BE THRIFTY 'WEATHER Mostly fair, soma cloadi- , Save many times the price; of your Statesman snbscrip-i 1 Hon by aslng Statesman ad-f ' vertisementa as your buying guide j r , , -,..;; today mad Monday, , nodmt; Max. Temp. Sat- unlay 6S, Mia. 42, river 4-8 feet, rata J01 Inch,' EIGHTY-THIRD YEAR Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, May 21, 1933 No. 48 :.'t -i j - v i GETTING UHGLE SM'SIMSH S Jltlll U VI1IU II I u Everybody out With Tincup n View of big Pubtio ; Worlds Prospect j-Bome Highwayjmprovement For Salem Vicinity Is Regarded Certain Je Forest Army Group From Midwest Will Reach Oregon Soon Mawaa FirstContingent, 1050, of 64,000 Goming to Northwest Will Arrive Monday; Local , Examinations Start Same day I s TRUCTON S 1 11 FAILURE Will , Recover, is Hospital Report; Move to Avoid Trial Thwarted NEW YORK, May 20 (AP) Joseph Wi Harrlman, indicted founder of a iVth avenue bank bearing bla name, who penned a sheaf of suicide notes and then disappeared from a nursing home 24 hours before, stabbed himself over the heart in an obscure Long Island Inn where he was found today. The 68-year-old man, described as being in a "mental daze," stab bed himself while police waited outside his room for him to change his clothes. Officers said they found him on the floor, bleeding from the wound. At a Mineola hospital, where he was taken in a fire department ambulance, his condition was said to be not serious. Harriman went to the old Or- chard inn at Roslyn late yester day and registered as "A. T. Thomas, Louisville." Inspector Harold King of the Nassau county police identified him, however, by the Initials "J. W. H." in his hatband and in several garments. Another note, described by King as indicating "suicidal In tent" was found on the floor when the inspector entered the room earlier In the day. It ask ed his relatives "be Informed. 31 fl By SHELDON F. SACKETT For the moment, the vital top at the state: capitol Is how to Inveigle money and more money from the coffers of - Uncle Sam. Not that the treasuray Is bulging with Idle money, but a three-bil lion dollar public works program Is In sight and each ox 48 com monwealths U riding hard to se cure its share of the lucre. How Washington ls to get the money is a subject not to be raised. Governor i Meier during the week told his relief committee to speed up its plans and as the new week dawns, a list of state buildings ranging from a nurses' home at the state tuberculosis hospital to a new library for the University of Oregon is In his hands, ready to be used in Wash ington as proof positive that Ore gon Is waiting and anxious for its share of the cut. Everybody Rushing to Propose Project No one - the governor, his assistants, or the Washington delegation is exact In his statement of how the federal building fund program moneys will be dispensed. Rigid require ments of self-liquidation hereto fore required are dropped, that Is certain. "Reasonable" liquida tion has been substituted al though the main criterion the fed eral government will ask is: Are your plans ready? When can work start? How many men will be em ployed? If the answers all Indi cate work within a few weeks, the thought is the manaa from Washington will start falling. It it does,, woe be to the state which Is laggard In making Its wants known. Hence the rush of the last week. More cautious viewers of the public works bill think Uncle Samuel will continue to be close with his money and that Oregon cannot quickly . ac quire 'money for state buildings without guaranteeing repayment. The public works bill does pro vide for $400,000,000 in govern ment aid for state highways and Oregon is to have $5,700,000 in the next, tew months which is a tidy little sum Itself, in view of the fact that the highway com mission was all set to scrimp along- for the next biennlum on only 10 or 11 millions tor debt service and road maintainance and little or nothing for new work. 1 Many Oliver Twists Throughout Oregon Since the rood news came every section In the state has been clam oring, like Oliver Twist, for more, and the state highway commis sion has handed down the two to one ratio tor western as compar ed to eastern Oregon disburse ments as a rule-of-thumb to guide It In allotment of the new funds for construction. -. The commission is unanimous that the Salem - Portland road Improvement must be finished, which is glad news to this sec tion. Probably more funds will be available for the Norta ssanuam Leslie Scott, chairman of the commission, wants the money to i v. ik V a. trv. i go principally wneru mo ' J I 7 population resides; this augurs JC3I1 &t6V611SOn - Mia wallov tint lefta fftTOr- I " WQip V U9 - ablv for the coast highway crowd which wants one or two bridges built this rear and a sizeable amount