The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 20, 1933, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN. Salery Oregon Saturday Blorninsr, May 20. 1933
Society News and Club Affairs
eOUVX M. DoiK, Society Editor
Sororities Plan
Sororities of Willamette univer
sity will observe a festival week
end with the informal and formal
parties which ; hare been planned
by them. ; Delta Phi sorority will
entertain with - a treasure hunt
which will take "the guests far
afield only' to return them to the
sorority home where a gay plr
,ates cave will await them and
where also a treasure and a buf
fet supper will be found.. The
freshmen girls of the sorority
bare planned the evening with
the assistance of Miss Mildred
Miller. -; .
Beta Chi Is having a progres
sive nart with four of the mem
bers of the house acting as hos
tesses. Miss Josephine Cornoyer,
Miss Roberta Mills, Miss Jeryme
Upston. and Miss Dorothy Alex
ander. Following an Interesting
time spent in each home, a buffet
supper will be served at Beta Chi
sorority home. .
Miss Sue Prlngle , is , general
chairman. About 40 guests have
bees InTited.'
Alpha Pht Alpha sorority is en
tertained with a formal dinner at
the Masonic temple. Mrs.. W. E.
Kirk will be toastmistress and re
sponses .will be given by Frances
Poor, Mary Nelson, Edith daisy
er; and Dorothy Rose. Speeial mu-
sle has been arranged. Follow
ing the banquet the party will at
tend the Elslnere aa a line party.
Miss Dorothy Bjork
Is Complimented
In anticipation of the marriage
of Miss Dorthy Bjork, of Salem to
Glen W. Truaon of San Francisco,
California, the popular bride-elect
was complimented with a miscel
laneous shower Wednesday after
noon at the home of Mrs. J. H.
Briscoe. ,
Tellow and orchid were the
prevailing tints In charming dec
orations. The) gifts were hidden
in a pot of "gold" at the end- of
the rMn-bow of crepe paper
streamers, and streamers gave a
festive appearance to the rooms
Bettr Pare dressed as a fairy,
gave the message to the bride,'
and directed her to follow the
An informal afternoon was en
Joyed following presentation of
Present were Miss Bjork, Mrs
Blake,' Mrs. Winship, Mrs. Jen
son, Mrs. Lempke, Mrs. Morley
Mrs. Latham, Mrs. Peterson, Mrs
Chrlstoffersen,; Mrs. Anderson
Mrs. Abbott, Mrs. Cross, Mrs. Sho-
bar, Mrs. Page, Mildred Abbott,
Evelyn Olen, Betty Page, Lavel
Cross, Miss Blxley, of Portland
Mrs. Pepper and the hostess.
Saturday. May iO
American Association of University Women, Masonie
temple, 1 o'clock luncheon; speaker. Dr. T. L. O. Cblt
tock, of Reed college.
Women's Relief Corps, regular meeting, 2 o'clock.
Miller's hall. :
Old East School
Committee is
Am Interesting luncheon w
held at the Marlon hotel Friday
a. wmjm. wNk a.M P P.. ! m Hmmm
l a I -v
ueiDhian Chanter i Oregon, m
jT a4,1 vliaflcl host la eompUaeat to the execn-
V Vl fiA Pfnt I tire board of the members of the
A J UC lota East Rrfcrtnl alnmiil At the
class of 1SS8.
Plans were made at this meet- i
fairy planned meeting at Cams
Santaly on the Saatlea. The
committee tn charge of arrange
ments includes Mrs. R. D. Paris.
Mrs. W. O. Stacy. Mrs. Lewis
Griffith. Mrs. H. C. White, Mrs.
E. T. Pierce and Mrs. C. E. Rob
lln. The group plans to leave at
9: St o'clock and anyone wanting
transportation call Mrs. R. D.
Paris tor reservations.
A program will be given la
which topics will be taken -on By
zantine and Turkish art by Mrs.
