i it 1 - -4 r.s - BE THRIFTY Save many time the pric of your Statesman subscrip tion by using Statesman ad- rertisements as your buying guide. I li ".; WEATHER Cloudy wlU light inter mittent raini today and Sat. urday; Max. Temp. Thurs day sr. Mis. 44. river U .feet, rain as inch. FOUNDED 1051 EIGHTY-THIRD YEAR Salem, Oregon, Saturday. Morning, Slay 20, 1933 No. 47 '.t .r 4 . h ft r . 1 Ik; 11 1-'," f i A' T : i r ' ( . I , 'l ' r "j ; i , I r- 1 ur v :' '' i v.; V i V JURISTS DRAW WIDE VARIETY - OF PAYCHECKS Right Take no Reductions; Most Take 15 per Cent "Like High Court None Comply With 5-to-30 Proposal; , Voluntary;; ' r Slashes are Made r. While salary redactions , are going on la all departments of state . government, Oregon's 28 circuit Judges pursue their soli tary way with a great diversity existing in the way the members of the bench are handling ' the delicate matter of lowered com pensation. Prior to the legislative session all the circuit judges at one time or another, had taken redactions In their base pay. Since legisla tive adjournment, eight of the 28 judges hare slipped back to the full seal received before any sal ary adjustments were made at the eapitol. The judges who have taken re ductions have generally followed the lead of the majority of the state supreme court, four mem bers of which voluntarily reduced : their pay 15 per cent a month. Three high court judges cut their salaries 20 per cent a month. Some of the circuit judges have taken 10 per cent cuts; none have reduced their salaries from 23 to 28 per cent as would be required It the 5 to 30 per cent legislative schedule were carried out. HcMahan Among Those not Reducing Judge L. H. McMahan of Mar lon county continues to draw his warrant of $500 each month on a ,16000 a year basis. At no time 'has he reduced the warrant he draws on the state or refunded any money to the state treasurer as a number of judges bare done. For one month he .turned in 125 to the- Marion county treasurer after .: his failure to reduce "his salary was shown locally. Since that time he has refunded noth ing here or at the statehouse. Seven other judges besides Mc Mahan are drawing their full pay. They are Judges H. D. Norton, George Tazwell, Earl C. Latour ette, Fred W. Wilson, W. M. Dun can, Jacob Kanzler, : Orlando Cor king. ' While no legislature can legal ly reduce the salary of a judge during his term of office, the 1933 cession recommended voluntary reductions to the jurists. If the Budges took the salary reductions applied to state workers the leg islature could reach, the scale would have been reduced from 23 to 26 per cent, the latter reduc tions applying .in the $500 a month bracket. The total monthly payroll of the circuit judges of the state is (Turn to Pag 2, Col. 4) Hold Hotel Man In Robbery Case m. mm a.1 r ' At ulyTtle ( 1"C6K roseburo. ore., May it YAPWUDOn lmDlicatlons con- talned in a crnfession made by Kdward Foster, alias, Edward Smith, who, officers report, ad mits that he robbed J. H. Morri son, elderly Myrtle Creek resident Mav 3. of 14.500. Sheriff Percy Webb, and Sergeant Ralph Quine of the state police, today arrested Jack Whltsett. oroDrietor of the Alton hotel of this city, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stevenson of Myrtle Creek, as alleged accom - Dliees in the robbery, y - NrW a rnr of witnesses! were being called before tne rrand iury -' which has Foster written and signed statement un der Investigation. Woolen Mill's Whistle Greets Stayton People eriVTnxt Ctonlnn folks again hear the woolen mill whistle, adding an Industrial as pect to the little town. About so are now employed at the ; mill. While many of these came from Brownsville ' with the new owner, R. J. Paris, mere are seyerai, m the finishing room and, other ,- parimenis wno nau Ben tui,- ed In the mill when It was oper ated under the old management . ACCIDENTS KEPORTED . , Two minor automobile acei- A 1 m. a 4ha - A 4 j. a4f aaIIaa driven by Tod Sloan, Roseburg, and A. E. Cole, .Salem, at Com M.ut .it t .tt.. isbff TJnruh, 1191 Ruge street. West alem, . and , Mrs., HUfiker. . J30 X I if An r at r. at TCnrwuv and Winter streets. , . j - TifTTirR AI1ITTTED afin ia- ie Tatr Rhima.1 With the busses. tiv t7.i.iit hli left thumb badly WVAW, . J w...