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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1933)
1 PAGE EIGHT The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Blorning. May 16, 1933 1 PUPILS BUT GLOSIHG DAYS West Salem News SIIVIERALWDHD 0 ILL UluMlib As Graduation and 4-H Club Events Bring ; Many Special Programs i ; r- v--r - WEST STAYTON, May IS. Tbe eighth trade graduation 'ex ercises were , held In the scbool bouse Friday Bight betore a capa . city house. . . :-.. :- , - The program was: Invocation by R.N. John; vocal selections by Claadlan Roland; welcome by Irma Darley; E. Enol. Arpa Relm- er; clasa history, Josephine snod dy; presentation of the key of knowledge Mark Lewis; accept ance, Richard Snider; opportunity . by Roberta Sphoon; last will Law rence Tlgen; violin solo, Verne Irish; address by, Roy . Hewitt; presentation of diplomas by W. C. - Jensen, principal. ;- . t, ; - Members or the class were Irma Darley, Ella Erlckaon, Arpa Relmer, Roberta Sphoon, Jose phine Snoddy," Mark Lewis, Law rence Tiger and William Shellen- " berger. - : SCIO, May 15. The last day ox -acnooi - was- ooserrea wnazy at Franklin Butte school with an all-day pienie and 1 program, to which , the parents were invited. Mrs. R. V. Carleson is the teach - er. : v- ,: n ' Talbot Finishes beven TALBOT, May 15. The Tal bot -sehoolhonse was. packed to capacity Wednesday night when parents and friends attended the gradaatidn exercises. . Mrs. Mary L. Fuikerson, connty cnool superintendent, gave talk and presented eighth grade diplomat to Marjorie Cole, Ilene Blinstay, Margaret Webb, "Dale Jarkenson. Keith Brown. A basket dinner was eBjoyed after which the Talbot baseball team played at Hopvllle with Bnena Vista. Score was 12 to 18 for Talbot. . WEST SALEM, May 15 Mrs. Marvin O'Brlan and Mrs. Jed A. Austin-1 bad charge of the - enter tainment at the meeting of the Kingwood tea and Talk clnb, held at the home of Mrs. 8. Pfelfant and Mrs. B. A. Hanks late last week. At the tea hour Miss Betty Bedford . and Mrs. Hanks helped Mrs. Pfeifauf. .v i: - -V .",' The club will hold final meet ing for this spring in one of the West Salem parka with the fam ilies of club members their guests with a picnic supper at 6:30 p. m.. June 8. ; -A private Industry carried on by John Thompson of Waldport, is preparing and selling kippered salmon. He catches and smokes and prepares the fish and once a week he brings it here. to. selL Guests for the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Shoff were his' son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shoff of Kelso, wash. Mr. , and Mrs.. Edwin Anensen and daughter, Frieda Marie of Tacoma, are making a Silverton man Vanishes; Hospital Head Quits; Roydon Terry Dies Tislt at the home of her. sister, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Thomas, - be fore leaving for the summer to be spent at Kodlak. Alaska. This will be .belt fourth summer in Alaska. Lieutenant Colonel Charles A. Robertson was the speaker for the valley cities meeting of the Metho dist brotherhood, held In the First Methodist church in CorralUs last mV trt uV )i, filial fit. speaking engagement and has . SILVERTON, May 15 Wayne constantly had to refuse requests lm9n Tno to Wi hT, Frt?ay . .nwu f I has not been heard of since ac- timft I cording to the report given at Sil- Mrs. Bess Hewett of Portland, If40"- Monday morning. Mrs. .