Stayton. The last .meeting i Kelzer. A pre-nuntlal mlscel-1 David Whlght. Mrs. George Ross-
of the Women's club until Sep- laneous shower was given at the matt ,r - P00. Mr-
sitnM r. vwr..!..,. tn fop te annual borne coming
-a?11 v1" lot the class to be held this year
rv.T- T, . v t the country heme of Mrs. W. Al
TmI ii -1 t. umi Jones. June IS.
Stayton Women's Club Ends Year's
Work; Makes Plans for Garden Party
Hayesville Group Also has Last Gathering
Until Fall; Goldie Weathers Honored
tember was held Thursday with
an exceptionally large attendance.
The' treasurer. Mrs. W. D. Rob
erts: secretary, Mrs. W. V.
Adams, and president, Mrs. B. A.
Schaefer, gave their reports. New
officers installed by Mrs. H. J.
Tate are; President. Mrs. O. F.
Korinek; secretary, Mrs. J. II.
Missler; treasurer, Mrs. J. N.
Fischer; historian. Mrs. Mattle
Bruce: directors, Mrs. George H.
Bell, Mrs. J. L. Jordan and Mrs.
B. A. Schaefer. Mrs. E. C. Down
ing, the lourth director was un
able to be present.
Mrs. John then named standing
committees: Library, Mesdames
CP. Nfebert, B. A. Schaefer, C.
E. Taylor and Leo Rock. Member
ship, Mesdames V. A. Tuel, C. H.
Brewer, E. C Downing, P. Died-
rich and O. E. Gardner. Tear
book, Mesdames G. F. Korinek,
H. A. Beanehamp, J. C. Llndley
and E. Bush. House. Mesdames
C. A. Beauchamp, J. Fischer, Ed
ward J. Bell and W. V. Adams.
Child welfare, Mesdames George
H. Bell, G. R. Duncan, J. L. Jor
dan and H. E. Tobie. ' Finance,
Mesdames W. D. Roberts, J. N.
Fischer, Mattle Bruce and Willis
The club voted to hold the fall
flower show September 21, at
home as was the custom until last
fall. The committee is Mesdames
H. A. Beauchamp, P. Deidrlch,
George H. Brown and Nellie
The club will hold a silver tea
Charles Weathers home, Wedne
bert Gregg, Mrs. C K. Spaaldlng,
Mrs. Fred Erixon and Mrs. I. I.
Present for the luncheon, were
Mrs. W. H. Dancy. Mrs. Florence
Id win. Mrs. Thomas Holman, Ed- i
vm Baker, uuton Meyers aad
Burt Brown Barker.
Indoor Picnic
Planned For Tuesday
The Loyal Bsrean aad Ksy-
I stone classes of the Court street
Church of Christ are sponsoring I lira, Lucille F. MeMJIlin. of Tea-
a mothers and daugnters Indoor I oessee, new Civil Service Conunis
Picnle in the Bsnsalow at :! I sioaer.. is vktnred at her desk i
Tuesday evening. The women of I y"U service Department after
V,.T' TZ. " present a book review.
A plcnle luncheon will feature
marriage occurs Saturday. Mrs.
Edward Zahara, Adlna Pamlw
a r v , - . m ! uwi...
tuia jars, ia oierisun assisted IB
Present were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Piffk Annual Hanm
Saucy, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cole, I ReVUe is. Planned
Erma cole, Ruth Ruliison, Mrs.
Lloyd Weeks. Eleanor Thomas, I . Preparations are being made
the Loyal Boreas class are tar
nishing the refreshments and the
Keystone Girls, under the lead
ership of the teacher, Enid
Lamb, have charge of the pro
she bed take, up her duties. Mrs.
wcmuub is tae lourth women to
be honored with anoointmeat ta
bign Federal office sines the inan-
gurauoa, of PresMeua Roosevelt.