- 1irn fnri-vwhU sulittln wood. necessitatlne its amputation the first Joint. Shimanek is. a wryti tne . wueny ., women firm Hvinr eakt of Rclo and it club: Mr. Hamel of Bethel, Mrs. v Of an old pioneer family to-this fttmtrv. 4 ' Man Triumphs Arain Over Nature v ' '1st. , Aa excellent general view of the huge Boulder Dam site at Las Vesas. final blast that diverted the course of the Colorado river Into the speclally-constrncted tunnels along the sides of the Black canyon, leaving the spot w here the giant snlllwav Is to be built vractloallv dry. With the coarse of the river diverted, engineers ay that the most BEfJ FIELDS TALKS League of Western Writers Local Chapter Visited By Noted Author Ben Fields, noted author and editor of Los Angeles, president of the League of Western Writers, was honor guest at dinner at the Spa last night, which was under the auspices of the Hazel Hall chapter of the league. Twenty gathered to greet the distinguish ed visitor and to listen to his dis cussion of matters of moment in theh field of literature. Mrs. F. GL .Franklin, president of the lo cal chapter, served as toast master for the program following the dinner. Brief talks were made by Charles H. Carey, historian, pres ent ; corporation commissioner, and by C. A. Sprague, both of whom pointed out the field in the west for the flowering of the lit erary arts. Mr. Fields spoke at some length In discussing current trends in literature. After first encouragng writers to perisist In their work in spite of hard times whch has affected writers as well as others, Mr. Fields launched in to a description of the revolution in literature as he observes it. Men . are throwing off old shackles of creed and piety in their ambition to attain greater self-realization, Mr. Fields said. He said authors wer. now ex ploring the psychic field and find ing fresh matrials for their craft. He mentioned "Outward Bound" and Death Takes a Holiday" as examples of this trend. Science, which has reduced matter to im pulses of energy which may be only spirit, thus may get to the postulates of religion and will turn more and more to the psychic. Mr. Fields concluded with reading from his own poems and writings. He paid a tribute to his friend, Col. E. Hofer, founder and linena, coi. js. liorer, lounaer a honary president of the league. i Cnrripan Chiei VWiifio" VtlUCl Oi Association VANCOUVER, B. C, May 19 AP) M. F. Corrigan, chairman of the Oregon state game com- mission was elected president of the Western association of state game and fish commissioners at 1 the closing session here today of the annual convention. K. o. iar jvin of Colorado, was named vice president. Portland was cnosen ror. tne 1934 convention. School Bus TTk. . If the battle of the school busses, which will be waged at I l"" JUDO -"uul " Marion county, is to be fought on grounds of economy, noth pro ponents and opponents of the public school transportation sys tem will be using tne same ar guments. It became evident at the meetlng ol the Education Promotion association held at the cnamber of commerce here last night and attended by over 100 persons. The question of high school tuition received scant mention. The ten leading speakers all porting pupils of non-high school districts to high school districts I had prove cheaper to them indi- yWually than had to;?' Jl.JL""" 1 i"o n iisiw .vu , v " - 1 . ... . , 1 ..1 I cnuureiu u "-u qeen arguing .mat 11 woum ue I matter oi economy to oo away l . . . a ' JohnuJascb ot Liberty presiaea 1 at tne meeting ana apeaaan a- at I eluded Mrs. U. w Stacy, tecre- Ma... . m a. V 1 a VtTa.Ka.akfa Helen- Weisner, secretary of the 1 North " Howell grange; Henry LITERATURE TREND Big Advance Reported in Atom Study PASADENA, Calif., May IS (AP) The breaking up of the atoms of many elements, heralded as one of the most notable ad vances In physics in many years in the search into the mystery4 of nature, was disclosed here today, Prof. E. O. Lawrence, of the University of California, told a Fellows this week will be the or distlngulshed group of scientists casion for an assemblage at Por that during the past two weeks that atoms of aluminum, beryl!