(.. .r".,!.. t. twv i. Slmeral says she know no reason making a Tisit at the home of the whr he4 vinuid leaT? home nd Darks in West Salem. Guy We- rJTt9 J,1" 'xtr?mreir wor" enn of San Franciseo. former Slmeral Is about 50 years schoolmate of the young folks In I or ace tha H!nv1hAm f amtl maita a via- I it thtk KnrUtinrn itnm. n d I Mr, May Day ReelgB i.t wv wi..,nn bniii. . ,. SILVERTON, May 15 Mrs. .naitin. i. . tMw I May Day who . has been superln in h. ho. iht wM-h ii Undent of the' Silverton hospital now a ttfp to New York and from 'or tbpM X5ers 1,1 there on abroad in the Interests 1 resignation Friday and Mona of his house. HE en sum mi Scanlon was placed In. temporary charge. Ed Porter is chairman of the hospital board. OBWHE Terry Ritea Held SILVERTON, May 15 Funeral services for Roydon Terry, 40, who died Saturday night at Cree- well, from double, pneumonia, were held Monday afternoon from the Ekman ehapel at .Silverton. Mr. Terry came here from the east Mothers Honored CENTRAL HOWELL, May 15 Mrs. Grace Sehon and Miss For hlld Brautl entertained patrons of the school Friday afternoon with exhibits of school work and a pro gram In which" every pupil had part. Mothers' day was especially stressed. Every mother present was presented with flowers. Al bert Scharer acted as master of ceremonies. Miss Schrelber of Willamette university, practice teacher, gave a demonstration of her work, in the rooms of the ! school. Other musical number were by Evelyn Plunkett, Lucille ! Kali Evelyn and Emmellne Nafzeiger, Lucille Roth, Dennis Loganbelll and Mau rice Dean, from Willamette university DICK CULM DEATH INDEPENDENCE. May 15 NORTH HOWELL, May IS and had lived here practically all Mrs. Irene Dickinson, wiTe of Next Thursday has been named of his life. He is survived by his Percy J. Dickinson, died at the by Mrs. Daisy Bump, chairman father. 2am Terrv TiIb mntliAr family home here May 14. Fun- of the local H. E. C, as the date Mrs. Alphl Phillips, two brothers. Aral ,, will Ha lialil MlT f V . Tl. tnn.l tt i . n . ... - ---- "... w "a euuou " i nAiu buu csri, an or ssuverxon: . . y.iu. i.,wu. mo i"uc, JB Kueuuieu iu Dgu mi.. iu i on wiaow, one son and one iunerai nome- nere, ur. a. noma of Gladys waltman at 9 I daughter of Creswell and a sister nanes uunsmore ouicuiung. i o cioc xnursaay ana continue I Mrs. Honor Jennv of Washoueal wuuiiniLiai BervicvB wm do ch. iub i laroDgn ine aay ai memoers i wasn Portland crematorium. I homes with a visit to the Brown Mrs. Dickinson was born at gardens at Silverton In the af-1 Noi-wegians Celebrate Homer, Mich., June 2, 1875, ana I ternoon. Each member will bring I SILVERTON, May 15 Both was married at Marion, S. D., Oc- ber own lunch and coffee will! Immanuel and Trinity . churches tooer is, isa to jrercy jjicam-ioe servea at noon at tne Bump I win observe the Norwegian boll son. She was a member of Clo- home. I day, May 17, by special programs verleaf Rebekah lodge of inae- Promise of good grain crops A Immanuel church a dinner will pendence and .the Royal Neigh- . thl- Hnjt- -neourAr-he served beginninr at 5 o'clock. bors. I inr anl firman mr hn titan. I followed bv a nrosram at which Surviving are the widower, tar corn, latepoUtoesandbarlej, the Ret. Eraeit G. Ursoa will be two children, Doralna of Port- and n generali planning a j,.,. speaker. At Trinity chureh an land, Mrs. Ella Boone of Asusa, ger gnppy ot 8tock fed for evening program Is being planned uaiii., a oroiuer qu another winter. I ua rerresnmenu wm be served. Bern Kesues oi rarxer, o. u., and Mrs. Mable Rector of New TJnderwood. S. D.. and three grandchildren. Mothers of School Students Honored Robert Dornhecker And Truman Robbins Clnb Events Held ' CLEAR LAKE, May 15. The Clear Lake school held its 4-H demonstration meeting Friday morning. Prizes in! cooking were won by Marjorie Winkenwonder, first; Rose Marie Sheirmann, sec ond, and Lois Lick, third; in sand wiches, muffins, Marion Robert ton, first and Ruth Eby, second; cookies. Ada Mae i Smith, both first and second, and Lois Lick and Victoria Schmalti tied for third. Judges were Mrs. Ray Smith, Mrs. Bill Clement, Mrs. Orril Garner and Mrs. Eck Du tolt. The boys held their 4-H rabbit club and ! Donald Clement and Millard Orey told how rabbits were judged and Emmett Porter and Robert Clement told and demonstrated how a rabbit hutch should be made, i In the afternoon, the bors' ball team won 11 to 5 from Hayes- Tille school. The girls played in door ball with Hayes vllle girls. core 7 to 1 for Clear Lake girls Music Week Climax SILVERTON, May 15 Close to a thousand