T&a OnCGCr? STATESMAN, Salsa, Orc?wv Scadar Manilas,, llay 21, I82S pagg scvxn 9 ft I. P i 4 V r 1 a 1 i wcdd 1 SC' vamprians To Feature Meeting fTpIIE spring advances and the closo of school, to near at hand and with this lUU of affairs tbs annual plans for Camp Saataly and a summer- vacation tor tho Qirl Reserve of Salem get under way. . - Already a committee of Mrs. David Bennett Hill, Mrs. 0. 8. Hamilton and Mrs. Claude Glenn hare been working- on the needs of the camp to put It Into condi tion for tho summer life there. A meetlnf Is being called for Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the T. W. C. A. tor discussion of camp plans. All advisors and camp leaders will meet with the Girt Reserve committee. Mrs. Floyd Miller, chairman, will have charge of the meeting. One announcement has been made and that Is that a profes sional borne economist will - have charge of the preparation of food for the eamp. Dates for the camp include July 8-15 for grade school Reserves; July 15-28 for Junior high Re serves; and July 23-29 tor high school Reserves. Mrs. Elisabeth Gallaher. local T. W. C. A. secretary, will speak concerning camp at Parrish school Wednesday and at Leslie Thurs day. ' Hume Downs Will Be Presented Of Interest to a large circle of friends will be the announcement of the presentation ot Hume Downs, 11 year old son M Dr. and Mrs.' O. A. Downs, Friday night at the Roberts studio.' The young student of violin has been studying for the past three ; years and Is being presented by Miss Mary Schultz. He will e accompanied by his sister, Miss Flavla Downs. The urogram Is an Invitational Numbers to be presented-lfl- 'one. elude: I. Sonata (A Major) ..... .Handel n. Air Tfor B string) ..BachVWllhelni Concerto A Minor . Bach . .. v ni. .: - The Swan.............. .Saint Saens The Bee Schubert Obertass Masurka Wienlawskl .". Each year as many, of the Ma sonic chapters as possible visit the Masonic home in Forest Grove. Each Sunday certain chapters attend and . one of the chapters presents a program. This Sunday the chapters of Marlon county are attending and Donald chanter will present the program. A number from Salem Chadwlek chapter plan on attend ing today. .,. J At an attractive party of the week the engagement of Miss PrisclUa Baumgarten to Ronald Friszeil was made known. Ne date was set tor the wedding. Keep Cross -Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER 7" Tm """" 7" 7 mmm ? tst nr ; mi! . My ; oZ f Jr- 2- " f f ; tt$ttMzZrm r HORIZONTAL I a fatisr tr mother - 8-dispsrso j II--smottly 12-ok . 14sist IS distarb 1 jswal IT Sua fod a 18 cardinal nnmbe . 19 contend . to oothins 21 Gaelio . 2S fowl 24 surf aos a ' street . 25 dea f -Sovt W 28 wish 81 Tsnsioa 82 passsga S3 fUytlings 14 169 aqoaro . gods 15 an Englisa tavern - 15 long ago . 10 owed 13 an IndUa 48 plural . oadiasr 44 an eating implement . 48 sobs it 47-atiU 49 eertafai ao-afishiaff rod 81 ravisod bafoTt pub- lieatioa 58 small tower Herewith is Us sohttlsn to Sas itrday's Pnxsla, wir r-r 0 5 TIA. NCie ONII and Jumoro of Weddings -Society From. Bored With Weather -Attractive Wedding of - ; Fae Driscoll, Event of Past Week rpHB spring-of many weddings draws to a belated lummer X and still the number of nuptfel occasions grow. The past week saw the mamaee of Miss Fae DriscolL daughter of Mrs. Kathryn Driscoll. to Hubert Ashbr. son of Mr. amd Mrs. Joseph Ashby in a' 4 Memorial cnuren. Kev. JtL u. an altar of beautiful simplicity O created by the use of cathedral t tapers and white flowers. Only immediate members of the family and Intimate friends were bidden. Soloist was Miss Lillian Scott and the wedding marches