tt 03EG0H CTAteSHAN, Catey Crecd, Fri&y Ilomlar. llay 19, 1SS3 - - - JkSAIL :C20CERS;:;FiATI!j'lS:DM:- v A V 1 hit in me GMDUATU AMITY. May 18 The Amity union nigh school commencement exercises will be held Thursday, Jans 1 at S p.m. In the Amity au ditorium. Dean U. G. Duback of O. S. a -will be the speaker. Amity -will hare 2S graduates this year: Ella C. Biggs, Nancy Ellen Badger. Berths. Elolse , Badger, Ruth E. Chriatensen, Gwendolyn I DaTldson, Clyde W. Earl, Helen Blanche Glbbs, Elgrid J. Helno nen.. . Ernest li Jensen, r Eleanor Arllne Massey, George F. McCar-' ty, Irma Mae Mitchell, Harry M. Nedrow. Perry O. Nedrow, Helen Irene Parrln, "Wallace A. Pearce, Elsie M. Pumala, Charlie W. Reed, Winifred I Robinson, Bar bara Dell Rogers, Alice June Schaeffer. Viola Helen Setala, Irene A. Snellmah, Chester Mor ris Stephens, Ohlln G. Starr, Eu - gene G. Tallman, Harry E. Tom kins and Wlllard J. Tomkins. Ruth B. Chrlstensen has the honor of Taledlctorlan and Elsie M. Pumala the honor of saluta torian. - - ' - .. The Standard Bearers and their "Mystery Mothers" held a ban quet at the Methodist church ., Tuesday night. On the program were Ruth Briedwell, Mary Lou Fuller, Eleanor Massey, Barbara Rogers, Eleanor Massey, Gertrude Cannell, Lois Vincent, Needra Massey. LaValne .and . Gertrude Cannell, Cleo Odom, and Mrs. Lynn Lancefield. Joseph Santee of the Oregon Normal school at Monmout! and Charles M. Dunean of Willamette university spoke before the sen iors here this week, t ione Lines Changed For New Electric Patrons LYONS, May 18 The Pacific States Telephone company hare several men at work on their phone line east of Lyons. - The line had to be transfered to the opposite side of the highway to permit the Mountain States Pow er company to build their line exr tension.' Also the Farmers lines which occupy the same poles as the Pacific States line had to be moved: ; At the community hall Monday afternoon, a surprise affair was held In honor of Mrs. Elmer Hlatt whdse birthday was May 18. Her daughters, Mrs. Eva Bressler and Mrs. Alta Bodeker arranged the affair. Each woman gave Mrs. Hiatt a block for a friendship quilt and. she received over 40 blocks for her quilt. ROBSON BADLY BURNED PIONEER, May 18 Mrs. Mark Blodgett has received word that her son-in-law, Glen Robson of Orenco, was badly burned when a blow torch he was using caused a gasoline explosion. He is In a hospital. REVIVALS ARE CLOSING FALLS CITY, May 18 Rev. Mead and his assistants. Miss Dor othy Mead and Miss Alice Lamb will, bring to a close their old fash 1 o n e d Interdenominational evangelistic meetings with Sun day night's service. Large crowds have attended. iui center St. Phone 5313 Quality Merchandise Featuring This Week KELLOGG'S C0RNFLAKES3,w23c KELLOGG'S P E P 2 ,r EC KELLOGG'S RICE KRISPIES KELLOGG'S ALL BRAN for Lrgr. pkg. E()c Special Prices on All Proctor A Gamble Soap Products IMt 6 0 c 370 State St, Free D elirery Phone 3813 Best Grade Salad Oil, qt 13c j P. & G. Laundry Soap 10bar,29c Dash Granulated Concentrated Soap 5 ib.pkg. 39c Medium Size Ivory Soap 4 bar. ' : 20C Old Dutch Cleanser Special, Can 5c Bex, the Highest Test Lye O large cans 25c K.C. 39c Baking Powder Large o O lb. can Corn or Glosi Starch 4 large samples fret. Of with 4 Mb. pkgs LOC Hit 2- 2k 2 n. can 49c KelJoge Specials Kellogg's Pep 2 for 1S Corn Flakes 3 for 23 Rice Krispies 2 for 19e All Bran Ig. 19e Oregon Full Cream Cheese 2 ib. ' - 25c Fancy Crisp Dill Pickles Per quart 24c "Supreme" Cocoa O lb. pkg. 23c "Supreme Sweet Chocolate 2 lb. pkg. 29c Pure Ground Pepper 1 lb. pkg. 19C Calumet Baking Powder, 2lz-h. size .59c Fresh Artichokes, large size New Potatoes, 4 lbs. . 