The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 20, 1933, Page 3, Image 3

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salexa. Oregon, Saturday Morning, -May 20, 1933
: 1 - ; - - - J mipmrnnnnnniinrn nnmrn nin nnnum
aaiar m aav . aaai bbv aav aaaa aar m -mm mm m m aaah. mm mm mi m.M m m m am at
To Confirm Class St. John's
Lutheran charch, 16th and A
streets, irill be scene of a spe
cial service Sunday morning
when the annual: class of con
flrmants trill renew their bap
tismal rows in an ImpressiTe
servlee. la. he class this year
are Ida' Bohlsen, Gertrude. Froeh
lich, Pauline Heinfce, Egon Hoff
mann," j Inrin Krege . Robert
Prince, " Edward Schuls, Laura
Rettlg and Gertrude Steinka. The
ritual followed includes an ex
' aminatlon of the class, sons, ad
dresses by the pastor. Rev. H. W.
Gross, to the class and congre
gation, the solemn promise of
faithfulness by the class and the
confirmation ceremony. The class
will attend its first communion
the following Sunday.
Mum plants 60 Tarieties to choose
from. Olsons greenhouse, Pacific
highway north. -
State Intervenes Permission
for I. H. Van Winkle, attorney
general, to Intervene in the case
of Marr Davie against S. M. En-
dicott. executor of the estate of
the late Cornelia A. Davis of Tur
ner, was granted in circuit court
here Friday. Plaintiff has sued
for $20,680 principal and $16,660
Interest, allegedly due to her for
a lone nerlod of personal service
to Mrs. JJavis. Since the latter's
will Imposes a trust over certain
of her property, the attorney gen
eral Is intervening In the pending
litigation in the interests of pro
tecting the trust..
Inspect" Forest! Camps Offi
cials ef the state forestry depart
ment- left here , yesterday ior
various sections of - the state
where they will conduct prelim-
lnary Inspections or the several
federal forestry camps created at
the request of President Roose-
vlt. Emnloves lnt - these camps
will receive & monthly wage of
iio of which amount $25 will
be sent direct to their depen
dants. Onlv unmarried men are
eligible for employment in these
camps. Officials aald tnat appro
tmately 200 it en would be em
' ployed la the 10 Oregon camps
j. 'v. Sorahan for the past j 13
years employed as finisher for
the H. L. Stiff Furniture Co., has
.xr.,4 a. finiKh shon at 454
Ferry. Tel. 7881.
DeGraoe Case Argued The
state supreme court yesieraay
vcmrA irnmsnti in the case in
wiring C. A. Detrace, ex-official
t th Prudential Bancorporatlon,
who is nnder four years peniten
tiary sentence tor aevising
.h.m t defraud in connection
its than ule of securities. De-
Grace was indicted Jointly with
Carl H. Johnson, ex-presldent of
Ttanrnmnratlon. The case
was appealed from Marion conn
tr. :
Vnminm W. R. Dallas
filed yesterday as nominee for the
Board of Education for non-high
school districts in the county, the
boVrd to be selected ai a scaoui
.ittn Tnnft 19; Dallas's peti-
inn ws aimed bv mere than 30
residents of sone three which he
.in r.nroaont if he is elected. He
did not express a stand on the
controversial issue of transporta
win mvm free with every
purchase of $1.60 or more. Wil-
lamette or hign scnwi
Hartman Bros. Jewelers.
Ertksen Retains Rev. P. W.
Eriksen of the American Luther
an church returned yesterday
morning fiora attendance at the
33rd annual convention or the Pa
cific Synod of the United Luther
an church in Seattle. Rev. Erik-
sen was chosen chairman of the
synod finance committee, and at
the convention Just closed gave
report as chairman of finance
and stewardship committees. The
1934 convention will be held in
Belingham. Rev. D. D. Klsler of
Everett, Wash., is synod presi
dent, and Rev. I. W. Eck of The
Dalles -is secretary.
To Give Bible Drama The
Knight Memorial Players will
present Mary P. Hamlin's biblical
drama "He Came Seeing" Sunday
at 7:30 at First Congregational
church. The story is that of the
man born blind which is told in
the gospel of John. Rev. H. C.
Stover will direct the production
and two duets will be sung by
members of the Knight Memorial
choir. The program will be under
the auspices of the-First Congre
gational Sunday school.
Special prices on watches and all
jewelry for the boy and girl grad
uate at Hartman Bros. Jewelers.
Three Accidents Reported
Three minor automobile accidents
were reported to city police yes
terday as follows: A. D. Cameron,
Falrview home, and an unidentl
fled motorist, at Commercial and
Oak streets; E. E. Saunders, state
hospital, and an unidentified mo
torist, at Chemeketa and High;
Mrs. W. J. Braun, 1286 Court,
and O. H. Kent, 832 North Com
mercial, at High and State.