were played by Donald Allison. Mrs. Ashby wore a gown of El eanor blue crepe with turban of matching color and slippers of yel low. She carried yellow roses and lilies of the valley.. Mrs. Carroll Ford, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. Her gown was of peach crepe and she wore a turban of peach color, and her accessories were of peach. Robert Ashby served as best man and Robert Driscoll, brother the bride, gave her in marriage. Carrol Ford and Robert Judson were ushers. Following the wedding a recep tion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ashby greeted Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Ashby. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ashby, Mrs. Kathryn Dris coll and Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Ashby received. Mrs. William Knower ana Mrs. Raymond Archibald of Albany as sisted about the rooms. Mrs. Car roll Ford and Mrs. Robert Dris coll presided at the serving table. Miss Lillian Scott and Miss Hasel Johnson assisted In serving. Immediately following the re ception Mr. and Mrs. Ashby left for a motor trip Into the north and Hrlll be at home after May 25 at their home, 1705 South 12th street Mrs. Ashby wore a charm ing white ensemble tor her going away attire. And with this wedding closing a series of affairs planned for the popular bride there comes more parties this week for Miss Irene Brelthaupt, whose engagement to George VanNatta of St. Helens was made known this week at an fif "ffay 1 tha hom ot Miss Loretta Varley, While no date tor this wedding has been set it Is understood that it will be soon. Mrs. Percy Kelley will entertain for Miss Brelthaupt Thursday night at the Kelley home on State street, and Mrs. Ronald Craven will be hostess in her honor Saturday night. And it Is understood that a popular member of Salem social circles is wearing a diamond and that soon a party will announce one more engagement and ap proaching marriage. www The weekly meeting of the Salens Photographers' association was held at the Cyn Cronise stu dio on North Commercial street last Tuesday evening. Reports were heard from the various committees and specific plans were made for participation in some photographic exhibits of the early summer. The next meeting of this asso ciation will be held In the Eby studio May S3, at S o'clock. VEXTICAL 1 sticky fluid 1 in ssceea- slonto showers 4 sin 8 summit mardsrsd T faMral alio , (abbr.) reaches 18 traders 18 not ever . .SO lack of tho , Bock 22 tho pick ' 28 hasten 24 a small bag 25 tnotrla land measures 27 pea ; ' IS rigging block (naat) 29 TinSieatal 29 father 21-cry 2 a growth 35 haughty 27 orvtrinoi v report ft aaalabs t&b sculp tursd . slab . 89 a doctrine : 41 part of a cathedral 45 profit J 4 AprU (abbr.)'. 48 cottaf - " s .1 -. nioi Being Mrs. . Hubert Ashb'y, o'clock service at the Knight Stover read the service before iV T rarty Honors Officer of Lodge aeiigntiui evening was en- Joyed at the home of Dr. and Mrs D. X. Beechler Friday night at which the officers of Chadwlek chapter. Order of Eastern Star en tertained 1 n compliment to the birthday of the worthy patron, Harry Crawford. An Informal evening of cards was concluded with the presenta tion of a gift to Mr. Crawford and a refreshment hour. ' Present were Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. George King, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mohr, Mr and Mrs. Charles Gabriel, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gibson, Dr. and Mrs. 0, L. Blodgett, Dr. and Mrs. Leon Barrlck, Mrs. Alma Thompson, Mrs. Reha Kestley, Miss -Grace Babcock, Mrs. Belle Brown, Mrs. Ruth