7 w v L i 4 : j r 4 The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning, May 18, 1933 PAGE TIUIEE IIDLYnAME FORMS COU rnV FEDERAT10H Sim Etzel of Stayton Named ( President of new Cath : :t: olic Group STAYTON, May 17. Tha lo cal Holy Name society was host to other societies in the county Sunday night at the -parochial school, at the joint spring meet ing for Salem, Silverton and St Louis. Following short enrices at the church,' the business meeting was held, George Spanlol, presi dent, presiding. Short talks were made by Father F. Scherbring of Sublimity, .Father Manta of Shaw, and Father Joe Scherbring, stay ton. Father Krause of St. tools Frank Baalf eld of Salem, J. T. Etzel, president of the Sublimity group, and Edward J. Bell, Stay ton. - . .. . - , W;'; vi Representatives from ' the Tar ions groups were called together for federating, to ; further activf- ties In. the county. Officers .elect ed were Sim Etzel, Stay ton, presi dent; Bernard Minden, Sublimity, ice-president; . Edward J. Bell. Stayton. secretary, and Herbert Michelbrook, Silverton. marshall. The new organization will meet every two months on the fourth Sunday, at the various towns, the next meeting at Sublimity. Newly elected officers of Stay ton P. T. A. were Installed at the last meeting, until fall, Monday . night. They are: Mrs. H. Champ, president; Mrs. Ruth Woods, vice president; Mrs. J. L. Jordan, sec retary, and Mrs. W. D. Roberts, treasurer. They were Installed with appropriate ceremonies by Mrs. B. A. Schaefer. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Murphy and Mrs. Edna Sloper left Mon day for Pendleton, where Mr. Murphy is a delegate" to the I. O. O. F. grand lodge and the women are delegates , to the Rebekah meeting. They expect to return home by Friday. They made the trip by auto. GREETINGS FROM WEST TO EAST i - ( i r f A & " - r 1 I! P. HUB'S OL IS:' CLOSE Till Fill SILVERTON HILLS. May IT School closed Friday at Porter with a basket dinner at noon and an afternoon program . Including sports. Orpha Leslie and Donald Ross were graduated from the eighth -grade and will receive their diplomas at a later program . Pupils making the health hon or roll are: Patricia Manldlng. Harold Mires, Lucille Mulkey. Richard Hartley, Harold Loron, Ruth Keller, Marjoiie Manldlng. Alice Loron, Orpha Leslie and May Leslie. The school honor roll Included Even and Betty Joe Murray, Les ter Beugll, Donald Ross, Richard Hartley and Lucille Tschantz. Five pupils neither absent nor tardy during the year were: Jane, Orpha. and May Leslie, Les ter Beugll and Lucille Tschants. Mrs. Maybelle Towe. who taught here this year will teach here again next term. r TITLE CHASE Daylight Thief Takes Kodak, Pocketbook HAYESVILLE, returning to her afternoon from a neighbor's, Mrs. sen found that May 17 On home Saturday short visit to a Charles Andre her houte had President Roosevelt on the portico of the White House extends a warm handclasp of friendship to T. V. Soong, Chinese Finance Minister and his country's delegate to the economic parleys at Washington. At right Is, James Roosevelt, son of the President. Soong Is no stranger to the jUnited States, having received much of his education in American uni- - yersitiea, been ransacked. All the dresser drawers had been dumped In the I middle of the bedroom floor, bnt the only things missing were a lady's pocketboock and a new folding camera iV 5.v t f Jf I. .'