The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 21, 1933, Page 4, Image 4

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The OREGON STATESMAN, galia; Oregron, Sunday Blorxdn. May 21, 1933
... ...... -I
" .
I '
"Mo Favor Sways Us; No Fear Shall Awe"
- - ; rrom First St&testnaa, March 28, 1851 ' ,
' Charles A. Sfbacux . - Editor-Manager
I. SinxPOX F. Sackett . . . . Managing Editor s
Member ef the Associated Press
The Associated Prm Is eschistvaljr MtWrf te the m for oubUce
ttoa at aU aowa dlspatchaa credlteC to tt ar aot otherwise croditad la
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' . , . ADVERTISING t j
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Gerdoa a Bell. Sacurltjr BuUdtoa, Portland, Ore.
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- Bryant. Grttfltb Branson. Is, Chicago, Mt Tors, Detroit 1 .,
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r Cntsrei ( tie Potteffiee at Salem, OregeiL e Seom&Clo$
Matter. Published awry morning except Monday. Bnehtee
" Uafl Subscription i Rates. Advance. WIttitn
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Copy eenta. Oa train i and News Stands S cent.
. ! . Thoughts on Music
v "I like mountain music, good old moantala music,
flayed by the bill billy band", v - -
. Right at that moment the sensitive soul gets up and clicks
off the radio. There is at present a great flair for hUl billy
bands, which are seemingly succeeding in public favor the
jazz orchestras ot the gilded decade. While the more cultured
tnay have their musical sensibilities bruised by the rasp of
mountaineer bands, still there is some real music in many
mountain mdodies, some of those plaintive airs have the
qualities of folk music, one of the oldest and purest forms of
musical expression. .' - . . ' .
. ; While music speaks a universal language, it uses a great
variety of dialects. Indian music, for example, ia largely
monotone and rhythm, and sometimes not so much rhythm,
yet It is real musiti in the ears of the Indian. German music
on the other hand is lusty and rich in melody and coor. Some
persons make music on a harmonica; others make it out of
a tube twisted round and ending In a bell shape and called a
trombone. Some people like a stately march; others like a
flute solo with many trills and runs. In considering this sub
ject of music it is a good thing to keep in mind the fact that
there is an almost infinite variety of forms in expressing
music and of tastes in appreciating music. That should help
to keep people tolerant even when "mountain music, played
by the hill billy band" is discussed. ,
We listened with interest to the fine program which the
. children of the elementary schools and high school students
i presented at the armory Friday night. It was evidence of the
excellent instruction the children are receiving in the fine
art of -singing. In some ways though, that is only half of
- what the schools need to do. The other half is to teach
people how to listen to music Public schools do something
along this line; but the colleges, which are genuine zones of
culture, do practically nothing at all except expose the stu
dents to music. If they become inoculated, all right; if not,
all right No effort Is made to cultivate their music appre
ciation, f
Considering the great ignorance on how to hear music it
is perhaps not surprising that many scorn music and are
bored when they have to go to a concert One mistake many
people make is trying to put music ideas over into word ideas.
When a person is first learning a foreign language he has to
- turn the French or German over into corresponding English
words before he gets the meaning of the passage he is read
ing. After a while however lie learns to "think" in the Ger
man or French, without hunting around for the correspond
ing English word. Thousands; of people hear music only the
former way, and try to translate the sounds into specific
ideas: this passage is Avhere the pack of hounds has the
deer up a tree. Or this staccato is the beat of hoofs of a
horse traveling down the pike. Or this clatter of brass is the
cook washing the cake pans. Or this rumble of bass lsthe
surf beating on the shore.
, 1 . ; That is all right; and a great deal of music is built up to
carry such word ideas to people's minds. Operas for example
' are great pageants in which the music and the words and
the action all go together, to create a single effect A good
illustration of this use of music to convey a word idea is in
I the oratorio "Elijah" where one passage starts with violins,
i Adda fho TOnrtriwinri instruments and cornea to full orchestra
ath brass dominant : "And yet the Lord was not in the earth
quake". The passage is repeated: "And yet the Lord was not
in the whirlwind'. Rest, and a solo voice: 'Then in a still
voice, onward came the Lord". The contrast is overwhelming.
