i , . -r: h J. ." " j y. The OREGON STATESMAN. Salcra. Oregon, Wednesday Morning, May 17. 1933 PAGE THREE : , .,,,..-.."..... 1 ' . ii Local News Briefs Firemen on Vacation Tour , Fba Eastern Trip Mr. and inembeT of! Salem fire depart- Mrs. Vera or M. Sackett, 1510 inent begani their annual two- ?0Qtlirintfr BreLt: lan t0 leTe .v. ,.ti ,u v. v,v here Thursday for New York state ,T n S S and for Massachusetts where they Hoover, B. D. Lewis. Paul Phil- will a numb6r of with 1 pa - and Fred Hunt. -Thevaca- and e reiatlTe, Fred B. tion -period for. the -department Sackett of McMinnville will ae- began April ? 15. The men re- company them on the trip and on eeive pay while absent from city their return the party expects to duty but ar not permitted dur- attend the world's fair at Chica- Ing this time to enter any other g0. Mr. Sackett, senior, is a na- galnf ul occupation, under " civil tiro of New York state and will errlce rules. Firemen; who hare there visit a group af relatives, just returned from vacations are going later into Massachusetts Warren Lindesy, Elmer Johnson, where members of the family will Ellis Hughes and Herbert Ray. be visited at Springfield. Vitality Health shoes, America's Leaves $10,004 The estate of outstanding values. A AAA to D, the late Anna Stute has a value of 15, few at 16. Acklin Bcwtery, $10,004 according to an inventory 1X1 North High. filed in probate cotrt yesterday, ' - . t-" the appraisal of the assets baring Fiiwen Inspect Inspectton been made by Walter S. Kern, of Salem business buildings for t.uVa t, t olns on re8.ulf1!: HenrT Stute was administrator of ly with off-shift officers of the the property. Deposits in the tire department doing the work. Prudential SaTings and Loan as In general, j only the usual run sociation in Portland, which to ot harards, such as trash collec- Ulled $2644, are appraised at tion. Inter -connected basements 1580, and a number of mortnn and over-loaded electric lines are owned by the deceased are sub- being found. The work is being stantially scaled down in the an- done oy Assistant umei wuiiami praisau Twam fantalm Han Van o-Tit Pan. I tain C. P. Thrapp and Warren itle Qn,elcdTiIe to tn9 pro" Lindsey. together with Chief Jg p?! by the North.we? Hirrr Hnttmi Fruit Products company on South Harry Hutton. Commercial and Trad-street, has No Relative Found Unable beei Quieted by a decree issued to locate any relatives of H. O. Tuesday in circuit court here to Boesser, aged fruit worker who Stevenson of Eugene who Am.A tiara, last TneaiiaT CnmriAr bought the property at tax sale. I. E. Barriek yesterday announc-1 Stevenson Is understood to have ed he would order Boesser inter- -ui io proviae mm- seir with a merchantable title in in front of the United State Na- . 5"di A1 ln wnlcn th Dr tlonal bank. The coroner receir- ta 1 J"6"0" ,n,ter: -nrA mm RrooVlvn. N. V? "ted in making a brewery out of police that they were unable to ino "ure. located a son of the man, be- j Educators to Sneak Follow. lleved by Salem acquaintances to ing a series of talks over KOAC be living there. on "The Citizen and His School." IS rrOUTV Of laariln ailnn.fn.. 4 Free Instructions, ballroom tango, the state will speak over the Cor ( Mellow Moon 8 to 9 every Wed. Tauig gtatlon on subjects of Inter- Haywire roup Hed - Capi- 4- tal post's increasingly popular 0ft Th4 - 'nl! r7; " Havwlro orchestra played at a meeting of the Portland Ameri can Legion and auxiliary at Mul tnomah hotel Monday night. Sat urday night the quartet, con sisting of Dr. A. D. Woodman see. Dr. 8. F. Scott, H. R. White and Frank Zihn. will play at the tri - state "wreck" of 40 et 8. on 'The School District Clerk and his Job," while Mrs. Mary L. Ful Kerson, county school sunerinten- dent, speaks June 6 on "The Is suance of School Warrants." The stated time for each address is 7:30 p. m. Dr. Warner Speaker Dr. Es tella Ford Warner, former head of the Marion county health unit, and now field representative of the United States public health service, will be one of the main