Dance tonight Kenti Hall.
Track Laws Discussed Her
bert Hauser, secretary of the
state utility commission has left
for Olympla, where he will con
fer with the Washington officials
in connection with new truck
legislation. The purpose of the
conference was to make uniform
as far as possible, administration
of the truck laws in the two
Galloway Speaker Rev
Fletcher Galloway, pastor of the
Nazarene church, will speak
Sunday afternoon at 2:20 o'clock
at the vesper service of the
Evangelical church, and the
Woodburn high school girls
quartet will give special music
throughout the service. The topic
will be "Parts of the World Still
Without Christ."
The Salvation Army would ap
preciate clothing, furniture, Jars
canned fruit. Tel. 9437.
Has Poison Oak Judge Miller
Hayden spent part of yesterday at
justice court chambers (or the
first time in two days. He has
stubborn case of poison oak, se
vers enough to necessitate doc
tor's care.
Injured at Work Ben Otjen
this week suffered two broken
ribs and other Injuries, which are
conflnlne him to his home. The
accident occurred while he was
working on a farm.
Portland Ad Club President 1800 or More Attend; Well
Cites Business Upturns
Seen in Portland
Trained Groups Present
Excellent Program
Advertising from the stand
point of the purchaser who has
At least 1800 adults
been a consistent buyer of the hh"d"Te to. rmr7 -
service of advertising and is part in the brilliant musical fes
well satisfied, was discussed Inttlval sponsored by the music de-
interesting manner Friday noon I partments of Salem schools as
before the Salem Ad club by
Charles L. Stidd. president of
The Portland Advertising club
and an officer of the Mutual
a post-finale to National Music
Parenthood seemed even finer
than everyday philosophy makes
it, and the art of being a capable
T" .in ft , i avB BUU VUO V Ui UVIUA Sft vsvio
S!?,6"1 STinga "d LoaB M8- teacher appeared an enviable
Stidd lauded the benefits of
one as the clean, well-groomed
youngsters took their places in
legitimate, well-conceived adver- well.mannered and efficient pre-
one enterprise In which he is
cision, and then in masterly fash-
engaged Stidd said gross bus!- teacner or of the!r
ness had risen from $15,000 to
$80,000 annually in the last 18
months and he attributed adver-
own number in music that was
beautiful to hear.
From the first grade on to
itein5, 10 ,f0.rtla,nd newspapers as Benlor hJgn achool lB iongf band
a major factor in the gain.
and rhythm orchestra, music was
Advertising, however, must be Z'V u. Y. JmZ. V wmm
soundly planned with the Dur-1 . a a
ale.r'", .u.8ies" 8tatns . alway! Little toU from the first and
iu mm, ouaa assenea. 11 must secon(1 gradeg of Washington
4""TC" a "ni p- made splendid music from in
proach to the customer and by struments which in part Nslosely
consistenUy good service. t.iHo with tim-honord nieces
Stidd concluded his remarks I n wn .nninA viti.
with a plea for the wider adver- Ui,i.
Using of the charms of Oregon tra and lt WM dlr0cted by two
pro.pecwTe rounsis. e sain oC tne members of the class In a
the romant le history of the sUte mterly manner
was unexcelled and suggested the
romantic background of the state
This music festival of Salem
s . Tessa ".r.r.;. .? . ??? srs
tUIng material seeking more
tourists for Oregon.
The speaker onened his ta4k
with a recitation of numerous
business cases fn Portland which
showed marked upturn In the
last JO days. Stidd praised the
ton and held it was responsible p d
ior much of the Improvement
feature of the spring music sea
son. It has been pre
sented as a part of Music week
activities and should be con
tinued as an annual festival. Miss
Gretchen Kraemer, music direc
tor of the band deserves a hand
for the excellent work accom-
Brown vs. Plank
Case Heard Here
II Mil M
Testimony was taken Friday
by Judge L. O. Lewelling In th
case of Emma Murphy Brown
against John W. Plank. Plain
Beginning Monday, June 9, ap
plicants for marriage licenses in
tiff seeks to have Plank disnos- anT countT ,n Oregon must wait
sessed of a house she allerea he thr6e ful1 day, fter tn lnltuJ
bolds full title to. Plank isserts PP"eUon is filed with the coun-
that he has an equity in the nro- tT clerk btore receiving their
perty, located here, having re- perm,t t0 weL A br,e.f of tn mT
cetved his holding- f,, . -i-tr called "gin marriage" law enact-
owed him br th nlaintiff xi d t the 1933 session, was re-
Brown denied Plank's claim and celTed at tbe courthouse here this
contended that hi. ...t . I week.
building a house for her had been An merKency provision of the
fullv nald for , v" ZZ new law allows the county Judge
given her a quit claim deed to the to "et Mld. iV"T VX
proDenv in eontrn i ioiuu iuuuiu uo
A number of other states have
enacted such laws to stop hasty.