Rhoten, Mrs. PearKGrote, Mrs. Ruth Ohllng, Roy Grote and Dr. and Mrs. Beechler. Mrs. James 8. Bushnell of Seattle Is a house guest of Mrs. Jessie C. Singleton, 347 N. Church street. Mrs. Bushnell Is a descen dant of early settlers In the Prlngle neighborhood. Her grand father, Jesse Ward, and family, came from Kentucky to Oregon la the early '50's and took up land claim. Her father, D. B. Ward, later located in Seattle and was a pioneer school teacher there, teaching In the first state university. Mrs. Bushnell's sister Is the wife of Prof. Edmund Meaner, noted historian of Seattle. UjSgft MICKEY MOUSE A BLACK CLOUO TO EES WHETHER rr CONTAINED TH3 PIRATE CHRIGIBU5, MiCKEV SEES CAPTAIN DOBERMAN our of 1T THIMBLE THEATRlStarrinff Popeyo 1 10 LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY 6Eg.ZEB0, 1 HOPE Wg, COM! TQ A PggTTy SOOM -wT'W SO HUNGKY X'M fMAGlMS tSMtlirOCO TOOTS AND CASPER T ACCOMWVNIEO erwrswiFE, LEFT FOR. ' CTSOOTY J f TO C3 OFTKS MEUCANERAMCM - OPTKS ; v ATAOA3A'- . CfclfSrAT A SAVARYC : SOCIAL CALENDAR f V j. Sunday, May ft ' Play, !He Came Seeing, at First Congregational church in Joint, sorrier with Knight Memorial sharchi publle invited. ' .7 : ' " "Monday. Maylti R&bexahs-m&st" tor Yegutar btwtnm meeting at t o'clock 1b Odd Feilewa hail; all Rebekahv vliltiag ta eity -cordially Invited te attend. ! f . , High School Reserve to hear Dr. Mary Purvia at 4 o'clock la Dean Robertson's room; all high school girl invited. . I ; . - , . ;. ; Luncheon to Women of Rotary postponed. Alpha Phi Alpna alumnae with Mrr. Leonard Heis ler, 11 JO Wilbur street: Informal evening. Beginner sad Primary Tsaehers Guild, with Miss Cora Talklngton, 64ft Center street, T: JO o'clock. r Chapter AJ B. otP, E. O. Sisterhood with Mrs. R. J. Hendricks, at Pant Hendiieksf home on Fairmount -Hin. 7:45 o,doclt; last meeting of season. , .. , ' . - Sigma Nu Delphians, hostels to Chi Delta chapter at Camp Santaly; .leave Salem at :S0 o'clock 1 plcnla lun cheon; program. ..- :':V Tuesday, May 23 " Mother's day observed by Business and Professional Women's club with dinner and program at Marion hotel; special music and program; Misses Brelthaupt to present flower, arrangement talk. ' Mrs. L. Sllngman. 1040 South Liberty street, hostess tor circle of Spiritualist church; Mrs. Edith Soott of Eu gene special guest; meeting at $ o'clock. Chi Delta chapter of Delphians with Mrs. B. V. Wooten, : JO o'clock. , Chadwlek chapter. Order of Eastern Star, guest of Ada. Chapter, Independence. , Salem Women's Press club with Mrs. E. S. Brown; dessert luncheon at 1:30-o'clock followed by card after noon. t. , '. ' f . Wednesday, May k ' First Presbyterian . Ladies Aid society, with ' Mrs. Max Buren, 745 Court street. 2: JO o'clock. Thursday, May t5 , Town and Gown dub at Lausanne hall, 2:30 o'clock. Keizer Ladles Aid. all-day meeting with Mrs. Sey mour Jon&s. . . . . Friday, May 16 Daughters of Union Veterans ot Civil War, regular meeting, 8 o'clock. Women's elubhouse. Miss Melton Will Make Home in Salem Miss Frances Virglnie Melton, who for the past nine years has endeared herseir to a large public in Salem through her musical ac tivity as director of the depart ment of theory and practice In Willamette university. - will make her home In Salem following her resignation from the university with the closing of the spring term. Miss Melton who has been very active in both college, city and state musical circles, will open studios In Portland and Salem and will instruct In piano culture in both cities. She plans to open S3 I UXES FT WOMEN CH KCCOOHTC? THCTS so co.w: sKf.wtuvrV HWS A CUP O? GRECN . tltK Xt TVft BU)8 ROOM; -T GsTTWX