of Oregon Coast highway surfacing completed. The eastern delegates of Si a day men, forest camp bound, are arrivinr this week having teen preceded by the cadres It's In th dlctionarr - last week to aatt n namm of thm 40 to 60 COn- aarvstlon camos the state will have. While $21 of the $30 each man receives must CO to aepena ents. Oregon Is going to benefit br the thousands of men receiv lng $1 cash monthly tor local par chasing plus the money tnat win be dispensed In tne state tor pur chaslnr food tor the men. In ad dltlon, large areas ot forests are to be slicked up as never oeiore Salary Reduction Issue Now Settled The salary reduction schedule crisis "seems to have passed oft quite smoothly at the atatehouse, the Meier-Hoss and Holman trio arriving at a formula for Its ap plication which is fairly well In line with the IMS legislature's enactment. The governor did hew to the line In the state highway department and enforce the I to SO per cent salary cuts, irrespec tive of Engineer Baldock's wishes to the contrary. Apparently the same rule of thumb will be fol lowed with, the state police and the public utility commissioner's department. . , Friends of : Secretary of State Hoss are 'concerned! about his physical .-. condition which la re ported to be unimproved in re cent weeks. He was not able to be at his office after the board ITurn to Page 2, Col. 1) PORTLAND, Ore., May 20. (AP) Ten hundred fifty men from the middle west, the first contingent of the 64,000 or more civilian conservation corps recruits who will come to the camps in the forests of Oregon, Washington and Idaho this summer, are scheduled to arrive at Vancuver Barracks, Wash., Monday morning. They are coming aboard a 10-car -speclal tram from Fort Sheridan, ill. I SUICIDE T The train will be the first of several to bring men out west to go to work on forest projects In accordance with President Roose velt's vast reforestation program. Others will follow, It was said, as rapidly as the forest works camps are made ready. A total of 18,000 men will be assigned to 90 camps In the na tional forests, on state and pri vate lands, and in national parks and Indian reservations ot Ore gon. Washington, with 70 camps. will receive 14,000 men from out side Its own borders, and Idaho with 162 camps, will receive 32.400. With each man receiving $30 a month, the payroll In the three states will be $1,932,000 a month or $11,692,000 for the six months they are scheduled to work In the woods. Each man will send $25 home to his dependents, under government requirement, but the 5 a month he will have to spend will amount in the three states to 322,000 a month or $1,932,000 for the six months. It Is expected that most of this money will be spent In the vicinity of the work camps. It is estimated that about $2 a day per man will be spent for subsistence, camp maintenance (Turn to Page 2, Col. 2) EW LAWS HRE EFFECTIVE Jill 9 Approximately 350 of the 46$ laws enacted by the 19 IS legisla ture will go into operation June 9, the office of Hal E. Hoss, sec retary ot state, announced Satur day. Approximately 110 ot these laws contained the emergency clause and became effective imme diately upon being signed by Gov ernor Meier and filed with the secretary of state. One Important law enacted at the 1933 session which does not become effective until July 1 pro vides for the creation ot the office of supervisor ot transportation This department will be conducted in connection with the state utility commission. Reports here recently Indicated that Herbert Hauser, now serving as secretary of the utility eommis slon, will receive the appointment of supervisor of transportation. The appointment will be made by C. M. Thomas, state utility com missioner. 1933 Rose Queen PORTLAND, Ore., May 20 (AP) Jean Stevenson, 17: of Jefferson high school was tonight elected queen of the 1933 Silver Jubilee Rose festival to be held here June 8 to 11. The board of judges consisted of the city edi- tors and the photographers of the three Portland newspapers, VERSAILLES TREATY ASSAILED BY BOMB More Armed men in Europe Than In 1914 Asserts1 Solon From Idaho UPWARD CURUE Upward Curve on Business Graph Becomes General; Prices Gain Little Labor Department Reveals 21.2 per Cent Advance In Building Lines WASHINGTON, May 20 (AP) Likening Europe to a "smould ering volcano," Senator Borah, In an address tonight, said the Ver sailles treaty was the "real ob stacle" standing in the way of suc cess at the forthcoming disarma ment and economic conferences. Speaking before the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, the former chair man ot the senate foreign rela tions committee said disarma ment, and not debts, was the "su preme problem" facing the world. But he warned disarmament would not come