- um, nitrogen, calcium flouride, sodium flouride, flourium, as well as lithium and boron have been artificially disintegrated at Ber- keley, Calif. This was hailed by Dr. Niels Bohr, of Copenhagen, one of the world's most renowned physicists I and Nobel prize winner, as a marvelous advancement." I "The day dream of yesterday I has come true," he said. Dr. Robert A. Milllkan, of the Norman Bridge laboratory of I physics, congratulated Lawrence 1 saying that the results were "al-1 together extraordinary, and most Intelligently announced." S A number of representatives from the chamber of commerce journeyed with the county court to Portland yesterday when the court conferred with the state highway commission relative to plans to complete the North San tiam highway this summer. The roads from Hogg Pass and from Detroit will come with-1 in five miles of each other and the county court is Interested In having these few miles built this year so that by next ran, cart ean travel over Hogg Pass to Bend, a distance of 135 miles. appeared with the county court were: T. M. Hicks, William E. Hanson, Van Wieder, Fred Thielsen and C. E. Wilson. BRIDGES DYNAMITED CAMAGUEY, Cuba. May 19. (AP) Several small bridges on the North Cuba railway leading from this city to Tarafa on the north coast were dynamited last night or early this morning, caus- nigni or eariy mis morning, cans- ing traffic over the line to be suspended. is Economy, A 1 1 " " Werner of Silverton rout two. i . . . ' Air. urewDaxer 01 silverton route two, and fire candidates lor election to the new county high school board. Proposing to bring out the school bus issue squarely at the polls, the association Toted to request Mrs. Mary L. Fulkerson, county school superintendent, to have printed on the ballots statements- that Its five candl - datfta for election to the new county high school hoard favor retention of the school, bus sys- Although, number of op- ponenis 10 tne dub sysiem aiiena- ed the meeting last night, none ot them arose to contest the ar guments oft he pro-bus group MM 1 mm and the list of five candidates! p. ni Lewis, convicted of for- proposed by the association was unanimously Indorsed. The can- dldates chosen are; J J v I 5 -' i Zoneif-one-r-W. . P. Collard, Woodburn:" Ttone - two J. S. Coomler, Mt. Angel, zone three Willis TL. Dallas. Liberty; tone four C. V. Murray," Silverton. and sone five Frank Doerfler. Stayton. t AH five candidates declared themselves unequivocally " In fa- vor of retaining "the school 'bus system. ' Nev.. as It appeared following the difficult problem has been overcome Brothers Heads of Masons And Odd Fellows; Joint Reception Planned The election of George P. Wins- low of Tillamook to the office of grand master of the Oregon Odd land tonight that will verge npon the unique In the annals of Odd Fellowship and Masonry: A join reception of the two lodges In honor of George P. Wlnslow and Walter C.WinsIow, of Salem, who respectively are now grand mas- er OI tns lwo oraers. , The reception, to be held at Washington Masonic temple, East Eighth and Burnside streets. Port- land, la not officially sponsored by either order but friends of Jthe two broth.era.have arranged for the celebration, which will be semi-public in nature. Fraternal associates and friends of the wmsiows win oe aammea up to tB capacity of the halL Walter Wlnslow will retire as grand master of the Masons on June 16. Salem lodge No. 4 and Pacific lodge No. 50, Masons, met jointly here last night in honor of the grand master. George Wlnslow enters upon his new duties this week. The sit