.M'-f. Accompanied bT his wife, who Is also serving as his trainer, Seaman Tom Watson, British featherweight champion, is pictured doing Ids roadwork around his training camp at Pompton Lakes, N. J. He is get ting in shape for his coming title bout -with Kid Chocolate, Cuban Bon-bon, for the world's feather weight crown. . LITTLE HOPE HELD H. Sill TURNER. May IT L H. Small, an old resident of Turner, remains seriously ill. He was left In a weakened condition follow ing an attack et flu, sometime ago. At present heart trouble and complications have developed. C H, and W. Small of -Eugene and B. C. Small of. Salem, sons, and Mrs. L: D. Roberts of Turner, make frequent. trips to their fath ers bedside. Mrs. Emma .Cole of Coqullle, a slater of Mrs. Small, also arrived a few days ago." -Waldo Riches is it the home of his father. S. A. Riches, after closing his second year, teaching at North Santlam. He will hold the prlneipalshlp of the school next year, 1 George Klemsen who came with his family from Klamath Falls last fall and entered the grocery business, has packed np his stock, for the summer, and will fill a responsible position with a special road crew. PLANTS BLACKBERRIES SPRING VALLEY. May 17 L R. Utterbaek has completed the setting out of 2000 tomato plants in river bottom . ground. He has also set out several acres of ev ergreen blackberries. RAIN BRINGS APHIS AUBURN, May 17 Rain and cloudy weather of the last tew days are causing aphis to appear on the tulip peas. Sunshine Is very much needed. Jig-Saw Idea Employed in Unique Maps BETHEL, Mar, IT The pupils of the upper grades In Bethel school have done two pieces of noteworthy work recently. They have made beautiful maps of Eu rope and of Oregon from wooden veneer. Paper patterns were made first and traced on the veneer. The maps were then sawed on all the boundary lines and are set together on a table like a jig-aw puzzle. The map of Oregon Is It by 24 inches and Is separated Into conn ties. The map of Europe Is 30 by 42 inches and is divided into countries. School closed en Friday with an all-day picnic on the school grounds. Carmallte Weddle, teach er, provided ice cream. Scotts Mills Seniors Slate Drama Friday SCOTTS MILLS, May IT The senior class will give its annual play Friday night at the gym. The comedy drama is "Rooms to Let." Additional numbers will be: Class prophecy, Jack Taylor; will, Frl dela Fry; salutatorlan, Dora Gar en; valedictorian, Mary Gouthler. These and Laurence Johnson, .Al ma Stanford and Lawrence Mc cracken compose the class and play cast. STARTS CAM P 26 MILL CITT, Msy IT. The Hammond Lumber company open- . ed camp 21 for logging operations this morning. Many families who have been living In Mill City dur ing the winter months are mor lng to the camp this week while several others will go np as soon as school closes. Due to snow re maining so long this season the camp opening has been delayed. Charles Sullivan wao operates the logging camp on the Marlon county side of the North Santlam for the Hammond people to put ting on a full force of workmen this week. . During the summer months when camp 21 is operating there i a small colony of residents lo cated there. The camp Is furnish ed with electricity, running water and small two and three romm houses. TEACHER CLUB ELECTS HAYESVILLE, May 17. The Modern Teachers' club has elected these officers: President, Mrs. Mc Cloughry; vice-president, Mrs. Al bertson; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Mable Martin.-. Final Rites Held For Claude Darby, Native of Stayton STAYTON, May 17 Funeral services for Claude Darby were held at the Weddle chapel, Mon day afternoon, with Rev. Lyman in charge. Mr. Darby died at his home here Saturday after a short illness. He was born on a farm near Stayton, May 15, 1874, and was educated In the Stayton schools. February 6, 1901 he unit ed with the Christian church here. His parents were Samuel and Lucy Darby, pioneers of this section. He was married to Rosa East- burn, Nov. 17, 1904 who with the following children survives: Sllva Of Seattle, Ruth E. Barker of Sa lem, W. Adelbert, Vada L., Rol and C. and LaVerna, at home. He is also survived by a sister, Eva Darby of Portland, a brother, George W., also of Portland and four grandchildren. VICTOR POINT, May 17. Macleay grange members will be special guests at the regular busi ness meeting of Union Hill grange Friday night. May 19. J mm v I 1 N