PAGE EIGHT The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning, May 18, 1933 earcais Lose io Pacific in Aquatic on . . Track B ! i I i SIEPTIOF DISTANCE RUNS Score 75y2-55y2 but W. U. Winner in six Events, Ties In Another Willamette university' track team was impressive la the dis tance runs and la lome of the field events, bat lost to Pacific university 7.5 H to SStt la steady torrent of rain that made a travesty of the meet at Forest Grove Wednesday. Jumping and vaulting were all but Impossible, Coach Vernon Gllmore reported. Willamette took six first places and tied for another while Pac iXle woa seven first places and tied for one. Pacific mopped up a majority of seconds and thirds, but the meet might have been closer had not one of the Bear cat relay entries become 111. The Bearcats swept both the mile and the two mile, but Pac lfle took all places tn the high hurdles, and all but one point In the two dashes. Saturday the Willamette team will hold a dual meet with Lln-field- at McMinnville, and a week from Saturday will engage in the Northwest conference at Forest Grove. Summary: Mile Cook W, Lange W.'Mea ley W. 4:66. 440 Walts W, Maine P. Mark ham P, 55. -100 Klllits P, Smith P, James WIO.3. ,220 Smith P, Killits P, Camp bell P, 24.2. -120 low hurdles Bruce P James W, Cannady W. 14. 120 high hurdles Bruce P. Klllits P. Hummel P, 17.5 880 Cotters P, McCullough W, Barnett W. 2.12. Two mile Brown W, Lange W, Adlard W, 11:54. High Jump Bruce P, RIeke W, Connors and Lloyd W and two Pacific men tied for third; 5ft., 4 in. Pole vault Dean W, Mason P and Carey P all tied for first, lp ft., S in. Broad Jump Lloyd W, Con nor P, O'Neil P, 20 feet. Discus Franti W, Mattler P, Connors W, 111 ft., 3& in. Shot Connor's W, Crltchfield P. Mattler P, 38 ft., 9in. Javelin Mattler P, Heldobler P, Franti W, 150 ft. Relay Won by Pacific 8:50. Cross - Word Puzzle By EUGENE rr p73 777 W W w --- -ri 1 1 II H-1 Iff HORIZONTAL 1 What U the nam of th only river in Europe nor than 2,000 miles long? ft Whom did President Roosevelt eppoint as Secretary of Labor t. la hit cabinet i MUe Frances 12 -Mobammedan prince 13- Stranger li-5ilkworm 15 Genus of palms 16 Jewish month i 17 Pronoun 19 Be tangled i 21 Prefix: down 22 Nothing ' 2i Nocturnal bird 2 Bounding line of a surface 27 A small portion 28 Want . i 80 Tree- 82 Educate 84 A tropical tree 88 Surrendered title to 41 A great number 42 Feast i ,.-; i 45 What large salt Inland tea la located in RnMtaa Turkestan? 47 Also .. . 48 Vexation " 49 Indefinite article 60 Serpent 62 Part of "to be" 63 Printer's measure 64 Genus of whales 68 Poem v 68 Swerve':''-''"'.:. 69 A gratuity I To what country does Green land belong? 62 A keen stimulus ' VERTAL 1 la which of the U. S. was the first normal "school eetab lished? 2 Mystic ejaculation 3 What American nral rendered to Ci ant at Appomat . ox koutx nutt, April 4 A micro-organism 5 Melodies - 6 Shallow vessel 1 1 Suppressed - 8 Fully developed 9 Parrot . 