. c..u:Mrs. Chandler Brown
girts meetings, which er spon-1 Honored With Tea
sored by the Keystone class. An I
interesting and . helpful program
Is being prepared. Mrs. Edna 1
Mrs. Chandler Brown, nee Elea-
nr Plaasondon, was the guest of
EugeneWeathers. Mr. and Mrs. I for the fifth annual dame revue Burke of the Dallas Church of I honor for a smart tea between 4
Q. N. .Thompson, Mr. and -Mrs. I te be siren at the Euinore thea-I rntrUt wflt u n nMt inut I mnii a n'niwv ti....
"- tT I irB jun0 1 na F "D1-: . Buyke. has chosen as her 1 with Mrs. Richard Stols as hoe-
xiusccii. Mr. ana airs, I xiarnes jscnooi Ol . rroiessionai I suhl. Tha r.rttMt Know tu At bar liivmk
uross, sir. ana sirs. . ueraia i dancing. I Jig-Saw Psssle."
uurisiouerson, airs. Anna scnacK-1 a varied program win ee pre-i
man, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schack- sented with the Russian Toy Shop -m .
man, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Potter, I as the opening number. Part two l-iutpLcr VJ
Merle Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-jwill consist of a group of special- Fnt--finwJ
fred Weathers and children Net-1 rnmkon and th nrnmn will I -.criaiilcu
Mrs. W. T. Stols, Mrs. Clifford
Brown, and Mrs. John McNary
presided in turns at the urns dur
ing the tea hour. Mrs. Wfllard
rxea w earners ana cmiaren ei- tr numbers snd the program wm I I ajmistJar in mttIh, ..r. ui wl
iiTTj V .7 " rvV. I clOBO wun m WW1UW- ra The regular meeting of Chap- ue cupper and Mrs. Tom Dry nan
uufeu-u,r.ttMI, ru ciai scenery ana ugnung are oeing ter Q ot tnft P Em 0 sister- About 38 prominent matrons
Hathaway, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur I worked out for the festive affair. I Kft rtnn .t maids f Kalan wr hiidii
mo prosram mciuum. home of if n. A. T. WsJw nroTAdlior ine afternoon.
Hathaway, Tom Burton, Delia
Weathers, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cross,
Laurene and La Verne Cross, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Hathaway. Ruth
Norrls, Ruby Norrls, Mr. and Mrs.
W. E. Savage, Milton Savage, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Cummings, Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Zahara, Mr. and
Mrs. L. Peterson, Audrey and
Dean Leroy Peterson, Willard, ,
Earl, Raymond and Gerald and
Clifford Weathers, I. W. Lewis
and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Weath
Hayesville Sunday, all the
Th. Russian Toyshop A Ballet to delightful . afternoon. The pro
two sets (Ch&iif). I gram was unusual in that it was
X. Fairy DoQ (girl)
Pleasant . Point Club j
Concludes Season - i
"Gentlemen's" day as wall as
installation of officers and dosing
of the dab season marked the last
meeting of the Prlagle Pleasant
Point club at the borne ot Mr. and
Mrs. X. 8. Coates Thursday for an
ad-day meeting.
A potlack luncheon at noon was
fallowed by a brief business meet
ing and Installation ot Mrs. EL G.
Clark as president of the club;
Mrs. O. E. Whitney, Ties presi
dent;; Mrs. E. S. Coates, secretary-treasurer.
Present for the day were Mr.
and Mrs. L. W. Potter. Mr. aad
Mrs. Frsnk Clark. Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford Jones, Mr. and Mrs. O. T.
seeiey, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tales,
airs. u. r. Humm. Mrs. Olive Sha
rer. Mrs. E. E. dark. Mrs. Rne
Drager, Mrs. O. J. Mlshler, Mrs.
W. M. Coburn. Mrs. J. N. RoberU
son, Mrs. J. W. Keyes, Miss Eve
lyn coburn, Mrs. Harry Wechter,
wa. u. e. wnitney. Mrs. J. M.
Cobum. Mrs. Whitney. Mrs. Geo.
Guerne, Mrs. Solon Shlnkle. Mrs:
Margaret J ones, James Coates,
Vernon Coates J. A. Mothorn,
Miss Genevieve Gaerns, Miss Lei .
Gaeme, Mrs. George Grabenherst.
and Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Coates.
The annbal picnic of the clifb
wiU be enjoyed this year at Haiel ,
Green park, June 11.