While music can thus speak a "word language", it can
also speak a language which those with senses attuned can
hear without any translation into words. Jn other words
music appeals to the emotions. It plays on the heartstrings.
It touches the feelings of men and women. And the way to
listen to music is not to try 'to put the passage over into
words but just to sit and drink it in and enjoy it and let your
f eelings be swayed with the harmony and the rhythm. Some
may say, that is over our headsT Not at all, it brings music
' tc levels where it can best be appreciated. :
When a military band goea by playing Sousa'a "Stars and
Stripes" your being thrills to th very toes of your feet. You
throw your shoulders back, your eyea aparkle, and you want
to fight How different is your emotional reaction when you
hear a great organ play Guilmant's "Marche Funebre"? Then
you are sober and sad, your heart almost sobs to the throb--bing
of the organ. If you hear a pianist playing Grieg's "To
Spring" you are carried along: with its delicate witchery, its
, grace, its sinuous beauty. But if you hear some one playing
the Largo from "New World Symphony" your mood changes,
for the Largo is expansive, majestic The "Blue Danube"
waltz whispers seductively of amours and passions. Or you
shiver with fear and shudder from heartbreak as you listen
- to the music of "The Erl King".
- In other .words music appeals to your moods, plays on
, your feelings. It thrills yon or saddens you; it inspires you
or depresses you as you listen to it and let your feelings run
along with the composition. -
These thoughts are prompted by the fact that tomorrow
night the Philharmonic orchestra will give its closing con
cert of the season in the armory, and in two numbers it will
act as the instrumental accompaniment for the Philharmonic
choir of JWfflamette university. Some people win be inclined
tO Star aw&Y Wsnaa w An. nvV liW M.i-nfJ.J.i miti.1)' nr.
wish they, would go tomorrow night with tho idea of enjoy-25-7?
m "? dvnot of undergoing punishment And ons
WJ2L w!roy a h b7'not tryin8r to put the composer's music
over Into words: rain pattering on the roof, or bells ringing
in a far-off church; or a lot of other such ideas of mechanical
. in carried auong DV the music fatt
ftl 8W 0f d' "l or bui- H it with your, emotions
and not with vnnr roreKnim n.. -v . .
j , v : , y, . iuc 7u aaouia get a great
deal of pleasure out of it. " v r '
Another thought about music." Jt is the one art which
perishes with the production. The written music survives of
course ; but music is not music (except perhaps to great
nunas) except as it ia rTfnrmofl HVioi. " v
some instrument Yet the sounds die away within a few mo-
xueata satcr wicy are xnaae.
---'I -cf rculrtpre.ptacdi fciturien mntin has made
-try imperishable jlnrawnittcm
utner arts are not like that A
' m -i$f I CO N FE REMCE : : v r : ; j :
on the Job
As Doing It; Both are Necessary
By D. H. Talmadgc Sage of Salem
It baa boea a backward sprlar.
Tbis Is not mantloaed as aawa.
bat meroly a aad aridenca of a
darkly ralloctlra aataro. It baa
been tho sort of sprint In -wbleh
a person discards bis aalosbaa
permanently a number of times.
aad then does it again. You think
It tiresome? Pshaw! Back in the
flood districts along the Ohio.
folks wear their galoshes to bed.
A Salem citizen's farorlte mo
tion play actress bad her face lift
ed and her nose remodeled, and
she no longer resembles so mark
edly a girl of whom be thought a
heap long ago. Hence, she is his
favorite motion play actress not
any more. So much for art.
Still and all, art is art. Mr.