Ill-considered marriages and also
. Zr Mon at Klamath Falla next An.
in mis cut, jaaj xw. uuu i .... a.a v-
Tax Ca Weoeday-rTheJ case by Roland T. Warren. eonventicS A7W;oc
brought by Rath Mcrnersou . - - - - ' --arum corps contest chairman, and WXWUff xiwiiiiiiakwa
MuSSriln'S Jt Kamseyerorffead
ieard by the stats supreme court Bevens of 'fflJgr tore by Dewey Powell, grand
here next Wednesday. Members nouncements later by W. T. Rig- Conducteur" of the 40 et 8 Carl R a m s ey er, advertising
of the state tax commission w on . I manager of the J. C. Penny com
in iuo
Speeders Arrested Three mo
torists were arrested by eity po
lice yesterday on charges of
sneedlnr? ft A t tr tt . .
street. Jame, A. DoHaV, WbSS V1? a "LgKiMlf
ani rr a r.owi. m "if the nubile may be informed of
Lewis pleaded guilty and gained tne lntntion of th marriage ap
hl. release uopn promise ffij P"""- I ttes where the wait
attorney to pay Municipal Judge ln Tlod ha been. re(lrea'
Poulsen a $10 fine. 8 many cases of proposed marriages
of persons wedded and sot div-
Boland Warren Here Plans orced, has been stopped through
for tbe drum corps contest at the the publicity in the three - day
uregon American Legion conven- period.
tanflnta in me buiw.
The Marion county circuit court
held for the ( commission ,
against the plaintiff.
Dance tonight Kenti Hall.
"conducteur" of the 40 et.8.
derTf6 pW7.T: lL T PT Here, was nominated yester-
mZT ZrZ tT' " 7' lo! dax by a committee oi me sa em
At the Methodist Old People's day filed with I?e .ecTeUrv ct that orranlaa-
home, May 18, Etta m. Howes, sute as a delegate to the pro- Hon next Vear The elecUon will
IVCmThoTS8 Po-od constitutional conven?,on KeWeFrSay. oSS"ffle-
Saturday. May 20. a 1.30 p. m . to vote on repeal of the eigh- er. nominated were: S. M. Law.
from the chapel of W. T. Rlgdon teenth ai endment to the federal Tice-nresident: Edwin Thomas.
son. v I constitution. Snider favora t- I c to Rmlth and C A.
peal of the amendment. Snrarue. ' d 1 r ec t o r s. Gardner
Cochran Shedd Sneaker
W. Earl Cochran will
a 1.1 mhnmd onen Tbe
aerial exhibition of the spring will
ha .tared at Salem airport uunaay Randall
.ft.n.Mi if the weather permits. t. vonie. ge North Liber
m.v tianhin of Portland, mem-1 af.. tohat. Mav 19. Llal Rev,
iilWaV - m . - I V ova I " -w wr. mu Will
ber of the Rankin family of "iers, p, Randallf aged 39 years. Belov- preach the baccalaureate sermon
was here yesterday maaing ed husband of Daphnea Ranaan. ior the union high school at
rangements for use of an iD" Father of Clyde, Gordon and Sheddt Sunday evening. Miss
bile from which be plans to uf 6 Horace, all of Salem, and Phern Helen Purvine will give a group
off in his plane rrom Baiem .f rort Hancock, N. J. runerai 01 vionn solos accompanied by
port at 4 o'cioca uuuaj Announcements latev oy tne b- mih mva uoenran.
lem Mortuary, 545 worm apuoi
itrAAt Wanted, used furniture. Tel 5110
Knapp was chairman of the nom
inating committee.
Ordered to. Report R- C.
Kocher. against whom $40 a
month support money for minor
Newman Ordered Oat Charles
118 S. High
. 5:5ye. t,v Newman, whom city police arrest-
rhnnVwa. assessed recently in Ernest '".t ?i Thursday night on a charge of
' . ' Airht I surlllKB. VTf ju., ' I DAInXT itrtlnt- -wctA j - j
circuit Court ner, wa j . - - mmBjt 4 a -tpath I ,71 wwua; yieaueu
THbndtf in vUca to ap- Denver, Colo., W4 f?; guilty before Municipal Judge
days yesteraayiaw the Survived by widow. Gerda Marie Ponl , . .. vr-
Aa in MnrL ssn ausif 7 nam 1 - m a a wotjm a-tvw
haa not been paid or slse Meyers; son wi man on condition be leave the
To T. tiw I? contempt of courL , a -w-j- city at once.