COOW. GOO'v'-HONEST, "rani HOOPED tO0O LUCK, CUT I UmTT wAxJT &2AK TO tvckx Tvurr Htrs vmr AKO I HCSf kOSUr STS KM AcrASNt m a. her stadlos early la September. This summer Miss Melton will spend at her summer home on Puget Sound, leaving here imme diately following the close ot the university. Mrs. Max Buren wilt entertain members ot the rirst Presbyter laa Ladies Aid society at her home Wednesday afternoon be ginning at 3:20 o'clock. The committee la charge Includes Mrs. L. R. Chambers. Mrs. Oro ver Birtchett, Mrs. .Minerva Hol comb, Mrs. H. M. Svaas, Mrs. L. M. Purvlae, and Mrs. B. F. Schmoker. A. program will be presented and a social hour will be enjoyed. It 'a a Small Now Showing "An I TMHKS PPCT WOMEN MS! THt M05 BeW)TlWL THIMG5 OH EfVRTV EXCCP: KVlOkErO J A Persnasira Hostess - ?. Tbm Ltvizta Fast 7 IM LCM .-CtCLTOi w k ttir9 CaCfc&H0CTE3 tOtCTCi AWFXX.!. ' SUCH tLS TMCRS CO HAS A m 1 IZSSNCDOOY r AirnHiNpTtt. I a.X5 Vfi cdAta. xy KC. - fMi 5la Engagement "Sorority Informal Party Vi Delta Phi Mouse Mis. Madred Mm Complete Surprise to Intimate Friends COMING as a complete surprise to even their most Inti mate friends waa the announcement of tha engagement of Miss Mildred Miller, daughter of Mr. and -Mrs. Henry O. Miller of Salem, to Samoel Bowe, son of Major and Mrs. D. J. Bowe of Salem; which was made at the Delta Phi informal party, Satuidar-iiijriiC After a treasm"hnnt over Hilarity D.A.R.Wiil Be Officers Guest Officers of Chemeketa chap ter, D. " A. R. will be hostesses Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. John Car kin In compli ment to members of the chap ter for an informal affair,. Officer hostesses Include Mrs, H. T. Love, Mrs. J. W. Harbi son, Mrs. NW. B. Johnston, Mrs. Lewis Griffith. Mrs. C. a Best, Mrs. J. J, Ostllnd. - Mrs. Carl Steiwer, Mrs. Clark Elliaon, Mrs. 8teven VInard, Mrs. V. L. New. comb, Mrs. O. C. Geer, Mrs. C. C. Clark. Mrs, B. I. Steeves, Mrs. Frank Settlemlar of Wpodburn: Mrs. J. E. Sibley and Mrs. R. T. Morrison of Dallas. Harkness Recital Calls Attention Much Interest Is being enter tained concerning the recital which will be given tonight In the First Evangelical church begin ning at 7:30 o'clock. Exceptionally enthusiastic have been the comments concerning the organ work of Mr. Harkness and the vocal work ot Mrs. Harkness who will sing among other things several songs, yet unpublished, compositions of Mr. Harkness. Additional Society on page 10 1 World. After An Ex-Flama Bnrna Up IV4KUL H0MJ POT fAi HrV Ori UJOMMi-CaOOaCa. m K1HG POPEY2 7 A fBlATCMELOVA4AT AR VOU XXXNO ALL ALONC MOJETf AY FROM TWX NAieC5T housc rr arsvoj tosTtr OUR WREMTS VftX BT VJ02R1ED9CKI TQJLMS. CMLOlDIO RUNAKrVl I ... - t . 1 . , i ! 4 (.-! ttrrTKaww CXpNZX. Ar5 OsTEJrAffwNaTKii OLD I Bin TK2 SAM3 VflTHOUT WM TM vvwttx w.m A OTVC53 AND IT tBTTEK I DCmT HAV3 , TO TOXKHILfKC HM 13 cuva Announced TeUsrorBetrQtKal as?. Most Otrall xae dae- neatly led i the group dsck to.tne cnapter nouse whlch.waa -transformed. . lata ..js pirate cave In .which was found a large treasure, chest. From this each guest received clever favors of money bags filled with candy and pirate men. During the supper hour the Delta Phi trio. Elisabeth Clement, Naomi Hewett and Rath Mort sang and Miss Alice Speck found an additional treasure chest in which wss inclosed the nouncement of the engagement of Miss Miller to Mr. Bowe, Miss Miller is a graduate of Sa Jem high school and .will graduate in June from Willamette univer sity where she has been very sc ut ia campus aiiairs. una is a member ot the Delta Phi sorority. Csp and Gown honorary, president ot 'Women's Athletls association and active in women's sports. Mr. Bowe