speakers May 24 at the annual convention of the national con gress of parents and teachers, at Walla Walla, Wash. Dr. Warner's headquarters are in Washington, D. C. Salem's leading mum grower will be at Petland Wed. with hundreds of , named varieties of mums to choose from. Phone 6767. Decrees Granted Three de- thelcrees for money, granted by de- iauu, were issued ln circuit court yesterday. They were: Union Central Life Insurance company against George H. Wilde and others, 81827, Interest and costs; lveonara Goets against Charles M Parker and others, $824. Interest and costs; Prudential Insurance company against George H. Sharp and others, $9238, interest and costs. Petland's Chrysanthemum Day wed. only. Potted Mums 60c dox I'' unnamed. 273 State. Ainsworth Visits J. C. Ains worth, chairman of the board of the United States National bank of Portland, and Paul Dick, president, visited Salem yester- Doney to Speak President Carl G. Doney speaks next Sunday over a Portland radio station on "Sportsmanship," his address be ing planned as a part of the pro gram sponsored by the Willam ette Philharmonic choir. Thurs day, June 1. Dr. Doney will de liver the commencement address day morning. They were Just at Albany college, speaking in out for a ride and wanted tojHauser gymnasium at 2:30 p. m look Salem over," they said, to a class of 21 seniors. OThHa in tha ritv thev visited the! i , v-v. Granted Divorce Bessie Bo- bell was yesterday granted a dlv- Barns Loses License Elmer orce decree from Orville Bobell, Rums. S9S South 14th street, her husband, in an order signed pleaded guilty in municipal court by Judge L. G. Lewelling, who rni yi yesterday to a charge of reck- also granted her the return of her 1 JlTe KOUDl6S less driving, prererrea against i d" nuag. me him Sunday when his automobile ?obeil8. wer married December w Mr indee d. 1929, in Vancouver, Wash. Mark Poulsen suspended Burns' Sh5 fh"d ?. T8 L-CfUi v nf reqnently was drank. H1EIBII MB illlSOBJECTI: DECREE Oil H DISCUSSED TUESDAY Bundy to Keep $2000 Note. Departure From Golden Rule Counter Claim Against Unnecessary. Harry V. Endicott Allowed Collins Asserts In a decree for Clarkson Bundy. I The six fundamental objectives 90-year-old Civil war veteran. I of the Klwanis organisation were Judge L. G. Lewelling yesterday carefully discussed and enlarged held S. M. Endicott, local attor- upon Tuesday noon It u lm ney, was not entitled to return of prompts talk to the members of $2000 promissory note given that group here by Harry Collins. Bundy ln 1929. The court at the substituting for Frank Lonergan. same time upheld Bandy's conn- Portland attorney, who was un-ter-claim and allowed blm to able to till bis speaking date, claim a judgment for $2000 Collins, manager of this district against Endicott, pending settle- ot the Pacific Telephone and xeiegrapn company, said JUwania in the lives of its. member the objectives for which It was found ed. Ho outlined as needed Klwanis motives spiritual emphasis la all life's relationships, application of the golden rule as a law ot con duct. Improved ethics ln business and professional life. Improved eltlsenshJp on the part ot all Kl wanians, increased friendliness between citsens et a community and development of a sane, help ful community spirit. "We have beard much recent ly ot the departure from the gold standard. Collins said. "The golden rule Is a standard from which no on needs to depart. E. V. Blair ot McMlnnvflle headed a group from that city which asked a large attendance of Salem Kiwanlans at an Inter city all-day meet to be held Sat urday, May 27, ln MoMInnville. The conference during the day will be followed by a dinner, dance and entertainment at night. ment of the note. Endicott started the action I would fall It It did not exemplify The district governor ot Klwanis when Bundy refused to return the note to him at the same time re taining possession ot two $1000 Republic of Columbia bonds. En dicott claimed that the note was in the nature of an interim certi ficate