uation of two brothers holding the highest offices in the gift of their respective organizations ' Is believ ed to be unprecedented. More Powerful Radio Sets lot Police Ordered Determined to make the Salem nolice radio svstem aa Affecti aa possible, Chief of Police Mlnto re- cently ordered and has just re- ceived six new receiving sets to 1 replace the present ones In the police cars. The receivers which J have been used since the station have not proved sufficiently pow- erful. State police here are expecting here Tuesday for equipping state cars. Officer W. R. New will take trial delivery of a et at the Niu mr use vu m nigm oeai in V n . , i , a iew riii uuirici. tiesiaems oi the district will pay for the re- ceiver. la. rt y AstOna Police I t 4 utneers t acea By Damage Suit . ASTORIA, Ore.. May 19. suit asking $36,000 damages -was "filed in circuit I court here today bv Henry A. I - ' I -- 1 tain Harry Ekvles and Patrolman Ed Hansen ot Astoria police. Jackson alleged permanent in- I Jury resulted 'to his leg when lt (was broken, during his arrest at la dance hall here last! March. He said he was left in Jail without medical attention .for several I hours. The policemen) said .they did not know Jaekson'i leg had 1 keen broken until : he recovered from what they described as a "arunaen stupor.- faUl LeWlS UetS 3-Year Sentence gery by trial Jury hero this week, was sentenced yesterday to serve three years In tho state penitentiary hy:Judg0 L. H. Mc- Mshan. Lews who- 1st also known as Carter, was found guilty of be- ing an accomplice In a local check passing Case in which Mrs. Paul Lewis actually tendered the check. She was taken from Ore- gon, after her - arrest, - to face charges pending against her In California. Lewis at once began to servo m sentence. UNIQUE EVENT W HONOR WlnSLOWS BANKS P HINTED Arguments to end by Late Today, Jury Will Then Consider Verdict Persecution by Political Interests and Power ; "Trust" Alleged EUGENE, Ore.. May 19. (AP) Demanding the acquittal of Mr. and Mrs. Llewellyn A. Banks, on trial nere for first degree murder. Frank Lonergan, chief of defense counsel, declared In his argument today that the "biggest crime Banks ever committed. In the eye of the Medford gang, was acquir ing a newspaper through which the comman man could cry for justice." The elderly couple are charged with the slaying of George Pres cott, Medford constable, shot to death when he attempted to serve a warrant on Banks at his Med- ford home March 16. tlon, June 19, no nominating pe Lonergan described Banks, for- tltions have yet been filed for the mer editor and orchardlst, as a two school directorships which man who was the friend of the be filled at that time, but common people, but a foe of the two more potential candidates are "power trust,", and the "crooked now added to the list of those political ring" that ruled Jackson mentioned earlier. E. A. Brad county. He declared Banks was field, lnmber dealer in Hollywood, the man who stood In the way of nd W. W. Herman Clark, asslst- tnese ambitious politicians and grafters.' Syndicalism Charge Cited as Persecution Prescott at the time he was shot carried a warant for the arrest of the former editor en a charge of tlon. Carle Abrams, state repre complicity in a ballot theft case, sentative who was broached on Banks had also been Indicted for the school board subject a month "criminal syndicalism,'' because, ago. yesterday declared himself people together to discuss the gov- out of the race. 