The Entire High Grade Men's Stock of Bern KKEy g 8$yB9 Located in the Store at 214 N. High St- in t he Senator Hotel Bldg, Salem Having Been ASSIGNED AND DISPOSED OF FOR THE m Will Now Go On SB i S CSS5 TO THE mMSmWS 7 Hundreds More Articles in This Event! COLLARS " A r row" and Van Heasen, soft and stiff, Reg. to If.......... 10c GARTERS Men's wide web, reg. 25c a pair, 12c Men's Hose Fancy dress, ray on mixed, i A. a pair SHIRTS f" and ! SHORTS See this lot. Your choice, I each ... A3C Other Famous Brands of Hose ; "Holeproof "Phoenix" . "Blackbear" . "De Tore . Choke Entire Stock, Reg. 50c a Pair Starting Thurs. at 9 A. M. To the people of Salem and the hosts of friends of Mr. Alex Jones, we wish to say: That the creditors are satisfied, the manufacturers and wholesalers and un derwriters liquidating this business, compliment Mr. Jones for the friendly settlement and co-operation In remaining to see it through to the end. The reputa tion of this store and fine brands carried are to well known, we believe, to require mention here, but we promise you the greatest bargains you have ever seen. S pr. for 91.00 .- Their See "McGregor" Tark-MUP "Mehito" J GOLF HOSE - Values to $4.50 ft pair. In 3 groups, at 95c and 65c and one lot at , Arrow Shirts Extra Special Also "Ide," "Green Men's collar - attached Hood," "Campbell" ide, Grayco, Hallcraft basket -weave broad- ta gWrta Tftlue R cloth, madras, etc. Reg. to tfj-l OP 125. 7CC $2.95 Q1JJ f holes While They Last Neckband Shirts Green Hood, Grayco and with separate collars to other fine shirts. Collar fc ..Id d ,.Green atUched. Broken sizes. . , Values to 11.95 PC Hood' res' to Qr each at 33C $2.50 at See this lot of values ana Universal Broad- to 11.50 while they cloths. Reg. QC iast. CCm $1.95, the suit VDC The suit U Ji Pure Silk Hose Silk & Raycn Hose Famous De Vore and F d U1 , Phoenix, also silk and ' wool mixed, all M C values to 4 c pafr nQ p reg.tolapalr 43 at.. ShirU &Shorte Golf Knickers "Arrow," "Sealpax," Pure wool, fancy and "Park M1U- brands, plain patterns. Value regular 50c and 65c a to $5.00. - d1 QC garment, Your choice choice 3C and up Men's Union Suits Men's Sweaters " Broadcloth, rayon, nain- Choice of entire stock sook' athletics - B.V.D.'s, finest Tirgin woolens,- reg. Walter Hagen's" etc.; to $8.50 for f 3.95 and reg. $1.50 the CC S1.05. Pullovers, 7Ci suit at 03C at JC Men's Tweed Silk Ties PantS Fashion Craft, Holly- Also wool flannels and wood. Onyco; ent for dress a big lot for silks, values $1.50 and men and .young men $2.00 at 05c and all o at, f 7C nd values to $1.00, -iQ pair p - choice ... . 1C' Just when you want them Famous "Jantzen" Men 'a Swim SUITS in all pure wool, reg. values to $t.5U, and your choice at $95 Then See MEN'S HATS "Stetson" "Berg" and "Paramount" Fur felts. Groups to chose from as low as, each, $1175 Fit Well Look Well Wear Long Cost Little High Grade Material Throiizhout - j vura nuiivwooH t vin s inwi LSUTO Coupe or Roaditer v Tl $1.19 Tudor Sedan or Coach T 13$ -Door Sedan . . J.- 2.45 $138 3.85 35 Loader7' Slip-On Covers For Coupe or Roadster ... Good quality light weight coven, full width material, m lock stitched. No scraps used ... Jf Jw f SEDAN . $18 NATIONAL "PEPTIZED" GRAPHITE OIL jj. Reduces gas and oil pair bills by coating ail friction i urtaces with graphite. The finest lubricant known. CONCENTRATE j VALVE OIL Pint 77C I Pint 63c Quart.. $1.35 I Quart... $I.IO WEDGE CUSHION 7 urn A Superior cushion covered with attrao five. durs. ble, striped fffC eat cover materiaL 5! CHROME PLATED MICRO HORN Genuine "E.A." , qC horn 5H-inch size.. OdC Black enamel . . 69c TUBE. PATCH KIT Genuine-Everlasric" patch material, ce ment and scraper in can. 10c Buy Now to Save Auto THERMOMETER T CIGAR LIGHTER No chemicals. Rugged and depetv dable. Hangs tkllC anywhere . . 