held by Bundy while the bonds were being purchased and that delivery of the bonds to Bun dy closed the transaction and made it mandatory for Bundy to return the bonds to Endicott. Bundy held that be had mere ly loaned Endicott $2000 taking tne two south American bonds as security and that the obligation of $2000 was still in effect. Judge .Lewelling said the evi dence of the transaction was rath er Incomplete and that undoubt edly some confusion existed be tween Endicott and Bundy, both hard of hearing and somewhat casual ln their business relations. The court, however, held that the burden of proof was with Endi cott and claimed that he had not made a conclusive proof of a sale of bonds by him to Bundy, rather than a two-year loan, secured by the-bonds. When Endicott fir;, asked for the return of the bonds they were quoted at $676 each. The pres ent market quotation is about $215 each. if expected to attend. two vocai toios wer pven'Tsy William Bush, Salem high school youth, who won first honors tn the eontest for low voiees at For rest Grove last month. He was ae eompanled by bis brother. Jack Bosh. Coufy Appeals Clackamas eounty. unsuccessful defendant ln a . ease recently brought against It by the Marlon Auto company here, yesterday tiled notice ot ap peal t the stato supreme court. A Judgment ot $2141 was won by the plaintiff la eireult court hero. Members ot the Clackamas coun ty court are named as Individual defendants la the action. Devotional Meet Tbnnday The monthly devotional meeting of the T. M. C. A. board of direc tors will be held Thursday noon at the T with a noon luncheon. R. J. Hendricks will bo the leader and Paul Wallace chairman. RECALL PETITIONS Hi Kleinsorge and Duncan Tar get of Move Over School Affairs 8ILVERTON, May if. Peti tions seeking recall ot two Silver ton school board members. Dr. R. S. Klelnsorg and R- B. Dun can, were placed ln circulation here today. Another set ot peti tions seeks to place up for elec tion June 19 four men, Ike Wor den, H. B. Jorgenson, A. J. Lath ers and Ernest Boesch. The petitions were drawn by Lars Bergsvik ot Salem, attorney ..for the recall eommitee. V Lack of economies la keeping with present seeds. Is cited as. reason for the attempted recall. The alleged failure to economize include failure to reduce indebt edness, fall ore to pare down on hiring ot employes! and failure to cut teachers salaries la keeping with other class A distriots. One specific reason given Is the in creasing ot Superintendent Rob ert Goets salary to $2700, after he had reduced It voluntarily from $3600 to $2400. When it was rais ed to $2700. It was stipulated Goets should ' serve as superin tendent and principal. Plaa for Memorial Day The Federated Patrlotis soefeUes will hold a meeting to make plan for Memorial day, Friday night at 8 o'clock at the chamber of com merce. An patriotic order are asked to have .representatives at mm, 9K' JJ5r 0 CHEKEK TO DO TO A B I Q U A SUNDAY On Sunday morning. May 21, at 8:10 o'clock, the Chemeketans will leave from the Jenny Llnd on North High street for a special outing not previously announced on their schedule for May. The drive will be through Sllverton to ward Scotts Mills, turning right onto graveled road marked "Abi- qua Creek" after crossing covered bridge over the Abiqua, and pro ceeding to Abiqua camp, a total distance of 25 miles from Salem. cars will be left at this camp where there is an attractive pic nic ground and a good swimming hole. . A hike of nine miles will be led by George Fennimore, proprietor of Abiqua camp and familiar with the romantic history and legends of the locality. Points of special interest to be visited are the Old I Stone church, Abiqua falls, and the Milk ranch. The trails pass through the 4000 acre Benedictine tract. All who are interested ln spring time hikes in the forests are invit ed to participate. The usual trail lunches should be taken. driver's license for 30 days. To Wed, First Time For Each 34 GOLD STANDARD gfSive "Values Dance tonlte, Mellow Moon. Don