until there were "radical adjustments' in the peace treaties. Asserting that "there are a mil lion more men In arms in Europe tonight than on August 1, 1914," Borah said the "drift has been dis tinctly toward war." "It will be difficult, if not Im possible," he added, "to stabilize currencies, adjust tariff, open markets and to bring trade and commerce back to normal condi tions, while nations are piling up armaments, making all prepara tion apparently for war." CHICAGO. May 20 (AP) Rising lines sketched on the na tion s business graph today an Index of accelerated building con struction and cotton spinning, lm proved textile wages, steel fur naces relighted and freight car- loadings surpassing the previous year's level for the first time since October 1929. The labor department at Wash ington announced an advance of 21.2 per cent In building expendi tures from March 1$ to April 15 and a small gain in wholesale commodity prices. The commo dity price index stood at (0.4 for April, against 60.2 for March and 65.5 for April 1932. Freight loaded on the railways last week totaled 531,095 cars, an Increase of 13,835 cars over the same week of 1932 and a gain of 7,276 cars above the preceding Steel operations In the Cleve land region were reported at 59 per cent ot capacity. The maga- sine "Dally Metals Trade" fore cast Increases both at Chicago and Pittsburgh. At Toungstown steel making is expected to move from 40 to 43 per cent of capacity next week. Firing of additional fur naces at Gary, according to Dow Jones it Co., is likely to bring pro duction next week to 40 per cent against 32 per cent last Monday. Estimated eoal production last week was 5,050,000 net tons for a gain of 800,000 tons, nearly 19 per cent above the level of a year ago. Residential building construe tion east of the Rockies ia the first half of May jumped 36 per cent over the first half of April while a ten per cent decline is the seasonal normal, the F. W. Dodge corporation reports show ed. Cotton spinning during April was at 95.7 per cent of capacity on a single shift basis, the census bureau reported. This compared with 93.9 per .cent in March and 70.7 per cent during April last year. Twenty xflve per cent more spindles functioned In April as compared with a year ago, and two per eent more than whirred during March. Quite Warlike, But All Over Now w ' . - - .. .. - ' 4 . m.rtiiHi. i i il mil! iliu 7 v.- - y ,!'xt . 1 1 Ml L ' t f V 1 Here are two Interesting pictures from the recent milk war front at East Troy, Wl., showing that the embattled farmers require a lot of stopping when they are reaUy aroused. Top photo shows some of the 400 farmers who charged through a barrage of tear gas, laid down by deputy sheriffs, to attain their objective a string of milk trucks. Lower photo shows the scene after the gas had cleared away. Empty milk cans are strewn all about the roadway, 80,000 pounds of milk having been poured la the ditches. Governor Schedeman brought ab out an armistice. BANKS JUROR LM S T M EH 5 HOURS Receive Case at 3:30 p.m. Decide to Call it day At 9 p.m. Saturday Will Resume This Morning; Spectators Weep as Argument Closes EUGENE, Ore-, May 20 (AP) . The Jurors tn the Banks case, worn out after three weeks c.f gruelling argu ments and testimony, went to bed at O o'clock Saturday night. They had deliberated the case BH hours and planned to re sume their consideration of the evidence Sunday morning. They are confined to rooms tn the top floor of the courthouse. They were to be up for breakfast at 7: SO o'clock Sun day morning. me mm issues wm Roosevelt has Conference With Representative Of England Bank OIL PLANT BUST IS FATAL TO TWO WASHINGTON, May 20 (AP) A conference between President Roosevelt and a representative ot the Bank of England aroused new talk of early stabilization of cur rencies tonight as thorny ques tions of American foreign policy crowded In upon the chief execu tive. A swift succession ot develop ments brought to the attention ot the president vital matters In volving war debt policy, monetary action and the Intimacy of Amer ican relations with Europe. C. M. W. Sprague, financial ad visor to the bank of England, turned up suddenly in tbe capital, was taken to the White House by Secretary Woodln and was clos eted with the president for some time. With the world monetary and economic conference at London little more than three weeks away, strong efforts are being made to achieve a de facto su bluxation of the pound and dol lar to provide a working arrange ment for attack on tne problems of tariffs and trade. The Sprague visit immediately was connected with this effort, al- thouch it was described at the White House as merely to pay re spects. Proving Two Can 'Get by' Sans Income The oft scoffed-at saying that two