. ,-
Double Birthday
Party Observed
t Mrs. Don Macklin eatertalned ".
for the birthday of WlUUm Mack'
lis who was celebrating his Ttth
birthday, and for Mr. Mscklin's
grandson. Lawrence Macklin. who
was celebrating his lfth birthday.
Wednesdsy evening at the Mack
lin home. ,
Covers were placed tor Mr. and
Mrs. Arch Macklin. and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Macklin and
family, , Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Stalnheur. Mr. and Mrs.' Tom Do
ty, Mr. and Mrs. Don Macklin and
Donna Jane Macklin.
e e
Mrs. Leonard Heisler at 111
Wilbur street win open her home
for a social evening of the Alpha
Phi Alpha alumnae association
Monday night.
r;.:.: T.r' .c;:t rriuuonl chnrca anticipating
jpanune'zo Chambers I from Chemawa Indian school un
Fairy Doll (boy) eurm 8wn dar the direction of Miss Ger
trude Eakin and Miss Alice Jndd.
S. Shopkeeper MarceUe Herbster
A PimtAnur f1Mnl woman)
..DorotDy uoeri al iu tern iiuur Burn, waia
S. Cn stonier (Mrs. Rich Anwrioi) I Waa assisted in aervlnsT bv Un.
. Her UtUe M Alice).
Barbara Miller I
H. S. Polsal and Miss Anora
Msxr Lou McKay I Welch.
T. Attendants veggy Myers, LKro- Mr Pnharf
Mrs. J. H. Arnold, Mrs. Jennie
Phillips, Miss AnnsbeUe Toose,
Mrs. W. F. Buchner. Mrs. Eliza-
thy Johnson. Pstsy Brer. Shirley
1. Wtaard Jean Adams
Z. Broom Claire Hurley
and garden party the first week children of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Denny gathered at the family res
idence to participate in the cele
bration of their golden wedding
anniversary. Those Joining in the
occasion were the honored guests,
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Denny, Mrs.
T. E. Anders and daughter Eliza
beth, Mrs. C. H. Armstrong, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred McMillan and chil
dren, Frederick, Donald and
Kathleen, Mrs. Ida Hinshaw, John
Denny, Mr. and Mrs. Fred B.
Kruse, snd Misses Ida and Paul
ine Denny.
In June at the lovely Goode gar
dens, probably Tuesday, June s.
The committee will be Mrs. V. A.
Tuel, Mrs. C. P. Neibert, Mrs. G.
F. Korinek, Mrs. J. C. Llndley,
Mrs. E. C. DOwnlng. Mrs. H. J.
Tate, Mrs. George H. Bell, Mrs.
J. H. Missler and Mrs. Freda Rob
erts. They will meet and make
known their plans at a later date.
Mrs. Schaefer planned a style
show for the Thursday meeting.
Silverton Mrs. George Hubbs,
Miss Ruth Hubbs, Mrs. E. R. Ek
man and Mrs. I. L. Stewart were stavton Little Frances
hostesses at the Hubb's home Pounds entertained Thursday
Thursday night at a reception giv- wjth a Jolly party in honor of
en for the pleasure or Mrs. Kocert her lltn birthday. Madlin Ad-
Franke, whose wedding was a re-Um8 Batty Korinek and Laverna
cent event, witn Mrs. ranne m Darby carried home prizes. Pree-
me receiving line were ner ihih.ii- ent wer0 Betty Anne Goode,
er, Mrs. Jay MOrley, Mrs. William Rrft, KnrtneV. La Varna Darbv.
K. Franke and Miss Colette Frank Madljn Adams, Lois and Wllma
oi aioiaua; assisting ouv u Pounds. Anita Mae Humphreys.
S. Dainty Miss Jean Bates! beta Marcus, Mrs. H. H. Green,
4. Clown La Verne Stewart I Mrs. Ids Kilo anA Mh T.nian
a f a. i . n.ii . . . -i . x. -. i I . w
. Bubble Don MlrUm Cooler I Han were special guests.