Browning says - and I was giv
en to understand definitely years
ago- back in the codfish country
that Mr. Browning is disputed la
matters pertaining to art only by
folks whose intellectuals are lim
ited ia both Quantity and quality,
though I never accepted stub
statements seriously "Art may
tell a truth obliquely, do the thing
shall breed the thought, aor
wrong the thought, missing the
mediate word." Do you seet Was
ever mud clearer T
The idea that all honest labor
will,, be rewarded adequately
sometime somewhere la a good
idea.-! like it. But I reckon we
cannot expect much reward from
winding our watches seven times
on Sunday and not at all during
the remainder of the week.
Place both hands against a din
ner table and. push back. Soma
benefit in a backward spring of
that sort perhaps.
- There are people la the Willam
ette valley from every state ta
the union. I have heard most of
the states referred to by former
residents. Ia these references
prlda Is usually apparent, but not
always. People differ and states
Jobs are different, too. Some
jobs are really two Jobs in one.
Sometimes it is more of a Job liv
ing on a job than' it Is worklas
at It, and it is required that i
do both or neither. Which, ta
Ignore annoyances. Swell ad
rice. Tumps' mala sheep butted
Gumps into the horse - trough.
Trumps said, "Don't take no at
tention to him; ha don t mean
nothing objectionable."
Few of us question the influ
ence of mind over matter. I ence
witnessed a chilly day experimeat
la which a young man, whose eyes
had been Injured by an. explosion
of gunpowder and who was tem
porarily blind, remove his coat
and vest and warmed himself
comfortably at a stove In which
was no fire, but la which he bad
been led to believe was fire. This
was held to be conclusive by tie
mentallst who framed the experi
ment. Bat the young man caught
Oregon JEIeetrle - the Una at
the lonesome look. v
: Queer the various ldeaa folks
have of tho mear'ng of tho word
suddenly. Ton can't tell until yea
mellowed by age : in painting
of the masters who put oil to
performed music, vanishes at once after, the notes are struck.
The composition may be performed again, but it is a new
performance, and a new work' of art. Because it is so transi
tory, so fugitive, it must constantly be reproduced;' which
Rives OTEcrttmities for tha artists and for tha auditors.
Music- liTtsHtwsrrebir
as Difficult "
find oat whether when a maa
asea the word he means right aow
or some day next week.
It ' Is little wonder that some
c looks atop, I reckon they limply
break down get what la a hu
man would be termed a nervous
eollapse. This ia particularly no-
-By K, J.
No winner of the $1 prizoi
In this column, issue of If ay S,
these paragraphs appeared!
"The Blta man happens to have
had occasion, a few days ago, to
look appraisingly at tho oil
painting of Dr. John MoLough
lin, hanging on the wall aaek of
the president's seat ia tho Ore
gon senate chamber. Tho occa
sion Is the request of Rafua Xoek
well Wilson, of tho Press ot tho
Pioneers, New Tork, for a photo
graph of that painting, to be used
in making a halftone 'cat tor a
now edltioa of Chittenden's Far
Trade, which that coaeera hi pre
paring for publication, ta bo
ready soon. -
"Will history students who
read these lines take note:
"In a frame under the oil
painting, in printed lettering, ap
pear thee words:
"'Dr. John HcLqughua. hon
ored pioneer and artiest settler
t tho territory of Oregon, II 21
to lilt. Director at the Hudson's
Bay compear, and by courtesy
called governor of Oregon prior
to 1141--
That statement is wall word
ed, and In tho maintt is a truth
ful designation. But thero ta one
mistake that to any one wen ac
quainted with Oregon history, to
glaring. Will some Willamette
university or Marion or Folk
county high eoboot atadoat of
history point tt out? To tack aa
one, who first sends tho correct
answer, tho Bits man will present
a aouar." -v ,
A number ot replies came, but
ao winner of the ansa appeared;
ao one entitled to tho dollar. . .
tho world still admires the work
canvas centuries ago But music;
tlcable in clocks belonging to eld
erly people, la whoso domiciles
time attains a tremendous rate of
speed. And it lsat much .of a
joke, either.
llemorial day again - almost.