can live as cheaply as one Is being tried out by a Marlon county man and woman, who be came acquainted while awaiting Interviews at the Red Cross re lief office here recently, it be came known yesterday. Tbe one was a widower with several children, the other a widow also with children to care for. Perhaps drawn together by their mutual plight of unemploy ment and hunger, the couple de cided to team up in their efforts to keep their children and them selves clothed and fed. A collec tion was taken to buy the wed ding license and they were married. Now the man works on the county road relief crew; the wo man cooks and mends and cares for their children. To date the scheme is proving effective In keeping the wolf from the door ot the now-combined families, Red Cross workers report. WO IS POLICE IN SETTING RECORD Wintersteen Recovers Goods Stolen in Five Minutes After Report Made "Old Ironsides" Comes August 2 PORTLAND. Ore., May 20 (AP) The U. 8. Frigate Const! tution, the historic "Old Iron sides," will visit Portland August 2 to 14, It was announced here today. If weather conditions are suitable, with bright sunshine and no wind, she will be anchored un der full sail on the shore side of Swan Island airport on one or more days of her visit. WHITING, Ind., May 20 (AP) Two men were fatally-burned and several others sustained min or injuries when a heat exchang er connected with two crude oil pipe stills at the Standard Oil company of Indiana s refinery here exploded today. The dead: Virgil Green, 28, Hammond. Clyde Copple, 34, Hammond. Both were employed at the plant. Standard oil officials said the damage would not exceed $25,- 000. The cause of the explosion had not been determined. Several men believed working near the explosion suffered burns and other Injuries, the extent of which have not been fully deter mined. Company officials said only emergency treatment was ne-1 cessary for them. Company tire fighting appara tus succeeded in controlling the blaze that followed the explosion. LI IN Amity Woman New Head Neighbots of Woodcraft DALLAS. May 20 (Special) The two-day convention of the Neighbors ot Woodcraft wad brought to a close with a big open meeting held at the armory with a crowd ot about 850 delegates, visitors, and local people In at tendance. This meeting followed the final convention banquet at the Methodist church. The morning and afternoon ses sions today .were devoted to re ports ot committees and the elec tion of officers and delegates to the state convention. Grand repre sentatives elected were Alice Mad den of Newport, Velma Teeson ot Salem and Agnes A. Hoag of Mon mouth. Alternates to the state meet are Eva WeTtenbarger bt McMinaville, Nora Mason ot Mon mouth and Florentlna Voss ot AI bany. The convention voted nnanl mously to hold the next meeting at Toledo. District officers , elected for the following year are: District past guardian neighbor. Battle H. Me- Vay, Newberg; district guardian neighbor, Sarah Burr, Amity; ad visor, Freda Peterson, Dallas clerk, Bessie Belt Corvallia; bank er, Ida M. Jones, Toledo; magi elan, Ida Vedder, Dundee; attend ant. Alice Adams. Salem; captain ot the guard, Edith Green Hagen, Toledo: inner sentinel. Myrtle Barryman, Philomath; outer sen tinel. Belle Shepherd, Dayton; musician, Lola Junkins; .. flag bearer, Alta Brown, McMinnville; managers, Irene Martin, Browns- vole; Vera Ottoway, Silverton, and Lula Mattlson, Independence; delegate to woodcraft home coun cil. Maria Dobblsh, Lebanon. The meeting at the armory was opened ' by Mrs. Amy McCann guardian neighbor of the local cir cle, followed by the entrance of the grand representative and dis trict officers, escorted by Marie Hayes, -captain ot the guard, and her team. A floral offering was presented to the guardian neigh bor by- Neighbor Alda Burns. Mu sical numbers v were next on . the (Turn to Page 8, Col. 8) Starr is Silent As to Appeal of Log Haul Ruling Charles Starr, attorney for tne Valley 4b Silets railroad company, stated In Portland Saturday night that he was not yet able to say whether the company will appeal the recent ruling of C. M. Thom as ntllltlM MmmlHlmv niliw. lng rates on the log haul between Olson and Winona, affecting transportation of logs to the Spanldlng mill here. If no appeal Is attempted, the ruling la expected to mean early resumption of sawing here. F BATTLE WITH YE6G OROVILLE. Calif.. May 20 (AP) Chief ot Police J. O. Mc- Atee was shot and seriously wounded In a run battle with a rohber who had lust held un a erocerr store here tonight. The robber, who naa unea up a clerk ana a numoer oi custo mers at the store, was about to leave as Chief McAtee arrived en the scene. They exchanged fire at shot ran re and the officer feu with a bullet In his chest. The bandit dropped a bag whlcn contained 8 600 he had taken from the store's cash drawer and flea. Witnesses said he appeared to have been wounded by a bullet from the officer's gun. Chief McAtee was taken to a hosnital where nhvslclans said his wound was serious but that he would probably recover. RELIEF WORK ONLY 4 DAYS IS WEEK The final crews to work on Marlon eountv roads under the relief program during May will go out tomorrow morning ana work but four days, instead of six as was customary before the relief budget was slashed by the state committee, it was announc ed yesterday at the U. S.