'I am In the leg Lonergan stated, he had called the islature and have so many other ernment. He declared that this activities that I just haven't the was no crime, but "an Inalienable time for It," Mr. Abrams ex right of the American people. plained. The defense attorney did not I conclude his argument, the closing I one for the defense, today, but (Turn to Page J..Col. 1 TIZWELl REPLIES TO EINZIG LETTER PORTLAND, Ore., May 19 (AP) Circuit Judge George Taa- well of Multnomah county today addressed an open letter to Wfl-1 Ham Einzig, secretary of the state board of control, in which he said he would use his "best judgment" as to whether or not insane pa- tients should be committed to the state hospital at Salem or sent to the one at Pendleton as directed by Einzig. Judge Tazwell alluded to alle gations that patients hitherto transferred from Salem to Pen dleton were "hand picked" from the more difficult cases. With the declaration that it is I a hardship upon many of the aged and 111 patients to take the 240-mile automobile trip to Pen- .ii. vi dieton, times detained for 24 hours or I more awaiting the arrival of an stltution. the Judge said that the method of transferring overflow patient., from Salem to Pendleton I more economical. The letter from the Judge was b umr to one from Einzig to i wmvi ww iwmitu uui I IL - O t V 1 i, ..J i obicui uuounu i iuu ouu Pendleton has vacancies. Troutdale Youth' Victim nt I. rash PORTLAND, Ore., May 19 (AP) James M. Zigler, 24, of I Troutdale, died in a hospital here tonight from Injuries received when an automobile in which he was riding skidded on the soft 1 shoulder of Baseline road today I Jt Tl J Jt TIT Ml I "uu ivuibw. - lams of Parkdale, who police said was driving the car, was reported uninjured. Late Sports SAN FRANCISCO. May 19. (AP) Yonng Tommy of the Philippines, regained the Califor nia Btaio Duumviui crowa w night as he won a close 10- round decision over his 'countryman, Speedy Dado, In one of the fast time est fights seen here In r. long nnrjir t t t to v.. 11 ii wartfi- .ar.irv". t iim da- - . freshmen a II to . In a dual . B.tfl ,.. aaa. VMB V WAS . V 1 . . a a.a.a. a. a tho all - sUU 1 -ivitatlonal meet I for eonstruction of Urgo ens u . v. I todial mental hospital hero to 1 f Tho Rooks took seven first n!aM mnA HaJ fA. inMha nit of 14 , evenU. . hat the visitors seored In every event, getting many second and third places. No exceptional marks were made, nnafefna. of tha vnoVa ' waa hirh point man with three flrstai"- 1 CV fr Publ ic Works Funds Told buC No new Major Roads to be Started; Western Oregon to get 67 per Cent; Amount is Less Than Last Year's Receipts PORTLAND, Ore May 19 (AP) The state highway commission meeting here tonight; decided that 67 per pent of any federal public works money which may be avail able to Oregon will be spent In the western part of the state and S3 per cent in the eastern-part. The money is expected to be made available through the public wprk bill now ' ' ' before congress. Tl SCHOOL BOARD BllESTilKED IE. A. Bradfield and Herman Clark Mentioned; Col. Abrams Won't run With exactly one month remain ing before the Salem school elec iant proiessor or cnemisiry ai wu- lamette university, are being urg ed to become candidates and are said to be in a receptive mood. F. A. Legge has previously an nounced he would accept nomina ' Possibility exists that the Young Men's Civic club, which sponsored a candidate at the school election llast year, might enter the neia again this year, it is expectea Ralph W. Emmons, president of the group last spring, may call a meeting soon to consider the mat ter. Friends of Professor Clark, who is out of the city at present, point I to his five years' service as pro fessor of chemistry at Salem high school as a valuable Qualification 1 for his being elected to the school board. Professor Clark left the high school to loin the Willamette faculty In 1923. Nominating petitions tor school I board positions must bear the names of 38 legal voters of the district and must be filed with W I H. Burghardt, Salem school clerk, (Turn to Page 2, Col. 1) E & RAZED BY BLAZE The J. P. Herbst residence on route five a short distance south by fire early last night but many of the furnishings were saved, cl y tl Im!n.,wtJ rrted The . " " r:,: ' V." t-rt tli attic o the two-story house. "..; "XT' t ;eV 'forestalls effort, to save i .v v.... iUQ This was the first serious fire in which the Salem police radio station was used. Officer Atlee Wintersteen, receiving