Ahead of time, as usual. The same
old story, oaly a bit different each
year. Up cemetery hill to alow
musia. riowera heaped oa the
graves. Dow a acaia la listlme.
caps cocked over one eye. Not
staying yet. I wonder tf wild
plum blossoms woald smell today
aa they used to smell T. Probably
they woald and probably they
wouldn't. Flowers weren't ee
plentiful la BoyvUlo aa they are
ia the Willamette valley, bat wild
plums were always In bloom on
memorial dir. Oartainlr Mworfml
sweet, wild nlam blossoms. On
good sniff, and I reckon I'd be
back for a minute or two, help
ing the old Third Iowa put down
the rebellion. Of coarse, t don't
mean to later that tho old Third
Iowa really put down the re
bellion. No. EvervbodT knewa
that Oeorce Peck ana two
three other Wisconsin liars did
that. But the old Third helped
a bean la one war and anetbar.
Tea see, it jast happens that it
waa our regiment. Father was ta
the. Third, aad a lot of other
fellows whom we knew, and we
always thouaht of the raeimaat
as typically representative of the
troops that, under the bulldog
from Galena, taraed tho tide and
saved the union, and wo were
mighty proud of It All over now.
out of ante. Passe. Trying to
save the eonntnr In a dlffaraat
wsy those days. Countries cer
tainly require a heap of saving,
dont they?
A sample: "The correction I
woald point out is this: Tho let
tering should read,' 'the earliest
settler of the Oregon country,1n
stead ot 'the earliest aettler of the
territory of Oregon, for Oregon
did not become a territory until
Another: "Dr. McLoughlln whs
NOT tho first settler ot Oregon.
I aav always known Astor as be
ta the first settler ot the Oregon
country,' ,
Tho territory' ot Oregon was
proclaimed by Governor Joe Lane
March S. 1141, bat tho admission
bin paaaed tho aoaate oa Sunday,
August IS. lilt, and was signed
by President Polk the following
day. Tho data ot her admission
aa a territory waa therefore Au
gust 14, llll.
Joha Jacob Astor was never la
tho Oregea country, and ho
would aot have been tho first aet
tler It ho had boea with his first
party arriving off tha Colambla
March St. llll. Neither waa Dr.
McLaaghUa tho Brat settler, ar
riving; 1 igst. There were maav
arous settlers before McLoughUa
Several men ot tho Lewis aad
Clark party, arriving in 1101.
were before him; members of
their exploring expedition who
came aad remained as settlers ia
tho country. .;
Alio, a a umber from tha sea
and overland expeditions of . tho
Astor aaicrariscw.
Also, a considerable number of
men brought aa hunters and trap
pers by tha North West company.
which was ta llll combined
with tha Hudson's Bay company.
saa como who were in the employ
or the consolidated company u;
der tho name ot tho latter, before
tho arrival at Dr. McLoughlln to
tako general charge ia the Ore
gon couatry. ,
s .
. Thero wero some oven earlier
settlers, arriving oa this coast by
''SI!, of shlpwroched, vessels, and
TjhJMss' TTsaaaSwaaMi aAooasa,snsi " mm A
beautiful. Uvea a eodndod life with I
her two old maiden asnts la al
house Iocs; ma to seed. Aunt Sv
vie. discovering that Joaa has vis
ited a dance halL angrily reveals
to her tho story of how her mother
had won her father away from
Aunt Babe. Joan, alone la her
room, clasps to her heart a minia
ture of her toother and refuses to
believe she was anything but good.
i'-t-v STORY. .
. - V: : CSAPTES i
It waa down there ia" tha rose
garden under the window that
Veronica and Pete had met. Joaa
could see them, just as they toast
have looked. Varonkfa 1a a white
ruffled organdie, aU billowing skirts,
and blue sash, with a floppy hat
shading bar fly-eyway haixAPeter,
tau, erk-eyed Peter by her aide.