Woodry's 9-piece band. - Another Fflee S. J. Ely of Rotarians to Eugene Seven Salem Rotarians motored to Eu gene last night to attend an lnter- Tnree marriage licenses were issued here Monday, as follows: George R. Harberger, 21, 1760 South Liberty, butcher, and Delia Reedsport, Douglas county, yes- city Rotary gathering sponsored Krupicka, 19, Woodburn, house- terday filed with the secretary of state here as a delegate to the proposed constitutional conven tion to Vote on repeal of the 18th amendment to the federal consti tution. Ely favors repeal of tne amendment. Haworth Stays In The state supreme court Tuesday affirmed the decree of Judge Duffy of Crook county in the case involving Seth Haworth, under penitentiary sentence for a statutory offense. The opinion was written by Jus tice Campbell. Vancouver License - Marriage license was issued ln Vancouver Monday to Chesley Campbell, 22, 718 North Front street, and Miss Effle F. May, 18, 432 Marion, both ot Salem. by the club there. Delegations from all the valley dubs were in attendance. Those going from Salem were W. L. Phillips, presi dent, Walter Malloy, Carle ; Abrams, W. T. Jenks, H. S. Glle, ! Homer H. Smith and C. E. Wilson. Rotary Hears Chambers Sa lem Rotarians will hear Frank Chambers, Eugene businessman, as the speaker at their noon luncheon today. Chambers will tell of his experiences on a re cent trip to Russia. Obit uary Trott keeper. Hubert L. Ashby, 24, 210 South 19th, service station attendant, and Fae Driseoll, 20, 785 Ferry, domestic. The wedding is slated for May 18, with Rev. H. C. Sto ver officiating. William Hoffenbreal, 24, Aums- ville farmer, and Virginia Schaef er, 19, Shaw, domestic. In each case the approaching altar trip is the first. End CATARRH This Natural Way Catarrh undermines the health. At tha rAaManra on rnnta 4 Ra. I garni thft Ufa ef thm tndivldna.1 and Philharmonic Orchestra and Phil-j iem MaT 18 Helena Farrow heads to serious complications harmonic Choir concert, Armory, May 22nd, 8:30 p.m. Adults 50c, students 25c $40O In Estate The personal assets of the estate of the late Ef fle B. Allen amount to $400 ac cording to an appraisal filed In probate court Tuesday. A. E. Al len 1 executor ot the property. Coming Events May 10 All Salem school children concert la benefit program la armory. May 23 Final concert of season of Symphony orches tra here; Willamette Phil harmonic choir ' assisting; armory. May 26-27 Oregon State Association of Master Plumbers, annual meeting. June 1-4 - Evangelical conference. First Evangeli cal church. - Jane 2-4 Fourth Annual Willamette Valley Flower Shew.- V... t:-.; -v Jane 7 Marion county Jersey Cattle dub, fair grounds. June 10 "Willamette nnl 1 versity commencement. ! t Jane SO-22 O. A. B. and affiliating bodies annual en campment. July 24-26 Annual En campment, Spanish I Wat Veterans. Sept. 4-8 Oregon state fair. Trott, aged 14 years. Survived by j such as indigestion and ulcers ot ; husband, George Trott ot Salem; I the stomach. One of the runda- i brothers. H. C. Farrow of Denver, mental causes of catarrh is a Colo.. Edward Farrow of Cleve- i snonage or some oi tne essential ; land. Funeral announcements la- mineral needed by the body. Re i ter by Clough-Barrick company. I build your normal mineral bal ance wun uai-u-uine. mis nai- Anderson urai mineral water supplies ail or In this city, Jack L. Anderson cell-salt and minerals essen- of Portland, aeed 18 years, finr- to me in a natural form . I . a. . av a. a vlved by mother. Mrs. R. A. Har- easily assimiiaiea oy ui Diooa i " ' . I A . m . a mon of Portland. Funeral an- ein. n i noi a meaicine or a nouncsment later by Clough-Bar- v. one naii-gauon is enougn vfiV onmnanv I IOr a ffiODlQ I SUUDiy. ..va. r j . - I ei --... . . - - Dkuy wurra now oeiore it o- t, i comes corgmc ana more ueepiy In this city May 11. H. G. Boes- j ,e M iml yo? of tke ? I ser. aged 70 years. Late resident " FD" ot 148 North Front street. Fun- the MASTERPIECE OF TIRE CONSTRUCTION A TIRE of higher quality greater safety and