the radio fire call while driving along South - . -.t.l 4.A. awlvaJ at tfA scene ahead of the fire depart mem irucas ana miaea ia ciranus a path through a quarter-mile long traffic Jam. H IN State Building Projects Are Submitted by Meier PORTLAND, Ore., May 19 (AP) The modernization and general improvement of 12 state institutions would be included In an extensive construction pro gram nrooosed by the state board of control and transmitted today by Governor Julius L. Meier to the state reconstruction advisory board. The program is designed to be 1 - . . . ... ,i,1M. IT-v" the huae nubile works appropri ations proposed in a bill now be fore congress. Improvements outlined In the renort would call for an aggre- I Kate expenuiiurv w a,A,vw-, Including eonstruction or a new I navehonathifl hospital la Port- '"o UnlTtTtllT OI UTcIOH wu.u n I acheoL A second proposal calling j supleraent tho institutions at I PBAlctOIl Ui Salem WOUIO, hrlng the toUl need , to $3,121,- 000. - . . . Improvements for tho Tarious state Instltatlons were proposed In the report SS follows: ' I 8Uts hospital, Balem, I II IV Hi ghway ommission The commission indicated that the new major highway projects will be started . with the funds; which will be used in mainten ance, reconstruction or completion of existing highways. Should Oregon receive about $5,700,000 as contemplated under the program, Scott pointed out, It would not be as much as was ob tained last year. He said existing highways need even more money than will be available. Scott dis closed that last March he had pledged to bankers who he said saved the state's credit that the commission would not undertake any new major construction pro- ects. Sam Dolan of Corvallis beaded a West Side Pacific Highway as sociation group that asked for "a standard road without the by passing of any towns." Judge Woodworth of Linn county asked for a ten-mile ex tension of the South Santiam road, estimated to cost $700,000. He was told the survey had been ordered. L Conciliatory Statement IS Greeted With Approval At Geneva Parley GENEVA, Switzerland. May 19 (AP) Germany followed up today the conciliatory remarks In Chancellor H 1 1 1 e r's reichstag speech by announcing to the dis- armament conference her accept- ance of the British plan for an arms convention "I hope this rill be regarded as new proof of German modera tlon," Rudolf Nadolny. spokesman for the Berlin government, said in making the announcement Nadolny's address, which was conciliatory throughout, was re- ceneu wun mauy cnueucca ui y- proval by the conference, which today resumed its sessions full of hope because of President Roose velt's disarmament initiative and tbe Hitler pronouncement. The French delegate, Rene Mas- sigll, declared that tbe German : statement meant there was now no obstacle In the way of conclud ing a disarmament treaty. Amid applause Massigli pledged France's cooperation to' this end. Phi Delta Kappa Alumni Meeting Is Enjoyed Here Educators from Corvallis, Mon- mouth, silverton, Portland and Salem gathered at the Marion ho- tel here last night for a meeting of the alumni chapter of Phi Del- ta Kappa, fraternity for students of education. Henry G. Keeney of Portland presided. Tbe principal speaker, Dr. F. W. Parr of Oregon State college, discussed problems of an educa - tor in teaching students to study. He was introduced by Robert Goetz. principal of Silverton schools. 000. Eastern Oregon state hospi Ul, Pendleton. $225,000. State prison, Salem, $290,000. Feeble M m a a.a. a I "1 ' A A mmaea insiiiuuon, saiem, 500. State training school for boys, Woodburn. $40,000. State tuberculosis hospital. Salem. $112.500. Eastern Oregon tuber culosis hospital. The Dalles, $175,000. State bUnd school. Sa lem, $80,000. State deaf school. Salem. $125,000. State Industrial sehool for girls. Salem, $80,000. Mental hospital. Portland. $1.