Bow they must have loved each
other! Oh. what a wonderful thing
tt woald be te have someone to love
to bo loved, aa Veronica waa. It
wouldn't matter what happened
after that. It wouldn't matter it
Fa died than, like Veronica aad
eter... , ' . -
"Hiss Joaa! Ulna Jo-en!- Bee
ley's harsh voice .cut into her
thoughts like a knife.
"Year Joaa acrambled to her
feet, and opened tho door to the
halL "What do you want, Mrs.
Beeleyf ?
"I want yon to como set the table,
that's what I want. A body can't
do everythia' aU alone ia this house.
My neuralgia throbbia' like
AU rightjust a minute tm I
comb my hair "
"Hind you hurry my neural
gia Mumblemumble -
Joaa f'1y pulled tho m"V
through her short, wavy hair which
AuntEwie out for her, at tha great
peril of her ears, every other Sat-
for church oa Sunday. For jast a
momens ana ungerea in irons ox tho
old maple dresser. She patted tha
hrto-fct. tlvnT wvm T J WtV KV.
her a lot. Of coarse, she had long
Im coming:!
"Try not to rattle the whole house
when you come down. Try to walk
Lke a lady, please!" Aunt Babe
whined, as Joaa ran down tho steps
into me uorary, waere Ant Ewie
and Aunt Babe were sitting, wait
is? for (Unmr.
Setting the tahla waa a rite. The
l. a w -. 11.. -Uil
damask doth, tho cut glass and ait
wiim twn. bus mihi
var aU hatta
be laid aa if for a
banquet, even though there was to
ww iwwiih iMt CTwiin ua tea.
Oawa. a. . . . a a
x am teaspoons loojcea aaix. joan
placing them carefully oa the table
vjiw Mifc nun at Yio wvniua Dr '
tiee. It waa her work to clean the
Oh, dear! Aunt Babe aad Anat
Ewie were fighting agahv The
sound of their angry voices cams
clearly across the hall from the
library. Aunt Ewio'a baas, drown
ing oat Babe 'a thin treble:
So I bought the automobile ea
"Tea whntr Aunt Babe shrined.
"I said I bought the automobile.
Tea arent deal, are you, 'Babe?"
Ewie waa shouting. "If s a very
good automobile. I could teQ as
soon as I heard the engine."
"But an automobile an eutooie
hUe what do we waat with an"
Joan, listening in the dining
room, held her breath. What 2
Anat Ewie want with aa automo
bfla, and where would she get the
money! It was fanny about Aunt
Ewie eho was always saying there
waa no more monev left and than
mysteriously bayinx a gold mine.
or aa ou weu or something;
"What do I want aa aatomobfle
for?" . Aunt Ewie waa trying to
mlmle Babe. "To co ta the real
estate business with. That's what
for. Somebedr has to do sontflthlnir
around here, few doat do anything.
Pm going te get some land! arther
How many Is aot known; aor
watch was tho earliest et them all.
The "glaring- mistake la the
wording under the painting Is tha
one referring to Dr. McLoughlta
aa "the earliest settler of the ter
ritory of Oregon. But others
are evident to students ot history,
outside ot the fact that tho old
Oregon country did aot become a
territory untn 1148, aad that oaly
about half ot tt In square mUee
was included, the other part go-
' Turn to Page t)
. , . Of Old Salem
Town Talks froaa The Btates
aaaa ot Bsrllor Days
stay tU, 180S
As a result ot tho contest over
tha rival local option petitions.
thero win bo ao local option elec-
tloa la tho precincts involved be
cause of tho a earn ess of tha elec
tion. Assistant District Attorney
a L. MsNary having relet tt too
late to post cleettoa aoUcea. Sub
limity aad Stayton, there tore, will
remain wet; Aumsvtne, Mario a.