longer mileage. It is In a class by itself. Blade by master tire builders holds all world records on road and track first choice of drivers who risk their lives on their tires. For thirteen consecutive years Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires have 'won the Indianapolis 500-mile Race the most gruelling tire test known. Don't risk your life and the lives of others another day on thin, dangerously worn, or inferior tires. Gome in today we will give you a liberal allowance for your old tires. REMEMBER your fjrakea can stop your tcheels, but your tires must stop your ear. THE CNCW ?irc$toae sealtyte Leahproof TUDE Extra Heavy Red Tube. Coated inside with a special compound, which seals against air loss. Flexible robber valve stem no chance for air leakage constant air pressure Insures greater tire mileage. E . mm w . ,sf.s r a lyt - l po -C ft W J ' ' ' 1 CJ J ,4.50-21 $5.05 4.75-19 6.30 5.00-20 7.00 5.25-18 7.6S OthrSm fnaurrfniMWr I IRESTONE control every step in tire making effecting tremendous sayings in buying raw materials manufacturing in the world's most efficient factories and distributing direct to us from factories or warehouses. These are the reasons why we can equip your car TODAY with tires of higher quality and better construction, at prices that are no higher than standard or special brand tires. DRIVE IN TODAY see cross-sections cut from Firestone Tires special brand mail order tires and others. See for yourself the Extra Values we give you. Prices will surely advance ncrnin. Ruv tnfLiv rind save money. -o j j " jf Mi A THE HEW SUPER OLDFIELD TYPE If aV This tire ia the equal of all standard brand first line tires in Quality, Construction and Ap pearance. Sold at a price that affords you real savings. FIRESTONE OLDFIELD TYPE This tire is superior in quality to first line special brand tires offered for sale by mall order houses and made without the manufacturer s name and guar antee. This is "The Tin That Taught Thrift to MlUiona. FIRESTONE SENTINEL TYPE This tire is of better Quality, Construction and Workmanship than second line special brand tires offered for sale by mail order houses and others and made without the manufac turer name and guarantee. FIRESTONE COURIER TYPE This tire is of good Quality and Workmanship carries the name "Firestone and full guarantee sold as low as many cheap special brand tires manu factured to sell at a price. i sire ruiCK 14.75-19 $5.65 5.00-19 6.XO 5.25-18 6.8 S Othmr Simmm fna rti tly Cmm I sizk Thick ; 4.75-19 S5.XO ; 5.00-19 5.48 55-13 6.17 OtWSi fiiM ihmlilj Lmm stzs nucx ;30x3V4 S3.X5 40-21 3.05 4.75-19 4.20 j f COMPARE Construction, Quality, Price era! service will be held from the Clougb-Barrick company cha ins Cal-O-Dlne with almost un believable success. Visit them. W Invite xoa to set their stories 41- ?!! D.eyA V.?J p local storS. 225 North Hirh street. TTarritt information about this natural at tfiA MAthnriist md ronU, I mineral water. No obllration of Home, early Monday. Mrs. Rachel ny -' Adv. C. Harritt, widow of John w. Har- rltt who died January 12, 1931. I Survived by a niece. Mrs. Llle Daniels et Eugene; also several other nieces and nephew. - Fun eral tcrrices Wednesday. May IT, ;t 1:30 p.m.: from the chapel et i W. T. Rigdon and Son. Rev. Guy DrUl officiating. Interment I. O. O. P, cemetery. I O- -o I Births Hahn - To ilr. and Mrs. Her- ! man ; Hahn, route eight, a boy, Frantlra Delano, born My i Card Tables and CHairt to Rent CaU C910. . Used raraftore . ' : Departmeai 151 North Hlgb ptoneDTUK Firestone g,RN S&&$jftfiQS I I v r30 se a ew high stand- ' 1 H Tbe mew Flreatone Apuipruf Brake aoea . sX ri.. . i. .u -mi, in, . , , Mlj 1 I LTbbbsi ad mi Fwer. De- ( j fMlW Lining UmoUtur-profaiidnlodiee h J. X mZlJUfl MAGNEJt 9S Jyo VS MLZ CS2 S: MAG N E X Tl,.,-17.00 PATTER ICS MtoiY ZaZ-Z. SPARK PLUGS SL -r- Center & liberty Street PHONE 9144 : . fiiUthtFirnUxilluUMiigtuACmturycfProfrtu,''aUaito.rSM tin turnout Ctan-THpptd tin being wuuU t . modem Firetlon tin factory. i at the residence. ,