- T. M C. A. Emnloyment bureau. The crews will be comprised of total ot several hundred men each of whom will earn $2 cash and 24 worth of groceries, their month's portion. The employment bureau staff Is attempting to spread out the work so that no man on the list will be slighted. Last week the shift was cut to five days, and approximately 455 men were sen to work tor the first time this month. Other Jobs, continued scarce last week. Common labor sup plied SO men with work, farming four and wood . cutting three. Two women: were placed tn housekeeping positions. Radio aided city police In set ting a record last night that will go down in the department's an nals In capital letters: Recovery of stolen property within five minutes of the time It was report ed missing. .inn) At 9:zo p. m. tne soutn prowl : officer, Atlee Wintersteen, J - " ; auempiea 10 serve a EUGENE, Ore., May 20 (AP) Seven men and six women to night undertook the task of de termining the innocence or degree of guilt of Llewellyn A. Banks. 62, and his wife. Edith Robertina Banks, who for three weeks were on trial for first degree murder for the slaying of a constable la Medford three months ago. The Jury was expected to report immediately upon reaching a ver dict, whether during the night or on Sunday. Some women In the courtroom wept as Frank Lonergan, chief of defense counsel, climaxed his dra matic plea for acquittal of the elderly couple with the words: "When I sit down, the Hps of the defendants will be sealed. The state has one more chance at you before you take the fate of this old couple to the Jury room. But we'll be waiting waiting aiung waiting for your dec- ww a m !.. - " ennr tn riaoth Xfspat. 1 a) 1 South Commercial street, 10 blocks away, to see E. C. For sythe, who had reported the theft ot a carton of valuable ad vertising matter from his front porch. By 8:25 Officer Winter steen had seen Forsythe, dis covered the stolen property In a vacant house across the street and notified headquarters that the case was cleared. At 8:27 the call "KGZR okehlng car No. 1" was broadcast and Winter steen was officially back In serv ice. Police believed either boys or transients took the package, then abandoned it when they found its contents worthless to them. he warrant on 63 Million for Public Works in Portland Asked PORTLAND. May 20 (AP) Projects in Multnomah county alone costing 263.000,000 might come under the eligible classifi cation in the vast public works bill now before congress, reports filed today with the elty council and board of county commis sioners indicated. Projects totaling $47,911,815. which would provide employment for 20,000 men for one . year, were recommended for approval ot the city council by Its spe cial committee on reconstruction work. County Roadmaster George W. Buck listed $15,000,000 in county projects. Among the major develop ments proposed were: Develop ment of the waterfront, ll, 750,000; Tualatin tunnel, IS,- 100,000; Fremont Street bridge, 86,500,000; new Morrison bridge $4,000,000; new armory building $1,000,000. Strong Appeals Ouster lo Civil Service Board No Rain Likely Today is Word Going golfing today, or hiking or fishing or picnicking! Then leave your raincoat and umbrella at home, If ton trust the weather man's predictions. "Fair but with considerable cloudiness' Is his promise of the' second rain less Sunday since Easter day. W.C.HawleyWill Address Chamber The general situation In the United 8tates as one who repre sented , Oregon 28 years In con grass sees It, will be discussed Monday at the chamber of com merce luncheon by Willis C. Haw ley, who has Just finished an ex tended service tn the national leg islative body. Mr. Hawley is now residing In Salem and plans short ly to write a book dealing with his experiences and observations at Washington. v Late Sports ROGERS FIELD, PlllBM. Wash., May 10. (AP) In a bitterly fought duel that saw one northern division record broken and another tied, Washington State college .defeated the Uni versity .of Washington. 