dress they
coaldnt laugh at ta anyway. Ill
It took courage to ask Aunt
Ewie, bos sh finally did. "I'd
mak it myself it wouldn't cost
stuck. Cotton crepe. Aunt Ewi,
and tb pattern I want doesn't take
much goods!"
Aunt Ewi, a little late for the
sewinz circle, didnt even answer.
She Juat gav Joan a witherinr look.
and strode past her to the front
door. "Horry, Babe, if you're com
ing! i out always a slow."
And Babe, snubbed because tbe
frizzing ef her hair had mad them
late, turned peevishly oa Joaa. "I
should think you'd bo ashamed to
ask for money aow. with everything
going sut, and no thing coming in."
sh said. "Besides, yoa look very
neat and nice, the way a young lady
should look. Most of them look like
chorus girls!"
"Yoa ought water the rose gar
dan 1" Ewie flung over her shoul
der as she creaked down the stairs.
"I think yon might do tXat much
around th boos wRhoat being
28 Whelps Raised
In Fox Farm This
Spring at Webfoot
DAYTON. Mav 22 Twaatv-
eight young whelpa from a start
this season of six female and four
male foxes on the Mr. and Mrs. J.
P. Dortey farm in tho Webfoot
locality am doing splendid. Th
first one wars bora February 1.
uorseys nsve raised roxea for a
Daily Health Talks
3nlted States senator from New York
Fonaar CoataUadoaer of Hesif K
ta which a small bey was the cantor
of household attraction. He vaa a
rood looking youngster, watt devel
oped, but vary
pale and rostleaa,
The chad was he
ritable and gave
every evidence ef
chorea, yet 'his
parents did aot
rtiaam ha waa
1 suffering from
any ailment.
Chorea", or
"Saint Vitas
Dance".. as It la
more frequently
caOed, la a com
mon disease of
hlldhoed. R
usually afflicts
Dr. Copelcad
, children between
the fifth and fifteenth years, gtrts
being more susceptible to this ail
ment than boys. It la more common
among the poor than the rich.
Tb Symptom
Chorea fa a serious disease If nag.
looted. Unfortnnately, the affliction
Is often overlooked ta children be
cause there Is no complaint of pahv
The olsoass to to be eoapoctod whoa
a child appears to fidget and to bo
clunmy.tsf his movamenta. As the
diseaa .progress, ueptcloa I fur.
tber aroused If th chud exhibits dlf
onKy la picking up objects and la
Lot me assure yoa that this dis
ease t neither contagioos nor heredi
tary. . Bat early reeognltloa ef
chorea la chOdrea to et great tan-
DOrtance. trhaa-tna fflaeaaa la ma.
oraizad ta Its early stages sad proper
jDoaaures . are. taxes, tne . cnnxs
health, can ha- .eamolatalv
likewise the dreaded cooipiteatton,
-aoca aa neart .pisease, can so
LTk rheumatlo fever. Involvement
ot u aean a a feared eempncaOon
of chore. Neglected chorea aad
Heart dtoeaae may result to a
"TouU never hsve to ask me
again I 111 flood it! Joaa mut
tered making for th patched old
bos that had been stored ta the
stable during the rainy season. She
winked hard to keep back th tears'
It wouldn't bars cost much for a
bin cress dress. If your own f anv
Uj would rather have yon look like
a scarecrow than spend two dollars
a yoa. . . .
It waa aliMt dr? h tfca U
stable. .She had to climb ever the
ear, to reach th book where tb
garden hose was hung. She scraped :
Ear skin against the fender, aad -
www oar nau. mm tears cam. All
the stored up tears of days aad
weeks aad months. Tears for bar
hiding linger, for Hilda, for the
hcrribla shiny bio serge, and th '
boy who looked at bar in the sunset
and didnl mean it.
She sank down oa the maaima-
board of th ear. Oh, th relief er
it! Th relief ef being ahl to cry
all aloa ia th dark, with Aunt
Ewi aad Aunt Bab both out. and
neon to know-
No one to know. She could err aa
much as she liked, and ah did. An
orgy ef grief.
And into it, all ansaspectlng.
walked Bill. .
He walked ia to get hOas Taa
Fleet's second-hand car. and ha al
most fell aver tho weeping girt. H
would hava fled, bat Jeen heard his
step, heard hint stumble back to
tb door. Sb locked np aad saw
ban. With a tremendous off art sh
swallowed bar sobs, aad mads a few
ineffectual xabe at her eyes.