7. Russian Dolls Ruth Edge, Bar
bara Jeaa Vincent. Corlna Hosklna If M . m 1
Kathryn Hin. shiriey HiiLLauraj Last Meeting Planned
Mae Hoss, Peg-gy Myers, Dorothy! j,
ror oeason
Chapter A B meeting of the
P. E. O. Sisterhood will be ob-
I. Brown Bear Richard Chambers:
9. Twin Dollies Gloria Ann McClln
tock, Barbara Lee McCUntock.
11 SoMler' nn& pit?nerClljii liafiui I SSfTed St the home Of MrS. R. J.
Harry Miller. Hendricks in the Roberts apart-
14. Bisque DoaiZZarJeiie Herbster to meeting of the season for
is. calico chorus Jean Adams, Lou-ltnis cnapter, wnich will vacation
iseMayea. auarey mw, saisa- nntil September.
M.or.. Tll "f1 t"r- Miss Harriett Long. sUte libra-
Jean Hess, Martha Blair. I rian, will be special speaker for
ni,H . rt th0 evening program.
, rr t w .1 v I S
the Sunday evening service which
has been given over this Sunday
night to the production ot the
play "He Came Seeing which
is being presented by the Knight
Memorial players. The two
churches have Joined for this in
union service to which the
public is Invited. The produc
tion will be given at T:I0
Salem War Mothers are ex
pressing their appreciation for the
entertainment given for them In
compliment to Mother's day. The
Auxiliary of the American Lesion
complimented them with a de
lightful party Monday night at
Fraternal temple and the Mothers
were guests for a matinee per
formance st the Elslnore Tuesday.
They were the guests of the the
ater manager Carl Porter as host
Miss Agnes Moore. Miss Gwea
Gallaher and Miss Marie Lippold
presented special musle In com
pliment to Mother's day at the
t. Acrobatic (Contortion) Dance
OT68 7116 Amerlcaa War Mothers regular Rebekah meeting Monday
S. Exhibition Walts
MirtaaT'coeT nnounc th wlnner" ' night This wss guest night and
I awards given by them during I Urge number of families and
. rtP? S!' the Carnation sale held Satur- J friends of Rebekabe were present
4. Caprice (Hat Box) .Barbara Miller I dar nfternnnn Tha awarda &nt I a a
5. Balloon and Scarf Andray Fehler I ? 7. , . 'rDe W. . . I
Adagio comfque i. I to the girls who assisted in the
ciairs Hurley. Kimer Lowell I sale of the flowers. Those mea-
Monmouth Mrs. Jamas Rld-
rooms were Mrs. C. W. Keene
and Mrs. George Steelhammer.
Those who presided at the urns
were Mrs. L. C. Eastman, Mrs.
D. C. McCleary, Mrs. Lester Whit-
lock, Mrs. Roy Morley, Mrs. Ed
Banks, and Mrs. Hugh Latham.
Leona Burmester, Doris Crab
tree, Vivian Waller, Cleo Schae
fer, and Zelpha Carter.
Hollywood The regular meet-
Miss Mable Digerness, Miss Billie clal club was held at the home of
Eastman, Miss Frances Stewart, Mrs. D. Jeager. Business was dis-
Mlss Louise Latham, Miss Mar- pensed with and a social after-
ear et Kenne and Mies Laura noon was enjoyed
Hubbs served la the dining room. The regular meeting of the
The reception was followed by Merry MInglers was held at the
a shower.
T. Garden Dance (Toe Clique; J Uoaed lncluded June Neff. Eu-Ull, Mrs. F. E. ' Chambers and
. Raggedy Ann and And- - I nice Schleisner and Barbara I MIs Parker were hortesaas
..jturiei itsster. Martha Blair l Howe of Leslie school: and 1 1 aeeaay eiiernoou at ine luaaeu
9. Acrobatic M&rralla TTrharI - awjiw, I v ,.V 1.1.1 V 1
ie. Tap (Off Rythm Soft Sh).Z:" I .'nor Means, ioretta aoeth- - - :
. Eune sweiii un. jane weicn ana uons mss- - . T " V . .