78 to 1$, in their annual dual track and field meet here today. . Swisher, Husky high jumperr leaped 6 feet, 8 inches to break a division mark ot feet 2 1-5 Inches, set by Egtvet of Washing ton, eight years ago. Conducting its first public hear ing since the Salem police depart- ! ment was voted Into the civil service act. last November, the civil service commission will con vene In the city council chamber at 8 o'clock Thursday night to consider the plea of Leo Strong. discharged police patrolman, for reinstatement. Chairman Paul V. Johnson announced yesterday af ternoon. Sitting with him will be Commissioners Lloyd T. Rlgdon and Arthur H. Moore. As expected, 8treng, through his attorney, Martin Ferrey, yes terday appealed to the commis sion the action of Chief of Police Mlnto tn discharging him. The pe tition for hearing asks the com mission to determine whether Strong was discharged "tor caase. or Insufficient reason and asks that he be reinstated at once. Strong was notified May 12 of his discharge effective May 15. "for conduct unbecoming an offi cer, as permitted in civil service rales. The dismissal resulted from a complaint filed May 12 by Charles Needham, a taxi driver. A. Frank Johnson and Frances 1 Michelle,' who charged Chat en the uanas at ms Medrord home.. The warrant was for the arrest of the former editor and orchardist oa a charge of eoinplfclty in the theft or several thousand ballot, frnm the Jackson COUntv oourthmtfi Banks wss a hounded man " Lonergan said, "staying in his home for 10 days before the trag edy to avoid trouble, planning to leave for the mountains to save his own life. Finally, when he saw Prescott trying to break into his home and 'get' him. Banks lost his reason. Ton couldn't have stood it and neither could I. Ralph Moody, closlnr for tbe state, reviewed the case point by point. He waved tbe blood-stained warrant that had been taken from Prescott's coat pocket as bo told the Jury the constable had a legal right to arrest Banks and even to break into his home. He accused the defense of per jured testimony, described the eye witnesses" the defense bad introduced ss "liars.' Four eye witnesses claim thev stood In front ot the door and saw a gun In Prescott's bands." Moody said, "yet each says he saw no one else on the street." The four "witnesses" bad testi fied for the defense that a- re volver fell from Prescott's hand as he slumped to the porch of Banks home, fatally wounded. Rebuttal witnesses for the state testified that at least two ot the eye witnesses" were not near the former editor's residence when the tragedy occurred. The state completed its argu ment at 2:30 p. m. Circuit Judge G. F. Sklpworth devoted an boar to his instructions to the Jury, which retired to its deliberations at 3:30 p. m. Sklpworth went into detail con cerning the case and Instructed: the Jury that Prescott, the con stable, was within his legal duties in attempting to arrest Banks. Prescott could have even broken into the house under the law, the Judge said. Sklpworth pointed out, how ever, that threats reported or un reported to Banks would be con sidered In the evidence. Self de- tense Is only a legal defense in a murder ease where the defendant can prove he waa la physical danger or honestly thought afca selt to be In dsnger. For New Trial night of May 8 Strong had demand ed the services of a taxi "on ac count" and when refused, gone to the Bllgh hotel "hatless and coat less and under the influence of liquor ' ma uemauavu 10 Know mm . TTT - who had refused to send the taxi MOOney tO W Bit it was Needham. Strong Is alleged OUr? DaV honker to have said to Needham In a load I t . tone, "III get you. Watch out," and similar statements. Strong's attorney yesterday said he would show that there were no witnesses to the officer's alleged statements to Needham, and could prove that Strong was not drunk at the time. This thing was rushed through without Strong's having a chance to give his version, Ms. Ferrey asserted. He was dismissed the same day the charges were filed against him. --r - strong waa - first employed en the police force In October, 18 SO, while P. M. Gregory, his father-In-! law. waa mayor. At the time of hia dismissal, he waa driver of the central prowl car. Several weeks aro he was suspended for one week without pay for a violation of department rules. ' - " SAN FRANCISCO, May 20 (AP) Legal complications arose here today to delay the opening of the newly granted trial of Thomas J. Mooney on an old mur der indictment remaining against him as a result of the prepared ness day parade bombing. Superior Judge Louis H. Ward, who granted . the trial aeveral weeks ago on-motion of defease attorneys, , announced a one-day continuance of the case, which was to have started Monday, he cause' of an appeal filed with the state supreme court yesterday' by John O'Gara, law professor and. former assistant district attorney. seektag to force the dismissal the Indictment.