10 Preposition HURDLE STAR Hurdlers from all over Oregon are watching with a certain , degree of nervousness the per formancee of Ken Filsinger ef Salem high, who qualified in the district meet here last week to enter both high and low sticks at the state inter scholastic meet which will be held at Eugene Saturday. His time in both events has been exceptional, perhaps a little better In the lows than in the highs. Salem's northwest champion Y. M. C. A. volleyball team proved that the honor was well deserved when It defeated Port land four games out of five on the court here Wednesday night Purpose of the exhibition con tests was to raise funds to help defray cost of the Salem team's trip to Oakland for the coast tournament. Portland won the first game 15-12, but it may be that the Portland boys had broken train ing after the recent tourney at Seattle; at any rate they looked demoralized as Salem swept the next three,; 15-3, 15-7, 15-0. The visitors came back and took the lead in the fifth game, but were nosed out 15-12. SHEFFER 11 What island ie known as the "graveyard of the Atlantic"? 16 Be ill 18 Pitcher 20 Twitching of muscles 22 Negation 24 Grassy plain 26 To restrain from acting 27 To treat to liquor 29 Ivory cubes 31 Prefix, to 33 Neon: chemical symbol 35 Strike lightly 36 Wild ox 37 Which of the U. S. was first to grant complete suffrage to women? 39 One who dandles 40 Strike softly 42 What American merchant was the promoter of the first sab marine telegraph cable be tween Europe and America.? 43 Bird 44 Tellurium: chemical symbol 46 Bights - 49 Open space 61 Entrance 54 What noted German electri cian originated the law in elec tricity which states t Tho strength ef an unvarying car- vent is directly proportional te the electromotive force? 65 Flat-bottomed freight-boat o f Hebrew prophet 68 Tin: chemical symbol 60 rre position Herewith is the solution terday's Puzzle. VOLLEY CUIPK BEAT PORTLANDERS irI. ; , , DELEGATION Mw,SmJ,wyi vbrrTO l HHiBMMa Y ,M-l BUTrU" K WORLD, 1 llrWW : V TOYRIITE 1 TyAT II u NbyK t 1L A 1 IV IZfl " I ,1 . I I LZJJ 1 V1'C. VrA W 111 . ffcl .'II A 1 yOf V A, J I Mil ,1 1 J H II . II ILflSVy. I tf.l .-iAJ I mmudmmimmm railway mjf -.;iwiwmirtm iks: rv mmr H n 'T?aiL7gD . r,jr-zr ' p rriR PtsKspiuRT . . - td reside .-j.-susM&rtrS v?h T-rrP 75? ;V-i:f:-""-:-Tr--: - ALBANY S Bearcats Have to Play, for Division Championship Must be Settled . One more of Willamette uni versity's baseball games was post poned on account of rain Wednes day, but there is one scheduled for today which wgl be played In any kind of weather short of a cloudburst or snowstorm, Coach Spec" Keene said last night.. This Is the twice-postponed re turn game here with Albany col lege, and It will start at 8:80 p.m. Being a Northwest conference game, it just has to be played, and there are only nine more week days In which three conference games must be managed somehow by the Bearcats. The other two are with Lin- field, and as a result of Tuesday's split double header with Pacific. Willamette will have to take both of them and also the game today with Albany, to win the western division championship on which the Bearcats have had a monop oly for the last four years. The reason the division race must be decided by the end of next week Is that the lnter-dlv! slon series at Walla Walla is to start the following Monday, May 29. It will be a three-game series Whitman has already won the eastern division title. Willamette disposed of Albany easily in the first game, but may face a different situation today, especially it Dowling does the pitching. The former Alco out fielder has been doing some tight hurling In recent games. Postponement of the game with Oregon at Eugene Wednesday, probably means that the Webleet will be met only once this season, here next week. Tomorrow the Bearcats go to