people attended the closing program of music week at OIImbI. A. A. a. a . n - it I ",efLun wb a-ugene jrieia au- JBy VairlS JLeagUe I dltorium Sunday night when the i I various churches of the cltv com- INDEPENDENCE. May IS. I blned to give a sacred concert of Place For ' Contest 7116 annual Mother's tea, sponsor- I music ana to commemorate Moth " j ea oy me gins- league oi tne mgn I r o uy. airs, jasper uuiium was ' I B1Oiftt wo- an .van t a V I rh airman TkaVa-& DiiiV11 I.J n.nimrn IE Tk. T-otr. I " - o w IW . a -rht aw- . nw u M VI I 0-0 Mi Oa UCI LI U U O ular meeting oi tne f"1" ''school" mothers attended. This Cammeron. general chairman of S'J ."SiiS'ai?! ttrac! eTent h" been "Placing the music week, spoke briefly. A ris- "it ; .Vv school May aay tor tbe last few mg vote of thanks was given to tion was the tryout for the county ' . Mr rmnwi,.;ir . j. vt. will lu I I -.. aeciamaiury , The program consisted of: Ad- held for divisions 1 and S in Dal- dregg of welcome Gertrnde Gente- ml .1 ' f . , man, president of the league; no i n ww". sosn: Up ance, Dolly Howe. division l, KODen wruuwic. France Halv? THtatln nr. rft r-int, v , " -. nlooa In rtiTlRion 2. I . . '. V I . " " , ' " V,: 7a. iTeeman; Danjo aoios, Earl clety at Its semi-annual business &?XXL rrthnroam meeting held Sunday JoTnll Z 7r.T-w, Km w r,, K.i. 1U1 wun, accompaniea oy ai- I conjunction with a program. Har .,,ip-m.n pMiin Tjiia slater I . . J "Bire'( cicn au Aiue Mane xaeyer, secre- I land; harmonica solo. Myrtle I tary; Oscar Saturum. treasurer: .jrryi Keiler. f Jla?' "O" Dollar Down," Elmer Thompson, assistant treas- A' l" w Mia. xucaara an Murpny. nrer. A program was enioved. I 1111 K Ham , I LUR LUU LCOl WW W W -rw a TTi v a.- TV .11 n a. -a-". I - Schools of Turner -Area ; Join for Gala May Day; Frolic; Parade Staged Goplernd Is Honored SILVERTON. May 15 John Goplerud Jr., was elected presi- Zelli Gilliam of Monmout , Miss BMeTid MyTtto Swer Aaa smun ana in. en Mrf rern wheeler, advisor. las. assisted the rlrla In th vnrV nt The aronn decided to have tne i fc annual picniq tne i-si ouaasy xu JttlT POTLUCK SUPPER KWJOVKn . I ROSED ALE, May 15. A pot Senior ClaSS tO VslVe lack cupper was held at the GRADUATION IS HELD EIDRIDGE, May 15 Gradua tion exercises were held Thursday night at the school. Mrs. Mary L. Fuikerson presented diplomas to Margaret Lelac, Bonnie Bell Mill ar. Christina Haverkamp, Robert Baneorn and Robert Scharf. The tanual school picnic was enjoyed. Frances Knott Hurt In Auto Collision INDEPENDENCE, May 15 Frances Knott, daughter ot Dr. ueorge Knott, received severe cuts about the face Sunday night a. c 11 cnrcn jnaay nignt aa a reward -uuut duuuij usut Uomedy at rallS lty I for reachinc an attendance roal of I when LeRoy Hansen's car, in I 75 or over for three Snndava. A I which she was riding, collided cmr. Mar 15 The I good crowd attended. The vounr I headon with machine driven by four act comedy drama. MOh, Su-j people played ball before and af- I E. A. Looney of Lebanon. The in" ti hn chosen for the sen- Iter supper and various games I accident happened at 10 p.m. on lor class as their play for this year wera engaged In by young and! the Monmouth - Independence and they plan on giving it the last I a song ana aevouonai service I roaa. une or me inree occupants hia month. The cast la eom-l'waa led by the pastor. Miss Len- I of Looney's ear, a girl, was I .