Turaor, . Jeff eraea aat Macleay
win remain dry. f
' Asaoax the man initiated last
night at the state coaveatioa of
Odd . renews were: H. C. White,
Heary O. Twickor, James Imlah
aat J. P. McCalleugh of Salem;
Ellis Stevens, J. C. Wolf ot 811
verton: W. B. Newhlrtor ot Oer
vaia, Shermaa Swaak of Aums
vlQe, W. H. Soehroa of Dallas, H,
Hamparay of Jextereea. L. A.
Davis aat Xv . Bobertsoa et
Coamoacemeat exercises for
tho Ua etaea of llll, WUUmstte
aalvarslty. will bo hold at tho-M.
B. church toalght. Law gradaates
are: Phillip A. Stevar, Georga Nu
aor, Jr Wallace 0. Trill, Claude
O. Htadmaa. Harry K. Spalding,
Roy Morgan, William p. Lord,
Jr., and Walter O. Wlaslow.
' May il. 1923 -
Albany eitlsens today asked
Governor Pioree to commhutoa
special officers to prevent the
lynching of Art - Becklcy and
George Parker,- two automoblls
thieves who shot and killed Sher
iff Will J. Dunlap ot Line county,
la a running tight throagh the
dtya streets.
PreshicnC Rtlfra Bndd el thb!iclIo4,ror: lhjTrcra - na - TRV -
up, ' and aoh-dlvida, ATI kinds of
monay tn r isace. in tares tnonxna
111 be able to payback-
. "xoaTa gone ana taxca out an
other mortgage. Errio. Oh Ewie,
, wirwie M ww e wsav wrnea w w aa awajias
that Papa left oa eh Ewie -well
i ii w a . tit ea er .
lose n a caow wo win, aaoo was
werotng outright new. .
That'a all von know, f tall m
there's big money
tfoan fuost wax co near any
Aunt Ewie had boea raising
oa the property aad pretty
ft wmtilA hm an mm. .n
thero would bo another fight. "Any-
war. M. uun & mm iiu m rmH w-m
ataca poorer," she thought, and
wont into the kftchea for the breadJ
and natter.
tine the table Aunt Ewio'a voice
ww iuu nmniiBy atons; tus a
steam roller, drownlax out Babe's
& o a .
lean at ooiecoons. -
ia gflinx to come every Wednesday
to clean and oil it, while we're at
tho Sewing Circle aad wont need it.
a coma oa n myseut xme was
saying, "but after aU we have a
BQl looked ap and saw Joaa aChoaetted against the red curtains, a
" golden shining thing. '"
position to keep op, especially with
me going into basinesa
There was a noise outside. The
sound of an auto horn. Aunt Ewie
was at the front door ia a couple of
low manlv stride.
"Drive it around here, boy. To
we auuuei- aae aaooteo.
Joaa pushed the red velour ear
tains aside.
A nawtv aalittxl tMvtnv m m3
impressive nuke, aad ancient vin-
i mm ucmt vxa-
I a a a a a a a a m a a
I a". abo at tna wneei. oare-neaded
jand grinning,
hla trMA mmm
streaked with dirt, was Bill Martin
who used to play football at school!
Joan's curiosity was getting the
beat of her. To think of AuntEwie
ewniac aa automobile, aad Bin
martm tsui MLartin bringing it
home! ,
She had never spoken to Bill, he
aa eonsidarad ntlw. tm! h
eause he lived down fat the hollow,
and worked oa the docks ta Saa
Praadsee ta vaeatioa time. Nobody
anew sum very weu.
What in the world was Anat
Ewie erawlin aukr thm m
Joaa raised the window to get a
better look.
The window aonaakaJ aa ah.
raised it. The boy who had worked
ea the docks and was going to wash
the car on Wednesdava looked m.
civ aw 4oan. aunoneziaa tnnn
He saw Joan, silhouetted a
the red curtains, a golden, a!
thiar, drenched In the glory
sanset. Be hadnt had mucl
TlT . W . . a a '
r of the
tniwa Mma
zorglrls. The high school ones
-I 1 a . .
gig&ruac cuiarea the older enee,
Eke Katie fat the Wafda Kitdum 1
rtolnres wa T1
had asrv tima
for them either.