McMinnville, Lin field coming here for the return game Monday. HUBBARD IS WINNER HUBBARD, May IX. - In a return game, Hubbard high won a baseball game played at St. Paul from that team by a score or 7 to 4. Hubbard also won a game from St. Paul last week, making it two straight wins for Hubbard MICKEY MOUSE $0. ITH A HUNDRED R1GHTI fMG PLANES APTSR THEIR DlRlGlBUeJ PETE AND Shyster ARB GETTING worried! QUAD 11 TODAY THIMBLE THEATRE Starring Popeye IP I HD KNOWN THSR WfcS ( TRt8E OP WILD" VJOttEN ON THIS I WOULDN'T HfKNie vopetE eoy it x -ate r.v LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY f TM 3UST WORRIED SK ABOUT ANNIE -THE. POOe. HELPLESS LITTLE. THING - WHERE CAM h fe"liU-'V" s-v.1 SHE. BE?? WHAT CAM A VSHE DO -WITHOUT jV Jr( r) jFREN05 OR MONEJ TOOTS AND CASPER I i 1 1 j , 1.M..H ... - ; ; . l I lr I I : V. "TV -"MTL' f f Amiu Ml I II YOU II- - TTwVVXvl II I vax.. I Ike Wolfer's Federals is v New Name of Team Coming Sunday For League Opener Ike wolfer's Federals will be the name of the baseball team which faces the Salem Senators here in the opening game of the Oregon 8tate league next Sunday. This team was formerly known as the West Side Babes. Wolfer who Is an ex-profession al player and who is well known tn Salem, was much Interested In Ray Brooks' youngsters last sea son and has outfitted them with complete new equipment. Wolfer who was one of the greatest out fielder! in the Coast league sever al years ago. has been working out with the youngsters and may Play an outfield position In Sun day's game. L. H. Gregory, sports editor of the Oregonlan, who is also Inter ested In the youngsters, plans on making the trip to watch the op posing pitchers workt He Is inter H COJOW EMITS Still and all, we prefer this weather to tornadoes and earthquakes. And It that does n't convince yon, think of poor Klamath Falls, which contin ues to have its daily snow storms. Frisco Edwards picked a poor year to move, though we hear he is doing quite well down there, thank yon, with a Legion Junior team and a town team and worlds of support for both. O The Salem high baseball team is scheduled to visit Albany to day, but we wouldn't bet on It. They called off that game Tues day when it wasn't raining much here. Chemawa Is slated to come here next Tuesday. O Quite a compact little track team Vernon Gllmore will take to Eugene for the state meet Saturday They leave Friday to take in the Oregon - O. S. C. KMOW e mi. King .YutSSEN. SHYSTER,NOT v LET'S DUMP THEM If prXpt ,Vl fORTY MAIL PILOTS J) -J you JrOS FEtAMJE 6EWTS : .TVEX " well. sophie! Xil r jT F, wish :-: -r. Wao V Jl ested In. Delbert Wilson and Ed Demorest who are slated to pitch the game. Ray Brooks, veteran manager who organized these youngsters. Is still at the head of tne newly named team. Manager Frank Bashor of the Senators announced Wednesday that he expected to start Wilson in Sunday's game, with Adams on first base, Keber on second, Gib son at short. Mason on third, Scales, Foreman and Colgan in the outfield. Bashor will don the big mitt and the proective armor. It is expected to be a southpaw battle. Wilson was credited with a one-hit game last year and De morest Hsrled a no-lift game against Hood River several weeks ago, so none of the batsmen on either side should feel confident of starting oft with a fat hitting average'. meet. Filslnger in both hurdles, Burgoyne in the high Jump, Shepard