11. Versataltty (Toe-Tan-Acrobatic) I f nt t.rrlali Tha MntbaM Sunday school classes of the
unnsuan enure n. airs, unamners
Is superintendent, Mrs. Riddeil
teaches the boys' elsss snd Miss
Parker the girls.
Mrs. R. D. Elliott pleased with
musical readings: Mrs. Chambers
o'clock Monday night lrlth ui f' W1 7
..Pauline Zoe Chambers
Part lit
nounce a satisfactory sale and!
express appreciation for the in-
ing ot the Hollywood Ladles So-1 Spirit of the Olympiad
AZsJ-rT ITUr,-K11 1 terest taken by the public
Hnsernble Nina TriTett. Margaret
. King. Marjorle Lawta Lorraine
O'Brien, Claire Hurley.
The Beginners and Primary
Teachers guild will meet at 7:10
Hayesville The last meet
ing of the Hayesville Woman's
club was held at the home of
The Salam Knnd .Ink maitalPnra TaHrtnrtnn at Tiaa iAtna
home Of- Mrs. E. J. WOOdbOrn. I nrensratlrtna at fta mli. m..t. Ill Wlntar atr.f an taaenaa
Mrs. Esther Boyd gave another llng Thursday night at the Mar-1 la either division are asked to
lecture on. nursing. i loa hotel for thai afanaa- n.lea11
Which it is nlannlnv fnr Sfaw 9 1 e
Dayton Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Mrs. Rovilla McAfee Thursday. McDougall of near Dayton an
In compliment to the Portland Miss Lfllie Madsen of Silver-
and Vancouver. Wash. Zonta I ton, writer of & column on gar-
Petition Cornmission
For Workmen's Rate
A 11 o'clock luneheon was serv- nounced the engagement of their flubs The affair will be held at dsns ta The Statesman, has Just onlo wtwlxo
vaaw aaaesa rwu UVkUl
ed br the losinr side of the roll son Merle McDougall to Miss
call contest. The following of- Myrtle Ingram whose parents rs-
tlcers were re-elected: President, side near Newberg, at a party
Mrs. Claud Talmadge; vice pre- given in their honor at Hlbberts
sldent, Mrs. David Greig; secre- hall here Saturday night. About
tary and treasurer, Mrs, A. stett-l so guests were present. The wed'
ecsVS. BS2 Crt con' wlu e
ooncernfng Miss Mabel S. Crsigh- -tata fadastHai aidaat Mmmi
ton and her columbines. .An ... mm.. k.
" " m I iaatlnn far a m. a.4 a a.f
Delta Phi sorority formally I Pat. fnr i,vin wi.. ...m..
ill,.. I . . T r m
aaa picking up of onions. The
Very striking very new
and very 1933 . . . this treat
ment of a large contrasting bow
fashioned of ribbon or crisp fa
bric to perk up your print
frocks. - Cleverly added, though
optional, are the trick taps that
button onto the bow. Note espe
cially the pointed seaming of
bodice and skirt for sllmness and
the captivating new sleeves with
their Inverted pleat.
Pattern 2835 may-be ordered
only In sizes 14, 16, 18, 20. 32,
34. 1, 28 and 40. Size 18 re
quire 1 yards 3s men zannc
and 1 yards B Inch ribbon.
Illustrated sten-by-step sewing
instructions Included with . this
pattern. ' -.A '""
Seas fifUea eants (XSc) te eolns
er stssips (eolns jnfsnd), for tw
Aaa Adssts aattera. Write plainly
year name, address aad style aaaf
Ser. Be sore to state als wanted,
The aew euamer edlum of the Anns
Adaau Fatten book Is ready. Aftev
aeoa, snerts, golf, tennis dresses,
tapers, assae tracks, special begin
ners' atteras, sty Us tor Janlsrs, aad
seel clothe for yaaagssert, sad la
awaettea tot nuking a e"c sweater
are aato&f ta f ssetnatlns tems. Send
for year copy. Pries t atalc. fif
teen cents. Catalog aad patters
Cttasr, tweaty-f tr csata, . -
Aldnss an man orders u Tae Ore.