- 250.000. or psychopathic hospi tal, Portland. $250,000. State li brary building, Salem, $350,009. A new chapel building for the state hospital at Salem, provid ing for 1009 persons, was first on the list of suggested projects. It would cost $50,000. Modern! ration of wards and providing wards tor criminally insane, tbe addition ot fire-fighting ' equip ment, construction. of roads and other Improvements at the state hospital would cost an additional 1100.000 A hosnltaL refrigeration plant. power plant and new equipment if re among iqo auKgesieu proTementa at the . penitentiary. nun Mm T SURRENDER OF CANTON'S PHI! Means of Restoring Peace In Orient Suggested; North Is Opposed Roosevelt and Soong end Conference; Tientsin P Agog Over Bombs CANTON, China, May 19. (AP) The Canton government Charged today that the national government at Nanking U con sidering a compromise settlement with Japan which would Involve the permanent loss by China of Manchuria and Jehol. Nanking officials, th Canton ese administration declared la a formal statement, are preparing to grant virtual recognition to the state of Manchukuo. The province of Jehol. which the Japanese included in the ter ritories of Manchnkuo would be surrendered by China under tbia contemplated arrangement, the Cantonese statement asserts. Canton lesders addressed this statement to the league of na tions, the signatories to the nine power treaty including the United State and to soviet Kussla. WASHINGTON. Mav 19 (AP) The problem of stillin the booming guns of the orient's undeclared war absorbed Pre&J. dent Roosevelt tonight as he bade rare wen to China's envoy. T. V. Soong, and prepared for confer ences with an official spokesman for the Tok.VJ government. In addition, the chief exerntir kept in close touch with the devel oping arms reduction conference at Geneva, noted with interest a cordial reply from the Rassraa government in response to his ap peal ror peace and refused to be disturbed by word from Paris, that Premier Deladier had jepect- ea a cut m military expenses with a declaration that th French army must be kept strong. jrrom his final conference with Soong, vice-president of China's executive group and that nation's minister of finance came a state- ment of mutnaI ..trusr that m may soon be established in th far east. TIENTSIN. China. Mav 19. (AP) Panic broke out in the Chinese portions of Tientsin to day as the reult ot the arrest of tWO artllM rhinaa, allavot aean8 a th. MflrhnL,, ment and leaders of a plot t (Turn to Page 2. Col. 2) Ashland Man is Honored; Aided Hungry Navajos WASHINGTON. May 19. (AP) First Lieutenant Charlee H. Howard of Ashland. Ore., was awarded tbe Mackay trophy, the war department announced today. for meritorious service In tbe Navajo Indian relief flight in January. 1930. Lt. Howard commanded the Eleventh Bombardment squadron which proceeded from Marshfield. Cal., to Wlnslow, Ariz., seeking Indian villsges In the northern part of New Mexico and Arizona snowed in and suffering hunger and privation. Eight airplanes I flew approximately 15.000 milr I in the search. When the Kavajee I were located, sacks of rations 1 hung on bomb-racks of the bomb- I ers were dropped to the maroone 1 Indians. The Day in Washington By the Associated Press Senate took np Clam bank ing reform bill which wa r ported In modified form t hooso, alMO. by Chairman Stra gall ot banking committee. Presidents William Green ef American Federation ot Laoor and Henry I. Harrlman of tho chamber of - commerce ot tbe United States, supported public works- Industrial control bill be fore house ways and means com mittee. Senate interstate commerce eommittee reported admiaUtTw tlora'a railroad reorganization MIL , Representative Marland D- Okla.). introduced administra tion - sanctioned bill tor fed em 1 " eontroL President Rootevelt aad lkr. T. V. Soong of UUna, la joint atatement eowluaVd thrtr co Tersatlons expressed ' hop- for. end of hosliltirs In orient. Harry" XL Hopkin ot New .. York, was named emergency re- '. . I ilet administrator, and Arthur EL I Morgan ot Ohio, as hesd el iui.iuiu ouwmu - ituuvr.. 'v autnority. . . . v: .