-- arW .. t a m . aT F" .11 Art r KJn-man TTaie-aann. nnvia i vsmpoeu enienainea aeverai i nruisea consiaeraDiy. jaias xvno Lewis Lennie Murphy, Marjorie I ker high school friends at her was taken to Portland for treat- BAiikter. Delilah Ames. Donaia I t"y nigui. i menu coin cars were aamaaea. Clark. Hugh Heritage, Wilbur Howell and Thelma Robinson. TURNER. May 15. Turner 1 schools put on an outstanding In door program Friday. Guest schoola and friends were present from Crawford, Cloverdale, Sum mit Hill and Battle Creek districts Dinner was served to about X 50. The school rooms and upper halls were open for Inspection and con tained attractive wall displays ot school work. The primary teacher. Mrs. Ag nes Booth, and her pupils had very cleverly arranged a mlnature circus. Prise ribbons were award ed tor the best constructed ani mal cages with Stanford Prather first, Marion Parks, second, Elea nor Fowler third. Miss Ruth Clark and her Inter mediate pupils showed "thrift books," "Oregon history books. posters af foreign, countries, wild flower exhibit and - hand made moving picture machine with a set ot "Let's Travel" pictures, all made and arranged by the pupils. Pupils also arranged an African village made of grass, constructed by the fourth grade. The upper grades teacher, Mrs. Cleora Parks,, and her pupila had arranged their first aid kit and appropriate pictures, wall books and charts, dasplayed. Evolution ot reads was the subject ot their improvised picture machine. The high school room had a showing, of maps. The Summit Hill 4-H dub booth was decorated with charts of pressed leaves and mosses, and a canii cookery display. Stitch and Chatter club occupied a corn er ot the auditorium. The day's program opened at 9: 10 with a short club program put on by the pupils. Mary Ander son gave the club's history, Nellie Savage gave a piano solo, Lois Gunning and Katherine Sparks a vocal duet with Mrs. J. R. Cox accompanying. Four-H club yells were led by Eleanor Parks. The Boy Scout troop put on Its first public exhibition, led by D. B. Parks assisted by Mr. Perry. Cloverdale school with Miss Melba Berg, teacher, gave a song and exercise, and Frank! Hedges gave a song; Crawford school gave songs with piano accompan iment by their teacher. Miss Mearl Hedges; Summit Hill pupils gave a request number. Artnur Best vater is their teacher. A first aid demonstration was put on by members ot Turner seventh and eighth grades, who have had instruction once a month by Miss Nova Lyndes, county health nurse. The gym was crowded at 1:30 p. m. to witness the health parade, which proved to be very elaborate and Instruc tive. Crawford school led with a Better Health" rainbow, and samples ot a healthy diet; Turner intermediate room float, "Brush Your Teeth"; Turner seventh and eiahth cade. "Goodness of Sport with tiny Beverly Webb riaing in a flashy canopy carried by Boy Scouts; the high school chose a large wheeled vehicle with Marian Cook riding, showing proper cook- in r utensils: Summit Hill float carried a boy in a basket drinking milk from a bottle; Cloverdale float was a gayly covered canopy with little Norval Hadley riding and showing fruits and vege tables: Battle Creek ahowea a huge milk bottle arranged by Miss Rita Bums, teacher. Ribbons were awarded to Turner primary room, first. Cloverdale second and Turner upper grade room third. Judges were Miss Hallle Tbomas Mrs. J. W. Schifferer, Mrs. R. O Witxel, Mrs. Bert Peebles. Ruth Gllstrap was pianist. Next came the coronation cere monies for queen, Miss Leona Cook. The royal procession was led by Ora May Gare and Betty Kearn, flower girls, and Peggy Palmer acting aa crown bearer. The aueea's attendance were Misses Emma Denyer, Marjorie Fowler, Mabel Schifferer, Geneva Barber, LaVerna Whitehead, El eanor Parks, Zlta Borxich. Jean Perry. . Assembled at the steps ot the throne where Prime Minister Alvln Garner read the proclama tion and placed the crown upon me neaa or Queen Leona L Johnny Jum TJss" was sunr br Lola Gunning, with eight small girls representing flowers. Miss Harriett Frederickson was nlano accompanist for the dances. The Maypole dance was given by a group or smau children directed by Miss Rath Clark. Dutch and Norwegian dances were given by intermediate girls. A chorus and SMIffiD ELECTED GUTEUE FAIRFIELD, May; IS A large number ot members from Fairfield and North , Howell grange attended the regular meeting of Fairfield grange Fri day night at the hall. - North Howell officers occupied the chairs ind an interesting program was presented by W. IL Stevens, lecturer. The