in the mile, Varnes in the discuss,. Mohr in the 440, Hughes in the 220, and Tternar dl to team with Mohr, Hughes and Filslnger in the relay. We rather expect them to take some points. Shepard's mile here last Saturday was we hear, the best in any of the dis trict meets. If you think the weather has hurt the college and high school ball teams, think of the kitball league. Don't believe they have played more than half a dozen games, and all the rest are al ready postponed. Loren Easier, ex-Bearrat who will coach the College of Idaho Coyotes next fall, writes to friends here that the material and the prospects are about the poorest any college ever had, but he nevertheless warns Spec Keene to look out next fall. MT. VIEW DEFEATED MOUNTAIN VIEW, May 17. The Mountain View grade school baseball team lost to the Brush College nine Friday afternoon on the Brush College ground. Full Speed THE' LAW 6 AYS THAT IPS TWPPPS NO DEAD MAN,. THERE WWCrT ANY MURDER! AND IF ITHESB PILOTS AREN'T EVECT FOUND, WE RE AS INNOCENT AS BABIES ! SEE Y Now Showing "Prepared for the Enemy" VslWO THE HECK. Uncaged! IM WORT21ED.TOO BUT 5HE'3 A5 Y SMART A5 THEY COME. AT LEAST? K WHERE, TO UAY "THEIR HANDS fttium $)Bdm. Im , Co Some rhr mnrti. Hall and I0KH1UFFS PHILLIES FOB Will NATIONAL LEAGUE W. L. Pet. Pittsburgh ...........IS - S .892 New York ......... ie t .IS? Brooklyn ....12 11 .522 Cincinnati 13 IS .500 St Louis ...14 14 .500 Boston r.U 16 .46? Chicago mi.. U 16 .407 Philadelphia 8 20 .286 PITTSBURGH. May 17 (AP) Harold Smith, Rookie right- handed pitcher, held the Phillies to two hits . after French had been nicked for- four runs in the second Inning to give the Pirates their third straight victory today. The score was 6 to 4. Philadelphia 4 11 1 Pittsburgh 6 13 0 Berly, Collins and Davis; French, Smith and Padden. i Brooklyn 5 11 1 St Louis 2 8 1 Heimach, Thurston and Lopez; Walker, Johnson and J. Wilson. Boston ... 8 12 0 Cincinnati 0 8 1 Brandt and Hogan; Smith, Frey, Rlxey and Lombard!. Man Ion. DALLAS HIGH THICK DALLAS, May 17 Dallas high school's track team has won hon ors In two meets daring the past two weeks, coming in second in the three way meet at Albany and scoring 18 points at Corvallls last week. The next meet for the locals will be held here Saturday, May 20, when Dallas will meet some of the smaller schools in Polk county. At the district meet at Corval lls, Dallas captured three first places, tied for first in another event, and took third place in the relay. Bill Cadle won in tne discus with a throw of 107 feet 7 inches Burrell Webb won the 440 In 56.2 seconds, and Bob MacMUlan took first In the 220 low hurdles in 28.3 seconds. Dean Cadle tied for Ahead TOM WINS INDUS f0 WE'LL FTUY OVER A Vjv g I f S ( SECLUDED SPOT, AND KJ O ( - D.D .SUS A then hem-heh-heh!. O ) e3A2LP'SSi?t o (. PRETTY SOON! IVE V - r , . . ts-S h O 750 V GOT A MUNCH THERETS - P A II If 1g NO TIME LOSE 1 Bfc6S t I BK V41LO WOMEN.UTTLt V11LOWOMEU-X JN IPfXROOoK fr REO-HEf)5e.rVCKMtM)5 AnO W!fV'Yu - t" TKfNN OTHERS, BOT fU- t 1A1 lAM I MRS MEANV TOLD THE COPS THAT WE ARE. HIOIMG ANNIE -wAS LONG AS THEV WASTE TIME WATCHING U5, BUT X WISH I KNEW SMC WAS SAFCT v. .11 eJ 97 m i Si i Farewell Bowman Hot; Solons Lose To Portland COAST LEAGUE W. L. Pet. Sacramento ........26 16 .619 Portland 23 17 .575 Los Angeles 23 18 .561 Mission 23 20 .536 Hollywood 22 20 .524 Oakland 21 20 .512 San Francisco .'