Botthteeae Uls
Ho had forgotten that he had ever
aa har hftfara. PamUa. ka kt.
wotnaa inspecting; the engine. For
gotten that the flaming; glory teat
Daily- Health Talks
Darted States senator from Now Tork
ro rover Ooemisoieaov e ITeatta.
SCANT PERSONS agaawaderotaad
what te sncsat by "spinal poactore"
aad are alarmed If ft so aevasted.
There ta a popular Idea that st te
daagereoe to
.have a
4 oaaetare. Bat
when the proced
are aad Its par
peso are ca
ptained, they for
get thetr ream
Spinal paao
tare as need to
aid ta thereceo
sdtlea ef eorteia
Xa eome
It Is
onrettvs, bring
lag reBet from
pala aad aufter.
R a a a I a g
tarouxh the Inside af tha an aal.
f ana. the beck-bone,-is a space caBed
coo apmsi canal. Tata carrtee the
great aarve. the eptaal card, waJeti as
sarroundod ay more or tees fttdA
Sptaal poactore ts the taapeag ot
the sptaal aaombcanoB for the pea
poas ot cMatatng some et thts Satd.
A small ameont ts wtthdrawa, oa
amtaed ander a aMcreeoovC aad caa
focted to varleae tests. . ,
Pelaleee New
riainliiellea ef tee eptaal OaM H
et great vaiae ea eTetaealsa eartota
aaMTdera Xa doohtfut eaaae tt may
be the etxy estSTis et aotaally doter
aanlng whether or ctot a paOeat Is
cafferstr from tamer et tho acuta,
taborculoata ef the brain, varteoa
terms at spina! atsstaaiua. frao
tared akun and other dleerdera
roTtaaateiy. it as aow poaerhU at
aarform a epiaal paaeture wttaeat
pala and discomfort to the pafltaa,
t can tecaS the enya whoa eptaal
panctare was aa unoomfortxsle are
cadure. Today, by the aid of local
aaeetheela, BtUe. tf aay. discomfort
tt oxsirloeoas. She patteat may feel
the slight pta-prick et the hypoder
otic noodle aad perhaps a mltd feettat
ef jar.
8plnal pooeture may be performed
ta the home or at the hoepttaL It tt
Great Necthera aystom will make
a tear of Orogoa Elactrio railway
Ifwaa Tnilav aaavmla. a mmm.
in l mir ii ltoa
Dr. OopefsnJ
enveloped tha girl was tho gift of
the sunset.
Joaa drew back, her heart beat
ing wildly. She had forgotten tha
elderly woman aad the ear, too.-Sho
only saw a boy looking- up at her
from the rose garden.
Afterwards, Joaa ' thought aha
must have imagined it. It must
have been the gan la her eyes that
made him seem to look at her that
way. and still . . . and stfll ... he
hod looked op at her, standing there
ia the window, with a kind of won
der la his face, as if he were looking
at a prineess. A priaeess oat of a
book. -
"Ho liked ma right away," she
thought. And when tha girls ta the
schoolyard gathered ta a tirht. gig
gling little group about Hilda Sedg
wick, who didn't like her any mare,
she didnt care much. T appose
they're talking about me again,
Makinrf aa of any shoes or some
thing. Well, 1 doat care ho never
even saw them. He Jast caw me I
And the little fixe that BilTs ons
admiring glance had kindled ta her
heart, warmed her. Sent tingling
little shivers racing' down her back,
Tha rirla mnnnA tnnV4nU
Nebodv had Bald tn
her since tho day Hilda got mad at
her. Hilda was the most popular
gin ia xiiga Kcaool. All the rood
times centered arwrnd tk fUAm
jrfctt i big hospitable house ea the
qui, oo longr as stuoa ""t irmiq
bar she was one of them, or as maeh
one ef then a a afcshh alL.h- -
ioned little girl in shiny serge and
vwwH Mwa.ion can do one ox a
group of well dressed moderns.