5c I Spinach Greens, 3 lbs. .8e 15c I New Peas, 4 lbs- .18e Sweet, Juicy Oranges, , thin rind, per'doz. 19c Stenstotf Market Corner Court and Liberty Phone 3161 3163 E. J. DONNELL Service Store ePVUCe at Cash Store PffSceo You Pay No "Premium" When You Trade Here - The Extra Service You Get Here is Part of Our Business KeBBoggs SipesfiaB Kellogg's Pep - ; 1 A OFF nkr. I Kellogg's Rice 9 pkge... 15C G Kellogg Large &B.r" 19c Sellogg' Cera Flakes OQ S foi ... Large Ivory Flakes SB Solid Pack Tomatoes No. 2 tins 2 for age Fancy Peaberry Coffee 2ibV45 Fresh Peas 4 ibs. HQ3 Fresti Spinach 3 as. EGG Camay Soap g(g bar Medium Ivory Durkee's Salad Aid qtjarQQ Bulk Relish Spread New Spuds 5 ibs. HG)( Lettuce 2 for Q(g MEAT DEPARTMENT Breast Lamb to ennjoy ftlhese drosp, DDoaairDsllDDDDg ce reals Don't pat it off. Begin today. Your own grocer has complete stock of Kellogg's Cereals. Made of wheat, corn and rice. Freth in a form you like. Flaked. Shredded. Toasted. There is variety to please every one. Try Kellogg's Cereals. Buy several packages of your favorite. Enjoy them often. Breakfast, lunch or supper. Won derful with milk or cream. Add fruits or berries for extra goodness. Kellogg's Cereals are always oven-fresh in the patented WAXTITE bag. Made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. INTERESTING FACTS The Kellogg Company uses 20,000 bushels of corn every day. An entire year's yield from 675 acres! I 6500 bushels of wheat are made into Kellogg's Cereals every day. Equals the yearly yield from 450 acres. Every week the Kellogg Company uses as much bran as could be raised on 9600 acres of wheat. Kellogg's Cereals are responsible for the use of 2,500,000 quarts of milk and cream every day. Hundreds of tons of fresh fruits and berries are eaten with Kellogg's Cereals. These are notable example oj hovo one industry helps another OF DATTLB CHEEK iSaGaf&Zg FLAKES prf .S 1 BExooxxixa nousH JEJTXBSON. MT II John Hendertoa to htTtng hto aoase en w hwi sweet remoaeiea. or ehanglnj: tike Interior of tte tint door, eoaTtrtlBg Ute Urge etore room into a bath room and a dlaing room. Tbe kitchen hu been made modern by putting la hot and eold water, and a sink, al so all kinds of bsilt-la work. The former dialog room will he vsed for Mr. Henderson's office, as ha Is foreman of the Southern PadfJo section crew here. The house has keen lowered, and cement walks, added. ... Irish Bing Grocery Co. 294 N. Commercial 4 Fre Deliveries Phone 3527 Tow can make money bayiag aroccitee with the Inflation that is colas' money sets cheaper and prices go higher, so stock your pantry and the mine of that stock will tncreaao every week. Bay at THE STORE WITH LOW PRICES EVERY DAY" 10c Golden Bantam Corn, 2 s, 1 cans 25c Silrer Bar Peaches, aa Hc, t cans JC Oysters, S cans LDC HAD Kraut, Ss, S cans 29c Tomato Boep . . . 