.....15 28 .349 Seattle ....12 26 .316 SACRAMENTO, Calif., May 17 (AP) Joe Bowman kept Sa cramento guessing tonight and be ing poor guessers, the Senators were able to find him for but one run to lose the "second game of the series to Portland 7 to 1. Bowman whiffed 10 batters, and was deprived of a shutout on a single and double in the sev enth softer two were out. Laurl Vinci, who was running a shut out streak last week, was knock ed out of the box for the sec ond straight time. Sheely and Blackerby connected for four hits each. Portland 7 16 1 Sacramento ........ 1 11 1 Bowman and Sheely; Vinci and Woodall. SAN FRANCISCO. May 17 (AP) Ran Francisco's Seals edged out Hollywood's Stars 1-0 today in 11 Innings In an air tight battle featured by Curtis Davis, gaunt right hander, scor ing the lone run himself. Hollywood 0 6 I San Francisco 1 8 1 Page and Summers; Davis and Mclsaacs. Seattle 3 8 2 Oakland 5 10 1 Sewell. A. Walsh and Cox; Mc Evoy and Veltman. Missions 14-17 3 Los Angeles .12 15 3 Babich. Johnson and Fltzpa trick; Herrmann. Stitzel. Nelson, Buchanan and McMullen. first in the pole vann at 10 feet. In the meet at Albany. Dallas annexed three first place, four seconds, five thirds, and tied for one second and one third. KGEE, ZERO I I DONT KNOW IT5 A NICE PLACE AN" EVEN IF T WASNT A NICE 5TILL LIKE IT MRQt MEAMV3 ORPHAN ASYLUM! i it'";: I! TKZ SOLDI 1LLUE HTT01KF.ES - AMERICAN LEAGUE New" York ....... 16 9 .640 Washington ...... 18 11 .621 Cleveland ....... 17 tt .586 Chicago 15 11 .577 Philadelphia 11 14 .446 Detroit ......... 11 15 423 St. Louis 11 17 393 Boston 8 11 .320 Washington. May 17 (AP) Washington today handed Cleve land and Wesley Ferrell a 3 te 2 defeat to take undisputed posses sion of second place in the Amer can league. Cleveland 3 8 1 Washington 8 10 0 Ferrell and Myatt; Crowder and SewelL St. Louis ........ 3 t 0 Boston ......... 7 13 2 Blaeholder, Gray and Shea; Pipgras and Ferrell. Detroit 1 6 1 New York ...4 7 1 Fischer, Wyatt and Hay worth; Gomez and Dickey. Chicago T 0 Philadelphia 2 6 1 Durham, Faber and Berry, Grube; Walberg, Peterson, Diet rich and Cochran. Mildred Miller Is Outstanding Woman Athlete Mildred Miller, Salem, was se lected Tuesday as the outstand ing voman athlete of the Wil lamette university senior elass by the women's athletic association. Selection for this honor is made each year on the basis of leader ship, character, scholarship, per sonality, sportsmanship and abil ity. Miss Miller is president of the association, a member of Cap and Gown and of Delta Phi sor ority She will receive the W. A. A. silver loving cup at awards day exercises here Friday. Mary White, Salem Junior, was elected president for the coming year of the Women's Athletic as sociation. Other officers elected include Betty Moffat, Bombav, India, vice president; Anoka Coats. Salem, secretary;, and Sei ko Watanabe. Salem, treasurer. By WALT DISNEY V K By SEGAR By DARRELL McCLURE GUESS WE'RE LOST WHERE WE ARE-BUT PLACE-ID BETTERN OLD 3DARELL, T- By I JIMMY MURPHY H3CFERS HAVE AVi3Y y O HERE'S NO TELLING WHEN WCU..EVER SEE THEM MAIN AND WERE 4Nt TO MISS THEM! SksTHE MIONIHT EXPRE SPEEDS ALONr ITS VW.TAWN THEM FAR FROM US,THE1R PK3ENOS EVERYWHERE UNITE IN WISHING THEM t w 4 Hi i w I " I i I w I '4 V - -- a . ? t A. 4j v i ''" i i i I! ! ;-V'V :;-;M.,-lv?i-r"'..r.': , .-'.;.'..?'.''.:,.:;':: - - -: ' . " . .. ' . . - ' - M . - . - ; tt -