"in-ra erymgr- aba said ratb
rniiwicissrfly. She meant it as
a sort of apology. "I forgot it
"Oh tha'fs all right, h
nrared, Xeettnr foolish.
"I'd stoo. bat I aaad all
handkarcaiaf." ah waJUd. aA hid
her streaked fac against tb aid
of th car. "If yornH jsst go away
BiH backed to th door. There
waa something so helpless, so child
ish ta th girl's bent neck, ta the
raffled glorv of her early hair, ia
her very abandonment and toar-
streakad dustiness that bis own
barrasament melted.
Bill reached ia his socket
brought oat a large, clean bnadkar-
"Here take thia one
Sh looked np through wet, thick
sh. and reached oat a timid
hand. Their fingers touched. Her
slim body was shaking convul
sively, she buried bar noes ia Ems
big wait handkerchief and cried
Gmrerly ha steadied bar with his
band. Almost automatically he
sank to his knees beside her. Hia
arm had slipped aronnd bar.
Ferninm tears were no novelty
to BQL His married sister. Eunice,
was what old Mrs. Martin compla
cently referred to aa a "champ ton
crier but she never cried like that.
"You yoa weren't sick or any-,
thing T" he ventured nervously.
"Can I call somebody or some
thing?" ,
"Oh, no no rn be aQ right in
a minute"
Th sympathy in th boy's vole,
his eoneera for her, completely
overwhelmed Joaa, who had never,
ia her seventeen years, received
any. With a little grateful sigh
that waa half a sob, she snuggled
closer ia bis protecting arms.
And so big Bill Martin who bad
never cared much for girls, and
little Joaa Hastings who had never
known any boya found their first
shy love ta each other's arms.
Water th rose garden," Aunt
Ewie had said. A task to fill Jean's
idle afternoon, and its eenseqwenc
filled bar whole Ufa.
(To Be Continued Tomorrow)
number of years.
Fifty young canary birds raised
oa the same farm thia spring in
beginning to sing.
WEBFOOT. Msy 22 The Web
foot school closed Thursday with
s program by tho students in th
forenoon, a basket dinner at noon
and games snd sports ia th
aftrrnoos. Isabel Forman, teach
er, has been reelected for next
manent defect which wtfl Interfere
wtth the furare health ef the child.
RestUea, Irritable Childram
Tbouxh the actual eaase of chorea
has never boon discovered. It hi orob-
kto that It Is da to a gamt or to
bacteria. For thia raaaoa M to an-
portant that fHiissil tooatla. ade-
aolda. sinuses and defective teeth be
The child ahoold bo kept ta bod.
This Is soxnetlmea a maoR rdeai.
but It Is now dafinltaty known that
great benefit Is derived from pro
longed rest. Tbe sufferer from chore
ahoold bo kept ta bod for at least
two to three month. Meal ahoold
be served to th chUd to bed and
every effort should be mad to avoid
exciting and attirig games. Bear
la mind that mental and physical ex
citement Is harmful to thee little
patients. , - t
Or coarse Che victim ef chorea
should be under the personal super
risioa of a physician. He and only
he ta a poatttoa to presertb the
nacoeaary naodktae, the proper diet,
care and attanttonv
Do not disregard signs of restless
ness and trrttahmty ta a chUd. Often
the child raftering from chorea l
backward ta his school work, care-,
leas, and has periods of lose ef mem
ory. It yoo suspect chorea consult
with your doccor. . . - , .
Wlthht recent years chorea ha
been associated wtth rheumatlo fever.
It fxeeuenUy follow aa attack of
scut rbeumati favor. . Much re
search work hi being conducted al
ever the worht ta aa effort to solve
thm a miction. Unta th caoses ef
rheumatlo fever and chorea are die-
covered. , prevenxloe) I
Proper car lnanna the la
ef the
to Health
A Young Woman, Q. What d
you advise far cold teetf .
A. BUM wp th general health
treaTatlea wta Improve. 1
F. OL Q. What causae black t
to appear before tbe eyest
AXsls may be due to poor ctr
culaOon. "bOlowanaas," er eye strain.
fComrtoax. T9Z3. g.r.a, ftf
v j