5c Amalao Corn Starch, T Pkg. DC Jen Powder, an flavors, rf Pkg. OC u Calumet Bak ing Powder, Is 25c Qnaker Oats, large package 17c Silver Bar Tomatoes, ls. S for 29c 1.29 Fisher's Blend Floar, 41s White Eaglo Hard AO Wheat, 49s JoC KtUogz' Whole 1 A Wheat Biscuit.... 1UC Kellogg's Whole Wheat rsr . i7c Corn Meal, white or yellow, 10s ........ 23 c Crab Meat, choice meat, slxe Hi Sandwich Spread In balk pt. or lb Balk Tea, black or green, lb 15c 18c 19c Apples, Yellow Newtowns, size 7s to lis, .Q per box OVC We Carry a Complete Line of Proctor A Gamble Prod art FEED DEPARTMENT Start your chickens and tar keys on the properly balanced feeds. None better than Hod-gen-Brewster proren feeds. H. B. Egg Producer, milk, oil. greens, a high grade i qq feed lOJ H. B. Tnrkey Dereloper, milk, oil and rtr creens fa.uJ 4 Grain Scratch, 100i U4 Developing Scratch . . . 1.55 Gronnd Barley lOOg ..... U5 H. B, Dairy Feed, 18 prot. 1.09 We are Your Friends and Neighbors BUY ALL YOU WANT WE HAVE XO LDOT 1 "SPECIAL IOTIICE! FROM OUR PURCHASING DEPARTMENT WE beliere in being fair with the public Wholesale commodity prices hare gone up, but we hare 'held our prices down because) we bought before the advance. Now, our low-priced stocks are nearly depleted and we do not know how much longer we can adrertise such pre-inflation prices as we are quoting here: There fore, we urge you to stock up this week-end to the full capacity of your pantry shelves. Grocery and Meat Prices Good FrL, Sat. and Mon May 19, so and 22 A Fruit and Vegetable Prices EffectlTe FrL and Sat. Only Open Till PP. H. Dairy , 935 South Commercial IVH 11 IIa HSl Mt Vernon Saturday Only HeffimaE,gart,nime 2 lbs. nc Manweflfl Mowise CoCCee "uJS? S7c I Canned Goods GRAPEFRUIT, L. and H. No. t ean lOcj for 58c SHRIMP, Antlclch, S-os. can IOcj I for SOc SEVEN PEAK CORN, Golden Bantam, a No. S cans 5c FANCY PEAS, San Wan, S No. S sans SOc STRING BEANS. No. 1 cans, a for 25c; e for 48c TOMATOES, No. 3H cans, 1 for ITc PINEAPPLE, LlDbys, sliced, No. SH cam, 89c RED SALMON, Llbbys, tall can le; for SOc Camels and Others Limit 1 Carton 98c Payn Taklt Leads In Quality Fruits and Vegetable Lettuce Large solid beads Spinach Local, freah, O tender Rhubarb Strawberry variety, for raanlnr lor i lbs. 5c 5c 1c KELLOGG'S SPECIAL 1 pkg. Kellogg's Cora Flakes 1 pkg. KeUogg Pep 1 pkg. Kel. Whole Vbeat Flakes 3 tor 25c FREE, 1 kg. W. W. BlscuU Saturday Special 'Jalte 29c Airway Coffee, lb. 22c y lbs. 6Se M. J. B. Coffee, lb. can SOc; S-lb. can &5e Wne-Ta-Lon. Oregon's own Health Food a pkgs. S3c Golden West Coffee, . .1-lb. ean 28c; 8 lb. can 78c Jell-Well, pkg. 6c; for 20e Best Foods Mayonnaise, pt. 29e Baker's Prent. Cboc. M lb. 22e Baker's Coconut MAb. pkg. lie Certo, Pectin ... .bottle 22H Grape Nats, pkg lOc; S for 4Sc I rory Soap ...... .mod. bar Se ManhmaUows, 1-lb. carton 15c - 77V OUR MARKET - Roasts Lola of Pork Choice Veal ef 41 llrf Leg of Lamb IQn Genuine Spring JU 15c 19c Bc3f Cubes Stew Braising, lb Sliced Bacon Lean Sugar Oared No Bind, r. CARSTEN'S LIU Lean, Sorar Cured lb. Half or WhoU Mayonnaise Bulk Jlnest Quality, quart 25c Your Link Samaje ( Choice Lean Pork CLopf Veil diopf I OC Wieners ! Your Frankfurters . Choic. Bolont Lb. Urer Sauiar WH BESEBYB TUB BIGHT TO LIMIT QrAirriTXES I if it if i ; Shoulder , Veal Roast Breast Veal 5c lb BUY NOW SAVEV MORE Fresh Crabs X