gea atstetnua Pattern daraartawai,
243 Wiet 17ts. street. Hew York etty.
O- r-
Mrs. Carol Hamlin entertain
ed the Happy Hour Bridge club
at her home Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Albert Walker and Mrs. C. initiated Mrs. Helen Hamilton fil
ler: program committee, Mrs. ding will be an event of this wr DaTls heW wloulng scores to the sorority Friday afternoon I petition, which was belag dreu
nAM. n,T snA Mrs. Alice Beers, summer. 1 toT the afternoon of cards. Mrs. at 4 o'clock as an honorary mem- uted last weak has n ta
"v - I lkT- L - . A . I V V. .m.mAA 1. . . ' - -
luiiuiu nuuugi witi do omiesi i n vi m uiutib ue jkm oommiasion.
10 me group in two weeks.
Among those to motor to Port
land this afternoon to attend the
tea being given by Mrs. Ford for
her distinguished daughter. Dr.
Estella Ford Warner of Washing
ton. D. a, will be Mrs. Paul Wall
ace, Mrs. Sheldon Sackett. Miss
Elisabeth Lord, Miss Edith. Schry
ver and Miss Mabel Robertson.
Of interest to a large number
ot Salem people Is the national
broadcast for "Poppy" day over
KQW tonight at 7:30 o'clock and
at this time the Salem American
Legion Auxiliary trio will be
Miss Elisabeth Lord and Miss
I Edith Schryrer entertained Wed
nesday with a delightfully Inti
mate and Informal tea for Mrs.
Wsrren Truitt ot Moscow, Idaho,
who is here as the guest of Mrs.
A. N. Bush.
. f , Fleet Tree No. 420
.. 1 V By Laara Wheeler
-The United SUtes Abounds In
pine trees from coast to coast.
The predominance of this tree in
the colony caused Its extensive
use as a symbol tn flags snd la
ter la state seals. It is no won
der, then, that the Colonial nee
dlewoman pieced her. scraps , ot
material to form a patchwork
picture ef a pins tree. This pat
tern was not limited te any state
or section, but appeared Ja all
the 12 states. Its popularity was
eU4eserved, and hse-continued
until today, because it Is a sim
ple block to make, and an effec
tive aunt when finished.
The pattern comes to you with
complete simple instructions for
cutting, sewing and finishing, to
gether with yardage chart, dia
gram of unlit to help arrange the
blocks for single and double bed
side, quilting motif, and a dia
gram of block which serves as a
guide for placing the patches and
suggests contrasting materials.
Sent Its for a pattern for this
design to Oregon Statesman Nee-l
dlecraft DepL. 82 Eighth Avenue,
.New- "York- City..---;
Shrub Sale
Continues Thru
Monday '
Closing Salesyard for
Cutting prices heavily rathst
than plant stock back ta nurs-
wr. - '
: Nursery
2ST No. Cburca Street
Between Court 4s Cbemeketa
Etsxtxooy gets tired of heavy foods
along about this time of Tear. Serve a
surprise at ' bresHact. Crisp Kellogg
Com Flakes and siloed bananas.
These golden flakes are so refreshing.
Rich in energy. Cood for you. No cook
ing. Made by Kellogg in Battle Crock,
Shop Miller's For
ililler'g is a veritable haven for gift shoppers these
lays when almost everyone Is remembering a grad
uate. An article of wearing apparel or accessory wQl
be appreciated. Buy them at Miller's and have them
"gift wrapped' ? as befits the occasion.
You May Still Buy
These "Three Year"
Guaranteed Sheets
at the Old Low Price!
81x99 and 63x99
Still 790 4 for $3.
Extra Long 81x108
Still 090 4 for $3.25
Pillow Cases to Match
J193 each or 4 for 75c
(Main Floor) offers white and two-tone Elk Sport
Oxfords in this new group today. All sizes in the
tot. Values to S4.50.
(Basement) New! Special! Hand made White lib?
erty Sandals, leather soles, thong laced to uppers.
A very popular number. Made of white pig grain. All
sizes 3 to 8. Special
Pair TI