graduated from Dallas high school, and the school of liberal arts of Willamette university in 1931. He will gradnate from Wil lamette school ot law in Jane. He is a member ot Sigma Tau frater nity. No date has been set for the wedding. -" Special guests for the ere slag Mrs. Lilian R, Hagman. housemother - and Mrs. Helen Hamilton and Miss Lois Latimer, honorary members ot Delta Phi. - The hostess group lacluded: Mildred Miner. Betty-Mae Har- tung, Theresa Ulrica, Gwendolyn Hunt, Alice. Speck. Ruth Chap man, Esther Black, Doris Unrah, Pauline Moore, Ruth Toung, Betty Martin. Betty Badley. Dorothy Minnick. Janet Well. Cynthia De lano, Lois Wilkes, Bealah Cramer, Evelyn Shields, Ruth Clemeat, Margaret Height, Frances Stew srt, Wanda Land on. Winifred Gardner, Mary .Banning. Elisabeth Clement, Lois Underwood, Bea trice Hartung, Velma May, Ger trude Oehler. Margaret Haag. Elaine Chaney. Betty Moffatt, Alene Blekford, Betty Bowlan, Naomi Hewett. Margaret Notion. By 'MOMA'AM-l AUreOTMO fMOMCSX I AAA' AM- mstmsoR TO5T60Mt MOMS TO BCCADAK i 8UTTCR WOULD UXS THEV SOWlH' VOORt 6Mrs Mf THE CAJfc) 0 UTED INHERE? J FOR f TrMCs UKC THWiT JTU5TA PERTE55J0WAL 9WEUfTV5 "THOUGHT MAYT3C VOHCN lVOUR XRSACUTOWMX COULD GET A DOS Hf tt v y a a if in r rv. J a r mm. m ' mm. ui 11 m xuwir b m m m HOOfER IT tO 4TEJl5TTM5r LxrrTmr rLL tell &CEM&T3 THAT wnva A&JNPX taktin Dt6a at bam t ACT E4SKTriME4taJL Alsg A tlF as Emale to at Literature is ecture 1 opic N unusually scholarly lecture was enjoyed by the mem bers ot the American Aaaoei- sUon ot University Women at the regular luncheon meeting held Satarday at 1 o'clock la the dining room ot the Masoale temple. Dr. Victor U O. Chit tick ot Reed college English department was the spesksr and chose as his topic the place ta literature occu pied by Virginia Wolfe, modern novelist, and according to hts opinion ranking woman novelist of the time. : , Musical numbers were present ed by Miss Eleanor .Moore accom panied by Miss Virginia Thomp son. At the business meeting officers were elected and Miss Leila John son will serve the organization as president for the coming year. Other officers to serve include Dr. Helen Pearce. vice-president; Mies Isobel Childs, secretary; Mrs. Frank Spears, treasurer; Miss Lois Latimer, scholarship chair man. The north Salem W. C. T. TJ. will meet at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at the home ot Mrs. H. G. Humphreys, 8S Jefferson street. Mrs. John Vinton Scott win speak on W. C. T. U. work fn China. Marjorle Wander and Ruth Mori Escorts: Samuel Bowe; Ronald Hudklns, Lee Rudln. Earle Car kin, Donald Burch. Leander Quir ing, Edward Frantx, Earl Potter, Gerald Sherman. Wayne Dough ton, Chester Banta. Kenneth Fleming. Ray McKey, Thobura Hattsn. Charles West, Arthur Fisher. John McLenuon. Bruce Eckman. Joe Scott. Donald Egr. William Thome, Paul Hauser, Gas Moore, Parker Gies. Garfield Bar nstt, Lawrence Tarnes. Robert Mayne, Jack Grant, Howard Berg man. Bert Rusk, Eugene Smith, Robert Logna, Fred Harris, Frank Haley. David Moser. James Bar dstt and Lowell Eddy. By WALT DISNEY SEGAR DARRELL McCLURE By rIOTANOTCRVJOROr X MAVP. H ATERR18LC TEMPER AfOX U HATE ARGUMDsTTS-T TXT WM4T TO HEAR AM0THERVJ0l UMTtt. VDUVE EATEM EVECy- TVUW5 ON VCUk PLATE DOKsT MAKE, M&L05EM By JIMMY MURPHY UTTLE iO04e0RH0CO 00& fwTTH STAN& wmOUT COLONEL AM o0SHm8 H0OFER1 KT ENLY nTEKSTED M ThA COUNTLESS EP150CCS- TOSS tntl V.l WZilTmCLVl TTrZI fv2A Chilli T.a TUEl MAD Ato cmc ESCrrtN4 EVEms , WTKZUVT2il.- STcrtArs trtoi amused U5 AlO TUED US ANO ALUfrVTV-t,V ""SLYt . - l?TtV" O ni, CiD Fnturt iruc lt CiM SrMS ntnti. I 5-21. 1 1 v "i.. ww t a w w . " ' ww m I.J ' ; '