Kocher has oeenaivoru N. D.. Henry of Sees Friends Jean EaatrM
Frances Kocher, nis wie. Rochester, Minn.; three sisters, high school girl who was serlous-
tHcnlc U Slated Mlssourians Mrs. Wm. Kraushaar of San An- ly injured in an auto accident
.ITh. entire Willamette vaUey onio. Texas, Miss Mae Meyers whree months ago. was downtown
n7 attend the annual Missouri mnA Mr8. v. Margaret Hath otiyesieraay greeting friends, she
Blcnlc. to bo beld at the Municipal galem; two nephews, Phil M. w wen on the way to recovery af
anta park Jane 15. thus widen- Hnth of Salem and Siegmund H. J ter fracturing two verterbrae.
h ican or tne yeany s-iHntn or Aoerawn. o. - 1 v . .
" 7 - t t. "Jaek'M-t - wh TWTthea and vurrauia Arcn
enng ior w s-f. - ... acuonald. Olven Bour and Ed
oretcnen iwrau.u. ward Fro-nV . .v. t
Cutler Is president.
Coming Events
May Final concert of
nt RnanhonT orcbea-
tra beret i Wttlamette Phtf
harmonie : choir assisting;
insorr. i
w 2fl-27 Oregon State
Association of Master
plumbers, annual meeting. -
Smmm iu. fivansellcal
eonference. First EvangeU-
nl rhnrrtl. -
Jnne a-4 Fonrtn Annaai
wuiamette VaUey Flower
jibm T Marlon county
Ian Cattle clmD. lanr-
Jnne 10 Willamette unl-
rersity commence men t.
jbim! aeu t n
f filiating bodies annual en-
June S3 Missouri An
na! picnic. Municipal aato
nark. . -
Jnlv 24-26 Ann nal En-
mnmniL Snanish War
RmiI. 4-0 Oregon state
We Do Everything
Let Us Recondition Your
Car for This Season .
rick company.
Fafrf owl
x.moa a. Fairfowl at a local
hospital May 17 at the age of
78 years. Late resiaen 01
WsIVap street. Salem. Funeral
aarviees will be held irom tne
I chapel of Clongb-Barriek com
pany. Saturday, way aw. a
p.m. Rev. stover oinciaung. n
1 terment City View cemetery.
For other "NEW and DIFFER
ENT Annuals
Phone 8637
liberty Road and Ewald Ave.
& who know I rji UA
UP - 1
how .
New Fabrics
Smart Styles
as low
Auto Painting . .
Anto Top Repair
, Upholstering
, Glass Wash
ing . . Greasing
. . Complete Mo
tor Repair .
Storage . . Day
and Night.
GLM.G. Tracks Sales Service
See Tom Wood for Tow Car or
Track Requirements
Motor Co., Inc.
640 Chemeketa ft.
I galem Phone 05SS - Oregon
KG W 1 :45 every after.
noon. A good program and
important information
ins Kataral MJuMral Water
223 North High Street .
. Salens, Oregon
( 1 I. I "
Card Tables and
Chairs to Rent
Call 6910, Used Furniture
- . Department
151 Hortb High
Z. -f - J
' . - ...
Buy a pair of shoes listed below at this sale and we will give you an
other pair (any kind in this sale) for just one dollar. If you cannot
use two pair of shoes bring a friend and split the bill. One pair $2.95,
an extra pair $1.00 makes $3.95 each pay half which is $1.98. Not so
bad, we'd say for the latest 1933 spring styles.
Pumps, Straps, Sandals, Sport Oxfords.
White Pig
will be very popular when U&t
son shines
rAny Extra Pair $1
White Elk
Abo abmt beige. There are tome
sandals in this lot, too
Any Extra Pair $1
Black Kid and Patent
Ideal to wear with the new
swagger coats
Any Extra Pair $1
White Linen
Ties & Pumps
High and low heels. The shot
for summer wear
Any Extra Pair $1
Gray Pig
Ties & Sandals
They all want these snappy
Any Extra Pair $1
In Beige and black
Cuban heels
Any Extra Pair $1
Cut Out Pumps
Blue, Black, Patent, Beige,
Very popular
'Any Extra Pair $1
Sport Oxfords
White and two-toned in a
variety of patterns
Two groups
2.95 395
Any Extra Pair $1
Introducing to Salem
First Showing
They sell the world over
for $1.00 per pair to in"
troduce them we have
been given permission to
sell them for
'AH sew Summer shade
Chiffon, Semi-Service and Senriet
. -
ELRaiLi? ms.m ss mis
474 Court , Tel. 6401
. V