Most of them really liked Joan
ahe was always bubbling over with
jan ana laeas. oat as Dorothy
Nailer said afterwards, "It's kind
of a relief to bo rid of her. 'cause
you simply hate to be seea with a
tramp like that. It makes yea feel
fl A et m a a a "
auui ox xunny msiae.
So Joan was dropped ostracized,
and occasional! t cnrt at antv
the amaainx caUonsneas and emeltv
that Onlv tha ttm a tv mmM. m
At recess she stood all alone ia her
corner eg the school-yard, like a
makaed yellow chick, deserted by
its fellows.
"We rianned thrca rian-a . t
Oh. he's the most wonderful dancer.
When you dance with him 1 cant
eXSlaia it hut it'u nml.rhil TT..
the moat wonderful -
-Uh-huh. Did I toll you what
Bert aald to me en the way hornet
listen I want to teH you what
Bert aald listen
"Nua artm aU nrfM w4tL tu
rannmgest little puff sleeves, aad
Ue teeniest, tiniest little shirrings
JOSJI fcrtaA wi fa flrf . V
but they shouted so, tryinx to drowa
eaeh other out, that ahe eoaldnt
"f is. ineynaa sucn good times,
sack awfully good times, and she
was so left oat . . .
(To Be Continued Tt
preCeraory oeae at the hospital wher
aU the taetutlea tor the varteoa teeo
are available.
HarutUee, Tee
Tea wsl rocaa that daring the re
cent mtantne paralyaU eptdenne a
was advised thatJaU suspected caeet
ef paralysis be euteuttted te tlx
eptaal puncture. R waa the eeJj
sure ateane off reoogntzlnx the fflseaoi
at Ms early stages. The number ef
chOdrea who were eabjected te thai
Precede wee great There were as
mishaps or ted effeeta
ef salaa ta tha
whe have' s&ada haadMa mt
these punctaroa, that ao harm re
sults. One famous doctor wrote sat
as follows: We have aever had aay
bad results from oar sptaal puao
tares aad are aasJoue te extend the
bcaefite ef this dlefseslle yreoedort
to aa ta whoaa tt ta pUlaly ladleatod.
Ne oae wtU deay that the mrceai
ef modsfa sacdicsae to dae to the ta
creastng and accurate kaowlodge et
tho causes ef disease. It I when tho
eause ts act knewa that the outlook
Is warsrv-raUa. The use of the lab. t
oratory tost wmeh aa tVa -aw
Oouat, the Waamormaa test. Mui
aad the Xwev uiBhuH '
enables the sneeera nhr-ietam ta
tect aad prevent ffiseases that weoM
prove xatai u
It year phrstctaa advtsaa a aniaai
tOBcture de est aeaUats to take ad-
vaatage or this nwdera method of
diagnosis. De net fear the teat aad
above aS aloe, asreat tha fiiaa at.ii..
that have boea cbculatod ahaot sl
tt lsat aa Osagreeable ao having a
teeth extracted aad eertatnty hi ae
mors dangerous.
, Answer, u Heal Qoerlee
A. St Q.-Whaf de yoa advise far
pimples aad alackheadat .
A. Diet aad aiaalaatv aa aa.
Portaat ta the oorrectloa ef thts ale
order. Bead eelf-addreased, stamped
envelope .for farther partlculara aad
ropaas year
R tt Wnai wfl ram
hair from the facet
Av Seed oaHkddreesed, etaapod
envelope for forth particular aaC
repeat your cuesttoa.
fOopjHoht. tiSt. X. P. oV, taJ
ley Uaea financial future. W. P.
Turner, O. B. president, states ho
a. . a
lt - JttStS!a:Ar"'! i.-.-vra.:-