50 Wireless type, fuUy -wm. ir guar. an teed. RUBBER FLOOR MAT Thick rubber, fits most small 77c One of the finest and most com plete lines of Men's Caps in the city of Sa lem. Tailored of woolens and bas ket weaves, both dark and light shades Your choice of values to $1.95, t WorHSng behind locked doors, this stock has been ap praised for this sal and the pricey show in plain" flg nres that tt will go to the public at away below an average of 60c on the dollar. ! Alex Jones Assigned Where any sizes were broken, same have been filled from' higher priced groups as wen as replenishments ' of new goods throughout the store. . " SALE OPENS THURSDAY 9 a.m. 214 N; High - Senator Hotel BIdg. and 95c " ' sagayMMsW " Hen's . fine Hand tooled cowhide Leather Belts Values ta jr 1.50, now' 03 C WESTERN GIANTS are guaranteed to give you service at least equal to any other Standard qual ity tire on the market and to give you com plete satisfaction . . yet our prices are 26 to oo per cent less. Mors than 150 Western Auto Stores are alwayt ready to ser vfcc these tires for you . , and hack up our guarantee, f 29x4.40-21 WS LACM 30x430-21 - taM 28x4.75-19 $l80 IACM Westn Giant Standard Quality 29x4.40-21. 29x4.50-20. 0x4.50-21. 2i4.75-19 29x4.7 5-20 0x4.7 5-21 .29x5.00-1 9 30x5.00-20.. 31x5.00-21. 12x5.00-22. 27x5.25-17.. 285J5-li 29x55-19.. 30x55-20 31x5.25-21. 27x5.50-17. 28x5.50-1 S. 29x5.50-19. 30x5.50-20. ryu. rviu srMw Tm4 1 flM) $3.96 4.15 4.39 4.80 :4.95 3.05 5.10 5-25 5-35 5.75 5.60 5.80 6.15 6.30 6.30 6.45 6.65 6.90 war PLIiS srihs UtTtmS 41 T1l S4.9S 5.60 5.69 6.20 Wesfn Giants New Stock Fully Guaranteed . . . . 6.6$ 6.85 6.95 70 7.65 7.95 too S.20. t.45 t.65 30x6.00-11. 31x6.00-19. 32x6.00-20. 33x6.00-21. 34x6.00-22. 326.50-20. 34x7.00-20. 35x7.00-21. I.. . WSJ Iniu DaOrTfwS 11 Tit It $1.45 t.5S -.75 t.95 ; 9.65 9.75 ' 10.95 -1M7 - INNER TUDES AT BIO SAVINGS S9x4.40.21 IOfJ.lj1 30x4.50-21 GRAY - All sizes BhM Fibbon antf . Jumbo tubes at big savings during this 'event. ' Othr Floor W 7V tr t . Sensational! Motor Oil Accelerator: Foot Rest ..PresMd metal with rubber pad. Super QQ value at w7C 7x7 AUTO TENT . . Durable white material com plete with ropes and stakes. I Vxr m M mm Other tents $6.85 to $21 J5 i:fii.i4 Gallons ti-lwSiSI 3CM0 "fTS 99 - - y I ?.:.- o.. : f ml s ' fir .r " X tw-W f v ,- W "v Caiu Loaned on Small Deposit The finest quality Wettem Oil ...now specially priced at LESS THAN 5 Cents Per Quart in 2 gallon lot I Guaranteed equal to 25c per quart oil sold by others, limit 5 Cols, to a Customer FOLDING COT .... Steel reinforced hardwood frame, 10 ox. white canvas vi cover. - $1.98 2- Penn Supreme 100 Pure Pennsylvania Od Double Distilled by Sharplet Ptoccm 99-761 00 FREE from Carbon. AT SALE PRICES Luggage Carrier Disappearing style ... folds flush "iFrtj edge of run SjH ningboard . . . v Other types 79c to L79 w- LONG RUN Cup Grease N17c long Lasting and Heat Resisting. Storage Batteryh DADGAIH 6Voh-13PkzU Defender Guarontwwd for IS Months Tkta A1X KPV MATERIAL Wwry I tmmmdh Wh nbii uesnfrf wJ fae U 4 eWeiliilw i n TH1 FAMOUS VYKTON GIANT and WIZARO BATTDUtS AIo Specially Priced for TUs Event And what a treat! this gayly tempting cereal at your breakfast place It starts your day off right just to see these crisp, golden flakes in your cereal bowl! They look good and they are good! Plain with milk or cream ... or, better yet, with fruit or berries . . . they keep their promise of something mighty good to eat! There's energy, too, in these dainty toasted hearts of corn. . Quick energy for busy hours. Have Post Toasties for break fast tomorrow! It's grand for lunch or supper, too! A product of General Foods. BOYS AND GIRLS! Jela Jeaier Defective. Cers.l tom4 ymr mmmo mrnd rnddrttt, wftH TWO Met TeHes fcex-teps, to tmpoc tor General f4, letlis Creek. Mkaw' r aedge mud PeteeHa Mew wee. (TMi eee geel eetfl October 15. 9U4 World' Oldest and Lariat RctaUcrt of Auto SuptfUs - - . . - ' .- T : 170 Stores la tbaYist- b 201 North , Commercial ' r Salem, Oregon ; a M S I. w v.