program Included numbers by Mary Lou Welsner, Mrs. Flor ence Oddle, Mrs. Martha Vinton. Dorothy and Carolyn Bump, El- march by the grades closed the exercises,. Turner and Aumaville high school baseball teams met tor games, resulting 45 to IS In favor of Turner girls and IS to S in favor of Aumsvllle boys. len Vinton, . Mrs. Helen Welsner, talks on the sale tax and "How to Buy" by E. Q. Welsner and Mrs. Trlnton. . Frank Saalfeld was elected alternate delegate to attend the Oregon State grange at Pendle ton June 15 and-If. Mrs. Ben Han, chalrmaa of the entertain ment committee announced that the Artisans lodge of Portland win: present program Friday night May 21. dancing to foUow. A benefit card party, a short play and refreshments are slated for Saturday night, nay zo. OBSERVE MOTHER'S DAY MIDDLE GROVE, May 15. Mother's day was fittingly observ ed In this community both In the chureh and in home gatherings. A solo was given by W. D. Edwards, the oldest member of the Sunday school, and music by Lola Ham mer and Katherine Scharf. Rev. H. R. Scheuennan received into church membership three ot the young people, Esther - Hammer. Milton Scheuennan and Harry Scharf; PTUVTR4U MAY 10. AMITY. May 15. The Stand- a-il T? car era and their "mystery" mothers will conduct a banquet and nrosrram at the Methodist church: beginning at 7 p. m Tues day night. May 10. A varied pro gram wiU be presented honoring the mothers or tne group. in to f . -a Twisted for Finer Flavor9' a We have made a Systran-wide revision in the first class roundtrip faxes to ail our stations in California, Oregon, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas (to and including El Paso). Now you can boy a roundtrip ticket to amy S. P. station in these states lor only ont-tentb nor tbn the one umy frt! .Return limit 21 days. . Formerly, reduced roundtrips were offered only i to the larger dties and resorts along our lines. E-ULKPLES OF THE NEW ROUNDTRIPS San Francisco ; $27.60 Los Angeles . . . $42.90 San Diego . ... . 4950 Yosexnite . .... 36.40 SimiUr 21-sVy rtumJirlp fmrtt lehettu mil S.T. $MUms. i no iirrRA FAitE on -Hcir The $3 carfare charge on the "Cascade . removed. Now you need pay no more to ride this t - fastest, finest train to California. , wTOTrRXST FARES POPULAR . Tourist fares provide train comfort at the lowest ' ; - ootsible cost, They are good In coaches ---also la : Pullman tourist sleeping cars (berth for the night as little as $1.50). Example: - Kan Francisco ....... $14.75 $19.70 - Los Angeles 2155 : 1 29.30 . ." A. P. Koth, Agent ' , 'Paeeenger Depot, 13th and - - Oak Sts. Pnone 4408 Madsen's Twist Loaf in NEW TRANSPARENT WRAPPER .You'll njoy the wonderful toasting qualities, the fine "white texture, and the truly dHferent flavor, in this tasty loaf of bread. V -!ia Include this loaf tn vpur grocery , - ordertodzy SalemBaldng Company (5 o o o o " e Salem's greatest merchandising event, offering values that will knock the spots off all previous attempts. ALL DAY (today) TUESDAY, MAY 16TH, to put thev lowest prices on the BIGGEST BARGAINS on quality merchandise for men, women and children that we have ever known. oooo Get our big circular now in the mail. Read our big advertisement in the CAPITAL JOURNAL (today) TUESDAY EVENING, it will save you real money. A cutting loose from profits and a big chunk of the cost, dealing a terrible blow to our already low prices. TELL YOUR NEIGHBORS, TELL YOUR FRIENDS WANT TO SAVE! THEY TOO WILL Shop Our Show Windows Today Vn L UW WUU liioi Gilo iteiro L. Just Received a New Shipment of wm. Three delightful new patterns which we are going to sacrifice for the ridiculously low price of We have a full run of sizes now in the ever-popular 0 Smooth aid Roagh Leathers 6Sfla(fe We are ready to serve the graduating girl with a full line of in all the spring colors. We are also featuring a line of shoes in growing girl heels 4f a J L Va f i Tf I vn 3 liilfiliiioiiii I V Corner State and High r Not'a Chain Store if r t m 'i 4 . .